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Australians can purchase flu vaccinations from many different immunisation providers such as pharmacies, doctors’ practices and community health centres

Assessment Task 3
Answer any FOUR of the following questions. Each question is worth a total of 12.5 marks. If more than four questions are answered, marks will be awarded for the first four answers only.
At the beginning of the flu season, Australians can purchase flu vaccinations from many different immunisation providers such as pharmacies, doctors’ practices and community health centres. A recent scientific study showed that getting a flu jab reduces both the chance of getting COVID-19 and COVID-19 symptoms. This welcome news has been widely reported in the newspapers. Examine the likely consequences in one or two related markets of your choice.
Governments generally want people to get immunised against the flu and other diseases such as COVID-19. Nonetheless many people refuse to take the vaccination jab, because they overestimate the likelihood of side effects, because they are complacent about getting infected. They also might not care or understand that their immunity protects others. Use the theories of market failure and government intervention to analyse the motives of government, the anti-vax phenomenon and their consequences. What, if anything should government do to make more people get vaccinated? What would be the problems with such interventions?
When COVID-19 stated spreading across the world, the race was on to develop vaccines as quickly as possible. Such research & development has a high fixed cost and can only be undertaken in industries with high market concentration where firms have significant monopoly power, like the pharmaceutical industry. Examine this industry using the theory and models of industry structure. Should government be worried about any aspect of how an industry with this market structure will perform?
Pfizer is one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies. Developing its COVID-19 vaccine is a costly, uncertain and complex process. This company would need to consider which parts of the vertical chain to outsource and which to conduct inhouse. Using the theory of the optimal boundary of the firm, discuss Pfizer’s make-or-buy decision for developing and producing its COVID vaccine. What stages of the vertical chain should Pfizer consider conducting inhouse, and which should be outsourced? Provide reasons for your findings.
Consider the following hypothetical case. Only Pfizer and a competitor, Astra-Zeneca, have the ability to develop a COVID-19 vaccine. Both have access to the same two promising vaccine technologies, but each company must choose one to invest in. While each firm could develop a vaccine on its own, the problem is that the fixed cost of production and risk are very high. They are therefore considering coordinating their actions through a strategic alliance where they join forces and share cost and revenue equally. Analyse the interaction between the two firms using game theory. Present a payoff matrix to model the situation and analyse it for Nash equilibrium. What can either of these firms do to make their best, most-preferred outcome more likely?






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Critically assess the key principles and theories underlying strategic people management and explain how their application enhances organisational and individual performance

Subject Code and Title MGT600 Management, People and Teams / MGMT6009 Managing People and Teams
Assessment Reflective Analysis
Indhridual/Group Individual
Length Up to 750 words
Learning Outcomes a) Critically assess the key principles and theories underlying strategic people management and explain how their application enhances organisational and individual performance. c) Demonstrate effective communication and practical problem-solving skills to effectively manage people in a range of organisational contexts d) Critically reflect on the roles and functions that managers perform in the context of the challenges and risks they have to address in the changing environment. e) Develop and justify a model of management cognisant of the organisational minutiae to guide future practice.
Module 2.1 (Week 2)
Weighting 15%
Total Marks 15 marks
Self-awareness creates an opportunity for further development and personal success.
This reflective analysis is designed for you to explore the subject’s introductory content and importantly, identify how it relates to your own experiences and how you may use it in the future
• Module 1.1 ¦ The nature of organisations, the role of management and challenges faced
• Module 1.2 – Motivation, influence and power and politics and
• Module 2.1 ¦ Communication, conflict and negotiation
In writing your reflective analysis, you should consider the learning resources provided in the respective modules as well as reading more broadly on the relevant topics.
Think carefully about what you are reading and what has been discussed in class or in online discussions. Identify the key principles and concepts and be sure you know what they mean, why they are important and how they can be applied.
Your reflective analysis write up may take a variety of forms but must be within the word limit and include:
• A short introduction.
• An analysis of the relevant module topics including their relevance to you and application.
• A short conclusion.
• Reference list.
In reflecting upon the module topics, you should explore questions such as:

  1. What is in the content and why is this topic important?
  2. How is the topic relevant to you?
  3. What has been your past experience in this topical area?
  4. What have you learnt from the content so far and how will you use it in the remainder of the subject or in your workplace?
    The word limit is short, so make use of tables, figures and diagrams as these are not included in your word count.
    You will be assessed against the learning rubric below and your level of insight and application of knowledge from Modules 1 and 2.1.
    You must recognise all sources of information; including images that you can include in your work. Reference your work according to the APA 6th edition guidelines. Please see more information on referencing here skills/referencing






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Hired by Jessie & Ashton as an HR consultant to address 3 instructional goals (outcomes you want from a training program) and rationale for proposing these goals.

In this case assignment, you are required to consider and apply the content from chapters 6-8 in responding to the latest concerns facing This Makes Scents.

When approaching this case and writing your submission, assume you have been hired by Jessie & Ashton as an HR consultant to address the following business needs. Ensure your submission is organized, written, and presented in a professional manner.
Recommend a training plan to help improve the performance of newly hired sales clerks. Your training plan must identify:

3 instructional goals (outcomes you want from a training program) and rationale for proposing these goals.
Training methods that will help meet the instructional goals (identify at least 2) and rationale for proposing these methods.
Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of your training program (Remember the various levels of evaluation of training) and rationale for proposing these evaluation methods.
Currently, the sales clerks and inventory specialist are only receiving base pay and mandatory benefits. Ashton and Jessie are considering whether they should implement an incentive pay plan for their staff. What pay-for-performance incentive plan(s) would you recommend and why? What considerations would the organization need to take in adopting your proposed plan(s)?






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how statistical techniques can solve business problems

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) Students are required to show understanding of the principles and techniques of business research and statistical analysis taught in the course.
Weight 40% of the total assessments
Total Marks 40
Word limit N/A
Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.
• The assignment must be in MS Word format only, no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers.
• Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style.
Assignment Specifications
This assignment aims at assessing students’ understanding of different qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and techniques. Other purposes are:

  1. Explain how statistical techniques can solve business problems
  2. Identify and evaluate valid statistical techniques in a given scenario to solve business problems
  3. Explain and justify the results of a statistical analysis in the context of critical reasoning for a business problem solving
  4. Apply statistical knowledge to summarize data graphically and statistically, either manually or via a computer package
  5. Justify and interpret statistical/analytical scenarios that best fit business solution
    Assignment Structure should be as the following:
    This is an applied assignment. Students have to show that they understand the principles and techniques taught in this course. Therefore, students are expected to show all the workings, and all problems must be completed in the format taught in class, the lecture notes or prescribed text book. Any problems not done in the prescribed format will not be marked, regardless of the ultimate correctness of the answer.
    (Note: The questions and the necessary data are provided under “Assignment and Due date” in the Blackboard.)
    • Your assignment must be submitted in WORD format only.
    • When answering questions, wherever required, you should copy/cut and paste the Excel output (e.g., plots, regression output etc.) to show your working/output. Otherwise, you will not receive the allocated marks.
    • You are required to keep an electronic copy of your submitted assignment to re-submit, in case the original submission is failed and/or you are asked to resubmit.
    • Please check your Holmes email prior to reporting your assignment mark regularly for possible communications due to failure in your submission.
    Important Notice:
    All assignments submitted undergo plagiarism checking; if found to have cheated, all involving submissions would subject to penalties.
    Group Assignment Questions
    Assume your group is the team of data analytics in a renowned Australian company. The company offers their assistance to distinct group of clients including (not limited to), public listed companies, small businesses, educational institutions etc. Company has undertaken several data analysis projects and all the projects are based on multiple regression analysis.
    Based on the above assumption, you are required to.
  6. Develop a research question which can be addressed through multiple regression analysis. 2. Explain the target population and the expected sample size 3. Briefly describe the most appropriate sampling method.
  7. Create a data set (in excel) which satisfy the following conditions. (You are required to upload the data file separately).
    a. Minimum no of independent variables – 2 variables
    b. Minimum no of observations – 30 observations
    Note: You are required to provide information on whether you used primary or secondary data, data collection source etc.
  8. Perform descriptive statistical analysis and prepare a table with following descriptive measures for all the variables in your data set.
    Mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, coefficient of variation.
  9. Briefly comment on the descriptive statistics in the part (5) and explain the nature of the distribution of those variables.
  10. Derive suitable graph to represent the relationship between dependent variable and each independent variable in your data set.
    (ex: relationship between Y and X1, Y and X2 etc)
  11. Based on the data set, perform a regression analysis and correlation analysis, and answer the questions given below.
    a. Derive the multiple regression equation.
    b. Interpret the meaning of all the coefficients in the regression equation.
    c. Interpret the calculated coefficient of determination.
    d. At 5% significance level, test the overall model significance.
    e. At 5% significance level, assess the significance of independent variables in the model.
    f. Based on the correlation coefficients in the correlation output, assess the correlation between explanatory variables and check the possibility of multicollinearity.
    Marking criteria
    Marking criteria Weighting
    Developing a research question which can be addressed through multiple regression analysis. 5 marks
    Explaining the target population and the expected sample size
    4 marks
    Describing the most appropriate sampling method.
    4 marks
    Performing descriptive statistical analysis and review of the calculated values 4 marks
    Deriving suitable graph to represent the relationship between dependent variable and each independent variable in your data set. 4 marks
    Deriving multiple regression equation based on the regression output and interpretation of the regression coefficients
    6 marks
    Interpreting the calculated coefficient of determination.
    2 marks
    Assessing the overall model significance.
    4 marks
    Assessing the significance of independent variables in the model.
    3 marks
    Examining the correlation between explanatory variables and check the possibility of multicollinearity.
    4 marks
    TOTAL Weight 40 Marks
    Assessment Feedback to the Student:
    Marking Rubric
    Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
    Developing a research question which can be addressed through
    multiple regression analysis. Demonstration of outstanding knowledge on research question which can be solved with regression analysis. Demonstration of very good knowledge research question which can be solved with regression analysis. Demonstration of good knowledge on research question which can be solved with regression analysis. Demonstration of basic knowledge on research question which can be solved with regression analysis. Demonstration of poor knowledge on research question which can be solved with regression analysis.
    Explaining the target population and the
    expected sample size
    Demonstration of outstanding knowledge on identifying target population for a research and a suitable sample size.
    Demonstration of very good
    knowledge on identifying target population for a research and a suitable sample size.
    Demonstration of good knowledge on identifying target population for a research and a suitable sample size.
    Demonstration of basic knowledge on identifying target population for a research and a suitable sample size.
    Demonstration of poor knowledge on identifying target population for a research and a suitable sample size.
    Describing the most appropriate sampling method.
    Demonstration of outstanding knowledge on random and nonrandom sampling methods and selection of the best sampling method for a given case. Demonstration of very good knowledge random and non-random sampling methods and selection of the best sampling method for a given case. Demonstration of good knowledge on random and non-random sampling methods and selection of the best sampling method for a given case. Demonstration of basic knowledge on random and nonrandom sampling methods and selection of the best sampling method for a given case. Demonstration of poor knowledge on random and non-random sampling methods and selection of the best sampling method for a given case.
    Performing descriptive statistical analysis and
    review of the calculated
    values Demonstration of outstanding knowledge on descriptive
    Demonstration of very good
    knowledge on descriptive measures Demonstration of
    good knowledge on
    descriptive measures
    Demonstration of basic knowledge on
    descriptive measures
    Demonstration of poor knowledge on descriptive measures
    Deriving suitable graph to represent the relationship between variables Demonstration of outstanding knowledge on presentation of data using suitable chart types. Demonstration of very good
    knowledge on presentation of data using presentation of data using suitable chart types. Demonstration of good knowledge on presentation of data using suitable chart types. Demonstration of basic knowledge on presentation of data using suitable chart types. Demonstration of poor
    knowledge on presentation of
    data using suitable chart types.
    Deriving multiple regression equation based
    on the regression output.
    Demonstration of outstanding knowledge on regression model
    estimation and interpretation Demonstration of very good
    knowledge on regression model
    estimation and interpretation Demonstration of good knowledge on regression model estimation and interpretation Demonstration of basic knowledge on regression model
    estimation and interpretation Demonstration of poor knowledge on regression model estimation and interpretation
    Interpreting the calculated coefficient of
    Demonstration of outstanding knowledge on coefficient of determination calculation and interpretation of relationship between variables Demonstration of very good knowledge on coefficient of determination calculation and interpretation of relationship between variables Demonstration of good knowledge on coefficient of determination calculation and interpretation of relationship between variables Demonstration of basic knowledge on coefficient of determination calculation and interpretation of relationship between variables Demonstration of poor knowledge on coefficient of determination calculation and interpretation of relationship between variables
    Assessing the overall model significance.
    Demonstration of outstanding knowledge on model significance Demonstration of very good knowledge on model
    significance Demonstration of good knowledge on model significance Demonstration of basic knowledge on model significance Demonstration of poor
    knowledge on model significance
    Assessing the significance of independent variables in the model.
    Demonstration of outstanding knowledge on significance of independent variables. Demonstration very good
    significance independent variables. of
    on of Demonstration of good knowledge on significance of independent variables. Demonstration of basic knowledge on significance of independent variables. Demonstration of poor knowledge on significance of independent variables.
    Examining the correlation between explanatory
    variables and check the possibility of
    Demonstration of outstanding knowledge on correlation coefficient calculation, interpretation of relationship between variables and assessing multicollinearity. Demonstration very good knowledge on correlation coefficient calculation, interpretation relationship between
    variables and assessing multicollinearity. of
    Demonstration of good knowledge correlation coefficient calculation, interpretation of
    between variables and assessing multicollinearity. Demonstration of basic knowledge on correlation coefficient calculation, interpretation of
    relationship between
    variables and assessing multicollinearity. Demonstration of poor knowledge on correlation coefficient calculation, interpretation of relationship between variables and assessing multicollinearity.
    Academic Integrity
    Holmes Institute is committed to ensuring and upholding Academic Integrity, as Academic Integrity is integral to maintaining academic quality and the reputation of Holmes’ graduates. Accordingly, all assessment tasks need to comply with academic integrity guidelines. Table 1 identifies the six categories of Academic Integrity breaches. If you have any questions about Academic Integrity issues related to your assessment tasks, please consult your lecturer or tutor for relevant referencing guidelines and support resources. Many of these resources can also be found through the Study Sills link on Blackboard.
    Academic Integrity breaches are a serious offence punishable by penalties that may range from deduction of marks, failure of the assessment task or unit involved, suspension of course enrolment, or cancellation of course enrolment.
    Table 1: Six categories of Academic Integrity breaches
    Plagiarism Reproducing the work of someone else without attribution. When a student submits their own work on multiple occasions this is known as self-plagiarism.
    Collusion Working with one or more other individuals to complete an assignment, in a way that is not authorised.
    Copying Reproducing and submitting the work of another student, with or without their knowledge. If a student fails to take reasonable precautions to prevent their own original work from being copied, this may also be considered an offence.
    Impersonation Falsely presenting oneself, or engaging someone else to present as oneself, in an in-person examination.
    Contract cheating Contracting a third party to complete an assessment task, generally in exchange for money or other manner of payment.
    Data fabrication and falsification Manipulating or inventing data with the intent of supporting false conclusions, including manipulating images.
    Source: INQAAHE, 2020






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Demonstrate your ability to explain the impact of globalisation on both large and small businesses.

Assignment weighting 40%
Demonstrate your ability to explain the impact of globalisation on both large and small businesses.You need to research different two companies that are in the same industry or business (one large business and one small) You need to compare and contrast how they are different.
Group Assignment Description
You will identify how two different organisations compare:
• status: size, location(s), employees, local or global, organisational structure(functional/divisional/matrix)
• marketing: 4 P’s, branding, advertising
• economy: Supply and Demand, Market share, profit/ financial statistics
You will then identify what challenges they face and how they could overcome them. You must come up with realistic recommendations for them that match their organisational position.
The presentation will be 10-15 minutes long .You will be marked down for not keeping to the time limit.
Assessment Criteria
• You have undertaken good research demonstrated by your organisational knowledge
• Analysis of both the organizations based on status, marketing and economy
• You have identified potential challenges and developed realistic recommendations
• Level of professionalism with presentation with in text referencing and reference list using the Harvard referencing system
• Full contribution and participation of all team members
Minimum 3 academic references.
Each group will be required to submit a Contribution Log which details their intended and actual contributions to the assessment activities. Failure to complete and submit the Contribution Log will result in the group mark not being entered on Evision.
The assignment will be assessed as per the assessment timeframe
Grading Scheme for Assignment 2 for MN3042QA
Assignment: Group Presentation
Marking criteria Letter grade Mark recorded
The extent to which the work shows evidence of EXCELLENT RESEARCH:
• You have undertaken EXCELLENT research demonstrated by your organisational knowledge
• Excellent Analysis of both the organizations based on status, marketing and economy
• You have identified potential challenges and developed realistic /Exceptional recommendations
• Excellent Level of professionalism with presentation with in text referencing and reference list using the Harvard referencing system • Full contribution and participation of all team members
• Presentation Skills: Calm, confident well-practiced presentation. Excellent use of voice- clear well-paced verbal delivery. Excellent choice and use of appropriate material. Clear evidence of practice.
• Teamwork

  • Balanced contribution of preparation and simulation activities.
  • Evidence that the group has planned and worked on the presentation in a Cohesive and coordinated manner.
    • Harvard Referencing
  • Evidence of wide reading, application and referencing. A 70-100
    The extent to which the work shows evidence of VERY GOOD RESEARCH:
    • You have undertaken very good research demonstrated by your organisational knowledge
    • Analysis of both the organizations based on status, marketing and economy
    • You have identified potential challenges and developed realistic recommendations
    • Level of professionalism with presentation with in text referencing and reference list using the Harvard referencing system
    • Full contribution and participation of all team members
    • Presentation skills – There is evidence of some practice but more is needed.
    • Teamwork- Some evidence of planning
    • Harvard Referencing: Good referencing. B 60-69
    The extent to which the work shows GOOD/REASONABLE RESEARCH:
    • You have undertaken good research demonstrated by your organisational knowledge
    • Analysis of both the organizations based on status, marketing and economy
    • You have identified potential challenges and developed realistic recommendations
    • Level of professionalism with presentation with in text referencing and reference list using the Harvard referencing system
    • Full contribution and participation of all team members
    Presentation skills need improvement, and Teamwork also needs improvement.
    Harvard referencing needs improvement. C 50-59
    The extent to which the work shows adequate, but limited and weak research:
    • You have undertaken limited research demonstrated by your organisational knowledge
    • Weak Analysis of both the organizations based on status, marketing and economy
    • You have identified potential challenges and developed realistic recommendations
    • Inadequate Level of professionalism with presentation with in text referencing and reference list using the Harvard referencing system
    • Full contribution and participation of all team members
    Presentation skills need improvement, and Teamwork also needs improvement. Some evidence of reading, that is, Harvard referencing needs improvement D 40-49
    Does not address the assignment criteria. Presents minimal material related to the topic. Little evidence of understanding of the theory. Poor structure. Evidence of poor teamwork. Little evidence of scholarship and Harvard referencing Condone d Pass
    F1 30-39
    Learning Outcomes not met Fail 0-29






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PRESENT VALUE AND BOND VALUATION: Compute the future value

Assignment Overview
This assignment is in a different direction than your Module 1 Case in that it is mostly computational in nature. Before starting this assignment, work through some of the examples in the background readings to make sure you understand all of the steps involved in future value and present value, including use of present value formulas to compute the value of a bond.

Case Assignment
Please download the Case 2 Template. You will type your answers into this document. Save the document with your last name and submit to the dropbox. Note that you will get partial credit if you show your work even if the answers are incorrect.

  1. Compute the future value for the following:
    a. $2,000 after being invested for two years in a savings account with 3% interest rate
    b. $5,000 after being invested for ten years in a savings account with a 1% interest rate
    c. $3,500 after being invested for nine years in a savings account with an 11% interest rate
  2. Compute the present value for the following:
    a. $3,000 to be paid in one year with a 9% discount rate
    b. $3,000 to be paid in three years with a 9% discount rate
    c. $4,000 to be paid in ten years with a 5% discount rate
  3. Compute the present value for the following:
    a. An investment that will pay you $1,000 in one year, another $1,000 in two years, and a third payment of $1,000 in three years (e.g., three payments of $1,000 to be paid once a year for three years). The discount rate is 4%.
    b. The same three $1,000 payments as in part a) above, but with a 6% discount rate
    c. An investment that will pay you $2,000 in one year, another $1,500 in two years, and a third payment of $3,000 in three years. The discount rate is 4%.
  4. Compute the value of the following bonds assuming a 3% discount rate (required rate of return):
    a. A zero-coupon bond that pays $1,000 in five years
    b. A bond that pays $1,000 in five years, with five annual coupon payments of $20 each
    c. What is the coupon rate if coupon payments are $20 per year? At what discount rate would the value of the bond be “at par” (e.g., be worth $1,000?). Explain your reasoning.
  5. This part of the assignment is purely conceptual with no computations required. Explain the following with references to the required readings:
    a. What is likely to happen to interest rates if the rate of inflation suddenly increases?
    b. Suppose there are two bonds each with coupon payments of $50. The first bond pays $1,000 in five years, and the other one pays $1,000 in ten years. If interest rates increased, would the value of the bonds increase or decrease? Which of the two bonds would have their value change more after the increase in interest rates? Explain your reasoning.
    Assignment Expectations
    Answer the assignment questions directly.
    • Stay focused on the precise assignment questions. Do not go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials.
    • For computational problems, make sure to show your work and explain your steps.
    • For short answer/short essay questions, make sure to reference your sources of information with both a bibliography and in-text citations. See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper, including pages 11-14 on in-text citations. Another resource is the “Writing Style Guide,” which is found under “My Resources” in the TLC Portal.






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concept of the ‘nuclear family’ and ‘real’ Australian families

Assignments: Major Essay
Weight: Word Count:
Due Date:
1500 words
Includes in-text references & reference list (see p. 12)
Late penalties will nc applied (see p. 13)
Choose one (I) of the following:

  1. Compare and contrast the concept of the ‘nuclear family’ and ‘real’ Australian families.
  2. Critically assess the ’digital divide*.
  3. Van Krickcn states there arc six complexities applying the terms race and ethnicity. Discuss
  4. Compare and contrast Marx’s theories of ‘religion’ with those of either Weber or Durkheim.
  5. Critically assess the phrase ‘the social construction of gender’.
  6. Critically assess the four roles of the term ‘queer’ (as outlined in the lecture).
    Minimum of 6 Academic References including:






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Advanced Topics on Reinforced Concrete Design

  1. Reference Format: Follow IEEE referencing style
  2. All Figures & tables should be referred to in main body of the text.
    • Numbers all tables and Figures in order they first appear in the text
    • Refer to them in the text by their number: for Example – As shown in table 1 or as illustrated in figure 2 or table 1 presents
  3. Conclusion includes the purpose, the main investigated points.
    Structural Design Part 1 – Advanced Topics on Reinforced Concrete Design
    Project Description (50 marks)
    You are required to design a 3-storey office building located in Melbourne.
    The building has a flat plate floor system with no beam.

• Live load: 3.5 kPa
• Sustained dead load: 2 kPa
• No lateral load
• Exposure classification: Office building located in Melbourne
• Span length: 7.5 m x 7.5 m
• Floor height 3 m
• Allowable soil bearing capacity: 270 kPa
• Concrete strength, fc’= 30 MPa
• Use N bar only with 500 MPa
• Consider 90 minutes fire rating period
• Limit the total slab deflection to ?????/ = 1/250

  1. Decide the concrete cover for slab, column and footing considering the exposure classification as per AS3600. (3 marks)
  2. Design the flat plate slab and show the reinforcement detailing on a plan view and two cross-sections i.e. x- and y- directions. (15 marks)
    (Hint: only three panels represent the whole slab: one corner, one edge and one interior)
  3. Design the columns where the load is critical from the load combinations and show the reinforcement in cross section. (10 marks)
    (Hint: only three columns represent all: one corner, one edge and one interior).
  4. Carry out punching shear check and design additional shear reinforcement if necessary.
    (10 marks)
    (Hint: only three columns represent all: one corner column, one edge column and one interior column).
  5. Design the footings and show the reinforcement detailing on plan view and 2 cross-sections i.e. x- and y- directions. (12 marks)
    (Hint: only three footings represent all: one corner, one edge and one interior columns).
    Note: For each concrete element, reinforcement detailing should be as per AS3600.






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Education to the planning of a sequence of teaching in your practice

Assessment 2: Applying the TLL model to a sequence of teaching (60%)
Word Count: 3000 words.
In your role as a teacher, and drawing from the weekly content in this subject, apply and analyse the three layers in our TLL model (Neuroscience, Psychology, Educati^to the planning of a sequence of teaching in your practice. A sequence of teaching is a block of content you plan to teach (or have taught or a hypothetical teaching session) and should include at least 3 hours of content, activities and assessment task/s. You will consider the TLL Model against each of these areas.
Your submission will include the following:
• A description of the sequence of teaching
• Outline how each TLL layer is applied to the sequence of teaching
• Discuss the challenges and strengths in applying each layer of the model to the sequence of teaching
• Discuss the benefits to your teaching in applying the model
• Discuss and reflect on the potential benefits to student learning in applying the model
• Draw conclusions using a summative statement about the worth of applying the model to teaching in the classroom and / or teaching and / or learning context appropriate to your area of interest.
If you are not a teacher / actively teaching in the classroom:
• Try to choose a context for teaching and learning that is relevant to your area of interest and professional context
• If you are not actively engaged in the workforce, you are welcome to use a hypothetical situation where teaching and learning are the central goals
• The main thing is to adapt the lessons and insights you have gained over the previous weeks to better inform your teaching and learning practice (in whatever context you decide).
The broad purpose of this assessment is for you to apply your learning from this subject to your teaching and reflect on its utility. More specifically the task requires you to engage and draw from the weekly content and relevant literature and apply this to a teaching sequence in the classroom or another context relevant to you. For example, think about how your knowledge of brain structures may help in understanding how learning may occur and how that might influence your approaches to teaching within the sequence? What evidence is there in the research literature to support your ideas?






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news article pertaining to MICROECONOMICS

Current Events (News) Articles: Students are to summarize a news article pertaining to MICROECONOMICS as indicated in the course schedule below. These articles must be current (within two weeks of due date) and from reputable sources such as Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Economist, Business Week, Cincinnati Enquirer, or other business publications. DO NOT USE ONLINE BLOGS. Each paper should be a. One full-page single-spaced summary. Use 12 character font – for help on formatting and citing sources. b. Include on top of each paper in single line spacing: your name, date, article number, and provide a complete bibliography on the next page with your article summary. (include title, author, publication date, and page/URL in your bibliography). c. Submit a paper via the Assignment tab. d. Topics that can be used include any individual company that is hiring, laying off, introducing a new product, building a new plant or expanding an existing facility, posting profits or losses, raising prices or an increased cost, going bankrupt, or being sued for negligence or harm caused by their product. There are other topics that can be included but this list should give you plenty of choices for the first article. NOTE: Be aware of plagiarism as all papers will be checked using TURNITIN plagiarism detection.






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