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What were your preconceptions or expectations before the experience?

2- to 3-page in which you draw from the assigned resources to critically reflect on the experience of being a minority in a specific situation.

  • Describe the experience.
  • Reflect on the experience and consider:
    • What were your preconceptions or expectations before the experience?
    • What were your reactions to, thoughts about, and/or emotional responses to the experience?
    • What did you gain or learn from this experience?
  • Explain privilege in relation to this social identity.
  • Apply concepts and material from this week’s resources to the experience.
    • Support your application of this week’s resources using APA citations and a reference page.


Segal, E. A., Gerdes, K. E., & Steiner, S. (2019). An introduction to the profession of social work: Becoming a change agent (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

  • Chapter 4, “Human Rights and Social and Economic Justice”
  • Chapter 5, “Dimensions of Diversity”




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Pharmacotherapy for Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Disorders

Assignment: Pharmacotherapy for Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Disorders

Once the underlying cause is identified, an appropriate drug therapy plan can be recommended based on medical history and individual patient factors. In this Assignment, you examine a case study of a patient who presents with symptoms of a possible GI/hepatobiliary disorder, and you design an appropriate drug therapy plan.

To Prepare

  1. Review the case study assigned  
  2. Reflect on the patient’s symptoms, medical history, and drugs currently prescribed.
  3. Think about a possible diagnosis for the patient. Consider whether the patient has a disorder related to the gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary system or whether the symptoms are the result of a disorder from another system or other factors, such as pregnancy, drugs, or a psychological disorder.
  4. Consider an appropriate drug therapy plan based on the patient’s history, diagnosis, and drugs currently prescribed.

Write a 2-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Explain your diagnosis for the patient, including your rationale for the diagnosis.
  • Describe an appropriate drug therapy plan based on the patient’s history, diagnosis, and drugs currently prescribed.
  • Justify why you would recommend this drug therapy plan for this patient. Be specific and provide examples.

Reminder: all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. 

* the three bullet questions must be addressed in paper according to case study provided below:

DC is a 46-year-old female who presents with a 24-hour history of RUQ pain.  She states the pain started about 1 hour after a large dinner she had with her family.  She has had nausea and on instance of vomiting before presentation. 

PMH:                                                              Vitals:  

HTN                                                                Temp:              98.8oF 

Type II DM                                                     Wt:                  202 lbs 

Gout                                                                Ht:                   5’8” 

DVT – Caused by oral BCPs                          BP:                  136/82 

                                                                        HR:                 82 bpm 

Current Medications:                                Notable Labs: 

Lisinopril 10 mg daily                                   WBC:                          13,000/mm3 

HCTZ 25 mg daily                                        Total bilirubin:           0.8 mg/dL 

Allopurinol 100 mg daily                               Direct bilirubin:          0.6 mg/dL 

Multivitamin daily                                          Alk Phos:                    100 U/L 

                                                                     AST:                           45 U/L 

                                                                      ALT:                           30 U/L 






Eyes: EOMI 

HENT: Normal 

GI:Nondistended, minimal tenderness 

Skin:Warm and dry 

Neuro: Alert and Oriented 

Psych:Appropriate mood 




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conduct Gram stains on “young” cultures

lab summary of 300 words minimum on Gram staining.


Gram stains: see images at the end of this exercise.

The Gram stain is a differential staining procedure developed by Dr. Hans Christian Gram in 1884. The Gram stain differentiates between 2 groups of bacteria: the Gram positives and the Gram negatives. Almost all bacteria can be clearly separated into one of these 2 groups. For this reason, the Gram stain is the first critical step in characterizing and identifying bacterial species. The basis of the method is a difference in cell wall structure, or more accurately, cell envelope structure (includes everything from the cell membrane to the outermost part of the cell). Gram positive cells have a much thicker cell wall which allows these cells to maintain the primary stain (crystal violet) upon being treated with decolorizer solution. The relatively thin cell wall of Gram negative cells loose the purple-violet color of the primary stain when treated with decolorizer. They then take on the red color of the counter-stain (safranin or basic fuschin). Hence, Gram positive cells stain purple and Gram negative cells stain red. Unfortunately, the method doesn’t always work perfectly. Several variables can affect the results. Do not try to “cut corners” on the Gram stain. Learn how to conduct the method properly. Practice Gram stains many times before unknown time, otherwise, you could have serious problems identifying your bacterial species. Things to remember when conducting Gram stains

1) You must conduct Gram stains on “young” cultures. Most bacterial species used in this lab will grow sufficiently to conduct a Gram stain within 18-24 hours given optimum growth conditions (media, temperature, etc.). It is possible that a culture will require more incubation time to grow sufficiently. If so, conduct the Gram stain as soon as growth allows. Why does the age of the culture matter? NOTE: old Gram positive cultures tend to stain Gram negative. This trend is not universal and cannot be depended upon. In general, the older the culture is the less dependable the Gram stain results. The culture will become “Gram variable” which means that some cells will stain purple and others red.

2) Try to conduct Gram stains on cells collected from isolated colonies. This idea applies mainly to bacteria on Petri dishes but may apply to cultures on a slant. Eventhough a culture may appear pure, you cannot be sure. Two neighboring colonies may be different species. Pick one to make sure. If working from a broth, this is impossible. Gram stains should NOT be conducted from broth cultures.

3) In addition to the unknown culture that you stain, you must also stain “control cultures” of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. These control cultures must also be young when you stain them. As mentioned above, Gram stains don’t always work perfectly even if you adhere to the steps. As your grandmother says, “you have to hold your mouth right.” This is why we use controls. Lets say that your unknown culture stains mostly red, but a little purple tint is present. If your Gram negative control looks the same, you can be fairly confident that your unknown in Gram negative. Without a control, you would not have a clue.

4) The importance of a good smear to accurate Gram stain results cannot be over-emphasized.

  • NOTE: Thick smears of Gram negative cells are likely to stain Gram positive – Gram variable. If your smear is thick, examine the stained smear in a thinner area.
  • Over-mixed smears yield cellular arrangement that is not indicative of the organisms’characteristic cell morphology.
  • Staining and examining cells in a smear that was heat fixed while wet is a complete waste of time. Start over.

5) Decolorization is the most critical step in regard to the color accuracy of the Gram stain. You must perfect the method that works best for you and the amount of time to decolorize. This may vary depending on the thickness of the smear, how vigorously you squirt decolorizer on the smear, the angle at which you hold the slide, the time delay between applying decolorizer and rinsing the smear, etc. You should start with 5 seconds and work from there. Over decolorized Gram positives with look Gram negative. Under decolorized Gram negatives will look Gram positive.

6) Some organisms yield inconsistent Gram reactions even if you follow the rules. Examples include species of the Gram(-) genus Neisseria which often stain purple, and an encapsulated organism (we will talk about capsules later) such as Klebsiella pneumoniae. The capsule is a cell covering which may partially prevent the Gram stain reagents from reaching the cell.

Gram stain procedure – I prefer (and we will use) the modified method on the next page.

1) Prepare smears of the unknown culture(s) and the Gram stain control cultures on a single slide, preferably with the unknown(s) between the controls. As I said earlier, I like 3 or 4 smears / slide.

2) Place the slide on the staining tray smear-side up. Cover the smears with crystal violet and allow to sit for 30-60 seconds. Rinse the smears thoroughly but gently with distilled water. The stream of rinse water should not fall directly onto the cells but above them, allowing the water to sheet across the smears. Shake off excess water.

3) Cover the smears with Grams iodine solution (the mordant) for 60 seconds. Rinse as above. Shake off excess water. The mordant helps “lock” the crystal violet into the Gram positive cell wall.

4) CRITICAL STEP: hold the slide at a 45o angle over the sink. Squirt 95% ethanol solution (decolorizer) onto the top edge of the slide so that it sheets down evenly across each of the smears. Depending on the organism and smear thickness, 2-5 seconds of decolorization should be sufficient. Watch the decolorizer as it flows off of the smear. STOP decolorizing immediately when you no longer see color leaching from the smear. Rinse IMMEDIATELY and thoroughly (front & back) as above. Shake off excess water.

5) Lay the slide on the tray. Cover the smears with safranin or basic fuschin (the counterstain) and allow to sit for 60 seconds. Rinse thoroughly as above. Blot dry with bibulous paper. It is microscopy time.


* Your success accurately determining Gram stains depends as much or more upon smear quality and

aptitude at microscopy as it does on the Gram stain procedure itself

* Good Gram stains require practice. I would like for you to Gram stain one or more different

organisms each week. This will give you a lot of practice and will help you to become familiar with the

morphology of our organisms.

* Unless I tell you differently, use the Philadelphia Gram stain procedure (next page). It is very good.

* Dr. Gram would appreciate if you capitalize the first letter of his name (Gram).

Philadelphia General Hospital Gram stain modification

1. Prepare smear and heat fix in the normal manner.

2. Add 1-2 drops of crystal violet to smear.

3. Rock back and forth a few times and wait approximately 10 seconds.

4. Add 2-4 drops of 5% sodium bicarbonate to CV on smear to insure (-) charge of Gr (+) envelope.

5. Rock back and forth a few times to mix CV & SB (critical). Wait approximately 10 seconds.

6. Pour CV-SB off slide. Tilt slide over sink and RINSE with a few drops of Graham’s iodine.

7. Add 5-6 drops of Grahams iodine to smear and wait approximately 10 seconds.

8. Pour GI off slide & RINSE with a gentle stream of water.

9. Add acetone drop wise (NOT a stream) to upper end of tilted slide until purple color no longer

comes out of smear – usually takes 2-4 seconds. Watch closely here – easiest step to mess up.

10. Wave slide a few seconds to evaporate the acetone and air dry the smear.

11. Add safranine to cover smear.

12. Rock back and forth a few times and wait approximately 10 seconds.

13. Pour safranine off slide & RINSE with a gentle stream of water.

14. Blot slide dry with bibulous paper and view with microscope.

IMAGES of Gram-stained bacterial cells: under “Laboratory: cellular morphology images”

Gram positive coccus: Staphylococcus: note clusters of round cells

Gram positive coccus: Streptococcus: note chains of round cells

Gram positive rod: Bacillus

Enteric Gram negative rod: Escherichia coli

Non-enteric Gram negative rod: Alcaligenes faecalis




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middle manager for one of the top U.S. producers of luxury and mass-market automobiles and trucks

Guidelines for Submission

Strategic Plan

Submit a Word document of 5 pages, devoting 1 page to each critical element described above. Include a graphic using Power BI for competitors’ relative strengths (p. 1). Place the graphic at the top of the page with bullets underneath. Sources should be cited according to APA style. 


Using the recommendation that you provided in Milestone One, you will develop a strategy to implement the innovation and get ahead in the marketplace.


You work as a middle manager for one of the top U.S. producers of luxury and mass-market automobiles and trucks. You are now leading a cross-functional team to move forward with the company initiative. To remain a viable competitor and meet the demands of consumers’ desire for technology, the company’s chief technology officer (CTO) has decided to implement the internet of things (IoT) into its product line.

In Milestone One (ATTACHED), you and your cross-functional team looked at risks and benefits of each innovation option, competitors in the market, and the company’s internal capability for moving forward with the innovation. After doing this analysis, you presented your recommendation to various stakeholders about how to proceed. You chose: Add recent technology features into one model and then incrementally into the broader product line (incremental innovation)

The CTO has accepted your recommendation. Now you are ready to develop a strategy for taking the innovation to market. In order to develop a strategy, you will need to look at your competitors’ relative strengths in the current marketplace, to understand how the company compares to your competitors, and to identify the total market and the market’s annual growth rate. Finally, you also need to share your thoughts on how to respond to changes in business conditions. Although no one can predict what is going to happen, it is important to think about how flexible your plan is in order to meet unexpected conditions.


Using the recommendation you provided in Milestone One, develop a strategic plan to implement the innovation and gain competitive advantage. Use the Sales Forecast, Comparative Growth Data and Comparative Operating Statistics to complete this milestone.

Strategic Plan

  1. Analyze the competitors’ relative strengths in the marketplace.
  • Write a short paragraph describing the growth rate of each competitor. You will get the solution from the comparative growth data sheet.
  • How much of the market does each competitor now own? Do you see a trend of gaining or losing market share? Present your findings using Power BI.
    • Perform your analysis for the cars and trucks category. Create pie charts using columns C and F from the comparative growth Excel sheet in Power BI. (ATTACHED- SEE “MARKET SHARE PERCENTAGE FOR CARS AND TRUCKS NOW” AND “MARKET SHARE PERCENTAGE FOR CARS AND TRUCKS IN 2030” )
    • Perform your analysis for the connected cars and trucks category. Create pie charts using columns H and K from the comparative growth Excel sheet in Power BI. (ATTACHED- SEE “MARKET SHARE PERCENTAGE FOR CONNECTED CARS AND TRUCKS NOW” AND “MARKET SHARE PERCENTAGE FOR CONNECTED CARS AND TRUCKS IN 2030”)
  • Determine each competitor’s financial strength by looking at their comparative operating data.

2. Explain how your company’s market share compares to your competitors’.

  • Is your company gaining or losing market share? Expand on the analysis done in Task 1 above and explain the major factors behind the change in market share.
  • What is your company’s growth potential in the industry?
  • How do your company’s financials look compared to your competitors’?

3. Identify future potential total available market (TAM) and growth for each chosen product/service and technology.

  • What is the TAM for cars and light trucks?
  • What is the TAM for IoT-connected cars and light trucks?
  • What is the projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for cars and light trucks?
  • What is the projected CAGR for IoT-connected cars and light trucks?
  • Identify the fastest-growing competitor.

4. Identify ways to adjust if business conditions change.

  • What can you do if your customers are slow to respond (buy) the innovation?
  • What can you do if one competitor is overtaking all the others, including your company?

5. Describe the steps your company needs to take from concept outline to launch. Consider your learning from the previous two modules to ensure the steps are easy to understand for your team.

  • What is the size of development that will be required?
  • Will you require additional capital and personnel?
  • How would you approach determining the timeline from the beginning of development until initial product launch?




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World Health Organization (WHO), in 2019, a new strain of the coronavirus disease was discovered

Unit VII Article Critique


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2019, a new strain of the coronavirus disease was discovered. Also known as COVID-19, this strain of the virus had previously not been identified in humans. A worldwide pandemic ensued as the virus quickly spread across the globe, impacting countless lives, including many individuals in the United States.

In an effort to contain the virus, numerous countries’ leaders encouraged social distancing, which is an infection control strategy aimed to help lessen the spread of a contagious disease. This directive was given by leaders in the United States as well. Two schools of thought emerged. In fact, many people were skeptical about the authenticity of this pandemic due to perplexing and often conflicting messages that were received across social media and news outlets. Therefore, numerous Americans assumed business as usual and maintained their daily living and social rituals. On the other hand, scores of others quickly retreated to their homes, embracing the warning provided by some of the nation’s top infectious disease experts.

This assignment provides you with an opportunity to analyze a real-world, peer-reviewed, psychology journal article that contains research examining the social psychology aspects of motivation and emotion. You will then demonstrate your understanding of the article by relating the research and conclusions contained therein to current events.

Begin by visiting the CSU Online Library to locate and choose a journal article in which motivation and emotion are viewed under the lens of social psychology. The article must be peer-reviewed and should be no older than 7 years.NOTE: You are not required to locate an article about COVID-19; instead, you must find a peer-reviewed journal article concerning research that specifically examines motivation and emotion. You will then be critiquing the article and framing the research and conclusions presented in the article in the context of how they can be applied to behavior and social psychology during such an event as the COVID-19 pandemic.

A good place to start your search is the PsycARTICLES database or the Academic Search Ultimate database. You can access these databases from the Databases box on the library homepage.

For assistance in locating your article, you may find the following tutorial How to Find Journal Articles helpful. Additionally, you may find this tutorial How to Search in PsycARTICLES useful.

Once you have chosen your article about motivation, emotion, and social psychology, you will write an article critique that addresses the following elements.

  • Explain the research methodology that was used in the study.
  • Discuss social factors that influence people or groups to conform to the actions of others.
  • Indicate how behaviors and motivation are impacted by the presence of others. (How does this apply to COVID-19?)
  • Indicate the structures of the brain that are involved in emotion and motivation. (How could a person’s emotions related to fear drive their behaviors during this pandemic?)
  • Examine the article’s generalizability to various areas of psychology.
  • Why would some people choose to follow the orders to avoid social contact and others allow desire for human interaction to be their driving force?

In addition, your article critique should clearly identify the article’s premise and present an insightful and thorough analysis with strong arguments and evidence. You should present your own informed and substantiated opinion on the article’s content and its relation to social psychology during the COVID-19 pandemic. You should use the textbook as your second source to support your analysis and to supplement any information that is not contained in the journal article.

Your article critique must be a minimum of three pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. All sources used must be properly cited. Your article critique, including all references, must be formatted in APA style.

You may view the following CSU Writing Center tutorial Article Critiques for assistance in writing an article critique.




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Issues of Sex and Gender in Society Today

Identify an issue that is facing our society today that is in some way related to sex and/or gender and has opposing sides. Consider a law that was recently put into or taken out of effect or is being debated. You could also look to the statements or actions of a public figure or organization that has generated significant attention from the media. The issue you select should have ample material from which you may pull to gain insight into the details surrounding it. Feel free to email your instructor if you would like to verify that an issue is appropriate or if you would like some suggestions as to what you could cover.

Explore multiple sides of the issue you have selected until you have a good understanding as to why each side believes it is right. Research the historical events that have caused the circumstances of this issue. Engage in discussions with others who have strong feelings about the issue to learn the reasons why they feel they way they do. 

Make sure you research both sides thoroughly as your goal with this paper will be to write it in a manner that does not allow the reader to know which side of the issue that you are on. You will not be condoning or condemning either side- your goal is to be as objective as possible in reviewing the issue you select.

Construct a 1,000-1,250 word essay that demonstrates your understanding of the following:

  • The issue that you have identified (a concise synopsis of what the issue is)
  • Historical context (previous events in history that have contributed to the rise of the issue)
  • Both sides of the current argument (provide an objective review- the reader should not know which side of the issue that you personally are on)
  • At least two possible resolutions to the issue (include the potential ramifications of each resolution for both sides)

Your paper should include an introduction and conclusion, at least 5 cited references (only 2 of which may be your discussions with others, excluding those identified as subject matter experts in your writing), and must adhere to APA formatting.

All assignments are submitted to Turnitin, which is a plagiarism checking tool.  Any assignment receiving a score of 30% or better raises serious concerns about the originality of your work.  An originality score should generally be no more than 20%.  Assignments with originality scores between 20 and 50% will have points deducted. Any originality score over 50%  after review will be graded with a 0.  Please keep this in mind as you are submitting work




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Impact of Knowledge Management System (KMS) on the organization

Assignment based on Impact of Knowledge Management System (KMS) on the organization.

Client Info:

Mehdi Alinejad, Sales Engineer at Total Parking Solutions Inc. (

Field of business: Automated and semi-automated parking systems for buildings.

Organizational chart:

Permanent full-time employees: 2 persons, outsourced /part-time/ internship: 7 persons

Current Problem (briefly): All of our data are saved in different locations (PC, Google Drive, or

even hard- copy), which is hard to save or find the required data. Also, it cannot be accessed easily

from everywhere.

Some detail about the Problem:

• Data is saved in different locations: paper, pc, Google Drive, WhatsApp, and Telegram. So

we always have problems with where to save new data or where to find old data.

• We ran out of data storage in our computers and Google drive (high amount of data as well

as duplicated data)

• Some of our data are related to different subjects (e.g., a data sheet could be related to a

product and a project at the same time). So they are duplicated in different folders or

subfolders and even within the same folder. These duplicated saved data occupy data

storage space and make us confused during data access. A data cleaning app/software is


• We need to give access to different users: different users, different access levels, un/limited

access time. The above organizational chart depicts users of the data.

• We do not have a search option for our stored date. Even if we search on the PC of Drive,

due to different locations of storage, and poor tagging/labelling, the suitable result is not

achievable. Moreover, the available search options will not find different contents that may

be related to our search.

• We need to classify our data as raw data (useful/junction), information, and knowledge.

• Our data should be appropriately classified and saved in the new data management system;

somehow, a new employee can find and understand everything with minimum/zero support

from the old employees (knowledge management).

Content (data to be managed in the new system):

– Video files (mostly from our projects)

– Image files (mostly from our projects)

– Chat texts or email texts (internal or external correspondence)

– Product’s data sheets

– Clients’ information

– Projects information (potential projects, current projects, finished projects,

maintenance/after-sales service projects,) – Marketing data

– Notes and schedules of our daily tasks/ projects, and deadlines reminder

Managing these different content as well as the users who access these contents is essential

for us.

Solution required: A digital data management system (Digital transformation) may be a

suitable solution.

Required: This is a business report to the CEO.

Minimum: 2000 words or 6 pages (apart from the cover page & references page).

Diagrams and tables to support your analysis should be included in the paper.

At least five academic references APA 7th edition should be included in this report.

Recommended: Get Guru Knowledge management system and Freshdesk Knowledge Management system

  1. Do a comparative analysis of both Knowledge Management systems to solve the problems and answer the questions below
  2. What kind of technology is needed in the organization to deploy the suggested KMS systems? What is needed at a desktop level, a network level, a storage level, and a mobile level?
  3. What kind of cybersecurity is needed for both KMS systems?
  4. What are the challenges to getting employees to use the suggested KMS systems? For each challenge identified, how will those challenges be mitigated?




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Analyze the feedback mechanisms that maintain homeostasis, and what happens when these systems do not function appropriately.


Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research about homeostasis. Based on your research and understanding, provide your response to the following tasks:

  • Analyze the feedback mechanisms that maintain homeostasis, and what happens when these systems do not function appropriately. Provide two specific examples for each.
  • Provide the organizational levels in order, beginning at the atom. Then, analyze how each level relates to specific functions and to each other.
  • Evaluate metabolism, anabolism, and catabolism. Then, distinguish them by providing an example for each of these and the end result for that reaction.
  • Analyze and define internal and external respiration in terms of physiology and anatomy.

To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use outside sources. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format




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describe anatomical plane terminology

To successfully complete this exercise, first read Exercise 1: The Language of Anatomy; EXERCISE 2 Organ Systems Overview and EXERCISE 3 The Microscope in your Laboratory Manual and review universal precautions.

Student Discussion Assignment:

  1. Review, identify, and describe anatomical plane terminology. Figure 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5.
  2. Using Figure 3.1 of your text, identify the parts of the microscope and list the function of each.
  3. Describe universal precautions. Using information from current world events, locate and describe a situation that demonstrates why all healthcare professionals must be skilled in using universal precautions. Include information about proper disposal of bio-waste.

Write your responses in a minimum of 250 words in APA format.

As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format. Support your work, using your course lectures and textbook readings. Helpful APA guides and resources are available in the South University Online Library. Below are guides that are located in the library and can be accessed and downloaded via the South University Online Citation Resources: APA Style page. The American Psychological Association website also provides detailed guidance on formatting, citations, and references at APA Style




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Discuss how both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands are used and vary between the different 802.11x networks

In a 4-6-page, APA 7th Edition  formatted paper, and including at least six external references:

Describe the evolution of 802.11x networks 

Discuss how both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands are used and vary between the different 802.11x networks. 

Research and address current 802.11x standards and future network standards with their proposed benefits and functions. 

Finally, address a few of the security concerns with current 802.11x standards.

Remember to properly identify, cite, and reference your resources in APA 7th Edition style.

Olenewa, J. (2017). Guide to wireless communications (4th ed.). Cengage Learning 

Print ISBN: 978-1305958531

eText ISBN: 978-0357396407




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