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The two assignments will focus on one leader, Winston Churchill, and the situation that was either their pinnacle of success or their downfall as you will analyze what influenced that leader to make the decision they did.  

 1st Key Assignment 

Everyday leaders face a multitude of decisions. In a leader’s career, there are far fewer decisions that will affect their organization, their environment, their followers, and themselves. For the project, you will select a leader, Winston Churchill, and a specific situation that was their defining moment, either in a positive or negative sense.  For example, consider the decision Custer made to not wait for backup in his final battle; Chick-Fil-A CEO Cathy’s decision to remain closed on Sundays; Ford CEO Mulally’s decision to not take the government bail-out money; or President Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bomb.  The capstone project is a chance for you to demonstrate your understanding of Organizational systems and organizational leadership that created the challenge or provided this ability to capitalize upon. During the first week’s class, you will share your leader, their defining situation, and the decision you will analyze. This analysis will rely heavily on your critical thinking abilities and the communication of your thought process to arrive at your conclusions. You will also assess if your leader was effective or ineffective in that decision.

 1st assignment Research Paper, continue:

This research is used to describe a turning event and the real-life context in which it occurred.  Your paper should use the outline provided as the table of contents for the paper.  Using public data sources and your understanding of organizational leadership, identify the leader/situation and decision, the traits that made your leader effective and ineffective in this situation (their strengths and weaknesses), and their ethical stances, ending with answering several specific questions that can shape future behaviors. 

 It is important to note that this assignment is an analysis of your research to understand the influences of your leader’s decision. Your research seeks to determine what happened and why. This analysis is more than just reporting of the activity or a biography of your leader; in fact, you probably will not find the ‘answers’ you are looking for written in black-and-white. It is your analysis, and you’re walking us through your thinking, that is the crux of this assignment.

The paper should be 10-12 pages in length, double-spaced, excluding title page and reference list, and conform to APA 6th Edition style and formatting.  This paper is the Key Assignment and must be submitted to  

Also, attached is information about the leader to be used and reflected in the research paper. 

2n Assignment: PowerPoint presentation with separate detail notes to brief it!

The presentation will be a 5-minute PowerPoint of the above research. The presentation should follow the basic guidelines of no more than 5 minutes in length, using up to 10 slides and a minimum of 30 pt. font. please add separate detail (word by word) to bride the PowePoint. 






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Create Lookup Fields

In Module 1, you started a database as part of the Capstone Project. You will use your same database for this Capstone Project, as well as the Database Design you created in Module 1 Discussion. Part of developing and using a database is understanding the connectivity and relationship of various parts of the database. In the Capstone Projects, you will be working on your own database and making your own decisions on what you need based on the purpose of the database.


  1. Create, modify, and print Reports and Forms
  2. Add fields to reports or forms, group and sort data
  3. Format and move controls
  4. Create and modify a form with a subform in Design view
  5. Use the input Mask Wizard
  6. Add Yes/No, Long Text, OLE Object and Attachment fields and use in a query


Using the database design you started in Module 1, add the remainder of the Tables and Fields you believe you will need in your database to your design. If you miss something, it can be added later, but try to identify all the fields you may need, as well as the Table relationships.

Update your database to include the changes you made to the database design, including changes in Tables, Forms, Reports, Queries, by adding the following.

  • Add Fields
  • Create Lookup Fields
  • Add a Multivalued Field
  • Change Field Size using Validation Rules
  • Specify a Default Value
  • Specify a Format
  • Create a Form based on more than one Table
  • Write a summary of changes you made, indicating which Table, Form, Report or Query you added or modified, and the reasons you chose these modifications.

Upload your completed database and summary to the folder.





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To fully implement the new skills you are learning while using MS Office, you will be completing real life application capstone projects

To fully implement the new skills you are learning while using MS Office, you will be completing real life application capstone projects. For these projects, you will be given a scenario and asked to create a file that demonstrates you have achieved proficiency of the competencies as outlined in each module. For the Capstone Projects, you will be graded using a rubric that will assess if your submission demonstrates the required skills as well as if you have properly implemented the skills into a real life scenario. The goal of the capstone project is for you to reach a passing grade, you will be allowed two submission on the capstone project. You will make the first submission by the assigned milestone date as outlined in the course schedule. If you do not reach 80% proficiency, you will be allowed to resubmit the capstone project to the D2L dropbox again during the last week of the course.


To fully implement the new skills you are learning while using MS Office, you will be completing real life application capstone projects. For these projects, you will be given a scenario and asked to create a file that demonstrates you have achieved proficiency of the competencies as outlined in each module. For the Capstone Projects, you will be graded using a rubric that will assess if your submission demonstrates the required skills as well as if you have properly implemented the skills into a real life scenario. The goal of the capstone project is for you to reach a passing grade, you will be allowed two submission on the capstone project. You will make the first submission by the assigned milestone date as outlined in the course schedule. If you do not reach 80% proficiency, you will be allowed to resubmit the capstone project to the D2L dropbox again during the last week of the course.

Scenario: You have recently been hired as the customer service manager at a local business (or you are managing your own business) and have determined that a newsletter would be very beneficial to the business and customers. You will need to create a monthly newsletter that gives customers an update on what is happen in the company and any specials that will be running for the next month.

  • This document will need to be a minimum of one page long.
  • The items that you will need to make sure you have included in the document are as follows:

Create a table showing new hires (minimum 6) and positions held

Table should have title and column headings

Select an attractive style for your table

Add a border style to your table

Sort the table alphabetically by last name

Insert a quote

Credit the source of the quote

Use WordArt for the title of the newsletter

Use two column format for the newsletter articles

Use one drop cap in the newsletter

Use column break as needed

Use a bulleted list for favorite products or services

Customize your bullets

Add and customize at least one graphic

You may need to look at some newsletters online to get an idea of what you might want to include in your document.

Please take this assignment and make it your document, and have some fun being creative





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creating a database of your own


In this project, you will be able to apply what you learned in this module to something familiar, by creating a database of your own.


  1. Create, open and close a database,
  2. Create and use tables, queries, forms and reports
  3. Design a database to satisfy a collection of requirements
  4. Create queries using text and numeric data in criteria
  5. Sort data and join tables in queries
  6. Add, change, delete, search and filter records


The database you use in this Project will be the same database you will use for your Discussion for this Module. Read instructions for both assignments before starting.

You will be using this database for Projects in future modules. Keep that in mind as you develop, as you will be continually adding to this database.

Identify a database that could be useful to you personally or professionally. You may start out relatively simple, but keep in mind that your database will become more complex the semester progresses.

Along with the database, create a doc, rtf, or PDF file with information about who the intended user of the capstone is and what the purpose of the capstone is. Please check spelling and grammar and use complete sentences. This file should be put into the D2L folder alongside the capstone.

  • Explain the purpose of your database and who will be using it.
  • Create the design of your database, including names of tables, primary keys, and types of relationships.
  • Create the database in Access based on your design
    • Tables with all fields according to your database design, and at least 5 records.
    • Form – your choice for the purpose of the form
    • Query – What do you want to know from your database information?
    • Describe the purpose of the Form and the Query you created
  • Save and Name your database and include your LAST NAME in the file name.

Upload your database and the planning document you created to the folder. Save a copy to use in the next module. Use the feedback received after this is graded to make changes so that it will be ready to go for the next Module.





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What is the purpose of creating electronic forms and how difficult is it?


What is the purpose of creating electronic forms and how difficult is it?


Please respond to the following questions in your initial response. Provide a substantial response to each of the questions. Your initial response should be posted by Wednesday. Then, you will need to remember to respond to at least two of your peers.

  • What is the importance of electronic forms?
  • When would you use an electronic form?
  • Would you create a form or use one that already exists?
  • Do you think electronic forms are hard to create and manage?
  • What would you do with data gathered from electronic forms? (Objective 1-4)





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Create and relate at least 2 additional tables


In Modules 1 and 2, you created a database as part of the Capstone Project. You will use your same database for this Capstone Project. In this Module though, you will be adding to what you have already created and making modifications for easier and more efficient use.


Open the database you created in Module 1 and modified in Module 2. In this Capstone, you will be making changes to your database as follows:

  • Create and relate at least 2 additional tables
  • Add a conditional value in a Report
  • Add at least one combo box in a form(s)
  • Add a command button in a form(s)
  • Insert, modify and format a Chart in a Form
  • Write a summary of changes you made, indicating which Table, Form, Report or Query you added or modified, and the reasons you chose these modifications.

Upload your completed database and summary to the folder.





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Create a set of Navigation Forms, using Command Buttons to make your database easy to navigate.


You now have all the parts of your database working correctly, including Tables, Forms, Queries, Reports. You have used Commands, Controls and Look-up Fields to make your database easier to use. In this Module, you will be adding the finishing touches to your database!


  1. Create and modify macros, sub macros, and a menu form with command buttons and with an option group
  2. Create datasheet forms, user interface macros, navigation forms, data macros, and control layouts
  3. Create custom categories and groups in the Navigation Pane
  4. Encrypt a database and set password, lock and split a database.


The final and finishing touch to your database will be Navigation Forms and of course, Security! The requirements of this assignment include:

  1. Create a set of Navigation Forms, using Command Buttons to make your database easy to navigate. You may need to draw this, much like you did your database design, to decide how you want the Navigation system to work. It needs to include the following techniques:
  2. Create and/or modify Macro(s)
  3. Create Navigation Form, including Command Buttons, and User Interface Macros
  4. Create Custom Categories and Groups in the Navigation Pane of the Database
  5. Encrypt the database and set password.
  6. Lock the Database
  7. Write a summary of the changes you made to the database, including providing the password for the database. In your summary, include reasoning or justification for each of the changes you made.





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Over the past 12 months the Chinese government has been accused of “weaponising” trade tariffs to punish Australia for calling for an investigation over the origins of Covid-19 in China.



Word limit 1500 words

REFERENCING: 10-15 references Harvard style

 You should use intext citations, references for any theory, any stats, any article/ industry report that you would use to present the answer.

All Questions are compulsory.

Short EssayQuestion 1

Over the past 12 months the Chinese government has been accused of “weaponising” trade tariffs to punish Australia for calling for an investigation over the origins of Covid-19 in China. Give at least 2 examples of such measures and analyse their effectiveness (10 marks).

Short Essay Question 2

Recently, “fast fashion” has come under the international microscope regarding the exploitation of workers in developing countries and the environmental damage this industry has caused to local communities. Provide 2 examples of each of these issues and discuss how the global community (consumer, businesses, government, other stakeholders) may address these problems (10marks).

Mini Case Study – How to establish a successful business that works across multiple borders (20 marks)

Two questions at the end of the case study have to be addressed.

The year 2021 marks when VAVAVOOM – supplier of promotional and award solutions to some of Australia’s leading brands – will celebrate its 18th anniversary. Matt Cave, CEO, is proud to have reached this point. Everything has finally come together for his business. But it’s taken a lot of effort. Managing 22 staff in Australia and 10 in China does come with many challenges. To explain, a big part of VAVAVOOM’s business is in manufacturing. And with 90 per cent of the world’s manufacturing based in China or nearby Asian countries, working with China is just part of Matt’s Day.

Do your research.

To initiate overseas operations, Matt suggests:

Researching to find the right suppliers and trading companies that “best fit” your requirements. Initially, hiring an agent who can help you may be a good initial step. Don’t just focus on cost, but also look for value, quality and reliability. Flying overseas to assess the situation. Choose a supplier in your source country who will be your representative for at least a year while you familiarise yourself with that country’s system and local processes. Once familiar, learn about the country’s business structures to find out what your best options are. For example, after a few years of doing business in China, Matt realised it would be more beneficial to set up a wholly owned foreign enterprise (WOFE) based in China. This means that VAVAVOOM can now transact as a Chinese business, enabling B2B processes like local currency billing, with less restrictions.

Know your supply chain.

One of the key reasons clients choose VAVAVOOM is because of its commitment to ethical and sustainable work conditions in China. To keep on top of this, Matt knows VAVAVOOM’s operations inside out, including where items are sourced from and how they are made. Further, giant strides are being made internationally on the CSR front, and it’s important to keep abreast of how compliance is being managed globally and how it can be applied locally. Knowing the capabilities of your supply chain gives you confidence to tell a client about your practices. Plus, being heavily involved provides great insight into how processes can be improved to better meet client expectations.

Manage cultural expectations and standards.

When creating promotional products for big companies, it is especially important to deliver only the highest quality. The problem is that in some countries, the definition of “the highest quality” isn’t always the same as in Australia’s. To combat this, Matt stands by the mantra of “Communication is Key”. He facilitates weekly team meetings and emails staff daily across offices to manage customer and operational priorities, despite the time difference. While the natural tendency is to do most of the “talking” in communication, Matt cannot stress enough the importance of a healthy two-way dialogue. It is in the listening that the learning occurs and future opportunities arise.

Get the right people on the bus.

Matt acknowledges that language and culture are major issues when conducting business across two or more countries. If possible, appoint a General Manager who has a good understanding of both cultures and can speak both languages. Better yet, hire someone who also has an understanding of your business. As an example, VAVAVOOM’s GM in China is a Chinese / Australian former employee, and Matt has no doubts this has been invaluable to the team’s success there.

Define what success looks like and performance manage to get it.

With the help of his finance team, Matt developed monthly performance indicators that are consistently applied across all branches. Irrespective of location, a laser-like focus on these numbers means everyone knows what the target is and works diligently to meet the business expectation. Biannually, all GMs get together to “deep dive” on performance and tweak the plan, focusing on specific “pain points”.

Question 1. Identify the relevant political, cultural, economic, ethical factors and market entry method highlighted in this case study.

Question 2. Critically analyse how VAVAVOOM addressed each of the above issues.





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Project scope template, work breakdown structures (WBS), and the Gantt chart

 Included example template of how paper should be formatted  

The Project Management Final Paper needs to include screenshot  examples and explanations of project selection form, project scope  template, work breakdown structures (WBS), and the Gantt chart created  in prior weeks. Be sure to update these examples based on: (a) any new  criteria presented in these instructions, (b) any feedback you received  on the previous assignments, (c) any knowledge you obtained in the  class, and/or (d) any additional information you obtained during your  research so that your final paper can reflect project management best  practices.

Include the following elements in your paper:


  • Introduce the paper and highlight what the paper will include.
  • Explain what a project is and how project management can contribute to an organization’s success.
  • Briefly outline the five process groups in the project management life cycle.


  • Explain the pre-planning stage of the project management lifecycle. 
    • Explain project management terms, tools, and techniques that are applicable to the pre-planning/project selection stage.
  • Describe the elements of the project selection form. 
    • Provide an example of a project selection form.
    • Explain the purpose of a project selection form.
    • Insert an updated and corrected copy of the project selection form from week 1 to use as an example.
    • Explain the elements of the project selection form and their importance.


  • Explain the planning process of the project management lifecycle. 
    • Explain project management terms, tools, and techniques that are applicable to the planning stage.
  • Explain the purpose of the project scope statement and all the terms used in the project scope template. 
    • Project Basics: 
      • Project Name
      • Project Sponsor
      • Project Scope Statement
    • Project Scope: 
      • Assumptions
      • Milestones
      • Out of Scope (Exclusions)
    • Project Execution: 
      • Stakeholders
      • Time estimate
      • Cost estimate
      • Project Acceptance Criteria
    • Insert a corrected and updated screenshot of your project scope template from week 2 into your final paper. 
    • Explain the work breakdown structure (WBS), project milestones, and the critical path. 
      • Explain how these elements relate to your project’s status.
    • Create a work breakdown structure (WBS) in the ProjectLibre or  modify the example you created in week 3, incorporating both instructor  and peer feedback (as applicable). 
      • Include a screenshot of the WBS as an example in your paper. (Make  sure the example contains the appropriate level of details, so the  reader understands the full context of the project without assuming  anything.)


  • Explain the executing process group of the project management lifecycle. 
    • Explain project management terms, tools, and techniques that are applicable to executing the project.
  • Explain the change control process.

Monitoring and Controlling 

  • Explain the monitoring and controlling within the project management lifecycle. 
    • Explain project management terms, tools, and techniques that are applicable to monitoring and controlling the project.


  • Explain the closing process within the project management lifecycle. 
    • Explain project management terms, tools, and techniques that are applicable to closing a project or phase.
  • Explain what a “Lessons Learned” report is and highlight its importance for future projects within the organization.


  • Conclude the paper by reiterating how project management improves an  organization’s success and highlighting the importance of using the  five process groups for accomplishing a project’s objectives. (Review  the Writing Center’s page on Introductions and Conclusions  (Links to an external site.)for more information.)

Your Project Management Final Paper





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A researcher based in Miami wants to learn about the experiences of homeless people in the United States by conducting interviews with them

In this forum, you will use you will use skillsets you have developed in this module related to the sampling process by responding to the following discussion prompt and answering all (4) questions. You may want to use the internet in addition to resources provided in Module 7. 
A researcher based in Miami wants to learn about the experiences of homeless people in the United States by conducting interviews with them. He plans to conduct in-person interviews with the homeless people he samples. He is having trouble deciding how to draw a representative sample of homeless people because homeless people are difficult to find, often move from place to place, and are often cycled in and out of homelessness. The researcher has one year and a $5,000 grant with which to conduct his interviews.

Your task is to help this researcher.

1. What is the population he wants to generalize to?
2. What are possible sampling frames (sources) from which he can draw his sample?
3. What do you think would be a good/realistic sample size?
4. What sampling methods would you suggest he uses? Why?





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