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Issue-Specific Security Policies

Assessment Description

Throughout this program, you will be creating a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) based on an industry that is of interest to you. This assignment is a continuation of that project. Using the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) content developed in the previous courses, complete Phase 3. Note: Upon completion and submission, implement any feedback from your instructor. Then, make sure to retain a copy of this assignment for the Business Continuity Plan, which will be finalized and submitted in either CYB-690 or ITT-660, depending on your major.

Special Note: Due to the length of this assignment, it will be started in Topic 4 and completed in Topic 5. Make sure to refer to the appropriate topic Resources as specified.

Prior to beginning this assignment, view “Business Continuity Plan (BCP)” and “Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery” within the “Video Playlist: Policy Management for Security Solutions,” located in the Class Resources.

Part 1: Issue-Specific Security Policies

NIST SP 800-12 Rev 1 recommends three types of information security policies to help organizations create, maintain, and develop an effective Information Security Program, with the objective of reducing risks, complying with laws and regulations, assuring operational continuity, and applying informational confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

One type is Issue-Specific Security Policies (ISSP). For each of the following issues, use “NIST SP 800-12 Rev 1,” located in the topic Resources, to create an ISSP document. Make sure to address the following for each policy: Issue Statement, Statement of the Organization’s Position, Applicability, Roles and Responsibilities, Compliance, Points of Contact, and Supplementary Information.

  1. Use of personal equipment on your company’s network (BYOD)
  2. Internet access
  3. Personal use of company equipment
  4. Removal of organizational equipment from your company’s property
  5. Use of unofficial software

Part 2: Legal Standard Operating Policies and Procedures 

A thorough legal standard operating policies and procedures (SOP) document is the foundation of a good business continuity plan. Standard operating procedures and policies provide the roadmap for management and staff to follow. These steps become the backbone of the business continuity plan, and they must govern every aspect of your chosen company. 

Using the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) – Phase 1 content developed in CYB-515, design a 6- to 8-page manual presenting the legal standard operating policies and procedures to describe incidents including fire evacuation, ransomware attack, power outage, and pandemic situations.

Each policy or procedure must include information related to:

  1. Industry Compliance
  2. Business Operations
  3. Training and Awareness
  4. Disaster Recovery
  5. Incident Response

Support the BCP with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Part 3: Incident Response

Once an adverse event that has targeted a business is confirmed, it is labeled as an incident. That is the time to activate the incident response plan. After the plan is activated, procedures are followed for incident reaction. Most of the time, the incident is contained. Then, clean-up of all the problems begins and the organization makes a full recovery, with everything back to normal. This is incident recovery. 

Use the guidelines provided by “NIST SP 800-61 Rev. 2: The Computer Security Incident Handling Guide,” located in the topic Resources, to design an Incident Response Plan (IRP) for your company. Include actions to be taken if each of the following adverse events occurs:

  1. Ransomware attack on one PC/user
  2. Power failure
  3. ISP failure

If a disaster renders the current business location unusable for a long time, and there is no alternate site to reestablish critical business functions, what would you suggest in a situation like this? Hint: Use the 8-step model recommended by NIST to develop and maintain a viable BC program for your company. 

Support the BCP with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance




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Deduce the potential outcome from Robert’s meeting


For this reflection paper, you will need to read the article below.

Wink, G. B., & Corradino, L. J. (2010). Income inflation: Absorption costing vs. variable. Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, 16(1), 49–54.

After reading the article, use the Institute of Management Accountants Code of Ethics found on page 12 of your textbook to incorporate the following components.

Summarize ethical issues presented through Wink and Corradino’s article.

Establish what actions you would take if placed in Robert’s situation.

Deduce the potential outcome from Robert’s meeting.

Your reflection must be at least two pages in length. No references are required. If outside sources are used, please adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.




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Identify cyber security risk components that may exist within your real or fictional company


For this assignment, think about a company for which you currently work or one for which you worked previously. If one does not come to mind, feel free to create a fictional company. Using your textbook and sources from the CSU Online Library, you will compose a written essay of at least three pages in which you will include the following information:

Identify cyber security risk components that may exist within your real or fictional company.

Develop and describe a cyber security risk mitigation strategy for a real or fictional company.

Describe the challenges and benefits of implementing a cyber security risk mitigation strategy for a real or fictional company.

Please be sure that your written response utilizes proper APA formatting and that all sources used, including the textbook, are referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.




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Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis

Online: Introduction to World Literature



All works of literature involve transformation. As we’ve seen in our course readings, transformations—changes—take place in characters, settings, environments, objects and technologies, and even styles and genres. Transformations can happen quickly or slowly, unexpectedly or expectedly; transformations can be desirable or undesirable, permanent or temporary, and cause a range of different emotions and responses. These transformations can be physical, external, internal, emotional, psychological, cultural, or stylistic, touching on different dimensions and themes of the human experience.

In this assignment, you will analyze two instances of transformation in two texts (one instance of transformation per text) and make an argument about how and why these transformations are thematically significant. How does a particular example of transformation give meaning to a text? In what ways are transformations different, leading to different themes and meanings? To be clear, in your essay, do NOT simply summarize the transformations that happen in two texts; rather, your task is to analyze, interpret, and compare two specific examples of transformation in literature, making an argument about how the process of transformation can be used to express themes in different ways. In this respect, think of your essay as a comparative analysis of how two texts represent and use transformation for different thematic purposes.

Choose 2 texts from the following choices:

●       Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis

●       Matsuo Bashō, Narrow Road to the Deep North


1) Introduction & Thesis Statement: Your essay must begin with an introduction (1 paragraph) in which you introduce your two texts, your specific instances of transformation, and your specific thesis statement. Your thesis statement can be more than one sentence; indeed, sometimes two sentences are needed to articulate and flesh out your argument: in this case, how and why transformation is thematically significant in two different texts. Your thesis statement should be stated in the first paragraph and should be easy to identify by readers.

●       Note on thesis and argument: When constructing your argument, you should think about the differences in how your two texts represent processes of transformation. Remember that all of these texts involve different genres, styles, cultures, historical periods, and geographical regions. As you analyze their differences, remember that change and transformation—while universal—also take shape in different ways that reflect a work’s genre, geography, and cultural and historical context.

2) Analysis & Close Reading: Your essay should include several body paragraphs on each of your chosen texts. Use these paragraphs to analyze how each text incorporates transformation to explore specific themes. You can also include a paragraph that directly contrasts how the two texts utilize or represent transformation. In these body paragraphs, make sure to close read and analyze your textual evidence. Pay attention to specific words and details in your quotes and explain how they illustrate your claims.

3) Textual Evidence: Make sure to support your argument about transformation with evidence from both of your chosen texts. Evidence will include quotations from the text to demonstrate your argument, but also to provide you with passages to close read and analyze. When quoting a passage, be sure that you properly introduce it, cite it, and analyze it. Quotations should not be used for summary; they should be used as textual evidence and as an occasion for close reading and supporting your argument.

4) Engagement with Social and Cultural Context: Make sure that your argument and close readings demonstrate an awareness of the texts’ historical and social context. While we don’t expect you to be experts on any historical culture, we do require that you demonstrate a familiarity with the material covered in the lecture videos and that you engage with the historical, cultural, social, generic, and geographical specificity of each text. Commenting on cultural and historical context is a requirement (see category 4 in the Writing Assignment #2 Rubric).



All essays will be graded based on a rubric. The rubric evaluates four learning outcomes: thesis and topic development; language and conventions; engagement with social and cultural context; and close reading and interpretation (see Writing Assignment #2 Rubric for details). The rubric is available on Canvas and students are encouraged to look it over carefully during the composition of their essay. Each of the four categories will be graded on a 5-point scale (half points are possible), for a total of 20 points.


Essay must be a minimum of 1250 words in length, not including the heading/title and works cited page. We also request that essays be no longer than 1500 words in length. Any essay that does not meet the minimum length requirement (1250 words) will receive the following penalty: 1 point will be deducted for any essay just under the length requirement (1000 – 1250 words), and 2 points will be deducted for any essay more than 250 words under the requirement (1000 words or under). Please note that short essays also will likely lose points in other rubric categories; for example, papers under 1250 words typically will not be as strong in thesis and topic development as essays that are within the required word-count range.


Essay must be typed, double-spaced, written in 12-point Times, Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial font, and formatted according to standard MLA style (please review the MLA handout in the week 8 module). All essays must include a Works Cited page that includes the two texts you discuss, along with any additional sources cited or consulted. Secondary sources are not required for this assignment, but if you decide to consult or incorporate outside sources, you must cite them both in the text and in the works cited to avoid plagiarism.

All essays will be submitted to and analyzed by Turnitin, a plagiarism detection software used by the University to help identify plagiarism and to ensure academic honesty. To receive credit for the essay, students must submit the essay through the correct submission link in the Canvas modules (not as a comment). The student is solely responsible to make sure their essay has been submitted correctly. Students should keep a receipt of their essay submission by taking a screenshot of the “submission submitted” page as receipt of correct submission.


This essay is due on Sunday, October 16 at 11:59 p.m.  By this date and time, your essay needs to be submitted via the submission link in the Week 8 Module folder. To be graded and receive credit, every essay must follow the guidelines and requirements outlined in this assignment. Please read the guidelines carefully before submitting. Late essays will be accepted only for 72 hours immediately following the due date and time. All late assignments will receive a 1-point deduction for lateness.


If you have questions about this assignment, you can ask them in the designated Q & A Forum in the Week 8 Module in Canvas. Remember that you can earn extra credit by attending a Writing Center appointment to work on this assignment. Remember to have the Writing Center email the course coordinator, Ms. Marisa Mills, a record of your appointment.


Please note: These are simply meant to kickstart your thinking. Feel free to ask other questions and write about other issues not listed here, so long as they address the prompt.

●       Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis

○       How might you interpret Gregor Samsa’s transformation into an insect as metaphorical? What details in his daily life suggest that he resembles a bug, and/or that he lives like a bug does? What is significant about this metaphorical transformation?

○       How does being an insect lead Gregor to experience internal (emotional or psychological) transformations? What relationship does the text establish between external and internal qualities and experiences? What connections can you make between the physical and emotional or psychological transformations that Gregor undergoes, and how are these connections significant?

○       Turning into a bug causes all sorts of trouble for Gregor. For example, his family treats him very differently than they used to. How, then, is his family in some ways responsible for the transformations he undergoes? Conversely, how do members of Gregor’s family change in response to his new bug-like condition?  Expanding on Dr. Jordan’s lecture, consider how Gregor’s father transforms seemingly into a different person. What is the significance of this change?

○       How do changes in point of view relate to the other transformations that we encounter in this text? When the point of view shifts from Gregor’s to his family’s in the final scene, what conclusion do you draw about how changing one’s perspective also changes your understanding of a situation, story, etc.? Also, how does the final shift in perspective transform the reader’s understanding of Gregor Samsa?

○       How do changes in the setting relate to character transformation in this text? Consider how most of the story occurs inside the Samsa apartment. In the final paragraph of the story, what does the text imply, then, about how environment or setting affects character?

●       Matsuo Bashō, Narrow Road to the Deep North

○       With Bashō’s text, the most obvious transformations are the physical, spiritual, emotional, and psychological transformations undergone by Basho during his travels. His journey involves transformations to his physical body, his mental state, and his emotional and psychological well-being. Any of these could be analyzed in detail, with helpful context from the lectures.

○       How is enlightenment itself a transformation? Drawing on Dr. Carey’s lecture on Zen Buddhism, you could analyze how awareness, meditation, poetry, or other moments of enlightenment involve spiritual and mental transformation. Where in the text does Bashō describe these moments? And how do they occur—indirectly, through his relationship with people and objects, and/or through language? 

○       How does the form of haiku and/or haibun transform language and human experience? For Bashō, how does haiku create its own transformations? In what way does the haiku form transform language, poetry, or human experience into a vehicle of awareness and enlightenment?

○       Movement, change, and transformations are everywhere in Narrow Road to the Deep North, but they often involve states of awareness, emotions, and language. Think about the ways that Bashō uses language to both create and represent the process of change. This is a great text to analyze when thinking about how specific forms (haiku, haibun, travel writing) are themselves vehicles of transformation




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Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Financial Sector

Introduction & Overview
This is the ISOL 633 Residency Project: Portfolio Assignment, which is a label that merely
reflects that one of the overarching M.S. Information Systems Security degree program’s Learner
Outcomes (a/k/a, “PLOs”; see syllabus and below) will be tested in your work. This is a
relatively light research and writing project to be done in a group unless your Instructor advises
you to conduct it individually. Although it is relatively light, for example as compared to a
master’s thesis or a dissertation, it is an academic research paper that requires rigor,
commitment, and care.
In ISOL 633 all your work is focused on obtaining the five Course Objectives (also on the
syllabus) and this MSISS PLO:
✓ Program Outcome 3.1- Students determine which laws apply to different types of
business environments.
A successful Portfolio will unequivocally prove that your group has attained the PLO, which is
partially why this is not due until the end of the term (see your course dates for details). Also, a
successful Portfolio will evince graduate-level written English, and conformity to APA Style
guidelines. See the Residency Project: Portfolio Assignment’s rubric for a detailed view about
how to learn the most in this process, and how to earn the most in terms of a grade on the work.
Writing Style and Constructive Requirements
Through experience it is clear that, for some reason, page length is top-of-mind amongst
students’ curiosities. You are required to write at least five substantive pages (excluding Title,
Abstract, References, and Appendices) and no more than 10 without approval from your
If you are familiar with APA Style, which is another requirement, you know that the
parenthetical above points to the main components of this Portfolio Assignment: Title Page,
Abstract Page, Body, References, and Appendices if needed. As graduate students studying in
STEM sciences you must follow APA. There are ample resources in UC’s Library to learn how
to conform.
Besides the Library, you can get all the help desired from UC’s The Learning Commons and its
Writing Center. You have no excuse to fail at these basic style and construction requirements.
This is the so-called low-hanging fruit. Experience shows us that far too few of you will heed
this seemingly simple direction. Please take advantage of these resources lest your excellent
research and analyses never actually gets communicated. Sometimes the mode is as important as
the message. See the course materials for links and tons of help in this vein.ISOL Residency Project: Portfolio Assignment 2
The Research Challenges
Your group’s task is to conduct reliable, valid, scholarly research about one of the following
bodies of law, and then discuss your findings and critical thoughts about it. As a separate
assignment, your group will also present the research and its findings in a way that engages and
informs an audience. There have been and will be many areas of information security and
privacy laws, so select one of the options that engages you, or perhaps relates to work you’re
1. Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Financial Sector
Select one American financial institution that frames your research. Describe the organization, its
business(es), its scope, and any additional descriptive information that will inform your reader
about your subject matter.
Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the financial sector that
came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based on that law,
and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, if your selected
financial institution was involved in such litigation, or has published their critique, include that
information too.
In addition to compliance laws that directly target financial institutions, countless other laws
apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to discover whether your
selected institution has been awarded intellectual property rights for their trademarks, patents, or
IP. Describe whether and how it protects its trade secrets. Describe for your reader some of the
most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps has been involved in.
In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential
risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics
investigation. Keeping the focus on your organization and the financial sector, research and
discuss an incident or case in which such an institution was compelled to go through the forensic
investigation process. There are no sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so
be diligent and you will find one to discuss.
Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from
compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts,
or otherwise affects the organization. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk
consultant in this section.
2. Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Education Sector
Select one American academic institution that frames your research. Describe the school, its
place in academia, its student body and curricular expanse, and any additional descriptive
information that will inform your reader about your subject matter.
Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the education sector that
came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based on that law,
and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, if your selectedISOL Residency Project: Portfolio Assignment 3
institution was involved in such litigation, or has published their critique, include that
information too.
In addition to compliance laws that directly target educational institutions, countless other laws
apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to discover whether your
selected institution has been awarded intellectual property rights for their trademarks, patents, or
IP. Describe whether and how it protects its trade secrets. Describe for your reader some of the
most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps has been involved in.
In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential
risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics
investigation. Keeping the focus on your organization and the educational sector, research and
discuss an incident or case in which such an institution was compelled to go through the forensic
investigation process. There are no sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so
be diligent and you will find one to discuss.
Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from
compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts,
or otherwise affects the institution. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk
consultant in this section.
3. Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Healthcare Sector
Select one American healthcare organization (“covered entity” in HIPAA parlance) that frames
your research. Describe the organization, its components assuming it’s a healthcare “system,” its
business in general, and any additional descriptive information that will inform your reader about
your subject matter.
Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the healthcare sector that
came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based on that law,
and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, if your selected
covered entity was involved in such litigation, or has published their critique, include that
information too.
In addition to compliance laws that directly target healthcare institutions, countless other laws
apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to discover whether your
selected institution has been awarded intellectual property rights for their trademarks, patents, or
IP. Describe whether and how it protects its trade secrets. Describe for your reader some of the
most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps has been involved in.
In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential
risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics
investigation. Keeping the focus on your organization and the healthcare sector, research and
discuss an incident or case in which such an institution was compelled to go through the forensic
investigation process. There are no sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so
be diligent and you will find one to discuss.ISOL Residency Project: Portfolio Assignment 4
Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from
compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts,
or otherwise affects the institution. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk
consultant in this section.
4. Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Federal Government
Select one U.S. federal government agency, bureau, directorate, or another organizational entity
in the Administrative Branch that frames your research. Describe the organization, its place in
the structure of the federal government, its scope of control or legal influence, what types of
organizations or individuals are subject to its regulations, and any additional descriptive
information that will inform your reader about your subject matter.
Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the federal government
system that came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based
on that law, and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, your
selected agency was likely involved in such litigation, or has published their critique of the laws,
so include that information foremost.
In addition to compliance laws that directly target the federal government’s security and privacy,
countless other laws apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to
discover whether your selected agency has been awarded intellectual property rights (yes, the
federal government both owns and awards IP protection through USPTO) for their trademarks,
patents, or IP. Describe whether and how it maintains or protects its trade secrets. Describe for
your reader some of the most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps
has been involved in. Again, even the government is subject to the laws that it creates in this
In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential
risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics
investigation. Keeping the focus on your agency, and likely also looking to NIST materials,
research and discuss an incident or case in which such the agency or another within its greater
organization was compelled to go through the forensic investigation process. There are no
sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so be diligent and you will find one to
Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from
compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts,
or otherwise affects the agency. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk
consultant in this section.
Additional Requirements as Mandated by Your Instructor
This Portfolio Assignment is subject to changes introduced by your instructor, whose
requirements supersede these when the two directions appear at odds. As always, work with your
Instructor, ask questions when you’re unclear, and do so as soon as practical.




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Intrusion Protection System (IPS) Lab – Installing Snort

Assessment Description

Cybersecurity professionals must harden the firewall to ensure it is properly configured and updated.

In this lab, you will use the pfSense system from Topic 1 and Snort software to harden and test the firewall.

Complete the following:

  1. View the “Intrusion Protection System (IPS) Lab – Installing Snort” within the Video Playlist: Technology Implementation of Security Solutions, located in Class Resources.
  2. Configure Snort and start the Snort service. Update Snort and download the latest community rules. Ensure that you have configured Snort to detect port scans.
  3. Using Kali Linux, perform a full GVM scan of the pfSense VM.
  4. Provide screenshots of the Snort installation steps and the port scan logs from Snort.
  5. In a Microsoft Word document, provide screenshots of the Snort installation steps and the port scan logs from Snort. Make sure to describe the screenshots and include lessons learned, any issues you encountered during the installation process, as well as how to prevent them in the future. In addition, describe which scans were detected by Snort and how hardening methods helped to detect the scans.

APA style is not required, but solid technical writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. 




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debate in FAVOR of publicly disclosing the hospital’s policy

Unit 7 Discussion 1 – Public Announcement: Debate (Comprehensive arguments). 4 references. 800w due 10-17-22.

1. debate in FAVOR of publicly disclosing the hospital’s policy.

2. debate in OPPOSITION of publicly disclosing the hospital’s policy.

3. Speak on the topic Health Data in the Information Use, Disclosure, and Privacy.





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National Society Leadership and Success honor society October 2021

Sherie Atkinson Lilburn, GA 30047 +1 678 462 7808

Authorized to work in the US for any employer

Work Experience

Medication Aide JEWISH HOME LIFE CARE – Atlanta, GA February 2022 to Present

Main Responsibilities are to supervise 3-11 shift ensuring all assigned task are completed. The administering of medication to all residents. assess all residents and communicate findings to charge nurse .Communicate with the pharmacy regarding medication orders and communicate with family members regarding behavior change in residents.

Resident Care Assistant Arbor Company – Atlanta, GA January 2020 to May 2020

Provide assistance to residents, taking vital signs and charting residents care.

Guidance Counselor/ teacher MINISTRY OF EDUCATION JAMAICA – Jamaica, IA November 2011 to August 2019

Conduct needs assessment, create and implement programs according to the needs of students and the institution.

Personal Development Coach Heart Trust NTA Jamaica – Saint Ann, MO October 2018 to May 2019

Conduct training Sessions with Adult learners using the Heart Trust Customer Service Manual .


Licensed in Assisted Living administrator Georgia Health Care / Center for Assisted Living – Georgia August 2022 to Present

BSc in Human Services Walden University – Minneapolis, MN December 2020 to Present

Professional Certification in Foundation of Leadership National Society and Leadership Success . Walden University – Minneapolis, MN

August 2021 to October 2021

Certificate in Nursing Assistant Atlanta Career Institute – Atlanta, GA November 2019 to December 2019

Associate’s in Counseling Education Mico University College – Kingston Jamaica August 2007 to June 2010

Certificate in Certified Medication Aide Alliant Health Solution – Atlanta, GA October 2021


• Individual / Group Counseling • Patient Care • Teaching • QuickBooks • Vital Signs , charting and patient observation • Knowledge of HIPPA and patient privacy • Case Management • Group Therapy • Crisis intervention • Medication administration • Dementia care • Meeting facilitation • Motivational interviewing • Child & family counseling • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy • Curriculum Development • Crisis Management • Intake Experience • Conflict Management • Caregiving • Program Development • Management


National Society Leadership and Success honor society October 2021

Inducted member of the NSLS Honor Society

Certifications and Licenses

Trained Teacher May 2010 to Present

CNA November 2019 to November 2022

CPR Certification December 2021 to December 2022

Medication Administration October 2021 to October 2023

BLS Certification

Certified Medication Aide

Additional Information

Certified Nursing Assitant in Georgia




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Have you changed or grown in any aspect? If so, how? Why?

Assignment Description

100 points

The final reflection paper is a 3-5 pages (double spaced) for this course. Reflect back on what has been discussed over the past 8 weeks and ask yourself if you have changed in any way: practical or theoretical.

Have you changed or grown in any aspect? If so, how? Why?

Do you think differently about anything? If so, what? Why?

Have you grown or changed specifically as a Christian leader during your first semester here at Concordia University Texas? If yes, how so? Why?

Be sure to properly reference readings, experiences, classes, discussions, and any other items from this class or others that have had an impact on you. Often times, our growth experiences are not limited to one instance, but rather built upon each other. Any kind of growth or change through experiences (academic or otherwise) can be used in this paper. Be specific with your examples…”make your case”…speak from your heart as you write this final paper.

Include your greatest moments, your struggles (as you choose to share), and how your views on life have changed or been reaffirmed. You need an introduction and conclusion, and the paper needs to be well-written, with good grammatical structure. Use or the Writing Center to help you edit your paper before submitting it. Always review the grading rubric in Blackboard before submitting your paper to ensure you are including the required aspects.




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What is the history of vaccination?

Unit 7 Discussion 2 – Vaccination Policy. 800w. 4 references.

This assessment addresses the following learning objective(s):

Advocate for policies that improve the health of the public and the profession of nursing and health care administration.


Vaccination is a hot-button issue for many Americans. Healthcare professionals, media outlets, celebrities, and the general population all play a significant role in shaping the public opinion on “to vaccinate or not to vaccinate.” In some states, policies are in place to help parents navigate the decision to vaccinate their children. In some organizations, patients may be dismissed from receiving care if they decline vaccination without a medical reason (standard series vaccines, flu vaccines, etc).

On the topic of vaccination:

1. What is the history of vaccination?

2. what should be the role of health policy at the state level?

3. What should be the role of health policy at the institutional (or provider) level?

4. What are some Political and medical trust issues surrounding vaccinations?




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