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reasons that have little to do with job performance or organizational commitment


Of course, job satisfaction is important for other reasons as well—reasons that have little to do with job performance or organizational commitment. For example, job satisfaction is strongly related to life satisfaction, or the degree to which employees feel a sense of happiness with their lives. Research shows that job satisfaction is one of the strongest predictors of life satisfaction. Put simply, people feel better about their lives when they feel better about their jobs. This link makes sense when you realize how much of our identity is wrapped up in our jobs. What’s the first question that people ask one another after being introduced? That’s right—“What do you do?” If you feel bad about your answer to that question, it’s hard to feel good about your life. The connection between job satisfaction and life satisfaction also makes sense given how much of our lives are spent at work. Presents the results of one study that examines time spent on daily activities, along with reported levels of positive and negative feelings during the course of those activities. The participants in the study spent most of their day at work. Unfortunately, that time resulted in the highest levels of negative feelings and the second-lowest levels of positive feelings (behind only commuting). Home and leisure activities (e.g., socializing, relaxing, exercising, intimate relations) were deemed much more satisfying but took up a much smaller portion of the day. The implication is clear: If we want to feel better about our days, we need to find a way to be more satisfied with our jobs.

Indeed, increases in job satisfaction have a stronger impact on life satisfaction than do increases in salary or income. It turns out that the adage “money can’t buy happiness” is partially true.

3.3 Test your knowledge:(Questions)


3.4 Instructions

Read this paragraph carefully and try to understand, how does job satisfaction is strongly related to our life satisfaction, write your (Comment) view few lines in your words. Post your answer in the discussion board using the discussion link below




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If you were part of the management team at Petrie Electronics

Petrie Electronics

Student Name




Due Date

Petrie Electronics

5.57 Look over the scope statement (PE Figure 5-1). If you were an employee at Petrie Electronics, would you want to work on this project? Why or why not?

Because the Project has been divided into portions, if I worked for Petrie Electronics, I would want to work on it. Overview of the project, goals, major suppositions, and stakeholders. You may see a breakdown of the project and a list of the people in charge of each part. I’ll participate in the project since it is well structured because it is nicely organized.

5.58 If you were part of the management team at Petrie Electronics, would you approve the project outlined in the scope statement in PE Figure 5-1? What changes, if any, need to be made to the document?

The project overview and objective are both specific, so I would accept it. I would want to add that the stakeholders have a responsibility to be more detailed and to set a time for each project part so that they can easily follow what needs to be finished by when.

5.59 Identify a preliminary set of tangible and intangible costs you think would occur for this project and the system it describes. What intangible benefits do you anticipate for the system?

Training and staff salary are examples of tangible costs. Customer happiness and employee productivity are two examples of intangible benefits. A system to track the number of consumers who shop there at a particular moment is one of the advantages. Customers will be encouraged to shop more by the incentive scheme in order to accrue more points. A company’s reputation for dependability and consumer trust is aided by excellent customer service.

5.60 What do you consider to be the risks of the project as you currently understand it? Is this a low-, medium-, or high-risk project? Justify your answer. Assuming you were part of Jim’s team, would you have any particular risks?

If I were on Jim’s squad, I would take part. Due to the fact that it is an extra advantage, the project has low risk. The business can continue to run with or without a customer reward program. If revenues do not rise, incentives for devoted consumers may become an additional expense. Another expense that must be considered is the cost of outsourcing system development. This is a risk since money will be lost if the project’s objective is not met.

5.61 If you were assigned to help Jim with this project, how would you utilize the concept of incremental commitment in the design of the Baseline Project Plan?

You can examine the project at each stage, make changes, and go on to the next step of the project with incremental commitment. The financial, technical, and operational schedules can be examined and fixed one step at a time using this notion in the baseline project plan.

5.62 If you were assigned to Jim’s team for this project, when in the project schedule (in what phase or after which activities are completed) do you think you could develop an economic analysis of the proposed system? What economic feasibility factors do you think would be relevant?

Yes, I am able to create an economic analysis to ascertain the project’s profitability and how frequently clients would purchase as a result of the incentive schemes. Cost of systems study, time spent by systems analysts, and employee study time are a few key economic feasibility variables. In this project, training time and expense are important considerations.

5.63 If you were assigned to Jim’s team for this project, what activities would you conduct in order to prepare the details for the Baseline Project Plan? Explain the purpose of each activity and show a timeline or schedule for these activities.

At each stage of the project, I will do an incremental analysis.

  1. Activity- Introduction
  2. Activity – System Description
  3. Feasibility Assessment Economic analysis Cost benefit – cost to train and implement the project Operational analysis To measure customer satisfaction and increase in sales Schedules, timeline and resource analysis The entire project would take around 6 months to complete. Each stage of the project will take two months, with the second month dedicated to increment analysis.
  4. Management Issues – Description of stakeholder or team member

Assessing risk

The first step in creating a risk assessment plan is determining the hazards that your staff and business are exposed to. Look around your firm and consider how business activity or outside factors might negatively affect your workforce. Consider who will be injured if the hazards you’ve identified occur for each one. After making a list of potential risks, consider how likely it is that each risk will materialize and how significant the consequences will be if it does. With the help of this assessment, you can decide which risks should be given top priority and where they should be minimized.

You should reevaluate your analysis and, if required, make changes. Your workplace is constantly changing, and with it the risks to your business. Each new piece of machinery, method, or individual raises the possibility of a fresh risk. Review and update your risk assessment approach frequently to stay on top of these new threats (Puettmann, 2015).

Risk factors

  1. Project size

Due to the project’s extensive scope, the project’s success could be jeopardized by a lack of cash or poor financial management brought on by an overly ambitious budget or other restrictions. The risk may migrate to other operations and labor segments if the project cost exceeds the allocated money. The decrease in funds could also have an impact on the incidence of a scope risk. People will grow disinterested in the endeavor. In the middle of a project that lasts for months or even years, stakeholders could get lost. The business climate could change between the time the project is initiated and the point at which you identify it as finished. What would happen if your sponsors’ focus was redirected to newer projects or significant market changes, resulting in the loss of crucial funding? Costs will also increase. Cost creep is a valid concern for a few excellent reasons. The first are basic inflation and market conditions. When the project was still in the planning stages, were the pricing you obtained and the estimates you made still accurate? Your team members might also be less adamant about adhering to the original budget because there will be plenty of opportunities to “pay back” overages by borrowing from one line item to support another, much as you worry about losing control of a huge project’s time component. Can you stick to your budget over the long term?

  1. Project structure

The technological component of managing a project is a complicated deliverable due to the rapid emergence of new and cutting-edge technology. The technological layout of a project endangers data security, organization services, compliance, and information security. Technology-related hazards are more challenging to control because installing new IT systems typically calls for hiring new staff members and buying new software. Interruptions in service are one more technological risk that might result in delays and project failure (Ghasemi, 2018).

When you are in charge of a project, you are required to follow a tight code of conduct for timely and effective communication. Meetings with stakeholders, such project donors, enable you to stay on top of any changes, redistribute work, and promote team cohesion. Team members occasionally forget the most crucial components of efficient communication despite having access to so many communication tools and channels. This leads to data loss or misinterpretation, project disruption, and other problems.

  1. Development group

Specifically in terms of development objectives and long-term goals like economic growth and poverty reduction, as well as supporting goals like reform and capacity development, this is the danger that development aid or government/agency resources will not provide results. Development risk is influenced by the amount of administrative work that donors make governments and agencies do, as well as the expenses of complying with intricate donor procedures that are beyond the technical capabilities of people and institutions. The proper application of various country system elements is thought to support capacity building and reform (Kyttälä, 2014).

  1. User group

Customer service representatives may be required to deal with irate customers and attempt to mend the connection if the business falls short of consumer expectations. Discounts, extra/bonus service hours, or, in the worst situation, a client churn could occur as a result. Management will be helped in recognizing trends in customer unhappiness and putting action plans into place if these issues emerge by keeping track of unhappy customers as well as the strategies, time, and procedures required to fix them. By closely observing the causes and outcomes of customer service interactions, the company can spot areas for development and expansion. In this situation, the system may not perform as expected. In today’s always-on and connected environment, customers expect businesses they do business with to be accessible to them seven days a week, 24 hours a day. But what if your business lacks the required technological infrastructure? Understanding your limitations in relation to your clients’ needs is crucial, especially if you want to be able to assist them as they use your product or service. They must first comprehend the needs of the consumer in order to create the system.

Upon reviewing these examples, it is clear that one risk element that jumps out is Jim’s quick background check of the customer service and lack of consideration for the thoughts of the staff. Despite having five years of experience from his former position, Jim was a new employee of the organization. He ought to have taken his time to carefully weigh all the relevant factors so that he could appropriately formulate a comprehensive plan.


Ghasemi, F., Sari, M. H. M., Yousefi, V., Falsafi, R., & Tamošaitienė, J. (2018). Project portfolio risk identification and analysis, considering project risk interactions and using Bayesian networks. Sustainability, 10(5), 1609.

Kyttälä, T. (2014). Outsourcing Logistic and Supply Chain: Effects on small & medium size enterprises.

Puettmann, K. J., Wilson, S. M., Baker, S. C., Donoso, P. J., Drössler, L., Amente, G., … & Bauhus, J. (2015). Silvicultural alternatives to conventional even-aged forest management-what limits global adoption?. Forest Ecosystems, 2(1), 1-16.




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How will you kick off your Instructional Unit (Anticipatory Set/Launch)?

Before you begin developing your first day’s lesson plan, take a few minutes to watch this media presentation on necessary and effective steps when crafting lessons.
( )

The purpose of this Assignment is to start thinking about an effective lesson plan. You will use this lesson in your Five-day Instructional Unit, which is due in Unit 6.


In this Assignment, you will create the lesson for Day 1 of your Instructional Unit. In Unit 1, you identified the topic and learning objectives or content standards for your unit along with five subtopics. In Unit 2, you created an end of unit assessment and scoring rubric. Now you will flesh out the first of those five subtopics for your unit and create a lesson for day one of those subtopics.
( unit 1, unit 2, and lesson plan template attached)

Read directions in its entirety

You will use the Lesson Plan template to get started.

The following resources may assist you as you develop your lessons:

Lesson Plan Sample

Reading Strategies Handbook

In your lesson plan, complete the template sections and explain how you guide students in their learning during each day. You will include elements such as

How will you kick off your Instructional Unit (Anticipatory Set/Launch)?
How will you generate excitement for the next four days’ lessons?
What background knowledge is necessary?
What vocabulary is essential to student success?
What technology will be used if any and why?
How will you plan for the differentiated needs of your students?
What assessments will be used?
How will you communicate with parents?

The template’s Plan Details Section should be written with easy to use directions so that a substitute could walk into your classroom, pick up your lesson, and start teaching in that section of your completed template..

You will receive feedback from your instructor regarding the following:

The focus of your content standards and learning objectives
The instructional strategies presented
How the instructional plan flows and matches with the lesson objective




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define the intellectual boundaries of their disciplines and their areas of expertise

Please Apply this to the assignment                                                                                                     Expanded Read Announcement Evidence-based Writing  9/4/22, 11:59 PM
Evidence-Based Writing refers to a particular style of expression that researchers use to define the intellectual boundaries of their disciplines and their areas of expertise.Characteristics of evidence-based writing:Literature, abstract, keywords, methods, analysis, citationsNeed evidence to support your topic of study and concentrationInclude a formal toneUse of the third-person rather than first-person perspective (usually)A clear focus on the research problem under investigationCritical and analytical thinking Formula for evidence-based writingOne idea/thought per paragraph + evidence based writing = Scholarly WritingQualities of an evidence-based writerTime management (manage your time or it will manage you)Critical thinker (think inside, outside, and around the box)Proof and edit (spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, grammar)Communicator (able to convey your message in writing)Selecting a format for what you are writingClick here to watch a video on evidence-based writing (less than 12 minutes!), that includes examplesMore information about evidence-based writing is available in the Doctoral Resource Center
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citizenship and the influences that helped create the U.S. Constitution

American Government

Unit 2: Citizenship and the Constitution Portfolio

Instructions: Unit 2 is about citizenship and the influences that helped create the U.S. Constitution. You will write about these topics for this portfolio. The assignment has three parts: Your Opinion on Citizenship (6 points), Influences on the Constitution Essay (18 points), and the Bibliography (4 points).

Part 1: Your Opinion on Citizenship (6 points)

List AND describe 3 rights or duties that you think should be provided/required of citizens of a country, and explain why you think each of these 3 things is so important.




Part 2: Influences on the Constitution Essay (18 points)

Pick 2 documents such as the Magna Carta, Petition of Right, English Bill of Rights, etc., or a person’s writings, like John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Rousseau, Montesquieu, etc. Many of these documents are available in Unit 2, Lesson 14, on Slide 3 of 6.

For each of the two documents that you choose, write at least 1 paragraph that explains the purpose and meaning of the document. Describing things like who wrote it, when was it written, why it was written, what purpose it served, etc.   After you describe the document, then describe how it influenced the U.S. Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. Provide specific examples from the U.S. Constitution or the Declaration of Independence to demonstrate how they were influenced by the documents that you described.

Your essay should be at least 4 paragraphs long. For each of the documents, please describe the document you chose and show evidence from the U.S. Constitution or Declaration of Independence.

A)  Document 1 Title  __________________________________________________________

Purpose and Meaning of Document (1 paragraph = 5-7 sentences)

Where can this document’s purpose and meaning be found in either the US Constitution or Declaration of Independence?  Be sure to cite specific passages from either the Constitution or Declaration where this document is found.  (1 paragraph = 4-5 sentences)

B)  Document 2 Title ___________________________________________________________

Purpose and Meaning of Document (1 paragraph = 5-7 sentences)

Where can this document’s purpose and meaning be found in either the US Constitution or Declaration of Independence?  Be sure to cite the specific passages from either the Constitution or Declaration where this document is found.  (1 paragraph = 4-5 sentences)

Part 3: Bibliography (4 points)

In the space below, properly cite the sources that you used for this portfolio in either MLA or APA format. Refer to the American Government message board for examples of how to properly cite sources.




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Descriptive Essay based on a scene from Beowulf

Descriptive Writing Portfolio

Write a Descriptive Essay based on a scene from Beowulf.
Choose a scene from Beowulf, and rewrite and expand it out (in your own words) with additional description to really pull in the reader.
Use the information from Writing with Power to determine the kind of descriptive details you should include and the organizational pattern you plan on following.
The essay should be between 2-3 pages long and be written in MLA style
Checklist: Does my essay have an organizational pattern?
Is it between 2-3 pages long?
Does it contain sensory words and vivid details?
Does it communicate a clear overall impression?
Does it have transitions that link sentences together effectively?
Does it grab the reader’s attention with a strong beginning and a strong conclusion?
Does it have correct spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation?
Is it in MLA format?




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Code of Ethics proper. This lays out the rules and behaviours expected of employees

Code of Ethics: Linear Presentation Template You can think of your Code of Ethics as two documents in one: Firstly, the inner core of your document is: your Code of Ethics proper. This lays out the rules and behaviours expected of employees. This element of your document should NOT use any in-text referencing to support the statements made. You are creating rules, and not copying these from elsewhere. To use in-text referencing undermines the rule-like status of the statements produced. Secondly, wrapped around the inner core: a discussion document which allows you to evidence your research and learning on the topic of Codes of Ethics/Codes of Conduct. Here, you should use in-text referencing to support your discussion of the core concepts for this assignment: Discrimination Exploitation Corruption Dishonest and Fraudulent Behaviour Whistleblower Protections Enforcement The document you submit should make it apparent to your reader, which sections of the document are discussion (including citations); and which sections lay down the rules for the company employees (free of citations). This is one of two Template documents, offering a method to separate out the two document functions. Codes of Conduct This is all you need to write by way of ‘Introduction’ to your assignment. Write a short paragraph, no more than c. 200 -250 words, that shows you know what a Code of Ethics (or Code of Conduct) is and what a company Code of Ethics is supposed to do. Use in-text referencing to some academic articles, to show the reading you have been doing on this topic. Discrimination Discrimination: Discussion Brief discussion (one short paragraph, no more than 150 – 200 words) that defines the concept of Discrimination as a moral term. Use in-text referencing to support your definition. Provide one or two examples of workplace acts that would amount to discrimination. (Your examples may briefly mention facts you have learned through the Case Study.) Discrimination: Code of Ethics You can lay out rules for behaviour for the employees of Flight Centre: things they are allowed to do, and actions that are not permitted. If you like, you can use dot points to lay out your rules: · Employees must show respect for other persons in the workplace;· During the recruitment process, employees must do ……. and not do …..· etc. Note: the Code of Ethics section should NOT provide in-text referencing. You are creating rules, and not copying these from elsewhere. To use in-text referencing undermines the rule-like status of the statements produced Exploitation Exploitation: Discussion Section follows the same procedure as for ‘Discrimination’: short paragraph of definition plus examples of behaviours to be ruled out by your Code of Ethics. In-text citations are advisable Exploitation: Code of Ethics Avoid in-text referencing for this section. Corruption Section follows the same procedure as for ‘Discrimination’: short paragraph of discussion (with in-text citations); and a Code of Ethics section without in-text citations. Dishonest and Fraudulent Behaviour Section follows the same procedure as for ‘Discrimination’: short paragraph of discussion (with in-text citations); and a Code of Ethics section without in-text citations. Whistleblower Protections Section follows the same procedure as for ‘Discrimination’. You should give some sense as to why companies might provide whistleblower protections for employees that are revealing unwelcome truths about their operations. Freely employ in-text citations for this discussion. Enforcement An important final section to your assignment that offers the overall ‘conclusion’ to the document. In this section, you are describing How employees are educated around the Code of Ethics The measures that will be taken against employees who fail to uphold the Code of Ethics. There should be a sliding scale of penalties to reflect the levels of infraction: fines, then for more serious offences, laying off from work; and perhaps finally dismissal from the job. References You list the sources (at least 5 of a properly ‘academic’ nature) that you consulted when writing your assignment. Notes: For the Definitions of key ethical terms: Use a range of sources of information. Try googling Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy discriminationStanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Exploitation

to secure quality academic articles to ground your definitions/discussions of the key ethical terms; and that you can cite in your References list





Code of Ethics proper. This lays out the rules and behaviours expected of employees

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Evidence-based proposal to support the need for a nurse informaticist in an organization who would focus on improving health care outcomes

Write a 4-5 page evidence-based proposal to support the need for a nurse informaticist in an organization who would focus on improving health care outcomes.


As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Team Perspectives of the Nurse Informaticist activity. Completion of this will help you succeed with the assessment as you explore the nurse informaticist’s role from the different perspectives of the health care team. Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.

Nurses at the baccalaureate level in all practice areas are involved in nursing informatics through interaction with information management and patient care technologies. Nurses must not only demonstrate knowledge of and skills in health information and patient care technologies, but also how to use these tools at the bedside and organizational levels. Moreover, nurses need to recognize how information gathered from various health information sources can impact decision making at the national and state regulatory levels.


For this assessment, assume you are a nurse attending a meeting of your state’s nurses association. A nurse informaticist conducted a presentation on her role and its impact on positive patient and organizational outcomes in her workplace. You realize that your organization is undergoing many technological changes. You believe this type of role could provide many benefits to your organization.

You decide to pursue proposing a nurse informaticist role in your organization. You speak to your chief nursing officer (CNO) and human resources (HR) manager, who ask you to prepare a 4–5 page evidence-based proposal to support the new role. In this way, they can make an informed decision as to whether the addition of such a role could justify the return on investment (ROI). They need your proposal before an upcoming fiscal meeting.​ This is not an essay, but instead, it is a proposal to create a new Nurse Informaticist position.

One important part of this assessment is the justification of the need for a nurse informaticist in a health care organization and references from relevant and timely scholarly or professional resources to support the justification for creating this nurse informaticist position. The term justify means to show or prove that the nurse informaticist position brings value to the organization. This justification must include evidence from the literature to support that this position will provide a return on investment for the organization.


To successfully prepare for this assessment, you will need to complete these preparatory activities:

· Review assessment resources and activities.

. Conduct independent research on the nursing knowledge and skills necessary to interact with health information and patient care technology.

. Focus your research on current resources available through peer-reviewed articles, professional websites, government websites, professional blogs, wikis, job boards, and so on.

· Consult the  BSN Program Library Research Guide  for help in identifying scholarly and authoritative sources.

· Interview peers in your network who are considered information technology experts.

. Ask them about how information technology advances are impacting patient care at the bedside, at the organizational level, and beyond.

Proposal Format

The chief nursing officer (CNO) and human resources (HR) manager have asked you to include the following headings in your proposal and to be sure to address the bullets following each heading:

Nursing Informatics and the Nurse Informaticist

· What is nursing informatics?

· What is the role of the nurse informaticist?

Nurse Informaticists and Other Health Care Organizations

· What is the experience of other health care organizations with nurse informaticists?

· How do these nurse informaticists interact with the rest of the nursing staff and the interdisciplinary team?


· How does fully engaging nurses in health care technology impact:

. Patient care?

. Protected health information (security, privacy, and confidentiality)?

. In this section, you will explain evidence-based strategies that the nurse informaticist and interdisciplinary team can use to effectively manage patients’ protected health information, particularly privacy, security, and confidentiality. Evidence-based means that they are supported by evidence from scholarly sources.

· Workflow?

· Costs and return on investment?

Opportunities and Challenges

· What are the opportunities and challenges for nurses and the interdisciplinary team with the addition of a nurse informaticist role?

. How can the interdisciplinary team collaborate to improve quality care outcomes through technology?

Summary of Recommendations

· What are 3–4 key takeaways from your proposal about the recommended nurse informaticist role that you want the CNO and the HR manager to remember?

. This is the section where the justification for the implementation of the nursing informaticist role is addressed. Remember to include evidence from the literature to support your recommendation.

Additional Requirements

· Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

· Submission length: 4–5 double-spaced pages, in addition to title and references pages.

· Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.

· Citations and References: Cite a minimum of three current scholarly and/or authoritative sources to support your ideas. In addition, cite a minimum of one current professional blog or website to support your central ideas.  Current means no more than five years old.

· APA formatting: Be sure to follow APA formatting and style guidelines for citations and references. For an APA refresher, consult the  Evidence and APA  page on Campus.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

· Competency 1: Describe nurses’ and the interdisciplinary team’s role in informatics with a focus on electronic health information and patient care technology to support decision making.

. Define nursing informatics and the role of the nurse informaticist.

. Explain how the nurse collaborates with the interdisciplinary team, including technologists, to improve the quality of patient care.

. Justify the need for a nurse informaticist in a health care organization.

· Competency 2: Implement evidence-based strategies to effectively manage protected health information.

. Explain evidence-based strategies that the nurse and interdisciplinary team can use to effectively manage patients’ protected health information (privacy, security, and confidentiality).

· Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication to facilitate use of health information and patient care technologies.

. Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.

. Create a clear, well-organized, and professional proposal that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling




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Theories for Planned change seems to be the best fit for your proposed project?

Which of the Theories for Planned change seems to be the best fit for your proposed project?. The theory of planned changes that seems to best fit my proposed project is the Six phases of Planned change “Havelock (1973) Th six stages are as follows:Building a relationship, Diagnosing the problem,Acquiring relevant resources, Choosing the solution,Gaining acceptance, and Stabilizing the innovation and generating self -renewal.The TITTLE OF MY PROPOSED PROJECT IS FALL. Why do you think this model is the best fit for your project?  Describe the likely laggards and rejectors at your facility. What plans do you have to address laggards and rejectors? How ready is your team for change according to the website provided? Look at the following and identify potential problems and solutions with change. (Links to an external site.)
At least two references should be used to support the content of the initial post. At least one reference should be outside the assigned textbook, not a website, and written within the last 5 years or less. Write this in 350 words. APA format 7 edition




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California Preschool Learning Foundations, students will complete an assignment which focuses on practical application of The Foundations


CDEV 108 Foundations Assignment 50 points

For this assignment, you may work alone or with one classmate. Using the California Preschool Learning Foundations, students will complete an assignment which focuses on practical application of The Foundations.

What are the Foundations? “The California Preschool Learning Foundations outline key knowledge and skills that most children can achieve when provided with the kinds of interactions, instruction, and environments that research has shown to promote early learning and development. The foundations can provide early childhood educators, parents, and the public with a clear understanding of the wide range of knowledge and skills that preschool children typically attain when given the benefits of a high-quality preschool program. “

Description taken from the CA Dept. of Ed. website on August 25, 2015 from:

Focus of each volume: Each of the volumes focuses on a different domain or area of development: Where to find The Foundations: Access to The Foundations can be found online at You can google the wording California Preschool Learning Foundations to also get this information. Hardcopies will be on reserve in The Teacher Resource Room (ArtB 313) during their hours of operation. Assignment Directions: Students will locate (or design) a toy for a 4-5 year old preschooler that will help them develop age appropriate developmental skills (language, cognitive, physical, and/or social/emotional). You may receive up to 10 extra credit points if you make the toy. (5 points each if you have a partner). If you make the toy, please bring it to class when the assignment is due. Make a handout that includes the following information:

A. Take a picture of your toy (or provide a photo from the Internet or magazine) and

include this picture in your handout. NO computer/screen type of toys or

Volume 1: Social-Emotional Development Language and Literacy English-Language Development Mathematics

Volume 2: Visual and Performing Arts Physical Development Health

Volume 3: History-Social Science Science


commercialized toys (ie: Barbie, Mickey Mouse, etc.) will be accepted. Your activity

can be one that is explored indoors or outdoors.

B. State the toy’s name.

C. State the age for which you will focus on for this assignment. Your answer will

determine which column (in the books) you will use for this assignment.

D. Directions: State possible ways that a child might use or explore the toy.

E. Explain how this toy is developmentally appropriate for preschoolers. It should be

visually appealing, non-toxic, non-breakable, neutral, re-useable, non-biased

material. The toy should meet a child’s needs and purposes, consider their social

and cultural background, etc. Children should be able to manipulate or explore the

materials with their hands (not just look at them).

F. Which Preschool Learning Foundation(s) most closely match your toy?

In what area(s) of development (domains) will it help develop and how? Be sure to

include a minimum of four (4) foundations from at least three (3) domains (don’t

just list all physical development areas) and explain how the terms tie to your toy.

Define each foundation. (Refer to example on next page). Be sure to underline the

domains and bold the foundations. Add the volume and page number for each

foundation too.

 Physical Development (gross motor skills such as using legs/arms or fine

motor skills such as using fingers)

 Cognitive Development (includes memory skills, strategic and critical

thinking skills, science, and attention span. It includes math skills such as

counting, adding/subtracting, sorting, and matching. It also includes

Language skills such as speaking, writing, reading, and listening.)

 Social Development (taking turns, etc.)

 Emotional Development (self-esteem, self-confidence, feelings, etc.)


*Please include a title page which states the assignment title, your name, class, date, and

instructor. Be sure to write using complete/full sentences and use the word “children”

rather than “kids” (which is a slang term). A self-evaluation (on page 6) is also required for

this assignment.

*If you have a partner, only one (1) copy of the assignment is needed. I do not need a copy

from each partner.

*Have fun and be prepared to possibly share and discuss your toy with the class

FYI: California Preschool Curriculum Frameworks – They are companion volumes to the

California Preschool Learning Foundations. The frameworks provide strategies (how to work with

the foundations) for early childhood educators that enrich learning and development opportunities

for all California preschool children.



B. Ramps & Pathways (and Wooden Blocks)

C. Preschool children ages 60 months (5 years)

D. Directions:

Children will manipulate the ramps and blocks so the marbles will roll down

the ramps. While exploring this physical science activity, they will

investigate different ideas and actions, invent ways to build, and solve

problems when they encounter obstacles.

E. Developmental Appropriateness: This is a developmentally appropriate activity for preschoolers because children at this age are interested in cause and effect relationships. They like to explore and manipulate materials and make things happen. This activity

allows for children to have a hands-on experience of moving and manipulating the materials and seeing a cause and effect relationship between their actions and the actions of the marbles.

F. Learning Foundations: Domain: Language/Literacy Development -Vol 1, pg.56

a. Listening and Speaking- Children extend their understanding

and usage of language to communicate with others effectively.

1.1- Use language to communicate with others in both familiar and

unfamiliar social situations for a variety of basic and advanced purposed,

including reasoning, predicting, problem solving, and seeking new


Bold the


Include the


number (ie:

2.1) and


from the








List the volume and page

number of where you found

your information.


i. Children may express themselves by using words to communicate about the activity, ask questions, and problem solve.

Domain: Cognitive Development – Vol. 3, page 65

b. Science Inquiry: Observation and Investigation 1.5- Demonstrates an increased ability to make predictions and check them (e.g., may make more complex predictions, offer ways to test predictions, and discuss why predictions were correct or incorrect).

i. When playing with the ramps/block set, they will use observation skills as they analyze and predict how different strategies affect whether or not the various items (ie: marbles, spools, etc.) will successfully roll down the ramps.

Domain: Physical Development – Vol. 2, page 50

c. Fine Motor/Manipulative Skills 3.2- Show increasing fine motor manipulative skills using hands and arms such as in-hand manipulation, writing, cutting, and dressing.

i. Children will hold and manipulate the small marbles and other items

(in their hands and fingers. They will make slight adjustments in the ramps, repositioning them to ensure the marble will roll down.

Domain: Social/Emotional Development Vol. 1. Page 12

d. Interactions with Peers 2.1- More actively and intentionally cooperate with each other.

i. Because there are several ramps, blocks, and marbles to use,

children may engage with their peers as they play with the toy.

They will work together to achieve the shared goal of building a

ramp structure.

Explain how the foundation applies to the toy.


Name__________________________________________________ Name of Toy_____________________________

Your partner’s name (if applicable)_____________________________________________

I. Handout – 27 points

A. Picture of Toy ______/ 2 points

B. Name of Toy ______/ 1 point

C. Age for Toy ______/ 1 point

D. Directions ______/ 2 points

E. Developmental appropriateness (explanation) ______/ 2 points

F. Foundations

1. Lists volume and page number ______/ 4 points

2. Includes at least three (3)domains ______/ 3 points

(cognitive/language, social, emotional, physical, etc.)

3. Explains how the foundations applies to the toy. _______/12 points

States how it will enhance a variety (4+) of abilities. (4 foundations)

II. Structure of assignment -10 points

A. Well edited (no spelling or grammar errors; writes in complete sentences) Editing is worth 10% (5 points) of grade _____/ 5 points

B. Contains a cover or title page. _____ / 1 point C. Underlines domains & bolds Foundations _____ / 2 points

D. Layout (margins, font, typed, double spaced, etc.) _____ / 2 points

III. Toy -9 points

A. Toy is D.A.P. for a preschool aged child (4-5 years old). ______/ 2 points

B. Toy is creative, re-usable, non-biased, visually pleasing,

and not computer or commercially based. ______/ 5 points

C. Craftsmanship: non-breakable/durable and safe ______/ 2 point

IV. Self Evaluation – 4 points ______/ 4 points

A. Writes in complete sentences.

B. Provides detailed explanations.

IV. Bonus Points (if you made your own toy) up to 10 points ______/10points *It is possible to receive 60/50 on this assignment with the bonus points (5 points each if you have a partner) TOTAL POINTS ______/50 points

Preschool Toy/ Learning Foundations Grading Rubric


Name_______________________________________ Self-Evaluation What do you think was the purpose of this assignment? What did you learn through participating in this assignment? What was the most valuable achievement(s) through doing this assignment? What was your greatest strength(s) you brought to this assignment? (Was there anything that made the assignment easy to complete? i.e.: you have worked with the Foundations before, you have 4 years of experience as a preschool teacher, etc.)

What was your greatest challenge to complete this assignment? How could this assignment be designed to better support your learning? What, if anything would you change about the assignment? Your honest feedback is appreciated. Based on the Rubric, how would you grade your work? I feel that I earned ____________points on this assignment because….






CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on California Preschool Learning Foundations, students will complete an assignment which focuses on practical application of The Foundations

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