Writers Solution

Ethical, Social, and Legal Implications of Disclosure

Ethical, Social, and Legal Implications of Disclosure
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, be sure to read the required articles for this week. .

You are a consulting psychologist for a local clinic and have been asked to review an ethically complex case. Please review the PSY699 Week four discussion case file (Links to an external site.) for detailed information on the case under review.

In your initial post, explain how the APA Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct can be used to guide decisions in this ethically complex situation. Provide a suggested course of action for the clinic staff. Given the daughter’s age and the situation presented, integrate concepts developed from different psychological content domains to support your suggested course of action. Be certain to use evidence-based psychological concepts and theories to support your arguments. You may wish to consider the following questions as you construct your post.

Does the daughter have a right to know her diagnosis?
Does the mother have a right to not disclose the diagnosis to her daughter?
Does the mother have a right to privacy regarding her own diagnosis, which could be threatened if her daughter learns of her own status?
Should the staff tell the daughter if the mother does not want her to know?
If the daughter wants to know more about her condition, what should the staff say?
Are there other approaches the staff can take? If so, what are they?
Is further information required in order for you to create an ethically sound suggested course of action?

Writers Solution

Integrated care (IC) or collaborative care (CC)



Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, be certain to have read all the required resources for this week. In recent years, the psychology profession has been greatly influenced by various forms of technology. The prevalence of psychology professionals using technology to market themselves and engage, socialize, and interact with others has created new opportunities and challenges. This is particularly true with regard to potential interactions with clients via these technologies. Given the exponential growth with which these technological advancements are permeating our world, we expect to see the proliferation of new issues, challenges, and opportunities within the realms of psychological research and practice.

In your initial post:

Provide an overview of the relevant issues, ongoing trends, challenges, and future opportunities for psychology professionals and the populations they serve.
Explain how the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct can be used to guide decisions in the ethical application of these technologies.
Construct clear and concise arguments using evidence-based psychological concepts and theories to explain how current technological and policy shifts may influence trends in psychological research and practice.
Evaluate potential work settings where the use of technologies promotes ease and convenience for both psychology professionals and the populations they serve.
What are the potential responsibilities of the psychology professionals as providers of care with regard to the use of these technologies? Does the increase in ease, convenience, and experience satisfaction for the parties involved outweigh any potential negative outcomes?


Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, be certain to have read all the required resources for this week.

The collaborative practice of clinicians across disciplines requires a shared language, appreciation of diagnostic and therapeutic paradigms, and recognition of appropriate roles within the health care team. This collaborative environment is at the heart of a health care system that utilizes the skills and expertise of all its team members in appropriate and extended roles. This model of care delivery is often called integrated care (IC) or collaborative care (CC). Although this model is endorsed by many professional societies and agencies, the CC/IC care delivery model can fail due to multiple factors.

In your initial post, consider the clinical partnerships that result within the CC/IC delivery model. Integrating concepts developed from different content domains in psychology, address the following questions.

How might health care teams achieve therapeutic goals for individual clients?
How does this support health literacy?
What factors might lead to the failure of the CC/IC delivery model?
How might lack of acceptance of the value or viability of the CC/IC model by stakeholders, lack of awareness of the clinical competencies of various members of the team, barriers to financial reimbursement for services, and lack of integration of support services within the practice cause a breakdown in efficacy?
What supportive interventions within the CC/IC model address such issues?
In addition, consider how successful health care models assume an understanding of each profession’s competencies and responsibilities. For example, primary care providers (PCPs) are sometimes unaware of the abilities and practice scope of psychology professionals.

Identify methods of targeted intervention and education for PCPs that might alleviate potential issues for the CC/IC model.
Explain how the APA Ethical Code of Conduct can be used to guide decisions in these complex situations.
Evaluate and comment on the potential work settings where you might find the CC/IC model. In what ways might this model provide more job satisfaction?


Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, be certain to have read all the required resources for this week. The use of mandated, or legally coerced, treatment is widespread. Yet research demonstrating the efficacy of this type of treatment is limited, and mandating mental health treatment is one of the most contested issues in the field of psychology. To justify the continued use of mandated treatment, policymakers, practitioners, and researchers are obligated to demonstrate the effectiveness and limitations of such treatment programs.

You have been called in to consult on cases that may require mandated treatment. After reviewing the PSY699 The ethics of mandated treatment scenarios (Links to an external site.), choose two to discuss in your initial post. Begin your research with the required resources for this week. Using the specific situations presented in each of the scenarios you have chosen, conduct further research to help inform your recommendations for each individual. A minimum of one resource per scenario, beyond those already required for the assignment, must be included in your initial post.

In your post, construct clear and concise arguments using evidence-based psychological concepts and theories to present your recommendations as to whether or not treatment should be mandated for the individuals in each of the scenarios. As you write your recommendations, be certain to provide insights into the following questions.

What are the ethical principles and implications raised by legally mandating clients into treatment?
What evidence exists regarding the effectiveness of treatment with and without coercion for this type of situation?
What would be the challenges in evaluating the effectiveness of mandated treatment?
How might mandated treatment impact your clinical decision making as the mental health professional assigned to these cases?
What client factors might limit or augment the potential benefits of treatment if it were mandated?
Integrating concepts from your research and the required readings, offer insights across different content domains as to why you have reached these conclusions. Explain how you used the APA Ethical Code of Conduct to guide your decisions. Evaluate the generalizability of your specific research findings to the situations presented and provide a rationale as to why this research supports your recommendations.


Effective clinical innovations and the dissemination of research findings are key elements in the growth and development of the psychology profession. There are numerous avenues that enable authors to publish and present their work. Poster presentations at conferences are effective methods for communicating research findings and providing opportunities to meet with other researchers and clinicians to discuss the research being presented. Thus, these types of conference presentations play a key role in the proliferation of research.

In this week’s discussion, you will be submitting your proposal for the Week Five Virtual Conference. You may utilize relevant assignments from previous courses in this program or suitable projects from your professional life. See the PSY699 Call for Student Poster (Links to an external site.) Presentations document for specific parameters and instructions on how to create your proposal. Following the guidelines presented in the document, create your proposal and attach it to your initial post in the discussion forum. Evaluate the impact participating in conference presentations may have on potential work settings and/or doctoral programs and comment on the following questions in your initial post.

How are conference presentations professionally relevant?
What elements of the proposal process were most difficult for you, and why?
What positive outcomes do you anticipate will come from this process, which may be applied to potential work settings and/or doctoral programs?

Writers Solution

DSM V, ethical principles in psychology and code of conduct, training, and education in professional psychology, and various fields of psychology

Using the UMUC Library electronic databases, find an article from a recent issue of a peer-reviewed journal related to clinical or counseling psychology. The article should describe specifically an experimental manipulation by the researchers.  Articles for the professional article review should focus on psychological disorders and treatment, psychological assessments, theoretical perspectives, types of therapy/treatment models, the DSM V, ethical principles in psychology and code of conduct, training, and education in professional psychology, and various fields of psychology (i.e. health psychology, psychology of women, clinical neuropsychology, forensic psychology, and other areas).

Prepare a 2-4 page summary of the article in your own words including:

-Specifics regarding the overall purpose of the research in question

-A clear statement of the researcher’s hypothesis

-Details regarding the study methodology

-Pertinent results of the manipulation.

-Your personal opinion of the work.

  • Should it be repeated/ how can it be improved?
  • What was your overall impression of the work?
  • What are the implications of the study for the practice of counseling psychology?

Be sure to cite the article source frequently throughout the paper and with in-text citations in the body of your paper.  Also include a reference page at the end of your paper.  Papers should be have a cover page, be typed, double-spaced, and formatted according to APA Style. 

Please use subheadings such as “Hypothesis”, “Methodology”, “Results”, and “Personal Opinion” to make your paper easy to follow and to ensure that you include all of the required information.  Format your paper according the to sample paper example in the Content section of the classroom under “Writing Resources”.  This website also give an excellent example of an APA style paper:

Writers Solution

fictional TV, movie, or literary character who will serve as a case study and analyze their sexual health

Throughout the semester, you have learned about several theories and practices related to human sexuality and sexual health. This assignment will give you an opportunity to apply some of those major concepts, theoretical perspectives, and empirical findings. In completing this assignment, you will hone your critical thinking skills, recognizing and applying psychological principles, and communicating your understanding of individual, community, and organizational life experiences to a general audience.


This assignment will enable you to critically analyze the sexual health of a fictional character in popular culture – television, films or literature.

Step 1:

Select a fictional TV, movie, or literary character who will serve as a case study and analyze their sexual health, based on the criteria below.

Step 2:

Review the SIECUS guidelines for sexual health (below):


A sexually healthy adult will:

In human development

  • Appreciate his or her own body.
  • Seek further information about reproduction as needed.
  • Affirm that human development includes sexual development that may or may not include reproduction or genital sexual experience.
  • Interact with both genders in respectful and appropriate ways.
  • Affirm his or her own sexual orientation and respect the sexual orientation of others.

In relationships

  • View family as a valuable source of support.
  • Express love and intimacy in appropriate ways.
  • Develop and maintain meaningful relationships.
  • Avoid exploitative or manipulative relationships.
  • Make informed choices about family options and relationships.
  • Exhibit skills that enhance personal relationships.
  • Understand how cultural heritage affects ideas about family, interpersonal relationships, and ethics.

In personal skills

  • Identify and live according to his or her values.
  • Take responsibility for her or her own behavior.
  • Practice effective decision-making.
  • Communicate effectively with family, peers, and partners.

In sexual behavior

  • Enjoy and express his or her sexuality throughout life.
  • Express his or her sexuality in ways that are congruent with his or her values.
  • Enjoy sexual feelings without necessarily acting on them.
  • Discriminate between life-enhancing sexual behaviors and those that are harmful to self and/or others.
  • Express his or her sexuality while respecting the rights of others.
  • Seek new information to enhance his or her sexuality.
  • Engage in sexual relationships that are consensual, non-exploitative, honest, pleasurable, and protected against disease and unintended pregnancy.

In sexual health

  • Use contraception effectively to avoid unintended pregnancy.
  • Prevent sexual abuse.
  • Act consistent with his or her own values in dealing with an unintended pregnancy.
  • Seek early prenatal care.
  • Avoid contracting or transmitting an STD, including HIV.
  • Practice health-promoting behaviors, such as regular check-ups, breast and testicular self-exam, and early identification of potential problems.
  • In society and culture
  • Demonstrate respect for people with different sexual values.
  • Exercise democratic responsibility to influence legislation dealing with sexual issues.
  • Assess the impact of family, cultural, religious, media, and societal messages on his or her thoughts, feelings, values, and behaviors related to sexuality.
  • Promote the rights of all people to accurate sexuality information.
  • Avoid behaviors that exhibit prejudice and bigotry.
  • Reject stereotypes about the sexuality of diverse populations.
  • Educate others about sexuality.

Source: SIECUS (2005). Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Kindergarten -12th Grade, 3rd Ed. New York, NY: SIECUS.

Step 3: For each one of the criteria from the SIECUS list determine whether or not the character displays that behavior and think of an example from the film, book, or television show that illustrates your determination regarding that criteria. You must discuss at least one aspect from each of the six categories on the SIECUS list.

Step 4: Review writing resources, write an outline, write a thesis statement, write an introduction, and integrate information via summarizing, paraphrasing, or, as necessary, directly quoting sources, all with proper attribution.

Step 5:

Write a 1,200 to 1,500 word paper (about 5 double-spaced pages), not including title and reference page which should be written in APA style, and submit it to your assignment folder.

Tip: Begin with a brief synopsis discussing the character or issues that arise in the book, film, or television show to give context to the reader.  Next, integrate the criteria you have chosen and discuss how they are related. From your synopsis, you can then formulate a thesis statement and craft an outline that will be the basis of your paper. Once a draft has been written, you may want to contact the Effective Writing Center for feedback.

Checklist of expectations

In order to be successful on this paper, be sure that you address all of the following:

__ Support your ideas with citations from the course readings or your peer-reviewed resource(s)

__ Be sure that your ideas are put together in a coherent and logical way

__ Be creative in enhancing your topic

__ Write an introduction that previews your main points

__ Be sure the body of the paper develops and elaborates your ideas

__ Include a conclusion that summarizes your main points

__ Proofread carefully to ensure that your paper is free of misspellings and typos

__ Proofread carefully to ensure that your paper has proper sentence structure

__ Include a cover page, references and citations in APA style

Writers Solution

Cyber security

Subject name: Cyber security


Project Written Report and Presentation:

You will choose any information security topic from our textbook and/or discussions to write a paper and develop a PowerPoint presentation. The final report should be 10-12 pages, 12 font size, 1” margins, double-spaced, including figures, tables, etc. Follow the current APA format guide for your report. Use spell check, grammar check, etc. to make sure that your report is written in professional form with no keyboarding or grammatical errors. No abstract is required. However, a cover page and a reference page are required. Make sure the cover page and reference page are also in current APA format. Your project paper will be assessed as follows:

• Is the paper of optimal length?

• Is the paper well organized?

• Is the paper clear and concise?

• Is the title appropriate

• Are individual ideas assimilated well?

• Are wording, punctuation, etc. correct?

• Is the paper formatted correctly?

 • Is the paper well motivated?

• Is an interesting problem/issue addressed?

• Is knowledge of the area demonstrated?

• Use of diagrams or other graphics?

• Have all key references been cited?

 • Are conclusions valid and appropriate?

Note: You will need to develop a PowerPoint presentation to summarize your final report. Use transition and animation in your slides. Ten to twenty slides are required to highlight your project.

Writers Solution

Chief information technology (IT) security officer for the Quality Medical Company (QMC)

PKI and Encryption at Work

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Develop a plan to deploy public key infrastructure (PKI) and encryption solutions to protect data and information.

Assignment Requirements

In this assignment, you play the role of chief information technology (IT) security officer for the Quality Medical Company (QMC). QMC is a publicly traded company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.

QMC is expanding its arena of work through an increase in the number of clients and products. The senior management of the company is highly concerned about complying with the multitude of legislative and regulatory laws and issues in place. The company has an internal compliance and risk management team to take care of all the compliance-related issues. The company needs to make important decisions about the bulk of resources they will need to meet the voluminous compliance requirements arising from the multidimensional challenge of expansion.

QMC will be required to conform to the following compliance issues:

  • Public-company regulations, such as the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act
  • Regulations affecting financial companies, companies that make loans and charge interest, such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules and Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)
  • Regulations affecting healthcare privacy information, such as Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • Intellectual Property Law that is important for information asset protection particularly for organizations in the pharmaceutical and technology industry
  • Regulations affecting the privacy of information, including personal identification information, such as personally identifiable information (PII) regularly collected from employees, customers, and end users
  • Corporate governance policies including disclosures to the board of directors and the auditors and the policies related to human resources, governance, harassment, code of conduct, and ethics

Compliance with regulatory requirements implies encrypting sensitive data at rest (DAR) and allowing access to role-holders in the enterprise who require the access. It also implies that sensitive data in motion (DIM) or data that is being communicated via e-mail, instant message (IM), or even Web e-mail must be suitably protected and sent only to the individuals who have a right to view it. The company is conscious about the loss they may face in terms of penalty and brand damage if they fail to abide by the compliance laws, especially in the online information transfer phase. Therefore, as a dedicated employee, your task is to develop a content monitoring strategy using PKI as a potential solution. You will need to determine a process or method to identify multiple data types, processes, and organizational policies. Incorporate them into a plan, and select a PKI solution that will effectively address the content management needs of your company.

You need to present your PKI solution in the form of a professional report to the senior management.

Required Resources


Submission Requirements

  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Font: Arial, 12-Point, Double-Space
  • Citation Style: APA
  • Length: 1–2 pages

Self-Assessment Checklist

Use the following checklist to support your work on the assignment:

  • I have identified specific data types related to the specific compliance regulatory requirements.
  • I have indicated a solution for sharing data beyond the borders of the organization.
  • I have appropriately selected and developed a PKI solution for content control.
  • I have followed the submission requirements.
Writers Solution

UML class diagram

Assignment 4: Term Paper  

worth 200 points  

You were talking to members of your favorite local band after a recent show. The topic of software came up, and the leader said she has a love-hate relationship with it. She loves the recording software they use, and is okay with QuickBooks for the band’s financial records. But, she does not like the available options to track bookings and create set lists that draw from their entire repertoire.  

In addition to their regular weekly gigs, the band performs for many school assemblies and community events. They have to pick music that’s appropriate for the audience and the theme without being repetitive. They are constantly adding new songs to their catalog, and putting others on hiatus.  The band likes to take requests, so they frequently update the set list after a gig. The band does not want to bother entering chords or lyrics because they don’t use computers or phones on stage.  

You offer to put together a system design to address the band’s needs. It’s okay to collect ideas by looking at off-the-shelf solutions, but the design must be your own for this assignment.  Include the following in your design:  

A list and short explanation of each function to manage:  

the band’s song catalog,  


set lists, and  

any other category you believe is important for this application.  

A logical data design that supports all of these functions. Use either an entity-relationship or a UML class diagram, which should be in third normal form. Indicate all primary keys, relationships, and cardinalities.  

Recommend a system architecture that identifies the hardware and software components and how they interact. Include a short (not more than 500 words) description and rationale. Illustrate using your choice of a static functional decomposition or object-oriented diagram.  

Identify security concerns and other nonfunctional requirements for this system.  

Propose at least three distinct and measurable criteria to evaluate the quality of the finished software. 

Writers Solution

childhood trauma affects person as an adult, how it affects their life as well as lives of others around them

To design a comprehensive 15-page (+/- 2 pages) research proposal on a topic of your own choosing(The chosen topic is how childhood trauma affects person as an adult, how it affects their life as well as lives of others around them.) proposal will follow strict guidelines in terms of format and content, including an abstract, specific aims / research questions, a literature review, a detailed research design and description of methods, a cursory idea of results and research products, ethical/legal considerations, and an APA-formatted reference section. Keep in mind that this is a proposal for research; you will not actually be conducting the study. Therefore, feel free to use a design that clearly addressed the issues in which you are interested, irrespective of the level of complexity if implemented in the ‘real world’. For your hypothetical research project, assume that you have adequate level of funding and sufficient time to complete the study. The minimum and maximum word count does NOT INCLUDE your reference list, title page, or any key documents you wish to attach such as a questionnaire / technical appendix.  Title Page  Abstract – 150 Literature Review 1350-1950 Design/Methods 1500-2500 Results/Products 125-250 Ethical/Legal 250 References Min. 10 Overall Presentation  TOTAL 3500-5000. References: All sources included in the Reference section must be cited in the body of the paper and all sources cited in the paper must be included in the Reference section. a. Pagination: The Reference section begins on a new page b. Heading: References (in uppercase and lowercase letters), centered on the page. Do not bold. c. Format: Refer to the APA 6th Edition guide on Canvas or obtain from library VI. Appendices: Common uses of appendices are to present questionnaires, describe complex stimulus materials (e.g., photos or other graphics) or display items such as maps a. Pagination: Each Appendix begins on a separate page b. Heading: If there is only one appendix, then Appendix is centered on the first line. If there are multiple appendices, use Appendix A, Appendix B, etc. Give each Appendix a title, using uppercase and lowercase letters, and center it on the page. Do not bold. Refer to the attached file for clear instructions.

Writers Solution

research proposal designed to investigate a research question of interest.

Your final assignment is to write a detailed research proposal designed to investigate a research question of interest. This is the second stage of the research proposal and should be building from the first shorter version that you submitted earlier (i.e., Research Proposal Part I). Keep in mind that this is a proposal for research; you will not actually be conducting the study. Therefore, feel free to use a design that clearly addressed the issues in which you are interested, irrespective of the level of complexity if implemented in the ‘real world’. For your hypothetical research project, assume that you have adequate level of funding and sufficient time to complete the study. The following is a breakdown of the required elements of the proposal:  

Component Word Guidelines Title Page  Abstract 150 Literature Review 1350-1950 Design/Methods 1500-2500 Results/Products 125-250 Ethical/Legal 250 References Min. 10 Overall Presentation  TOTAL 3500-5000.Files:CRIM 220 RESEARCH PROPOSAL II GUIDELINES(Glackman.v2).pdf

Writers Solution

You are the primary officer assigned to complete a report about this incident.


Begin by reviewing the video found in the Module Resources folder. This video will be used for all project milestones. The project milestones will allow you to practice sections of your final project (a Field Notes and Incident Report) before it is due in Module Seven. The video used for the milestones is different than the video used in Module Seven for your final project.

In this milestone, you will practice taking field notes. This is a practice task for the field notes section of the final project.

Scenario: You are the primary officer assigned to complete a report about this incident. Assemble a list of field notes based on your observations and on information that you consider to be necessary for the formulation of your report. Remember you will not be able to ask any questions, but keep in mind the information that you want to make note of.  

Here’s the link for the video:

Also, 100% free of plagiarism and completed on time!Files:CJ 202 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric.pdf