Watch the video below titled, Caring Corrupted: The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich
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and then reflect on the following prompt:
This video conjures many emotions, both as a nurse and a moral human being. Most of us entered/will enter the profession of nursing in response to a calling to care for our fellow human beings. For many of us, we believe with an urgent commitment that nursing is who we are, not simply what we do. We are guided by a moral compass that sets our life course based on knowing right from wrong, good from evil.
While it is impossible for us to understand how the nurses in the concentration camps could be complicit in their role as ‘doers’ of euthanasia, it is curious how many of them came to believe that killing was a legitimate part of their caring role. These thoughts beg many questions, the answers for which will be reflective of your own beliefs and values system. Answer the following in your Forum post:
Do you think these nurses were complicit from the beginning, or did they slowly become involved over time until it became easier to cross the line? Once they did cross the line, how might a sense of power have overtaken their moral judgment? Perhaps they were indoctrinated to believe that the health of the public at large was more important than the health of the individual; yet how could they justify their actions to exploit the few for the benefit of the many? Were they simply following orders? Were they motivated by the thought of losing their job, or maybe even their life, if they refused? Could they have truly believed that they were simply relieving these children of their suffering and in so doing were being merciful in their actions?
In the context of your own nursing practice, why is this reflection activity important? Think about your own vulnerability to outside pressures and influences—would you speak up today if your moral position was threatened? Why or why not? Consider this from a position of power that you may or may not have. In today’s challenging healthcare environment, why is it important that we not only understand our moral position but that we also monitor our own response and the response of others?
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Your written assignment for this module is a worksheet that describes the following:
The difference between hypothermia and hyperthermia and the impact on the patient?
Patient education for client and family in order to avoid extreme temperature variations?
You should be using complete sentences to answer the questions. Ensure that you are using correct grammar. In addition, support your answers using your textbook, course materials, credible internet resources, and scholarly journals. All citations must be in APA format.
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According to Shi & Singh (2017), “some features of the U.S. health care delivery have remained stable, but the future will be determined by how certain forces of change interact… serious challenges lie ahead unless the nation can control rising consumption of health care resources, the costs associated with them, and mend an economy that has not meaningfully improved in several years” (pg. 358).
Based on your learnings in this course, discuss 2 or 3 improvement recommendations (eliminating political preference) for the current U.S. health care delivery system. Support your recommendations with scholarly references.
Your posts will be graded on how well they meet the Discussion Requirements posted in the “Before You Begin” section. Please review this section as well as the discussion scoring rubric.
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Health policy does not develop in a vacuum, but is created within a complex social, political, cultural, and economical environment. This assignment will examine this environment and its impact on policy development.
For this assignment, after reading the background materials and doing additional research, write a 4- to 5-page paper that examines how politics and economic interests influence the development and direction of health policy and provide at least one historical example (other than the ACA). You must use the Gordon reading from the background materials as a primary source for this assignment.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your analysis.
Limit your response to a maximum of 5 pages (title and reference page is not included in page number count).
Support your paper with peer-reviewed articles, with at least 3 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: Angelo State University Library. (n.d.). Library guides: How to recognize peer-reviewed (refereed) journals. Retrieved from
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As a practice scholar, the interdisciplinary team you are leading develops the below two practice questions in PICOT format to drive practice change. Select one of the practice questions and respond to the directions and discussion questions.
Practice Question 1: Does motivational interviewing during a regularly scheduled well-child visit for children between 5-19 years with a BMI of 30 and above as compared to practice as usual, influence BMI, BP, quality of life, and daily physical activity over 8-10 weeks?
· Identify the PICOT elements.
· What are key search terms identified in the practice question?
Conduct a library search using these search terms to locate a research study addressing this practice problem and consider the following.
· What is the research-evidence based intervention addressed in the study?
· What is the quantifiable outcome(s)? How will the outcome(s) be measured? What potential reliable and valid measurements/tools may be used to measure this quantifiable data?
· Is this practice question answerable within 8-10 weeks? Why or why not?
Practice Question 2: In the adult critical care population, does a research-based skin care integrity bundle, compared to standard care, influence the incidence of hospital-acquired pressure injuries over an 8-10 week time period?
· Identify the PICOT elements.
· What are key search terms identified in the practice question?
Conduct a library search using these search terms to locate a research study addressing this practice problem and consider the following.
· What is the research-evidence based intervention in the study?
· What is the quantifiable outcome(s)? How will the outcome(s) be measured? What potential reliable and valid measurements/tools may be used to measure this quantifiable data?
· Is this practice question answerable within 8-10 weeks? Why or why not?
PLEASE NOTE: The requirements for the Week 7 discussion are that you respond to one of the practice questions.
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Another challenge affecting health care delivery is the growing shortage of health care personnel. Quality, a major concern of health care, is directly impacted by understaffing. For your Module 4 SLP, conduct research on the need for health care personnel in your state, city/town, or a location that you are familiar with. Based on your research, compose a 2-page memorandum to your local/state representative identifying your findings. In your memorandum, include the following:
Detailed statistics on the shortage of health care personnel in your selected geographical area.
Comparative statistics to the national shortage of health care personnel.
Explain how health care personnel shortage is affecting health care delivery currently and within the next 10 years.
You may use the following source to review a sample memorandum:
Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your memorandum.
Limit your response to a maximum of 2 pages, not including the title or reference page.
Support your report with peer-reviewed articles, with at least 3 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals. Angelo State University Library (n.d.) Library guide: How to recognize peer reviewed (refereed journals). Retrieved from: Link:
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For this assignment, you will research 2 different Infant Toddler Curriculums (Creative Curriculum, High Scope, Active Learning Series, etc).
Once you have reviewed the curriculums of your choice, you will need to provide an overall summary of the infant toddler piece of the curriculums. Next, choose one of the two curriculums that you reviewed and use the questions below to guide you through your analysis of whether the curriculum has the key components to be considered a high quality infant toddler curriculum.
Be sure to provide specific examples that highlight those areas that support the curriculum as being high quality.
Analyze if your chosen curriculum:
Focuses on the relationship between child and caregiver
Promotes the establishment of primary caregiving relationships
Addresses development across domains; acknowledge the integration of infant toddler development across domains
Addresses the stages of infancy in some form, such as young infants, mobile infants, and toddlers
Promotes individualization for each child, based on his or her unique culture, developmental profile and needs (including children with special needs)
Promotes feeling of safety, security and belonging
Focuses on process over content
Focuses on an environment that promotes engagement over planned activities
Includes a focus on inclusion of families in planning for each child
Derives from theory and research?
Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length. Include the links for the curriculums that you researched on your reference page. Use APA formatted title and reference pages, as well as in-text citation where appropriate
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After reading chapter-11 and chapter-12 from the attached textbook answer the following questions. Answer should be in own words and strictly no plagiarism, no copy and paste from other resources. APA format must and answer in own words as thorough as possible.
Discuss three major factors that contribute to an employee’s decision to join a union. Discuss the five reasons that have contributed to the trend of decline in unionization.
How would a manager use the progressive disciplinary action approach? How would the use of this approach prevent employees from being surprised if they are terminated?
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For this writing assignment you will create a paper entitled, “Internet Security: From Stand-alone Computers to Web-based Systems”. The contents of the paper will be based on subjects covered in the textbook. The goal of creating this paper is for you to learn more in-depth information about various subjects covered in the textbook.
From each of the chapters 1 through 8 in the textbook pick one major section that is of interest to you. For each section that you selected, do the following:
Use the chapter number and the title of the section in the textbook as the title for that part in your paper, for example, “(Chapter 1) Client/Server Computing”. Then in 200 – 250 words, either confirm the information given in the section or add to the information in the section (or both). Find this material by using the references listed in the back of the textbook and by searching on the WWW. Your confirmation or addition of information should be based on primary sources rather than information from other textbooks or from magazine (i.e., web-zine) reviews. Do not use Wikipedia or other such websites as a reference. Also, do not copy/paste sentences from the textbook into your paper.
Your completed paper should follow APA format. The paper should consist of eight parts (one for each chapter) and contain a total of 1600 to 2000 words.
Create your paper in a Microsoft Word document, and submit the Word file on the course website.
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Topic of assignment : RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEES AND JOB SATISFACTION ON CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY IN AUSTRALIA Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Trimester T1 2021 Unit Code HI6008 Unit Title Business Research Project Assessment Type Individual Assessment Title Assignment 4 – Reflective Journal Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) The purpose of this assessment is to ensure each student is able to individually document a critical reflection of their personal learning process, as experienced during this unit. Matches to Unit Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 Weight 20 % of the total assessments Total Marks 20 Word limit At least 1200 words Due Date 09 June S Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by 12 midnight on the due date, with a correctly and accurately-completed Assignment Cover Page, as one single document. [If no cover page -20% could apply. Late submissions attract penalties at the rate of -5% per day] • The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings, paragraphing, and page numbers. • Though it is NOT compulsory to cite other published work in this assignment, any reference sources that are used must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list, all using Harvard referencing style.
Assignment 4 Specifications Purpose: This unit aims to give you an opportunity to combine many facets of your acquired MBA skills into the production of a high-quality research project. Assignment 4 – the Individual Reflective Journal – is to ensure each student is able to contribute to document a critical reflection of their personal learning process, as experienced during this unit. It will be best to build your journal progressively, by making notes each week, starting at week 1 and going through to week 12. Your notes will serve as a reminder of which sections you personally contributed to, what you learnt, and how you experienced the learning process. A significant aspect of the learning journal will be your reflections on how well you co-operated with your team in the various phases of the Business Research Project, i.e. Topic Approval, Literature Review, and Methodology BUT your emphasis should be on what you experienced, what challenged you personally, how you dealt with that and what you gained as a result. It is NOT enough to objectively summarise what was done. This assignment must reflect and describe your own personal deep learning AND be convincing to the reader that you were integrally engaged throughout the learning process. Assignment Structure should be as the following:
Based on my personal contribution to the topic selection, problem definition, research question, writing of topic approval submission, and team charter, how I experienced this, what challenges I faced, and what I learnt from that.
Based on my personal contribution to the literature review report, i.e. search process, summarising of relevant articles, designing the outline/argument/structure of the literature review, writing up the literature review, how I experienced this, what challenges I faced, and what I learnt from that.
Based on my personal contribution to the research methodology report, i.e. my role in discussions about methods, sampling, questionnaire design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, how I experienced this, what challenges I faced, and what I learnt from that.
Based on my reflections of the total research process, the insights I gained and any issues, struggles, challenges, synergies I experienced, both individually and in the teamwork, how I experienced this, what challenges I faced, and what I learnt from that.
HI6008 Assignment 4 – Individual Reflective Journal – Marking Rubric Very Good 5 Good 4 Satisfactory 3 Poor 2 Unclear 0 / 1 Reflections about: topic identification, problem definition, research question, i.e. what you learnt whilst writing the topic approval submission and team charter [Max 5 marks] Deep, insightful, well-stated, comprehensive capturing of essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Satisfactory attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Poor attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Insufficiently reflective or not communicated Reflections about: literature review, i.e. what you learnt while conducting the literature search process /summarising relevant articles/ designing the outline of the literature review/ writing up the literature review [Max 5 marks] Deep, insightful, well-stated, comprehensive capturing of essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Very good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Satisfactory attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Insufficiently reflective or poorly communicated Reflections about: methodology, i.e. what you learnt through discussions about methods/ sampling/questionnaire design/ data analysis and interpretation [Max 5 marks] Deep, insightful, well-stated, comprehensive capturing of essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Very good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Satisfactory attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Insufficiently reflective or poorly communicated Reflections about: the research experience, i.e. say what insights you gained, and any issues, struggles, challenges, synergies experienced, individually and in the teamwork [Max 5 marks] Deep, insightful, well-stated, comprehensive capturing of essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Very good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Satisfactory attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Insufficiently reflective or poorly communicated Total Marks (20) Comments: /20 Late penalty / Cover Sheet penalty …………………. Days @ -5% per day = …………………. No cover sheet / incorrect / inaccurate / not single document = – ……………..% /20
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