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compare and contrast the market types of two major corporations


·        To compare and contrast the market types of two major corporations.

·        To determine the various key elasticity indicators of these companies and the main goods they produce.

·        To analyze the market of each corporation to determine their competition, and any substitute, complementary goods, or services.

·        To determine the relative value of each company, its potential future growth, and make recommendations as to whether one is a better investment than the other.

·        To work constructively and collaboratively in a small group to produce an engaging and informative package.


In this group case study project, you will join forces with three of your peers to make an investment recommendation on either of two corporations: Pfizer or McDonalds Corporation. The task for your team will be to compare the two companies based on both the supporting information and any external research that you conduct, and ultimately recommend one over the other as having stronger investment potential.

As a further twist, your team will have some competition. Other teams will be given the same opportunity to prepare their information package on the same two companies using the same case studies as a starting point. Consequently, your team should try to package your information and recommendation that is the most engaging, creative, and persuasive.

·        Part 1 – By the end of Unit 3, students will have been assigned to a group which will meet online in the Group Case Study Project Discussion Forum (found in Unit 1) and brainstorm a strategy (ungraded, but with feedback).

·        Part 2 – In Unit 4, the group will submit a Learning Team Agreement, which will spell out who is responsible for what in the packaging of the information, and a list of their research sources (ungraded, but with feedback).

·        Part 3 – In Unit 8, the group will submit a draft of their project report, but without their recommendations (ungraded, but with feedback).

·        Part 4 – In Unit 9, the group will submit their final package (project report [8 pages, APA format, and double-spaced] and presentation), including their recommendation about which company the team recommends. The final package should incorporate feedback from Parts 2-3 (Weight 20% of project total).

Report Content

The report should not exceed EIGHT content pages (excluding cover page, table of contents, references, appendices, etc.). Do not exceed the page limit. Use only the following SIX titles for your report’s content:

1.      Introduction

2.      Company profile, product and industry position

3.      Financial performance

4.      The Market: Demand, Competition, Rival and Complement products, and consumer target segments

5.      Strategies and initiatives for efficiency, profitability, and sustainability

6.      Future outlook and investment recommendation

Approach to Writing

Write this report in comparative mode for all sections. In each paragraph compare and contrast both companies on you are focusing on in that paragraph. Make it a running comparison on each aspect you evaluate instead of writing about each company separately. For example, when comparing financial assets, you may write, “While the market capitalization of McDonalds as of July 2019 is $162.63B, Pfizer’s stands at 45% higher at $235.74B.”

At the end of each section, state which company is superior based on the metrics you just examined and explain clearly to your investor what this information means with respect to profit/returns for now and the future.

Guiding Questions for this Assignment

As your team conducts research on the companies to obtain appropriate information for making a financial investment in either company, here is a list of relevant questions to improve your comparative analysis between the two companies:

·        What is the current financial situation of the company?

·        What kind of market/industry structure (Perfect Competition, Monopolistic Competition, or Monopoly) does the company belong to?

·        What is the Price Elasticity of Demand for the goods that the company sells? Is the demand elastic or inelastic?

·        What kind income elasticity the product(s) of the company face?

·        Who are the company’s closest competitors?

·        Are there any close substitutes or complements?

·        Is the demand for the product of your chosen company growing? Explain why.

·        Can the labor force of your chosen company be trained further to increase productivity and lower cost of production?

·        As a business is your chosen company profitable? Will it be able sustain profitability?

·        How can it make its profit grow?

·        What is the price elasticity of demand for brand name drugs? Is it elastic or inelastic? How about fast food?

·        What is the Income Elasticity of demand for these products? Which one has the higher income elasticity and why?

·        What is the cross price elasticity of demand (if any) between the main products of the two companies? What about among Pfizer’s main products and related products, and among McDonalds’ main products and related products?

·        Which company has higher fixed costs? Which has higher marketing costs? Why?

·        What other issues with regards to the social, political, labour, legal or environmental practices of these two companies might you include that could impact your decision?

·        What specific innovations or strategies is each company pursuing and how might this impact the investment decision?

Project Deliverables

Remember that your ultimate goal is two-fold:

·        to provide the best evidence to support the choice of one company over the other as a place to invest and

·        to do so in the most compelling, informative, and creative way you can.

·        To that end, your group will need to produce a package consisting of the following:

·        An eight-page research report in which all your information about the two companies is organized, the comparison indicators presented, and your ultimate choices for investment are made. Your report should be a maximum of 8 pages, double-spaced with 12-point font, not including cover page and references. Your paper should follow APA formatting standards. The file should be submitted in Microsoft Word format only.

·        An accompanying media presentation of your findings that will be posted for your classmates in the Final Case Work Discussion Forum, listed in Unit 9. This can take any form your group has the skills to produce, but it is where your package will really distinguish itself from the others:

·        This is not to be a live (synchronous) presentation, but rather the creation of some sort of digitally submittable file that will most help support and sell your findings to your client. (If you need motivation, imagine that your client will only pay for the most interesting and engaging package submitted – your reputations are at stake!)

·        It can take the form of a PowerPoint presentation, a photo collage, or an audio or video recording – anything goes. Just be sure that you have permission to use any copyrighted materials (photos, audio, or video), because these packages will be shown to the class online and in our online world, unlike the brick and mortar classroom, that constitutes “republishing,” which is a copyright infringement unless you have permission.

Select a member of the group to submit your package as a digital document (preferably a single, multi-page PDF file) to the Submission link below no later than 11:00 p.m. on Thursday of Unit 9. At that same time EVERY member of the group must submit a confidential Peer Evaluation Form in which they will indicate the relative participation levels of everyone in the project work (no slackers allowed!) – Strong evidence that you didn’t pull your weight will be taken into consideration in the final grading of the project





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Cost Analysis When materials are stored in inventory for a period of time before being used in the production process

1. Discussion Board – Cost Analysis When materials are stored in inventory for a period of time before being used in the production process, the accounting cost and economic cost differ if the market price of these materials have changed from the original purchase price. Accounting cost is equal to the actual acquisition cost and economic cost is equal to the current replacement cost. After reading the articles “U.S. Car Business in Major Shift” and “Car Making in America”, which cost do you feel the U.S. Car industry (GM, Ford, etc.) is most affected by – accounting or economic cost? Submission Details:

  • Initial post for each question must be between 250-300 words in length, and each peer reply per question must be between 150-200 words in length.

2. An oligopoly is characterized by a relatively small number of firms offering a similar product or service. Oligopoly products may be branded, as in soft drinks, cereals, and athletic shoes, or unbranded, as in crude oil, aluminum, and cement. The main distinction of oligopoly is that the number of firms is small enough that actions by any individual firm on price, output, product style, quality, introduction of new models, and terms of sale has an impact on the sales of other firms in the industry. Review the Table 12.1 (pg. 416), select a dominant single firm, duopoly firm, and triopoly firm and discuss if you foresee any weaknesses in the three firms you selected that would allow entrance into this market or if one of the firm has enough strength to become a monopoly? Submission Details: 

  • Initial post for each question must be between 250-300 words in length, and each peer reply per question must be between 150-200 words in length.





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Reflection papers allow students the chance to reinforce what they have learned through coursework, lectures and personal experience.

CAM Project Reflective Essay

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to encourage the student to try a form of complementary/alternative therapy and to the assess the value of the experience as well as the benefit of incorporating this CAM practice into the student’s life.

Audience: This paper should be written in first person for a college professor.

Formatting: The essay must be at least 1,000 words (about 3-3.5 pages), typed, double-spaced with .8-inch margins and in Times New Roman or Calibri font, size 12.

Put the title of your paper on the first line and fill the remaining 3-3.5 pages with writing. Instructions

Reflection papers allow students the chance to reinforce what they have learned through coursework, lectures and personal experience. Although reflection papers focus on the writer’s personal feelings and experiences, they often require multiple sources and frequent use of concrete examples. The reflective paper should show what the student learned about herself/himself as she/he worked through the project.

A reflective essay typically includes:

  • an introduction,
  • at least three body paragraphs that both detail your experience and evaluate your response to it,
  • a conclusion

To structure a well-organized paper, make an outline with notes about the details of the experience. What progress have you made? What evidence illustrates your development?

Be careful not to let the story itself dominate the essay; Queensland University of Technology suggests focusing on only the most crucial details so you have room left to reflect on happened during your experience.

The body of your paper should address most of the following questions:

  1. Why was this topic chosen?
  2. What experiences (classes, people, books, etc.) directed the choice of topic?
  3. Were you satisfied with your topic choice? Why or why not?
  4. What have you learned about your topic?
  5. What did you learn from your 3 credible sources that helped you understand your topic?
  6. What values, opinions, beliefs have changed?
  7. What did you learn about yourself through this experience?
  8. Was the learning something unexpected?
  9. How will the experience apply to your plan for wellness?
  10. How did this service experience affect you personally?
  11. What was the most important lesson learned?
  12. How has your belief system been challenged?
  13. What was effective?
  14. How did your academic knowledge prepare you for your experience?
  15. How did this experience contribute to your understanding of the course material?

Be sure to finish with a conclusion. Throughout your reflection, you should make a case for how the experience has stimulated your personal growth. Also address how you plan on using this experience in the future, and if you plan on trying something completely different, continuing this practice, taking another step, etc.

By the conclusion, readers should have a clear, specific idea of how the experience affected you; what you have learned from this experience and how you plan to use this new information in your life.

Lastly, include proof of your participation. This could be in the form of a receipt, a picture, etc.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Paper Grading Rubric

Total: 40 points

Format 4 points___Paper is neatly typed ___Double-spaced ___12-point TNR/Calibri font ___One-inch margins ___3 pages in length.
Grammar and Spelling 4 points___No spelling errors ___No grammatical errors ___Correct word selection ___Written for a college professor
Introduction 4 points___Engaging intro ___Thesis statement ___Sets tone for the rest of the paper
Body 16 points___ Shows strong evidence of reason, reflection and depth ___ Details experience ___ Evaluates response to the experience ____Addresses at least 8 of the questions listed on the instruction sheet
Conclusion 8 points___ Synthesizes the writer’s thoughts and experiences ___Addresses personal growth from the experience ___Clarity regarding: How the experience affected you What you have learned How you plan to use this experience in the future ___Next steps and lessons learned from this experience Do you intend to continue this practice, investigate other therapies, etc?
Proof of attendance 4 points___Includes proof of attendance
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Perceptions of refugees in Glebe, Sydney: a case study of how refugees are viewed in a trendy, urban suburb

SOC301A –AB2, Research Proposal Page 1Assessment Brief Program Bachelor of Applied Social Science Subject Qualitative Research Methods Subject codeSOC301A Name of assessment Assessment 2: Research Proposal Length1000 -1500 words Assessment brief summary:Formulate a research proposal suitable to pursue an original research question. Total marks100Weighting30% Students are advised that any submissions past the due date incur a 10% penalty per day, calculated from the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 40 will incur a 4-mark penalty per day. Please note: you must attempt all tasks in a subject to be eligible to pass the subject. More information, please refer to the Academic Progression Policy on Task: Draft a qualitative research proposal on a topic of your choice. The proposal should cover the main elements of a research proposal including a clearly-defined topic, research questions, an introduction, and a literature review. It should also include a bibliography. This is a formative SOC301A –AB2, Research Proposal Page 2assessment and assessment 3 will build on this discussion. There will be no discussion of the methodology in this assessment. This will be dealt with in Assessment 3.Explanation of the assessment: Your proposal should include the following: A clearly defined topic 1)The topic should be straight-forward and clear. It should give clear information about who is being studied, what is being studied, and where the study is being carried out. For example: “Perceptions of refugees in Glebe, Sydney: a case study of how refugees are viewed in a trendy, urban suburb”. 2)Where possible, give an indication of the theoretical frameworkyou will be using to explore this topic. For example: “A Phenomenological enquiry into the lived experience of ‘otherness’ in Australian society: A study of Muslim migrants in Sydney’s Western suburbs”. An Introduction 3)The introduction should clearly discuss the background and social issue being explored. It should discuss why it is important to carry out this study(the justification for the study). End the introduction by discussing the research questions which you hope to find answers to. A literature review 4)The literature review section should identify and discuss previous studies, seminal works, key theorists and researchers who have made important contributions to your topic. You should discuss and analyse their contributions. That is, look at the strengths and weaknesses in their work.Most importantly, try to identify gapsin the research. Keep in mind, the importance of identifying these ‘gaps’ since these gaps help justify the need for SOC301A –AB2, Research Proposal Page 3you to carry out your proposed study. The theoretical approachto be taken in the proposed study should be introduced and justified in the literature review. Remember that the theoretical framework is the lens through which you will explore your social issue. It helps provide the core conceptsthat you can use to understand the problem. So, think carefully about which theoretical framework can help you explain your topic best. For example, if I am interested in studying “women in the workplace”, gender theories naturally come to mind because they have had a lot to say about women and the structural inequalities they face in society. As a minimum, you should review at least 5 key/seminal works on the topic for this assessment. Marking Criteria: Max. in categoryYour pointsClearly defined topic 20Introduction –a clear, concise and effective introduction to the topic; clear research questions related to the research topic; good justification for undertaking this study.20 Literature review-reviews at least 5 research articles on the topic; shows gaps in previous research; shows how present study will fill those gaps; introduces and justifiestheoretical framework. 50Word count, grammar, and referencing 10Total:100Comments: What we want to see:The work must be fully referenced with in-text citations and a reference list at the end. We recommend you work with the APA 7thEdition Reference Guideto ensure that you reference correctly. You will find a copy of this guide on the Portal. Correct academic writing and referencing are essential tasks that you need to learn. We recommend a minimum of five references. Research and Referencing:References are assessed for their quality. You should draw on quality academic sources, such as books, chapters from edited books, journals, government reports etc. Your textbook can be used as a reference, but not the Study Guide and lecture notes. We want to see evidence that you are capable of conducting your own research.Formatting:The assessment MUST be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format. Other formats may not be readable by markers. Please be aware that any assessments submitted in other formats will be considered LATE and will lose marks until it is presented in Word. Use Times New Roman, font size 12.Stay within the required word count. Use 3rdperson, objective, academic language. Avoid personal language. What we don’t want to see:Plagiarism: All sources of information need to be properly acknowledged. Please refer to the plagiarism information on Blackboard. Like other forms of cheating, plagiarism is treated seriously. Plagiarising students will be referred to the Program Manager. The best way to avoid plagiarism is to explain ideas in your own words, while crediting the authors for the information. No submission:Students must attempt all tasks to be eligible to pass the unit.





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To increase the high school’s capacity by 20% and improve the flow of student traffic between classrooms to decrease time between classes to 6 minutes to be completed by September 2020 with a budget of $200,000.

Project Charter

  1. Official Project Title
Project Title:
  1. Project Objective Statement

Explain in one short paragraph the overall objective of the project, the budget and completion date.

Examples of objective statements:

  • To increase the high school’s capacity by 20% and improve the flow of student traffic between classrooms to decrease time between classes to 6 minutes to be completed by September 2020 with a budget of $200,000.
  • To meet new compliance regulations by developing digital archives for 25,000 documents currently held in paper files by January 2021 with a budget of $1 million.
  • To raise $40,000 dollars for Tsunami disaster relief by October 2020 by organizing a community swap meet and bake sale within a budget of $3,000.

C. Project Scope and Critical Success Criteria

1. Scope

The Project Scope defines the products and services provided by a project and identifies the limits of the project. In other words, the Project Scope establishes the boundaries of a project.

Use as much space as you need, however, it should be no longer than ½ to ¾ of a page.

Examples of Scope statements:

  • The Community Bake Sale will use the facilities at North Hill High School to host the bake sale which sell donated baked goods from Whole Foods, Acme Shopper and Walmart’s to the general public which will be informed of the bake sale through the network of community churches, posters at the community center and park as well as with direct emails from the Chamber of Commerce.
  • The New School will replace existing math textbooks with free resources obtained from the digital library and linked into the class website by the four assistant librarians.
  1. Measures of Success

Provide a summary of the Success Criteria.  Consider the criteria that would determine the level of a project’s success.

For example, a project could be deemed a success:

  • If the bake sale increases sales by 15% over last year’s sales
  • If the bake sale collects $200
  • If the bake sale has no incidents of food poisoning
  • If the bake sale attracts a minimum of 500 attendees

The methodology section should describe how these criteria will be assessed.

For example,

  • A baseline of current expenses would be required at the outset of the project and at the end of one-year following the project completion the expenses will be calculated to determine if the 50% increase was achieved.
  • A survey of all attendees will be taken as they exit the facility
  • A quality test will be conducted to determine if the number of defects was decreased by 20% from the original manufacturing run.

You may include as many success criteria as you feel are appropriate but there should be at least three.

Success Criteria 1:
Success Criteria 2:
Success Criteria 3:
Success Criteria 4:
  1. Required Resources

Identify (to the best of your ability using general estimations and ranges) the initial funding, number and type of personnel, and other resources such as raw materials or plant/facility space, committed to this project by the project sponsor.

ResourcesAllocation and Source
FundingSource: (i.e. Federal Grant)Amount: $
Project Team (include all of the functional departments which will be involved in the project)
Plant and Facilities
Software and Technology
External experts (if needed)
  1. Signatures

The Signatures of the people below document approval of the formal Project Charter. The Project Sponsor is the major funder of the project and has the authority to increase or decrease the budget, scope or timeline of the project. The Project Manager is empowered by this charter to proceed with the project as outlined in the charter.

This section does not need to be completed, it is placed here because it is a critical component of the charter but for the purposes of this course, it is not needed.

Position/TitleSignature/Printed Name/TitleDate
Project Sponsor
Project Manager
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Developing Curriculum Content.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Developing Curriculum Content. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

The developmental approach in designing curriculum content asserts that curriculum should help students to learn the information which is necessary for performing day-to-day operations or tasks. This model emphasizes that curriculum should provide practical information and should help developing skills and learning capacities for better performance (Browder, et al., 2003). The developmental approach looks forward to developing student abilities to be an excellent performer in their life. This model recognizes students’ development as a sequential growth which starts with academics, then career, and then social growth while curriculum should be designed to achieve objectives of all stages of students’ needs.

The readiness approach as the name suggests is related to the entry-level of students. It refers to particular skills and understanding of a student. The readiness approach suggests that in designing curriculum content, it is important to examine the mental standing of the student where the student is (Marcon, 2002). In institutions, some students may have well-developed skills and understanding of complex topics because they were already exposed to learning opportunities but others may not have got the same chances (Muller-Ackerman, 2014).

So, curriculum content must be designed considering the readiness of students and the level of their understanding. In the contrasting scenario, no prior knowledge of students’ readiness may lead to an unplanned curriculum content which will hinder the actual growth and learning of students (Olfman, 2003). Examining readiness provides a series of indicators whereas these indicators help understanding the expectations and needs of students. Based on these indicators educationists have better oversight of required curriculum contents which later produces greater learning and growth.&nbsp.





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Developing Curriculum Content.

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environmental journalism entails the presentation of ideas

Write 15 pages with APA style on Environmental Reporting.

According to Lacy and Coulson (2000, p. 14), environmental journalism entails the presentation of ideas, information, and results regarding the environment. By doing this the journalist aims to inform and educate society on environmental issues (Rademakers 2004, p.2 8). This means that the journalist wields the power to influence society on environmental issues thereby impacting the future significantly. The importance of the environment seems to be an obvious comprehension to all but an assessment of the individual sacrifices and commitments directed to its well-being undermines this assumption (Detjen, et al., 2000, p. 4).

All human beings are connected to the environment both socially and economically and thus an impetus is required to initiate environmental obligation in society. Environmental journalists have the power to initiate this process through objective reporting on issues concerned with the environment (Lacy and Coulson 2000, p. 15). The media has the power to alter people’s thoughts, decisions, and even lifestyles through various tools such as agenda-setting. Considering that everyone has a role to play in improving and sustaining the environment, environmental journalists are mandated to cultivate a global sense of environmental accountability.

Lacy and Coulson (2000, p. 17) suggest that environmental reporting demands an alliance between the journalist and the scientists. This enhances the credibility and validity of environmental news and makes it relevant to the public. Environmental reporting is one of the most important elements in achieving environmental awareness and the inherent practices associated with it (Detjen, et al., 2000, p. 3).Environmental journalism is logically intertwined with the communication of science and risk in context (Rademakers 2004, p. 35). Environmental journalism like all other fields of journalism is mainly involved with information dissemination, and hence it is involved in the gathering and reporting of information related to science and risk in relation to the environment.

This constitutes environmental communication and it reflects traditional features of communication such as criticisms, challenges, and improvements (Detjen, et al., 2000, p. 7).





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The class contains two attributes (consumerID and a purchase-amount

Write a class, ConsumersCls. The class contains two attributes (consumerID and a purchase-amount. The class must have a two-parameter constructor and member functions such as get and set member functions and a member function calculate(). The calculate( ) is used to calculate a discount amount in dollars based on the conditions below. Implement the class and the main( ). Grading Criteria: (10 points) The class implementation is coded correctly. (10 points) The calculations in the member function calculate ( ) are performed correctly. If the purchase-amount is between $1.0-$2000.0, the discount rate is 2.5%. If the sales-amount is between $2001.0-$6,000.0, the discount rate is 3.5%. If the sales-amount is between $6001.0-$10000.0, the discount rate is 4.5%. If the sales-amount is greater than $10000.0, the discount rate is 5.5%. The main ( ) program/function must do the following tasks: Create an array of three objects (8 points) or one object (5 points), ConsList, of the class calling/invoking the constructor. As a result, the data members/private members of the class will contain the assigned values passed to the constructor parameters. (5 points) Create one object, Cons4, of the class. Use the object to call the set member functions. As a result, the data members/private members of the class will contain the assigned values passed to the set member functions. (4 points) Use a loop to iterate through each object in the ConsList in which it calls the member function calculate(). (2 points) Use Cons4 to call the member function calculate( ). (4 points) Display the names, sales amount, and discount amount(s) of all objects, ConsList, and Cons4. Copy the code (the class implementation and main ( ) function into the answer box





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Writers Solution

senior data scientist for Exact, LLC, an information clearinghouse


As the senior data scientist for Exact, LLC, an information clearinghouse, your supervisor has asked you to create several charts based upon two years of monthly sales data. To complete your project, you will combine all of your separate charts into a dashboard. You will create dummy sales data that doesn’t exceed 300,000 dollars for monthly sales. Be creative and vary your sales according to seasonal cycles. This project is important because your department will be using your data to train all of the junior entry-level analysts. Make sure you include legends and descriptions of your work.


You will create dummy sales data for a fictitious company that spans a two-year period. Don’t exceed 300,000 dollars for any monthly sales. Be creative and vary your sales according to seasonal cycles or holiday demands. Develop a viable story that will help explain your work. The best way to create your data is with Excel. Use Tableau or Excel to develop your charts. You will need to create the following:

  • Pie Chart
  • Bar Chart
  • Histogram
  • Line Graph

Once you have completed this portion of your task, you will create a dashboard that hosts all of your charts. Use PowerPoint to house your dashboard and charts. Then, in a written paper, explain your data and what each chart depicts and how the information conveyed can enhance business operations.





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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. senior data scientist for Exact, LLC, an information clearinghouse
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Writers Solution

ISLAMABAD: National carmaker Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Bhd

Normal 0 false false false EN-IN X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:”Table Normal”; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:””; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:8.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:107%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:”Calibri”,sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:”Times New Roman”; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;}

“ISLAMABAD: National carmaker Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Bhd (Proton) will collaborate with a local partner to set up a manufacturing assembly plant in Pakistan, its first in South Asian region.

Malaysia High Commissioner to Pakistan Ikram Mohammad Ibrahim said an agreement was inked by Proton and its local partner, Alhaj Automotive, last year. “Proton felt the potential for its cars in Pakistan is huge, which led to its partnership with Alhaj Automotive to establish an assembly plant near Karachi in Sindh province. “This is significant because it will be Proton’s first (assembly) plant in South Asia as the population of Pakistan is 210 million,” he told Malaysian media at the high commission here.

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his Pakistani counterpart Imran Khan are expected to witness the symbolic groundbreaking ceremony of Proton’s plant today.”

(Bernama, 2019)

Discuss the factors that Proton and its local partner, Alhaj Automotive will need to establish in order to facilitate the technology transfer





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  • Writing services provided by experts. Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?  film dealing with the march on Washington on August 28, 1963
  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. ISLAMABAD: National carmaker Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Bhd
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services.

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