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Connect types of molecular bonds to common applications and examples

Associated Objectives

  • Connect types of molecular bonds to common applications and examples

Essay Requirements

Choose a substance, other than water, whose atoms or ions are held together by one of the following types of chemical bonds:

  • Ionic
  • Covalent
  • Metallic
  • Hydrogen

Important: If your chosen substance does not correctly match the molecular bond, your essay will not be accepted for credit!

Construct an engaging three-paragraph essay that completely and concisely* fulfills the following requirements:

  • Paragraph 1 – after doing some research, discuss a common use or important purpose of your chosen substance
  • Paragraph 2 – Integrating specific terms and concepts discussed in this week’s readings and resources, develop a summary discussion that includes the following:
    • The name and chemical formula for the substance
    • The composition of the substance (i.e., the names of the atoms comprising the substance)
    • The specific name and description of the chemical bonds that exist between the atoms or ions in the substance
    • The physical properties of the substance
    • The state(s) of matter in which this substance is naturally or normally found in
  • Your discussion in this paragraph should integrate specific terms and concepts discussed in this week’s readings and resources.
  • Paragraph 3 – provide your perspective on the importance of this substance or its properties, drawing on your own experiences as applicable





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You measured the diameter, d, of the pendulum bob using a ruler and a digital caliper

Here is all Lab Report :

1. “You measured the diameter, d, of the pendulum bob using a ruler and a digital caliper. List all of the diameters of the bob as measured by both instruments. Determine the range of measured values for both instruments by calculating the difference between the maximum and minimum recorded values for the group. Compare the relative sizes of these two ranges and draw a conclusion about the precision of these two methods of measuring d. Repeat this analysis for the measurements of the thickness of the 100 gram mass.Compare the size of the range of ruler measurements of the pendulum bob diameter to the size of the range of ruler measurements of the thickness of the 100 g mass. If one is much larger than the other, which is it and why is it so much larger?

2. For the group of measurements of T in V-2(B), calculate T, vTand vT . vTis the standard deviation of the calculated values for T and vTis the standard deviation of the mean. Report T = T ± vT.

3. For each value of m used in V-4, you recorded three values of xm. Using x0 from posi-tion 2 in Figure M0-2, determine the three values of x for each value of m. Tabulate m, xm and x. Plot m vs. x. Whenever plotting a linear relation, be sure to include a trendline and the equation of the trendline in the plot. You should plot all three calculated values of x as a single set of data on one plot. Using LINEST in Excel, calculate the slope s, uncertainty in the slope vs, the intercept b and the uncertainty in the intercept vb. Report the slope and the intercept as s ±vs and b ±vb. From these, determine and report k ±vk.

4. Using one of the measurements of xo with a deliberate parallax error (e.g., posi-tion 1 or position 3 in Figure M0-2), recalculate all of your values of x. With these new values of x and using LINEST, recalculate the slope and intercept of the data. Tabulate m, xm and the recalculated values of x. Compare the value of the slope calculated with these data to the slope calculated in VI-3. Recalculate and report k ±vk. Compare the value for k determined in VI-3 with the value for k determined in VI-4″

M0 Powerpoint Video(Should be really help for lab report ,Let me know if you can’t open it):

You are only responsible for completing the sections listed on the title page.(important)

TextBook link:
I have already bought It All of the experimental steps are in it, and you need to read it. Also Lab report question are inside.

We have Data already, So use it for this lab report.
Please let me know if you need any more information from me.





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hat does it mean for a quantity to be conserved? Why are conserved physical quantities useful to physicists?

Six Pulleys:

What does it mean for a quantity to be conserved? Why are conserved physical quantities useful to physicists? 

Give an example which illustrates the difference between three kinds of energy and the transformation of energy from one kind to another.   Your example may include some of the following kinetic, thermal, gravitational potential, and spring potential energy.

In your example explain the difference between Energy, Work, and Power.





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Infrared Light – Origin and Uses over the years

Students will complete a Course  Research Paper on a topic of their choice from the material covered in this course. TOPIC: Infrared Light – Origin and Uses over the years

It should be …

  • a double spaced, three page paper with one inch margins, 12pt font and name on the top.
  • The report is worth 50 pts. (-10 for shortness of paper/page)
  • References (with whatever format you are comfortable using) should be included at the end of your paper. (-5 for no references)

Please attach using one of the following formats (.doc .pdf or .txt). Include your last name and topic in the file name.

Grading Criteria:

  • Research Paper Must be at least three pages. (-10 per page for shortness of submission). (Add images after writing the 5 pages).  
  • Additional page with References (use reference format you are familiar using) (-5 for no references).
  • Turn in your Research Paper on time. (- 10 points deducted per week for late submissions!!! )
  • Deductions may occur depending on the “Turnitin” (TII) report.

Your paper should be original work. Copying and pasting information from references or other material is not allowed and deductions could occur to your score





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Leadership Style and Change Advocacy Statement


Leadership Style and Change Advocacy Statement

The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize insights gained through learning activities and personal reflection in order to create a personal leadership style and change advocacy statement.  Students will record a video of themselves presenting their individual leadership styleand change advocacy statement.  Students willconclude by noting how the selected leadership style can facilitate the change process. A concise summary paper is included.

Course Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will address the following Course Outcomes:

  • CO #1 – Discern leadership approaches that facilitate achievement of health outcomes through interprofessional collaborative practice within micro-, meso-, and macro-level systems.
  • CO #3 – Integrate communication modalities which convey cultural humility, value the diverse nature of individuals, and cultivate healthful work environments.
  • CO #4 -Apply change and leadership theories to plan sustainable, evidence-based quality improvement within an atmosphere which supports care for self and others.

Due Date:Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week Seven

Total Points Possible: 225 points


Criteria for Content

Consider the insights gained through class readings, self-assessment of leadership capacity, reflections on individual competencies, and the issue related to your specialty track for which you will advocate for change.Complete parts I and II of the assignment using the guidelines and rubric below.

Part I: Video Recording

  1. Create a one- to three- minute video recording of yourself presenting the following (refer to the rubric for specific requirements):
    1. Introduction
    1. Your personal leadership style
    1. Your change advocacy statement and rationale
    1. Conclusion

IMPORTANT – the intent of the video portion of the assignment is to videotape yourself presenting the information.  No PowerPoint or other media should be used to deliver the information in the video.  The recording must include you presenting information face to face with the camera.

Part II: Written Summary

  1. Create a concise, summary, no more than two pages in length, explaining the following elements.  Include a minimum of two peer-reviewed scholarly sources (current within five years) to support your work.  Refer to the rubric for specific requirements:
    1. Introduction
    1. Statement of personal leadership style
    1. Change advocacy statement and rationale
    1. Conclusion

Preparing the Assignment

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions

  1. Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
  2. Part I:Create a video recording of yourself presenting the information required in the assignment.
    1. Follow the instructions to create and upload a video recording using Kaltura, which is located in the Canvas course.
    1. Please refer to the Kaltura tutorial for specific instructions; the tutorial is located in your weekly module.
    1. The video recording must be a minimum of one minute and no more than three minutes in length.
  3. Part II:Using Microsoft Word 2013, create the summary paper for the assignment.  Include a title page with your name, date, and course information, as well as a reference page.
    1. The summary paper must be concisely written and no more than two pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages
    1. A minimum of two (2) peer-reviewed scholarly sources, current within five years, are required.
    1. Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
    1. No direct quotes may be used in this assignment.
    1. First person may be used for this assignment.





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Directions and Assignment Criteria

Grading Criteria

Part I: Video-recording4520%Student creates and submits a video recording of him- or herself presenting IntroductionPersonal leadership styleChange advocacy statement and rationaleConclusion regarding how your leadership style will facilitate change advocacyInformation is presented by the student face-to-face with the recording device, with no additional media used
Part I:Presentation skills2712%Presentation includes evidence of the following: Clear, audible presentationUse of correct grammar and professional toneLogical, organized flow of informationTiming and flow of information is appropriately paced to allow the viewer/listener to process information presentedEye contact with the video-recorder is maintainedFacial expressions and nonverbal communication are professional in natureVery limited use of filler words (um, like, you know, etc.)Professionally-appropriate attire  
Part II: Summary Paper – Introduction188%Introduction includes: Introduction of selfChosen MSN specialty trackPurpose for the presentation  
Part II: Summary Paper – Statement of Personal Leadership Style4520%This section includes: Personal leadership style Explanation of yourleadership style  
Part II: Summary Paper – Change Advocacy Statement4520%This section includes: Statement describing the MSN track-specific issue requiring change for which you intend to advocateRationale for the change Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented   Provide support from current, peer-reviewed scholarly sources
Part II: Summary Paper – Conclusion188%Conclusion includes: Concluding statement regarding how your leadership style will impact and facilitate your role as an advocate for changeSelf-reflection of learning
Part II: Graduate-level Writing Style2712%Graduate-level writing style is included, evidenced by integrating the following standards: Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structureClarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas; accurate use of APA levels of headingsAPA format for citing and referencing sourcesNo direct quotes are used within the assignmentAPA document format including margins, spacing, font style and size APA document structure including pagination, title page, reference pageCongruence with APA mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers, and use of figures or tables if applicable)      
Quality of Literature SupportIt is an expectation that a minimum of two peer-reviewed scholarly sources, current within five years, are included to support your work. Ifthe above expectation is not met,6 points shall be deducted.  
Length of video recordingIt is an expectation that the video recording is at least 1 and no more than 3 minutes in length.  If the above expectation is not met,6 points shall be deducted.
Length of summary paperIt is an expectation that the summary paper is no more than 2 pages in length. If the above expectation is not met,6 points shall be deducted.
Total225100%A quality assessment will meet or exceed all the above requirements.

Grading Rubric

  Assignment CriteriaExemplary (100%)  Accomplished (92%)  Average (84%)  Marginally Acceptable (76%)  Insufficient (0%)  
Part I – Video Recording Possible Points = 60Points
Part I: Video-recording45 Points41 Points37 Points34 points0 Points
Exemplary presentation of information evidenced by all content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner.   All of the following are included:    IntroductionPersonal leadership styleChange advocacy statement and succinct rationaleConclusion regarding how your leadership style will facilitate change advocacy Information is presented by the student face-to-face with the recording device, with no additional media usedAccomplished presentation of information evidenced by most content coveredin a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial. All of the following are included: IntroductionPersonal leadership styleChange advocacy statement and succinct rationaleConclusion regarding how your leadership style will facilitate change advocacy Information is presented by the student face-to-face with the recording device, with no additional media usedAverage presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a superficial manner in two or more of the content areas. All of the following are included: IntroductionPersonal leadership styleChange advocacy statement and succinct rationaleConclusion regarding how your leadership style will facilitate change advocacy Information is presented by the student face-to-face with the recording device, with no additional media used  Marginally acceptable presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited,missing, or unsatisfactory in one of the following: IntroductionPersonal leadership styleChange advocacy statement and succinct rationaleConclusion regarding how your leadership style will facilitate change advocacy Information is presented by the student face-to-face with the recording device, with no additional media usedInsufficient presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited,missing, or unsatisfactory in two or more of the following:     IntroductionPersonal leadership styleChange advocacy statement and succinct rationaleConclusion regarding how your leadership style will facilitate change advocacyInformation is presented by the student face-to-face with the recording device, with no additional media used
Part I: Presentation Skills27Points24Points22Points20 Points0 Points
Exemplary presentation skills are evident, which meet all of the criteria below: Clear, audible presentationUse of correct grammar and professional toneLogical, organized flow of informationTiming and flow of information is appropriately paced to allow the viewer/listener to process information presentedEye contact with the video-recorder is maintainedFacial expressions and nonverbal communication are professional in natureVery limited use of filler words (um, like, you know, etc.)Professionally-appropriate attire  Accomplished presentation skills are evident which fully meetat least 6of the criteria below: Clear, audible presentationUse of correct grammar and professional toneLogical, organized flow of informationTiming and flow of information is appropriately paced to allow the viewer/listener to process information presentedEye contact with the video-recorder is maintainedFacial expressions and nonverbal communication are professional in natureVery limited use of filler words (um, like, you know, etc.)Professionally-appropriate attire  Average presentation skills are evident which meetat least 5of the criteria below: Clear, audible presentationUse of correct grammar and professional toneLogical, organized flow of informationTiming and flow of information is appropriately paced to allow the viewer/listener to process information presentedEye contact with the video-recorder is maintainedFacial expressions and nonverbal communication are professional in natureVery limited use of filler words (um, like, you know, etc.)Professionally-appropriate attire  Marginally acceptable presentation skills are evident which meet at least 4of the criteria below: Clear, audible presentationUse of correct grammar and professional toneLogical, organized flow of informationTiming and flow of information is appropriately paced to allow the viewer/listener to process information presentedEye contact with the video-recorder is maintainedFacial expressions and nonverbal communication are professional in natureVery limited use of filler words (um, like, you know, etc.)Professionally-appropriate attire  Insufficient presentation skills are evident which meet 3 or less of the criteria below: Clear, audible presentationUse of correct grammar and professional toneLogical, organized flow of informationTiming and flow of information is appropriately paced to allow the viewer/listener to process information presentedEye contact with the video-recorder is maintainedFacial expressions and nonverbal communication are professional in natureVery limited use of filler words (um, like, you know, etc.)Professionally-appropriate attire  
Part I Video Recording  Subtotal ________of 72  points
Part II – Written Paper Content Possible Points = 140  
Part II: Summary Paper – Introduction18 Points16 Points15  Points13  Points0 Points
Exemplary presentation of information evidenced by all content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner.     All of the following are included:  Introduction of selfChosen MSN specialty trackPurpose for the presentation  Accomplished presentation of information evidenced by most content coveredin a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial. All of the following are included: Introduction of selfChosen MSN specialty trackPurpose for the presentation  Average presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a superficial manner in two or more of the content areas. All of the following are included: Introduction of selfChosen MSN specialty trackPurpose for the presentation  Marginally acceptable presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited,missing, or unsatisfactory in one of the following: Introduction of selfChosen MSN specialty trackPurpose for the presentation  Insufficient presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited,missing, or unsatisfactory in two or more of the following: Introduction of selfChosen MSN specialty trackPurpose for the presentation  
Part II: Summary Paper: Statement of Personal LeadershipStyle45 Points41 Points37 Points34  Points0 Points
Exemplary presentation of information evidenced by all content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner.   All of the following are included:  Personal leadership styleExplanation of your leadership style  Accomplished presentation of information evidenced by most content coveredin a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial. All of the following are included: Personal leadership styleExplanation of your  leadership style      Average presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a superficial manner in two or more of the content areas. All of the following are included: Personal leadership styleExplanation of your leadership style  Marginally acceptable presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited,missing, or unsatisfactory in one of the following: Personal leadership styleExplanation of your leadership style  Insufficient presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited,missing, or unsatisfactory in two or more of the following: Personal leadership styleExplanation of your leadership style  
Part II: Summary Paper – Change Advocacy Statement45 Points41 Points37  Points34  Points0 Points
Exemplary presentation of information evidenced by all content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner.   All of the following are included:  Statement describing the MSN track-specific issue requiring change for which you intend to advocateRationale for the change Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented      Accomplished presentation of information evidenced by most content coveredin a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial. All of the following are included: Statement describing the MSN track-specific issue requiring change for which you intend to advocateRationale for thechangeSufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented      Average presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a superficial manner in two or more of the content areas. All of the following are included: Statement describing the MSN track-specific issue requiring change for which you intend to advocateRationale for the changeSufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented      Marginally acceptable presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited,missing, or unsatisfactory in one of the following: Statement describing the MSN track-specific issue requiring change for which you intend to advocateRationale for the change Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented      Insufficient presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited,missing, or unsatisfactory in two or more of the following: Statement describing the MSN track-specific issue requiring change for which you intend to advocateRationale for the change Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented      
Part II: Summary Paper – Conclusion18 Points16  Points15  Points13 Points0 Points
Exemplary presentation of information evidenced by all content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner.   All of the following are included:  Concluding statement regarding how your leadership style will impact and facilitate your role as an advocate for changeSelf-reflection of learning  Accomplished presentation of information evidenced by most content coveredin a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial. All of the following are included: Concluding statement regarding how your leadership style will impact and facilitate your role as an advocate for changeSelf-reflection of learning  Average presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a superficial manner in two or more of the content areas. All of the following are included: Concluding statement regarding how your leadership style will impact and facilitate your role as an advocate for changeSelf-reflection of learning  Marginally acceptable presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited,missing, or unsatisfactory in one of the following: Concluding statement regarding how your leadership stylewill impact and facilitate your role as an advocate for changeSelf-reflection of learning  Insufficient presentation of information evidenced by content that is limited,missing, or unsatisfactory in two or more of the following: Concluding statement regarding how your leadership style will impact and facilitate your role as an advocate for changeSelf-reflection of learning  
Part II Written Paper Content Subtotal ________of 126points
Assignment Format Possible Points =   25Points
Graduate-level Writing Style First person may be used for this assignment27  Points24  Points22  Points20  Points0 Points
Exemplary graduate level writing style is evident, which meets all of the criteria below: Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure Exceptional writing style with clarity, flow, and organization of information throughout the paper, including accurate use of APA levels of headingsAPA format for citing and referencing sources APA document format including margins, spacing, font style and size APA document structure including pagination, title page, reference pageCongruence with APA mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers, and use of figures or tables if applicable)No direct quotes are used in this assignment.Use of first person is limited to the self-reflection portion of the conclusion (unless otherwise noted in the assignment instructions)    Accomplished graduate-level writing style is evident which meets at least 6  of the criteria below: No more than 2 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure No more than 2 errors in  writing style with clarity, flow, and organization of information throughout the paper, including accurate use of APA levels of headingsNo more than 2 errors in APA format for citing and referencing sources No more than 2 errors in APA document format including margins, spacing, font style and font size No more than 2 errors in APA document structure including pagination, title page, and reference pageNo more than 2 errors in  APA mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers, and use of figures or tables if applicable)No direct quotes are used in this assignment.Use of first person is limited to the self-reflection portion of the conclusion (unless otherwise noted in the assignment instructions)Average graduate-level writing style is evident which meets  at least 4 of the criteria below: No more than 2 errors in  spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure No more than 2 errors in  writing style with clarity, flow, and organization of information throughout the paper, including accurate use of APA levels of headingsNo more than 2 errors in APA format for citing and referencing sources No more than 2 errors in APA document format including margins, spacing, font style and font size No more than 2 errors in APA document structure including pagination, title page, and reference pageNo more than 2 errors in  APA mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers, and use of figures or tables if applicable)No direct quotes are used in this assignment.Use of first person is limited to the self-reflection portion of the conclusion (unless otherwise noted in the assignment instructions)Marginally acceptable graduate-level writing is evident  which meets at least 2 of the criteria below: No more than 2 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure No more than 2 errors in  writing style with clarity, flow, and organization of information throughout the paper, including accurate use of APA levels of headingsNo more than 2 errors in APA format for citing and referencing sources No more than 2 errors in APA document format including margins, spacing, font style and font size No more than 2 errors in APA document structure including pagination, title page, and reference pageNo more than 2 errors in  APA mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers, and use of figures or tables if applicable)No direct quotes are used in this assignment.Use of first person is limited to the self-reflection portion of the conclusion (unless otherwise noted in the assignment instructions)  Insufficient graduate-level writing style is evident which meets 1 or less of the criteria below: No more than 2 errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure No more than 2 errors in  writing style with clarity, flow, and organization of information throughout the paper, including accurate use of APA levels of headingsNo more than 2 errors in APA format for citing and referencing sources No more than 2 errors in APA document format including margins, spacing, font style and font size No more than 2 errors in APA document structure including pagination, title page, and reference pageNo more than 2 errors in  APA mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers, and use of figures or tables if applicable)No direct quotes are used in this assignment.Use of first person is limited to the self-reflection portion of the conclusion (unless otherwise noted in the assignment instructions)  
Quality of Literature Support0 Points Deducted 6  Points Deducted
A minimum of two peer-reviewed scholarly sources, current within five years, are integrated within the assignment.The assignment fails to meet the requirement noted for quality of literature support.
Length of Video-Recording 0 Points Deducted 6 Points Deducted
The length of the video-recording portion of the assignment is at least one and no more than three minutes in length.The assignment fails to meet the requirement noted for total length.
Length of Summary Paper0 Points Deducted 6 Points Deducted
The length of the paper portion of the assignment is no more than two pages in length. Total page count does not include title or reference pages.The assignment fails to meet the requirement noted for total length.
                                                                                                                                                                 Assignment Format Subtotal _____of  27points
Assignment Total Points Earned_____of  225Points
Writers Solution

The Accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

Associated Objectives

  • Apply topics and concepts in the physical sciences to a given real-world scenario
  • Reflect critically on your ability to apply and connect topics and concepts in the physical sciences

The Accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

In this exercise, you will connect and apply course topics and concepts to a real-world scenario. Then, you will critically reflect and articulate some thoughts about your perceived learning, which can be a powerful bridge in the learning process. After reviewing your submission, your instructor will provide you with personalized feedback to further your learning and contribute to your understanding and application of the concepts.

Activity Instructions

Spend some time reviewing the text and video information regarding the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 at the following links:

Then, formulate, using your own words and thoughts, a two-paragraph written discussion that concisely* fulfills the following requirements:

  • Paragraph 1: Outline connections between concepts and topics covered thus far in the course and the information you reviewed regarding the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Make clear but general connections between the information and specific topics and concepts; detailed explanation is not expected
  • Paragraph 2: Based on your discussion in paragraph 1, formulate a discussion that reflects on your learning thus far in the course. In doing so, consider answering the following questions
    • How did the knowledge you’ve acquired prepare you for developing paragraph 1?
    • How has the knowledge you’ve acquired affected your interest in the topics and concepts presented?
    • How will the knowledge you’ve acquired apply to ventures beyond this course?





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What is the atomic number for Carbon

Instructions: Using the periodic table, answer the following questions about elements. What is the atomic number for Carbon? 

What is the chemical symbol for Tungsten? 

What is the atomic number for Zirconium? 

What is the atomic number for mercury? 

What element has the symbol Ag? 

What element has the symbol Hf? 

What is the atomic number for Gallium? 

Atoms and Ions

Instructions: Answer the following questions regarding ions losing and gaining electrons. 

  1. How many electrons does chlorine need to gain to become an ion? Will it become a positively charged cation or a negatively charged anion? 
  2. How many electrons must nitrogen gain to become like its closest noble gas, Neon?
  3. What are valence electrons? 

Instructions: Answer the following questions about isotopes. 

  1. Given that the mass number for carbon is 13, how many protons and how many neutrons does the isotope contain? 
  2. Hydrogen has two naturally occurring isotopes: hydrogen-1 and hydrogen-2. What is the symbol for each of these hydrogen isotopes?
  3. How many neutrons are contained in nitrogen-15?
  4. How many protons does Cobalt-57 contain?  

Atomic Mass


  1. Find the atomic mass unit of Sulfur-32 with a mass of 31.972 and percent abundance 94.99%, Sulfur-33 with a mass of 32.971 and percent abundance 0.75%, Sulfur-34 with a mass of 33.968 and percent abundance 4.25%, and Sulfur-36 with a mass of 35.967 and percent abundance 0.01%.
  2. Find the atomic mass unit of Silicon-28, Silicon-29, Silicon-30 with masses of 27.977, 28.976, 29.974, respectively. The percent abundance of the silicon isotopes is 92.2%, 4.7% and 3.1%, respectively.

Periodic Table and Its Trends

Instructions: Answer the following questions regarding the periodic table, the Bohr Model, and electron configuration.  

  1. Explain periodic table. 
  2. What is the Bohr Model? Provide a summary in your own words. 
  3. What is the electron configuration of Potassium?
  4. What is the electron configuration of oxygen? 
  5. How many valence electrons does Sulfur(S) have? 

Molecules and Compounds

Instructions: Find the mass ratios and atomic ratios of the following compounds. 

  1. CI2O7
  2. SbF5
  3. NH3
  4. BaI2
  5. S2Cl2
  6. OsO4

Instructions: Write the formula for each of the following ionic compounds. 

  1. Sodium chloride
  2. Zinc chloride
  3. Ammonium chloride
  4. Potassium hydroxide
  5. Calcium Nitrate

Instructions: Name the following ionic compounds. 

  1. MgCl2
  2. CaCl2
  3. CuSO4
  4. Al2O3

Instructions: Name the following molecular compounds. 

  1. Cl2O7
  2. PCI5
  3. SiI4
  4. NI3

Instructions: Write the formulas for the following molecular compounds. 

  1. Sulfur hexafluoride
  2. Sulfur dioxide
  3. Dinitrogen trioxide
  4. Carbon tetrachloride





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Types of lipids, their structures, functions in the body, and health effects

The lipid panel of a blood test measures the total cholesterol in blood. This consists of the four types of lipids in blood, which include those considered as “good” and “bad” cholesterol. Besides, the body stores excess calories by creating triacylglycerols, which are stored in fat cells. The amounts of lipids in the human body are very important since researchers suggest that saturated fats and cholesterol are associated with diseases. Prepare a research paper in MLA style (3 pages long) on the following topic:

“Types of lipids, their structures, functions in the body, and health effects”

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SWOT analysis for your chosen company using the SWOT Analysis Template.

Assignment Content

  1. Using the organization you selected in Week 1, review its corporate website and at least 2 other sources of information on the organization, including information on market trends.

    Note: Review Strategic Management-8 Most Popular Cases in Connect. Access the case studies from the folder on the main course page in Blackboard.

    Complete a SWOT analysis for your chosen company using the SWOT Analysis Template.

    Write a 525- to 700-word summary of your findings on the SWOT Analysis template. Use information from the SWOT analysis as well as what you have learned about your business’s structure, culture, and interrelationships to write the summary. Your summary should:

    • Explain how you would match the business’s strengths to its opportunities.
    • Analyze how you would convert the business’s weaknesses into strengths.
    • Explain the actions the business needs to take to advance its goals and/or expand its competitive advantage.
    • Analyze interrelationships among distinct functional areas of the organization and how it may affect your SWOT analysis.
    • Cite any sources according to APA guidelines.  

      Submit your assignment.

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I am urinating all the time, and it burns when I urinate

Running head: SOAP NOTE 1


Name:  R.T
Date: 03-16-2020Age: 29Sex: F
CC:   “I am urinating all the time, and it burns when I urinate”
HPI:  This is a 29-year-old African American woman presenting today to the clinic with continuing complaints of dysuria, urgency to urinate, and frequency of urination. She states that she has recently noticed that her urine has a “foul and unpleasant smell”. The patient also complains of a mild fever. She contends that physical and emotional stress often exacerbate the symptoms.
Medications None 
PMH Allergies: Patient reports no food, environmental, or drug allergies Medication Intolerances: N/A Chronic Illnesses/Major traumas: No chronic illnesses or major traumas Hospitalizations/Surgeries: None
Family History Patient’s father currently alive at age 61, diagnosed with cardiac disease. Mother passed away three years ago from a tragic road accident. Patient has two older sibling, both of whom are alive and well.
Social History EM works as a sales representative for a fashion designer store in the state. She denies cigarette smoking but admits to social ETOH use and occasional marijuana use. She states that for the past 7 months, she has been sexually active with one male partner. Patient also asserts that for contraception, she uses spermicide-coated condoms
General Endorses mild fevers but denies chills, malaise, night sweats, fatigue, or recent weight changesCardiovascular Patient denies palpitations, claudication, chest pain, or orthopnea
Skin EM denies changes in moles, rashes, itching, easy bruising, or bitesRespiratory Denies painful breathing, SOB, abnormal sputum production or cough. She does not recall even taking a TB skin test
Eyes Denies visual loss, double vision, or blurred vision. She states she has no history of cataracts or glaucoma.Gastrointestinal  Patient denies abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, intolerance to food, appetite changes, or stool changes
Ears Denies ear pain, ear infections, or tinnitusGenitourinary/Gynecological Patient does report urgency, frequency, dysuria, odorous urine and suprapubic pain. She reports voiding at least 15 times daily. She nonetheless rebuts flank pain, hematuria and history of STIs. LMP 1 week ago, no heavy bleeding. She confides that she uses spermicide-coated condoms for contraception.
Nose/Mouth/Throat EM denies nasal pain, congestion or other sinus problems. Refutes throat swelling or painMusculoskeletal Denies limits to ROM, swelling, muscle pain, or warm joints
Breast She denies discharge, redness, tenderness or any other breast changesNeurological Patient rebuts coordination difficulties, paralysis, tremors, seizures, or syncope
Heme/Lymph/Endo ForegonePsychiatric Denies problems with concentration, nervousness, feelings of irritability, mood changes, or depressive symptoms
Weight: 143lbs BMI: 23.1Temp: 37.3oCBP: 124/82
Height: 5’6’’Pulse: 74Resp: 16
General Appearance Cooperative Caucasian woman appearing her age, she seems in no distress
Skin No skin lesions observed upon physical examination
HEENT Head normocephalic with normal hair distribution. No facial swelling noted. Eyes: PERRLA; EOMI. Fundi benign. Ears: TMs intact with no erythema. Nose: Mucous membranes moist. Nasopharynx without erythema, exudates, or lesions. Mouth: Good dentition, no missing teeth
Cardiovascular S1 & S2 normal without MRG. No carotid bruits. (-) JVD
Respiratory Lungs CTA posteriorly and anteriorly
Gastrointestinal Abdomen soft and nontender. (+) bowel sounds
Breast No nipple retraction, lymphadenopathy, or nipple discharge
Genitourinary Mild suprapubic tenderness noted with palpation. No inguinal hernias or CVA tenderness. Vaginal mucosa pink, no discharge, minimal rugae. Bimanual exam reveals no masses. Patient reported tenderness over the bladder base after applying pressure to the anterior vaginal wall during the bimanual examination. Perineum intact without lesion. Rectovaginal exam – sphincter tone intact, septum intact; no tenderness or masses
Musculoskeletal ROM WNL without crepitus or pain
Neurological Cranial nerves II-XII intact. (-) Romberg exam. Motor and sensory levels intact
Psychiatric Patient alert and oriented × 3. She appears to have normal affect and is able to follow commands
Lab Tests Urinalysis – Yellow, cloudy; WBC 10–15 cells/hpf; RBC 1–5 cells/hpf; pH 5.0; protein 10 mg/dL; glucose (–); leukocyte esterase (+); trace blood; nitrite positive; many bacteria Pelvic ultrasound – Negative for uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts Urine culture—pending
Special Tests: None
Diagnosis: · N30.90-Cystitis, unspecified without hematuria (dysuria, urgency to urinate, and frequency of urination are all common signs of cystitis. Tenderness over the bladder base after applying pressure to the anterior vaginal wall during the bimanual examination, mild suprapubic tenderness, and urinalysis findings also support cystitis as the definitive diagnosis) Differential Diagnosis: · N39.0- Urinary Tract Infection: Urinary tract infections don’t always cause signs and symptoms, but when they do they may include a strong, persistent urge to urinate, burning sensation when urinating, passing frequent, small amounts of urine, urine that appears cloudy, red, bright pink or cola-colored (a sign of blood in the urine), strong-smelling urine, pelvic pain, in women (especially in the center of the pelvis and around the area of the pubic bone) · N10– Acute Pyelonephritis: Classic presentation in acute pyelonephritis is the triad of fever, costovertebral angle pain, and nausea and/or vomiting. These may not all be present, however, or they may not occur together temporally. Symptoms may be minimal to severe and usually develop over hours or over the course of a day. Infrequently, symptoms develop over several days and may even be present for a few weeks before the patient seeks medical care. Symptoms of cystitis may or may not be present to varying degrees. These may include urinary frequency, hesitancy, lower abdominal pain, and urgency. · N76.0– Vaginitis: Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina that can result in discharge, itching and pain. The cause is usually a change in the normal balance of vaginal bacteria or an infection. Reduced estrogen levels after menopause and some skin disorders can also cause vaginitis.
· Further testing; Urine Culture · Medication: nitrofurantoin 100 mg twice per day for 5 days. · Education: Patient education was fundamental during the encounter with this patient. The patient received counseling about certain foods and substances that may trigger cystitis symptom flares including coffee and caffeinated beverages, soda, alcoholic beverages, citrus fruits and juices, spicy foods such as hot peppers, artificial sweeteners as well as food additives and preservatives. Patient also received information about self-care strategies that could help her in managing the symptoms of acute uncomplicated cystitis. Some of these strategies included controlled fluid intake, pain relief strategies (e.g. warm sitz bath), gentle exercise, and physical therapy · Follow-up: scheduled after 1 week. However, clinician advised the patient to return if the symptoms progress despite treatment or if they fail to resolve within 72 hours
References Buttaro, T. M., Trybulski, J., Polgar, B.P. & Sandberg-Cook, J. (2015). Primary Care: A Collaborative Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences Codina, M. L. (2018). Family Nurse Practitioner Certification: Fast Facts and Active Questions.Third Edition. New York: Springer Publishing Company Blunt, E. (2009). Family Nurse Practitioner: Nursing Review and Resource manual ( 4th ed., Vol 1).Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Credentialing Center. Bethel, J. (2012). Acute pyelonephritis: risk factors, diagnosis and treatment. Nursing Standard, 27(5), 51– 56. Retrieved from live





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