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Society of Clinical Psychology database of Psychological Treatments and related treatment-specific resources

The purpose of this assignment is to report how to work with minority groups when considering empirically based treatments.


This brochure will be designed as a two-page tri-fold brochure, referencing the Society of Clinical Psychology website: Think about the brochure as a double-sided brochure if you were to print it out, which means that each of the two pages of the brochure should be tri-fold. Please include a minimum of three references to this website and link the site to the appropriate location. You are expected to use the current APA formatting for citations.

Canva, Venngage, and Visme are just a few of the free online tools that provide brochure templates to help you get started! 


Navigate to the Division 12: Society of Clinical Psychology database of Psychological Treatments and related treatment-specific resources. Using the site’s “Treatments” tab, select and review one psychological treatment from the provided list. This treatment should be one that you want to get trained to provide to treat clients. 

Your brochure will market your treatment so that clients know what you are providing in therapy and how this treatment is successful in minority groups. This brochure will include, but not be limited to: 

  • the name of your practice, location, and contact information (you can make this up) on the cover of the brochure, along with the name of the treatment you are going to describe in the tri-fold document;
  • a summary of the selected psychological treatment and its target group in a section called “Treatment Summary;”
  • the population used in the clinical trials (including cultural composition) in a section called “Research Population(s);”
  • the treatment’s underlying assumptions, beliefs, and values in a section called “Values and Assumptions of Therapy;”
  • potential benefits and limitations when used with culturally diverse populations in a section called “Benefits and Limitations for Diverse Populations;”
  • recommended implementation of “adaptations” when used with marginalized groups in a section called “Potential Adaptations of Therapy,” and
  • references from the website on the back cover in a section called “References.” This section should list your sources in the current APA style.
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Power BI on the virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI)

Your task is to create multiple charts using Power BI as part of your continued analysis to help TC Ice Cream grow its business through improved operations and sales. Follow the directions in the Module Seven Power BI Assignment User Manual to create a trend chart and a column chart in Power BI.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Create a trend chart to represent the subcategories of the data.
    • Use Power BI on the virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) to complete this step.
    • Use the TC Ice Cream Excel Workbook available to you on the VDI.
    • Recreate a trend chart in Power BI from your completed TC Ice Cream “Division Analysis” worksheet.
    • Articulate and appropriately label the chart you created in Power BI.
    • Take a screenshot of the chart, paste it in a Microsoft Word document, and convert it to a PDF.
    • Name the PDF as follows: Power_BI_Chart3.
  2. Create a column chart to represent the subcategories of the data.
    • Use Power BI on the VDI to complete this step.
    • Use the TC Ice Cream Excel Workbook available to you on the VDI.
    • Recreate a column chart in Power BI from your completed TC Ice Cream “Division Analysis” worksheet.
    • Articulate and appropriately label the chart you created in Power BI.
    • Take a screenshot of the chart, paste it in a Microsoft Word document, and convert it into a PDF.
    • Name the PDF as follows: Power_BI_Chart4.

What to Submit

Submit each Power BI chart screenshot in a PDF format. Name the charts as instructed in the prompt: Power_BI_Chart3 and Power_BI_Chart4.

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Brand Strategy and Super Bowl Twitter Analytics Lab

Details: Brand Strategy and Super Bowl Twitter Analytics Lab

Image Source:



Twitter popularity as 2nd screen

Infographic Source: Fortune, 2015

About Twitter


Twitter Stats (cont’d)


About Super Bowl Ads


Motivation • Cost per 30 seconds slot – 5 mil (CNNMoney, 2017). • Brand strategy in Super Bowl ads? Enhance &

reach. • The role of IS tools in this strategy?

– Analytics of audience (demographics, locations etc.). – Supplementary info for future decision making.

• What is the relationship between Social Media buzz around Super Bowl ads with ad ratings? – Twitter activities surrounding SB ads with USA Today

Index ratings (USA Today)?

3 Tweet Examples Those Budweiser commercials had me balling my eyes out!! #Budweiser #SuperBowl #horsepuppy #tearjerker

Thanks #CocaCola & #Cheerios for showing U.S. multicultural families and successfully including diverse markets #adbowl #AmericaIsBeautiful

Scarlett Johansson should realize that the only real flavor of #SodaStream is oppression #superbowl

Objective • Learn to extract valuable metrics from social

media data using MS Excel. • Know what insights are valuable to brands. • Simple introduction to (review on) descriptive

statistics, correlation, charts, regressions, and word clouds.

• Lab instructions become more vague as lab progresses to encourage student self learning.


Lab Setup • Download this presentation and watch VIDEO. • Download the SB 2014 spreadsheet — This is a

summary of actual tweets *downloaded using PHP and MySQL scripts (done prior).

• Download the doritos.txt tweet text file*. • You will need MS Excel with Data Analysis

ToolPak available. • Prepare a Word doc for submission.

Research Question • Start with research question:

– Is social media (Twitter) an effective tool for measuring brand performance (SB ads)?

• How? – Find a relationship between Twitter metrics and SB

performance. – If a relationship exists then social media may be a

valuable (real time, low cost) monitoring mechanism in addition to existing tools.

– In addition, social media provides rich feedback (WOM, influencer, competitors, etc.).



Analysis 1. Descriptive Statistics 2. Correlation Analysis 3. Charts (Bar chart and scatter plot) 4. OLS Regression 5. Word Cloud

SB 2014* Dataset

• Super Bowl 2014 Ads • 51 Ads • Contains social media measures and USA

Today index for each ad. • Measures extracted from downloading and

analyzing tweets for each ad.

*Seattle Seahawks beat Denver Broncos (43-8) 14



Variables • USA Index – Super Bowl ad performance index from

USA Today. This is the outcome variable. • RT –retweets for each ad. • Tweet Count – tweets for each ad. • Unique sender – count of people talking about the

ad. • Pre-release – (1/0) whether this ad was release

before the Super Bowl game. • Celebrity – (1/0) whether a celebrity(s) is in the ad.


Descriptive Statistics 1. Open SB 2014 spreadsheet in Excel 2. Go to Data > Data Analysis > Descriptive Analysis 3. For the Input Range, highlight all the number cells

(including labels) but excluding Ad Name and brand columns.

Descriptive Statistics 4. Select ‘labels in first row’ and ‘summary


Descriptive Statistics 5. Results appear in next Sheet. 6. Copy Result to Word doc.

Descriptive Statistics 7. Discuss result. Focus on average, min, max

for: – USA Index – Tweet count – Unique sender – RT

Correlation Analysis 1. Select Correlation then OK.

2. In the Correlation window, make sure all number cells are selected then click OK.

Correlation Analysis 3. Results will appear in next Sheet. 4. Discuss which variables are highly correlated. Why? 5. Copy Result to Word doc.

Bar Chart • Select the tweet count column and sort by largest to


Bar Chart • Insert a Bar chart of ‘tweet count’ and ‘ad names’.

Discuss what you found. • Add to Word doc.

Scatter Plot • Do a Scatter Plot of ‘Tweet count with USA Index’

and discuss. Add the trend line. What does the trend imply? Add to Word doc.

What is OLS linear regression? • OLS Linear regression is the most basic and

commonly used predictive analysis. Regression estimates are used to describe data and to explain the relationship between one dependent variable (y) and one or more independent variables (x).

• At the center of the regression analysis is the task of fitting a single line through a scatter plot. The simplest form with one dependent and one independent variable is defined by the formula y = a + b*x. 26

1. Select Data Analysis and run regression. 2. Select USA Index for Y Range and all others (except

ad name, brand, and USA Index) for X Range. Select labels and confidence level at 95%. Then click OK.

OLS Regression (USA Index)

3. Copy to Word doc. OLS Regression (USA Index)

4. What to report? – Adjusted R-squared – Variables with p value < .10 (only unique senders)

5. Discuss Results. What variables can explain Y? You are expected to use your knowledge from your stats class here. What can you imply from this result?

OLS Regression (USA Index)

Word Cloud 1. Go to 2. Click File->Open text file 3. Upload the ‘doritos’ tweet text file.

Word Cloud 1. The word cloud for ‘doritos’ should appear

(see pic to the right). 2. Discuss word cloud. 3. Why are certain terms

more frequently used? 4. How can doritos use this


Summary Paragraph • Write a summary paragraph for lab. • Describe what you have learned. • What IS tools are used? • How does this lab help you to understand the

relationship between organizational strategy and IS tools?

• How can these tools/techniques help with decision making?

• Can this be applied in your future career? 32



Lab Submission • In a Word doc, insert the following:

1. Descriptive Statistics 2. Correlation 3. 2 Charts (Bar Chart and Scatter Plot) 4. Regression Result 5. Word Cloud 6. Summary paragraph

• Organize well to help easier grading == higher scores. • Submit on canvas


  • Brand Strategy and Super Bowl Twitter Analytics Lab
  • introduction
  • Twitter popularity as 2nd screen
  • About Twitter
  • Twitter Stats (cont’d)
  • About Super Bowl Ads
  • Motivation
  • 3 Tweet Examples
  • Objective
  • Lab Setup
  • Research Question
  • analysis
  • Analysis
  • SB 2014* Dataset
  • Dataset
  • Variables
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Correlation Analysis
  • Correlation Analysis
  • Bar Chart
  • Bar Chart
  • Scatter Plot
  • What is OLS linear regression?
  • OLS Regression (USA Index)
  • OLS Regression (USA Index)
  • OLS Regression (USA Index)
  • Word Cloud
  • Word Cloud
  • Summary Paragraph
  • submission
  • Lab Submission
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Primary  qualitative research article on any nursing topic recently published  this year  in a  nursing journal

Apply Evidence-Based Research discussion

Use the Galen library database to find one primary  qualitative research article on any nursing topic recently published  this year  in a  nursing journal . Read the article and in  one paragraph (7 to 8 sentences) provide a rapid critical appraisal by answering the following questions.  Support your response by citing and referencing the research article.

1. What was the research design?

2. How were study participants chosen and was the sample size appropriate?

3. Does the research methods fit the purpose of the study? Explain.

4. Are data collection and analysis technniques approproiate for this type of study? Explain.

5. Is the phenomenon (human experience) clearly identified? Explain.

6. What are the reported results?

7. How may the results be applied in clinical practice?

· Each week your discussion will be graded on a point scale. In order to successfully complete each weekly discussion assignment, you will need to address all items included in the discussion topic/question, respond to peers thoughtfully, add value to the discussion, and apply ideas, insights, or concepts from scholarly sources, such as: journal articles, assigned readings, textbook material, lectures, course materials, or authoritative websites. For specific details and criteria, refer to the discussion rubric in the Menu (⋮) or in the Course Overview Weekly Discussion Guidelines. 

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How can you best promote what you are selling to your target market?

For this week’s discussion, you will complete the marketing vehicles table and the company information and marketing expenses worksheet in the  Company Financials Excel Template Download Company Financials Excel Template . You will include the table in the discussion window and attach the Excel.

Start with a brief overview of your business: company name and what you are selling (a maximum of 3 sentences).

1. How can you best promote what you are selling to your target market? Identify the marketing vehicles you will use to reach your customers and record your answers in the Marketing Vehicles Table.

· Be sure to include the cost of each marketing vehicle.

· Copy the table and paste the content into the discussion window.

Marketing Vehicles Table
Marketing VehicleFrequencyCost/Month
Example 1 Social Media: Facebook and Instagram2–3 times per week$600 per month
Example 2 TV Stations: Local Station, WTC1 time per week$1,000 per month
Example 3 Free Samples2 events$500 per month
Website $2000(one time cost)

2. Complete the Company Financials Excel Template

· Download the Company Financials Excel Template below.

· Company Financials Excel Template Download Company Financials Excel Template .

· In the Company Financials Excel Template select the company information tab/worksheet and complete the information.

· See the instructions tab in the Company Financials Excel Template for specific guidelines on how to complete the Excel document.

· In the Company Financials Excel Template select the Marketing Expense tab/worksheet and complete the information.

· Enter the marketing costs from the marketing vehicle table into the appropriate areas of the Marketing Budget worksheet.

· Only the costs from the table should be reflected in the marketing budget worksheet in the Excel document. The information in the table and marketing budget worksheet must align.

· Attach the entire  Company Financials Excel Template to the discussion thread before selecting  Submit.

· Click on Insert/Document in the discussion menu to attach your document.

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U.S. Congress enacted the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) to help prevent lapses in internal control

Identify a specific tool or technique from those identified in Chapter 19, and discuss how the tool is used in your current or former place of employment. (See some of chapter below)

Business Ethics

All employees within an organization are expected to act ethically in their business activities. Given the importance of ethical behavior to corporations and their owners (stockholders), an increasing number of organizations provide codes of business ethics for their employees.

Creating Proper Incentives

Companies like, IBM, and Nike use complex systems to monitor, control, and evaluate the actions of managers. Unfortunately, these systems and controls sometimes unwittingly create incentives for managers to take unethical actions.

Because budgets are also used as an evaluation tool, some managers try to “game” the budgeting process by underestimating their division’s predicted performance so that it will be easier to meet their performance targets.

But, if budgets are set at unattainable levels, managers sometimes take unethical actions to meet the targets in order to receive higher compensation or, in some cases, to keep their jobs.

In a recent example, the largest bank in the United States, Wells Fargo, admitted that it had fired 5,300 employees for opening more than 2 million accounts without customer approval or knowledge. According to the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, “Wells Fargo employees secretly opened unauthorized accounts to hit sales targets and receive bonuses.”

Code of Ethical Standards

In response to corporate scandals, the U.S. Congress enacted the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) to help prevent lapses in internal control.

CEOs and CFOs are now required to certify that financial statements give a fair presentation of the company’s operating results and its financial condition.

Top managers must certify that the company maintains an adequate system of internal controls to ensure accurate financial reports.

Companies now pay more attention to the composition of the board of directors. In particular, the audit committee of the board of directors must be comprised entirely of independent members (that is, non-employees) and must contain at least one financial expert.

The law substantially increases the penalties for misconduct.

To provide guidance for managerial accountants, the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) has developed a code of ethical standards, entitled IMA Statement of Ethical Professional Practice. Management accountants should not commit acts in violation of these standards. Nor should they condone such acts by others within their organizations. Throughout the text, we address various ethical issues managers face.

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Project Responsibility and Accountability, and Risk Assessment and Management Plan

Review the following section from your course textbook: Chapter 4, Project Responsibility and Accountability, and Risk Assessment and Management Plan. All projects and change initiatives face some type of risk. The larger the project, the more risks there are and the more significant the impact that the risk will have on your project should it arise. For your graded assignment this week you will be constructing a risk register. Your text suggests five steps in documenting a response to the risk: Identify Risk—Internal and external including vendors; what are the skill levels of all Assess Risk—Prioritize low, medium, high Manage Risk—Determine—Remove, shift, and decrease impact; reassess Monitor and Control Each Risk—For higher risk, implement more frequent monitoring Establish an Ongoing Management Plan for Risk Assessment—that requires constant review; update and remove those risks not impacting project Identify one risk that you will include on your risk register and address each of the five steps for that risk.

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Consideration the “wicked problem” it is intended to address

Write a Backgrounder Paper for the Case Study provided in the attached files. 

The backgrounder paper is supposed to provide some solid, well-researched (and annotated!) sources as a foundation for your discussion about the case. It is NOT supposed to offer opinions, direction, resolutions, conclusions, or otherwise attempt to sway the group in a particular direction.

The better the backgrounder, the less extra research the rest of the group may need to do to support your case study conclusions. 

Further, this is supposed to be a paper — so not just a collection of facts and annotations – but it is supposed to drill down on some specific aspect of the case and provide solid academic research (not Google scans!) that supports the data. It is NOT supposed to survey the landscape of the whole case— too wide, too shallow, and risks trying to resolve the case!

Your task (as an objective ethics advisory panel) is to provide only objective information to support a balanced ethical assessment of this proposed program, and objective information to support any recommendations on whether or not it should be implemented, giving good reasons for your conclusions that also take into consideration the “wicked problem” it is intended to address. The backgrounder paper should only provide objective information from 3-5 resources, not the assessment of the case or any recommendations for the case.

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What is a “backgrounder” paper?

Write a Backgrounder Paper for the Case Study provided in the attached files. 

The backgrounder paper is supposed to provide some solid, well-researched (and annotated!) sources as a foundation for your discussion about the case. It is NOT supposed to offer opinions, direction, resolutions, conclusions, or otherwise attempt to sway the group in a particular direction.

The better the backgrounder, the less extra research the rest of the group may need to do to support your case study conclusions. 

Further, this is supposed to be a paper — so not just a collection of facts and annotations – but it is supposed to drill down on some specific aspect of the case and provide solid academic research (not Google scans!) that supports the data. It is NOT supposed to survey the landscape of the whole case— too wide, too shallow, and risks trying to resolve the case!

What is a “backgrounder” paper?

A good group case study is supported by appropriate evidence, based upon research into the context of the ethical problem that is presented. While everyone in the group will be responsible for researching some aspect of the case and/or its resolution, the backgrounder papers for the case study provide a more in-depth look at some of the background information the group needs to reach (and support) its conclusions. This does NOT mean trying to solve the case, or prejudicing the group toward one outcome or another, but instead giving everyone access to some necessary and common background information, properly cited.

The backgrounder paper is supposed to provide your group with some solid, well-researched (and annotated!) sources as a foundation for your discussion about the case. It is NOT supposed to offer opinions, direction, or otherwise attempt to sway the group in a particular direction.

The better the backgrounder, the less extra research the rest of the group may need to do to support your case study conclusions. 

Further, this is supposed to be a paper — so not just a collection of facts and annotations – but it is supposed to drill down on some specific aspect of the case and provide solid academic research (not Google scans!) that supports the data. It is NOT supposed to survey the landscape of the whole case— too wide, too shallow, and risks trying to resolve the case!


Ask one of those 80-year-olds what is different about society today from when they were young, and they would probably talk about the amazing new technologies, many of which they don’t use or understand, but they would also likely talk about the gadgets that have contributed to the loss of community life. They might talk about how difficult it was to find the money to go to university, or how they were the first person in their whole extended family who went. They might describe what it was like growing up in a large family, with many siblings, or how they spent most of their days, summer, and winter, amusing themselves outside by playing with whatever sticks or balls they could scrounge. Food was home-cooked (how could it be anything else?), and much of it was home-grown. 

Doctors were a luxury, hospitals were places where old people went to die, medical procedures (whether removing tonsils or having babies) were done on the kitchen table, electricity was linked to a few lights, the heat was provided by coal (shovelled) or wood (split), toilets were often outside all year round, and running water meant racing your brother to the well to pump your bucket first. For most people, there was inequality of wealth – though many were poor; but also, for most people, there was an equality of opportunity, too. If you were willing to work hard, you could make a decent living for yourself and your family. 

Of course, it was also a society rife with the cruel realities of racial, gender, and religious discrimination, where there (literally) could be a different kind of justice depending on which side of the tracks you lived on. 

As we enter the third decade of the 21st century, however, the world has turned over, again. We now need to consider the global implications of the choices we make – not that choices before did not have such global implications, but they were not recognized as they should have been. 

Largely perhaps because of consequentialist logic, we are seeing what happens when we make decisions that do not consider consequences for others, especially for future generations.

Doing nothing will continue the trajectory of social, cultural, ecological, and economic problems whose roots are firmly established in how the world has managed its affairs since 1945. But what to do, and for what good reasons, to provide a future in which justice and dignity for all are embedded?

In this module, we will look at two aspects of the social and cultural problems we need to address, in a rapidly changing world. You may consider both of these cases to depict an extreme situation — but that is what we are facing, perhaps sooner than we realize.

(If you wonder how anything so drastic could work, check out Seth Klein’s book A Good War: Mobilising Canada for the Climate Emergency (2020). Klein parallels what needs to be done, to what Canada did during the Second World War.)

What should we do, and together, is not some academic question — the longer we wait, the more dire the situation will become.

Write a Backgrounder paper for the following case study:

Case Study

The year is 2024. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused at least as much damage to the global economy as it did to the population, a coalition national government was formed to take Canada through the difficult times that lay ahead. It was faced with a “wicked” problem: rising youth unemployment was matched by an increased lack of access to the post-secondary education that 21st-century Canadian society needed its young people to have.

Whether it was because of where they lived, the under-funding of post-secondary education, or the inability of those institutions to change with the times to provide the education and training that led to useful employment, even if students could afford their first degree or diploma, the personal cost for many translated into a crippling, life-long student debt. At the same time, there was increasing disengagement in the political process by the young people, who felt they were outnumbered by their elders and lived in a society geared to the older generation, rather than to the next.

With an aging population, and a massive infrastructure deficit, with much work needing to be done both to clean up the country and also to shift to a carbon-negative culture, Canada was slipping in its commitments at home to fulfilling the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The coalition national government has proposed a way of dealing with this “wicked” problem: At age 18, whether students have officially completed their high school education or not, every person (without exception or exemption) is required to enroll in National Service Canada (NSC) for two years. Their training and work for these two years of national service would be determined by the government; they would be given room and board, a clothing allowance, and a small amount of money for personal use. Some could opt for service in the Canadian Armed Forces if they chose. All students would be deployed to regions other than the one that was their registered home address.

At the end of these two years, they would be given two further years of free post-secondary education (university or college), in an area dependent upon the national and regional needs identified in the Canadian Employment Index, according to their aptitude. Room, board, tuition, books, and a small allowance for personal use would be provided. They would be required to take a job in their sector, for which they would be paid a wage at the industry scale, for a further two years, to complete their National Service Canada requirements. 

This would mean that every young person would have a better appreciation of the value of Canadian citizenship, a knowledge of a different part of the country, have spent two years working for the benefit of their society, received an education that was useful for employment, and basic work experience – without incurring a dime of student debt – all by the age of 24.

It would guarantee universal access to post-secondary education for all Canadians, regardless of their socio-economic standing. It would mobilize young Canadians to make necessary contributions to education and work which was in the national interest when the world is sliding further into the effects of the growing climate crisis.

Anyone who avoided this service by leaving the country would automatically forfeit their Canadian citizenship and on return, would face a minimum six-year prison sentence, to be spent doing community service, at the end of which they would be allowed to be a permanent resident, but never a citizen.

Your task (as an objective ethics advisory panel) is to provide a balanced ethical assessment of this proposed program, and then to recommend whether or not it should be implemented, giving good reasons for your conclusions that also take into consideration the “wicked problem” it is intended to address.

(Feel free to consider the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, as well as the UN Declaration on Human Rights, if that helps!)

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Risk Management and Human Resource Management Plans

In this assignment, you will document, track and manage the project’s risks and utilization of human resources. The risk management will be accomplished through the use of a Risk Register chart. Using the Risk Register is a way to identify, document, and manage all of the risks associated with a project. The chart details provide an easy way to scan for level of risk, status, potential responses, who is responsible for the risk in addition to the project manager, or other details needed to manage the risk. This is a great way to keep everyone informed when this document is presented at the weekly team meetings and in communication with all stakeholders. Another key tool is called the RACI chart which helps you identify who is responsible, accountable, consulted, or informed for each major project task. The RACI (responsible, accountable, consulted, informed) chart will help manage and track utilization of human resources; this facilitates monitoring and control as well as provides one means of communication. It documents and makes it clear who is responsible for bringing the task to completion, on time, on budget. For this assignment, do the following: Complete the Risk Register and RACI documents for your project. All project risks must be identified and added to your risk register following the example. The RACI chart must provide the responsibility, accountability, consulted, or informed status for each member of the team for all major project tasks following the RACI example.

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