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Ethical Marketing: The New Health Care Economics

Assignment Content

  1. Top of Form

Using Microsoft® Word, prepare an evaluation of your potential academic skill sets to be gained through the MHA program in a minimum of 500 words.

Access and complete the ACHE Self-Assessment to identify your competence level with various health care concepts and tasks.

Analyze your strengths and weaknesses in relation to the skill sets required for your current position and a position you would like to attain.

Describe your current position – Clinical Research Associateand the position to which you aspire.Clinical Director

List the skill sets required for these positions. – Google

Explore the courses you will be taking within the MHA program.

Core Coursework 

The Master of Health Services Administration has twelve core courses: 

  • MHA/505 – Systems Thinking in Health Care Environments 
  • MHA/506 – Ethical Marketing: The New Health Care Economics 
  • MHA/507 – Leveraging Informatics in the Health Sector 
  • MHA/508 – Navigating the Regulatory Environment in Health Care 
  • MHA/598 – Leveraging Results to Build Brand in the Health Sector 
  • MHA/515 – Scanning the Health Sector as an Industry Expert 
  • MHA/516 – Operating in Structure: Health Sector Policy and Governance 
  • MHA/520 – Sector Stakeholders: Identifying and Cultivating Alliances 
  • MHA/542 – Leading With Authenticity in the Health Sector 
  • MHA/543 – Tackling the Talent War in the Health Sector 
  • MHA/560 – Creating a Sustainable Legacy: Healthy Communities 
  • MHA/599 – Capstone: Leading the Organization Through Change 

Choose 3 courses that you believe will provide additional skill sets to help you be more successful in your current position as well as prepare you for your desired position.SELECTED

Describe how you believe those courses will help you add those skill sets to help perform more successfully in your current position and prepare you for a position with more responsibility.

Submit your assignment.

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What is your philosophy of classroom management?

Assignment Details

During the course, you have explored numerous classroom management models or theories. For this unit’s assignment, you will reflect on these classroom management models or theories by writing a personal philosophy of classroom management.

Your personal philosophy should include the following:

What is your philosophy of classroom management? This might include:
What would be the desired atmosphere in your classroom?
What should the teacher-student relationship be like?
What should the teacher-parent relationship be like?
What is your view of students’ ability to learn?
What is your goal — to prepare students for your classroom or for the world beyond your classroom?
How do you view rules and consequences?
What classroom management model or theory most informs your personal philosophy?
Support your personal philosophy of classroom management with a minimum of two credible and reliable sources.

Your paper should be 3 pages and follow APA style format guidelines.




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Analyze Ms. Zeichner’s plan for developing her classroom management system

Discussion 4

Discussion Directions

After all you have learned in this course, it is time to think about how you would develop your own classroom management plan and philosophy. What theories and theorists stand out most to you? With which ones do you most closely identify? Let the following learning activity help you think of ways you would develop your own plan.

( )

Answer the following questions and respond thoughtfully to your classmates’ posts:

Analyze Ms. Zeichner’s plan for developing her classroom management system. Is it realistic or idealistic to seek input from all of these groups?
Based on what you have learned in this course, what theories or models would you incorporate into your own classroom management plan? Why did you choose these specific theories or models?
Would you seek input from students, administrators, and parents, like Ms. Zeichner? Explain why or why not. If so, what questions would you ask?
Getting off to a good start is key to effective classroom management. The Wongs’ classroom management model focuses on the first days of school and preparing your classroom for an effective school year. Review the principles of the Wong classroom management model.

How can you use the Wong classroom management model to ensure success in your classroom?
How can you apply Wong’s approach to your personal philosophy of classroom management?
Review your classmates’ posts. How are their answers similar to or different from yours? Explain.

Discussion 5

Topic 1: Implementing a Cooperative Learning Approach

There might be times when you as a teacher will want to think about changing your classroom management plan. You may come across new theories on your own, a fellow teacher might have a suggestion for you, or the decision to change might come from administration. In any case, you should be prepared to handle such a switch. Read the following case studies and answer each of the associated questions.

Case Study 1

Phillip Naylor was a high school student teacher. In a discussion at a weekly Seminar, he said, “Jones’ opinions on rules might make sense for elementary students, but they certainly do not apply to the high school where I teach. Listen, these students are tough with a capital T — they argue, threaten others, and fight. What will happen if I use some of these strategies that are focused on motivating the students instead of controlling student behavior? What we need are strict and specific rules — ones we can enforce.”

What reasons would you give to either support Jones’ beliefs about classroom management or to support Mr. Naylor’s comments?
How could you apply Jones’ model on classroom management in your classroom?
How can you address the needs of students with behavioral challenges?
Review a classmate’s post, looking for similarities and differences from your response. Compare your peer’s response with yours. Are there other ideas and perspectives you did not originally consider? Explain.

Case Study 2

As a preservice teacher, Sandi Williams was not sure about the effectiveness of using cooperative learning with diverse students. “OK, I know it works with those who are working on grade level. But I’m not sure about students with disabilities or special needs. Just how much can they contribute to or get out of a group? And gifted students like to compete. Cooperative learning takes away half of their fun! And it probably slows them down, too. Then there are those students who just like to goof off. With a cooperative learning group, they’ll just wait for someone else to do the work. Nope, I don’t see how cooperative learning helps diverse classes of students and I don’t see how it helps classroom management.”

Using the ideas of the Kagan model, respond to each of Sandi’s concerns.
Can cooperative learning groups work with a diverse population of students? Use the Kagan model of classroom management to develop a plan for effectively incorporating diverse students into cooperative learning groups.
What accommodations or modifications might she have to make to meet the needs of students with disabilities?
Review a classmate’s post. Compare and contrast your response with your peer’s response.

Discussion 6

Topic 1: Creating Your Classroom Management Plan and Reflecting on the Course

The discussions in this course include several components. You may not be able to address all of these questions in a single post. You will need to plan to return to the discussion several times during the week to weigh in on the questions. Please make sure you do so as part of both original posts as well as in replies to your classmates. Remember that your grade for the Discussion Board comprises both original postings and your contributions through replies. Both are great places to introduce new information, opinions, links, etc., and both are equally important to your grade.

In this course, you have reviewed numerous models of classroom management. Use these models to share the rules, consequences and rewards, procedures, strategies for motivating learners, and strategies for building a positive learning environment for your classroom.

Classroom Management Plan

List the following:

Rules (only 4–5)
Consequences & Rewards
Discuss your strategies for addressing the following in your classroom:

Motivating all diverse learners.
Building a positive learning environment.
State and discuss the models or theories of classroom management that you used to inform your classroom management plan.

After you have posted your classroom management plan, please respond to your classmates and give them feedback and suggestions on their plans — what else might they do? Are there additional issues they could plan for or should have considered? Do you see some ideas that you might incorporate into your own plan?

Course Reflection

Reflect back on your initial response about classroom management in your introduction post.

How do you define classroom management now after completing this course?
What are the areas of classroom management that you now find most challenging after completing this course?
How have your responses to these questions changed since the beginning of the course?
How can you use the details learned in this course to inform your classroom management practices in your classroom?




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How can you arrange your classroom most effectively to reduce or eliminate distractions

Assignment Details

In this course, you have looked at various theories and methods that relate to classroom management. Through this, you have studied a number of classroom management models explaining how to manage and prevent behavior problems. Now it is time to develop your own classroom management plan.

Use your course readings, journal articles, and other credible and reliable resources to answer the following questions. Use a minimum of four credible, reliable sources to support your responses. Your plan should contain the following:

Part 1: Classroom Management Plan

In detail, describe your classroom management plan. Your classroom management plan should include each of the following details:

How can you arrange your classroom most effectively to reduce or eliminate distractions (i.e., placement of desks for students, location of bulletin boards, chalkboard, whiteboard, other permanent fixtures)?
What expectations do you have of your students? How can you convey that to your students?
What rules will you have to begin the school year? Will you ask for student input for all, some, or none of the rules? If others are involved, how will this be accomplished?
What will you do when a student breaks a rule? Will you have a hierarchy of consequences?
What strategies will you use to motivate your students?
What procedures will you use in your classroom (i.e., beginning the class, ending the class, distributing material, collecting materials and assignments, assigning student helpers or assistants)?
How will you establish a positive classroom environment?
How can you positively impact student behavior change in your classroom?
How can you ensure a safe learning environment for all diverse learners in your classroom?

Part 2: Reflection of classroom management models or theories

In the second part of your classroom management plan, reflect on the models or theories that were used to create your classroom management plan.

Describe at least two classroom management models or theories that have informed the development of your plan.
How do each of these models or theories inform your classroom management plan? Be specific.
How are these models or theories similar? How are they different?

Your classroom management plan should be 6–8 pages in length. Please follow APA guidelines for formatting, citations, and references.




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Nursing shortage in the United Stated is a problem

You will write a paper that contains a minimum of 4 pages but no longer than 6 pages for this course as its portfolio project. Your paper will address a topic of global nursing shortage, the topic associated with global health and health disparities.

Nursing shortage in the United Stated is a problem that we all have been aware of for the longest time. This problem is notisolated only in our country; it is a global phenomenon. As someof you may have heard, there are nursing agencies who bring in international nurses to the U.S. to alleviate the severity of nursing shortage. One may ask if it is ethically justifiable to doso, especially when those foreign nurses are from the developing countries. From the same token, is it ethical for the nurses to come to the U.S. or to some other developed countries, leaving their own countries in a worse public health and a more severe nursing shortage? The answer to this question may vary, depending on whom you ask. What about from the legal standpoints? Does hiring international nurses to come work inthe U.S. pose any legal issues/concerns to us, the nursesthemselves, and/or the nurses’ home countries?

This portfolio project gives you an opportunity to freely explore/learn of the issue from a global perspective. Sourcesinclude published literature from peer-reviewed journals obtainedfrom the BSN library databases and acceptable internet sources (refer to the acceptable resources for writing assignments posted in the course).

In your paper, you will:

Attached is the rubric and additional information. 




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Collaboration Café (graded): Introducing Self and Project 7878 unread replies

Week 1: Collaboration Café (graded): Introducing Self and Project 7878 unread replies.7878 replies. You will notice this collaboration café prompt is a bit different than what you have had in previous courses; however, you will follow the same guidelines used before with a couple of recommendations. The content for this assignment provides the foundation for the work you will be doing throughout the course and your final assignment – the Business Plan. It is important for your success that you have a workable and accurate PICOT question. Your instructor will be responding individually related to the formation of your PICOT. It is highly recommended that you respond to the instructor’s post to ensure you are on the right track. If you have further questions about your PICOT reach out to your instructor for additional help. During this course you will be relating many of your discussions and assignments to your project proposal you anticipate completing for your practicum. Please introduce yourself to the class and instructor and include the following information. Description of the type of facility by which you are employed. Your current position and for how long Your prior experience in financial management Share the PICO(T) you anticipate using for the final practicum project. * (For review of creating a PICOT see the example below or watch the media presentation located in resources and announcements) What led you to choose this issue/topic? With whom have you collaborated, or will you consult about the issue at your facility? What type of expenses/costs would you need to consider in helping you develop a preliminary budget for your project? PICOT Writing Review Situation: Sunnybrook Health System has started the process for acquiring Magnet status. They have scheduled multiple planning and process meetings over the next year that require attendance of all staff. Staff must attend at least 70% of the meetings live. After three meetings, live attendance of night shift staff has been about 5%. There is concern that with the small amount of interest shown from this group, the benchmark of 70% for live attendance may be jeopardized. Currently, the meeting schedule is communicated to all staff via email and posted announcements. Suzie thinks an incentive of a free meal for live attendance might improve attendance of the night shift crew. How could a PICOT be developed with this information? P = Population – Describes the group upon which the intervention will have an effect. Ex: night shift staff I = Intervention – What we want to do that is different from what we currently do; the thing that is going to impact the population identified Ex. coupons for a free meal in the cafeteria C = Comparison – Here the comparison is a before and after the intervention (incentive in this case) Ex: communication of scheduled meetings via email and posted announcements O = Outcome – What we want to see happen as a result of the intervention. The outcome should meet three criteria: direction (increase, decrease, etc), a baseline, and a goal. Ex: increased mandatory meeting live attendance from 5% to 50% T = Timing or Timeframe – When we expect to see the outcomes. Ex: over the next 4 meetings Now you can create the PICOT: Among night shift staff(P), will offering a coupon for a free meal in the cafeteria(I), as opposed to only email invitations and posted announcements(C), increase mandatory meeting live attendance from 5% to 50% (O) over the next 4 meetings(T)?




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Touchpoint Reflection: Healthcare Systems’ Financial Environments

Touchpoint Reflections: This is a new type posting that occurs in the same type portal as the discussion thread. However, these are treated as “mini”-weekly assignments”. You will be able to see and read the posts of peers but are not required to respond to them. However, if someone responds to your TPR, replying their post is always the collegial thing to do. Your grade is not affected either way. There are specific formatting and content guidelines. Remember to use the headings as defined to address each section, Experience, Reflection, Implications, in your responses. A downloadable version of the guidelines, which includes further information, is available for access below. You are encouraged to download these guidelines and rubric to avoid the need for referring back to this page for the link. Touchpoint Reflection Guidelines (Weeks 1-3, and 8) Touchpoint Reflection Rubric (Weeks 1-3, and 8) EXPERIENCE Understanding how your organization is reimbursed for services depends on several components. Assess your organization and identify its care delivery system and payer mix make up. Include percentages represented by each payer group. Identify the key people in your organization from whom you obtained your information. Perhaps it is your unit director, operational directors, financial officers, CNOs. Your direct supervisor might be able to point you in the right direction, Since the information required is often available to the public through public reports you might also access the information through online searches of internal systems or external internet searches. REFLECTION Based on this data, discuss the assumptions that could be made about the population demographics for your institution. What influence do these variables have on the types of services offered at your facility? IMPLICATIONS FOR THE FUTURE What might your analysis tell you about the long-term health of your community? What future needs might be identified? Search entries or author




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Discuss its effect on adolescent behavior and overall well-being

Research the range of contemporary issues teenagers face today. In a 500-750-word paper, choose one issue (besides teen pregnancy) and discuss its effect on adolescent behavior and overall well-being. Include the following in your submission: 

Describe the contemporary issue and explain what external stressors are associated with this issue. 

Outline assessment strategies to screen for this issue and external stressors during an assessment for an adolescent patient. Describe what additional assessment questions you would need to ask and define the ethical parameters regarding what you can and cannot share with the parent or guardian. 

Discuss support options for adolescents encountering external stressors. Include specific support options for the contemporary issue you presented.  

You are required to cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.   

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.  Within text citation and references please paraphrase to avoid plagiarism 




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company in Ukraine outsourced me as a freight broker

Problem Solving Skills and must include my topic of a company in Ukraine outsourced me as a freight broker. Two weeks after the war started the entire company seems to have disappeared. I tried my boss and human resources and even authorities over in Ukraine but did not have any luck or advice on what to do.  but I still get weekly checks deposited into my account. I am also struggling because I loved that job and I really want to stay with the company, but do I need to move on?

Semester Project

Sending this out early so as you begin to shape your project, you will have a better expectation of the requirement.


In Module One, you selected a problem which affects you directly.  Throughout the semester, by continually working on your journal entries, you have applied problem solving skills learned in this class in working towards a solution.  This problem should have had potential solutions within your control and have had the opportunity to see results within the first seven modules of this class.

At this point all research and application of material applied from this course should be complete.  Now is the time to use your Project Journal posts as your notes to compose your Final Paper.     

This project has been an ongoing assignment for Modules 1 – 7 consisting of individual journal assignments in Modules 1 – 6.  This project applies problem solving skills learned throughout this course.  Your final submissions (paper) is in essence your final report to your stakeholders.  

This final project assignment is due no later than 11/14/2022 22 11:59 pm EST. Late submissions will not be accepted.  Please plan accordingly. 


Create a title page and a reference page for your final semester project (paper).  Your semester project must be in APA format.  Your final semester project must include the following sections:

  • Part 1- State the problem (Problem Statement)
    • Recognize the problem
    • Select an approach for solving the problem
      • Intuitive or systematic
  • Part 2- Identify the problem owners and stakeholders
    • Solicit input from problem owners
    • Recognize opinions and assumptions
    • Communicate your progress/ Do your homework
    • Provide choices
    • Promote your solution
  • Part 3- Determine the causes
    • Differentiate between symptoms and causes
    • Look for more than one causes
    • Consider cost
    • Use the 5 Whys technique
    • Create cause- and- effect diagram-Fishbone diagram
  • Part 4- Identify potential risks and how to manage them
    • Be aware of potential risks
    • Assess risks
    • Develop a back-up plan
  • Part 5- Gather and analyze your data
    • Define your data needs
    • Document the data and its sources
    • Examine existing information first
    • Rely on people as your most important resource
  • Part 6- Evaluate options
    • Choose an evaluation method
    • Select and weight criteria
    • Rate the alternatives
    • Make a decision
  • Part 7- Implement the solution-Add
    • Develop a Implementation plan
    • Determine what the decision is
    • How the solution will be put into place
    • Outline how solution will be monitored and evaluated
  • Part 8- Discuss any obstacles you encountered in your process

Grading Criteria:

The semester project must include all 8 parts listed in the “Assignment” section above.  Ten points will be deduct for each missing part.  

All submissions are required to be written in a professional manner and communicated effectively using American Standard English.

Place your name, course and section number, and the assignment title at the top of the document.

Use one-inch margins.

Use a 12-point Times New Roman or Courier font. 

Use double line spacing in the document.

To Submit: 

Prepare your submission in a document and save as either MSWord (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) and submit using this assignment link.   Assignments are required to be submitted in appropriate document files and NOT typed directly into the comments box of the assignment link.  




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Develop a DEVS atomic model

We consider a communication system between a satellite and control station located on the ground. We assume there are two classes of messages that must be transmitted: (i) messages that contain data related to scientific experiences and (ii) messages that contain data related to satellite control and monitoring. For the first class, a computer program F1 is in charge of writing and formatting the message. Then if the channel C1 is free, the message is sent. For the second class, two cases can occur. The first case is the transmission of regular messages, while the second case is the transmission of alarm messages. The regular messages are written and formatted by a computer program called F2. They are sent through channel C1 when it is free. The alarm messages are formatted by a program called F3 and are transmitted through a special channel, called Ca.

Question 1: Develop a DEVS atomic model for each of F1, F2 F3, C1, and Ca (feel free to add other models if needed). For each atomic model, first describe its input & output ports, and then specify its initialization function, external transition function, internal transition functions, and output function in pseudo code. Note: only the pseudo code that shows the main logic is needed. You code does not need to show every detail. 

Question 2: Couple the above models into a DEVS coupled model satelliteSys to model the above system. Describe models’ couplings and draw a diagram to show your coupled model. Also write a paragraph to briefly explain how the whole system works. 

Question 3: Develop a petri net model for the communication system described above. 

Question 4: Comparing the DEVS model and the petri net model, describe one advantage for the DEVS model and one advantage for the petri net model. 




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