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How Can Binaural Beats Help You Sleep Better?

1) READ THE SHORT ARTICLE: How Can Binaural Beats Help You Sleep Better?

2) RELAX: LISTEN TO THE AUDIO RECORDING (using headphones or earbuds): Immune System Booster 2

3) REFLECT & RESPOND: Summarize your experience & relate it to concepts presented in this course in a 1- page response.


READING: How Can Binaural Beats Help You Sleep Better?

Posted Oct 11, 2018: PSYCHOLOGY TODAY (Author: M. J. Breus, Ph.D., DABSM)

Have you heard of BINAURAL BEATS? It’s a technique that’s been around for a while, but recently is getting a lot of attention for its ability to lower stress and improve sleep, as well as to improve cognitive performance.

I’ve written before about how sound can make a difference to sleep. Patients often tell me that they fall asleep to relaxing music. They seem to find it really helps them let go of active thoughts and quiet their mind—which, like yours probably does, tends to race from one thing to the next all day long (“I can’t turn off my brain” syndrome).

Binaural beats are a fascinating and exciting technology that harnesses the brain’s responsiveness to sound to move you into a state of deep relaxation, relieve anxiety and help you sleep better.

What are binaural beats?

Sounds like a new music genre, right? Not exactly. Binaural beats are a technique of combining two slightly different sound frequencies to create the perception of a single new frequency tone.

The theory is that when exposed to two different frequencies at the same time, one in each ear, the brain actually perceives a single tone that is the difference between the two separate frequencies. Your brain, in a sense, “tunes” to this new frequency.

You listen to binaural beats using headphones. In each ear, you receive sound at a slightly different frequency (often accompanied by some relaxing background sounds). If your left ear receives a 300-hertz tone and your right ear receives a 280-hertz tone, your brain will process and absorb a 10-hertz tone. That’s a very low-frequency soundwave—one you can’t actually hear. But you don’t need to hear the sound for your brain to be affected by it.

Why is exposure to these soundwaves helpful to sleep and relaxation? Science shows that exposure to binaural beats can create changes in the brain’s degree of arousal. Listening to these sounds that create a low-frequency tone, research indicates, triggers a slow-down to brainwave activity – and that may help you relax, lower your anxiety, and make it easier for you to fall asleep and sleep more soundly.

How brain waves work

To understand how binaural beats may help relaxation, mood, mental performance, and sleep, you need to know a little bit about brain waves and what they indicate about our state of consciousness, emotion, and mental activity. Brainwaves are created from the pulses of electrical activity our neurons exhibit as they communicate with each other. Our thoughts, feelings, and actions are all expressed through this constant neural communication – so our brainwaves are associated with how we feel and what we can do at any given moment.

For the purpose of this discussion, we’ll talk about four major types of brainwaves:

Beta. These brainwaves are associated with high levels of alertness and arousal. When beta brainwave patterns dominate, we’re primed to focus and concentrate, to make decisions and think analytically. When you’re analyzing an issue at work, you’re probably in a beta-dominant state. Beta waves are fast, with a higher frequency (between 15-40 hertz). At the higher levels of this range, beta waves are associated with anxiety.

Alpha. Alpha brainwave patterns are associated with a state of wakeful relaxation. Slower and lower in frequency (between 9-14 hertz), alpha waves are dominant when we’re calm and relaxed, but still alert. Alpha waves are associated with states of meditation — your yoga class probably puts you in an alpha state – and also with our ability to be creative.

Theta. This brainwave pattern is associated with deep relaxation and with some stages of sleep, including the lighter stages of non-REM (NREM) sleep. REM sleep itself is mostly composed of beta wave and other activity that’s similar to an alert, waking brain. Deep meditation produces theta waves, which are slower and of lower frequency (between 5-8 hertz) than Alpha waves. That murky barrier between sleep and wakefulness, when you’re drifting in and out of sleep, and your thoughts feel dreamlike and difficult to remember? That’s a theta-dominant state of consciousness.

Delta. If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you’ve heard me talk about slow-wave, delta sleep. Delta waves are slow, low-frequency brainwaves (between 1.5-4 hertz) that are the dominant brainwave pattern of deep (stage 3 and 4), NREM sleep.

As you can see, the faster (and higher frequency) the brainwave pattern, the greater your state of arousal. The slower and lower frequency brainwaves are, the deeper your state of relaxation—or sleep.

Scientists have observed for decades that exposure to sound waves can affect brainwave patterns. In a process called entrainment (aka “tuning the brain”), when exposed to sound waves at certain frequencies, brainwave patterns adjust to align with those frequencies.

This is one way scientists think binaural beats work. By exposing the brain to beats that create low-frequency tones in the brain, these sound waves create shifts in brainwaves themselves, generating slower frequency brainwaves that promote deeper states of relaxation.

How binaural beats might improve sleep

Brainwave activity during sleep is largely distinct from brain activity when you’re awake. (REM sleep is an exception: During REM, your brain is active in ways very much like when you’re awake.) During non-REM sleep, the slower, lower frequency theta and delta waves dominate, compared to the alpha and beta waves that are prominent when you’re alert and active.

A therapy that slows brainwave activity, helping to produce low-frequency waves, is likely to aid relaxation and sleep. But it’s not only lowering brainwave frequency that binaural beats may offer to sleep and relaxation. A small study (19 people) has found that exposure to binaural beats is associated with changes to three hormones important to sleep and well- being:

· DHEA. DHEA functions as a kind of master hormone, helping to produce other hormones in the body on an as- needed basis. DHEA is critical to immune function and disease protection. Particularly significant for sleep is that DHEA works to suppress cortisol, a hormone that stimulates alertness and provokes stress at elevated levels. The study found that 68 percent of participants had increases to DHEA after using binaural beats.

· Cortisol. Cortisol is an arousal hormone, stimulating alertness and attention. Cortisol levels rise and fall in connection to circadian rhythms—cortisol levels rise to their peak levels first thing in the morning, just in time for you to be active for the day. Too-high cortisol levels are associated with insomnia, as well as more time spent in light sleep, rather than deep sleep. The study found that 70 percent of participants experienced a reduction in cortisol after exposure to binaural beats.

· Melatonin. Melatonin promotes and regulates sleep. Melatonin levels rise dramatically in the evening, and the hormone works to relax your body and mind, preparing you to fall asleep. The study found 73 percent of participants had higher levels of melatonin after using binaural beats. The average increase was more than 97 percent.

In addition to potentially boosting sleep-promoting hormones, binaural beats may also reduce our perceptions of pain. A 2017 study found that binaural beats used in combination with visual stimulation led to reductions in patients’ perception of acute pain. Other recent research showed binaural beats helped improve pain perception in patients with chronic pain.

This is good news on its own—and also promising news for sleep. Pain often interferes with sleep (and poor sleep can make pain worse), so reducing pain is one effective way to improve sleep.

Binaural beats for anxiety reduction

A growing body of research suggests that binaural beats can reduce different forms of anxiety, from mild to chronic. One especially interesting study looked at the effects of binaural beats on anxiety among patients preparing to undergo surgery—a life circumstance that is pretty anxiety provoking for most anyone. Over a period of six months, patients spent 30 minutes on the day of their surgery listening to binaural beats. Compared to patients who listened to a soundtrack that did not include binaural beats—and patients who received no “beats” therapy at all—the binaural beat listeners experienced significantly greater reductions in anxiety levels.

Another study looked at whether binaural beats helped anxiety in patients preparing for cataract surgery and found that binaural beats led to reduced anxiety levels and lower blood pressure levels before surgery.

Binaural beats to enhance cognition and creativity

· Scientists are also looking at how binaural beats affect cognitive abilities, and whether this is a therapy that can be used to enhance cognitive functions such as learning, memory, focus, and creativity. Here’s some of what we know:

· Research suggests that binaural beats can help working memory and long-term memory, and also strengthen connections among networks within the brain.

· Attention may also be improved by using binaural beats. Studies have shown that binaural beats may affect levels of dopamine a hormone that plays a broad role in cognition and a particular role in creative thinking. This has

scientists examining the possibility that binaural beats can be used to stimulate creativity. (If you’re looking to be more creative and innovative in your thinking, keep in mind that sleep itself is a powerful tool.)

A few important notes

Some studies have found that binaural beats can affect cognitive function positively or negatively, depending on the specific frequency generated. For example, a study of long-term memory found that beta-frequency binaural beats improved memory, while theta-frequency binaural beats interfered with memory. This is something for scientists to continue to examine closely. For people who use binaural beats, it’s important to understand that different frequencies will produce different effects.

When studying the impact of binaural beats on cognition, researchers often find that individual differences matter in whether the therapy delivers a benefit. Right now, it looks as though at least some of the benefits of binaural beats may work for some people, and not for others.

Research into binaural beats is expanding, but it’s still early. We’ve got a lot more to learn about how this technique affects brain function and the ways we might use it most effectively. That goes for cognitive enhancement, as well as for sleep, relaxation, and mood.

There is a lot to like about this technology as a potential treatment for sleep problems. It’s low impact and non-invasive, it doesn’t rely on chemical drugs, it’s inexpensive, and, for most people, likely easy to adopt and maintain. In this way, it’s similar to other behavioral therapies for sleep that I like, including meditation and relaxation techniques, and other mind- body therapies.



AUDIO RECORDING: Immune System Booster 2 Posted: April 12, 2020 (Author: Anthony Sommer)

For this part of the assignment, you’ll try binaural beats for yourselves! Remember that you need to listen with headphones or earbuds for binaural beats to be effective. The binaural beats to which you will listen are designed to reduce stress & strengthen immunocompetence. The audio recording is exactly one hour long. Please listen for the WHOLE 60 min. *I am listening to the recording now, as I write these words. (-:


Write a short (~1 page MAX) reflection piece in which you describe your experience listening to binaural beats. When possible, relate your experience to ideas/concepts presented in this course (e.g., those introduced in chapter s 3-5). Take special note of the information on the four main types of brainwaves that are described in the reading.

As with Assignment 1 & 2, please use your own words and adopt a formal tone in expressing your ideas. Make sure to follow the rules of standard written English (SWE) as closely as possible. Please use a reasonable size font (e.g., Arial, font size 10) and double-space the lines of your assignment.

Please keep in mind that this assignment is designed, among other things, to give you experience with this particular stress-reduction technique so that you might add it to your “toolbox” of coping strategies to be used in the future, as well as to promote relaxation and provide you with the benefits of stress reduction in the short- term (i.e., this week!). …TO YOUR HEALTH & WELL-BEING! May all the benefits of (unnecessary) stress reduction – as well as 10 points of extra credit on ANY single test – be yours!





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Achieves the organization’s higher return with little expense.

H C M : 5 0 1 –3 0 4 1 8


Principles of Healthcare Administration

Delegating Tasks Memo

Module 03: Critical Thinking

100 PTS


Abdulazeez Abdullah M Albaradei


TO: Healthdyne Staff.

FROM: Mr. Brice, CEO of Helthdyne.

SUBJECT: Changes in the organization.

The organizational structure, via at least two networks, influence the moves of organizations. First, a shape can affect overall performance metrics inside the organization, such as profitability or velocity in imposing innovations that enhance productivity. These performance traits, in turn, have an effect on movements either because they conflict with administration strategies and estimates or because aggressive choice forces behave in another way on businesses based totally on their performance. Second, the company’s structure may provide advice on the humans or purposeful units that the organization includes. (DeCanio,2020).

The organization will go underneath specific changes that It’s fundamental for the wants of the organization.

in reason to enhance the effectiveness of work and the business enterprise results growing groups to expand the productivity and fine of work and enhance professional work, sharing knowledge, capabilities , additionally to expanded commitment. In the benefits of discovering new possibilities to the corporation Implementing Authorization, it grew to be particularly important to be in this business enterprise to achieves many dreams in less time.

Furthermore, more essential points will be listed down in this memo.

Teams and Delegating tasks

Delegating the tasks and improve teamwork are very wished in this organization.

As delegating tasks will help in :

– Achieves the organization’s higher return with little expense.

– Saves time at all ranges of management.

– Speed in the overall performance of administrative work

– Flexibility in management, adoption of a variety of circumstances.

– Preparing future leaders to inspire workers to critically reason.

– Enables employee-building opportunities and alternate leadership and organizational management skills. (Al-Jammal, H. R., 2015).

When crew individuals count number on one every other to attain The work completed, crew morale and effectiveness have a tendency to be high. The participants depend on one another. Also, make bigger confide in one another. Together, Participants operate higher than individuals. When team individuals execute Better as a crew than alone, collective performance is more significant than man or woman performance. (Olden, P. 2019)

Teams and processes of teamwork are pretty important, for some motives :

– Enable the employees to share competencies, knowledge.

– Improve issues solving and decision making.

– Expand the thoughts and making plans.

– Growing of work and try new rules. (Olden, P. 2019)


In order to gain the best output and to reap basic organization goals, agency structure should be change. The organizational structure describes formal members of the family and organizational reporting and indicates the number of degrees in the hierarchy, and determines the diploma of managers’ power. The organizational structure describes the role of persons in a unit as operating in a crew and separates the units in the organization. (Ahmady, G, 2016)

A divisional shape of separate functional constructions that file to a central core is a multidivisional structure. The management of everyday operations is responsible for each purposeful structure. The central group of workers is responsible for monitoring and keeping the relationship between agencies and the community and policy. Divisional structure, which will help in quicker choice making , and limit the centralization, Also to reveal the surroundings and expand the customer satisfaction. In this shape, we will have an exceptional vice president to each department connected to the president immediately. The reporting relationship will be vertically in this structure. (Ahmady, G, 2016)

Vice Presidents serve as the team coaches and trainers for the Directors assigned to their areas. The Vice-Presidents should act as group coaches, get to know contributors of their team, and comprehend Why they want to be engaged, and pay attention to their suggestions. Vice Presidents ought go-to songs and evaluation their programming on an ongoing basis, and make adjustments as appropriate. It collaborates with other companions Executive Team (Chairman, different vice-chairmen, And the Chairman of the Board) to make sure that it is sufficient. There are sources available, such as workers, funds, and time, to execute scheduled tasks and accomplish predetermined objectives. The Vice Presidents are at the cost of the administration of the workflows in their respective regions. As the layout is completed, the roles of the assignment should be break up among the Managers. Vice Presidents must continue to be in close contact with every other, Assisting the administrators with their recruitment, And Chair coaching each time needed. (The book: Chapter officers,2017)

Vice-Presidents need to keep and beautify the Contact traces in the section with:

• External corporations / individuals.

• Other Vice Presidents

• Director. (The book: Chapter officers,2017)

Individual Development VP

Suggested location of accountability for opportunities: Life Improvement, Chapter Management (Training and Correspondence for officers and members), Member Services (orientation and triggering). (The book: Chapter officers,2017)

Community VP:

area of duties Community work, fundraising by means of the Community, Political participation, State and Junior National Chamber participation, Recruitment of membership. (The book: Chapter officers,2017)

Management VP:

area of duties Management (planning and assessment) Financial management, activities, and public Relationships. (The book: Chapter officers,2017)

Business VP:

Company Chances, Leadership Growth. (The book: Chapter officers,2017)

Marketing VP:

Sales administration of the direct sales channels, sales planning, manage human beings and align man or woman and team goals with corporate goals

Human recourses VP:

HR Ensuring the HR group meets key KPIs, normal HR operations, such as administrations, recruitments, personnel interviews, and evaluations.

Reporting and conversation will be in vertical lines as company new chart; hence, every VP will be reporting to the line above, every director will file to the VP, CEO will record to VP.

A new Organization chart will be bought to Explain the reporting relationships and chains of command within the group. Each division features notably autonomously. Top managers as VP Responsible for the organization’s well-being and results. They set desires or performance targets to guide all the activities that have to be carried out if the organization is to accomplish its purpose.

(Skripak, S. J. 2016).


Decentralization capability dispersal of authority among the lower stages of the administrative system. (Marume, S. B,2016).

Decentralization mechanism can be reinforced by the reality that decentralization provides a countervailing strength to central decision-making, thereby creating a manipulate and stable situation that reduces the possibility of uninformed and impractical central-level policies. Performance advantages can also be provided by way of decentralization insurance policies to lower the probability of bottlenecks at the central level, accordingly growing the overall machine throughput power. Decentralization, as described above, can be related to enhancing output performance by way of improving each enter and throughput performance. (Saltman, R, 2006).

The organizational performance is more robust via putting off delays and helping quicker Operation. It decreases the workload of the headquarters and thereby permits the best levels to the center of attention on critical issues—problems such as the components of legislation, the analysis of the principal difficulties. Minimizing paperwork at both higher and lower levels relieves the point of contact fatigue in the company. Experiments in decision-making and execution utilizing multiple devices make it possible without involving the complete employer in an unproven direction of action. (Marume, S. B,2016).

In different hand, we are taking some risk in decentralization As some disadvantages :

– the hazard of sub-optimality as decentralized businesses concentrate on their very own consequences rather than the business enterprise as a whole.

– lack of geared-up steering impulses.

– inadequate diversity of practices and standards, especially in personnel management.

– decreased comparability and predictability at the device level. (Marume, S. B,2016).


– Skripak, S. J. (2016). Fundamentals of business. Virginia Tech.

– Saltman, R., Busse, R., & Figueras, J. (2016). Decentralization in health care: strategies and outcomes. McGraw-hill education (UK).

– Ahmady, G. A., Mehrpour, M., & Nikooravesh, A. (2016, September 12). Organizational Structure.ResearchGate.

– DeCanio, S. J., Dibble, C., & Amir-Atefi, K. (2020). The importance of organizational structure for the adoption of innovations. Management science, 46(10), 1285-1299.

– Al-Jammal, H. R., Al-Khasawneh, A. L., & Hamadat, M. H. (2015). The impact of the delegation of authority on employees’ performance at great Irbid municipality: case study. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 5(3), 48-69.

– Olden, P. (2019). Management of Healthcare Organizations: An Introduction, Third Edition (Gateway to Healthcare Management) (None ed.). Health Administration Press





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Mojave Manufacturing Company

Mojave Manufacturing Company (MMC) is considering the introduction of a new product. Before deciding, they would like you to do a risk analysis of the situation to assess whether the introduction of the new product is a good idea for the company. The (annual) fixed cost to begin production of the new product is $32,000. The variable cost for the product is uniformly distributed between $15 and $25 per unit. The product will sell for $50 per unit. Annual demand for the product is best described by a normal distribution with a mean of 1300 units and a standard deviation of 375 units. (Assume they produce exactly enough units to meet the annual demand.) 

a. Develop an @RISK simulation model and run it for 1,000 iterations. 

b. According to your simulation results what is the expected annual profit? 

c. According to the simulation results what is the probability of making a loss on this new product?

 d. Would you recommend MMC introduce this new product? Defend your decision using the simulation output data. 

e. How many iterations would you need to estimate expected annual profit for this new product within $50 for a 95 percent confidence level?

Cuban Investors buys real estate, develops it, and resells it for a profit. A new property is available, and Mark Cuban, the president and owner of Cuban Investors, believes it can be sold for $160,000. The current property owner asked for bids and stated that the property will be sold for the highest bid in excess of $100,000. Two competitors will be submitting bids for the property. Cuban does not know what the competitors will bid, but he assumes for planning purposes that the amount bid by each competitor will be uniformly distributed between $100,000 and $150,000. Cuban is considering submitting a bid of anywhere between $120000 and $150000 (in increments of $5000) for the property. He has consulted you to help him decide upon the “right” amount to bid for the property in order to maximize his expected profit. 

a. Let’s assume that Cuban decides to bid $120000. Build a simulation model corresponding to the above scenario and run it for 5000 iterations to answer parts b, c, and d. 

b. Based on your simulation model what is the probability that Cuban will be able to obtain the property with the bid of 120,000? 

c. Please provide a 95% confidence interval on your probability estimate from part b. 

d. What is the expected profit associated with the bid of $120,000?

 e. Rerun your simulation model (5000 iterations each time) using bid amounts of $125000, $130,000, $135,000, $140,000, $145,000 and $150,000. You can either run each simulation separately or use risksimtable as discussed in the live session. Based on these simulations which bid amount value would you recommend to Mark Cuban in order to maximize his expected profit?





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Student Must Fill this Section
Student Name:
Student ID:
Privacy Release Clause: “I give my permission for my assessment material to be used in the auditing, assessment validation & moderation Process”.
Authenticity Declaration: “I declare that:
• The material I have submitted is my own work;
• I have given references for all sources of information that are not my own, including the words, ideas and images of others”.
Student Signature: Date:
Assessment Outcome
Assessor Name:
Attempt Competent Not Yet Competent Date Assessor Signature
Initial attempt
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2nd attempt/Re-assessment
? ?
Information for Student:
• All work is to be entirely of the student.
General Information for this assessment:
• Read the instructions for each question very carefully.
• Be sure to PRINT your FIRST name & LAST name in every place that is provided.
• Short questions must be answered in the spaces provided.
• For those activities requesting extra evidence such as: research reports, essay reports, etc. The student must attach its own work formatted in double space, Arial 12 pts.
• All activities must be addressed correctly in order to obtain a competence for the unit of competency.
• If the student doesn’t understand the assessment, they can request help from the assessor to interpret the assessment.
• Re-submission of assessment after the term will incur additional fees.
Re-assessment of Result& Academic Appeal procedures:
If a student is not happy with his/ her results, that student may appeal against their grade via a written letter, clearly stating the grounds of appeal to the Chief Executive Officer. This should be submitted after completion of the subject and within fourteen days of commencement of the new term.
• An appeal in writing is made to the Academic Manager providing reasons for re-assessment /appeal.
• Academic Manager will delegate another member to review the assessment.
• The student will be advised of the review result done by another assessor.
• If the student is still not satisfied and further challenges the decision, then a review panel is formed comprising the lecturer/trainer in charge and the Academic Manager or if need be an external assessor.
• The Institute will advise the student within 14 days from the submission date of the appeal. The decision of the panel will be deemed to be final.
• If the student is still not satisfied with the result, he / she has the right to seek independent advice or follow external mediation option with nominated mediation agency.
• Any student who fails a compulsory subject or appeals unsuccessfully will be required to re-enrol in that subject.
The cost of reassessment will be borne by the Institute. The external assessor will base his/her judgement based on principles of assessment. These principles require assessment to be reliable, fair, practical and valid.
Academic Appeals:
• If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the re-evaluation process, you have a right to appeal through academic appeals handling protocol.
• To appeal a decision, the person is required to complete the WSC- Request for Appeal of a Decision form with all other supporting documents, if any. This form is available via our website. The completed Request for Appeal form is to be submitted to the Student Support Officer either in hard copy or electronically via the following contact details:
Student Support Officer, Western Sydney College (WSC), 55 High St, Parramatta NSW 2150, Email:
• The notice of appeal should be in writing addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and submitted within seven days of notification of the outcome of the re-evaluation process.
• If the appeal is not lodged in the specified time, the result will stand and you must re-enrol in the unit.
• In emergency circumstances, such as in cases of serious illness or injury, you must forward a medical certificate in support of a deferred appeal. The notice of appeal must be made within three working days of the concluding date shown on the medical certificate.
• The decision of Chief Executive Officer will be final.
• Student would then have the right to pursue the claim through an independent external body as detailed in the students’ complaint / grievance policy.
Comments/ feedback to student:
Assessment Task 3: Portfolio
For this task, you are required to put together a portfolio of evidence to show that you regularly gather feedback, discuss feedback with the team and apply improvements based on feedback in the workplace.
? Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
? Access to a computer, printer, Internet and email software (if required).
? Access to Microsoft Word (or a similar program).
? Workplace colleagues
? Supervisor
? Access to a workplace environment.
? Access to workplace documentation.
? Portfolio template (provided)
? A display wallet or folder in which to put all your documents.
? You will need access to a workplace to gather the required documentation.
? You can prepare your portfolio and complete the reflections in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (where applicable).
? Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.
If you get something wrong, you will need to resubmit that part of the task or the related document that has not been completed correctly or fully.
Your assessor will provide you with guidance as to what needs to be resubmitted and how.
You must gather a range of documentation over a period of time in the workplace and put together a Portfolio.
You must provide evidence that demonstrates your ability to discuss feedback with the team and apply improvements based on feedback. Your portfolio should include at minimum the following:
? Staff meeting notifications
? Agenda items
? Staff attendance sheet
? Meeting minutes
? Surveys
? Feedback forms
? Online feedback samples (if applicable to workplace)
? Staff suggestions (emails, written notes, points in the minutes, social media)
? Correspondence with customers (emails, online responses, social media involvement)
? Menu changes
Use the template provided to list the evidence collected.
Write a brief reflection on how you would use this documentation to monitor menu performance, consider:
? ongoing feedback from customers and others and use to improve menu performance.
? analysing the success of special menus against dietary goals and customer satisfaction.
? adjusting menus based on feedback and success, sales data and profitability
Seek permission from your trainer/supervisor before copying any workplace documentation. Ensure that your trainer/supervisor signs off on your evidence checklist and reflection.
• All documentation as indicated in the instructions, placed in a display wallet/folder or other appropriate display format.
• Your evidence checklist and reflection, signed by supervisor or trainer (using template provided)
Evidence Submitted
• Staff meeting notification
• Agenda items
• Staff attendance sheet
• Meeting minutes
• Surveys
• Feedback forms
• Online feedback samples
• Staff suggestions (emails, written notes, points in the minutes, social media)
• Correspondence with customers (emails, online responses, social media involvement)
Trainer/assessor/supervisor sign: Date:
Assessment Record Checklist
Yes No
Did the student submit the following:
• Staff meeting notifications
• Agenda items
• Staff attendance sheet
• Meeting minutes
• Surveys
• Feedback forms
• Online feedback samples (if applicable to workplace)
• Staff suggestions (emails, written notes, points in the minutes, social media)
• Correspondence with customers (emails, online responses, social media involvement)
• Menu changes
• Reflection and evidence checklist, signed by supervisor or trainer.
Did the student provide all documentation as indicated in the instructions, placed in a display wallet/folder or other appropriate display format?
Did the student write a brief reflection to explain how the documentation provided is used to monitor and improve the menu?
• Discussed ongoing feedback from customers and others and how this is used to improve menu performance.
• Analysed the success of special menus against dietary goals and customer satisfaction.
• Discussed adjusting menus based on feedback and success, sales data and profitability.
Please note any reasonable adjustments for this task below.
¨ I have reviewed the mapping to this task.
¨ I have analysed the evidence gathered against the requirements of this task and am satisfied that the student has satisfactorily demonstrated the skills and knowledge required of this unit.
Where any items above are marked ‘No’, please provide comments and outline the gaps below. Ensure feedback is provided to the student on their Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Note actions that will be taken to correct the gaps.
How many attempts were required to demonstrate satisfactory performance?





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server virtualization and cloud computing

You have read about server virtualization and cloud computing in chapter 6 of your textbook. For your written assignment this week, complete a case study of the organization you work for (use a hypothetical or “other” organization if more applicable) that will address the following prompts:

1. Describe the organization’s environment, and evaluate its preparedness for virtualization.

2. Explain Microsoft (or another product) licensing for virtualized environments.

3. Recommend a configuration for shared storage; make sure to discuss the need for high availability and redundancy for virtualization for the organization.

4. Explain Windows Azure capabilities for virtual machines and managing a hybrid cloud, including Windows Azure’s Internet as a Service (IaaS) and storage capabilities

5. Make a recommendation for cloud computer use in the organization, including a justification for your recommendations.

Submit your research paper as a single document. Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Be approximately 2-4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook.

Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing





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5 key software applications used by the Tea collection

The Tea Collection began in 2002 as a children’s clothing wholesaling company. The masterminds behind the business, Emily Meyer and Leigh Rawdon, each bring a different quality/strength to the business. Emily the designer and Leigh the entrepreneur both understand the importance of IT in their company and continue to utilize new software to help their business grow. Nearly ten years later, the business is going strong with their leadership, ranked on the Inc Magazine list of fastest growing private companies five years in a row (Laudon, 2014).
One of the technologies The Tea Collection’s sales team is using is Geo-Mapping Software. The program they use allows their team to identify and target new prospects. They are able to easily find regions that are not already over saturated with similar wholesalers. The software is equipped with color coding capabilities that allow the sales team to label different types of opportunities as well as where competitors and their current stores are located.
Even with all of these great technologies issues do sometimes arise. Leigh shared, -The biggest challenges with technologies is integration. So that you have multiple systems and when they don’t integrate automatically then your depending on people to make those connections and that can take a lot of time- (BNET Video, 2009). It is not only important to have systems integrated but also departments. Many times there is different terminology, acronyms and processing within one company. These inconsistencies cause major problems when firms ask questions that span multiple systems or multiple subunits, thwarting their ability to make coordinated, organization-wide responses to today’s business problems (Goodhue, 1992). By having systems that are fully integrated business owners are able to lower overhead and function in an efficient manner.

  1. Suggest 5 key software applications used by the Tea collection ?
    (under each key write how it will be helpful or useful in this particular application or software)
  2. Q3: Do you believe this company can continue to grow rapidly with the existing software and hardware they have demonstrated in this case? Why yes or why not?
    (whether yes or no you have to explain deeply your point with three valued reasons)





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How would you characterize the current global BBW strategy

Build-A-Bear Workshop (BBW): how to manage the global comeback?
In spring 2010 the founder of BBW, Maxine Clark, is enjoying one of the beautiful May days before she will have to pack her luggage for her next trip to Europe, where she will have some further negotiations with some potential master franchisees. The last two years have been difficult for BBW after a financial crisis that hit the whole world in 2008. Maxine still believes 100 per cent in the BBW concept, which takes advantage of the new trend in our experience economy – to let consumers participate in the creation of customer value. However, it seems that the global wave of enthusiasm has been sated, and how can BBW get it back on track again with new international growth as the result?
Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc. (BBW) – www. – is the leading and only global company that offers a create-your-own animal service in the retailing experience sector.
Founded in 1997, the company currently operates more than 400 Build-A-Bear Workshop stores worldwide, including company-owned stores in the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland and France, and franchise stores in Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa.
Build-A-Bear Workshop posted total revenue of $468 million in the fiscal year 2008.
Since opening the first store in St. Louis, Missouri in October 1997, BBW have sold over 70 million stuffed animals. BBW have grown their store base from 200 stores at the end of the fiscal year 2005 to 346 as of 3 January 2009 and increased revenue from $362 million in 2005 to $468 million in the fiscal year 2008.
As of January, 2009, BBW employed approximately 1,200 full-time and 4,800 part-time employees.
BBW does not own or operate any manufacturing facilities. Their animal skins, stuffing, clothing and accessories are produced by factories located primarily in China.
The company’s motto is Where Best Friends Are Made. It is headquartered in Overland, Missouri.
How it started
Maxine Clark left Payless ShoeSource in 1996. At that time she was 47 years old and her financial rewards in retailing had been very high. When she left Payless, she could have left retailing or even retired. She had earned enough money to do anything she wanted, even if pay or responsibilities were not comparable. She had the luxury to learn and start up something totally new.
Generally, she was bored by shopping, and she was looking to recreate the excitement and magic that she felt as a child when she visited certain stores. Going shopping was an event. Customers became part of the store, and it was special.
Maxine Clark remembers:
/ like to say the lightbulb went off for Build-A-Bear Workshop one day in the summer of 1996. I was out shopping with my friend Katie, who was 10 years old at the time. We were on a mission to find Beanie Babies, but the store that had promised a new shipment had none left. Katie looked at me and said, ‘These are so easy – we could make them.’ She meant go to my basement and do a craft project, but what I heard was so much bigger and the idea for Build-A-Bear Workshop was born. Source’, 2007/sb20070912_785676.htm?Chan=search.
In the process of developing a retail entertainment concept for children, Clark visited toy factories and children’s retail stores, put together a list of ideas, then consulted the experts: children. Clark consulted first with the children of a friend, then formed an advisory board of 20 children, ages 6 to 14, and showed them three of her ideas. The decision to pursue the Build-A-Bear concept emerged from the board’s enthusiasm, combined with Clark’s personal preference for teddy bears and the high profit margin for stuffed animals.
Clark then hired design consultant Adrienne Weiss Co. of Los Angeles, using 80 per cent of her $750,000 personal savings investment, to develop the Build-A-Bear concept. Clark collaborated with consultants in developing every detail, including
artwork, employee costumes, store design and company logo. The logo features a teddy bear being measured, stitched, stuffed and groomed. All lettering is similar to children’s printing.
Maxine Clark opened her first Build-A-Bear Workshop concept store in a St. Louis shopping mall (in the USA) in 1997. Sales were near $400,000 in the store in less than four months.
In 1999 the success of the retail concept attracts venture capital for expansion; Build-A-Bear opens ten new stores in United States. The sales in these stores averaged $700 per square foot of retail space, an enormous success in contrast to national mall averages of $350 per square foot. The cost of opening a new store ranged from $500,000 to $700,000, but with annual sales estimated at $2 million per store, Clark easily found capital investment for expansion.
In 2003 BBW’s international expansion begins with new locations in Canada and England. Although Clark intended to take the company global from its inception, concrete plans did not begin to take shape until late 2002. In November 2002 Build-A-Bear signed a franchise agreement with Japan, held by Tech R&DS Co. Ltd. The company also began a search for locations in the United Kingdom. These new countries for BBW were chosen in response to requests from customers who had visited stores while in the United States or had visited the company’s website. A high number of addresses in the Find-A-Bear ID database for these countries indicated strong interest in the Build-A-Bear concept.
Customers’ retailing experience
A Build-A-Bear Workshop store is an average of 3,000 square feet. Every element of the store design was intended to delight children under the age of 12.
Guests who visit Build-A-Bear Workshop stores enter a teddy bear-themed environment. They will be met by store associates, known as master Bear Builder associates, who share the experience with guests at each of the phases of the bear-making process, which consists of eight stuffed animalmaking stations: Choose Me, Hear Me, Stuff Me, Stitch Me, Fluff Me, Dress Me, Name Me and Take Me Home. To attract their target guests, BBW has designed their stores to provide a ‘theme park’
destination in the mall that is open and inviting with an entryway that spans the majority of their storefront and highly visual and colourful teddy bear themes and displays.
At Choose Me, guests are introduced to all the furry characters in the store and then select one, which soon becomes their new friend. There are more than 30 varieties of stuffed animals including teddy bears, bunnies, dogs, kitties and more. Build-A-Bear Workshop stuffed animals are very affordable, ranging in price from $10-25.
At Hear Me, guests may select from several sound choices to place inside their stuffed animal to further personalize their new friend. The sound chip is inserted safely inside the new friend during the stuffing process. Guests can record their own 10-second Build-A-Sound message. Pre-recorded sounds include giggles, growls, barks, meows and other animal sounds, as well as messages such as ‘I Love You’ or songs like ‘Take Me Out To The Ballgame. At Stuff Me, with the help of master Bear Builder associates, guests fill their new friend with stuffing for just the right amount of huggability. A very special step that is unique to Build-A-Bear Workshop also happens at this station. Each guest selects a small satin heart – a Build-A-Bear Workshop trademark, adds to it his or her own love and wishes, and carefully places it inside their new furry friend. This process brings the furry friendship to life (see picture below). At Stitch Me, the last seam is neatly pulled shut, nearly completing each new best friend. Before CHAPTER 1 GLOBAL MARKETING IN THE FIRM 41 Build-A-Bear stitching the furry friend, the master Bear Builder associate inserts a barcode, allowing it to hopefully be reunited with its owner if ever lost and returned to Build-A-Bear Workshop. Thousands of furry friends have been reunited through our exclusive Find-A-Bear® ID programme. The barcode also generates a unique code on the birth certificate so guests can bring their new friend to life online for free at to continue their friendship adventure when they get home. At Fluff Me, the guest brushes the animal to make sure their new friend is well groomed and huggablel At Dress Me, guests may dress their new friend in the beary latest furry fashions. The bear apparel boutique features clothes and accessories for all occasions. Build-A-Bear Workshop® even has its own fashion expert mascot, ‘Pawlette Coufur’, Fashion Advisor to the Furry Famous. Build-A-Bear Workshop works with a variety of partners, including Hello Kitty, Disney and Harley-Davidson. At the Name Me the guests answer several questions about their new bear friend, including the birth date and of course, its name. The furry friend is then entered into the Find-A-Bear ID programme and this information is used to create a personalized birth certificate for the furry friend. Finally, at the Take Me Home station, the guests receive their customized birth certificate and a special Stuff Fur Stuff® club membership, a rewards programme for our guests. Instead of a traditional shopping bag, each new furry friend is then placed in their very own ‘Cub Condo carrying case, which is designed as a handy travel carrier and new home.
The duration of a guest’s experience can vary greatly depending on their preferences. Most guests choose to participate in the full animal-making process and all eight stations, a process which BBW believe averages 45 minutes to complete. Because customers are involved with creating their purchase, they remember it vividly and tell lots of other people about it. Almost half of our new customers heard about the store from a friend or family member.
Guests can continue the fun with their bear friends when they get home and sit at their computer. At, guests can bring their new furry friend to life online for free by using the code found on their birth certificate. They create a unique online character and play games to earn Bear Bills, which can be used to purchase more clothes, furniture for their Cub Condo houses and other items. Guests can also trade items with other citizens in the world. Membership to the site is free and does not expire.
Beyond bringing their new friend to life online for free, guests are rewarded for in-store purchases. When they make a clothing or accessory purchase in store or at, they receive a receipt code. The code gives them virtual store credit to use at the Bear Boutique in Build-A-Bearville, which is the only place to find exclusive virtual fashions and furniture items for their virtual furry friends.
To provide the fun of making a furry friend to groups – birthday parties, scout troops, company outings and family reunions – Build-A-Bear Workshop offers a Build-A-Party® programme. This exclusive service allows guests to plan and customize their own party with preselected animals, clothes and accessories.
Overall, BBW believe they are strongly positioned to lead in this retail space with over 70 million stuffed animals sold and over 24 million households in their online database.
On average each customer spends approximately $50 in the BBW store (including web-sales afterwards).
Customer feedback drives the business
BBW’s primary audience is e-mail-savvy; the company relies heavily on electronic communications. So, Maxine Clark’s e-mail inbox fills up with 4,000 notes per month, most of them from customers.
Those voices have created most of the company’s new products. Some customer suggestions: add a black Labrador as a product. The company did. In its first six months, it sold 100,000 units. The company had already been offering shoes to go with each animal. Why not add socks, a customer suggested. Shortly thereafter, the company did. Another customer suggested party rooms for birthdays and get-togethers, which the company began to offer in selected stores in 2002.
Every e-mail writer receives a personal response from Maxine Clark or one of the company’s executive team. Maxine Clark stays close to customers with a ‘Cub Advisory Board’, a group of 20 boys and girls 8-17 years old who review new products and suggest additional ones. It meets with Clark and her team three or four times per year.
BBW involvement in cause marketing
BBW believes in the teddy bear philosophy of being good people and good bears. Throughout its 11 -year history the company has given guests a voice to support causes that are important to them, helping children, families, animals and the environment. Since the company’s inception, BBW has donated over $20 million to these causes.
One of these partnership is with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), offering a series of WWF co-branded plush animals in stores. In 2000 Build-A-Bear Workshop introduced the giant panda, the first in a series of co-branded stuffed animals. Since then, a new furry friend has been launched each year, many representing animals in danger around the world. In addition to the giant panda, Build-A-Bear Workshop has sold the Bengal tiger, leopard, lion, polar bear and the giraffe. Each WWF bear animal comes with a collector’s medallion featuring the WWF official panda logo and a numbered Certificate of Authenticity, further enhancing its value to the collector.
In 2006 BBW announced that it had given $1 million to the WWF through the sales of its WWF Collectibear stuffed animal series. For each plush animal sold one dollar goes to WWF to protect and conserve wildlife around the world.
In 2009 Build-A-Bear Workshop® continued its partnership with the WWF by introducing the newest member of the WWF Collectibear® series.
Starting 28 August, make your own WWF Gray Wolf ($25) at Build-A-Bear Workshop stores or®. In the United States and Canada $1 from the sale will be donated to WWF to help protect endangered animals and their habitats.
BBW retail store base, international expansion and franchise strategy
The BBW retail segment includes the operating activities of company-owned stores in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland and France.
The table lists of BBW’s 346 company-owned stores in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland and France as of 3 January 2009.
Company-owned stores Number of stores (January 2009)
United States 271
Canada 21
United Kingdom:
England 42
Scotland 6
Wales 1
Northern Ireland 1
Ireland 1
France 3

In 2003, BBW began to expand the Build-A-Bear Workshop brand outside of the United States, opening company-owned stores in Canada and our first franchised location in the United Kingdom. As of 3 January 2009, there were 62 Build-A-Bear Workshop franchised stores located in the following countries:
No. stores
Japan 10
South Africa 9
Denmark 8
Australia 6
Thailand 6
Singapore 5
Germany 4
Russia 4
Norway + Sweden 3
Benelux* 3
Other 4
Total 62

  • Benelux includes Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
    All stores outside of the US, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland and France are currently operated by third-party franchisees under separate master franchise agreements covering each country. Master franchise rights are typically granted to a franchisee for an entire country or group of countries for a specified term. The terms of these master franchise agreements vary by country but typically BBW receives an initial, one-time franchise fee and continuing royalties based on a percentage of sales made by the franchisees’ stores. The terms of these agreements range up to ten years with a franchisee option to renew for an additional term if certain conditions are met.
    Revenue from international franchise fees was $3.6 million for fiscal 2008 – it represents less than 1 per cent of the total revenues.
    Because BBW is mall-based, BBW see their competition as those mall-based retailers that compete for prime mall locations, including various apparel, footwear and specialty retailers. BBW also competes with toy retailers, such as Wal-Mart, Toys fl Us, Target, Kmart and Sears and other discount chains, as well as with a number of companies that sell teddy bears and dolls in the United States and elsewhere, including, but not limited to, Ty, Fisher Price, Mattel, Ganz, Russ Berrie, Applause, Boyd’s, Hasbro, Commonwealth, Gund and Vermont Teddy Bear. Since BBW sells a product that integrates merchandise and experience, BBW also view their competition as any company that competes for guests’ time and entertainment dollars, such as movie theatres, amusement parks and arcades, other mall-based entertainment venues and online entertainment.
    BBW is aware of several small companies that operate ‘make your own’ teddy bear and stuffed animal stores or kiosks in retail locations, but BBW believes none offer the breadth and depth of the Build-A-Bear Workshop experience or operates as a national or international retail company.
    BBW also believes that there is an emerging trend within children’s play patterns towards Internet and online play. According to, kids aged 8 to 11 reported that they spend between one and two hours online each day. In 2007, 24 per cent of US child and teen Internet users will visit virtual worlds. By 2011, an estimated 53 per cent will do so. Therefore, BBW believes they can compete with other companies and Internet sites that vie for children’s attention in the online space including, and
    Until now, Build-A-Bear Workshop is the only virtual world with real world retail stores. A growing number of traditional children’s toy and entertainment companies have also developed their own virtual world online, including, and
    BBW’s marketing strategy
    While BBW offers consumers an interactive and personalized experience, their tangible product is stuffed animals, including our flagship product, the teddy bear, a widely adored stuffed animal for over 100 years. According to data published by the Toy Industry Association and The NPD Group, sales of the traditional toy market were $22.2 billion in the United States (excluding video games) in 2008 with plush and doll sales having a combined 20 per cent share of the traditional toy market. According to further data provided by The NPD Group, worldwide toy sales topped $71.96 billion dollars in 2007. In 2008, Playthings Magazine ranked BBW as the tenth largest toy retailer in the United States for 2007 based on sales.
    The overall BBW strategy is directly connected to the customer contacts in the BBW store area. In contrary to normal personnel in stores, the BBW shop assistants are trained more to be ‘entertainers’ (providing an experience to the children) than being traditional shop selling assistants.
    BBW’s pricing strategy
    Unlike other mall-based retailers that frequently use markdowns or sale events to drive sales, BBW uses value-added marketing to raise brand awareness and drive traffic to our stores and makes limited use of markdowns.
    BBW’s advertising strategy
    BBW employs a variety of different marketing tools and programmes to drive traffic to their stores and raise brand awareness. BBW use television advertising that targets both children and adults to keep their experience and BBW products at top of mind. Periodically BBW features specific new product introductions and promotions as a call-to-action to visit their stores. BBW also uses radio, print and online advertising integrating their message across various touch points to maximize their reach to new and existing guests. BBW leverages the database from their Stuff Fur Stuff club loyalty programme with over four million active members in their direct mail
    I BBB financial situation 2006-2008
    BBW 2008 US$ (millions) 2007 US$ (millions) 2006 US$ (millions)
    Total revenues 467 474 437
    Less costs:
    Variable costs (materials etc.) 270 259 228
    Selling, general, administrative 186 177 159
    Other costs 6 16 21
    Net income (net profits) 5 22 29
    Source’. BBW’s 10K report.
    I Retail sales per gross square foot (only BBW stores in North America)
    Fiscal 2008 US$ Fiscal 2007 US$ Fiscal 2006 US$
    Net retail sales per gross square foot
    Store age 5 years 448 517 577
    Store age 3-5 years 455 537 556
    Store age 3 years 432 497 592
    All comparable stores 445 516 573
    Source’. BBW’s 10K report
    and e-mail programs and provide information and e-commerce on their website,
    BBW have developed licensing and strategic relationships with some of the leading retail and cultural organizations in North America and Europe. We believe that our guest base and our position in our industry category makes us an attractive partner and our customer research and insight allows us to focus on strategic relationships with other companies that we believe are appealing to our guests.
    BBW financial results
    The last three years main financial results of BBW indicate that problems are coming up.
    Same-store sales is Wall Street’s favourite metric for evaluating retailers. Wall Street will take one look at this trend, punish the stock, and move on in search of the next big thing. But could it be that a business still has value despite the pressure on same store sales that we see above? After all, same-store sales is but one metric.
    For example, if costs are dropping faster than sales, there are still profits to be made. Unfortunately,
    Build-A-Bear’s full-year operating margins as a percentage of sales have actually been in decline for the last three years.
    But consider the level of sales a Build-A-Bear store achieves in its first year. If that number is ridiculously high, then there is room to allow for declines in the next several years while still making comfortable profits. For the sake of comparison, here are Build-A-Bear’s sales per square foot compared with an assortment of successful American retailers. BBW use net retail sales per gross square foot and comparable store sales as performance measures for our business. The following table details net retail sales per gross square foot by age of store for the periods presented.
    As seen in Table 2 the sales problems appear to be biggest in the newest stores – at least the percentage drop in retail sales per gross square foot is biggest in stores 3 years.
    Since BBW opened its first store more than 10 years ago, it has expanded to most parts of the world, In the following, the expansion to the Northern European market is further explained.
    BBW expands to Scandinavia and Germany
    In 2002 the Dane, Seren Nielsen and his daughter experienced the BBW concept for the first time in United States. He was very enthusiastic about the concept and shortly after coming home to Denmark formed a company together with some friends. In 2003 this new company, Choose Holding ApS, bought the franchise rights for Denmark for US$250,000. The first BBW shop opened in Copenhagen in April 2004.
    The initial business was to establish five stores in Denmark the first five years, based on the experience in United States, where there is a shop per 1 million inhabitants. However, Choose Holding ApS had established nine stores in Denmark up to August 2009.
    In 2005 Choose Holding ApS acquired the franchise rights for Norway and Sweden. The first store in Sweden opened in 2005, and in Norway in 2006.
    The group is led by John Kristensen and Soren Nielsen and currently has nine stores in Denmark, two in Sweden and one in Norway.
    After the success in Scandinavia, the founders of Choose Holding ApS acquired the franchise rights for Germany for US$750,000. The first two BBW stores opened in Hamburg in 2006 with two further shores in Berlin and Braunschweig. The plan is to open 50 BBW shops in Germany during the next five years. However, the market in Germany is quite different from that in Scandinavia:
    • The children using bears are older.
    • The parents are more involved in the buying process than the children.
    • The dressing in BBW is more relaxed than most Germans are used to – the managers of the German BBW shops are mostly involved with the administrative tasks and not involved with selling and direct contact to customers in the front line -contrary to the traditional BBW way of communicating directly to the customers.
    • The slogan ‘Where best friends are made’ did not work in Germany. It had to be adapted to ‘Beste Freunde zum selbermacheri (Best friends to make for oneself).
    These differences meant at the German BBW shop did not perform as planned, and the four German BBW shops were taken over by one of the founders of Choose Holding ApS in 2008.
  1. How would you characterize the current global BBW strategy?
  2. Is the headquarters of BBW in the USA following the right mixture of own stores and franchised stores?
  3. What would you consider as the main reasons for the BBW failure in Germany?
  4. How should BBW manage the global comeback?
    Sources: (Financial Reports, 10K); http:// 785676.htm?Chan=search; company-histories/BuildABear-Workshop-Inc-Company-H istory.html; Fyn—Bjoerne-eventyr-fik-voksevaerk (28.02.2008); 122205/.
    CASE STUDY 1.2
    Arcor: a Latin American confectionery player is globalizing its business
    Arcor ( was founded in 1951 to produce sweets. However, in order to tell the company’s history fully we must go back to 1924, the year Amos Pagani, a young Italian immigrant, decided to start a bakery in the Province of Cdrdoba. Today Arcor is still a private company owned by the Pagani family.
    In the 1970s and 1980s Arcor transformed itself into a vast industrial complex, showing the way for other companies in the country, and continued to grow both in Argentina and in different countries in the region. Arcor started operations in Paraguay in 1976, in Uruguay in 1979, in Brazil in 1981 and in Chile in 1989





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analyse what law is and the role law plays in doing business internationally

Chosen Country is Italy
Subject Code and Title MGT608 Business Law and International Contexts
Assessment Board Paper
Individual/Group Group (2 or more)
Length 5 minute presentation
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following Subject Learning
a) Critically analyse what law is and the role law plays in doing business internationally
c) Critically evaluate the multiplicity of laws and the conflicts they may present when doing business internationally
d) Construct and justify recommendations to management on specific legal implications of doing business
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Friday of module 6.2 (Week 12)
Weighting 20%
Total Marks 20 marks
Doing business in another country will require an Australian company to ensure it complies with any relevant domestic laws in place in that country. In some cases, it may be difficult, to determine what the applicable law is i.e. a conflict a law may arise.
It will be necessary for the company to select a suitable business structure in order to conduct its business operations. This assessment builds on Assessments 1 and 2 where students chose a country and researched the legal system and contract law. This assessment allows students to consider the most appropriate business structure for doing business in the chosen country and to consider the relevant employment and intellectual property laws that must be complied with. Relevant international treaties will also need to be considered.
Successful completion of this assessment will require students to work in a group of two (2) or more to reflect upon and justify a decision to their company’s Board of Directors, whether to proceed with business operations in the chosen country or not.
Your learning facilitator will allocate you to a group and advise you of the students you are working with. Your group will consist of students who have all researched the same chosen country.
Your group will prepare a 5-minute presentation for the Board of Directors regarding one (1) of the business opportunities identified by students in Assessment 2. You must decide as a group what business opportunity you are going to focus on.
Your presentation must be no more than five (5) minutes in length and all members of the group must be included in the presentation. Your groups Board Paper presentation must cover the following:
• state the chosen country
• explain briefly the nature of business of the company and the business opportunity
• describe and explain the business structure that would be most suitable to conduct the relevant business in the chosen country
• identify and explain any treaties or international conventions that are relevant to doing business in the chosen country
• identify any intellectual property that requires protection and analyse the options for best protecting this property in the chosen country
• explain how the company will resource this business opportunity, in terms of labour, including an analysis of the labour laws and the industrial relations system operating in the chosen country
• identify any potential for conflict of laws arising from the business opportunity and an explanation of the nature of such conflict and how such a conflict may be resolved
• identify and discuss any potential difficulties that may arise in relation to doing business in the chosen country
• provide a recommendation, together with justifications as to whether the company should proceed with the business opportunity.
Submission Instructions:
(1) Creating your video presentation
• Create a short video presentation, length: 5 minutes o Be specific and clear, as you will be assessed on originality and authenticity
• Tips on filming a video presentation is available at:
• Your presentation must be in video format (mp4, MOV, etc.) for uploading into Blackboard (refer to the link below)
(2) Uploading your video presentation
• Detailed instructions on compressing (if necessary) and uploading video presentation is available at ent_id=_387629_1&mode=reset
• Submit the recorded video via the Assessment 3 Board Paper submission link in the main navigation menu in MGT608 Business Law and International Contexts.
• After uploading your video presentation, retain a copy in a safe place.
• The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal.
• Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Marking Rubric:
Your reports will be marked against the rubric, which is shown on the next pages. Please ensure that your submission addresses all three of the Assessment Attributes in the rubric.
Assessment Rubric: MGT608 Assessment 3 Board Paper
Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
(Functional) 50-64% Credit
65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
(Exceptional) 85-100%
Global Perspective
Percentage for this criterion
30% Limited knowledge, skill and/or experience in global perspectives Identifies objectives and strategies of international business in the context of global competition.
Identifies appropriate elements of the legal principles in the country as applicable to business transactions. Analyses impact of entering new international markets.
Analyses market segmentation in attractive international markets.
Identifies appropriate elements of the legal principles in the country as applicable to business transactions. Identifies cultural differences; international trade policies and institutions.
Notes legalities surrounding direct investment.
Identifies appropriate elements of the legal principles of the country as applicable to business transactions. Introduces clear global perspectives into the analysis.
international commercial and legal arrangements.
Is sensitive to regional economic integration.
Identifies current international business trends and developments.
Application of Knowledge
Percentage for this criterion
30% Limited understanding of the internal and external business environment.
Lacks a global perspective for potential markets and trends.
Uses a limited range of information as the basis Understands the internal and external business environment including commercial context and market forces.
Understands local and global market trends.
Accesses relevant information.
Synthesises and Understands the impact of financial, social, political, environmental issues on the business.
Demonstrates commercial awareness of product development/service provision.
Understands the business. Understands the impact of financial, social,
political, legal and environmental issues on the business, as they relate to different countries where the business may operate.
Demonstrates commercial awareness of product development/service Demonstrates cultural sensitivity. Understands the impact of financial, social, political, legal and environmental issues on the business, as they relate to different countries where the business may operate.
Demonstrates commercial fluency with product
for recommended practice. evaluates information from a variety of sources.
Gathers and uses competitor knowledge Can prepare and present business cases and proposals. provision and cost relationships.
Understands the business and its risks.
Can prepare and present business cases and proposals development/service provision and cost relationships.
Understands the business and its risks.
Assesses the impact of information and communication systems on the operations of the business.
Demonstrates currency with legal implications of entering a foreign market place for businesses.
Knowledge and skills demonstrating
Creativity and
Percentage for this criterion
20% Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge.
Key components of the assignment are not all addressed. Demonstrated knowledge or understanding of the field of law.
Key components of the brief are addressed.
Often conflates/confuses assertion or personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Thorough knowledge or understanding of the field of law.
Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from research.
Explores the limits and strengths of current knowledge.
Demonstrates capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts Highly developed understanding of the field of law.
Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from research and extended reading.
Evaluates the limits & strengths of current knowledge. A sophisticated understanding of the field of law.
Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated from research and extended reading.
Extends the limits and
strengths of current knowledge
Well demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. Masters concepts and application to new situation and further learning.
Percentage for this criterion
20% Difficult to understand for audience, no logical/clear structure, poor flow of ideas, argument lacks supporting evidence.
No effort is made to keep audience engaged; audience follow the line of reasoning. Information, arguments and evidence are presented in a way is not always clear and logical.
Attempts are made to keep the audience engaged, but not always successful. Line of reasoning is often difficult to follow. Information, arguments and evidence are well presented, mostly clear flow of ideas and arguments.
The audience is mostly engaged, line of reasoning is easy to follow. Information, arguments and evidence are very well presented; the presentation is logical, clear and well supported by evidence.
Engages the audience, demonstrates cultural sensitivity. Expertly presented; the presented is logical, persuasive, and well supported by evidence, demonstrating a clear flow of ideas and arguments.
Engages and sustains audience’s attention in the topic, demonstrates high levels of cultural sensitivity





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Role of data in an organisation

Subject Code and Title MIS602 Data Modelling and Database Design
Assessment Modelling Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length N/A
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Examine the role of data in an organisation, and develop solutions related to the creation, storage and management of organisational data.
c) Apply contemporary database modelling to identify and address anomalies in data and recommend solutions.
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 Marks
Task Summary
This assessment requires you to prepare a modelling report that demonstrates your ability to assess business requirements along with a logical design that could be implemented in a relational database management system.
When preparing to implement a new information system, it is essential that the initial design is well thought out from the outset. Modifying the database after implementation can often be an expensive process in terms of time, effort and cost. Often the first engagement step is to conduct interviews and workshops with end users and business subject matter experts to get a better understand of how the business runs. The output of these workshops becomes the foundation for the database design.
Task Instructions

  1. Please read the attached MIS602_Assessment 1_Case Study.
  2. Based on the information provided in the case study, prepare a modelling report to answer the following questions:
    • An entity relationship diagram including significant attributes against each entity.
    • A relational model showing all fields, primary keys, foreign keys and concatenated keys. Your relational model should be in third normal form. List any assumptions/business rules you have made.
    • A sample screen of what you think your online order form might look like. You may use any tool you like to create this sample screen. Write a brief paragraph discussing the following:
    o Does your database design allow the storage of all the required information?
    o What changes, if any, did you make to your initial ER diagram and relational model after you created the sample input screen?
    MIS602_Assessment 1_Brief_Modelling Report_Module 2.2 Page 1 of 3
    It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here
    Submission Instructions
    Submit Assessment 1 via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MIS602 Database Modelling and Database Design. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
    Academic Integrity Declaration
    I declare that except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at
    I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.
    MIS602_Assessment 1_Brief_Modelling Report_Module 2.2 Page 2 of 3
    Assessment Rubric
    Assessment Attributes Fail
    (Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
    50-64% Credit
    (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
    75 -84% High Distinction
    Entity relationship diagram
    The ER diagram does not have to be in 3NF. i.e. it can contain many
    to many relationships
    Only a few entities identified and labelled. No relationships identified. Most entities identified and labelled. Most relationships identified. All entities identified and labelled.
    All relationships identified.
    Most cardinality is correct. Most Participation is correct. All Relationships meaningfully labelled. Primary key labelled for entities.
    All cardinality is correct.
    All participation is correct. Primary keys labelled for
    many-to-many relationships. Some non-key fields labelled.
    Overall, a well-presented entity relationship diagram.
    Relational model
    The relational model needs to be in
    3NF and free from anomalies
    Only a few entities converted to tables. Design is not in third normal form.
    No list of assumptions/ business rules. Most entities converted to tables. Most fields listed. Design is in third normal form. List of assumptions/business rules provided.
    All entities converted to tables. All fields listed.
    Most many-to-many relationships deconstructed into new tables. Primary keys correctly underlined. All many-to-many relationships deconstructed into new tables. Foreign key correctly underlined. Any multi-valued attributes deconstructed into new tables. Any selfjoins identified. A wellpresented relational model.
    Sample screen
    Sample screen of the online order form.
    Discuss how the database design allow the storage of all the required information and the changes made to the initial ER
    diagram and relational model
    20% Sample screen does not capture the requirements of the order.
    No discussion paragraph provided. Screen captures most of the requirements for the order.
    Discussion paragraph does not address the key points. Screen captures all of the requirements for the order. Discussion paragraph is provided. All screen fields correctly mapped to a field in the relational model. Discussion paragraph is well written and addresses the key points.
    All screen fields correctly and accurately map to a field in the relational model.
    Well-presented sample screen along with a discussion paragraph that addresses the key points with clarity and detail.
    MIS602_Assessment 1_ Brief_Modelling Report_Module 2.2 Page 3 of 3





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reflect on different ways of communicating ideas for different purposes and to different people

Activity 1A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to reflect on different ways of communicating ideas for different purposes and to different people.
Reflecting on different ways for communicating, identify and briefly describe how would you pitch a new business proposition to a known business client.
You will need to include the following to help you achieve the purpose of your communication:
? The type of venue that would be appropriate
? The approach you would take to deliver your communication
? The style of communication you would use.
(Answers should be approximately 200-300 words.)





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