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Why is note taking an essential learning skill for college students? 

Taking good notes while reading and during class is an important part of academic success in college. Effective notes can come in various forms, and different note-taking formats should be adopted for different types of texts and subjects. The goal of this assignment is to help you identify a note-taking system that works best for you based on your reading material and the course content.

Step 1: Start with an introduction (7-10 sentences) addressing these questions:

  1. Why is note taking an essential learning skill for college students? 
  2. How can you use your notes to improve your academic performance?
  3. Which note-taking format did you choose to complete this assignment? Why? How does this format match with your learning style(s) (i.e., VARK – Visual, Aural, Read/write, and Kinesthetic)?

Step 2: Choose a chapter (EXCEPT Chapter 2) and section (minimum of 5-10 pages) from the EDUC 1300 textbook for note taking. Then, decide which note-taking format you will use.  Choose only 1 of the 6 options below to create 2-3 pages of notes:

  1. Cornell method ( (Links to an external site.))
  2. Outline method ( (Links to an external site.))
  3. List method (Click HERE Actionsfor details)
  4. Audio notes [Click HERE to learn how to create your notes.  Click HERE (Links to an external site.) to watch a video showing how to record, upload, and submit media recordings in Canvas. You can also record your audio notes by using cell phones (Click HERE (Links to an external site.)), audio recording devices, Microsoft OneNote, etc.]
  5. Mapping method ( (Links to an external site.)) [Click HEREActions to see a student example of mapping].
  6. Vision board notes (Click HERE (Links to an external site.) to watch the video showing how to create a vision board)

Step 3: Then, specify the title of your selected chapter and produce 2-3 pages of notes on a minimum of 5-10 textbook pages (Except Chapter 2). Do NOT write or record verbatim notes. If you decide to take written notes, do NOT simply copy and paste the phrases/sentences from the textbook straight into a document. If you decide to take audio notes, do NOT just read aloud the information from the chapter word for word. Instead, take written/audio notes COMPLETELY in your own words. Paraphrase and summarize the major ideas and supporting details of the chapter to demonstrate your understanding of the material. 

If you decide to create vision board notes, you are required to record yourself presenting the vision board and explaining the notes in a detailed manner.

The set of notes created should be thorough, covering all major ideas and the supporting details of the chapter. Your written notes may be neatly handwritten or typed. If you would like to use another textbook to complete this assignment, prior approval from your instructor should be obtained. Grading is based on how detailed, comprehensive, and well-organized your notes are.

Step 4:  Submit your work via the yellow “Start Assignment” button at the top right-hand corner. If you choose to create audio notes, you can have the option to record your introduction by verbally addressing the questions specified in Step 1. Then, mention the chapter title and continue to record your audio notes as specified in Step 3.




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5 components of a career development plan

explains the 5 components of a career development plan: Objective – Milestone – Obstacles – Solutions – Goal.

Your Week 1 Lesson and readings further explain the five SMART goals.

For this Assignment, you are to create your 1-3-5 year career development plan using these 5 components of a Career Development Plan with a timeline of SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely).

Please consider your needs/plans for further learning/professional development in preparing for this Assignment. What do you anticipate needing, and how will you acquire it? If you want to skip the 5 years part and project that point farther to 7 or 10 (i.e., 1-3-10) because that works better for you, that is fine. Just explain how your plan is structured. Also, consider how social service/giving back to community figures in your future career aspirations — why this is/is not important to your career plans. (We will cover this aspect further in Lesson 3 but touch on it as a planning point.)


Many career development plan templates are available on the Internet for laying out your plan components. How you are most comfortable with your thought process and planning approach is what you should use. However, regardless of your personal design approach, you must use the above 5 components of the Career Development Plan and incorporate SMART goals. A table approach such as the sample shown in the Week 1 Lesson is useful for organizing a plan.


When you have designed your career development plan, prepare a PowerPoint that presents your plan in an organized fashion. Imagine that you are giving this PPT presentation to a group of business people at a job fair. This should be attractive, engaging, and easy to follow on the slides. What is your story? How do you explain (or illustrate) your SMART goals and hit each component of your plan within your timeline in an organized, interesting way? The slides should be attractive but not cluttered. The additional explanatory narrative must accompany the slides in the speaker notes section under each slide or in the alternative by your audio or video accompanying the PPT. All your information does not have to be ON the slides. Your presentation is a combination of pertinent key points on the slides with an explanatory narrative in your speaker’s notes.

PPT Specifications: 

  • Title slide with your name, title, course, date, university
  • Agenda slide following title slide that outlines the presentation
  • References slide at the end with source citations in APA citation format
  • Research must be included using credible sources — not Wikipedia, not other sites of poor credibility. Use required readings.
  • At least 8 to 10 substantive slides (excluding title and reference slides)
  • Avoid excessive quotations — if used, an in-text citation of the source must be provided with the quote
  • Professional slide appearance/graphics, pictures, color, etc. — but avoid these interfering with the readability of slides. Keep audience viewing in mind




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Hardening a system provides an additional layer of security by removing access and possible vulnerabilities from the system

Assessment Description

Hardening a system provides an additional layer of security by removing access and possible vulnerabilities from the system. Security principles such as deter, deny, delay, and detect are used to reduce attack surfaces and possible vectors. Reference the “System Hardening” CYB-515 video (located in the Class Resources) as needed to complete the lab.

Provide screenshots of each step in Part 1. On each screenshot, include 1-2 sentences that summarize what the screenshot is illustrating. For Part 2, provide screenshots of the results. All the screenshots will be used to manage network configuration and sessions to ensure port security that will harden the Windows Server.

Part 1

In the virtual sandbox environment, you will perform the steps to harden a Linux distribution by doing the following:

  • Add a Linux OS VM (Ubuntu, Kali, Parrot, or SecurityOnion).
  • On the Linux VM, open a terminal and run apt-get install lynis
  • To run Lynis, navigate to the correct directory and add ‘./’ in front of the command: ./lynis
  • Run a basic scan. This may take several minutes.
  • $ lynis audit system

Part 2

Access the Windows Server VM and perform the following hardening steps:

  • Disable automatic administrative logon to the recovery console.
  • Set a BIOS/firmware password to prevent unauthorized changes to the server startup settings.
  • Configure the device boot order to prevent unauthorized booting from alternate media.
  • Enable the Windows firewall in all profiles (domain, private, public) and configure it to block inbound traffic by default.
  • Perform port blocking at the network setting level. Perform an analysis to determine which ports need to be open and restrict access to all other ports.
  • Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP and remove ncacn_ip_tcp.
  • Check the Windows Defender settings.
  • Configure allowable encryption types for Kerberos.
  • Do not store LAN Manager hash values.
  • Set the LAN Manager authentication level to allow only NTLMv2 and refuse LM and NTLM.
  • Remove file and print sharing from network settings. File and print sharing could allow anyone to connect to a server and access critical data without requiring a user ID or password.
  • Disable unneeded services. Most servers have the default install of the operating system, which often contains extraneous services that are not needed for the system to function and that represent a security vulnerability. Therefore, it is critical to remove all unnecessary services from the system.
  • Remove unneeded Windows components. Any unnecessary Windows components should be removed from critical systems to keep the servers in a secure state.
  • Enable the built-in Encrypting File System (EFS) with NTFS or BitLocker on Windows Server.
  • Install an open-source antivirus program of your choice
  • Run your antivirus program against your machine

Part 3

Examine the antivirus program you installed. Research potential faults and vulnerabilities within the program, including the open-source nature of the program.

Write a 750-1000-word lab report that includes a title page, table of contents, overview, and the required screenshots with summaries.

Describe the strengths and weaknesses associated with the open-source antivirus program you installed running in an enterprise network.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.  

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.  

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

The similitude score has to be at least 20%




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What did Kiera do right when evaluating her team?

Case Study Assignment & Instructions

Please analyze the case Leader as a Coach B.

You need to follow the rubric given in the Turnitin assignment above and use the resource materials given with case A as well as the following questions in your analysis.

  1. What did Kiera do right when evaluating her team? Where did she need improvement?
  2. What are some possible reasons Kiera’s team might not have performed to her expectations? What obstacles has she created?
  3. Now that the second quarter is over, Kiera has an opportunity to make some changes and give some feedback to her team. How should she do that?

4. What should Kiera do after the feedback meetings with her team members?

What are some motivational methods, besides financial incentives, that Kiera should consider?


Davidson, Martin N. “Feedback.” Technical Note OB-0746. (Darden Business Publishing, 2001).

Gabarro, John J., and John P. Kotter. “Managing Your Boss.” Harvard Business Review (January


Hill, Linda A. “Becoming the Boss.” Harvard Business Review (January 2007).

Maccoby, Michael. “Te 4 R’s of Motivation.” Research Technology Management 53, no. 4 (July– August 2010): 60–61.

Time. Winchester, VA: Oakhill Press, 2004.

Scott, Susan. Fierce Conversations, New York: Berkley, 2004.

Stone, Douglas, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen. Difcult Conversations. New York: Penguin Books,


Turk, Wayne. “The Art of Managing Up.” Defense AT&L 36, no. 2 (March–April 2007).

Wiseman, Liz, and Greg McKeown. “Bringing Out the Best in Your People.” Harvard Business

Review (May 2010).


Introduction, problem identification, Critical analysis, Proposed action and Conclusion

All answers must include APA 7th in-text citation and APA 7th edition references.

Minimum of ten (6) scholarly references.




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Rubric for Individual Case StudiesPoor QualityFair QualityGood QualityHigh QualityExemplary QualitySCORE
0 pts5 pts10 pts15 pts20 pts 
Problem Identification 20%Does not recognize the main problem or mentions problems that are not based on the facts of the caseMentions problems that lack significanceRecognizes one valid problemsRecognizes multiple problems in the case.Recognizes one or more key problems in the case. Indicates some issues are more important than others and explains why______OUT OF 20
key character anslysis 20%Does not recognize the perspectives of any characters in the caseConsiders the perspectives of characters who lack significanceConsiders the perspective of one key character in the caseClearly describes the unique perspective of multiple key characters in the case.Clearly describes the unique perspective of multiple key characters in the case. Explains how the perspectives are intertwined and related.______OUT OF 20
Analysis of at least three Approaches 20%Does not have a clear understanding of the facts in the caseAccurately lists facts in the case but does not understand the relevance of these factsConsiders facts in the case and understands relevance of these factsDiscusses facts in the case and cites related knowledge from researchDiscusses facts in the case and cites related knowledge from research and adds knowledge from personal experience______OUT OF 20
Proposed Action 20%No action proposedAction proposed is not feasibleAction proposed is reasonableMore than one reasonable action is proposedProposed action best deals with key issue(s)______OUT OF 20
Length and Quality of submission 20%Submission lacks originality and does not utilize Turn it in for the assignment with original work.Submission is beginning to develop a quality paper, but less than 5 pages.Submission utilizes Turn-it in for original work and has 5 complete pages with minimum errors in the paper.Submission is original and utilizes an organized manner with detailed analysis.Submission is original and utilizes Turn it in for 5 complete pages for the assignment. Highly organized through out the paper._____ OUT OF 20
      Total________out of
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Terrorist attack. The attack may be on American soil or against American interests in another country

For this case study, you will review some prior terrorist attacks and select one to discuss for this assignment. You will discuss the reactions to the attack as well as the perpetrators, and you will discuss how such an attack may be prevented in the future. Keep in mind that this assignment, along with the unit two and four assignments will be used for the final Capstone project.To complete this case study, the tasks below must be accomplished.

  1. Select and provide a summary of the terrorist attack. The attack may be on American soil or against American interests in another country.
  2. Identify and describe the perpetrators. Think about the questions below.
    1. What is their history?
    2. Do they attack only American interests?
    3. Where do they originate?
    4. Is it a group or a single individual?
    5. What are their goals?
    6. How do they finance their terror?
  3. Describe how the law enforcement community responded to the attacks to include the actions taken. Think about the questions below.
    1. Did the United States pass any new laws?
    2. Were the borders closed?
    3. Was travel suspended?
    4. Did a manhunt ensue?
    5. Was there a shootout?
    6. Was the community in danger?
    7. Was the perpetrator apprehended; how?
    8. What other strategies were used (e.g., technology, information sharing)?
  4. Explain how such an attack may be prevented in the future. Think about the questions below.
    1. What actions could the law enforcement community implement to thwart such attacks?
    2. Could the community become involved in prevention efforts; if yes, how?
    3. Could technology play a role?
    4. Would the use of American allies be applicable?
    5. Would knowledge of how they gain their weapons assist the counterterrorism efforts?
    6. Could this type of attack occur again in the future, and is it probable?
    7. Is this group still a threat; why, or why not?

This completed case study must be at least five pages in length, not counting the title page or references page. At least three academic sources must be used. More references may be used as needed. The articles used must be peer-reviewed and be published within the past 5 years in a scholarly journal. The paper should follow APA 7 guidelines to include citations, references, and appropriate headings and subheadings. Your report must be written at or above a master’s level quality




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What did Kiera do right when evaluating her team? Where did she need improvement?

Case Study Assignment & Instructions

Please analyze the case Leader as a Coach B.

You need to follow the rubric given in the Turnitin assignment above and use the resource materials given with case A as well as the following questions in your analysis.

  1. What did Kiera do right when evaluating her team? Where did she need improvement?
  2. What are some possible reasons Kiera’s team might not have performed to her expectations? What obstacles has she created?
  3. Now that the second quarter is over, Kiera has an opportunity to make some changes and give some feedback to her team. How should she do that?

4. What should Kiera do after the feedback meetings with her team members?

What are some motivational methods, besides financial incentives, that Kiera should consider?


Davidson, Martin N. “Feedback.” Technical Note OB-0746. (Darden Business Publishing, 2001).

Gabarro, John J., and John P. Kotter. “Managing Your Boss.” Harvard Business Review (January


Hill, Linda A. “Becoming the Boss.” Harvard Business Review (January 2007).

Maccoby, Michael. “Te 4 R’s of Motivation.” Research Technology Management 53, no. 4 (July– August 2010): 60–61.

Time. Winchester, VA: Oakhill Press, 2004.

Scott, Susan. Fierce Conversations, New York: Berkley, 2004.

Stone, Douglas, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen. Difcult Conversations. New York: Penguin Books,


Turk, Wayne. “The Art of Managing Up.” Defense AT&L 36, no. 2 (March–April 2007).

Wiseman, Liz, and Greg McKeown. “Bringing Out the Best in Your People.” Harvard Business

Review (May 2010).


Introduction, problem identification, Critical analysis, Proposed action and Conclusion

All answers must include APA 7th in-text citation and APA 7th edition references.

Minimum of ten (6) scholarly references.




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Rubric for Individual Case StudiesPoor QualityFair QualityGood QualityHigh QualityExemplary QualitySCORE
0 pts5 pts10 pts15 pts20 pts 
Problem Identification 20%Does not recognize the main problem or mentions problems that are not based on the facts of the caseMentions problems that lack significanceRecognizes one valid problemsRecognizes multiple problems in the case.Recognizes one or more key problems in the case. Indicates some issues are more important than others and explains why______OUT OF 20
key character anslysis 20%Does not recognize the perspectives of any characters in the caseConsiders the perspectives of characters who lack significanceConsiders the perspective of one key character in the caseClearly describes the unique perspective of multiple key characters in the case.Clearly describes the unique perspective of multiple key characters in the case. Explains how the perspectives are intertwined and related.______OUT OF 20
Analysis of at least three Approaches 20%Does not have a clear understanding of the facts in the caseAccurately lists facts in the case but does not understand the relevance of these factsConsiders facts in the case and understands relevance of these factsDiscusses facts in the case and cites related knowledge from researchDiscusses facts in the case and cites related knowledge from research and adds knowledge from personal experience______OUT OF 20
Proposed Action 20%No action proposedAction proposed is not feasibleAction proposed is reasonableMore than one reasonable action is proposedProposed action best deals with key issue(s)______OUT OF 20
Length and Quality of submission 20%Submission lacks originality and does not utilize Turn it in for the assignment with original work.Submission is beginning to develop a quality paper, but less than 5 pages.Submission utilizes Turn-it in for original work and has 5 complete pages with minimum errors in the paper.Submission is original and utilizes an organized manner with detailed analysis.Submission is original and utilizes Turn it in for 5 complete pages for the assignment. Highly organized through out the paper._____ OUT OF 20
      Total________out of 100
Writers Solution

Values Based Leadership

1) Watch the video: Values Based Leadership. Please discuss your impressions of the video (250 Words)

2) After watching the video, Please discuss your impressions of the video. Then interact with two of your classmates on why with agree with their response from the video. (125 Words Each)

Classmate 1 Response (JM) (125 Words)

After watching this video, I’m very interested to see how Mr Kraemer fleshes out these four principles for leadership in his book. Immediately I am intrigued by the emphasis he places on self-development above the skill of influencing others. One might assume that a leadership coach would teach you the skills necessary to manipulate a group of individuals to accomplish your goals. Instead, he barely mentions the impact you will make on others, and focuses on internal factors for success. His principles seem to encourages you to lead yourself so that you can then lead others. 

His final point of “Genuine Humility” stood out to me most of all. If we do not recognize the people and circumstances that lead to our current success, how then can we appreciate and utilize our current circumstances and teammates for further success? How you see others says a lot about yourself, and even more about your ability to lead.

Classmates 2 Response (LL)  (125 Words)

I really liked this video and had some thoughts about each of his four points:

Self-Reflection — I think this is very important to leadership, as it helps us to understand who we are and also how we can improve. This comes to me very naturally. People often tell me that I’m a very reflective person, and since I do a lot of it already, I can definitely see it’s value to leadership.

Balance — This is something I try to keep in all areas of my life, but it’s been especially valuable in ministry, although I’ve never really thought about it in these terms until he explained it. There are many people in the church who like to voice strong opinions, and I just have to smile and nod without really speaking because, if I disagree, it could damage my relationship with that person, or if I agree, it could damage my relationship with someone else. When I do have to take a stand or speak up about an issue, I do my best to address all sides fairly. Otherwise, it will negatively affect my influence. 

Self-Confidence — If I’m being honest, this is where I struggle. I’m told that I have good instincts and usually do/say the right thing, but I have never been particularly confident in what I do/say. This has gotten better with experience, especially after having been told that I have good instincts, but I still struggle a lot with this. 

Humility — I really appreciated what he said about this one. Humility is not about thinking less of yourself; you should have an appropriate and accurate understanding of your talents and abilities (this relates back to self-confidence). But humility is understanding that you did not get to where you are by yourself, but that there are several factors involved. I recently got a new job, but during my search, I was told by many that I had the skills, but the timing was not right, or I just did not fit in with their congregation (being young and single). In fact, when I was offered this job, I was told that everything just lined up–how I fit in and the timing and my skills–so this resonated with my experience




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Create a simulation

The purpose of this Assignment is twofold. First, you will create an effective assessment tool to be used by students to show mastery of the learning objectives in your Five-day Instructional Unit. Second, you will create a scoring rubric to guide students as they work on their assessment.

In Unit 1, you choose your theme and objectives for your Five-day Instructional Unit. Now that you have determined the learning objective, you will create a product that will allow your students to show mastery of the standard(s). ( attached use this)

For this assessment, you need to think of something other than a traditional “test” which the student will be able to complete and is aligned with the learning objectives of your instructional unit. Here are some assessment suggestions:

Create a simulation
Create a report which could be presented orally or in print
Create a group project
Create a task for others to complete / something the student would teach

Once you have created the assessment, you will then create a scoring rubric which tells students what a completed assignment or finished product should include and contain information which you, as the teacher, will use to determine a student’s score, grade, or level of mastery. A sample rubric can be found in “Where Great Teaching Begins” figure 8.4 on p.143. (attached example)

Everything attached is what to be used.




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Unit 1 Assignment TemplateBlack and gold Purdue University Global logo

Instructional Plan

Central Focus: Relationship between individual and society.

Content Standard(s)(type it out exactly as worded):   This document will be read and used in conjunction with the document From principles into practice, which provides the framework for teaching and learning in individuals and societies in the primary academic curriculum. This document will provide the framework for teaching and learning in the primary academic curriculum. In addition to this, it will examine the general information regarding the program as well as the unit planner. The unit planner will include guidelines for developing the curriculum that are applicable to all subject groups, in-depth information regarding learning approaches, guidance that supports access and inclusion, and a statement on academic honesty.  
Look at your content standard above, review what it is asking them to do? What do they need to know in order to master the standard? (terms, facts, formulas, events, procedures, etc.) What the students will need to know to master the standard will include terms like the nature of society which is that society is an impersonal concept that refers to the intricate web of interrelationships that exists between and among the individuals that make up the group. Society can be said to exist anywhere there are human interactions, whether they are positive or negative, appropriate or inappropriate. Because these social interactions are not readily apparent and do not have any concrete basis, society might be thought of as an abstract concept. In its most fundamental sense, society refers to a state or condition, a relationship, and is hence always an abstraction. Society is not a collection of individuals. Relationships are organized into groups to form societies. It encompasses the entirety of the complexities that are human interactions. It encompasses the entirety of the human relationship spectrum. The consciousness of another presence, a common purpose, or a common interest is a physical element that is always present in social connections. This awareness can take the shape of a physical touch. Now, one might say that society is the union itself, the organization, the total of formal relations in which associating individuals are joined together. This is what one can mean when they state that society is. Individuals, as well as the structure that is generated by the individuals’ interactions with one another and with one another, are essential components of societies.    
Look at your standard above and asking yourself that question…”what do they need to be able to do?” (big ideas, concepts, principles, “how’s and whys”) Based on the definition of the term society, what the student will be able to do, is to ensure that they have an interactive sessions that are can guide them in understanding what is required for an individual in order to relate well with the society. In this case the curriculum object is going to focus more on the individual behavior and their role in ensuring that there is a workable relationship between then as individual and between them as a contributory part of the larger society.    
What TERMS will students need to know? (vocabulary) In this programs some of the terms that the students will need to know is, what is the meaning of a society, what is the meaning of an individual, what is the nature of the society, and how does individual activities impact on the society.  
Now that you have determined the “know” and “do” from the above content standard, break it up into five days of instruction. If your standard can be accomplished in a day or two, then complete the process above for the next sequential standard and continue the process until you have five days’ worth of instructional goals.
Five Day Learning ObjectivesWhat students know…?     (Explain what students will know by the end of the day)What students will be able to do…?   (Explain what the students will be able to do by the end of the day)Type of Learning Objective:   Thinking Skill Content Objective Product Objective  
Learning Objective Day 1: Define the individual and societyStudents will be knowledgeable of the terms an individual and society.There will be brainstorming sessions between groups and later with the teacherThinking skill
Learning Objective Day 2: Understand impacts of Individual actions on societyStudents will be able to discuss ways that individual behavior contributes to what becomes of the societyBrainstorming and video techniques of influential persons will be showcased and discussedContent objective
Learning Objective Day 3: Inform students about the society and how it influences individual thoughtThey will be able to understand why it is important to understand the society of they have to related well with one another.Discussion sessionsContent objective
Learning Objective Day 4: Understand relationship between individual and societyStudents will know how the individual and society influence each other to remain in harmony or troubleDiscussion sessions in groups and a presentationThinking skill
Learning Objective Day 5: Recap and reflectionReflect on the impact of the individual on society and impact of society on individualReflective essays will be read in class and gradedProduct objective


McCann, M. (2020). Introducing students to risk diversification: Adapting a class activity to the online learning environment.

SHARE Team. (2018, April 6). 5 examples of interactive teaching styles | Resilient educator.

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Discuss the factors that may inhibit the acceptance of this new system by the pilots, photographers, and hangar staff

This assignment must be at least 2 pages with APA style

Sky View Aerial Photography offers a wide range of aerial photographic, video, and infrared imaging services. The company has grown from its early days of snapping pictures of client houses to its current status as a full-service aerial image specialist. Sky View now maintains numerous contracts with various governmental agencies for aerial mapping and surveying work. Sky View has its offices at the airport where its fleet of especially equipped aircraft are hangered. Sky View contracts with several freelance pilots and photographers for some of its aerial work and also employs several full-time pilots and photographers. The owners of Sky View Aerial Photography recently contracted with a systems development consulting firm to develop a new information system for the business. As the number of contracts, aircraft flights, pilots, and photographers increased, the company experienced difficulty keeping accurate records of its business activity and the utilization of its fleet of aircraft. The new system will require all pilots and photographers to swipe an ID badge through a reader at the beginning and conclusion of each photo flight, along with recording information about the aircraft used and the client served on that flight. These records would be reconciled against the actual aircraft utilization logs maintained and recorded by the hangar personnel. The office staff was eagerly awaiting the installation of the new system. Their general attitude was that the system would reduce the number of problems and errors that they encountered and would make their work easier. The pilots, photographers, and hangar staff were less enthusiastic, being unaccustomed to having their activities monitored in this way. 

a) Discuss the factors that may inhibit the acceptance of this new system by the pilots, photographers, and hangar staff. 

b) Discuss how an informational strategy could be used to motivate adoption of the new system at Sky View Aerial Photography. 

c) Discuss how a political strategy could be used to motivate adoption of the new system at Sky View Aerial Photography.




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Operant conditioning) has taken place for Betty and her parents

It is late and 3-year-old Betty is alone in her room. Her parents had just put her to bed not 10 minutes earlier. Her parents are quietly watching television downstairs. Betty begins to cry and after a short time the crying turns into more screaming than crying. Her parents hear her crying and screaming and run up to her room to see what is the matter. Her mother holds Betty in her arms and tells her she is alright. She stops after a few minutes, but when her parents leave her room, she starts crying again. Her father thought that it may be good to bring her down with them and let her lay on the couch while they watch television. Betty is quiet for the rest of the evening, falling asleep on the couch. Betty continues to cry each night for a week and each time her parents take her down to the living room with them until they go to bed or when she falls asleep. Betty’s parents are concerned that she will be unable to sleep in her room anymore. Learning (i.e., operant conditioning) has taken place for Betty and her parents.

  • Explain how learning has taken place.
  • If Betty’s parents asked you for advice (in operant conditioning terms) on how to get Betty to stay in her room and not cry, what would you tell them?





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