Currently, close to half of all taxpayers enjoy an effective federal tax rate of zero percent? In contrast, the top one percent of taxpayers contribute more federal income tax revenues than the bottom ninety percent of taxpayers combined. Should there be a minimum federal tax rate that all taxpayers should be required to pay? If so, how do you think that it should be calculated for different income levels?In 2011, Barack Obama proposed the “Buffett Rule” tax plan (which was never implemented) which would have required that people making over one million dollars to pay no less than 30 percent of their income in taxes. Discuss this proposal in your analysis of minimum federal tax rates.
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Search online for an article about sustainability entrepreneurship in an existing business. Write a paper discussing the activity, the role that innovation and entrepreneurship played in the activity, and the tangible business benefits the company experienced from the new sustainability activity. write 400 words in APA style
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1.What do you think of the efficacy of self-help books? Do you blame it on placebo? Self-fulfilling prophesy? How could you determine whether they were helping?
2. Although there is only a weak correlation between income and feelings of happiness, many people believe that having more money will make them happy. Why do you think this is?
3. To what extent do you think that our behavior is largely influenced by desires and urges of which we are unaware? Is there a defense mechanism that stood out to you that you may rely on unconsciously or consciously?
4. Do you think there is a connection between Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the way a person presents himself or herself: their physical person, their home, their car, etc.?
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Research Assignment Paper: Stress at work has a large impact on our daily lives. There are a number of factors that that contribute to an employee’s work-related health, and a number of ways management can be more supportive of the health of its workers. For this third paper, focus on one current issue or controversy in occupational health psychology and describe its impact and potential resolution. Locate one Academic Journal Article published since 2000 that relates to your topic and embed specific details or data from of the article into your discussion..Be sure you provide enough information so that the reader of your paper knows you read the whole article, and not merely a summary of it (an Abstract).
Go to the Resources section at the bottom of your Modules list and click on: (1) APA Style; (2) Things to remember about your Research Assignment Paper; and (3) Paper Grading Rubric. Then review the model papers below. Review this information before you start on your paper.
Turning in your research assignment paper requires that you submit it in two places:
First, submit your paper to be graded (you will see the submission page, by clicking “Next” at the bottom of this page.
Second, post your completed paper in the Week 6, “Health Psychology” forum (discussion board). You will see the Discussion Board on the page after your file submission page. Here, other students may read your paper and, if they wish, make a positive/productive comment about it; no criticisms, only give compliments and/or identify an interesting aspect of the paper you enjoyed. Any comments made here are not part of the “Class Participation” activity. Comments here do not generate points and are strictly optional
Original and non-plagiarized custom papers. Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
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Consider the results of a personality test shown in the following figure. The test assesses each of the five domains identified in DSM-5:
Negative Affectivity: anxiousness, emotional liability, hostility, perseveration; (lack of) restricted affectivity, separation insecurity and submissiveness; with higher scores indicating increasing levels of instability
Detachment: anhedonia, depressivity, intimacy avoidance, suspiciousness, and withdrawal; with higher scores indicating increasing detachment
Antagonism: attention seeking, callousness, deceitfulness, grandiosity, and manipulativeness; with higher scores indicating increasing levels of antagonism
Disinhibition: distractibility, impulsivity, irresponsibility, (lack of) rigid perfectionism and risk taking; with higher scores indicating higher levels of disinhibition
Psychoticism: eccentricity, perceptual dysregulation and unusual beliefs and experiences; with higher scores indicating higher levels of psychoticism
Based on the type of scores presented in the graph, you know that the standard deviation of the distribution of scores for any particular domain is equal to _____.
For which domain or domains are the test results within one standard deviation of the mean?
Which score shows the greatest deviation from the mean?
Original and non-plagiarized custom papers. Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
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You are asked to recruit at least 5 participants for this project by sending them the anonymous survey link: (Links to an external site.)
Here are some important detailed pertaining to data collection:
You will need to recruit at least 5 participants for this project. You can ask your friends, your family, and/or others to participate.
Participants must be at least 18 years old.
Give your participants the anonymous survey link above.
In order for you to receive credits for data collection, the participants you recruit will need to know your first and last name and provide this information on the survey.
You are NOT allowed to take the online survey, as you are the researcher of this study.
We want high quality data. Therefore, please ask people whom you believe will answer the survey questions honestly and thoughtfully.
If you are not sure whether everyone you have asked would complete the online survey (which can result in deduction in your data collection points), you can ask more than 5 people to participate.
Data collection must be completed by Thursday, 6/17/2021. In other words, in order for you to receive full points for Data Collection, you will need to have at least 5 participants by Thursday, 6/17. You don’t need to submit anything here for this assignment. I will go over the survey responses to check if you have recruited at least 5 participants and update your grade for this assignment.
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The website I choose is the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention website, it is a credible source since it is provided to citizens from the government. The article provides the most accurate and resourceful information regarding the latest news on safe and effective covid research, vaccines and preventions. Along with possible side affects you may experience due to the body’s response mechanism and its ongoing research on covid. Providing data that reports an effective amount of time it that for ones to build immunity against the various strains of covid. It also provides a resourceful link where one can access a vaccine through text or by calling if need be.
Key Things to Know About COVID-19 Vaccines ( (Links to an external site.)
Lessons from the team care playbook: Recommendations for COVID-19 vaccination dissemination and uptake.
The Article discussed vaccine distribution strategies and the challenges the government and health officials faced in order to reach specific communities. Along with the difficulty of society adopting the vaccine. Also, the contributing factors of Teams and its representation with increasing vaccine uptake. Ensuring that vaccines are made accessible to communities of color and oppressed groups. As well as what it means to be a front-line worker and steps to take in order to make the process easier.
The article brings forth a different point of view in my opinion focusing on improving team building skills in an event that a pandemic would occur again. By tracking a vast amount of individuals on one application. Encouraging team building skills, networking with providers and their focus on vaccine adoption and placement. Alongside clinical studies by health providers to carry out vaccine trails and have the acceptance of a new vaccine in a difficult time adopted by society. Since this was the first pandemic our generation has been exposed to I believe the article was as informative as it could have been and provided resourceful prevention methods and strategies already being used.
The information I chose about COVID-19 is from the CDC. Although the CDC has been under scrutiny for some questionable information, I still believe that it is a credible source. COVID-19 is a new virus to the human race and to scientists around the world which allows for some uncertain information to be released. Scientists with the CDC have tirelessly studied and tested COVID-19 and the mechanics behind it to know what the public should expect and how to cope with it.
According to our “Evaluating Internet Sources” lecture, .gov domains are federal government sites that are authentically credible. Since the CDC is under a .gov domain, it’s ruled as a very strong and credible source of public information that communities and citizens can use for reference.
Source: (Links to an external site.)
Peer-Reviewed Source
I found an article about the COVID-19 vaccine. This article touches on the effects of the vaccine as well as the development. From financing the vaccine to administering it to certain groups in the public, it also explains potential side effects and the distribution of the vaccine.
My view is that I feel that articles like this one are too soon and therefore current most accurate information can be a hit or miss because things change every day. I feel that it is too soon to conduct any type of research and set it in stone for future research or reference, however, it does lay down a baseline as to where we are going with vaccine distribution and financing and it does create new paths and directions as to where it could potentially lead researchers and scientist too. Stating that this type of research is ongoing, will give the researcher a clue to continue seeking alternative more current resources.
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Describe the five personality traits:- extraversion, agreeableness, opennness, conscietiousness and neuroticism. The personality traits exhibit a person’s characteristic patterns in terms of thinking, feeling and behaviours.
When we look at people around us we find that everyone is different from the other in terms of how we talk, being a worrier or unable to communicate in public.
Original and non-plagiarized custom papers. Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
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Customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
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1. Identify the three main types of computer software that were discussed in your unit lesson. Within the three main categories, give examples of each and a brief explanation of each. Each explanation/description category must be answered with at least 100 words. You must cite your sources within your answers.
2. Write a 150-word essay on the importance of operating systems (OSs). Locate at least one article in the CSU Online Library and one article from an Internet search. You may also use the required readings to support your essay. You must cite your sources within your essay.
3. Identify three mobile OSs and three personal computer OSs. Explain advantages and disadvantages of each one. Describe each OS. The total wording for each OS description/advantages/disadvantages should be no less than 100 words. You must cite your sources.
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