Writers Solution

My local community where i live in is East Los Angeles, CA

Look for a current news article depicting a specific incidence of violence in your local community. 

My local community where i live in is East Los Angeles, CA

1. Article can be from any local News source – You should have the link or a picture of the news clipping that you will be uploading here as an attachment.

2. The “Incident” must have occurred within the last 3-5 months. (no more than 5 months ago)

3. The  Article must be more than 2 paragraphs long (the more information, the better able you will be to decide on a theory)

4.  upload the following to the discussion post:

a scanned copy of the article or a link to article 

a very brief summary of why this incident is considered violence (2-3 sentences)




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Identify which theory are you connecting it to and why (2-4 sentence explanation)  —–YOU CAN ONLY CHOOSE ONE THEORY

Writers Solution

one of the functions of privilege is to structure the world so that mechanisms of privileges are invisible – in the sense that they are unexamined – to those who benefit from them

Discussion Post

“Most privilege is not recognised as such by those who have it. In fact, ‘one of the functions of privilege is to structure the world so that mechanisms of privileges are invisible – in the sense that they are unexamined – to those who benefit from them’” (Bailey cited in Pease, 2010, p. 9).

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. How would you define social ‘privilege’?
  2. How is the invisibility of privilege reflected in structural, cultural and personal oppression?
  3. What are the impacts of the internalisation of dominance?
  4. Give an example of ‘whiteness’ you have witnessed

Week 4 Discussion Post

“We support a model of evidence-informed practice. On this view, practitioners are encouraged to be knowledgeable about findings coming from all types of studies and to use them in their work in an integrative manner, taking into consideration clinical experience and judgement, clients’ preferences and values, and context of intervention” (Nevo, 2011, p. 1193).

 Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post

  1. What are the differences between ‘evidence-based’ and ‘evidence-informed’ practice?
  2. To what areas of human services practice is each model applicable?
  3. How do each influence human services practice?

Week 5 Discussion Post

“There is little a government can do for people who choose to be homeless”, Tony Abbott (cited in Perusco, 2010). “Because people who are homeless tend to be the victims of negative public opinion, they internalise those values and how they are treated, so that they start acting and living in ways that confirm other people’s perceptions of them” (Perusco, 2010).

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. What are the factors leading to the internalisation of oppression?
  2. How is social stratification maintained?

How could a strengths-based’ approach influence practice with homeless people?

Week 6 Discussion Post

‘Lesbians live in a world that is dominated by oppression and heterosexism that can lead to a deep sense of shame regarding their sexuality’ Hines, 2012, p. 23)

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. Is sexuality genetic or a social construct?
  2. To what extent does our society privilege heterosexuality?

Week 7 Discussion Post

“Despite the amazing resilience of refugees and the many contributions they make to Australian society, they will often need specialised assistance to overcome the effects of their experiences. With some help, torture and trauma survivors are more likely to live fruitful and fulfilling lives’ STARTTS website.

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. How important is an understanding of the worldview of a person from a CALD background ?
  2. What are the effects of generational trauma?
  3. What do you consider the key practice principles when working with a survivor of trauma or abuse? 

Week 8 Discussion Post

“Person-centred care places the person at the center of health care decisions, focusing on strengths and abilities rather than weaknesses and disabilities” (Hebblethwaite, 2013, p. 13).

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. How does Bourdieu’s concept of ‘physical capital’ contribute to an understanding of social inequality?
  2. What is the impact of the social model of disability?
  3. How could a person-centred approach influence practice with people with disability?

Week 9 Discussion Post

“Human beings are happier, more cooperative and productive, and more likely to make positive changes in their behaviour when those in positions of authority do things with them, rather than to them or for them” (IIRP)

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. In what ways do you think a restorative approach could be useful as both a proactive and a reactive approach when working with youth?

2. How emotionally healthy is an environment in which human beings have free expression of affect? (Moodle page 5.4)

Week 10 Discussion Post

“Indigenous Australians still suffer from the consequences of colonisation and, as a group, continue to experience widespread socioeconomic disadvantage and health inequality” (AIHW).

Discuss the above statement in a 100 word post to the forum. The following questions may assist in composing your post.

  1. How could we, as a community, take action to address just one continuing factor of disadvantage?
  2. How has Social Darwinism been evident in Australian social policy?
  3. How accurate is Said’s argument that even though colonialism is allegedly over, the systems of thinking, talking and representing which form the basis of colonial power relations still persist?




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Writers Solution

United States Department of Agriculture website

  1. Economics for Managers

Economics for Managers


Unit II examined the role of costs and prices in decision-making. For this assignment, you will answer a series of questions in the form of an essay. Support your answers with research from at least three peer-reviewed journal articles.

  1. Research elasticity information for two particular goods: one with an elastic demand and one with an inelastic demand. Using elasticity information you gather, predict changes in demand. The United States Department of Agriculture website has a good resource to help with this.
  2. Describe how marginal analysis, by avoiding sunk costs, leads to better pricing decisions.
  3. Explain the importance of opportunity costs to decision-making and how opportunity costs lead to trade.
  4. Evaluate how better business decisions can benefit not just the producer but the consumer and society as a whole. In your evaluation, contrast the deontology and consequentialism approaches to ethics.

Your essay must be at least three pages in length (not counting the title and references pages) and include at least three peer-reviewed resources. Adhere to APA Style when writing your essay, including citations and references for sources used. Be sure to include an introduction. Please note that no abstract is needed.




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Writers Solution

Prerelease planning stage of the re-entry process for inmates and offenders to help support a plan for successful rehabilitation upon release

Imagine you are a case manager. You need to identify goals and strategies involved in the prerelease planning stage of the re-entry process for inmates and offenders to help support a plan for successful rehabilitation upon release.

Choose 1 offender from the following populations:

  • Juvenile with no supports
  • Elderly with health issues
  • Female who wants to reintegrate back with her children

Review and conduct research on the following goals related to the re-entry process:

  • Goal 1: Address housing needs of inmates post-incarceration.
  • Goal 2: Assist inmates in obtaining employment post-release.
  • Goal 3: Provide resources for mental health, medical, and substance abuse treatment during and after incarceration.
  • Goal 4: Connect offenders with appropriate government benefits

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word re-entry plan with evidence-based strategies to describe strategies for meeting these goals. For each goal:

  • Describe the goal and how it relates to reducing recidivism.
  • Identify 2 strategies from each goal, and describe how the associated activity will benefit the offender in the long term. Are there any potential barriers based on gender, age, race, or needs of another special population?
  • Describe 3 activities or strategies that would contribute to the success of the client to meet the goals and maintain success back in the community.

Cite at least 2 sources as evidence to support your paper.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.




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Writers Solution

What traits does an effective manager display in the workplace?

Some managers would rather get a root canal than go through the performance evaluation process with their direct reports. Why? What does research tell you?

As you respond to the two questions listed above, please address the following:

  • What traits does an effective manager display in the workplace?
  • Is there a profile for a manager who may struggle with the evaluation process?
  • What are the key elements of a successful employee evaluation process? How should a manager prepare for the event?
  • Develop an evaluation form for your direct reports and show how the evaluation criterion correlates to the organization’s objectives.


  • The assignment should be between 4-6 pages which include the cover page and reference page.
  • Your paper should include an introduction and conclusion that summarize the contents of the entire paper.
  • Your paper should be written in proper APA format.
  • References: A minimum of two references are required for this assignment. You may use your textbook as a reference in addition to the two references




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Writers Solution

utility of case management services

SWK535 Movie Reflection Rubric (3-4 Pages) 150 points

Students will watch two films to help them understand the utility of case management services. Students must watch the films and engage in self-reflection and critical analysis of the issues presented throughout the films. Use APA format and the follow the rubric posted on Blackboard. The films are:

The Waiting Room:

Living in tents: for rent at

InstructionFeedbackPoints EarnedPoints Possible
Summary Provide a brief summary of the films, their main points, and positions50
Reflection Describe your position and personal reflections about the films. Incorporate relevant readings from the text to support your position.75
Organization Use the headings provided in this rubric and present organized sentences and paragraphs. All sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. No errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling. APA style formatting




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Writers Solution

What are the 2 major types of body defenses and their subtypes

1. What are the 2 major types of body defenses and their subtypes

2. What is Major Histocompatibility Complex?

3. What are the eosinophils involved in?

4. Where are the blood cells formed?

5. Describe the 2 types of white blood cells explaining each of their kinds of cells.

6. What’s the difference between B cells and T cells?

7. What is the Hangeman Factor?

8. What is chemotaxis?

9. Describe the kinin system.

10. In your own words, explain the sequence of events of the inflammatory response.

11. What are the typical signs of an inflammatory response? Give me their words in Latin and the meaning of those words.

12. What are complement proteins?

13. What are the types of T cells, and what are they responsible for?

14. How are antibodies formed?

15. Which is the order of release of the 5 immunoglobulins (Igs)?

16. What are interferons and what are they responsible for?

17. Describe interleukins, including their importance

18. What is the interrelationship of the immune and inflammatory responses?

19. What is TNF?

20. What are neoplasms?

21. Explain the viral invasion of human cells.

22. What are autoimmune diseases? Give 2 examples.

23. When a person gets a transplanted organ and it doesn’t work well, what is the name of that reaction?

24. What is the difference between antigen and antibody?

25. What are the macrophages responsible for?

26. What are mast cells and phagocytes?

27. What 5 types of cells are produced by the myelocytes?

28. What is MPS?

29. Describe leukotrienes.

30. What is chrysotherapy? When is it used, and how well-tolerated is it?

31. Explain the differences between anti-inflammatory x antipyretic x analgesic agents.

32. What is the meaning of NSAID?

33. Give an example of a salicylate.

34. What is “salicylism”?

35. What is the most common type (prototype) of NSAID?

36. What are COX-1 and COX-2, and which type of drug blocks their effect?

37. What is one of the most common adverse effects of Ibuprofen?

38. What is Tylenol?

39. Describe Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs.

40. Describe the sites of action of the various immune modulators.

41. What do the immune stimulants and the immune suppressors do?

42. What are monoclonal antibodies?

43. Explain recombinant DNA technology.

44. Name the different sites of action of the immune modulators.

45. What are colony-stimulating factors?

46. What is another indication of the drug Aspirin? Why?

47. What is the difference between vaccines and sera?

48. When are immunoglobulins used?

49. What is “serum sickness”?

50. What does MMR mean?




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Writers Solution

Tiffany, Unilever Create New Standard for Supply Chain

Part 1 

  1. Write an initial response to the following key question(s) or prompt(s):
    1. In Workshop Two, you will be exploring ways to improve global supply chains through transparency. Refer the below article Tiffany, Unilever Create New Standard for Supply Chain.
  1. What are ethical pitfalls in the global supply chain that Tiffany is seeking to avoid?
  2. What are Tiffany’s ethical challenges mediation strategies that your company should consider before deciding to initiate a low-cost country outsourcing model?
  3. Why did you select these challenges and their mediations? Provide a one or two sentence explanation for each.

Part 2 

Ezekiel 34:18 (ESV) Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture, that you must tread down with your feet the rest of our pasture; and to drink of clear water, that you must muddy the rest of the water with your feet?

Elaborate on the above topic with few major points

Need part 1 and part 2 answered with two each references and part 1 (250-300 words) and part 2 (100 words)




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Writers Solution

Standard Plot Structure: Introduction

Create a personal narrative. This narrative needs to be nonfiction but may have fictional elements if you so choose. It must be 3-6 pages in length. Three pages means at least 3/4 of the third page must be filled to complete the page requirement. Please abide by the guidelines in your syllabus for any additional formatting. When creating the paper, please keep in mind the ideas from class: 1. Standard Plot Structure: Introduction, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Conclusion 2. Dramatization: Setting, Character, Action, Method, Motive 3. Description: This includes sensory elements, color, weather, and imagery Remember, the key to good detail is Show Don’t Tell. Also, it may be helpful to keep in mind the other rule of thumb: The most important parts in the narrative get the most description. NOTE: The rough draft of this will be for peer review. You will need at least two copies of your paper for the small group peer review. This means that you will be getting into small groups and the group members will read your narrative and give you suggestions on how to improve your paper. As a writer you may also bring up trouble spots that you are having in your narrative and ask for specific help. This does not mean that you can come to class with brief notes and not a fully formed paper and ask for help. You must have at least two copies of your 3-6 page narrative present for the review




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Writers Solution

Frost (548) “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”

  • Dickinson (545) “Because I Could Not Stop for Death”
  • Frost (548) “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”
  • Hardy (548) “The Man He Killed”
  • Shakespeare (555) “Sonnet 55”
  • Wordsworth (557) “Tintern Abbey”
  • Owen (607) “Anthem for Doomed Youth”
  • Elizabeth Browning (611) “Sonnet 14”
  • Eliot (613) “Preludes”
  • Pound (627) “In a Station of the Metro”
  • Shakespeare (628) “Sonnet 130”
  • Keats (654) “To Autumn”
  • Shakespeare (663) “Sonnet 18”
  • Keats (745) “Ode to a Nightingale”


INITIAL POST (due 9/11):

Use three different imagery concepts (at least one for each poem) from Chapter 13 (or the imagery section in the “Imagery, Symbolism, & Allusion” powerpoint) to analyze three poems from the reading homework. What theme* does the imagery highlight? Refer to and cite specific lines from the poetry. Type the kind of imagery in bold in your post. 

* Remember, a theme is an idea that elucidated throughout the text. “The ephemeral pleasures of the world” is an example of a theme. 

Length: One page (about 250 words) total

Respond in a structured, focused response. This isn’t a free-write in which you just jot down thoughts. Write clear, grammatical sentences, in coherent paragraphs, and use an appropriate tone. Your response should show that you are familiar with the texts. Do not offer a long summary or background information unless it is related to the question.

RESPONSE POST (due 9/12):

Respond to at least one classmate’s post with a thoughtful comment. You are not limited to praise or agreement. If something needs to be pointed out, do it in a polite but clear way. Avoid irrelevant comments; focus on the texts and the classmate’s ideas. Avoid vague comments like “I agree” or “Good work.”

Note: Avoid posting blank or “test” posts. If you are unclear about the instructions or having trouble, contact me before posting.




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