Writers Solution

great cybersecurity law program for an organization

This course has led you, module by module, to understand thoroughly what goes into a great cybersecurity law program for an organization. Now, you can demonstrate that you understand how to align a cybersecurity program with legal and regulatory requirements by writing and presenting a great program.

Describe a fictitious security infrastructure for a fictitious medium-sized retail company that does a significant amount of its business in online sales. We will make the assumption that the company already has a cybersecurity plan in place. Design a cybersecurity law program to go with it. Describe, in great detail, the important legal considerations that must be addressed to prevent losses due to both criminal activity and civil litigation. Make sure you cover local, state, and federal requirements. Include a discussion on international laws or frameworks that should be considered and why. Cover the potential impacts to your organization from emerging technologies, legislation, and trade pacts. Make recommendations for controls to prevent legal liabilities to ensure you always win in litigation, whether actions taken against you or those you initiate or support because you were on the receiving end of cyber misbehavior. Include cybersecurity liability insurance recommendations in case your legal efforts are not a win in court, or you find yourself in a position to need to settle out of court. All of this will be combined in a professional paper written to convince your company’s senior leadership that your recommendations are worthy of investment.  

As this is a culminating project, your paper should be somewhat more lengthy than those you wrote for Modules 1-6. There is no page number requirement – cover the material as you have learned in this course. Your paper should cover the legal considerations to a depth greater than what you gave in the first six modules. Describe the strategic legal environment in which your business must operate. Make sure you include policies and procedures for compliance with all the laws, regulations, and standards that apply to you. Discuss how your cybersecurity infrastructure is legally intelligent, how it helps make sure you preserve evidence, and give yourself a chance to win legal actions. Lay out a plan for insurance to a depth beyond what you gave in Assignment 6.1.

You will be graded on how you cover the learning objectives of the modules in this course and on the thoroughness of your treatment of the topic. Your writing will also be graded on meeting graduate-level and professionalism standards and on being clear and concise. Take the time to proofread your final project before submitting it. For APA and Standard Paper Assignment Guidelines and to understand how SafeAssign Originality Checker will affect this assignment, see the “Course Resources” link in the left navigation area




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The Critical Need for Information Security

Case Study: The Critical Need for Information Security

5 page paper in which you:

  • Identify at least three benefits or key knowledge points that could be derived from using cyber-attack simulator systems and research.
  • Suggest how this insight could assist in defining the needs for security within an organization.
  • Analyze and determine which sector, public or private, has greater insight on the potential of cyberattacks. Justify your answer by citing at least three examples.
  • Suggest at least four best practices that should be implemented when developing a cybersecurity strategy within a security enterprise.
  • Evaluate the required roles and functions of Information Technology (IT) personnel that would be required to sustain these best practices.
  • Describe the role of planning when developing a cybersecurity strategy and what key deliverables would ensure effective implementation and transition.
  • Suggest how public-private partnerships can strengthen cybersecurity efforts and effectiveness in a:
    • Corporate environment
    • Regional level
    • National level
  • Use three sources to support your writing.




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Explain how both conformers and non-conformers influence the group

Assignment Instructions
Module 8 Assignment
Part 1: Research a minimum of four articles regarding group norms and conformity. Explain how both conformers and non-conformers influence the group. Explain the consequences of not having either type of group member in any given group.

Part 2: Identify and explain two ways that human resources professionals can support managers. Identify and explain two ways that controllers can support managers. Why is it important for managers to work collaboratively with controllers, human resource professionals and other internal stakeholders and leaders within the company?

Length/Formatting Instructions
Length 4 Pages
Font 12 point, Calibri Font, no more than 1″ margins
Program/File Type Submit in Word or PDF
Attachments Should be pasted into the Word document if possible.
Referencing system APA referencing system is necessary in assignments, especially material copied from the Internet.
For examples of correct citations, visit the following links:




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Bellevue University Office 365 account

Bruin T. Bear

STS 110

September, 1, 20xx

For this writing assignment, let’s focus on developing an essay based on the “five-paragraph” structure. Following that structure means that your paper should include one paragraph for the Introduction, three paragraphs for the Body, and one paragraph for the Conclusion. You do not have to label your paragraphs as Introduction, Body, Conclusion.

Using this structure should allow you to present your position in sufficient depth. Don’t worry if you end up writing six paragraphs. The point here is to give you guidance on the basic structure to be used for this assignment.

Here are some tips to help you set up the formatting for your essay. We recommend you use the Microsoft Word application from your Bellevue University Office 365 account.


· Start by putting your name, the course name, and the date in the upper-left corner of the document, as shown above.

· Select the “Layout” option above to set you “Margins” select the 1-inch margins for all sides.

· Select the “Home” button option above and locate the “Line and Paragraph Spacing” button and select “2.0” which is double spacing, this should be set for the entire essay.

· Remember Not to add additional spacing between paragraphs only the double spacing.

· Ensure that you indent the first line of each new paragraph ½ inch, this can be done by pressing the “tab” button on your keyboard.

From the “Home” tab in Microsoft Word, select “Times New Roman” as the Font Name and “12” as the Font Size.

Next, go to the “Layout” tab to set up your margins. Under the Margins dropdown, select Normal for 1-inch margins all around.

A screenshot of a cell phone  Description automatically generated


The introduction should be a minimum of three sentences in length. Use the first two sentences to provide the context for your paper. You should clearly state the position you are taking so that you get the reader’s attention and guide them toward your claim. The last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement (i.e., argument) and it should identify what is going to be discussed in the body of the paper. Because the body is supposed to consist of three paragraphs, it is a good practice to break down your thesis into three main ideas that support your position. See the example below.

Back when my mom did all my laundry, I just threw all my clothes into a pile and didn’t worry about how everything was washed. However, now that I have experience doing my own laundry, I must stress the importance of properly separating clothes into “whites,” “lights,” and “darks” or you will risk ruining your wardrobe. If you do not want ruin your clothes, then you should follow the steps I am about to describe for managing your laundry.


The paragraphs in the body should develop the main ideas of your thesis. Write three paragraphs for the three points or pieces of evidence. The paragraphs should be about 5-8 sentences in length and provide sufficient details that explain what is meant by each of the main ideas in your thesis. Be sure to introduce and summarize each main idea in the individual paragraphs.

Each body paragraph should start with a transition into the topic—words or phrases like “First,” or “Another important point is,” See the example below.

First, I recommend making piles for white, light, and dark clothing. Your white pile should be for articles such as socks, underwear, and t-shirts. (Continue to explain this point in the remaining sentences)

Next, continue separating your colors into piles for light and dark clothing. (Continue to explain this point in the remaining sentences)

Finally, your dark pile should have gray, black, purple, dark blue, and so forth. (Continue to explain this point in the remaining sentences)


The concluding paragraph will recap the thesis and the main ideas presented in the introduction and body of the paper. Briefly restate the main points of your essay and tell the audience why you are right. Tie your topic to a bigger point so that your audience understands the significance of your position.

Remember, you cannot stick a red towel into a load of white laundry without damaging the rest of the clothes in that load. So the next time you set out to do your laundry, make sure you follow the steps outlined above for separating your clothes before washing them. Following these steps might even save you money in the long run because you will not have to buy new clothes to replace the ones that get ruined by improperly separated laundry.

If you use any references or quote another writer, be sure to add a References section at the end of your paper. For each reference, be sure to include the Title, Author, Date, and URL if available. If you have more than one source, be sure to separate them.

Here are a couple examples:


Pod, Tide. (2019). The Laundry Separator’s Handbook. Detergent Publishing, Inc.

Shirt, Tee. (2017). Wash Me with My Friends. Accessed on 7/31/2020.

* Feel free to save this document in your personal files for future reference.







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Is it easier than communicating with someone face to face?

 Compose a short paper in Microsoft Word on how you feel about communicating through electronic devices. Is it easier than communicating with someone face to face? What do you think are the pros and cons of communicating electronically? What is your opinion on this issue? Make sure to use specific reasons and examples to support your position. If you use sources or direct quotes, be sure to cite them at the end of your paper. 

Please use writing template attached

600 words




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JetBlue have better communicated with its internal stakeholders across the country on Valentine’s Day and during the days that followed to enhance its image with customers?

Case study: “JetBlue Airways”

Answer the following

  • How could JetBlue have better communicated with its internal stakeholders across the country on Valentine’s Day and during the days that followed to enhance its image with customers?
  • Should the corporate communications team at JetBlue have arranged for CEO David Neeleman to appear on the national television news and talk show circuit following the crisis? What might be the potential benefits and risks to the company’s reputation?
  • Would you recommend a corporate advertising program for JetBlue?
  • If implemented, how would you market the JetBlue Airways Customer Bill of Rights to external and internal stakeholders? How would this affect JetBlue’s reputation?

Around 1000 words 




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What is Alphabet’s record in the following areas of corporate citizenship?

What is Alphabet’s record in the following areas of corporate citizenship? If they have fallen short, how are they addressing the problem? You will find some information about corporate citizenship, including lawsuits outstanding against the company in the “Risks” section of the Annual Report.

Write about:

1-Global production (labor rights/use of prisoners abroad for manufacturing/exporting pollution etc.)

2-Diversity and inclusion (which is associated with greater profitability for companies)




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Links that can help:
Writers Solution

Explain the difficulties in
implementing the strategy or the reason managers said the strategy was

(the article
you select must be from 2018 or newer.)
– Select an article from Business Week, Forbes, or Wall Street Journal that you
think describes a strategic initiative for a company in a case where a company is
pursuing one of the strategies discussed in Chapter 7. Answer these questions
and be specific.
o What specific strategy was selected? Explain the difficulties in
implementing the strategy or the reason managers said the strategy was
o Based on what you know about the company, was this a good strategic
move? Why?
– Select an article from Business Week, Forbes or Wall Street Journal that you
think describes a strategic initiative for a company in a case where a company is

pursuing some type of international strategy. Answer these questions above for
that company and be specific




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implementing the strategy or the reason managers said the strategy was

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Expertise in prenatal and postnatal development

Write a 5-7 page paper and prepare two pages of speaker’s notes for a presentation to parents and professionals on a selected issue.


Social and cultural factors inform childbirth decisions and approaches to childbirth, which in turn may affect health in infancy and later childhood. Your third assessment gives you the chance to apply your knowledge of these factors and to learn about different approaches to neonatal assessments. You will consider common birth complications that result from lack of prenatal care, medical conditions that can cause problematic pregnancies, and social factors such as poverty. You will also examine implications of caring for premature infants for the individual, family, and society, and to recommend best practices for the health of newborns and infants.



Imagine you are a professional with expertise in prenatal and postnatal development. You have been invited to address an audience of parents and fellow professionals on a selected issue.

Choose one of the following scenarios as the basis for your presentation:

1. Postpartum maternal depression: The impact on early postnatal attachment.

. An agency to support teen mothers in an urban, low socioeconomic status (SES) area has requested that you provide a presentation on postpartum maternal depression to their support staff. The group is interested in knowing more about how postpartum maternal depression affects early postnatal attachment in particular. The group is also interested in suggestions for empirically supported interventions prevention strategies for their population.

Part 1: Research Analysis

Identify the scenario you have chosen and develop a 5- 7 page analysis on your selected topic, supporting your ideas with current scholarly research that fully explores the topic. This analysis will provide the basis for you to explain the impact of the issue on the infant, family, and society.


· An examination of how the specific issue affects cognitive, social, emotional, or physical development in early childhood and beyond.

· An analysis of major theories or recent research related to a selected topic that considers the influence of biology and the environment, health, education, and individual and cultural influences on development.

· An application of child development theory and research in recommending appropriate responses or interventions to an infant’s evolving needs in school, home, and community while considering unique cultural factors relevant in those contexts.

Part 2: Presentation Speaker’s Notes

Drawing on your research in Part 1, prepare two pages of speaker’s notes for the presentation directed at an audience of professionals and parents in which you:

· Describe the topic of the presentation and its significance to the audience.

· Analyze the impact of the issue on the infant, family, and society while considering individual and cultural differences and any potential health disparities.

· Recommend best practices for the health of newborns or infants.

Type the presentation on two double-spaced pages. This does not need APA in-text referencing, but you can refer to important scholarly sources that support your ideas. Remember to consider the level of understanding the audience may have on the topic so that you avoid jargon or provide clarification. This presentation needs to have objective support, but, as a presentation, it can be in more informal first-person language.

Your submission should total 7- 9 pages for Parts 1 and 2.


· Length: 5- 7 typed, double-spaced pages.

· Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.

· References: Include a minimum of six academic, peer-reviewed resources.

· APA style and formatting: Format the references and in-text citations according to the current APA style and formatting guidelines. Use the  MEAL Plan  document to organize the content and include APA headings and subheadings. See  Evidence and APA .

· Written communication: Use the accepted form and style of the psychological professions, employing grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of graduate-level composition and expression.

· SafeAssign: You are required to use  SafeAssign  before submitting the completed assessment to your instructor. For this assessment, use the SafeAssign Draft option to check your writing and ensure that you have paraphrased, quoted, and cited your sources appropriately. Run a SafeAssign report, saving your assessment as a draft. Based on your SafeAssign results, make any necessary changes to your paper before submitting for grading.


· Length: Two typed, double-spaced pages.

· Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.

· Written communication: Written communication should be clearly organized, free of jargon, and written with parents and fellow professionals in mind.

· SafeAssign: You are required to use  SafeAssign  before submitting the completed assessment to your instructor. Use the SafeAssign Draft option to check your writing. Run a SafeAssign report, saving your assessment as a draft. Based on your SafeAssign results, make any necessary changes to your speaker’s notes before submitting for grading




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Writers Solution

Impact of television in American society in the 1950s

After watching the shows, please provide a 300-400 word commentary on the following question: what conclusion could someone make about American society in the 1950s if they ONLY watched these shows? 

show link:

Please answer at least ONE review question from TV in America AND then answer the following from the Television and the Public Interest document:

1. Does the speech provide insight to the impact of television in American society in the 1950s?  Does the speech reinforce or challenge how the TV in America article viewed television’s role in society?

2. Are the documents on television from the 1950s similar in content and perspective as the document on Radio in the 1920s?

FR’M what TV ls Doing to America (1955)

Television emerged as the most popular form of entertainment after World War II. In th3-Process it transformed leisure time, and, sotTns critics argued, degraded the quality of life’ In 1955 U. S. News and World Report magazine aisessed ie impact of the television industry.

copyright september z, Lgss, pp. 36-39. u.s. Ners and world Report.

today is television. There has been nothing like it in the postwar decade, or in -urrv

he biggest of the new forces in American life age. Their parents use up even more time mesmer_ ized by this new marvel-or monster. They have spent 15 billion dollars to look since L946.

Now, after nearly l0 years of TV, people are asking: “What

hath TV wrought? What is thii thing doing to us?”

Solid answers to this question are very hard to get. Pollsters, sociologists, doctors, teachers, the TV people themselves come up with more contradic_ tions than conclusions whenever they start asking.

But almost everybody has an opinion ,rrd wants to air it.

What do these opinions add up to? people have strong views. Here are some widely held convic_ tions, both against and for television:

That TV has kept people from going places and doing things, from reading, from thinking for themselves. Yet it is said also that TV has i”k n viewers vicariously into strange and fascinating spots and situations, brought distinguished and enchanting people into their living rooms, given them a new perspective.

decades before that-perhaps not since the inven_ tion of the printing press. Even radio, by contrast, was a placid experience.

The impact of TV on this country has been so massive that Americans are still wondering what hit them. Has the effect been good or badi What permanent effects on the American way of life may be expected? These and other questions ur. .orr_ sidered in this survey.

Probably there are some people in the U.S. who have never seen a television program, but you would have to go into the hills to find them. iwo out of three U.S. families now own their own sets, or are paylng for them. In 32 million homes, TV dials are flicked on and off from channel to chan_ nel, at least 100 million times between g a.m. and midnight.

Everywhere, children sit with eyes glued to screens-for three to four hours a day on the aver_

306 cHeprnn 32 socrEry AND culrunn, 1945_1960

That TV has interfered with schooling, kept children from learning to read and write, *.Iiirrra their eyesight and softened their muscres. But there are those who hold that TV has made America,s youngsters more ..knowing,’

about life, more curi_ ous, given them a bigger vocabulary. Teaching by TV, educators say, is going to be a big thing irr”thi future.

e v’D sru’6’r urr

That TV arouses morbid emotions in children, glorifies violence, causes juvenile crime_that it starts domestic quarrels, tends to loosen morals and make people lazy and, sodden. Ho*.”% l; keeps families together at home, provides a realm of cheap entertainment never Lefore available, stimulates new lines of conversation.

That TV is giving the U.S. an almost primitive language, made up of grunts, whistles, standard_ ized wisecracks and clich€s_that it is turning the average American into a stereotype. yet it is break_ ing down regional barriers and prejudices, ironing out accents, giving people in one part of the cou.r] try a better understanding of people in other p”iir. That TV is milking poliiics ;u ,i.h man,s g;_;J; turning statesmanship into a circus, handinidem- agogues a new weapon. But it is giving Americans their first good look at the insideir ttreir Govern- T:”t,

letting them judg-. the people they elect Cy sight as well as by sound and fury.

That TV has distorted and debased Salesman_ ship, haunting people with singing .,commercials,, and slogans. However, becaurJo, in spite of TV, people are buying more and more things they never before thought they needed or wanted.

. These are just some of the comments that peo_

ple keep on making about TV. The e4perts say that it probably will be another generation before there is a firm basis of knowledge about television,s im_ pact on America.

Today’s TV child, the boy or girl who was born with a TV set in his hom9, is toJyoung to analyze his feelings. Older people, despiie the-ir frequent vehemence about TV, are ,titt far from’rtrr. whether they have all Aladdin,s lamp or hold a bear by the tail,

Goliath with tubes. One thing you can be sure

.rblul TV, a giant at 10, continues to grow like no_

body’s business. Here are some figur;s and com_ parisons: The t5 billion dollars thaithe U.S. people have invested in TV sets and repairs since the wa, is 15 per cent more than the country spent for rr.* school and college buildings. About a billion more has gone into TV stations and equipment.

TV-viewing time is going up, not down, latest surveys show. This explodes the theory that people would taper off on television ..once

they goi used to it.”

. “Pull”

of popular TV programs is believed to be very effective. pollsters oport that three times as many people will leave a meal to answer questions at the door as will get up to abandon”Dragnet.”

The number of families holding out against TV is declining to a smal fraction. There still are 16 mil- lion families without sets, but most of these fami_ lies either can’t pay for sets or else live out “f ;;;g; of TV signals.

On an average evening, twice as many set own_ ers will be watching W as are engaged inany other form of entertainment or leisur! activity, ,uch a, mov-ie-going, card playrng, or reading. Seven out of 10 American children watch TV between 6 and 8 o’clock most evenings.

Analysts are intrigued by the evidence that adults, not children, are the real television fans. The newest trend in viewing habits is a rise in the number of housewives who watch TV in the morn_ ing. One out of five with a set now watches a morning show with regularity.

Wat is it?tMhy do people want TV? A $67.50_ per-week shoe repairman in San Francisco, puts it about as plainly as anyone can. ..TV,’,

h. ,u-yr^,..i, the only amusement I can afford.” That was the reason he gave for paying four weeks, wages for his set.

The cobbler’s comment e4plains TV,s basic lure. It is free entertainment except for the cost of set, and repairs and electricity. Ii becomes so ab_ sorbing that a broken set is a family catastrophe. People will pay to have the set fixed before they wiil pay the milk bill, if necessary.

What does TV do to people? What do people do with TV? The researchers are digging into these questions all the time.In general, they come to the- ories, rather than conclusions. There are three main theories:

THEORY “lf’: This is widely held by people whose professions bring them into close contact with juveniles-judges, district attorneys, police officers, ministers. It assumes that TV is bound to be affecting the American mind and character be- cause it soaks up one to five hours a day or more that used to be spent in outdoor play, in games re- quiring reasoning and imagination, or in reading, talking, radio listening, or movie-going.

Even the more passive of these pursuits, the the- ory runs, required more exercise of brain than does TV watching. Then, too, many TV programs, the theorists say, are violent or in questionable taste.

Net effect, according to these people, is a wast- ing away or steady decline in certain basic skills among American youngsters. Children lose the ability to read, forfeit their physical dexteriry strength and initiative.

Some see a definite connection between TV and juvenile delinquency. The Kefauver Subcom- mittee of the Senate fudiciary Committee has just explored this aspect. It stated:

“Members of the subcommittee share the con- cern of a large segment of the thinking public for the implications of the impact of this medium [tel- evision]. . . upon the ethical and cultural standards of the youth of America. It has been unable to gather proof of a direct casual relationship between the viewing of acts of crime and violence and the actual performance of criminal deeds. It has not, however, found irrefutable evidence that young people may not be negatively influenced in their present-day behavior by the saturated exposure they now receive to pictures and drama based on an underlying theme of lawlessness and crime which depict human violence.”

THEORY “B”: Mainly held by sociologists, communications economists, pollsters. This is that television is changing the American mind and character, although nobody knows for sure just

pnor”r What TV Is Doing to America (1955) 307

how The evidence is too fragmentary. The analysts are disturbed by some aspects of TV’s effect on viewers. Some think TV is conditioning Americans to be “other directed,” that is, getting their ideas from someone else. The early American, by con- trast, is supposed to have been “inner directed,” a man who thought things out for himself on the ba- sis of his own reasoning.

A fanry name for this suspected effect of TV is “narcotic disfunction.” This means that more and more men come home in the evening, drop into a chair in front of the TV set after supper and slip into a dream world of unreality.

However, the same researchers confess that TV can have a broadening influence, bringing to the masses a taste of the arts and sciences, a peek into government that they couldn’t get any other way.

THEORY “C”: This is what the TV people themselves like to think. It is that television is rap- idly becoming “one more service” to the U.S. public, another medium such as newspapers, mag- azines, radio. Some people watch TV a lot, others very little. Most people want a set around, but some don’t lean on it.

The TV people minimize the idea that TV is dominating American life. It is almost as if they were afraid their own baby is getting too big. What they usually say is that the people who allow their lives to be controlled by television were similarly dominated by radio and the movies-and that they are only a small minority.

The TV habit. What do the theorists base their theories on? What have they found out about the place of the TV set in American life?

Many studies have been made of the “TV

habit.” Latest of these indicates that TV viewing reaches a peak just after a set enters a home, then falls off rather sharply. Next, viewing begins to rise again in the average home, building up, evidently, toward a new peak that is not yet measured.

The A. C. Nielsen Company a market research organization that attaches mechanical recorders to sets in private homes, finds this: During the 12 months ended in April, 1955, average use per

r t

:” €

308 cneprrn 32 socrETy AND culTunn, 1945-1960

day of TV sets was 4 hours and 50 minutes. That was up 4 per cent over the year before. . . .

Other studies indicate that women watch TV more than men do. Children, contrary to general impression, watch TV less than adults in thep average home. Persons low in income, educa- tion or job status as a rule spend more time in front of TV sets than those with more money and education.

What’s on TV. What do people get on TV? What do they want? Three out of every four TV programs are entertainment shows. . . . In a typical week of the peak TV season, in |anuary of last year, crime, comedy, variety and Western shows ac- counted for 42.7 per cent of all TV program time on New York City screens. News accounted for 6.1 per cent of TV time-about the same share of time as was taken by quiz, stunt and contest shows. Other informational types of TV shows, such as in- terviews, weather reports, travelogues, children’s instructional programs and cooking classes, got 16.2 per cent of the time.

Rating figures tend to show that people are get- ting just about what they want, in the opinion of the broadcasting industry. According to the “pop-

ularity” ratings of top shows, comedy and drama and straight entertainment are outpulling every- thing else.

What about information? The popularity cards seem to indicate the reaction is a stifled yawn. In a two-week period last June, when two comedy pro- grams, the ‘lGeorge Gobel Show” and “I Love Lucy,” were at the top of the list, each reaching more than 13 million homes, the top-ranking in-

formational programs were way down the line. The “March of Medicine,” for example, was No. 62, reaching 6.57 million homes; “Meet the Press” was No. 150, getting to 1.14 million families.

Studies also have been made of how long vari- ous programs hold their audiences. Love and ad- venture performances, it develops, will keep about 85 per cent of the audience to the end. By contrast, the most gripping historical sketches hold only 65 per cent, and many hold less than one third of their starting viewers. Informational programs, again, rank near the bottom in “holding power.”

Television critics, who write about TV pro- grams in newspapers and magazines, are frequently harsh in their remarks about violence, sadism, bad taste on the screen. However, Dallas W. Smythe, a professor of communications economics at the University of Illinois, analyzed New York City pro- grams for 1955 and concludes that programs which critics liked best seldom drew the biggest au- diences.

The public is fickle. Top rating is hard to hold. The viewers tire rapidly of a particular show unless the producers manage to come up with fresh ma- terial, new appeals.

RrvrEw QUESTToNS 1. Summarize the supposedly negative effects of

watching television. 2. What were the benefits of television? 3. Which concerns about television strike you as

being equally relevant today?




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