Writers Solution

Each young person has a complex history before entering care that manifests in different ways

SCENARIO: Each young person has a complex history before entering care that manifests in different ways. Below is a scenario regarding a Young Person aged 13 who has been in residential care for 2 weeks.

Georgia was in the primary care of her mother who had substance abuse issues and a string of violent boyfriends. Georgia was exposed to high levels of aggression and violence towards her mother and occasionally herself. Georgia and her siblings moved from one place to another with their mother, often couch surfing at the homes of her mother’s drug associates.

Georgia is quick to become angry and struggles to control her emotions or self-regulate once heightened. She is guarded with any affection, often threatens her carers and is hyper vigilant. Georgia has a history of self-harm, often leaves the placement for long periods of time requiring her frequent absences to be reported to SAPOL. When Georgia is escalated, she is known to damage her carer’s property, vehicles as well as the walls and furniture within the placement. Georgia is not able to have contact with her mother and siblings due to her dysregulation.




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Southwest Airlines Way: The Power of Relationships for Superior Performance

Review Chapters 5 through 14 of Southwest Airlines Way: The Power of Relationships for Superior Performance which can be found in the attachments section.

· Choose two Southwest Airlines’ practices for building high-performance relationships that you believe will serve you well as a successful international aviation manager. Present a summary of your findings from the document and analyze why you find these two practices useful. Be specific within your reasoning. 

· Be sure to include additional research and resources to support your case study.   

· The assignment should be 2 to 3 pages and written in current APA format with intext citations.  




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National Museum of Women in the Arts

For this week’s forum question, review the article  “Taking the Measure of Sexism: Facts, Figures, and Fixes.”  (Links to an external site.)   Next, explore the  National Museum of Women in the Arts  (Links to an external site.) .  You should begin with artists from the  21st Century  (Links to an external site.) .  Continue to the “Learn” and “Support + Advocate” sections to learn more about diverse women creating culture today.

After reviewing these resources, identify one contemporary (still living) creative woman with whom you were previously unfamiliar, and discuss her contributions to contemporary culture.  In your discussion, compare her visibility with creative women from other eras, such as the Renaissance, Victorian, or even the modern period.  How do women continue to face challenges with visibility or representation?

In your initial response, embed a multimedia piece such as a video clip, an audio clip, or an image.  You should discuss the multimedia that you include and explain its significance to your argument.  For video and audio clips, please limit the length to five minutes.  You can post a longer clip, but if you do, you should specify the part of the clip that you want the class to view/hear (no longer than five minutes) by including the time stamp range.  Your posts should include textual examples from this week’s required or recommended resources to support your arguments.  If needed, you may supplement your course content with outside resources, but you should select first from our assigned resources (multimedia and readings).

Your initial post is due on Thursday, and your replies to classmates are due on Monday.  You should post in the discussion on a total of four days during the learning week.  Your posts should have a combined word count of at least 500 words




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Did Women Have a Renaissance?

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review  Did Women Have a Renaissance? (Links to an external site.)  and  From 1971: Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? (Links to an external site.)  Also watch  The Story of Women and Art: Episode 3 (Links to an external site.) .

For this assignment, you will examine women’s contributions to the creation of culture in western society through a discussion of three key figures (artists, poets, writers, dancers, performers, composers, etc.) from our required or recommended resources. In your paper, you will also analyze how western society has shaped these women’s lives and their creativity.

Begin by selecting three key figures from different time periods and different genres who have made artistic contributions to our culture. You may either consider these elements separately as explained below or weave the ideas together as you discuss each of your key figures. Having selected your three key figures, analyze how their creativity made important contributions to culture in their own era and in some cases, how their contributions reverberated to different disciplines and different eras and time periods, perhaps even being felt today. You should provide detailed discussion of examples from their creative work (paintings, poetry, performance, methods of dance, music, etc.) to support your claim on the importance of their contributions. This section must be three to four pages in length.

Next, as you examine how society has shaped these women’s lives and creativity, consider some of the following questions.

· How did prescribed gender roles for women impact their creativity?

· What images defined women (seductress, mother, virgin, etc.)?

· Which images and roles were acceptable and which were outside the norm?

· How did these narrowly-defined gender roles and images (such as the “nature of women”) shape the lives and work of your three key figures?

Some women may have outwardly conformed to these expectations while their work challenged the roles/images in subversive and creative ways while others openly rebelled. As you delve deeper into these issues, consider the dynamics of gender and power in creative expression. For example, how does the subject matter in paintings and texts (or performance) reflect the dynamics of gender and power? Who has privilege? Who has power? How do these creative women sometimes deconstruct (break down) dominant male patterns while reconstructing female experience?

As you discuss how society has impacted women’s creativity, remember to consider the significance of race, class, and/or ethnicity of the three key figures. How does the artist’s class, for example, impact both the importance of her contributions and the ways society shaped her life and work? Does her ethnicity or race determine what subjects she writes about or paints or how she performs? Again, provide detailed examples from the creative women’s work (compositions, performances, sculpture, paintings, writings, etc.) to support your discussion (three to four pages).

In Summary, be sure that your Women Creating Culture Paper:

· Identifies Three Key Figures from Different Time Periods and Genres, and Discusses Their Artistic Contributions to Culture

· Discusses How the Identified Key Figures’ Made Important Creative Contributions to Culture in Their Own Area, and Provides Detailed Illustrations from Their Work

· Analyzes How Western Society Has Shaped the Lives and Creativity of the Identified Key Creative Women

· Analyzes the Impact of Race, Class, and/or Ethnicity of the Three Identified Key Creative Women’s Lives and Work

The Women Creating Culture paper

· Must be six to eight double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s  APA Style (Links to an external site.)  resource.

· Must include a separate title page with the following:

· Title of paper

· Student’s name

· Course name and number

· Instructor’s name

· Date submitted

For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to  APA Formatting for Microsoft Word (Links to an external site.) .

· Must utilize academic voice. See the  Academic Voice (Links to an external site.)  resource for additional guidance.

· Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

· For assistance on writing  Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.)  as well as  Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.) , refer to the Writing Center resources.

· Must use at least two scholarly sources (from the University of Arizona Global Campus Library, or the Week 1 required articles by L. Nochlin and/or J. Kelly-Gadol) in addition to five of the required or recommended resources from Week 5 and previous weeks for a total of seven sources.

· The  Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.)  table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

· To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view this  Quick and Easy Library Research (Links to an external site.)  tutorial, which introduces the University of Arizona Global Campus Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.

· Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s  Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)  guide.

· Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the  Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.)  resource in the Writing Center for specifications




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Identify the patient’s symptoms and the available demographic and historical data

Neurological Disorders Case Study [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1, 2]

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 15 of your course text.

For this discussion, you will pick one of the cases listed in the Week 5 Discussion – Case Studies  Download Week 5 Discussion – Case Studiesdocument, and take on the role of the clinician.

In your initial post,

  • Identify the patient’s symptoms and the available demographic and historical data.
  • Discuss your differential diagnosis and provide a thorough basis for any diagnoses you have included.
  • Determine what (if any) additional testing you would order and how this would be helpful in clarifying the diagnosis.
  • Finally, explain recommendations for the patient/family for ongoing functioning (social, occupational and academic, if applicable).

You must use a minimum of two peer-reviewed articles in your discussion to support your diagnostic conclusions.

To assist you with your research consider using the library’s Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) tip sheet.




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Disorders of Development and Aging

Disorders of Development and Aging [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 15 and 17 in the course text as well as the article Ethical Considerations in Geriatric Neuropsychology (Links to an external site.), and view Dr. Chung’s TED Talk, Wendy Chung. Autism—What We Know (and What We Don’t Know Yet) (Links to an external site.).

Pick a disorder of brain development (i.e., onset during childhood) or aging (e.g., dementia due to a neurodegenerative disorder). Explain the symptoms, how the diagnosis is made (e.g., findings on brain imaging, laboratory testing, etc.), the neurobiological basis for the disorder (e.g., CNS structures involved and neurotransmitters), and current treatment options (including mechanism of action for any drug therapies).

You must use a minimum of two peer-reviewed articles in your discussion to support your statements. You must use a minimum of two peer-reviewed articles in your discussion to support your diagnostic conclusions.

To assist you with your research consider using the library’s Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) tip sheet.




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Current or emerging trends of drug use in Australia

  1. Identify two (2) examples of existing information will you need to know about the client when commencing an assessment and where you may source this information. (100 words) 
House Medical Aod use Present oad use Presenting issue Source; review client referral form, reserech online, consult with relevant healthcare professional, phone calls, emails Background If interpreter is needed
  • Research and discuss two (2) current or emerging trends of drug use in Australia. Ensure you cite your research. (100-150 words)
Cocaine Vaping Alcohol weed  
  • Identify three (3) reasons for a client seeking help for AOD related issues (20-30 words)
Family/family reason Health reason Employment/legal reason; court order
  • Discuss three (3) legislations including one (1) specific AOD legislation, and their relevance when working in the AOD sector. (50 words)
AOD Mental health whs  
  • Identify and discuss three (3) examples of organisational policies and procedures related to working in the AOD Sector. (50 words)
Duty of care Whs Privacy/confidentiality Child protection
  • Discuss three (3) examples of risk assessments you may undertake when working with clients with drug and/or alcohol and co-existing issues. (40-50 words)  
Suicide Aod Poverty/homelessness overdose
  • Discuss three (3) strategies you may utilise to work effectively with clients at risk of suicide, self-harm and/or mental health issues. (50-100 words)  
Communication strategies Strengthen connection to live Work on the clients social life/holistic approuch
  • Discuss how you would work with professionals, aged care providers and those providing home-based supports to older people who have alcohol or other drug related issues. In your response outline any possible risks and how you would attempt to mitigate the risks when providing supports (70-100 words)  
  • Outline how you would record discussions, outcomes, and variances to the client’s assessment. (30-50 words)  
Precise Locked Objective Truth; no assumption, personal believe, no opinion
  1. Who may require a copy of any records, variances, or discussions from the client’s assessment and/or intervention, and what considerations must you ensure prior to releasing this information (30-50 words).
  1. State five (5) client issues that may determine service requirements outside of your scope and provide an example of a service you may refer to (20-30 words each).
    Table 14 Scope and referrals  
Client issue outside of your scopeSuitable service/ program including name, and a brief explanation of the services they provide.
Legal issue 
Counselling accommodation 
Financial (centerlink/banking 
  1. Complete the tables below by listing two (2) rights and responsibilities for clients, workers, and employers.

a) ClientsTable 15 Rights and Responsibilities: clients


b) WorkersTable 16 Rights and Responsibilities: workers


c) EmployersTable 17 Rights and Responsibilities: employers

  1. Complete the table:  

Looking at the table below, explain how each of these factors may impact clients seeking help for AOD related issues (30-40 words each)

Table 18 Short Answer Questions 

FactorsYour response
Age of the client 
Developmental status of the client 
Cultural Background 
Impact of trauma 
Forced or voluntary migrated clients  
People with disabilities 
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Clients  
Older persons with co-existing health conditions 
Mandated clients or those with legal issues. 
Health issues 
Geographic location 
  1. Using the following table, provide a brief description of the listed AOD Screening Tools, their purpose and their benefits and limitations. (40-50 per screening tool) 
    1. ASSIST 

Table 19 Research on Screening Tools – ASSIST 

 Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) 
Key components within the tool  
Suitability/ target audience  
Where to locate/ how to source  
  • Severity of Dependency Scale (SDS) 

Table 20 Research on Screening Tools – SDS 

Severity of Dependency Scale (SDS)  
Key components within the tool 
Suitability/ target audience 
Where to locate/ how to source 

c) AUDIT  

Table 21 Research on Screening Tools – AUDIT 

Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)  
Key components within the tool  
Suitability/ target audience  
Where to locate/ how to source  


Table 22 Research on Screening Tools – DUDIT 

Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT) 
Key components within the tool  
Suitability/ target audience  
Where to locate/ how to source  
  1. Drugs can typically be categorised by the class of drugs, their primary properties, their harms and how they are usually administered.  Research the drugs below and provide the relevant information as per the table. Each substance table response should be between 100-200 words not including your references. 
    1. Alcohol

Table 23 Research on Alcohol 

Primary Properties   
How drug is ingested  
Signs and symptoms of use  
Stages and symptoms of withdrawal  
Effects on health, cognitive, social, and emotional development, and impact on others  
Preventative/ interventions strategiesBrief intervention Harm minimization strategies, detox, 3d – delay distract and decide, prevention strategies 
 Source of Information: 
  1. Cannabis  

Table 24 Research on Cannabis 

Primary Properties  
How drug is ingested 
Signs and symptoms of use 
Stages and symptoms of withdrawal 
Effects on health, cognitive, social, and emotional development, and impact on others 
Preventative/ interventions strategiesAssist
Source of Information: 
  • Tobacco 

Table 25 Research on Tobacco 

Primary Properties  
How drug is ingested 
Signs and symptoms of use  
Stages and symptoms of withdrawal 
Effects on health, cognitive, social, and emotional development, and impact on others 
Preventative/ interventions strategiesHarm minimization, early intervention, Tabs, nicotine sensation strategies
Source of Information: 
  • Illicit Drugs – Select an illicit drug and complete the table 

Table 26 Research on Illicit Drugs 

Illicit Drug
Primary Properties  
How drug is ingested 
Signs and symptoms of use 
Stages and symptoms of withdrawal 
Effects on health, cognitive, social, and emotional development, and impact on others 
Preventative/ interventions strategies
Source of Information:  
  • Prescription drug – select a prescription drug and complete the table 

Table 27 Research on Prescription Drugs 

Prescription Drugs
Primary Properties  
How drug is ingested 
Signs and symptoms of use 
Stages and symptoms of withdrawal 
Effects on health, cognitive, social, and emotional development, and impact on others 
Preventative/ interventions strategies 
Source of Information: 
  1. Using the following table, provide a description and example for each of the five (5) patterns of drug use (50 – 100 words per model)

Table 28 Patterns of Drug Use

Pattern of UseDescriptionExample
Recreational/ Social   
Poly Drug Use  
  1. Behaviour can be influenced by a range of factors, such as culture, family situation and the community that a person lives in.

Using the topic of alcohol use to frame your answer, provide examples of how each of these factors could influence a person’s decision to consume, use heavily, or abstain from alcohol.
(20-30 words per response)
Table 29 Contexts of Behaviour

Context of behaviourExample of how each context can influence behaviour

  1. For each of the items below:
  2. Describe how the following approaches in brief intervention practice may benefit the client seeking assistance
  3. Provide an example of the approach being used in a situation with a community/health service client.
    (200-250 words for the whole table)
    Table 30 Intervention approaches and benefits
Approach to support behaviour changeBenefits of the approachExample of the approach in action
Raising awareness  
Sharing information and resources.  
Exploring concerns and strategies  
Helping the person express their feelings, make decisions, and set goals  
Highlighting the benefits of change  
Giving positive feedback and encouragement  
Offering time and support  
Referring to other sources of assistance  
Assessing the persons nutrition and environmental health or wellbeing  

Assessment Feedback 

NOTE: This section must have the assessor signature and student signature to complete the feedback. 

Assessment outcome 

☐ Satisfactory 

☐ Unsatisfactory 

Assessor Feedback 

☐ Has the Assessment Declaration on page 1 of the assessment been signed and dated by the student? 

☐ Are you assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the student’s own work? 

☐ Was the assessment event successfully completed? 

☐ If no, was the resubmission/re-assessment successfully completed? 

☐ Was reasonable adjustment in place for this assessment event? 
If yes, ensure it is detailed on the assessment document. 



Assessor name, signature, and date: 


Student acknowledgement of assessment outcome 

Would you like to make any comments about this assessment? 


Student name, signature, and date 

Miodesta UWANDU

NOTE: Make sure you have typed your name at the bottom of each page of your submission before submitting to your assessor for marking. 





  • Current or emerging trends of drug use in Australia
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    Develop and manage performance-management processes

    Adv Dip Community Sector Mgt 2B

      BSBHRM512 Develop and manage performance-management processes

    Participant Assessment

    Need Help with your Assessment?

    Post your query to your fellow participants in the Discussion Forum – Need Help with Your Assessment? Use this forum to post any question about any part of the assessment. Alternatively, post your query to the Facebook Study Group for your course.

    Perhaps, you need help answering a particular question or sourcing the information from the resources.

    Perhaps, you need some informal feedback on your assessment before you submit it. You can upload your assessment here and ask your fellow participants for a constructive and supportive review.

    Perhaps, you can even help another participant and answer their questions. Sharing information is the key to success and remember the only silly question is

    the one that remains unasked!!!


    Assignment Activities

    There are 3 parts to this assignment.

    Use a word processor to create one document with your responses to all parts.

    Part 1 is a Scenario. Read through the scenario carefully. Answer, 250 words. Part 2 is an Activity. Read through the activity carefully. Answer, 250 words. Part 3 is the Project. Read and follow the instructions provided.


    You are responsible for developing and monitoring KPIs for a staff member who is responsible for recruitment in your unit.

    a.   Provide examples of at least four possible key performance indicators (KPIs)

    that are specific, measurable and align with business goals.

    b.   Explain how you would monitor these KPIs.

    c.   How frequently would you meet with the employee regarding the KPIs? Explain

    your rationale for this.

    d.   find the employee is not meeting their KPIs, describe briefly the steps you would take to deal with the situation?


    a.   Provide a sample learning and development plan for a junior manager whose training needs have been identified by their manager as managing people and delegating effectively.

    b.   Part of your suggestion for the manager is to enrol in a Certificate IV in

    Leadership and Management which can be undertaken on the job. What process would you use to select the sup plier to satisfy the needs of this manager?

    c.   How would you monitor the success rate of the training and notify his/her


    d.   The manager has come back to you during his/her training and expresses concern about the training provider in particular the l ack of support being provided. How would you manage this?


    Assume you have recently joined a tech company “High Tech Pros” (simulated, not a real business) that has grown rapidly from a small start -up to now employing over 200 staff. Of the 200, 125 are full-time staff and 75 are contractors (who are hired as required). Most are technical officers (analysts, programmers etc.) with 16 being administrative staff looking after accounts, marketing, sales, HR and general administration.

    Both the owners and the managers they have employed are highly skilled technically but have little true management experience. The owners have plans to grow by up to 100% over the next 12 months and know they need processes to ensure they manage their staff. They have read about Google’s success in motivating and managing staff and have asked you to complete Parts A  to D below in order to:

            Put a performance management process in place for all staff

         Help their managers transition from being competent technicians into being great managers

    Read the following case study about the real company “Google” (no need to google

    this, ha ha):

    Sourced 13/10/2016 from European CEO magazine, (15/06/2015 ed .): talent-retention-success/

    This March, Fortune named Google, already the world’s biggest search engine, the number one employer for the sixth year in a row, making the tech company the ultimate talent magnet.…

    The capabilities of IT systems allow a more sophisticated and analytical approach to HR than was possible in the past”, says Mark Thompson, Head of Reward Consulting at management firm Hay Group. Thus, cold hard facts are employed in order to keep the chances of unexpected outcomes to an absolute minimum.

    At Google, employees are considered the company’s most valuable asset – the backbone of the organisation. They are given freedom, a healthy work-life balance, incredible perks, and even the chance to have fun at work. There are many who maintain that such radical practices are a waste of money and time, and some may find them simply absurd. And yet, the results speak for themselves.

    What HR should and must focus on is understanding the relationship between the things which motivate and engage people as individuals”, says Laurence Collins, Director of HR and Workforce Analytics at Deloitte. “The environment, work, growth, reward and flexibility it offers, [are] part of the employee proposition.”…

    Each year, two million people apply for around 5,000 vacancies at Google. With better odds of being accepted into Harvard or even of being struck by lightning, many hopeful candidates turn to unorthodox means to make themselves stand out. Lazslo Bock, Head of People Operations at Google, told Forbes in a recent interview that he often receives pleas, bribe offers and even threats from applicants. …

    During the recruitment process, Google uses an algorithm to make predictions regarding which candidates have the best chances of succeeding at the role in question. Those with a very high IQ are often chosen, although the ability to learn and absorb information is considered more important. Riddles and brainteasers are no longer used, as analysis carried out by the department has found that those who do well in such exercises are not necessarily the best candidates. Traditional interview questions have thus made a comeback in Google’s interview process. …

    The people operations team also looks for those who will fit into the firm’s unique culture. Namely, they are looking for ‘Googleyness’ or, in plain English, intellectual humility. … So as to prevent shortsightedness, verdicts, such as whom to hire and fire, how performance is rated and which promotions are given, are never made unilaterally. “Each of these decisions is instead made either by a group of peers, a committee, or a dedicated, independent team”, writes Bock in his book Work Rules.

    Generally, people spend most of their lives at work. It is, therefore, vital for it to be as pleasant as possible. Furthermore, an infinite budget or worldwide status is not necessary to create such a setting, as many cynics often claim in response to Google’s style of management. Considering employees as the most precious commodity within a business is how it can be achieved. Creating an environment in which employees want to get up and go to work can enable them to reach their full potential – to the benefit of their employers and all those around them. To s ome, this may seem like an unmanageable task, but it really isn’t – Google proves that it is possible.

    Part A

    Based on what you have read so far in this “Google” case study, plus other research and your experience, develop recommendations for:

    a.   A performance management process that would suit the company you joined “High Tech Pros”, keeping in mind that some employees are part -time or contracted.

    b.   Organisational timeframes for formal performance management sessions. c.   A quality improvement plan for the performance management process.

    Part B

    Explain who you would consult with at “High Tech Pros” and outside that company,

    to ensure there is agreement on the new formal performance management

    process you recommended in Part A.

    Part C

    Develop a series of short lunch-time sessions for the “High Tech Pros” management team (use a few bullet points for each session) to train them on: a.   How to develop KPIs for their staff.

    b.   How to provide feedback to under-performers c.   Basic staff coaching techniques

    d.   Dispute resolution and mediation processes e.   How to conduct a performance review

    f.    Recording information and storing documents relating to performance reviews and performance management sessions.

    Note: You should be mindful of maintaining the attention of managers given their different learning styles and may use PowerPoint, video, Word documents or any other technology that is accessible and appropriate for this task.

    Part D

    Design a coaching/mentoring program to support managers at “High Tech Pros” in their role. You may choose to use internal or external providers (or both), but must provide a rationale for your choice and explain the process of introducing the program including consultation with key stakeholders.

    discuss. If you are not currently working in HR, consult your tutor/assessor about work experience or an alternative task.

    Upload your completed work on your MyUpskilled portal.




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    organisation’s risk management policies and procedures and make general comments on the strength and weakness of these current arrangements


    Manage risk

    Participant Assessment

    Need Help with your Assessment?

    Post your query to your fellow students in the Student Queries Forum? Use this forum to post any question about any part of the assessment. Alternatively, post your query to the Facebook Study Group for your course.

    Perhaps, you need help answering a particular question or sourcing the information from the resources.

    Perhaps, you need some informal feedback on your assessment before you submit it. You can upload your assessment here and ask your fellow students for a constructive and supportive review.

    Perhaps, you can even help another student and answer their questions.

    Sharing information is the key to success and remember; the only silly question is the one that remains unasked!!!


    Read the scenario below, and provide a detailed response to how you may handle or resolve the situation within the scenario based on your knowledge and skills.  If answers are being simulated, make it as real as possible to workplace settings.

    The trainer at Upskilled, a training company, has her laptop stolen from an interstate restaurant where she was conducting a dinner meeting with clients. The laptop contains nearly 4 weeks of data that had not been backed up. This is a significant loss of a large amount of personal information regarding clients and business opportunities. In addition to this loss, the trainer is now without use of a laptop and still has much client work to conduct. As a result of this loss, Upskilled undertakes a risk management process and decides to implement an action plan to ensure all identified risks are minimised.

    Develop a detailed action plan with

    a)  A policy to reduce the likelihood of this occurrence happening again.

    b)  3 procedures to mitigate (minimise) the possible consequences, should it ever occur again. c)   Include if there is any legislative or regulatory context that you need to be aware of.


    Read the project below, and provide a detailed response. Use as many workplace examples as possible. If answers are being simulated, make it as real as possible to workplace settings.

    In order to demonstrate competence in this unit, you need to demonstrate that you plan, conduct and evaluate risk management strategies for an organisation or business. You can use your own work example or provide simulated answers.

    Your task is to:

    •            Describe your chosen organisation’s risk management policies and procedures and make general comments on the strength and weakness of these current arrangements.

    •            Identify four risks in your organisation where there is a potential for having a negative impact on reaching your organisational objectives.

    •            Analyse and evaluate these four risks according to the likelihood of them occurring and the consequences if they did occur, i.e. provide a Risk Assessment matrix on these four risks.

    •            List the stakeholders for each of the risks identified and analyse the possible impact of the risk on the stakeholders. How will you communicate the changes to them?

    •        Prioritise the treatment of the identified risks.

    •        How will you monitor the implementation and effectiveness of your risk management plan?

    What are the critical success factors?

    •            Describe how you will document your risk management strategies so that they can become part of your organisation’s policies and procedures for managing risk.




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    Lead and manage organisational  change

    Adv Dip Community Sector Mgt 3A

      BSBINN601 Lead and manage organisational  change

      BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and continuous improvement

      CHCMGT002 Manage partnership agreements  with service providers

    Participant Assessment

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    Perhaps, you need help answering a particular question or sourcing the information from the resources. Perhaps, you need some informal feedback on your assessment before you submit it. You can upload your

    assessment here and ask your instructor for a constructive and supportive review.

    Perhaps, you can even help another participant and answer their questions.

    Sharing information is the key to success and remember the only silly question is the one that remains unasked!!!


    Assignment Activities

    There are 2 parts to this assignment.

    Use a word processor to create one document with your responses to all parts.

    Part 1 is a Scenario. Read through the scenario carefully.  Answer each section.

    Part 2 is the Major Project.  Read and follow the instructions provided.


    You have taken a role in a traditional family business. Nothing much has changed in many years and revenue and profit is declining because the company is starting to fall behind the times. The owners are looking to you for some fresh thinking,  particularly about how to bring more sustainable practices into the business. Their power and waste removal costs are way above industry average.

    You are encouraged to try an ideation workshop with the staff to see if you can come up with one or two innovations that you can take to the owners for approval.

       Consider the following methodologies  you have discovered from reading on the subject and the eLearning courses. Describe them and explain how they are best used.

    o Brainstorming

    o Osborne Checklist

    o Six Thinking Hats

    o TRI Z

    o Multiplication Technique

    o Task Unification Technique

    o Attribute Dependency Technique

       Decide which methodologies or tools to use in your workshop. Explain why you have

    chosen these tools.

       Develop an introductory PowerPoint presentation for your workshop to brief the staff on performance improvement, sustainability and innovation as an essential element of competition.

        Describe the process you would use to evaluate the ideas.


    You will use your newly gained knowledge to propose a Change Management Strategy for a new service you have proposed in order to facilitate a successful outcome for an external client.

    It is important that you have access to the details of a service you can use to base your assessment on. Contact your trainer if you do not.

    Some time has passed since you designed and implemented the previous project and you believe you can further enhance their profitability by offering a new service or product.  You should review the business model again to see if you think they can benefit from a new offering.  Perhaps when you did the project you had ideas that could have improved it that were not accepted at the time.

    You will need access to the following information…

        Business Plan

        Company Profile

        Existing State

        Stakeholder interviews

    You need to produce a plan to Change to the new service or product.  The following is a list of the project


    Short Proposal outlining an executive summary of the selected service including:

        Reasons behind your proposal, based on an organisational review

        Plan for consultation meetings to negotiate deliverables

        Agenda templates

        Meeting outcomes matrix (RACI)

        Develop a Change Management Strategy including:

    o  Change Procedure

    o  Change Management Plan

    o  Change Management Project Plan

    o  Change Management Approval process

    o  Training Program

        Implementation Strategy including:

    o  Communication  Plans

    o  Priority Plan

    o  Delivery Plan

    o  Risk Management Plan

    o  Timetable

    o  Evaluation Meetings Plan (stages)

        Review Plan including:

    o  Method of gathering feedback with examples

    o  Action plan to respond to feedback provided

    o  Reporting on performance of the new service against needs

    o  Method of reporting outcomes to stakeholders

    o  Sign off

    o  Service Maintenance plan (SLA)/ Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

    There are many components that go into developing a successful Change Management Strategy. Ensure you use appropriate documentation for each component.

    Use network maps or diagrams, lists, block diagrams, component maps, etc.

    Ensure all of the work that you submit is your own and that appropriate referencing is used.

    Upload your completed documents on the MyUpskilled Portal.




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