Writers Solution

3NF relations about a sorority or fraternity

Using the study of chapter 9 in your course textbook, provide your solution to the following problem.

Consider the following 3NF relations about a sorority or fraternity:

MEMBER(Member_ID,Name,Address,Dues_Owed) OFFICE(Office_Name,Officer_ID,Term_Start_Date, Budget)

EXPENSE(Ledger_Number,Office_Name,Expense_ Date,Amt_Owed) PAYMENT(Check_Number,Expense_Ledger_Number, Amt_Paid)

RECEIPT(Member_ID,Receipt_Date,Dues_Received) COMMITTEE(Committee_ID,Officer_in_Charge) WORKERS(Committee_ID,Member_ID)

Foreign keys are not indicated in these relations. Decide which attributes are foreign keys and justify your decisions.

Draw an E-R diagram for these relations, using your answer to Problem and Exercise 9.47a.

Explain the assumptions you made about cardinalities in your answer to Problem and Exercise 9.47b. Explain why it is said that the E-R data model is more expres-sive or more semantically rich than the relational data model.

Valacich, J. S., & George, J. F. (2019). Modern systems analysis and design (9th ed.). Pearson. Print ISBN: 978-0135172759 eText ISBN: 978-0135172841




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Plasma glucose concentration a 2 hours in an oral glucose tolerance test

Must use python code with explanations for each line because I need to learn the code as I go.

Must be completed on time. Please don’t accept if you can no complete this.

This is for Data Science course


* Do your work with Jupyter notebooks.  Create new cell(s) after each problem, place your code/explanation/solution in these cell(s).

* When you’re done, export your Jupyter notebook to an HTML file.

* Upload the HMTL file to Canvas.

In this assignment, you will analyze the “diabetes” dataset, which can be downloaded from Canvas. This dataset has these columns:

1. Number of times pregnant

2. Plasma glucose concentration a 2 hours in an oral glucose tolerance test

3. Diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg)

4. Triceps skin fold thickness (mm)

5. 2-Hour serum insulin (mu U/ml)

6. Body mass index (weight in kg/(height in m)^2)

7. Diabetes pedigree function

8. Age (years)

9. Outcome, which is 1 if the patient is tested positive for diabetes.

**Problem 1**

Use glucose, blood pressure, skin thickness, BMI, and age as features.  Select only non-missing data to form the features for subsequent analysis.

Report the averages, minimums, maximums for each features.

There should about 530 data points with non-missing data.  You will use this data for the next questions.

**Problem 2**

Show the distribution of BMI values of the data you got in the previous question.

**Problem 3**

What is the range of BMI’s for the middle 50% (from 25%-75% of BMI values) of the patients in this data?  Show how to get these range values.

**Problem 4**

These 5 features don’t have the same scales. Distance-based machine learning methods require the features to be of the same scales. Otherwise, the differences in scales emphasize one feature over in an uncontrolled fashion.

Use MinMaxScaler to rescale the features you got from Problem 1.

Then, create a new data frame to store these scaled features.  Make sure that the columns and indexes of the new dataframe is the same as the old dataframe.

Next, melt the dataframe so you can compare the statistics/distributions of the rescaled features side by side in the next step.

Finally, use seaborn catplot to compare the 5-point statistics and distributions of the rescaled features.

Report the differences of the features in terms of median and middle-50% range.

**Problem 5**

Compare the distributions/5-point statistics of the features rescaled using MinMaxScaler and StandardScaler.  You must show the figures and draw some conclusions on how these two methods differ.

**Problem 6**

Use Kmeans to cluster the data into 2 clusters, using features scaled with MinMaxScaler.

Create a new column called “km2” on your scaled features data frame to store the cluster labels.

Create a new column called “Outcome” on your scaled features data frame and save the Outcome from the original data to this column.  To do this properly, you must get the data from the indexes that only exist in your scaled data frame.

Do the two clusters and two Outcome groups (0 and 1) overlap?

Report the counts and average values in each cluster in each group.  (There’ll be a total of 4 cluster/group combinations).

Visualize (relplot on some 2 selected features) the data in the 4 cluster-Outcome combinations.  To see the combinations clearly use hue, col, row in relplot.

**Problem 7**

Using silhouette as the scoring method on Kmeans, determine the best number of clusters.

Create a new column called “km_opt” on your scaled features data frame to store the cluster labels.

Do the two clusters and two Outcome groups (0 and 1) overlap?

Report the counts and average values in each cluster in each group.  

Visualize (relplot on some 2 selected features) the data in the cluster-Outcome combinations. To see the combinations clearly use hue, col, row in relplot.




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Cockerill’s The Epistle to the Hebrews commentary thoroughly and reflected on the issues

Each worksheet assignment will focus on the use of the Old Testament (OT) in each section of the Book of Hebrews. Your response should be in-depth, and should clearly show that you have read Cockerill’s The Epistle to the Hebrews commentary thoroughly and reflected on the issues. You should cite page numbers from Cockerill parenthetically each time you reference the text (e.g. Cockerill 37). The best answers will include interaction (evaluation and critique) with Cockerill’s own views on the issues. If you need clarification regarding Cockerill’s views, you should post your questions in the discussion board.For Worksheet 2, you will make a chart or list that displays each quotation or clear allusion from the OT in Hebrews 3-6 based on your reading of Cockerill. Your chart should include the following information:

  1. The passage in Hebrews that quotes/alludes to the OT.
  2. The OT passage(s) that Hebrews quotes/alludes to.
  3. Any significant elements that the author of Hebrews derives from the Septuagint/LXX (which are not present in the Hebrew text).
  4. Any differences between the author’s quotation of the passage and the OT passage itself.
  5. A brief statement about how the author uses this OT text: what point is he making by quoting or alluding to the OT? If there are any changes, what might explain them? 




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To learn about a film genre or subgenre

Pick a hypothetical research topic or question.  (This is just for this discussion board; this topic does not have to be used by you for any other assignments.  However, if you decide to do the final paper option involving a content analysis, then this can be the start of your draft protocol for that assignment.)

  • Option 1 Genre project

This project requires you to learn about a film genre or subgenre.  (You will probably have an easier time writing the paper if you pick a subgenre because your topic will be more narrow.)  Genres are those such as romantic comedy, Western, and so on.  You will read about this genre, and then analyze films in this genre.  If you are choosing this option, tell me that you are choosing option 1 and specify what genre you want to study.

  • Option 2 Content Analysis 

This project involves doing original research using the methodology of content analysis. You will create a coding sheet and use this to answer a research question. If you are choosing this option, tell me that you are choosing option 2 and tell me more about what you want to know using this method. 

  • Option 3 Industry Interview 

This paper is a chance to better understand the film industry.  You will create an interview schedule and conduct an in-depth interview with someone in the film business (not a student or faculty member at USM). You will get a chance to practice your interviewing skills.  You will also watch and analyze one of their films, and read some research/articles that relate to the focus of your interview. If you are choosing this option, tell me that you are choosing option 3 and tell me who you want to interview.

  • Option 4 Create Your Own 

Some of you are film majors or might have an interest in writing, so you may want to write part of a screenplay or direct a short film. Someone who is an art or theater major might want to do something creative like design a stage set. If you want to choose this option, propose it here or set up an appointment to discuss it with me.

-Then begin crafting a protocol sheet.  Include at least 5-6 questions or elements, making sure to be meticulous and detailed in how each will be measured.  You do not have to actually analyze a film using the sheet.  It needs to be in the form of a coding sheet someone would fill out as they watch the film.  See the examples at the end of my lecture.  For instance, here are two potential examples of elements on a protocol sheet.

  • Self-Stigma

    Is there evidence of self-stigma due to character’s symptoms and/or label of a mental disorder? (i.e.

    lowered self-worth and/or self-discrimination, or there is a gap between who character thinks should

    be and who character feels he/she is)?

    ___Yes ___No

    If yes, explain:             

  • How would you characterize the character’s ability to socialize and form relationships with others (check one)?

    ___Social Outcast (unable to socialize with others and rarely forms a meaningful relationship with


    ___Difficulty Socializing (has some problems participating in and interacting with others in social   

    settings but does form some meaningful relationships with others)

    ___Interacts Well With Others (interacts with and develops relationships with others; he/she does not

    have more difficulties doing this than other “normal” characters in the film)

*As you can see, you must be specific in how you are defining and describing. You can’t just have a question that has the coder mark whether someone’s hair is long or short.  You  have to define long or short




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Let (X, T ) be a topological space and A,B ⊆ X be two compact subsets

1. For each of the statements below determine whether it is true or false, providing reasons for your answer. Let (X, T ) be a topological space and A,B ⊆ X be two compact subsets.

(a) Is A ∪ B compact ?  

(b) If (X, T ) is Hausdorff, is A ∩ B compact ?

2. Let f : [a, b] → R be continuous.

(a) Prove that the map g : [a, b] → R2, x 7→ (x, f(x)) is also continuous. 

(b) Prove that the graph of f is a compact subset of R2.

3. Let (X, T ) and (Y, S) be connected topological spaces. Show that X × Y is connected in the product topology.

4. Consider the subsets 

X = {(x, y) : 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 , y ∈ {0, 1}} ∪ {(x, y) : 0 ≤ y ≤ 1 , x ∈ {0, 1}} and Y = X ∪ {(x, x) : 0 ≤ x ≤ 1}

of R2 with the standard topology from R2. Show that X and Y are not homeomorphic.

5. Consider the subset

Z = {(0, 0), (0, 1)} ∪ ∞, n=1 Ln

of R2 (with the standard topology from R2), where Ln = {(1/n, y) : 0 ≤ y ≤ 1} for all n ≥ 1. Let U be a non-empty subset of Z which is both open and closed in Z. Show that if U contains one of the points (0, 0) and (0, 1), then it contains the other as well.

6. Let RP2 be the real projective space as defined in lectures, and let π : S2 −→ RP2 be the natural projection. Consider R3 and R4 with the standard topologies, and let the function f : R3 −→ R4 be defined by f(x, y, z) = (x2 − z2, xy, yz, xz).

(a) Show that there exists a function g : RP2 −→ R4 such that f = g ◦ π on S2. 

(b) Show that g is continuous and one-to-one. 

(c) Show that g is a homeomorphism between RP2 and the subset Y = g(RP2) of R4. 




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Rhetorical Analysis and Discipline Awareness

The Discipline Project: Rhetorical Analysis and Discipline Awareness

This assignment is designed to help you understand the purpose of writing in your chosen field. Who is an acceptable source of authority in your field? What counts as evidence? What key concepts or specialized terminology is used? How are scholars in the field “in conversation” with one another?

For this assignment, please choose one current scholarly text relating to an issue or controversy in your field. It may be useful to choose a text relating to an issue you plan to investigate for a research project or an area of research you are currently interested in. You must USE THE scholarly source PROVIDED.

Scholarly sources have a very specific purpose and are written by experts in the specific field. The purpose is usually to share original research findings or to analyze and reflect on others’ findings. Scholarly sources are also peer reviewed, which means that, prior to publication, scholars leading the conversation review the research within the publication and offer additional feedback and insight. As a result, scholarly publications are often filled with jargon, statistics, visual data, and the reader of these publications typically will have a similar scholarly background.

Popular sources, such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, Sports Illustrated, The New Yorker, TIME Magazine, National Geographic, The Huffington Post, etc. are designed to inform and to entertain. The readability of these popular sources are meant to appeal to a wider audience base, making the scholarly findings more reader-friendly. The word choice tends to be less academic, and research is conveyed in a more entertaining manner. These are credible sources, but for this assignment, we are focusing only on scholarly source material.

For this assignment, you will apply critical thinking skills to revise a scholarly article of your choice to a popular source. Translating research can be a complicated process. You will need to identify your audience and apply an appropriate rhetoric as you effectively communicate the scholarly research for the general public. What kind of language will you need to use, and what information will you select to include/leave out? You will probably not use the traditional citation methods either (no need for footnotes, for instance), but you will need to give some guidance on where your source material stems from. Organization and formatting will be an important modification, and your translation should follow both the written and visual conventions for a popular source.

It will be necessary to select a specific popular source as your model. Thus, you will need to identify what popular source model you are going to follow. Examples of models would be similar to the examples I provided above for popular sources.

Assignment Requirements:

  1. Select and identify a scholarly source for your translation.
  2. The translation should be the approximate length of your model (NOT your scholarly source). Thus, if you select the Washington Post as your model, what is the typical length of an article found here? If you select The New Yorker as a model, what is the typical length of an article here?
  3. Your use of rhetoric (tone, word choice, organization, style, etc.) must be targeted for the appropriate audience.
  4. Your translated paper will not necessarily adhere to MLA or APA formatting. You will likely include images, fun fonts, and a variety of font sizing, and colors.
  5. Usually, you will adhere to a third-person voice, but please use the appropriate voice for your translated piece.




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Why is it important that a buyer of property timely record their deed?

Answer these questions. With at least a total of 150 words or more

Deeds and liens are public documents that are recorded with a government agency like the Lee County Clerk and Recorder. Please answer the following questions:

1. Why is it important that a buyer of property timely record their deed?

2. Why would a General Contractor who did work remodeling a house record a lien?

Read my answer and write a total of 150 words count response

Wounded Warrior Project Questions 1-5.

Are the issues and questions raised in the Wounded Warrior Project case related to the concepts of accountability, performance, or both? How are those concepts related to this case?

It is my perception that the issues and questions raised are related to both concepts of accountability and performance. Our book describes the “narrowest” concepts of accountability for a nonprofit would be to just follow the law. Even if the board is meeting, budgets are met, employee engagement is active and following a strategic plan, it does not mean that the mission is being followed (page 146, Worth).

Three principal mechanisms that nonprofits should be held accountable are to follow the law, abide by self-regulation and to be transparent. Transparency means to show the donors, media and whoever wishes to see that the organization is working towards the mission and following all guidelines.

Performance has two key components; one is performance measurement which will tell what an organization did and how well it did it. The other is performance management, which monitors situations continuously (page 159, Worth).

Melia’s vision for his program was to help Iraq War veterans gain some independence by just helping them with essentials to maintain a quality of life. Because of the success of this program, he expanded the services to include helping veterans into sports programs, employment, and other assistance. Because of the program’s success, he hired additional staff to help him. It was at that time he brought in a former executive of a small non-profit named Nardizzi. In just 6 years, Melia’s program grew into an organization of 50 people and had raised $21 million dollars in revenue. After reading the Case in Worth on page 177, it seemed to be that there may have been some founder syndrome with Melia, because there were disagreements between him and Mr. Nardizzi regarding the growth of the company presenting barriers. Mr. Melisa resigned and Nardizzi became the CEO of the Wounded Warrior Project.

Nardizzi viewed this organization as a “Starbucks”, and it became more of a business model (Page 177, Worth). Nardizzi spent a lot of money on fundraising and continued to increase it. The project had reached 40% of its revenues on overhead and fundraising.

The Mission of the project is to honor and empower wounded warriors. The Vision is to foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation’s history. (Links to an external site.)

Former staff became critical of the focus on the fundraising and performance metrics on the money took away from the commitment of the mission and the vision mentioned above. Accusations were made that the mission was compromised at times just to meet goals.

In 2016 the Wounded Warrior Project was criticized by the media regarding lavish spending by employees on events and travel. There were four different separate investigations, one that included the board of the WWP. The board back the organization stating the expenses were justified. This would make sense that the board would justify because of the intense scrutiny of the media, and this is something they also should have been accountable while reviewing performance measures. It wasn’t until government officials’ investigations, that the board did dismiss Nardizzi as well as the COO. A Former military officer named Michael Linnington was appointed as CEO in June of 2016 and was given the project of restoring the good name of this program. On page 178 in our book, it states that the most important metric for an organization is not overhead but what is achieved. I believe that sentence says it all.

I think that Nardizzi treated this project too much like a private sector to make money (page 177) and did not focus on the mission or ‘end goal’ which was helping veterans. He and the board did not have good accountability because even if the law was being followed, transparency was not clear, and spending was questioned t/out Nardizzi’s employment.

Performance measurement seemed to be available for this case, but performance management was weak. The board was either money focused like Nardizzi or they were kept in the dark about the day to day operations of the project. (Links to an external site.)

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications, (Links to an external site.)

Think back on the responsibilities of governing boards discussed in Chapter three. How do they relate to the case of the Wounded Warrior Project:

I discussed this in the above statement. It is of my perception that the board that Nardizzi had was either more focused on getting money by fundraising and lost sight of the mission, which was to honor and empower wounded warriors, or Nardizzi did a really good job of being non-transparent. Our book does state that after Senator Grassley’s investigation, some board members were replaces and programs were readjusted to better serve veterans (page 179, Worth). I feel that this governing board may have ‘turned its head’ because Nardizzi wasn’t breaking the law, even though ethics and morals are questionable.

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications, (Links to an external site.)

Accounting rules permit nonprofits to allocate some costs between fundraising and programs; for example, the costs of mailing that solicits gifts but also advocates for a cause may be apportioned between those two functions. Some people defend this practice while others say it is misleading to the public. What is your opinion?

I think it’s important to have fundraising for nonprofits, otherwise nonprofits would not be able to serve communities without contributions from donors. I also think it is very important to be completely transparent with these transactions and go above the law. If there is a fundraiser or an event, I think it is important to be able to mail out notices or letters to the public to notify the community of these events and I do think it is appropriate to allocate costs.

Our hospital has a foundation department. Anything and everything related to donation or making money, even as small as a bake sale, goes through this department because of conflict of interest.

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications, (Links to an external site.)

The Chapter discusses the view of Renz and Herman that nonprofit effectiveness is socially constructed, that is, defined by what people perceive about the organization. How does that relate to the case of the Wounded Warrior Project.

My perception is that it is accurate in this case. When Melia started his program, he was focused on helping Iraq War veterans in military hospitals by giving out backpacks with essentials to maintain a quality of life. This was such a good way to give back. News spread of what this man was doing, and others wanted to help him. Once Nardizzi was hired and there were disagreements between Melia and Nardizzi and Melia resigned, it seems the WWP lost its focus on Melia’s passion which was helping the veterans. Once former staff members and news media started criticizing the organization, it didn’t take long for word to spread about the negative reputation the organization was forming (page 178, Worth). Once the media started doing investigation, it didn’t take long for them to find out about the lavish spending and how monies were being spent on other things besides the veterans – it spread like wildfire. Therefore, I feel it can be socially constructed. With respect to the Wounded Warrior Project, I do agree with Renz and Herman social constructionism perspective.

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications, (Links to an external site.)

Overall, what is your opinion about the wounded Warrior Project controversy? Did it engage in practices that violated standards of accountability, or was it just a young organization that needed to spend on overhead to grow?

It is of my perception that the WWP did have a conscious when Melia was part of the organization. He initiated the program to help others, he states in the video interview that the program grew way too big too fast. He also states he wasn’t sure he wanted it to grow that big. I believe that Nardizzi was a CEO that was focused more on the money and making money. The board and Nardizzi’s team lost sight of the veterans and the birth of the WWP. I do believe that Nardizzi’s team engaged practices that violated standards of accountability and performance, but I believe Nardizzi’s team was careful to abide by the law, even though they know they were being unethical.

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications, (Links to an external site.)

Youth Villages

How are the concepts of effectiveness, efficiency, and organizational performance reflected in the Youth Villages case?

Effectiveness, efficiency, and organizational performance are reflected quite well. They have a model which is called “Evidentiary Family Restoration,” that reflect five core tenets (page 180, Worth).

Programs are research based, data drive, and accountable to children, families, and funders. Follow up is a big part of this program, which is so important for the children and families of the program. Youth Village tracks its own members longitudinally at ages 6, 12 and 24 months after discharge. Because of its success with data sets, it has attracted national donors, one who helped this organization gained even more funds from other funders who were participating in Clarks Growth Capital Aggregation Pilot program (page 180, Worth).

In addition, they have continued to improve performance management to track core indicators.

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications,

Which of the approaches to measuring and reporting performance discussed in this chapter are illustrated in the case of Youth Villages?

It is my perception that Youth Villages utilized both performance measurement and performance management. Performance measurements by being transparent about what they did and how they did it. This was showing by having a model. They were very detail oriented by itemizing the amount of children served, staff turnover, physical interventions required, incidents, if any; perceptions by families services; financial performance; compliance with regulatory guidelines and best practices; and success in moving children to less-restrictive environment.

Performance management because by tracking the accurate data this is monitoring the situation on a continuous basis. This is the process of defining, monitoring, and using objective indicators of the performance of organizations.

Youth Villages distinguished the effectiveness it had on the peoples and families by being transparent with its data. This is showing efficiency by measuring the proportion of resources used to produce outputs or attain inputs – cost ratios. Effectiveness is measured by comparing the results achieved with the results. This is obvious with the data reported (page 159 and 160, Worth).

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications,

If Youth Villages were to apply the social return on investment (SROI) approach, what would be some of the cost savings to society that might be calculated (i.e., the social benefits in dollar terms)?

A social return on Youth Villages’ investment would best be described as that they are giving youths an opportunity to gain a sense of family that was once lost. This program can keep children out of foster care, according to, more than 435,000 children are growing up in these homes currently. This program is giving these children an opportunity to learn family focused living to be a productive member of society and once they are done with school and old enough to move out on their own, either go to college or obtain and keep a job where they can contribute to the economy and lead a great quality of life (page 171 and 172, Worth). (Links to an external site.)

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications,

How does the view of Renz and Herman that effectiveness is socially constructed relate to the case of Youth Villages?

Renz and Herman board best practices and organization effectiveness can raise questions about the effectiveness of the organization overall, as stated in our book (page 174, Worth).

My perception is that Youth Villages board and CEO are accountable, and the performance is straight on. The organization is transparent with all aspects of the organization making the organization attractive for donors. Because of its strategic organization and following of its core model, Youth Villages has been able to grow and expand by fostering in home services, transitional services and family based care. With respect to Youth Villages, I do not agree with Renz and Herman social constructionism perspective




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access to clean drinking water; preserving natural habitats; reducing air and water pollution; or dealing with the aftermath of natural disasters like floods

GEOGRAPHY PROJECT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The Geography Project Plan is a research paper and a capstone assignment whereby you will apply geographic and research skills toward solving a real problem.INSTRUCTIONS Choose a service project at an accessible location where you have an interest and passion for making a difference. The project must be feasible in scale and scope for a student’s time and budget. Choose a specific location rather than a grand scale project like ending world hunger. Your plan must be 1,000–1,250 words, use Times New Roman 12-point font with 1-inch margins, include a cover page, the required sections (shown below), a reference page, a map, and a realistic budget. Cite at least five scholarly sources (other than Scripture, the textbook, and Wikipedia) in current APA format.The project can have an environmental focus, e.g., access to clean drinking water; preserving natural habitats; reducing air and water pollution; or dealing with the aftermath of natural disasters like floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes. Many students choose humanitarian projects focused on health, education, and financial needs, e.g., educating illiterate populations; helping start businesses; feeding the malnourished; or resourcing underserved schools, health clinics, hospitals, or orphanages. Your project may be as simple as building a wheelchair ramp for your neighbor or building a new playground at your church. The project may expand upon an existing service, but you must identify what services currently exist and how the services may be expanded based on your contribution. You must include realisitic materials, transportation, labor, and other associated costs. For example, is there a need for additional homeless shelters? If shelters exist, where are they located and what populations do they serve? Is there a need for shelters to safely house families, or just women and children? How much would it cost to erect and operate a homeless shelter for the number of clients that you are proposing? Step 1: State the objective (what will be accomplished) and location of the project, e.g., “I will provide clean drinking water to the rural population in Nimba, Liberia by digging three wells.” Then give a brief explanation based on your initial research for why this project is needed. Step 2: Research, analyze, and describe the problem through a geographic lens. Consider the terms and concepts in the textbook and the five main themes of geography. Step 3: Describe a feasible course of action to solve the problem. The paper must explain the who, what, why, and where of this project. In the end, this paper is about the proposed solution, or Project Plan. Step 4: List and describe the detailed costs of the project (i.e. materials, transportation, labor, etc.) Step 5: Utilize and bold highlight at least five geographic terms from the text. Step 6: Incorporate the five main themes of geography into their required section headings.Use the following 10 required main sections when writing your paper. You may include subheadings as needed.GEOG 200Page 2 of 3I. IntroductionII. General Overview and RationaleIII. Region RelevanceIV. Location RelevanceV. Place RelevanceVI. Movement RelevanceVII. Human-Environmental Interaction RelevanceVIII BudgetIX. SummaryX. ReferencesHINT: The CIA World Factbook is a helpful place to begin when studying another country.Start by describing and analyzing the significance of location. Is the problem unique to a specific location or region? Why or why not? Describing the location of a low income rural town relative to regions of industry or agriculture can be revealing. Is the location a conurbation, technopole, forward capital, or primate city?Follow with a regional analysis that might include physiography (climate, terrain, bodies of water, flora and fauna), culture, population data (demographics), the economy, political geography, urban development, industrialization, and agriculture. How would you characterize the people, i.e., their culture, lifestyle and beliefs? How do language, gender, religion, and cultural traditions and values affect the project? Are the people part of a shatterbelt? Think about the sectors of the economy and development. Is the area you are addressing a periphery, semi-periphery, or core state, and how does that help or hinder the solution to the problem? Are the people subsistence farmers? Describe the population. Analyze the population distribution and density. Is it a floating population? Look at demographics like the birth rate, infant mortality rate, overall longevity, ratio of physicians to population, per capita income, average years of education or illiteracy, and the dependency ratio. What do those statistics indicate regarding the problem to be solved?Movement, or connectivity, is often a key component in any geographic analysis. Will you move people, goods, or information? How will you do that? What are the challenges of movement? Can you hand out brochures or a Bible if the people receiving them are illiterate? Do they have access to the internet? Is there adequate transportation infrastructure to move people and goods? Are roads improved or unimproved? Is there access to public transportation? Analyze physiography as it relates to movement. Think about transferability of goods, distance decay, or the movement of people through immigration or emigration.Study the cultural landscape and develop a sense of place. This can add insight to the culture and the economy. Can the type of places of worship indicate cultural or ethnic diversity in a location? Where is the nearest hospital or college? Do most people live in single-family homes, or do most residents rent? Can the number of traffic lights in a town indicate size?Consider the cause and effect of human interaction with the natural environment as it relates to your project. It may be as simple as studying the general climate and the seasonal effect on GEOG 200Page 3 of 3activities and services. Do the people contend with devastating drought, earthquakes, tsunamis, or hurricanes? Have people permanently altered the natural landscape through deforestation or the construction of dams, levees, or canals?Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.GEOG 200Page 3 of 3activities and services. Do the people contend with devastating drought, earthquakes, tsunamis, or hurricanes? Have people permanently altered the natural landscape through deforestation or the construction of dams, levees, or canals?




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2401 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Access Rd

you are an analyst providing area assessments for teams conducting business-related travel throughout the United States. You are regularly required to develop visual and written analytic products that provide employees on these trips with critical information about the location of the trip and the surrounding areas. 

A trip is coming up for a team to Arlington, Virginia from (18-Sept – 23 Sept). You have been asked to develop an overview product to provide your colleagues with the key information that will assist them with planning their trip and ensuring their ability to complete the trip without incident. The team is expected to keep their travel expenses within U.S. Government per diem rates.

Key Locations

Your colleagues plan to arrive to the area via Reagan International Airport (2401 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Access Rd, Arlington, VA 22202). Their meetings will be held at a conference center located in Crystal City (2345 Crystal Dr. Arlington, VA 22202). The meetings will be held over the course of several days. 


Please provide your analytic assessment in two formats. The first should be a one-slide presentation (MS PowerPoint or similar) and the second should be a one-page written assessment (MS Word or similar). 

Source citations for both products should be provided in either the notes section or following the written assessment. The format for the source citations will be at the analyst’s discretion.

Between the two products you must include the following elements:

1. Suitable lodging for personnel taking the trip (with map overview)

2. Potential routes to and from the location for meetings during the trip

3. Overview of the area (i.e., crime statistics, weather, etc.)

4. Upcoming or recent significant events that may impact travel in the area

5. Information about other points of interest located near the facility (restaurants for lunches and reviews etc.)

6. Other information discovered by the analyst, at their discretion, that would aid the personnel taking the trip




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four movie theaters in the town

Unit VI Assignment Background Information

Ruby Red Theater is now starting to work on its marketing plan to draw more customers into the theater. Manager Tracy has provided you with the following information and asked for your help:

  • There are four movie theaters in the town (Ruby Red, Grayson’s Guild, Ryne’s Reel 2 Reel, and Garrett’s Dollar Movies).
  • The city has passed a law banning any other movie theaters from building within the city limits.
  • All movie theaters offer similar types of concession stand items at similar prices.
  • The average ticket prices per movie at each theater are:
Movie TheaterAverage Ticket Price
Ruby Red Movie Theater$10.00
Grayson’s Guild Movie Theater$8.00
Ryne’s Reel 2 Reel Movie Theater$8.00
Garrett’s Dollar Movies$1.00
  • The first movie and last movie start times for the four theaters are:
Movie TheaterFirst Start TimeLast Start Time
Ruby Red Movie Theater12:00 noon11:00 p.m.
Grayson’s Guild Movie Theater10:00 a.m.11:00 p.m.
Ryne’s Reel 2 Reel Movie Theater10:00 a.m.11:00 p.m.
Garrett’s Dollar Movies12:00 noon11:00 p.m.
  • The average number of people who purchase tickets at each movie theater in town per month is:
Movie TheaterAverage Monthly Movie Ticket Sales
Ruby Red Movie Theater15,000
Grayson’s Guild Movie Theater23,000
Ryne’s Reel 2 Reel Movie Theater25,750
Garrett’s Dollar Movies25,200
  • Grayson’s Guild and Ryne’s Reel 2 Reel offer a special “Two-for-One Tuesday” where you can purchase two tickets for the price of one.
  • Grayson’s Guild and Ryne’s Reel 2 Reel just purchased the latest Goldby Surround Sound for their movie theaters.
  • You recall that your economics instructor at Columbia Southern University had presented you with a table that outlined the four market structure types and their characteristics. After searching through your old notes from Columbia Southern University, you found the table, which is presented below:
CharacteristicPerfect CompetitionMonopolistic CompetitionOligopolyMonopoly
Number of FirmsVastManyFew Dominant FirmsOne
Type of ProductHomogeneousDifferentiatedDifferentiatedUnique, Limited, No Close Substitute
Size of FirmRelatively SmallRelatively SmallAverage to LargeLarge
Market ShareSmallSmallAverage/HighAbsolute
Barriers to Entry and ExitNoneLowHighExtreme
Price-Setting PowerNone, Price TakerLow, Price MakerHigh, Price MakerHigh, Price Maker
Long-Run Economic ProfitsNoneNonePossiblePossible

Answer the questions on the next page. Your answers must be a minimum of 300 words in length for each question.

Unit VI Assignment

Part 1:

Using the provided table that outlined the various characteristics of each market structure type and the information provided by Manager Tracy from Ruby Red Movie Theater, define the market structure (perfectly competitive, monopolistically competitive, oligopoly, or monopoly) for the movie theater market of this town. Discuss each market structure characteristic as it either relates or does not relate to the movie theater market for this town. Make sure you address all four market structures and each market structure characteristic in your discussion.

If you need additional space, please feel free to insert an additional page.

Your Answer:

Part 2:

Given the market structure you have identified for the movie theater industry in this town, what marketing ideas would you recommend for Ruby Red Movie Theater?

If you need additional space, please feel free to insert an additional page.

Your Answer:

Part 3

Grayson’s Guild Movie Theater has made an offer to purchase Ryne’s Reel 2 Reel Movie Theater. The merger would result in both theaters operating under the same business ownership. What problems would this merger cause for Ruby Red Movie Theater? Could the government have issues with this merger?

If you need additional space, please feel free to insert an additional page




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