Writers Solution

Intro to Globalization

  • Choose one of the six articles we have read so far:
    • “Intro to Globalization”
  • Once you select your article, you will create an annotated outline to summarize what you have learned. I want to see that you can successfully synthesize the key terms, concepts, debates, and theories posed in the articles. Some reading and note-taking tips:
    • Some of the readings can be dense and challenging, but my goal for you is to identify and analyze the central themes and arguments put forward, not necessarily the specific details.
    • It is more engaging and helpful to write down notes while you are reading the articles to help you better comprehend what you are learning.
    • You will encounter some terminology you are not familiar with–don’t skip over them! I advise students that if there is a vocabulary word/term/concept you are unfamiliar with, to Google the definition.
    • Be patient! Learning how to write–whether it’s essays or annotated outlines–takes time, practice, and effort. I am still learning how to write better myself (and I still Google big vocabulary words I don’t know the definition of!)

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In this assignment you are an applicant who has been asked the following question during a job interview for a supervisory/management position:

Tell me about a time you had to deal with a conflict and discuss its outcome.

In your video, describe what led to your involvement in the conflict, what actions you took to resolve the situation, the results of your actions, and what you will do differently when faced with the same situation in the future.

After watching and reflecting upon the video below, prepare your response following the principles learned in this video.

  • Prepare a 5- to 6-minute video of you responding to that question.
  • Also prepare a 2- to 3-page outline of how you addressed the ideas found in the video. Include a Reference list of at least two sources you utilized to prepare your submission. At least one of these references must be a high-quality (peer-reviewed academic journal) reference found in the Trident Online Library.

Here is a sample of what a basic outline looks like

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Hardening a system provides an additional layer of security by removing access and possible vulnerabilities from the system

Assessment Description

Hardening a system provides an additional layer of security by removing access and possible vulnerabilities from the system. Security principles such as deter, deny, delay, and detect are used to reduce attack surfaces and possible vectors. Reference the “System Hardening” CYB-515 video (located in the Class Resources) as needed to complete the lab.

Provide screenshots of each step in Part 1. On each screenshot, include 1-2 sentences that summarize what the screenshot is illustrating. For Part 2, provide screenshots of the results. All the screenshots will be used to manage network configuration and sessions to ensure port security that will harden the Windows Server.

Part 1

In the virtual sandbox environment, you will perform the steps to harden a Linux distribution by doing the following:

  • Add a Linux OS VM (Ubuntu, Kali, Parrot, or SecurityOnion).
  • On the Linux VM, open a terminal and run apt-get install lynis
  • To run Lynis, navigate to the correct directory and add ‘./’ in front of the command: ./lynis
  • Run a basic scan. This may take several minutes.
  • $ lynis audit system

Part 2

Access the Windows Server VM and perform the following hardening steps:

  • Disable automatic administrative logon to the recovery console.
  • Set a BIOS/firmware password to prevent unauthorized changes to the server startup settings.
  • Configure the device boot order to prevent unauthorized booting from alternate media.
  • Enable the Windows firewall in all profiles (domain, private, public) and configure it to block inbound traffic by default.
  • Perform port blocking at the network setting level. Perform an analysis to determine which ports need to be open and restrict access to all other ports.
  • Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP and remove ncacn_ip_tcp.
  • Check the Windows Defender settings.
  • Configure allowable encryption types for Kerberos.
  • Do not store LAN Manager hash values.
  • Set the LAN Manager authentication level to allow only NTLMv2 and refuse LM and NTLM.
  • Remove file and print sharing from network settings. File and print sharing could allow anyone to connect to a server and access critical data without requiring a user ID or password.
  • Disable unneeded services. Most servers have the default install of the operating system, which often contains extraneous services that are not needed for the system to function and that represent a security vulnerability. Therefore, it is critical to remove all unnecessary services from the system.
  • Remove unneeded Windows components. Any unnecessary Windows components should be removed from critical systems to keep the servers in a secure state.
  • Enable the built-in Encrypting File System (EFS) with NTFS or BitLocker on Windows Server.
  • Install an open-source antivirus program of your choice
  • Run your antivirus program against your machine

Part 3

Examine the antivirus program you installed. Research potential faults and vulnerabilities within the program, including the open-source nature of the program.

Write a 750-1000-word lab report that includes a title page, table of contents, overview, and the required screenshots with summaries.

Describe the strengths and weaknesses associated with the open-source antivirus program you installed running in an enterprise network.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.  

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.  

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

The similitude score has to be at least 20%

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.


WE OFFER THE BEST PAPER WRITING SERVICES on Hardening a system provides an additional layer of security by removing access and possible vulnerabilities from the system

USA, AUS, CA & UK PhD Writers

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Describe some of the theoretical best practices for restorative justice

In 1,250-1,500 words, do the following: Describe some of the theoretical best practices for restorative justice, crime prevention, and corrections.Explain how the theoretical best practices are, and a

In 1,250-1,500 words, do the following:

  1. Describe some of the theoretical best practices for restorative justice, crime prevention, and corrections.
  2. Explain how the theoretical best practices are, and are not, manifested in current correctional settings in the United States.
  3. Explain different ways to improve rehabilitative services to make them more readily utilized within the criminal justice system, and better aligned to the theoretical best practices you identified.

Provide five to seven peer reviewed resources to support your explanations.

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.


WE OFFER THE BEST PAPER WRITING SERVICES on Describe some of the theoretical best practices for restorative justice

USA, AUS, CA & UK PhD Writers

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Add a Linux OS VM (Ubuntu, Kali, Parrot, or SecurityOnion).

Assessment Description 

Hardening a system provides an additional layer of security by removing access and possible vulnerabilities from the system. Security principles such as deter, deny, delay, and detect are used to reduce attack surfaces and possible vectors. Reference the “System Hardening” CYB-515 video (located in the Class Resources) as needed to complete the lab.

Provide screenshots of each step in Part 1. On each screenshot, include 1-2 sentences that summarize what the screenshot is illustrating. For Part 2, provide screenshots of the results. All the screenshots will be used to manage network configuration and sessions to ensure port security that will harden the Windows Server.

Part 1

In the virtual sandbox environment, you will perform the steps to harden a Linux distribution by doing the following:

  • Add a Linux OS VM (Ubuntu, Kali, Parrot, or SecurityOnion).
  • On the Linux VM, open a terminal and run apt-get install lynis
  • To run Lynis, navigate to the correct directory and add ‘./’ in front of the command:/lynis
  • Run a basic scan. This may take several minutes.
  • $ lynis audit system

Part 2

Access the Windows Server VM and perform the following hardening steps:

  • Disable automatic administrative logon to the recovery console.
  • Set a BIOS/firmware password to prevent unauthorized changes to the server startup settings.
  • Configure the device boot order to prevent unauthorized booting from alternate media.
  • Enable the Windows firewall in all profiles (domain, private, public) and configure it to block inbound traffic by default.
  • Perform port blocking at the network setting level. Perform an analysis to determine which ports need to be open and restrict access to all other ports.
  • Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP and remove ncacn_ip_tcp.
  • Check the Windows Defender settings.
  • Configure allowable encryption types for Kerberos.
  • Do not store LAN Manager hash values.
  • Set the LAN Manager authentication level to allow only NTLMv2 and refuse LM and NTLM.
  • Remove file and print sharing from network settings. File and print sharing could allow anyone to connect to a server and access critical data without requiring a user ID or password.
  • Disable unneeded services. Most servers have the default install of the operating system, which often contains extraneous services that are not needed for the system to function and that represent a security vulnerability. Therefore, it is critical to remove all unnecessary services from the system.
  • Remove unneeded Windows components. Any unnecessary Windows components should be removed from critical systems to keep the servers in a secure state.
  • Enable the built-in Encrypting File System (EFS) with NTFS or BitLocker on Windows Server.
  • Install an open-source antivirus program of your choice
  • Run your antivirus program against your machine

Part 3

Examine the antivirus program you installed. Research potential faults and vulnerabilities within the program, including the open-source nature of the program.

Write a 750-1000-word lab report that includes a title page, table of contents, overview, and the required screenshots with summaries.

Describe the strengths and weaknesses associated with the open-source antivirus program you installed running in an enterprise network.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.  

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.  

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.


WE OFFER THE BEST PAPER WRITING SERVICES on Add a Linux OS VM (Ubuntu, Kali, Parrot, or SecurityOnion).

USA, AUS, CA & UK PhD Writers

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Manage Diversity in The Workplace

Question: Manage Diversity in The Workplace

  1. Briefly outline the purpose of the each of the below legislations Responses (in 10 to 30 words each)
Age Discrimination Act 2004
Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Racial Discrimination Act 1975
Sex Discrimination Act 1984
Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
  1. List the two (2) main ways can be used to lodge and handle a complaint


  1. List four (4) types of complaints which must be investigated formally


  1. The HR manager asks you to investigate a sexual harassment claim which has occurred yesterday in the catering department. In brief, outline the steps you should take to address this complaint in a professional manner. What are the options in case of satisfactory or non-satisfactory outcomes? (in 150 to 180 words)


  1. How can you manage staff tensions and assist staff in working effectively with each other? (in 30 to 50 words

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Banff National Park of Canada Reducing Energy Consumption

Banff National Park of Canada Reducing Energy Consumption – Helping the Environment Established in 1885, Banff National Park is the birthplace of Canada’s parks system and part of the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks World Heritage Site. The park spans 6641 square kilometres of valleys, mountains, glaciers, forests, meadows and rivers in southwest Alberta. Part of a complex chain of national, provincial and territorial parks and wilderness areas, which total 5 million acres set aside for posterity, the site is one of the world’s largest protected domains.

In July 2002, Banff became the first national park in Canada to sign an energy performance contract (EPC) with an energy service company (ESCO) aimed at improving the energy efficiency of 88 of its buildings over 10 years.

The process began in December 2000 when the Parks Canada Agency issued a request for proposal (RFP) to improve the energy efficiency of its buildings at Banff.

The Federal Buildings Initiative (FBI), a program within Natural Resources Canada’s Office of Energy Efficiency, worked with Parks Canada to assess possible energy efficiency opportunities and any preliminary work required to deliver the improvements.

Both parties determined that an EPC could help update Banff National Park’s infrastructure and enhance the energy management practices of its operations, thereby reducing its energy and water consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. August 2008 The Federal Buildings Initiative “Without help from the FBI, the Banff National Park project could not have moved forward. If internal funding had been available, we may have been able to implement single technology retrofits over a number of years.

But the FBI program allowed us to realize a comprehensive project within a short number of years and without any capital outlay.” – Don Sears, Chief, Visitor Services, Banff National Park of Canada, Parks Canada 40% 50% 30% 20% 10% 0% Lighting Retrofit Electrical and Mechanical*HVAC Controls Building EnvelopeAppliances Energy Service Companies The ESCO provides the skills and technical expertise to successfully manage energy retrofits.

Working closely with the client organization, the ESCO defines the goals and objectives of the EPC project and draws up a comprehensive project design that identifies savings opportunities and potential obstacles.

The Banff National Park project included some unique challenges for MCW:

large swings in park visits fire risks throughout the year, which impact water use and park visits the dynamic nature of the park due to weather conditions and a changing climate the sensitivity to managing retrofits in historic government structures, such as the administrationbuildings Project Highlights Banff National Park awarded a 10-year, $506,426 comprehensive energy efficiency project to MCW Custom Energy Solutions Ltd.

in 2001, and signed the EPC the following year.

The construction phase of the project was completed in 2003. MCW is currently monitoring the project.

The project focused on updating 88 out of its 200 buildings at the park. Each spans about 65 to 135 square metres (m 2), totalling 20 119 m 2in floor space. Several types of buildings were retrofitted, including garage, office and campground washroom.

The EPC currently generates over $72,362 in annual energy and water savings and has reduced GHG emissions by 370 tonnes per year.

MCW has already implemented the following energy efficiency measures:

Lighting retrofits– T-8 fluorescent lamps replaced inefficient T-12 fixtures. Other lighting features include LED exit signs, screw-in compact fluorescents, de-lamping and reflectors.

Installation of new high-efficiency refrigerators– New refrigerators in the staff residences and garage typically operate at less than half the consumption of the old units.Improvements to building envelope– Re-caulked windows and the installation of door seals reduce air and moisture infiltration.

A door interlock in the holding area in the main garage reduces uncontrolled heat loss.

Installation of new high-efficiency front-loading washing machines and gas dryers– The new washing machines lead to significant water and gas savings.

The use of a gas dryer instead of a conventional electric dryer helps lower fuel costs.

Replacement of natural draft boilers with new high-efficiency condensing boilers– The new boilers in the warden’s office and the general works and trades area allow considerably lower flue gas temperatures, due to the stainless steel construction of the boiler and flue.

Revamping of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) controls– Heating controls in the main garage now improve indoor air quality with the replacement of carbon dioxide sensors.

Interlocking make-up air units and exhaust fans, as well as programmable thermostats for all unit heaters, provide damper control to ensure summer free-coolingand a controlled air supply.

Solar hot water collector– A solar hot water collector on the roof of the campground shower facility helps reduce the amount of fuel needed to heat water.

Energy Efficiency Measures and their Projected Savings * Includes the solar hot water collector ESCO Training for Building Staff MCW provided on-site training to ensure building staff operated and maintained the new equipment efficiently and that proper energy- efficient practices would be sustained through the life of the project and beyond.

“Once a strong rapport has been established, it makes it easier to hold a training and maintenance program, which ensures the end-users of the buildings understand how to follow best practices with all new technologies. This ensures new equipment is operated in the way it was proposed to meet the contract savings.” – Colin J. Rabnett, Executive Partner, MCW Custom Energy Solutions Ltd. Employee Awareness An employee awareness program helps educate and motivate building occupants.

When employees know how their actions can affect energy consumption, they can directly contribute to the savings already achieved through the technical retrofits.

As part of Banff National Park’s employee awareness campaign, the MCW team held a “Celebrate Success Day” in all the major buildings in the park.

MCW set up booths and invited building occupants to information sessions that explained the energy efficiency project and its measures. The sessions promoted the positive impact of the project on building operations and costs, as well as the environment.

Public Awareness As one of the world’s premier destination spots, the park boasts more than 3 million visitors a year, not including an additional 4.6 million people who travel through the park on the Trans-Canada Highway.

Visitors want a chance to experience and enjoy the beauty and wildlife of the national parks, and they look to Parks Canada to demonstrate best practices in energy conservation and energy alternatives.The high volume of visitors and their interest in environmental issues create a unique opportunity for Parks Canada to showcase new technology, promote energy conservation and highlight efforts to reduce GHG emissions and air pollution.

Banff National Park and MCW mounted information displays at major centres throughout the park to inform visitors of the importance of energy and water conservation.

The displays include materials detailing the project, its conservation measures and the efforts of Banff National Park to reduce GHG emissions and help the environment.

For example, the new solar hot water collector at the campground shower facility attracts a great deal of attention and offers an opportunity to showcase a visible and low-cost renewable energy measure.

Step-by-step graphics make it easy to understand how solar energy works.

The display also reminds visitors that the amount of hot water is finite and their personal conservation plays a part. Project Highlights Investment $506,426 Length of Contract 10 Years Annual Savings $72,362 Estimated GHG Reduction 370 tonnes Natural Resources Canada’s Office of Energy Efficiency Leading Canadians to Energy Efficiency at Home, at Work and on the Road Cat. No. M144-189/2008E-PDF ISBN 978-1-100-10068-5 © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2008 Aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Parc national du Canada Banff : Réduire la Consommation d’énergie – Aider l’environnement Building on Success Now that its EPC project is complete, Banff National Park is continuing to curb energy consumption and control costs by implementing further savings opportunities, including the following:

installation of high-efficiency furnaces in all staff homes within the park. This has significantly lowered natural gas consumption.

continued upgrades to lighting and thermostat applications with new technology, as it becomes available.

Project managers at the park are constructing a new “off-grid” washroom facility. It will use solar panels to generate all its energy for light and heat.

A Model for Tomorrow The Banff National Park EPC project continues to deliver environmental, financial and operational benefits.

Its experience is serving as a model for the entire national parks system, which ishelping Parks Canada develop a long-term plan to manage the energy efficiency and environmental impact of its buildings. The Federal Buildings Initiative Many federal organizations have used the FBI program to help them implement EPCs to reduce their energy and operating costs and GHG emissions.

For more information on how the FBI can help your organization plan an energy efficiency project, contact:

Federal Buildings Initiative Natural Resources Canada 580 Booth Street, 18th Floor Ottawa ON K1A 0E4 Web site: Fax: 613-947-4121 Toll-free number: 1-877-360-5500

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.


WE OFFER THE BEST PAPER WRITING SERVICES on Banff National Park of Canada Reducing Energy Consumption

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Discuss the issue of legalising same-sex
marriage in the twenty-first century, with regards to current and past laws, cultural and social

Guide to essay paragraph structure
Writing an introduction to your essay
An introduction is usually around 10% of the total word count. Some students find it easier to write
the introduction in their first draft, while others prefer to write it after their body paragraphs have
been finalised. An introduction is the first thing your audience reads, so it needs to be clear, concise
… and engaging!
* Note: All citations in this guide are in the Harvard style of referencing. See the Deakin guide to referencing
for further details of Harvard and other styles used at Deakin.
Essay introduction – Example 1
Here is an example of an introduction to an essay that provides:
Background information
Some background information is provided to give the reader some context for the discussion.
It is clearly stated what the essay will argue – and is a direct response to the essay question.
Indicates the main ideas to be discussed in the essay so that the reader knows what to expect.
It was in response to the following assignment question: ‘Discuss the issue of legalising same-sex
marriage in the twenty-first century, with regards to current and past laws, cultural and social
Numerous philosophers have contributed to the debate on legalising same-sex
marriage. Some (Edwards 2008; Finnis 1994) argue that legalising same-sex marriage
would threaten the ideology of traditional marriage and deny the right of people of
faith to reject ‘alternative’ forms of matrimony. Others (Calhoun 2000; Mohr 2005)
contend that refusing same-sex couples the right to marry under law is an act of
oppression that ultimately denies them of their moral equality. This essay argues that
the notion of marriage has evolved over centuries with shifting social and cultural
standards, and that therefore there is a strong argument that in the twenty-first
century same-sex marriage should be legalised. Firstly, marriage will be defined from
the perspectives of natural law theory and new natural lawyers. Secondly, there will
be an analysis of various factors that contribute to the dynamics of marriage that are
often overlooked by the anti-same-sex lobby. Finally, reasons will be provided why
same-sex marriage must be recognised under law and how this is in accord with other
current laws around anti-discrimination and equity.
OutlineGuide to essay paragraph structure
Essay introduction – Example 2
Here is an example of a first-year student’s introduction to a much shorter 500-word essay.
Note that there is often no space to provide background information in such a short essay, but the
following introduction does include:
This section directly addresses the assignment question. The first sentence identifies the subject of the
essay and the second sentence introduces a discussion.
Although there is little space to provide an outline, this introduction still provides the reader with
some details of what will follow.
It was in response to the following assignment question: ‘Identify two significant contributions to
early theories of evolution. Discuss the similarities and differences in their key ideas in relation to a
particular species.’
Two major schools of thought that significantly contributed to the theory of evolution
derive from the renowned naturalists, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and Charles Darwin.
Although their arguments share a mutual foundation, their ideas differ in regard to
how certain characteristics came to appear in certain species, in particular on the
question of whether organisms have an ‘internal vital force’ driven by need
(Embogama 2014). The differences between these two theories can be clearly
demonstrated by a brief consideration of their respective observations and analyses
of the anteater.
Writing the body paragraphs of your essay
The body of your essay is where you detail your ideas. It usually makes up approximately 80% of your
essay. It is important to remember that the evidence you provide supports your writing, rather than
the other way around!
• Structure your body paragraphs by beginning with a topic sentence – this is the topic of
your paragraph.
• Provide supporting evidence with citations, but also ensure that you paraphrase and
summarise your sources more often than you quote.
• It is essential that each paragraph have some of your own analysis and commentary. This
might include: comparing and contrasting the ideas of others, asking questions, providing
further examples or making some conclusions based on your analysis.
OutlineGuide to essay paragraph structure
• Consider how you will conclude your paragraphs and how your paragraphs link to each
• Remember to be formal, objective and cautious in your writing.
Essay body paragraph – Example 1
The following essay body paragraph includes:
Topic sentence
This is the topic of the paragraph. Note how it begins with the linking phrase ‘Despite the …’, referring
to the previous paragraph.
Supporting evidence and examples with citations
Cite reputable sources only. Summaries, paraphrases and quotes of all sources need to be cited.
It is important to provide some analysis – comparing/contrasting sources, asking questions, making
conclusions, etc.
Concluding sentence
Sometimes paragraphs include a concluding sentence, or a final sentence that links to the following
paragraph. Note that drawing your own conclusion is another example of analysis.
Despite the focus on hard skills, it appears that the biggest benefit of going to
university is not necessarily what you learn, but the people you meet there and the
networks that you create. Although graduates often list discipline-orientated goals
when asked what their main reason is for enrolling at university, ultimately many
graduates go on to careers and professions unrelated to their degree program
(Hopkins & Bylander 2013; Raskovich 2003; Smith 1999). So what kind of transferrable
skills do students carry over from their study into their career? Raskovich (2003, p. 217)
suggests that the key relationships and networks created by students at university
provide useful professional contacts for the future. This also assists in the
development of the interpersonal communication skills sought by employers.
Student proficiency in a range of digital skills that facilitate online academic,
professional and social networks are also important elements in the bigger picture of
graduate communication skills.
ConclusionGuide to essay paragraph structure
Essay body paragraphs – Example 2
Topic sentence
This is the topic of each paragraph. Note how the topic sentence in the second paragraph below
begins with the linking word ‘Furthermore’.
Supporting evidence and examples with citations
Cite reputable sources only. Summaries, paraphrases and quotes all need to be cited.
It is important to provide some analysis – comparing/contrasting sources, re-interpretation of ideas,
and making conclusions, etc.
Concluding sentence
A concluding paragraph is not necessary for every paragraph.
Social interaction is one of the fundamental principles of social constructivist theory.
In this philosophy, learning is regarded as a social process where people are engaged
with social practices (McMahon 1997). Vygotsky (1978) argues that with the help of
peer and other mentors, learners develop concepts and ideas that they can go on to
understand independently. In addition, students’ social interactions with other
students, academics, and other individuals outside the university, are major
influences on individual development and knowledge construction. In other words,
learners interact with members of their community outside the curriculum in order to
obtain or understand new knowledge and how to apply it.
Furthermore, language becomes a critical tool (Vygotsky 1978) that helps learners to
mediate social interactions. It is through speech, primarily, that learners engage with
bodies of knowledge that exist in a culture (Vygotsky 1978). As a result, through such
experiences and in challenging and supported environments, learners gradually
become skilled at participating in analytical discussions and other activities (Wertsch
1991, p. 235). Therefore, learners need to engage in social interaction to become
aware of others’ ideas, to interpret information derived from the interaction or
experience, and thus build and incorporate new knowledge. So the role of language is
key because it serves as a tool to mediate that engagement.
AnalysisGuide to essay paragraph structure
Writing a conclusion to your essay
You do not need to add new information, arguments or citations in a conclusion.
You may provide:
Restatement of topic and summary of response
Restate the essay topic and give a brief summary of how you have successfully addressed it – and
provide some of the key points.
Link back to broader context
This is optional, depending on the length and topic of your essay.
Suggest directions for further research
This is also optional and is usually for longer research essays.
Essay conclusion – Example
Charles Darwin and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck both made significant contributions to
theories of evolution. Through a brief analysis of the anteater, this essay has shown
that while both naturalists shared a common basis surrounding the question of
adaptation, Darwin’s notion of natural selection suggested the initial presence of
numerous variations from the beginning; whilst Lamarck’s theory focused on physical
and behavioural traits being repeatedly exercised and the resulting qualities being
inherited by their offspring. Recent research into epigenetics, which cannot be
explained exclusively by Darwinian theory and draws heavily on Lamarck,
demonstrates the continued relevance of revisiting the work of these seminal naturalists

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.


WE OFFER THE BEST PAPER WRITING SERVICES on Discuss the issue of legalising same-sex
marriage in the twenty-first century, with regards to current and past laws, cultural and social

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Banff National Park of Canada Reducing Energy Consumption

Banff National Park of Canada Reducing Energy Consumption – Helping the Environment Established in 1885, Banff National Park is the birthplace of Canada’s parks system and part of the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks World Heritage Site. The park spans 6641 square kilometres of valleys, mountains, glaciers, forests, meadows and rivers in southwest Alberta. Part of a complex chain of national, provincial and territorial parks and wilderness areas, which total 5 million acres set aside for posterity, the site is one of the world’s largest protected domains.

In July 2002, Banff became the first national park in Canada to sign an energy performance contract (EPC) with an energy service company (ESCO) aimed at improving the energy efficiency of 88 of its buildings over 10 years.

The process began in December 2000 when the Parks Canada Agency issued a request for proposal (RFP) to improve the energy efficiency of its buildings at Banff.

The Federal Buildings Initiative (FBI), a program within Natural Resources Canada’s Office of Energy Efficiency, worked with Parks Canada to assess possible energy efficiency opportunities and any preliminary work required to deliver the improvements.

Both parties determined that an EPC could help update Banff National Park’s infrastructure and enhance the energy management practices of its operations, thereby reducing its energy and water consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. August 2008 The Federal Buildings Initiative “Without help from the FBI, the Banff National Park project could not have moved forward. If internal funding had been available, we may have been able to implement single technology retrofits over a number of years.

But the FBI program allowed us to realize a comprehensive project within a short number of years and without any capital outlay.” – Don Sears, Chief, Visitor Services, Banff National Park of Canada, Parks Canada 40% 50% 30% 20% 10% 0% Lighting Retrofit Electrical and Mechanical*HVAC Controls Building EnvelopeAppliances Energy Service Companies The ESCO provides the skills and technical expertise to successfully manage energy retrofits.

Working closely with the client organization, the ESCO defines the goals and objectives of the EPC project and draws up a comprehensive project design that identifies savings opportunities and potential obstacles.

The Banff National Park project included some unique challenges for MCW:

large swings in park visits fire risks throughout the year, which impact water use and park visits the dynamic nature of the park due to weather conditions and a changing climate the sensitivity to managing retrofits in historic government structures, such as the administrationbuildings Project Highlights Banff National Park awarded a 10-year, $506,426 comprehensive energy efficiency project to MCW Custom Energy Solutions Ltd.

in 2001, and signed the EPC the following year.

The construction phase of the project was completed in 2003. MCW is currently monitoring the project.

The project focused on updating 88 out of its 200 buildings at the park. Each spans about 65 to 135 square metres (m 2), totalling 20 119 m 2in floor space. Several types of buildings were retrofitted, including garage, office and campground washroom.

The EPC currently generates over $72,362 in annual energy and water savings and has reduced GHG emissions by 370 tonnes per year.

MCW has already implemented the following energy efficiency measures:

Lighting retrofits– T-8 fluorescent lamps replaced inefficient T-12 fixtures. Other lighting features include LED exit signs, screw-in compact fluorescents, de-lamping and reflectors.

Installation of new high-efficiency refrigerators– New refrigerators in the staff residences and garage typically operate at less than half the consumption of the old units.Improvements to building envelope– Re-caulked windows and the installation of door seals reduce air and moisture infiltration.

A door interlock in the holding area in the main garage reduces uncontrolled heat loss.

Installation of new high-efficiency front-loading washing machines and gas dryers– The new washing machines lead to significant water and gas savings.

The use of a gas dryer instead of a conventional electric dryer helps lower fuel costs.

Replacement of natural draft boilers with new high-efficiency condensing boilers– The new boilers in the warden’s office and the general works and trades area allow considerably lower flue gas temperatures, due to the stainless steel construction of the boiler and flue.

Revamping of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) controls– Heating controls in the main garage now improve indoor air quality with the replacement of carbon dioxide sensors.

Interlocking make-up air units and exhaust fans, as well as programmable thermostats for all unit heaters, provide damper control to ensure summer free-coolingand a controlled air supply.

Solar hot water collector– A solar hot water collector on the roof of the campground shower facility helps reduce the amount of fuel needed to heat water.

Energy Efficiency Measures and their Projected Savings * Includes the solar hot water collector ESCO Training for Building Staff MCW provided on-site training to ensure building staff operated and maintained the new equipment efficiently and that proper energy- efficient practices would be sustained through the life of the project and beyond.

“Once a strong rapport has been established, it makes it easier to hold a training and maintenance program, which ensures the end-users of the buildings understand how to follow best practices with all new technologies. This ensures new equipment is operated in the way it was proposed to meet the contract savings.” – Colin J. Rabnett, Executive Partner, MCW Custom Energy Solutions Ltd. Employee Awareness An employee awareness program helps educate and motivate building occupants.

When employees know how their actions can affect energy consumption, they can directly contribute to the savings already achieved through the technical retrofits.

As part of Banff National Park’s employee awareness campaign, the MCW team held a “Celebrate Success Day” in all the major buildings in the park.

MCW set up booths and invited building occupants to information sessions that explained the energy efficiency project and its measures. The sessions promoted the positive impact of the project on building operations and costs, as well as the environment.

Public Awareness As one of the world’s premier destination spots, the park boasts more than 3 million visitors a year, not including an additional 4.6 million people who travel through the park on the Trans-Canada Highway.

Visitors want a chance to experience and enjoy the beauty and wildlife of the national parks, and they look to Parks Canada to demonstrate best practices in energy conservation and energy alternatives.The high volume of visitors and their interest in environmental issues create a unique opportunity for Parks Canada to showcase new technology, promote energy conservation and highlight efforts to reduce GHG emissions and air pollution.

Banff National Park and MCW mounted information displays at major centres throughout the park to inform visitors of the importance of energy and water conservation.

The displays include materials detailing the project, its conservation measures and the efforts of Banff National Park to reduce GHG emissions and help the environment.

For example, the new solar hot water collector at the campground shower facility attracts a great deal of attention and offers an opportunity to showcase a visible and low-cost renewable energy measure.

Step-by-step graphics make it easy to understand how solar energy works.

The display also reminds visitors that the amount of hot water is finite and their personal conservation plays a part. Project Highlights Investment $506,426 Length of Contract 10 Years Annual Savings $72,362 Estimated GHG Reduction 370 tonnes Natural Resources Canada’s Office of Energy Efficiency Leading Canadians to Energy Efficiency at Home, at Work and on the Road Cat. No. M144-189/2008E-PDF ISBN 978-1-100-10068-5 © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2008 Aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Parc national du Canada Banff : Réduire la Consommation d’énergie – Aider l’environnement Building on Success Now that its EPC project is complete, Banff National Park is continuing to curb energy consumption and control costs by implementing further savings opportunities, including the following:

installation of high-efficiency furnaces in all staff homes within the park. This has significantly lowered natural gas consumption.

continued upgrades to lighting and thermostat applications with new technology, as it becomes available.

Project managers at the park are constructing a new “off-grid” washroom facility. It will use solar panels to generate all its energy for light and heat.

A Model for Tomorrow The Banff National Park EPC project continues to deliver environmental, financial and operational benefits.

Its experience is serving as a model for the entire national parks system, which ishelping Parks Canada develop a long-term plan to manage the energy efficiency and environmental impact of its buildings. The Federal Buildings Initiative Many federal organizations have used the FBI program to help them implement EPCs to reduce their energy and operating costs and GHG emissions.

For more information on how the FBI can help your organization plan an energy efficiency project, contact:

Federal Buildings Initiative Natural Resources Canada 580 Booth Street, 18th Floor Ottawa ON K1A 0E4 Web site: Fax: 613-947-4121 Toll-free number: 1-877-360-5500

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How have the Olympic games athletes changed over time?


Business Context. You work for a company that specializes in analyzing data for a variety of clients in the sports industry. Some questions that you frequently encounter include determining if a new player is promising enough to invest money in their development, which teams are the most likely to win certain matches, what events will be the most attractive to advertisers, etc.

Business Problem. As part of one of your projects, you have been asked to perform an exploratory data analysis of historical data to detect patterns in the provenance, physical profile, and other characteristics of the athletes who compete in the Olympic games. The conclusions of your analysis will help the rest of the team prepare a report for a new client who helps sports gear manufacturers find advertising opportunities.

Analytical Context. You have scraped a dataset from the Internet, which contains data for all the Olympic games from Norway 1994 to Rio 2016. It comprises data for 46,533 individual athletes and has 13 columns for each one of them. There are 68,848 rows instead of 46,533 rows in the olympics_data worksheet because some athletes have won multiple medals:

  • ID: A unique number assigned to each athlete
  • Name: The athlete’s name
  • Sex: The athlete’s sex
  • Age: The athlete’s age at the moment of the games
  • Height: The athlete’s height in centimeters
  • Weight: The athlete’s weight in kilograms
  • Team: The athlete’s team (country)
  • Year: The year
  • Season: The season
  • City: The host city
  • Sport: The sport the athlete competed in
  • Medal: The medal that the athlete won, if any (can be Gold, Silver, Bronze, or NA)
  • Won medal?: 1 if the athlete won a medal, 0 otherwise

The dataset can be downloaded from this link.

Note: Please write all your formulas in the calculations worksheet unless explicitly asked to do it in another sheet, clearly indicating the exercise they belong to. You will need to submit the Excel file along with this notebook.

Height, weight, and age

Exercise 1


Calculate the average height, weight, and age of athletes in Rio 2016 across all sports.



Repeat Exercise 1.1 but for Sydney 2000. Have the averages changed noticeably?


Geographic representation

Exercise 2

This is a chart of the number of countries that participated in the games from 1998 to 2016. What can you conclude from it?

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Hint: Keep in mind that Summer and Winter games are not held in the same year. In the Winter games, the number of teams is typically lower than in the Summer games.


Exercise 3

These are the top 10 countries by number of athletes sent for all the games between 1998 and 2016. What patterns can you spot?

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Athletes by gender

These pie charts show the number of athletes by gender in Sydney 2000 and Rio 2016:

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Exercise 4


We need to put labels on these pie charts. How many male and female athletes were there in Rio 2016 and Sydney 2000?

Hint: You can use the COUNTIF() function to solve this exercise. This function works very similarly to the COUNTA() function, with the difference that it only counts those cells that meet a certain condition. Feel free to look this function up on the Internet!



Use Excel to calculate the ratio of 

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.


WE OFFER THE BEST PAPER WRITING SERVICES on How have the Olympic games athletes changed over time?

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