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Current Ratio (Working Capital Ratio)

1look at PepsiCo  finicial statement , calculate 5 ratios:

Current Ratio (Working Capital Ratio)

Profitability ratio 

Liquidity  Ratio

Inventory Turnover Ratio

Operating MarginFor the current year and the prior year.  Discuss why the ratio’s changed from the prior year to the current year.

Attaches also excel file for calculations 

please include the statement and references 

this need to be 2 pages and references !

2 .Describe the characteristics of consolidated financial statements immediately following a business combination.

Prepare consolidated financial statements immediately following a business combination, including:

calculate consolidated balances on the consolidated balance sheet,

understand consolidating investment eliminating entries, and

understand intercompany receivable/payable eliminating entries.

3. Describe the effects that the method a parent uses to carry an investment (on its books) in a subsidiary has on the investment balance that must be eliminated in the consolidating process.

Consolidation Subsequent to Acquisition

4. Describe the characteristics of the cost method of accounting for an investment.

5. Describe the necessary treatment of the consolidating worksheet when a parent uses the cost method to account for an investment in a subsidiary

Consolidation Less than 100% Ownership

6. Allocate the purchase price for a less than 100% acquisition.

7 .Calculate the components of the balance sheet and income statement that would be represented on the consolidated statements with a less than 100% acquisition.

Introduction to Earnings per Share

8 .Complete a calculation of basic EPS.

9 Complete a calculation of diluted EPS.

Basic Earnings per Share

10 .Complete a calculation of weighted average shares outstanding with stock issuance, repurchase, dividends, and splits.

Diluted Earnings per Share

11. Calculate the potentially dilutive effect of convertible preferred stock on basic EPS.

12.Calculate the potentially dilutive effect of stock options and warrants using the “treasury stock method” on 

13. Solve BOTH EPS (Earnings Per Share) questions below 

EPS Calculations

Solve BOTH EPS (Earnings Per Share) questions below


Stanley Department Stores reported net income of $720,000 for the year ended December 31, 2021.
Additional Information:
  Common shares outstanding at Jan. 1, 202180,000  
  Incentive stock options (vested in 2020) outstanding throughout 202124,000  
  (Each option is exercisable for one common share at an exercise price of $37.50) 
 During the year, the market price of Stanley’s common stock averaged $45 per share. 
  On Aug. 30 Stanley sold 15,000 common shares. 
  Stanley’s only debt consisted of $50,000 of 10% short term bank notes. 
  The company’s income tax rate is 40%. 
Compute Stanley’s basic and diluted earnings per share for the year ended December 31, 2021


Information from the financial statements of Ames Fabricators, Inc., included the following:
 December 31
  2021  2020 
  Common shares 100,000  100,000 
  Convertible preferred shares
      (convertible into 32,000 shares of common)
 12,000  12,000 
  10% convertible bonds
      (convertible into 30,000 shares of common)
1,000,000 1,000,000 
     Ames’s net income for the year ended December 31, 2021, is $500,000. The income tax rate is 40%. Ames paid dividends of $5 per share on its preferred stock during 2021.
Compute basic and diluted earnings per share for the year ended December 31, 2021.





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characteristics of consolidated financial statements immediately following a business combination

1.a Using the public  such as company Berkshire Hathaway. or other public company , calculate 5 ratios:

Current Ratio (Working Capital Ratio)

Profitability ratio 

Liquidity  Ratio

Inventory Turnover Ratio

Operating MarginFor the current year and the prior year.  Discuss why the ratio’s changed from the prior year to the current year.

Attaches also excel file for calculations 

(need to be 1/2 pages with references)

1.Describe the characteristics of consolidated financial statements immediately following a business combination.

Prepare consolidated financial statements immediately following a business combination, including:

calculate consolidated balances on the consolidated balance sheet,

understand consolidating investment eliminating entries, and

understand intercompany receivable/payable eliminating entries.

2. Describe the effects that the method a parent uses to carry an investment (on its books) in a subsidiary has on the investment balance that must be eliminated in the consolidating process.

Consolidation Subsequent to Acquisition

3. Describe the characteristics of the cost method of accounting for an investment.

4. Describe the necessary treatment of the consolidating worksheet when a parent uses the cost method to account for an investment in a subsidiary

Consolidation Less than 100% Ownership

5. Allocate the purchase price for a less than 100% acquisition.

6.Calculate the components of the balance sheet and income statement that would be represented on the consolidated statements with a less than 100% acquisition.

Introduction to Earnings per Share

7.Complete a calculation of basic EPS.

8 Complete a calculation of diluted EPS.

Basic Earnings per Share

9 .Complete a calculation of weighted average shares outstanding with stock issuance, repurchase, dividends, and splits.

Diluted Earnings per Share

10. Calculate the potentially dilutive effect of convertible preferred stock on basic EPS.

11.Calculate the potentially dilutive effect of stock options and warrants using the “treasury stock method” on 

12. Solve BOTH EPS (Earnings Per Share) questions below 





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Good design is innovative

In the textbook of this course, author talks about 10 principles of good design shown below. Research those concepts in your own (i.e. through Internet sources and then for each concept find two pictures/charts, etc. One that you think has the quality and one that is not (For example, One that you think is innovative and one that is not). Its all personal perspective, there is no right and wrong, that’s fine, just make sure you make your case and justify.

  • Good design is innovative. …
  • Good design makes a product useful. …
  • Good design is aesthetic. …
  • Good design makes a product understandable. …
  • Good design is unobtrusive. …
  • Good design is honest. …
  • Good design is long-lasting. …
  • Good design is thorough down to the last detail.
  • good design is environmentally friendly
  • good design is as little as possibl





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System Design Document (SDD) describes the high-level system design

The System Design Document (SDD) describes the high-level system design and the low-level detailed design specifications from which a system is built. As part of the security development team, this document provides the information necessary in designing and implementing a system.

Create a system design document making sure to:

  1. Describe the design goals and considerations.
  2. Provide a high-level overview of the system architecture.
  3. Describe the data design associated with the system.
  4. Describe the human-machine interface and operational scenarios.
  5. Design a drawing appropriate for implementation. The high-level system design should be further decomposed into low-level detailed design specifications for each system component, including hardware, internal communications, software, system integrity controls, and external interfaces.

Refer to the “System Design Document,” provided within the required readings as an example. Note: Only the criteria listed above is required within the System Design Document; additional sections are not required.





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practical manner to your current work environment

Provide a reflection of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. 


Provide at least a 500 word or 2 page double spaced not including the Title page, TOC or Reference page, reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. Use the attached template.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. 

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace





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Imagine you are interviewing Santiago Calatrava for a magazine article about his work


. Imagine you are interviewing Santiago Calatrava for a magazine article about his work.

  • Identify a building designed by this architect. Include an image of the building with as much identifying information as you can in caption format beneath each image. 
  • What question(s) might you ask the architect about the style and design of the building? Be sure to indicate the style and ask questions about specific features of that style. 
  • What question(s) might you ask about the materials used to construct the building? Be sure to indicate the medium and ask questions about specific features of that medium. 
  • What question(s) might you ask about the structural system used to construct the building? Be sure to indicate the structural system and ask questions about specific features of that system.

Use information from the unit lesson and resources for this unit. Additionally, you are strongly encouraged to search the CSU Online Library for journal articles. You may also search the Internet, but be sure to use only reliable websites such as Khan Academy/SmartHistory, school or museum websites, and other websites ending in .org or .edu.

Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

Please limit any directly quoted text to one sentence or less.

Text must be a minimum of 450 words for the entire assignment. Your text must be thorough but concise and succinct.

Proofread your essay for spelling/typographical/grammar errors before submitting.





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2017 The changes made by the Tax Cut and Jobs Act

The Tax Cut and Jobs Act, 2017 The changes made by the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, 2017 to the tax provisions have changed tax rate for 2018 and people are getting a first-hand experience of what it means to them. Go over the Act and address the questions below:

  1. What are the major changes made to the tax provisions by the Act?
  2. What impact is it likely to have on our GDP and government’s budget?
  3. How have the changes in taxes affected you personally?
  4. Does everyone benefit from the changes in tax provisions or does it favor one group over others?
  5. What changes do you agree and disagree with?
  6. If you had the power to revise the Act, what changes would you make?

Many articles have been written analyzing the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, 2017.  Infuse these expert opinions with your own.The final report should be submitted in APA format and should be close to 7 pages.





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Risk Management Decisions

Review the following scenarios. Risk Management Decisions

Scenario 1

A patient arrives at the emergency department and is admitted for increased pain with the source unknown. The on-call physician asks the intake staff, “What is the source of payment for the patient?” in order to assist with his decision to see the patient or not. The physician then declines to see the patient based on the insurance status.

Scenario 2

A patient is admitted to the medical floor in a health care facility. She is confused and won’t stay in her bed. The patient is placed in a room at the end of the hall away from the nurses station and she is not easily seen by staff. The patient continues to get out of bed without using her call light and eventually falls, resulting in an injury.

Write a 75- to 175-word response to each of the following questions based on the scenarios presented. Be clear and concise, use complete sentences, and use your own words. Follow standard grammar rules and provide examples where appropriate to support your answers.

  • What is the risk management issue presented in each scenario?
  • What do you propose to resolve the issues? Explain your answer.
  • What challenges do you foresee with the proposed solutions?

Cite your sources below if applicable.





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Rich nations are spending $250 billion annually subsidizing their agricultural sectors to the detriment of poor farmers as they artificially lower prices for some crops and block market access for growers from poor countries

Rich nations are spending $250 billion annually subsidizing their agricultural sectors to the detriment of poor farmers as they artificially lower prices for some crops and block market access for growers from poor countries”. 

Deliberate clearly how each of the policies used to support the agricultural sector in the developed countries have been detrimental to the livelihood of farmers in the developing countries.

Explain how “dumping” of subsidised agricultural products hurts poor security in poor countries.





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United StatUnited States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) vs European Uniones–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) vs European Union

12- to 16-slide presentation for the two economies assigned to your team.

  • Team A: United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) vs European Union (world’s two largest economic entities)

Research each economy assigned to your Team. Compare similarities and differences between your assigned countries/economies and how their economic, political, and cultural development since 1992 has influenced their economic growth and trade competitiveness.

Use tables and/or graphs to support your analysis of the following economic statistics/indicators of your two assigned economies through the most recent year available since 2009 (the trough of the last economic cycle). Whenever possible, plot the metric for both economies on the same chart.

  • GDP per capita growth over time
  • Inflation rate over time
  • Unemployment rate over time
  • Exports as a % of GDP over time
  • National government debt as a % of GDP





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