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analysis of the church as missional community

write an article on analysis of the church as missional community article Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Evangelism in the real sense encompasses all the outreach programs of the church that aim at spreading the gospel to non-believers. In this context, a mission is said to be the act of transforming cultural Christians to active members of the church.The missionary movement has been criticized as a partner of colonialism since the missionaries forcefully imposed their faith on the outside world, presumptuous that it was what they needed. The decline of the authoritarian regime of Christianity over the centuries has been highly welcomed as something to enlighten societies.

However, theologians argue that Christendom is not actually disappearing, but rather shifting as discussed by Jenkins P. in his study entitled The Next Christendom. On the other hand, Christianity can only be considered to be drawing away from the boundaries of Christendom, in that new ideologies are being developed within the church. For instance, previously “daughter churches” are currently “sister churches” and are now offering missionaries to the present post-Christian, when earlier, only the reverse happened.

Actually, the word missional here try to move the focus of the mission from merely being a single program of the church to the present practice and calling of the church. The missional description of the church has a wider implication on the highly ignored overall role of the church. Instead of looking at the mission from one subjective angle, one should look at it from the holistic context of the purpose and deeds of the church2. The role bestowed upon the church by Christ himself when he ordered the apostles to go out and proclaim his word.

The apostles hence were sent out to witness and share out what they had learned with the rest of the people. Unfortunately, they encountered problems which widened the missional calling.&nbsp.





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A useful starting point is estimating the total number of relocating employees that can be supported in the host country


For this homework assignment, you will develop a supporting human resource (HR) plan for an organizational strategy. In a paper of three to four pages (750-1000 words) of text, offer your ideas for a promising HR assignment, development plan, and sustainment plan to support the strategy of an organization expanding to open offices in sub-Sahara Africa. Drawing from appropriate sources, develop a scenario that provides the business of the organization, identify how much expansion is taking place, and identify the countries in which the expansion is taking place.

  • A useful starting point is estimating the total number of relocating employees that can be supported in the host country.
  • Will the organization need to establish a commissary (for grocery purchases), banking and currency exchange, and limited urgent-care stations?
  • Should the organization set assignment lengths of one year or two with families? What does research say is the optimal time period?
  • If there are families, what would be the children’s school arrangements?
  • How will the employees be housed?
  • Do they need an increased housing allowance, or does the organization need to procure its own compound of apartment housing?

Your homework assignment must be at least three pages in length. You are required to use at least one outside source to support your explanation. Your homework assignment response should be formatted in accordance with APA style.

2. What managers’ decisions have you seen as a course of action or program in health or safety that upheld the value of “human capital,” or people in the organization? Do you recommend a different course of action in hindsight?





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create a collage either by hand or digitally


1. For this assignment, you will create a collage either by hand or digitally, using PowerPoint or another application you are comfortable using. For inspiration for your collage, please read the unit lesson and look at the reading in your textbook. Please incorporate at least five different visual items, whether it be photographs, text, or your own drawing or work into one collage.Use the  Unit V Project: Collage Worksheet to share a picture of your collage and to answer questions about it.

2. Artists frequently juxtapose unlike images or textures next to each other through collage to create a new meaning. Find a collage in real life or online, and describe how new meaning is created through the juxtaposition of the images. How do the various source materials inform the meaning of the work?

Please be sure to include a picture of the collage you are looking at, and any identifying information you can: artist, title, etc. You may not use your own collage for this assignment.





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How Should We Then Suffer?The Hebrew name for the book of Psalms is Tehillim

  • You will be graded not only for your posting but also for your participation in this discussion. Your initial post is due by Wednesday at 11:59 P.M. (MT) of the week in which the discussion is assigned. A minimum of two (2) additional response posts are due by Sunday at 11:59 P.M. (MT). Participation is required on at least three days throughout the session. These are minimum requirements. Be sure to follow any additional guidelines posted by the instructor.Review the rubric available in Due Dates and Grades for specific grading criteria.Discussion Prompt: How Should We Then Suffer?The Hebrew name for the book of Psalms is Tehillim, or “Praises.” Perhaps this is what we might expect from a book that concludes its very final chapter, “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!!” (Ps 150:6, English Standard Version). It often strikes modern readers as shocking when they find out the single most prolific genre in the Psalter is “lament.” A lament is basically an expression of woe, a realistic examination of the writer’s tough situation, and a raw depiction of the author’s desperation. And get this: This is the liturgical book of Israel! They sang these songs, often incorporate worship!With this in mind, answer the following questions:
    • Why do you suppose there are more laments than anything else in a book titled “Praises”?
    • How do the expressions of lament in the Psalms differ from modern expressions of laments, even from your own laments?
    • Think about your life experience. First, has your background encouraged or discouraged lamenting in your life? Why?
    • What do you think would be the impact of regularly incorporating lament into your life? What would it look like? What might be some challenges?
  • Session 3 Genre HandbookThe structure of this assignment is flexible. You may write a paper, construct an outline, create a slide show, or involve any other medium that can effectively communicate the content.Read the following:
    • Exodus 20:1-18
    • Psalm 95
    • Daniel 3
    • Hosea 14
    • Part 1: With help from our Longman textbook, identify the genre of the passage.
    • Part 2: With further help from Longman and the lecture, identify how the genre impacts the way we should interpret the text.
    • Part 3: Provide a robust interpretation of the passage, answering the following:
      • What is the passage saying?
      • Who is it addressing?
      • What is the main point?
      • Summarize the passage in one sentence.
    • Part 4: Provide an application for the passage. What should a person do as a result of this text?
  • There are two part a discussion question and then session 3 the discussion question is due wednesday the 23 and session three is due friday 25





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theories to global warming

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on theories to global warming.

The above interval shows that 95% of the (T1 – T) values fall in the range (0.582,0.622). Hence, we can conclude that the temperature in the last 50 years is certainly greater as compared to the mid-1850s. This is a clear indication of a significant rise in temperature in this period.This is a graph plotted with ‘year’ on the x-axis and ‘measured temperature’ corresponding to the year on the y-axis. It is very clear that taking into account even in the last 58 years, the temperature of the earth has been rising steadily.1)The 1st survey method shows that there is still a section of people who are not aware of the factual figures regarding global warming and think that this is a much-hyped subject and the issue is not a major cause for concern.2)The 2nd method of obtaining statistical data(series of measurements) is in contradiction with the above observations.

This asserts that there has been a rise of about 0.9°C in the average temperature of the earth over the last century.Indeed, the dynamics and dangers of global warming are alarming.&nbsp.





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Use the data below to make a scatter plot Hint: count gridlines (blocks) by 1→

Math 103 quiz 4 chapter 8 2021c Upload file(s) as “Last Name Quiz 4” etc

Open book & notes, can use calculating device, formula sheets + extra paper. Use formula sheets including Normal distribution (z) tables. If completing problems manually, show work for credit. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 1. Use this data set { 65, 38, 53, 62, 44, 87, 27, 78, 21, 18, 60, 78, 2, 44 } and find the…

a) median b) mode

( Round answers to a few decimals (1 or 2) Show work if NOT using your calculator) c) mean d) sample standard deviation

bonus 1 (+0.1%) use the above data & find the Range… (+0.1%) & Midrange

2 a) Use the data below to make a scatter plot Hint: count gridlines (blocks) by 1→

x 5 2 1.5 5.5 7 4 3.4

y 1 4 6 2 2.5 1.3 2.7

What kind of linear correlation seems to exist: b) positive, negative, or none?

3. A fish species has normally distributed weights with standard deviation 2.9 and mean = 22.5 lbs. Show these 3 parts for each: ÀF︂ill in the appropriate formula & show the calculated z. ÁNext, round it up (or down) to the closest z-value (2 decimals) listed in the N-distribution tables, and write that value. ÂFind the # using the table (show all 4 digits, % or decimal).

a) What is the percentage (%) of data less than 22? b) what is the % of data greater than 26?

c) what is the % of data between 21 and 28.5?





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Border Region between Camp Pendleton in North County San Diego and Ensenada in Baja California to the south

All papers need to include references and be written in APA format o Refer to for APA formatting standards.

• All papers must include a well-designed cover page with document title, due date, date turned in, student name, year of schooling, name of institution, class name, instructor name;

• Students MUST include a formal table of contents/outline (following cover page) of your document using APA format.

• Refer to “The Path to Writing a Professional Document” within Blackboard for crucial tips to improve your documents.

FINAL PROJECT (DESIGN & JUSTIFICATIONS) 100 points / 25% of total grade This design project is meant for the students to take their knowledge from the sum of our class about the Mexico/US Border and then use their critical thinking skills to apply their research to a sustainable design with futuristic characteristics. Each student will design a public facility in various areas of the specific Border Region between Camp Pendleton in North County San Diego and Ensenada in Baja California to the south, with the future of the region in mind.

• APA format w/citations

• 4-page minimum

• Introduction

• Describe your design elements with detail.

• Provide specific justification why you chose the design elements and materials.

• Talk about why your design is sustainable concerning the environment and the border culture.

• Conclusion and discussion– The impact of your design on the future societies and natural environment of the Mexico/US Border Area.

• Include 5 renderings minimum (4 side views, 1 overhead 1ayout) DONE IT

• Use spell-check and re-read your final draft out loud before submitting.

• Quality counts!

Your grade will be based on (100 total points):

• All instructions followed (4 full written pages (not including title, outline, reference pages or appendixes): 10 points

• Cover page aesthetics and includes all required elements: 10 points

• Outline quality: 10 points

• APA style applied correctly to body of paper and reference page: 10 points

• Spelling and grammar: 10 points

• Critical thinking applied: 10 points

• Logical order and flow is smooth: 10 points

• Good introduction and conclusion: 10 points

• All questions addressed: 10 points

• Quality of renderings: 10 points





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What are the visual indicators? Are there similarities to Greek temples?

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate an understanding of Roman temple styles. What are the visual indicators? Are there similarities to Greek temples?  Differences?

For this assignment, create a chart that illustrates four specific examples of Roman architecture. Provide a visual image of each structure. Explain the advantage of using concrete and/or the arch. Each example is worth 5 points.  

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Original and non-plagiarized custom papers. Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
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Writing services provided by experts. Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?  What are the visual indicators? Are there similarities to Greek temples?
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The Twentieth Century and Modernism

Chapter 15 – The Twentieth Century and Modernism


  1. The work of Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier typify two different traditions in development of 20th Century modern architecture. Write a short expository essay examining these architects approaches to architecture.
    • Use specific examples as appropriate.

Post Requirements:

  • Answer should be a short answer of at least 300 words.
  • Review MDC WHAT IS PLAGIARISM ? Guide.
  • Citations and bibliography are required and must follow APA style writing conventions.





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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services.

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Agnosticism- Neither believing nor disbelieving in anything

Which of the sounds most true to you and why that one?

Agnosticism- Neither believing nor disbelieving in anything

Cynicism- The Cynics, among them the famous Diogenes, believed that the only real distinction that matters in the world is the distinction between true values and false values. All differences such as yours and mine, cooked and uncooked, private and public, were believed to be irrelevant by a Cynic. The Cynics were known for ignoring social convention

Determinism- The theory that nothing can happen but what does happen because every event is the necessary outcome of the causes preceding it. The opposite of this theory is called Indeterminism

Dualism- The view that a thing is made of two irreducible elements, such as the body and the mind, which are radically different

Empiricism- The view stating that knowledge of anything that actually exists can be gained through experience

Epicureanism- The physicist Epicurus created this school from his belief that since atoms never keep the same structure for very long, our lives are fleeting. He believed that after death there is nothing, so we should attempt to live life to its fullest pleasure. Because there was no afterlife, the Epicureans thought that this would eliminate the fear that fills so much of human life

Existentialism- Philosophy that begins with the contingent existence of the individual human being and regards that as the primary enigma from which all other understanding is pursued. The two main branches of this are religious and humanistic existentialism

Humanism- View based on the assumption that humanity is the most important anything that exists and that we cannot have knowledge of a supernatural world if one exists

Idealism- The philosophy that reality ultimately consists of something non-material, such as the mind or spirit

Materialism- The philosophy that reality ultimately consists of something material

Monism- The view that something, such as human beings, are made of one consistent whole, not multiple parts like a body and soul

Naturalism- View that reality is explicable without reference to anything outside the natural world

Phenomology- Way to philosophy which tries to investigate objects of experience without raising what may be unanswerable questions about them

Rationalism- The stance of stating that knowledge can be gained by the sole use of reason, without relying upon sense perception, which may be unreliable

Solipsism- The belief that only oneself exists

Scepticism- Created by Pyrrho, a soldier in Alexander the Great’s army, Scepticism is the theory that we can never know anything for sure. No set of beliefs is more “true” than another because we can never be certain that anything we know or experience is the final truth

Stoicism- Zeno of Citium started the Stoic philosophy and it came to dominate the Roman Empire. Stoics held that because suffering, adversity, and death are out of our control, we should face them with quiet dignified acceptance. Stoics believe that emotions were judgments, and not always correct. By bringing emotion under the control of reason, we can ensure proper judgments and we will then be at one with things as they actually exist.

Utilitarianism- View of politics and ethics that judges the morality of actions by their consequences. Good is defined by pleasure and the absence of pain. The most desirable consequence is that which brings the most good to the most people .


it should be short 100 words and if u include an online set site it in APA  format





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