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plan and design an experiment investigating the factors that impact plant transpiration

For your course project you are tasked with designing and carrying out a research project on plant transpiration of your own design using the Vernier instruments (see Transpiration Lab Student Guide for directions). Transpiration is the process by which moisture moves through a plant. The process is broken down and explained in chapter 30, section 30.5 of the text book. The purpose of this assignment is to help you plan and design an experiment investigating the factors that impact plant transpiration. After this assignment is complete you will be able to conduct your experiment, collect data and prepare for the experiment analysis. During week 14 you will submit an experiment report using information from your design plan and experiment results. Please note that experiments that do not use the Vernier sensors will receive a grade of 0 so make sure you have your sensors ordered and available by week 14 when you must turn in your experiment report.

The Experimental Design Plan assignment is Due Week 6. Submit the attached experiment design sheet with answers as an attachment.

*Note: additional instructions for determining leaf surface area by hand have been added to the documents for this week’s assignment.


Look through the directions in the transpiration lab student guides. Before performing an experiment or lab, you must design and plan what is going to be tested and how you are going to test it. You must be organized and be able to communicate your results effectively. This assignment is designed to help you organize your experiment design. Use what you have learned about the scientific method from your lab assignments to help you design an experiment on plant transpiration. You will need to conduct some background research on plant transpiration to help you design your experiment. The research will be used to help you write the introduction portion of your experiment paper.

An experiment is a research method in which you manipulate a variable or variables under very controlled conditions and examines whether any changes occur in response to the manipulation of the variable.

It is a cause and effect relationship

1. Experiment introduction & background research with references in APA format (50 pts)

Before you can design an experiment you need to have a good understanding of the current research. You need to summarize what research is currently known about your experiment question in the introduction of your report. This part of the assignment allows you to get a jump start on that task while building valuable knowledge that will help you in your experiment design.

1) Visit the APUS library and internet to research information on plant transpiration. The program guide for natural sciences is a good starting place to begin your APUS library research: Natural Science

2) Look through these examples of how to share background research in an introduction: Example of Introduction section

Collect background information for your research experiment and use references and in text citations to back up you research. Explain any ideas or techniques that are necessary for someone to understand your experiment. At the minimum you should cover what transpiration is, what role/influence your independent variable has on enzymes, why this is important, your testable question and hypothesis. The introduction is generally 1 page long. You need to use APA formatted in text citations and references and this should be written in the 3rd person. You need to use at least 4 different academic references for your background research.

The grading in this section of the assignment is broken down as follows:

Coverage of topic including scientific question and hypothesis: 30 points

4 academic references and APA reference and citation technique: 15 points

Grammar/spelling/voice:5 points

Need tips on APA in text citations? They can be found here: In Text Citation

Need tips on APA reference formatting? They can be found here: Reference List

Want a handy tool that formats your references in APA for you? Visit this website: KnightCite

2. Identify the Independent Variable, Dependent Variable and Constants (10pts)

Independent Variable is the variable that is manipulated. It is the variable that you change on purpose. (The CAUSE) There are many variables that can change transpiration. You will choose only 1 independent variable to test. You can choose from temperature, light, humidity, plant species, or air flow.

Dependent Variable is the variable that we measure in response to the manipulation of the independent variable. It is a measurable change. State what are we measuring to gauge transpiration in our experiment here(The EFFECT)

Constants are all the other variables in the experiment that must remain the same so we can see what effect the independent variable has on the dependent variable.

The Control is used as a standard of comparison. The control is a level of the independent variable that has been changed the least or not at all.

3. Write a Title (5pts)

Use the following pattern when writing a title…

The Effect of the (Independent Variable) on the (Dependent Variable)

4. Write a Testable Question (5pts)

Not all questions are testable!!

A testable question asks. . .

“What is the effect of the Independent Variable on the Dependent Variable?”

5. Write a Hypothesis (5pts)

A hypothesis is a prediction of the outcome of the lab. Your prediction is based on your understanding of the scientific concept.

It answers your testable question. Use the following pattern:

IF the (IV- how it is changing), then the DV- how you think it will change), BECAUSE (why do you think this is happening.

Example- If the IV increases, then the DV will decrease because….

6. Write your Procedures (20pts)

Procedures are a list of materials used in the experiment and the steps in performing the experimental part. Procedures are the recipe you follow in order to perform the experiment. Write these in order, in paragraph form, and using your own words. Do not simply copy and paste from the student lab guide.

7. Create your Data Table (5pts)

Data is recorded during the procedures. You need to create your data collection table for your experiment. Below is an example Data collection table. Create your own collection table using labels with the names of your variables and the correct units you are measuring. Do not collect data yet! You are just setting up the table so you are ready to collect data when it is time to run your experiment. Wait until you get feedback from this assignment to begin any data collection.

*Repeated Trials——Why repeat the experiment more than once?

Mistakes happen no matter how careful you are so if you repeat the experiment you will get more reliable data. The more repeated trials the more likely you will reduce the effect of chance errors and the more reliable your data becomes and the more confidence you can place in your data. Generally a minimum of 3 trials is acceptable for experiments with more being better.

This is a great video that walks you through the setup steps involved in conducting the experiment:

AP Biology Investigation

Read through the attached documents to understand how you will customize the experiment and make it your own.

*Note: additional instructions for determining leaf surface area by hand have been added to the documents for this week’s assignment.

~Adapted from the Hudsonville Area School District Experiment Design Cheat Sheet




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What parts of the process have you liked, and what have you found challenging?


In the first three weeks of the course, we engaged in the writing process: prewriting, analysis, research, and outlining. What parts of the process have you liked, and what have you found challenging? How do you feel prepared for the first draft? Cite examples from your reading to support your post.

Post a minimum of 500 words, and leave at least two references from the textbook or outside readings/research into your analysis. Format attributions with an MLA in-text citation that corresponds with an end-of-post reference listing.


McGraw-Hill. Connect: Composition Essentials. 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2021.

  • Part 1, Chapter 3: Outlining and Drafting an Essa.y
  • Part 1, Chapter 4: Developing Paragraphs for the Body, Introduction, and Conclusion of an Essay




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Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle”, W.E.B DubBois’s “The Souls of Black Folk”, and Richard Wright;’s “Native Son”

Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle”, W.E.B DubBois’s “The Souls of Black Folk”, and Richard Wright;’s “Native Son”

 Journal 2: Referring to at least three of the works we have read in class so far (Weeks 1-4) discuss the role of art as it relates to social change in America. This is a broad question and students have the freedom to take it where they want. However, references to literary works and social change must be specific and supported. Minimum of 2 double-spaced pages. Submit the journal on an MS Word file attachment. The journal is graded on accuracy, presentation, analysis, and detail. The journal should reflect your knowledge of the writers and their themes along with a detailed analysis. Do not summarize the content of what you read. Instead, analyze and discuss. 





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CSavingsAccount and CCheckingAccount

Language (or Software): C++

This lab introduces you to writing a C++ program to implement the concept of class inheritance using different types of bank accounts as a model. In this lab, you will create a base class, called CBankAccount, and two additional classes (each derived from CBankAccount), called CSavingsAccount and CCheckingAccount. You will then test the operations of each class in function main() to simulate the transactions of both a checking account and a savings account.

STEP 1: Create the Multifile Project and the Main (Base) Class

Create a new project that consists of the base class BankAccount.

The BankAccount class should contain, at minimum, the following members.

It should contain data members to store a bank customer’s balance and account number. These should be of different and appropriate data types.
It should have function members that do the following:
set the account number;
return the account number;
return the account balance;
deposit money into the account; and
withdraw money from the account.
STEP 2: Create the CheckingAccount Class Derived From the BankAccount Class

The class CheckingAccount should contain, at a minimum, the following members.

It should contain a data member to keep track of the number of withdrawal transactions made on the account. Whenever a withdrawal is made, this number should be incremented.
Override the base class, withdraw-money function, and add the capability to deduct transaction fees from an account using the following guidelines.
The checking account is allowed three free transactions. For each successful withdrawal transaction past the three free transactions, there will be a service fee of 50 cents per transaction. The service fee should be deducted from the account balance at the time the transaction is made.
If there are insufficient funds in the account balance to cover the withdrawal plus the service fee, the withdrawal should be denied.
The function should return a value to indicate whether the transaction succeeded or failed. Transaction fees should be deducted only from successful transactions, but the transaction count should be incremented in either case.
STEP 3: Create the SavingsingAccount Class Derived From the BankAccount Class

The class CheckingAccount should contain, at a minimum, the following members.

It should contain a data member to hold the daily interest rate. The daily interest rate can be calculated from a yearly interest rate by dividing the annual rate by 365.
It should contain a data member to keep track of the number of days since the last transaction or balance inquiry. This should be updated using a random-number generator (reference Lab 1) that will return a value representing the number of days between 0 and 7, inclusive. We will assume that this bank is open every day of the year.
It should contain a data member to hold the interest earned since the last transaction or balance inquiry.
It should contain a function member to set the annual interest rate.
Utilize the base-class functions for both withdrawal and deposit operations for the savings account.
Override the base-class-balance inquiry function to add calculating and adding interest to the account based on the daily interest rate, the current balance of the account, and the number of days since the last balance inquiry. This should be called only when a balance inquiry is made, not when a deposit or withdrawal transaction or an account number inquiry is made.
If there are insufficient funds in the account balance to cover a withdrawal, the withdrawal should be denied. The number of days since the last transaction or balance inquiry and the interest calculations should still be made.
A value should be returned to indicate whether a withdrawal transaction succeeded or failed.
It should contain a function member to return the interest earned since the last transaction or balance inquiry.
It should contain a function member to return the number of days since the last transaction or balance inquiry.
STEP 4: Test Program Operation

All data-input and data-display operations (cin and cout) should be done in the function main() test program.
The test program should create one checking account and one savings account with initial balances of $100 each using the functions defined in the class definitions. The test program should also assign a unique, five-digit account number to each account and assign an annual interest rate of 3% for the savings account.
The test program should then display a menu that allows the user to select which option is to be performed on which account, including the following.
Make a deposit and specify the amount to a selected or an entered account.
Make a withdrawal and specify the amount to a selected or an entered account.
Return the balance of a selected or an entered account.
For deposit transactions, withdrawal transactions, and balance inquiries, the updated balance and any fees charged or interest earned should also be displayed.
For the savings account, the number of days since last transaction should be displayed.
Exit the program.
Each account operation should display the account number and the account type




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The functions fscanf and fgetc input data from files.


1. T F The functions fscanf and fgetc input data from files. 

2. T F Each data file must have an internal and an external name. 

3. T  F The file open mode “w” opens a file for writing. 

4. T  F We can use the fprintf function to write data into a text file. 

5. T F Assume that value is a variable of type int, the function call 

fscanf (stdin, “%d”, &value); is correct. 

6. T F  fscanf( ) and fprintf( ) are declared in the standard header file stdlib.h 

7. T F A text file is terminated by EOF. 

8. T F  The statement ifp = fopen(My_file”, “r”); opens a file for reading: 

9. T F The function sprintf( ) writes characters to a string. 

10. T F When a text file is opened, we have access to it at its beginning or 


11. T  F The main difference between scanf and sscanf is that sscanf gets its 

input from the string variable, which is its first parameter, whereas 

scanf gets its input from the standard input device. 

12. T  F The standard output function sprintf behaves like printf except it 

stores the output in its first parameter, which is a string variable. 

13. T F  The statement fprintf (test_scores, “%d”, score); writes a datum to a 

file named test_scores that has been opened in output mode. 

14. T  F It is possible to reopen in input mode a file that has been opened in 

output mode without closing it. 

15. T F If the file open mode for a data file is “w” an input statement 

referencing the file will read a datum from it.  

16. T F The output of a computer program can be directed to the standard 

output device, which is usually the monitor screen. 

17. T F  printf (“%d %d”, a; b); is syntactically legal. 

18. T F  scanf (“Enter a value for x: “, c1); is syntactically correct.




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Manager and Worker classes will add the fields necessary to implement their


For this task you will create a number of classes that provide information about the personnel in an organisation. You will write a Manager class and a Worker class, each of which will subclass a Person class. A Person will have a name, just a String, and an identity number, which is an integer. As no-one is just a person, the constructor of the Person class will only be used by constructors of derived classes. The name will be provided when an instance of a derived class is created. The identity should be automatically generated during construction and must be unique. No person, either manager or worker, can have the same identity number as another person. You should also ensure that the identity numbers of managers and workers cover separate ranges of integers (e.g. 1 – 99 for managers and 100 – 999 for workers), so that an identity number can be used, in the human organisation but not in your program, to discern whether a person is a manager or a worker.

There is a relationship between managers and workers that needs to be incorporated in the

corresponding classes. Each manager is the leader of a team of workers. In particular, a manager leads

exactly one team and a worker belongs to exactly one team. The system must allow for workers to be

moved from one team to another, managers to be moved from leadership of one team to leadership of

another, as well as for the appointment and retirement of personnel. For the current assignment task a

simplifying assumption will be that we do not need a class to represent a team’s work area. Instead the

manager-worker relationships will be incorporated by each Manager object maintaining a list of

Worker references, representing the team, and each Worker object maintaining a Manager reference,

representing the team leader.

The following state and functionality should be provided for these classes:

  • The Person class will maintain name and      identity fields, as described above, and the derived

Manager and Worker classes will add the fields necessary to implement their


  • Appropriate constructors will allow the name      and identity fields of Manager and Worker

objects to be initialised properly. Note that, although the identity field will be inherited,

its initialisation depends on the particular derived class. Full initialisation of the fields

implementing manager-worker interrelationships would not be done at this stage, but they

must be in an appropriate state for testing.

  • Getters for fields will be provided in      appropriate classes.
  • Appropriate toString methods will be      provided as required to simplify the display of object

state. Where an object’s state contains a reference to a person, include that person’s identity

number in the string.

  • For setting up, changing, or nullifying the      field values implementing manager-worker

interrelationships you need to make changes in the state of both a Manager object and a

Worker object. There are different ways to do this. For example, for moving a worker

between teams, one way is to provide the Worker class with a movetoTeamOf instance

method that accepts a Manager reference. The code of this method could first make some

checks (e.g. are either of the current and new Manager references null or are they the same?)

before removing the current worker from the team of the current manager, changing the

worker’s manager and then moving the worker to the new manager’s team. Note that this

would access instance methods of Manager for removing a worker from a team and for

adding a worker to a team. A similar approach applies for setting up a new worker and for

removing a worker from the system; the changes must be done so as to ensure the

information system remains in a stable state, which cannot be left as a responsibility of client


  • Changing team managers is another operation on      manager-worker interrelationships that

needs to be done, and with care. It might be implemented via a switchTeams instance method

of the Manager class that accepts the reference of another manager, but you need to make

sure that this switches all the Manager references held by the respective teams. You also

need to implement functionality for removing a manager from the system, which will only

occur if a newly created manager is available as a replacement, and adding an additional

manager, whose team could then be populated by client code applying some combination of

creating new workers and moving workers using functionality described above.

Write a TestPersonnel class to test the functionality of the classes you have developed. It will be done

without user interaction and will provide the following sequence of actions, using good design techniques such as in the appropriate use of methods:

  • Create a single list for the people in the      organisation, which is a list containing Person

references for managers and workers.

  • Provide code to create some managers (3 will      do) and some workers (12 will do) and add

them to the list. Assign the workers in turn to the different managers.

  • Display the state of all the people in the      organisation.
  • Add 3 new workers to the organisation,      assigning them in turn to the different managers.
  • Display the state of all the people in the      organisation.
  • Remove from the organisation the first 2      workers in the list of people.
  • Display the state of all the people in the      organisation.
  • Add a new manager to the organisation,      reassigning the first worker in the list of people to

this new manager.

  • Display the state of all the people in the      organisation





Manager and Worker classes will add the fields necessary to implement their


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Computer Programming is fun to learn!

Step 1: Requirements

Write a program that will input a phrase and convert it to pig latin. Put each word in a separate element of a string array. Remove the first letter from each word and concatenate it to the end of the word followed by “ay.”

Sample Output from Program:


* You will be prompted to enter a string of *

* words. The string will be converted into *

* Pig Latin and the results displayed. *

* Enter as many strings as you would like. * 


Enter a group of words or ENTER to quit: Computer Programming is fun to learn!

Original words: Computer Programming is fun to learn!

New Words: omputercay ogrammingpray isway unfay otay earnlay!

Enter a group of words or ENTER to quit: Quit

Pig Latin Hint: 

If a word begins with one or more consonants, move the consonant or consonant cluster to the end of the word. Add the letters “ay” to the end of the word. So, “pig” would be “igpay,” and “latin” would be “atinlay.”

Step 2:Processing Logic

Using the pseudocode below, write the code that will meet the requirements.

Main function

Display the heading

While the condition is true

Prompt the user for group of words or Enter to quit

Display original words

Call function pigLatinString( )

End while

pigLatinString( ) function

Declare and initialize string variables len, counter, start, begin, word and newString

While condition is true

Call find() and pass a space and start as parameters and return the returned value

to start

if start equals to string::npos

jump outside the loop permanently

call substr() function

display the word

update newString

increment start by one

assign start to begin

End While

Call substr()

Update newString

Return newString




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global linked list in memory to manage the inventory for the items on-hand within a store

Language (or Software): C++

Create simple store inventory tracking system will use a global linked list in memory to manage the inventory for the items on-hand within a store. Your program must use of the “list” API in the C++sta ndard template library (STL). Your program must keep track of a list of inventory items in a global linked list data structure and must implement at least one class, which will hold the following class variable:
An integer variable to hold the Stock Keep Unit (SKU) number for the item. This must be a randomly generated number that consists of exactly six digits. Duplicate entries are not allowed.
A string variable to hold the name of the item.
An integer variable to hold the number of items in stock.
A double variable to hold the price of an individual item.
A string variable to hold the date that the item was last ordered. The entered date must be in the form mm/dd/yyyy. If the user enters an invalid date format, print an error and re-prompt the user to enter the date in correct format.
Provide the appropriate accessor methods to set and get the data for these class variables. For example getDateLastOrder() and setDateLastOrder(string dateLastOrdered). The main program must provide the following functionality:
1. When the program is first started, it must read a data file called inventory.dat. If the file exists, the program will load the data for each item record into the global inventory linked list data structure.
2. When the program exits, it must save all of the entries within the global linked list into the inventory.dat data file. At this point, if the file does not exist, the program will create it.
3. Provide a simple text-based user interface to allow the user to operate on the inventory linked list. Note that each item record must be placed in a global linked list that holds all of the information for each item in inventory. The program interface will allow the user to do the following:
(a) Enter an item – allows the user to enter all fields except the SKU number field, which
will be automatically generated random six-digit number. After the data fields are entered, the program will place the record in the global linked list.
(b) Search for an item – allows the user to search for an item based on a user provided
SKU number. Display a message if the item is not found in the inventory linked list.
(c) Modify an item – allows the user to modify any of the fields for an item (except for
the SKU number) in the linked list for given record as indicated by the SKU number.
Display a message if the item is not found in the inventory linked list.
(d) Delete an item – allows the user to delete an item from the inventory linked list using
the SKU number as the key. Display a message if the item is not found in the
inventory linked list.
(e) Display inventory – displays all of the items in the linked list. After displaying all of
the items, the program will provide a total cost of the inventory based on the quantity
and price for each item.
(f) Exit program – Saves all of the items in the inventory and then exists the program




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building an executable monetary conversion program

The Final Project consists of building an executable monetary conversion program to be submitted by the final day of the course.

Focus of the Project
For the program, you will write a utility that converts dollars to coins. It is a simple program that must have the following:

· Multiple outputs to the screen

· At least one input

The use of integers and strings

· Looking or repetition with Do..While, If..Else

· Must have some output text to show correct value of coins that would be converted from the dollars.

· Code must include comments explaining your reason for the code section or what the code is doing

· Code must compile Whole dollars only. If value is less than 1 or 0, the program should break or exit.


Turn in your source code (.cpp file) to your instructor with your filename including your first and last name and your compiled executable.




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3NF relations about a sorority or fraternity

Using the study of chapter 9 in your course textbook, provide your solution to the following problem.

Consider the following 3NF relations about a sorority or fraternity:

MEMBER(Member_ID,Name,Address,Dues_Owed) OFFICE(Office_Name,Officer_ID,Term_Start_Date, Budget)

EXPENSE(Ledger_Number,Office_Name,Expense_ Date,Amt_Owed) PAYMENT(Check_Number,Expense_Ledger_Number, Amt_Paid)

RECEIPT(Member_ID,Receipt_Date,Dues_Received) COMMITTEE(Committee_ID,Officer_in_Charge) WORKERS(Committee_ID,Member_ID)

Foreign keys are not indicated in these relations. Decide which attributes are foreign keys and justify your decisions.

Draw an E-R diagram for these relations, using your answer to Problem and Exercise 9.47a.

Explain the assumptions you made about cardinalities in your answer to Problem and Exercise 9.47b. Explain why it is said that the E-R data model is more expres-sive or more semantically rich than the relational data model.

Valacich, J. S., & George, J. F. (2019). Modern systems analysis and design (9th ed.). Pearson. Print ISBN: 978-0135172759 eText ISBN: 978-0135172841




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