A double effect evaporator in a plant is used to remove water of an aqueous salt (NaCl and H2O) fresh feed solution from 50.0 wt% water to 5.0 wt% water as shown in the Diagram 1 below. The evaporator unit is designed to process 6000.0 metric ton of the aqueous salt fresh feed solution yearly. Assume the plant is operating 250 days yearly and 10 hours daily. After exiting the second evaporator, the aqueous salt solution entered a splitter, where half of the solution was recycled to the stream and the remainder removed from the system.
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A heat exchanger is to be constructed in which air (assume Cp=7 Btu/lbmol 0F) is to be heated from 70 to 200 0F by another stream of air, originally at 350 0F. Equal amounts of heated air and heating air are to be used. Assume that heat losses from the exchanger are negligible. Calculate a) the entropy change of the heated air; b) the entropy change of the heating air; and c ) the total entropy change.
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Unit Four Essay –Social and Political PhilosophyEssay
Prompt: What is a just society? Write a 3 -5 page essay comparing and contrasting how Marx and Rawls understand the concept of justice. Explain how the concept of justice is defined by each of them and how they see the application of justice in society. What would a just society look like for each of them? Lastly, discuss whether or not you think Marx and Rawls are compatible? Discuss the reasons for your conclusions.If you believe they are not compatible discuss how each would be critiqued by the others.
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“CDVD enter prises” is a customer driven optical storage m edia producer making about
90.000.000 CDs, Blu -rays and DVDs per year serving about 31.500 different customer s.
Production is divided into five sections: pre -manufacturing, manufacturing, graphics, printing and
packaging. In general, the production can be described as follows:
Pre -manufacturing : Each customer sends an email (or a CD) containing the data to be reproduced
by CDVD enterprises. This data is written to a unique mould a so -called “stamper” which is us ed
to make a disc ingot for further replication. The stamper consists of silicone or glass with a
diameter of about 20 centimeters. The data is written to a silicone – or glassmaster with a laser
beam that “records” the information that is going to be replicated . The information is recorded to
the disc by producing tiny indentations to the polycarbonate known as “pits” and “lands”.
Manufacturing: After the stamper is made the disc replication starts by using molding machines.
Here a syringe injects a he ated liquid polycarbonate (approx. 360 degrees Celsius) producing the
disc which already contains digital information, but cannot be scanned since at this stage the disc
is completely transparent . After a short cooling of the disc , one side of the disc (co ntaining the
information) is covered with a silver, aluminum or gold layer and thereafter is covered with
lacquer which reflects the laser beam in order to read the information from the disc. After a
quality inspection the discs are collected on a spindle.
Graphics: Within the graphics department the covers of the discs are produced according to the
customer’s provided graphic design. Here print stencils are made for the different printing
technologies (serigraphy or offset printing).
Printing: Depending on the quality requirements (high quality offset) the di scs are printed at a
serigraphy – or an offset machine. The difference between these two techniques is mainly that for
the serigraphy printing machines the mesh has to be cleaned after eac h order and that the colors have to be prepared beforehand. The offset printing machines contain the CMYK (cyan, magenta,
yellow, black) colors and therefore only the stencils need to be changed after each order.
Packaging: Within the packaging department , all orders are sent to machines which are either
fully – or semiautomatic. Here the covers, booklets, inlays etc. are a dded to the discs and are
pack ed according to the customer’s need ( boxes, paper bags, trays, etc.).
Since t he pre -manufacturing and grap hics section are very flexible and do not state a planning
pro blem these two sections are not included in the following description. Figure 1 depicts the
workflow through the shop floor which is organized as a flexible flow shop.
Figure 1: Structure of the production system
Work flows from left to right, each product moves through these sections and i n t otal there are 35
machines on the shop floor. The manufacturing section is divided into two parts: CD and Blu –
Ray, DVD production (thereafter DVD) . These two parts consists of seventeen machines; six can
be assigned to the CD and eleven to the DVD division . The machines are fully substitutable
within the two segments which means all DVD -orders can be made on every DVD machine, but an DVD -order cannot be transferred to the CD part . The printing section is structured into three
parts since three technologies are available to print the media: serigraphy division (SD),
kammann – (KOD) and metronic offset division (MOD) . These three parts consists of ten
machines, six of them are serigraphy, three are kammann offset and one is a metronic offset
machine. The SD machines are partly substitutable and the KOD machines are fully substitutabl e.
The packaging section is structured into four parts, the V1 (CD boxes), V2 (shrinking), V3 (DVD
boxes) and V4 (paper, cardboard and plastic bags) packaging and consists of 8 machines (2 for
each part) whereas the machines in V1, V3 and V4 are partly sub stitutable and V2 machines are
fully substitutable. The production operates 16 hours per day , seven days a week in two shifts,
bottlenecks work stations are in the printing and packaging section due to the varying product
mix. The next section describes th e (production) planning tasks and problems at CDVD
enterprises .
2. Production planning and control tasks and problems at CDVD enterprises
In general, p roduction planning and control at CDVD enterprises follows a hierarchical approach.
Figur e 2 shows the hierarchical structure and the planning tasks at the company .
Figure 2. Planning tasks as described in Fleischmann et al. (2008) In the following we will focus on four different problems (problem sets) that the CDVD
enterprises faces. These problem sets should form the basis for student projects which should
develop models or techniques to improve the situation at CDVD enterprises.
2.1 Mid -term problem sets
1) Customer inquiry management
For customer driven manufacturers – like CDVD enterprises – an additional task is included
within the mid -term planning level, namely customer inqui ry management (also see figure 3 ).
Figure 3. Process of a customer driven company
At first, the customers inquiry at the company by stating the desired quantity of product(s)
(CD, DVD, Blu -ray and the corresponding type of packaging) and their desired delivery date.
Here, t he main decisions are whether to accept or reject the customer order s (order
acceptance/rejection) and whether the desired due date of the customer is feasible or whether it
should be renegotiated (due date assignment or also due date setting) .
1.1) Order acceptance/rejection – Problem set 1:
By now the employee in charge of customer inquiry management at CDVD enterprises does
not reject any order which , as a consequence, leads to overutilization of certain machines and
a low service level. Therefore, the task is to analyze the effect of rejecting orders and to show
the potential improvement of certain performance measures.
1.2) Due date assignment / due date setting – Problem set 2:
One has to differentiate between the external due date which is set by the customer (which
might be negotiable) and the internal due date which needs to be calculated by the company in
order to decide whether to accept the external due date. By now , CDVD enterprises uses forward scheduling to set the internal due d ate. Start ing with
the expected date that the customer places the order (Email with the data for the CD/DVD/Blu
ray production) they add a fixed planned lead time of 6 days (3 days production, printing and
packaging , 2 days transport and 1 day buffer) and thereafter accept or renegotiate the due date
with the customer . A major weakness of this approach is that the capacities of the production
departments are not taken into account and thus the 6 days (fixed) lead time are mostly a bad
estimation of the actual lead ti mes.
2.2 Short -term problem sets
2) Shop floor control: o rder release – Problem set 3 :
After order acceptance and due date setting all (accepted) orders are collected in an order pool
(see figure 3 above) . This order pool is a (digital list ) of orders provided to the production
planner who decides (each day) which orders to release to the shop floor .
At CDVD enterprises orders are automatically released by an infinite backward scheduling
approach. Thus, the release date is calculated by subtracting a fi xed lead time of 3 days from
the given (external) due date of an order. Capacities of the machines are not considered which
leads to time -varying loading and thus to changing utilization levels at the machines and as a
consequence to shifting bottlenecks . Thus, high WIP levels and therefore long lead times are
observed which, as a consequence, le ad to a poor service level . The management seeks for an
improved order release mechanism; they are especially fond of an order release mechanism
based on workload c ontrol.
3) M achine scheduling – Problem set 4:
On the shop floor , supervisors need to decide on the schedule of orders on specific machines
that is – allocating orders to resources at a specific time.
Especially at the printing department, scheduling of orders to the nine different printing
machines is important. By now, supervisors make scheduling decisions using a rule of thumb.
Thus the managers and the supervisors request a decision support tool for detailed scheduling
at least for the six serigraphy machines.
Extra problem set – supply of polycarbonate :
In order to guarantee a smooth production, polycarbonate need s to be on stock when needed,
acquired in time and in good quality. Currently, the responsible employee forecasts the
demand for polycarbonate over a planning horizon of 14 days. Therefore, she looks at the
order book, the stock of the material and uses his torical data (simple average) in order to
anticipate the demand. The company looks for an inventory control policy that determines a
reorder point and quantity (the mean lead time of the supplier is 3 days).
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Let’s define on the set {1, 5, 7, 10, 12} the relation is such that if and only if the number is divisible by 4 without remainder. Construct the graph of this binary relation. Check whether is reflexive, irreflexive, connected, symmetric, asymmetric, transitive, negatively transitive binary relation. Does this binary relation satisfy semitransitivity and strong intervality condition? Explain your answer (prove, if it is true, or provide a counterexample, if it not true).2. Prove that for any binary relation binary relations and are symmetric.3. Define the class (linear, weak, partial, interval order or semiorder) of these four binary relations from the picture below. If this binary relation belongs to several classes, write all of them.
4. A binary relation on a set of 6 elements contains 33 pairs. Can this binary relation be: a) symmetric, b) transitive? Prove or provide a counterexample.
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Write an essay of at least 500 words discussing IAM in a federated cloud application. Do not copy without providing proper attribution. This paper will be evaluated through SafeAssign. Write in essay format not in outline, bulleted, numbered or other list format. Use the five paragraph format. Each paragraph must have at least five sentences. Include 3 quotes with quotation marks and cited in-line and in a list of references. Include an interesting meaninful title.Include at least one quote from each of 3 different articles. Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library, not Google (Link: https://libguides.nec.edu/az.php). Place the words you copied (do not alter or paraphrase the words) in quotation marks and cite in-line (as all work copied from another should be handled). The quotes should be full sentences (no more, less) and should be incorporated in your discussion (they do not replace your discussion) to illustrate or emphasize your ideas.Cite your sources in a clickable reference list at the end. Do not copy without providing proper attribution (quotation marks and in-line citations).It is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources, that you comply with the instructions regarding length of your submission Do not use spinbot or other word replacement software. Proof read your work or have it edited. Find something interesting and/or relevant to your work to write about. Please do not submit attachments unless requested.
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Your company, Datalytic, is a member of the Web Analytics Association and a key sponsor of this year’s Web2.0 Tech Conference. As the resident web analytics expert at your company, you have been asked to present a topic at this year’s conference. You will be speaking to a diverse audience of business and technology professionals. The topic that you have been asked to speak on is “Making Web Analytics Actionable.” Your presentation should cover topics related to Web Analytics such that both business and technology professionals can take away specific items to implement at their companies.
The Web2.0 Tech Conference is the industry’s marquee event and will be held in Las Vegas this year. These types of events are ideal for companies to showcase their capabilities. A pre-event survey has revealed that attendees believe that basic web analytics is only about shopping basket analysis and ad placement. In your presentation, you will need to demonstrate that web analytics can serve many other purposes. In addition to the core web analytics concepts, you will describe the full range of web analytics capabilities using current technology. You will also introduce forward-thinking ideas that bring web analytics together with Machine Learning and the Internet of Things (IoT). You are free to be creative with your presentation.
Prepare a comprehensive website analytics presentation for a diverse audience of business and technology professionals. Include the following:
Introduce the concept of web analytics for a diverse audience.
Describe Big Data pain points that companies face, and how they are addressed in a web-based environment. At a minimum, you must address data collection, storage, data modeling, and generating actionable insights. Be sure to address how different formats of data are handled in a web-based environment. Provide an example of the insight that can be gained by joining data sources.
Create a rating chart of popular web analytics tools and rate them based on key features. Include a color-coded key of your rating system so that the audience can easily compare tools.
Storyboard three in-depth case studies on web analytics using real-life companies. The companies that you select should come from different industries. Suggestions for topics are: ad placement, return on investment, cost savings, increased revenue, improved service, etc. Be sure to specifically highlight how the company took website data and made it actionable. Each case study in the storyboard should be supported with data visualizations.
Predict how the Internet of Things and Machine Learning will change web analytics. For this requirement, profile either Amazon Alexa or Google Home.
Suggest a list of data use policies that should be included for all companies. Your policy suggestions should cover, “Ethics in Web Analytics.” You will want to provide knowledge of the use of personal data, aggregated data, and who really owns data on websites.
Prepare a list of anticipated questions from the audience along with appropriate answers (commonly asked questions). Write them out in a Q&A format and include them at the end of each section of your presentation. If using PowerPoint, the Q&A should be on a separate slide. Q&A can also be implemented in the form of a knowledge checkpoint or graphic within your presentation.
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1. Identify the three main types of computer software that were discussed in your unit lesson. Within the three main categories, give examples of each and a brief explanation of each. Each explanation/description category must be answered with at least 100 words. You must cite your sources within your answers.
2. Write a 150-word essay on the importance of operating systems (OSs). Locate at least one article in the CSU Online Library and one article from an Internet search. You may also use the required readings to support your essay. You must cite your sources within your essay.
3. Identify three mobile OSs and three personal computer OSs. Explain advantages and disadvantages of each one. Describe each OS. The total wording for each OS description/advantages/disadvantages should be no less than 100 words. You must cite your sources.
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Timely Delivery. capitalessaywriting.com believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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As the senior data analyst for Exact, LLC, an information clearinghouse, you have been tasked to develop a comprehensive Big Data toolbox that will be used by all of the Data Analysts in your department. The use of this toolbox will allow your company to stay ahead of its competitors.
Develop an extensive “written” Big Data toolbox that will accommodate all of the conventional database methodologies such as SQL Server, NoSQL, and NewSQL. This toolbox should compare the various tools and techniques required for moving data. Include an instruction set that explains how to use each of the tools listed. In addition, you need to prioritize the issues pertaining to data governance and how it applies to the use of these tools to keep your company ahead of its competitors. Your toolbox needs to consist of at least 3 pages and be professionally written using Word.
Original and non-plagiarized custom papers. Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
Timely Delivery. capitalessaywriting.com believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. Develop an extensive “written” Big Data toolbox
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A patient has filed a $3 million medical malpractice lawsuit against St. Patrick Hospital. In light of the patient’s litigious background and the facts of the case, hospital administration is adamant that it is not liable. It has instructed its legal counsel to proceed toward trial, where it may be absolved of liability.
What source of law is the patient’s lawsuit likely to be based on?
Is the hospital’s decision to proceed toward trial a wise one? Why or why not?
What other options does the hospital have?
Besides the financial resources required to legally defend itself, what non-monetary factors must the hospital take into consideration when deciding to proceed toward trial?
What risks does the hospital assume when it takes a case to trial?
Is it the hospital’s or the legal counsel’s decision to try the case or settle? What decision-making authority does the hospital’s insurance company have?
Please number your responses so that I know which questions you are answering. Questions 1 and 3 probably only require one sentence. The remaining questions require a few sentences or a paragraph! Be sure to cite your sources!
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