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A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?

During a school field trip to a local orchard, 13-year-old Johnny Chapman fell out of a tree while picking apples. That evening, his parents took him to the emergency room at Woodville Hospital, where he was diagnosed with a fractured ulna. He was admitted and surgery was necessary. Johnny was discharged after a two-day stay. Johnny’s parents subsequently sued the school system and two of the three parent chaperones who had volunteered for failing to safeguard Johnny during the field trip and failing to seek emergency medical care.

Three months later, the health information department director at Woodville Hospital, Jay Forshall, was subpoenaed with directions to bring Johnny’s record to a deposition the following day. The deposition was being held in Columbia City, which was 125 miles away. Jay complied with the subpoena by preparing Johnny’s medical record. Woodville Hospital’s health record was hybrid, so Jay printed out the electronic components from the hospital’s electronic health record system and collected the remaining components that existed on paper.

Jay drove to Columbia City the following morning. During the deposition, legal counsel for the Chapmans proceeded to ask Jay about Johnny’s medical record. Jay was asked to verify that the record was Johnny’s and that it was prepared in the usual course of business. He was then asked about the contents of the record. One question posed to him was whether Tylenol, which had been administered to Johnny at the hospital, was given to lessen Johnny’s pain. Jay stated that he presumed legal counsel’s statement was true, as that is a common reason for Tylenol to be given. Jay was also asked to read an otherwise illegible note that the physician, Dr. Fogle, had written on the discharge instruction sheet. Dr. Fogle was a visiting physician, and Jay was not familiar with her handwriting. Nonetheless, he tried his best to assist legal counsel in deciphering the note.

Jay was not involved in the case any further following the deposition. Several months later, he read in the newspaper that the case had gone to trial. One of the parent chaperones who was initially sued never responded to the complaint and did not participate in any of the proceedings, including the trial. A jury rendered a verdict against the school system and the three parent chaperones, with all being required to pay money damages.

  1. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  2. Based on the facts, was Jay Forshall required to provide Johnny’s records in response to the subpoena? Why or why not? What factors did you take into consideration?
  3. Were all of the questions asked of Jay Forshall during the deposition appropriate? (Bloom’s Level: 4) If your answer is no, what questions were inappropriate and why?
  4. Identify other legal procedural issues associated with this case

Each question should be at least a paragraph





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member of the Web Analytics Association and a key sponsor of this year’s Web2.0 Tech Conference


Your company, Datalytic, is a member of the Web Analytics Association and a key sponsor of this year’s Web2.0 Tech Conference. As the resident web analytics expert at your company, you have been asked to present a topic at this year’s conference. You will be speaking to a diverse audience of business and technology professionals. The topic that you have been asked to speak on is “Making Web Analytics Actionable.” Your presentation should cover topics related to Web Analytics such that both business and technology professionals can take away specific items to implement at their companies.

The Web2.0 Tech Conference is the industry’s marquee event and will be held in Las Vegas this year. These types of events are ideal for companies to showcase their capabilities. A pre-event survey has revealed that attendees believe that basic web analytics is only about shopping basket analysis and ad placement. In your presentation, you will need to demonstrate that web analytics can serve many other purposes. In addition to the core web analytics concepts, you will describe the full range of web analytics capabilities using current technology. You will also introduce forward-thinking ideas that bring web analytics together with Machine Learning and the Internet of Things (IoT). You are free to be creative with your presentation.


Prepare a comprehensive website analytics presentation for a diverse audience of business and technology professionals. Include the following:

  • Introduce the concept of web analytics for a diverse audience.
  • Describe Big Data pain points that companies face, and how they are addressed in a web-based environment. At a minimum, you must address data collection, storage, data modeling, and generating actionable insights. Be sure to address how different formats of data are handled in a web-based environment. Provide an example of the insight that can be gained by joining data sources.
  • Create a rating chart of popular web analytics tools and rate them based on key features. Include a color-coded key of your rating system so that the audience can easily compare tools.
  • Storyboard three in-depth case studies on web analytics using real-life companies. The companies that you select should come from different industries. Suggestions for topics are: ad placement, return on investment, cost savings, increased revenue, improved service, etc. Be sure to specifically highlight how the company took website data and made it actionable. Each case study in the storyboard should be supported with data visualizations.
  • Predict how the Internet of Things and Machine Learning will change web analytics. For this requirement, profile either Amazon Alexa or Google Home.
  • Suggest a list of data use policies that should be included for all companies. Your policy suggestions should cover, “Ethics in Web Analytics.” You will want to provide knowledge of the use of personal data, aggregated data, and who really owns data on websites.
  • Prepare a list of anticipated questions from the audience along with appropriate answers (commonly asked questions). Write them out in a Q&A format and include them at the end of each section of your presentation. If using PowerPoint, the Q&A should be on a separate slide. Q&A can also be implemented in the form of a knowledge checkpoint or graphic within your presentation.





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create a website for an existing product presenting the product as if you created it yourself and you own the business.

Assignment details: Fictional Company Website (for a real product)– create a website for an existing product presenting the product as if you created it yourself and you own the business. 

You will create a multi-page company website with the following pages:

Every Page on your site needs:

·        Title

·        Heading

·        A link back to the homepage (except the homepage which needs links to every other part of the site.

Index.html – this will be the default landing page –

·        it should have links to all of the other pages

·        an image of your product

·        a heading that suggests using a promo code for some % off.

·        A link back to the homepage (index.html)

Our Product – information about your

·        It should include an underordered list of your products features

·        A paragraph explaining the purpose of your product

·        Should include an embedded youtube video that is either a review or advertisement for you product.

·        A link back to the homepage (index.html)

About US – discuss your background – pretend you invented this and you are the CEO

·        Include a picture of yourself

·        A paragraph with your fictional background with a story of how you invented this product

·        A paragraph explaining what you did before inventing this product (who did you work for…where did you attend school etc. Place a div around this paragraph and give it the class name “mystory”. In your CSS file, make the mystory class and create a rule that sets the font to be italic.

·        A link back to the homepage (index.html)

Pricing – Should include a table with pricing for various versions of the product. 

·        You must include at least 3 different versions of the product

·        The price for each version of the product

·        A working link where you can purchase the product

·        You should set the ID of the row with the best deal as the id name “bestdeal” (you will need to create the best deal id later on in your css file

·        A link back to the homepage (index.html)

Style.css – make your style sheet and make sure that all of your pages are linked to it

·        ID named bestdeal should set the background color to a different color and should change the font to bold

·        Class named mystory should set the font to be italic

·        A rule that sets all links to be the color SeaGreen

·        A rule that changes font of all the pages body to Arial

·        A rule that sets the heading of all pages to be #0000DD





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theories of Security Architecture and Design

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double-spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of Security Architecture and Design have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not current working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.

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a 750+ line of C++ code that uses recursions

QuestiON: a 750+ line of C++ code that uses recursions, recursive sorts, hashing, trees and graphs in any type of board game. Also include a brief flowchart, and psuedocode

Prompt: Your project should be >750 lines of code with concepts utilized and covered from the midterm till now.  So extend your project with recursions, recursive sorts, hashing, trees and graphs.

Last info: Code can be for any type of game. aslong as it uses the aboved mentioned techniques





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a C++ code that cracks the 4 digit code in a source code.

Question: a C++ code that cracks the 4 digit code in a source code. 

please read the following for a reference

Prompt: Mastermind with an AI

Guidelines 4 digit code breaking 0000-9999

Use my Driver/Stub to write your own AI function.

Create your AI function whose output is the next guess to break the code.

Include writeup/flowcharts/pseudocode,

You should be able to break the code faster than a Binary Search.

Code mentioned in prompt: There are two versions you can use. 

Link: 2021_Spring_CSC_CIS_7/main.cpp at master · ml1150258/2021_Spring_CSC_CIS_7 · GitHub

under project MasterMindAI_V1 or V2.

Source Code to Copy: V2 here

//System Libraries #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; //Function Prototypes string AI(char,char); bool eval(string,string,char &,char &); string set(); int main(int argc, char** argv) {    //Set the random number seed    srand(static_cast(time(0)));        //Declare variables    string code,guess;  //code to break, and current guess    char rr,rw;         //right digit in right place vs. wrong place    int nGuess;         //number of guesses        //Initialize Values    nGuess=0;    code=set();    rr=rw=0;        //Loop until solved and count to find solution    do{       nGuess++;       guess=AI(rr,rw);    }while(eval(code,guess,rr,rw));    //Check evaluation    cout<(rr)                <(rw)<(r[i])<<” ”                    <(w[i])<0?guess-10:0,guess);        //Calculate the guess    int n1000=(guess-guess%1000)/1000;    int n100=(guess-guess%100)/100-10*n1000;    int n10=(guess%100-guess%10)/10;    int n1=guess%10;    sGuess[0]=n1000+’0′;    sGuess[1]=n100+’0′;    sGuess[2]=n10+’0′;    sGuess[3]=n1+’0′;    aGuess[++guess]=sGuess;//Save the result        //Return the result    return sGuess; } bool eval(string code,string guess,char &rr,char &rw){    string check=”    “;    rr=0,rw=0;    //Check how many are right place    for(int i=0;i

Sample output: Currently it will generate a 4 digit code and display how many guess it took, the actual code, and the code the AI guessed.

Ex: 5237 5236 5236

5226   3   0            <- this output shows the current guess and how many digits are correct

5227   2   0

I need it to display

Ex: 13or less  5236 5236

Last info: Basically I need an AI code in V2 to be altered in a way that will allow the computer to guess the randomly generated code with 13 guesses. In addition I need a simple flowchart and a psuedocode for it aswell. Not looking for amazing work. Just something that works.





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perceptron learning method and design an artificial neural network

The objective of this project is to use the perceptron learning method and design an artificial neural network (ANN) to train a simple system (single layer perceptron) for the recognition of handwritten digits (0, 1, …, 9).

Design a fully connected network structure of 784 input nodes and 10 output nodes.The input to your single layer network architecture will be a set of binary pixels representing a 28×28 image of handwritten digits. The output should indicate which of the digits (0,….,9) is in the input image.

Use the MNIST database of handwritten digits available on Blackboard-Homepage-Handwritten Digits Dataset.

Select a subset of the MNIST database consisting around 500 images of handwritten digits (0,…,9) for training the system, and use another 100 images for testing the system. Create binary or bipolar images of handwritten digits from gray scale images available in MNIST by simple thresholding (indicate the threshold value you used).

Plot a learning curve that illustrates the mean square error versus iterations.

(One iteration: apply all the training inputs once to the network and compute the mean square error).

Plot the percentage error in testing your handwritten digit recognition system as a bar chart.

(Mean error occurred while testing each digit with the test data).

Task #1: Repeat this experiment for different learning rate parameters (at least 3 experiments. Start

with a large value and gradually decrease to a small value).

Task #2: Repeat Task #1 with a large database. The first 10000 images for training (image indexes

from 0-9999) and test with another 1000 images (image indexes from 20001-21000).

Task #3: Repeat Task #2 with multilevel data (without thresholding the input data, normalize the

input data, use sigmoid function for output thresholding). What can you note comparing with part 2?

Task #4: Compare your results with the SVM results (what you have got from the last project).





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Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a symmetric block cipher encryption that receives 128-bit size for each block

Q1.) Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a symmetric block cipher encryption that receives 128-bit size for each block and the size of key is 128, 192, and 256 bits. AES procedure involves some encryption rounds, which are determined by the cipher key size. The mentioned standard uses 10 rounds in AES-128, 12 rounds in AES-192, and 14 rounds in AES-256. Through encryption, every round is collected as a set of four main transformations. Figure 2 displays the main construction of the encryption in AES method. Each round covers four main transformations: SubByte, Shift Row, Mix Column, and Add Round Key. 

Need Help with the question calculate this following:

K (secret key): the first 128 bits of ASCII codes of your full name and your postal address AS (CHIDCHANOK 340 A)

P (plaintext): the first 128 bits of ASCII codes of your email address AS (s355987@student)

To perform a round of encryption on the plaintext using AES-128, writing out the following steps:

1.Calculate the Initial Transformation output

2.Calculate the first SubByte Transformation output

3. Calculate the first Shift Row Transformation output

4. Calculate the first Mix Column Transformation output





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Six Sigma project(s) that you would recommend to senior management, and justify your selection

Use your work in Part A and Part B of your Course Project, and what you have learned so far in this course to identify a potential Six Sigma project that can benefit the value stream and your organization.

1)   Explain the Six Sigma project(s) that you would recommend to senior management, and justify your selection.

2)   Develop a detailed Project Charter for your recommended project. The project charter must include the following:

a.    Problem statement

b.    Goal statement or Objectives c.    Project Scope.

d.    Critical-to-quality requirements or CTQs of the processes within the scope of this project

e.    Key metric Y (or key metrics Ys)

f.     Expected operational and financial benefits of the project g.    Milestone dates for each phase of DMAIC (or DMADV)

h.    Project team (titles of project team leader and members)

i.     Champion (title of executive or senior manager)





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Emily Bronte’s Narration in Wuthering Heights

Homework on V. Write a 1500 word paper answering;

The essay “Emily Bronte’s Narration in Wuthering Heights” presents the analysis of “Wuthering Heights” as the only novel written by Emily Bronte and can be considered the greatest reflection of her craftsmanship and creativity. A variety of narrators and different narrative techniques resulted in a multi-layered narration. Bronte’s attempts to make this character special by means of his using a dialect has not always been approved by the critics. Vice versa, they used to claim that Bronte had serious technical problems while presenting to the readers Joseph’s speech: “This is t’way on’t-up at sun-dahn. dice, brandy, cloised shutters, und can’le lught till next day, at nooin-then, t’fooil gangs banning un raving tuh his cham’er, makking dacent fowks dig thur fingers i’ thur lugs fur varry shaume. un’ th’ knave, wah, he carn cahnt his brass, un’ ate, un’ sleep, un’ off tuh his neighbour’s tuh gossip wi’ t’ wife”.

The reader who is aware of Yorkshire dialect can interpret these words correctly. The rest of readers read these lines like a chain of mystifying information. Another character who was supposed to speak some kind of dialect but he really was not Heathcliff. Though, his speech was described as “unintelligible” and it refers to his status of “the gipsy-the plough boy”. Therefore, Heatchcliff is a violent character and though Bront





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