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concept of Privacy and National security.

Assignment: (500 words) What is more important: Our privacy or national security?

Discuss the concept of Privacy and National security. What does society view as important? Locate Statistics to support these findings.

Discuss what you believe is important, use research to support your position.


• These assignments must be typed, double-spaced, written in APA style

Cover page, Reference Page, Intext Citation,

You must be sure to properly cite sources that you used in APA style.

• You must provide a separate reference page for sources used. At least one book or one Academic Journal must be used for your research

o Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If plagiarism is indicated on a writing assignment, you will receive an automatic O on that writing

assignment. Further sanctions can also be taken by the college. Please see your Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for

further information on Academic Dishonesty.

• Consult the Writing Assessment Rubric for further requirements




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Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes,


As a university, we believe that the message of Jesus Christ bears profound implications, not only for individuals, but also for society and the ways that we as individuals live within it. The Lord Jesus instructed His followers to live

as salt and light within society, which implies a call to live out our lives in ways that contribute to the common good. We are convinced that this call extends to the workplace and that our respective vocations represent vital opportunities to glorify God by serving others in ways that promote human flourishing. Therefore, by God’s grace, we seek to distinguish ourselves as a university by instilling a sense of vocational calling and purpose in our students, faculty and staff in accord with the following principles:

WE BELIEVE that God’s Word speaks authoritatively about creation, fall and redemption as well as the restoration of all things through Christ Jesus. Therefore, we are convinced that the Christian worldview offers hope of restoration, not only for individuals, but also for families, communities and societies in which individuals live, work and serve one another.

WE BELIEVE that God the Almighty created the world, placed human beings within it and blessed them by making them responsible for cultivating and caring for creation. Therefore, we are assured that our work within the world matters to God and our neighbors, and that we honor God by serving others in ways that promote human flourishing.

WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is both Savior and Lord and that all who follow Jesus should seek His Kingdom and His righteousness in relation to all aspects of human experience, including culture and society. Therefore, we have resolved to carry out our work within the public arena with compassion, justice and concern for the common good.

WE BELIEVE that Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection secured abundant and eternal life for all who believe and that Christ transforms all that we say and do. Therefore, we are convinced that Grand Canyon University should positively impact those who study

at, work for and live near the university in ways that accord with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

WE BELIEVE that mankind was originally created in the image of God and given responsibility over creation, but that all have failed to fulfill their God-given purpose and responsibility. We believe that God redeems and restores men and women in Christ, creating them anew for the good works He has prepared them to do. Therefore, we are confident that the work we do is a part of God’s calling on our lives and a means by which we can glorify God as we meet others’ needs.

WE BELIEVE that regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential for salvation and that the work of God’s Spirit in the human heart invariably results in renewed purpose and the growth of Christ-like love for neighbors and neighborhoods. Therefore, we are certain that God is working to restore the broken lives and communities of this fallen world through the collective gifts, talents, skills and resources of those who have been transformed by the power of the gospel.

WE BELIEVE that salvation comes through Jesus Christ alone and involves redemption of the whole person. Therefore, we are convinced that the Christian life must involve compassion and care, not only for the spiritual needs of mankind, but also for basic physical needs that stem from poverty, oppression and injustice.

WE BELIEVE in the spiritual unity of all believers in Christ and that evangelism and societal engagement are duties of the Christian life. Therefore, we are devoted to demonstrating the love of Jesus together as we share the gospel message and shape society according to the principles of His Kingdom.

WE BELIEVE that the gospel message denounces evil and injustice while offering hope for reconciliation to Christ and the restoration of human culture and society through Him. Therefore, we recognize and embrace the potential of human work for furthering the greater good and strive to further the good of the culture and the society through education and the embodiment of biblical principles related to goodness and justice.

“Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!” (Psalm 90:17).





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What is the definition of data mining that the author mentions? 

After reviewing the case study this week by Krizanic (2020),write a paper:-

  1. What is the definition of data mining that the author mentions?  How is this different from our current understanding of data mining?
  2. What is the premise of the use case and findings?
  3. What type of tools are used in the data mining aspect of the use case and how are they used?
  4. Were the tools used appropriate for the use case?  Why or why not?
  5. Create the three clusters in Rapidminer or python and screenshot the result. 

 In an APA7 formatted and answer all questions above.  There should be headings to each of the questions above as well.  Ensure there are at least two-peer reviewed sources to support your work. The paper should be at least two pages of content (this does not include the cover page or reference page). 




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Osteology is the study of the structure and function of the skeleton and bony structures


ANTH-12 Osteology Research Assignment/Essay

Prompt: Osteology is the study of the structure and function of the skeleton and bony structures. Since hominin are only discovered as fossilized remains, the study of their bones and skeletons is very important for our understanding of human evolution! For this assignment, each student will write a short research paper on a hominin osteological feature (i.e. a bone or skeletal structure) of their choice. Students should pick a feature that is both interesting to them and important for our evolution. Look for skeletal features that aid in things like locomotion, bipedalism, and tool making etc. In the paper, students should describe the bone or skeletal trait in detail and explain how and why it is important to human evolution. Students may also want to include a discussion of key fossil hominin finds that feature their chosen subject. In addition, students are expected to include a detailed hand drawing of their chosen osteology feature to accompany their research paper. This drawing can be embedded in the submitted word document or included as a separate upload. A minimum of 3-4 scholarly references are required; non-academic sources are categorically not appropriate references. All references should be parenthetically cited and included in a works cited page at the end. Example of a topic: hyoid bone, calcaneus, non-opposable hallux, foot arch (tarsal and metatarsal bones), pelvis, knee joints, femur, vertebral column, thumb metacarpal, dentition/molars, wrist bones, clavicle, finger phalanges, hip joints, sagittal crest, bone density, etc. Due: Saturday, April 10th by 11:59pm PT. Submission: Online on Canvas Requirements: About 3 pages (approximately 600-650 words, not including bibliography page) Works Cited Page/Bibliography (3-4 citations) Drawing of bone (can be embedded in word document) Total Points: 20 points How to structure an essay: Introduction Thesis statement (A thesis statement is composed on three parts: context, subject and claim!) Body Paragraphs Conclusion How to Research: Website based internet sources are not a legitimate basis of information for this paper. Instead, try these sources: SJSU Library: Google Scholar:

Ø Example search: “human evolution hyoid bone”




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of medications in the treatment of various psychological disorders.

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the required chapters from the text and review the required articles for this week. Over the course of the past weeks, we have considered the use of medications in the treatment of various psychological disorders. This discussion will provide you with an opportunity to give an informed appraisal on the use of drugs to treat disorders and defend your stance based on your judgment of the literature. In your initial post, describe what you believe are the greatest strengths and weaknesses of using the medications to treat psychological disorders.  Evaluate the employment of psychoactive drugs in the treatment of disorders over the lifespan from both an ethical and risk-benefits perspective. Summarize the theories of psychiatric disease and the scientific rationale behind its treatment through the employment of drug therapies. Explain what you believe to be the greatest challenges in the use of psychoactive medications over the next several years. Support your statements with references and logical arguments.




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Treatment of Schizophrenia and Depression

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the required chapters from the text and review the required articles for this week Treatment of Schizophrenia and Depression.

Taking on the role of the expert in the treatment of schizophrenia or depression, you will prepare a presentation for a group of physicians who are seeking your opinion on the treatment of patients with these disorders. For this interactive assignment you will create and upload a 5- to10-slide PowerPoint presentation as well as a 5 minute screencast of the presentation to share with your peers.

For this presentation, select either schizophrenia or depression as the basis for your presentation. Begin by creating your PowerPoint presentation. In the presentation, include information which explains the neurotransmitter theory behind the disorder and how the drugs used to treat the disorder affect those neurotransmitter systems.  Evaluate the risk and benefits of treating a patient with the most common type of medication and of not using drugs to treat the patient. In your evaluation, examine issues such as the rate of success with the most common drugs used as well as the incidence of side effects with these same drugs, including mortality associated with drug use. Then consider not using medications to treat the disorder. Take into account the natural course of the illness, the rate of spontaneous recovery, and the rate of mortality when untreated. You may also incorporate the use of other modes of treatment into your evaluation.

Your PowerPoint must include your presenter notes in the notes field to indicate what you intend to say during the screencast and well-chosen images to enhance the understanding of your audience. Remember that your screencast will be a maximum of 5 minutes, and use your speaker notes to ensure that you will be able to present your materials within this time limit. (You may access Garr Reynolds’s Slide TipsLinks to an external site. for additional assistance in creating an effective visual presentation.) Once you have created your PowerPoint, you will create a screencast presentation of up to 5 minutes in length using any screencasting software you choose. (Quick-Start Guides are available for Screencast-O-MaticLinks to an external site. for your convenience.) Attach your PowerPoint file to your intial post and include the URL for your screencast in the body of the post before submitting it.

Note to Students: This assignment requires that you produce a visual presentation, supply a spoken audio narrative, and to listen the audio narrative of others.  Note you are also asked to provide a transcript of your presentation.  If you have a documented disability accommodation that might interfere with your ability to complete this assignment you may contact your instructor to develop a comparable alternative assignment.  If you have other issues that you feel may be a barrier to your ability to complete this course or this assignment please contact the Office of Access and Wellness at:




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Research frequency-division multiplexing.

Assignment Topic:

Research frequency-division multiplexing. Identify three everyday examples of FDM use. For each of these examples show how FDM is used and it works. Summarize your findings in a brief paper.

-Please include a separate cover page.

Your assignment is to be 500 words or two pages double spaced, in Word format. Do not use extraneous text that does not address the questions. Please use a grammar checker.  

Please include in-text citations in APA style. 

You must include at least two (2) references. Include a separate reference page. References are to be in APA style.

Submission does NOT need an introduction or a table of contents.

Instructions (from the syllabus):

Cases provide a vehicle for you to demonstrate your understanding and ability to apply course concepts. You must use at least two (2) appropriate sources (other than your course textbook) that are properly cited in APA style; do not solely use the case itself to support your position. You are strongly encouraged to use the following outline so that your analysis is organized appropriately:

  • Identify both the key issues and the underlying issues. In identifying the issues, you should be able to connect them to the principles which apply to this situation.
  • Discuss the facts which affect these issues. The case may have too much information. In your discussion, you should filter the information and discuss those facts which are pertinent to the issues identified above.
  • Discuss your proposed solution/recommendation to the problem and include how you would implement it. What actions would you propose to correct the situation, based on the knowledge you have gained in this course? Be sure to support your recommendation by citing references in the text and in the supplementary readings. You should also draw on other references such as business periodicals and journals. Remember that an ANALYSIS is more than simply a SUMMARY of the Writing Assignment.
  • Discuss follow-up and contingency plans (if necessary). How will the organization know that your proposed solution is working? What should they do if it does not work?
  • Word count is 500 words, not including references and figures. References should be in the APA style




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The most frequently used measures of central tendency for quantitative data are the mean and the median

Respond to the following in 300 words. 

The most frequently used measures of central tendency for quantitative data are the mean and the median. The following table shows civil service examination scores from 24 applicants to law enforcement jobs:

83        74        85        79

82        67        78        70

18        93        64        27

93        98        82        78

68        82        83        99

96        62        93        58

Using Excel, find the mean, standard deviation, and 5-number summary of this sample.

  • Construct and paste a box plot depicting the 5-number summary.
  • Does the dataset have outliers? If so, which one(s)?
  • Would you prefer to use the mean or the medianas this dataset’s measure of central tendency? Why?




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Fetal Abnormality

Case Study: Fetal Abnormality

Jessica is a 30-year-old immigrant from Mexico City. She and her husband Marco have been in the United States for the last three years and have finally earned enough money to move out of their Aunt Maria’s home and into an apartment of their own. They are both hard workers. Jessica works 50 hours a week at a local restaurant and Marco has been contracting side jobs in construction. Six months before their move to an apartment, Jessica finds out she is pregnant.

Four months later, Jessica and Marco arrive at the county hospital, a large, public, nonteaching hospital. A preliminary ultrasound indicates a possible abnormality with the fetus. Further scans are conducted, and it is determined that the fetus has a rare condition in which it has not developed any arms and will not likely develop them. There is also a 25% chance that the fetus may have Down syndrome.

Dr. Wilson, the primary attending physician, is seeing Jessica for the first time, since she and Marco did not receive earlier prenatal care over concerns about finances. Marco insists that Dr. Wilson refrain from telling Jessica the scan results, assuring him that he will tell his wife himself when she is emotionally ready for the news. While Marco and Dr. Wilson are talking in another room, Aunt Maria walks into the room with a distressed look on her face. She can tell that something is wrong and inquires of Dr. Wilson. After hearing of the diagnosis, she walks out of the room wailing loudly and praying aloud.

Marco and Dr. Wilson continue their discussion, and Dr. Wilson insists that he has an obligation to Jessica as his patient and that she has a right to know the diagnosis of the fetus. He furthermore is intent on discussing all relevant factors and options regarding the next step, including abortion. Marco insists on taking some time to think of how to break the news to Jessica, but Dr. Wilson, frustrated with the direction of the conversation, informs the husband that such a choice is not his to make. Dr. Wilson proceeds back across the hall, where he walks in on Aunt Maria awkwardly praying with Jessica and phoning the priest. At that point, Dr. Wilson gently but briefly informs Jessica of the diagnosis and lays out the option for abortion as a responsible medical alternative, given the quality of life such a child would have. Jessica looks at him and struggles to hold back her tears.

Jessica is torn between her hopes of a better socioeconomic position and increased independence, along with her conviction that all life is sacred. Marco will support Jessica in whatever decision she makes but is finding it difficult not to view the pregnancy and the prospects of a disabled child as a burden and a barrier to their economic security and plans. Dr. Wilson lays

out all of the options but clearly makes his view known that abortion is “scientifically” and medically a wise choice in this situation. Aunt Maria pleads with Jessica to follow through with the pregnancy and allow what “God intends” to take place and urges Jessica to think of her responsibility as a Mother.

Assessment Description

Based on “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality” and the required topic Resources, write a 750-1,000-word reflection that answers the following questions:

  1. What is the Christian view of the nature of human persons, and which theory of moral status is it compatible with? How is this related to the intrinsic human value and dignity?
  2. Which theory or theories are being used by Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson to determine the moral status of the fetus? What from the case study specifically leads you to believe that they hold the theory you selected?
  3. How does the theory determine or influence each of their recommendations for action?
  4. What theory do you agree with? Why? How would that theory determine or influence the recommendation for action?

Remember to support your responses with the topic Resources.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.







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Inc. is a fast-casual restaurant chain specializing in noodle-based dishes


This assignment is intended to help you learn how to apply statistical methods when analyzing operational data, evaluating the performance of current marketing strategies, and recommending actionable business decisions. This is an opportunity to build critical-thinking and problem-solving skills within the context of data analysis and interpretation. You’ll gain a first-hand understanding of how data analytics supports decision-making and adds value to an organization.


Pastas R Us, Inc. is a fast-casual restaurant chain specializing in noodle-based dishes, soups, and salads. Since its inception, the business development team has favored opening new restaurants in areas (within a 3-mile radius) that satisfy the following demographic conditions:

  • Median age between 25 – 45 years old
  • Household median income above national average
  • At least 15% college educated adult population

Last year, the marketing department rolled out a Loyalty Card strategy to increase sales. Under this program, customers present their Loyalty Card when paying for their orders and receive some free food after making 10 purchases.

The company has collected data from its 74 restaurants to track important variables such as average sales per customer, year-on-year sales growth, sales per sq. ft., Loyalty Card usage as a percentage of sales, and others. A key metric of financial performance in the restaurant industry is annual sales per sq. ft. For example, if a 1200 sq. ft. restaurant recorded $2 million in sales last year, then it sold $1,667 per sq. ft.

Executive management wants to know whether the current expansion criteria can be improved. They want to evaluate the effectiveness of the Loyalty Card marketing strategy and identify feasible, actionable opportunities for improvement. As a member of the analytics department, you’ve been assigned the responsibility of conducting a thorough statistical analysis of the company’s available database to answer executive management’s questions.


Write a 750-word statistical report that includes the following sections:

  • Section 1: Scope and descriptive statistics
  • Section 2: Analysis
  • Section 3: Recommendations and Implementation

Section 1 – Scope and descriptive statistics

  • State the report’s objective.
  • Discuss the nature of the current database. What variables were analyzed?
  • Summarize your descriptive statistics findings from Excel. Use a table and insert appropriate graphs.

Section 2 – Analysis 

  • Using Excel, create scatter plots and display the regression equations for the following pairs of variables:
  • “BachDeg%” versus “Sales/SqFt”
  • “MedIncome” versus “Sales/SqFt”
  • “MedAge” versus “Sales/SqFt”
  • “LoyaltyCard(%)” versus “SalesGrowth(%)”
  • In your report, include the scatter plots. For each scatter plot, designate the type of relationship observed (increasing/positive, decreasing/negative, or no relationship) and determine what you can conclude from these relationships.

Section 3: Recommendations and implementation

  • Based on your findings above, assess which expansion criteria seem to be more effective. Could any expansion criterion be changed or eliminated? If so, which one and why?
  • Based on your findings above, does it appear as if the Loyalty Card is positively correlated with sales growth? Would you recommend changing this marketing strategy?
  • Based on your previous findings, recommend marketing positioning that targets a specific demographic. (Hint: Are younger people patronizing the restaurants more than older people?)
  • Indicate what information should be collected to track and evaluate the effectiveness of your recommendations. How can this data be collected? (Hint: Would you use survey/samples or census?)

Cite American based references as this is an American company

Format your citations according to APA guidelines




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