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research-based and personal content while using presentation software to communicate with an intended audience

Goal: Demonstrate the ability to create a final project that uses both research-based and personal content while using presentation software to communicate with an intended audience. 


During the first six-weeks you formulated a project plan, researched the content of the plan, and collected quality academic and non-academic sources. For the week 7 Final Project you will create a presentation (CO8) that builds upon the week 2 Project Plan and the week 4 Location and Access (Source Organization worksheet) that effectively communicates the knowledge you have gained during COMM120.

Please consider the following:

  • Presentation will include an introduction, body, conclusion, and properly formatted reference/work cited slide in the citation style of your degree program (APA, MLA, or Chicago).
  • Clear evidence that the topic was researched and expanded upon the week 2 Project Plan (CO2 & 5).
  • Presentation provides audience with information to increase their knowledge of the topic presented (CO1).
  • Presentation engages the audience by using elements such as images, graphs, and charts. Appropriate citations must be included.
  • Three (3) vetted credible sources. One (1) of the sources must be scholarly and from the library.
  • Appropriate length 7-9 slides.

If you have multimedia skills and want to add creative content to your presentation, please do! Try to add any of the following enhancements and as you do, think about how it will impact your presentation and improve communication with the intended audience.

  • Voice narration, closed captioning, script.
  • Appropriate background music (must be cited on reference page).
  • Creative use of slide animations and transitions.

After submitting your presentation, review your TurnItIn Originality Report. (Note: Review the individual flags, decide why that text is flagged, and make corrections as appropriate.). Please see the attached rubric for grading guidelines.

Note: The Week 7 Final Project is a presentation and be turned in as a PowerPoint, a Prezi, or a different type of presentation software. If you chose something other than PowerPoint, you have to do the following




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Dashing to catch a cab at the corner of Sixth and Vine, the account team was exhilarated


Devereaux-Dering Group

Dashing to catch a cab at the corner of Sixth and Vine, the account team was exhilarated. After a quick exchange of high fives, three of the four jumped into the backseat of a cab to return to the Manhattan offices of Devereaux-Dering, a global advertising agency with offices in New York, Hong Kong, and Paris. The team couldn’t wait to tell their team leader, Kurt Lansing, that they had won the BMW account that morning. The fourth team member, Brad Fitzgerald, stood apart from the animated group, studying his BlackBerry and then hailing a cab for an afternoon flight out of LaGuardia. After a two-year slump in sales, Devereaux-Dering needed a big score like the BMW account. To drive new business and land high-profile accounts like this one, the company had hired Kurt Lansing, an MBA from Wharton, with prominent status in the advertising industry. His job was to lead a new business team to study the market, develop strategies, and acquire major accounts. Lansing hand-selected four high achievers for his team that represented each area of the business: Brad Fitzgerald, creative director; Trish Roderick, account services; Adrienne Walsh, production manager; and Tyler Green, brand strategy. “That was a shocker!” said Roderick as she scooted across the backseat of the cab to make room for her teammates. “The client didn’t seem too impressed with our presentation until Fitzgerald presented the last set of slides describing the global campaign. They loved it. I think he single-handedly clinched the deal when he presented the tag line for the Asian market,” she said excitedly. “He’s a real whiz, alright,” muttered Green. “The eighth wonder of the world.” Sighing deeply and losing his earlier exuberance, Green said, “We couldn’t have bagged the deal without him, and I know we’ll all get credit. But none of us knew he planned to present that last part of the global campaign. I know he was working on that tag line late last night, but there was plenty of time this morning to get team input on it. I hate surprises in front of a client. I felt like a fool, even if we did win the business.” “He’s a regular white knight,” chuckled Walsh, “riding in at the last minute to save the day. I suppose we should appreciate him, but he’s just so irritating. He snapped at me last week for not telling him about a client who was upset about delays in their ad campaign. I reminded him that I had told him about it in our status meeting, but he wasn’t listening at the time. He was glued to his precious BlackBerry, as usual. Why have team meetings if he isn’t going to participate?” Roderick was surprised by her teammates’ reaction to Fitzgerald. She thought they had been working well together. She was quickly discovering, however, an undercurrent of resentment. This was the first time that she had been exposed to the conflict that was simmering below the surface. No doubt, Fitzgerald did have a strong ego and aggressive personality. A previously successful entrepreneur, Fitzgerald had a track record of success and was very ambitious. However, she did notice that he didn’t show respect for differing opinions or invite collaboration on ideas. She wondered if he was placing his own success above the team’s. But why complain if the team was sharing the credit and earning fat bonuses along with him? She was content to go with the status quo. “You know,” she said, “we’re darn lucky to be on his team.” She stared out the cab window at the passing traffic and listened to her two teammates continue to grouse. “I should have known something was up when I walked past his office last night and saw him working with the new copywriter. They must have been hashing out the new tag line,” smirked Green. “We are a team, aren’t we? The system is bigger than the individual, remember? He doesn’t seem too concerned about the welfare of the team—only his own.” “Well, let’s all have a heart-to-heart with Mr. McWhiz,” said Walsh sarcastically. “I’m sure he’ll see things our way. We’ll give him a brief overview of Teamwork 101. That will go over great!” As the cab pulled to the curb, they tossed the driver a $20 bill and headed to their offices on the 40th floor. They would all stop to see the team leader, Kurt Lansing, first. In the meantime, Lansing smiled broadly when he received Fitzgerald’s text message that they had won the BMW account. Sinking back in his chair, he marveled at the cohesiveness and success of his team. All that time building a shared vision and building trust was starting to pay off.


1. What factors do you think are affecting this team’s cohesiveness? Explain.

2. If you were the team leader, what could you do to bring Fitzgerald into the team more and foster better relationships among the team members?

3. As a team member, what would you do? Should the three members of the team confront Fitzgerald with their concerns? Should they inform Kurt Lansing? Explain your answers.

Daft, Richard L.. The Leadership Experience (p. 319).

Daft, Richard L.. The Leadership Experience (p. 320)




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How will scan-as-you-go mobile devices and digital wallets impact the retail sector?

Your answer should include both a description section and an
analysis or opinion section.

In addition, each student must
respond to at least one answer from another student for each discussion question

the question

How will scan-as-you-go mobile devices and digital wallets impact the retail sector?

the student answer that you will respond on 

Scan-as-you-go wallets I believe will be the future but along with the technology being used behind it. I believe that scannable wallets will need to use blockchain technology in order to have the highest level of security possible. The reasoning behind this is that when you are scanning things with your phone there can be “fake” codes to scan or scam links, etc. And this can lead to a breach in the security of a mobile device. Once the technology is fully there I do believe that there will be total mass adoption of digital wallets within the retail sector. The retail sector as a whole will most likely continue to struggle as it gets easier and easier to make transactions online. As our generation gets older we are so comfortable with technology that anything that allows use to use our phone we seem to adopt right away and use it seamlessly. The most difficult aspect about it would be implementing systems to accept digital wallets in every retail store. 

please don’t copy the friend answer




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Cystic fibrosis and Parkinson’s Disease

NURS-6501N-21-Advanced Pathophysiology

Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes

At its core, pathology is the study of disease. Diseases occur for many reasons. But some, such as cystic fibrosis and Parkinson’s Disease, occur because of alterations that prevent cells from functioning normally.

Understanding of signals and symptoms of alterations in cellular processes is a critical step in diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. For the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN), this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans.

For this Discussion, you examine a case study and explain the disease that is suggested. You examine the symptoms reported and explain the cells that are involved and potential alterations and impacts. 

To prepare:

Post an explanation of the disease highlighted in the scenario you were provided. Include the following in your explanation:

· The role genetics plays in the disease.

· Why the patient is presenting with the specific symptoms described.

· The physiologic response to the stimulus presented in the scenario and why you think this response occurred.

· The cells that are involved in this process.

· How another characteristic (e.g., gender, genetics) would change your response




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Walden mission and vision as well as the College of Nursing’s mission and vision apply to your professional and academic goals

NURS-6003N-18-Transition to Graduate Study

Networking Opportunities

In this module, you begin laying the foundation for your academic and professional success. Your efforts begin with a vision that includes your own definition of success. Your vision may vary from those of your colleagues, but this does not mean you have to take these first steps alone.

Walden University and the College of Nursing also have a vision and mission, which include helping you to make your own vision a reality. Members of your new academic community, such as faculty, support teams, and fellow students, can also be helpful. Current practitioners and other member of the professional community can also help you to clarify your vision.

This Module’s Discussion asks you to consider how the Walden mission and vision as well as the College of Nursing’s mission and vision apply to your professional and academic goals. You will also begin to identify individuals and teams who can help you along the way as you begin designing the “blueprint”—your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan—that will guide you toward your own vision for academic and professional success. Finally, you will explain the importance of networking and how it can help you achieve your professional and academic goals.

To Prepare:

· Review the Walden and College of Nursing mission and vision statements, Walden’s goals and University Outcomes, and the MSN Program Learning Outcomes presented in this Module’s Learning Resources.

· Reflect on your professional and academic goals as they relate to your program/specialization.

· Consider how the information in these resources fit with your own goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner.

· Also consider academic and professional individuals and teams with whom you may collaborate in support of your efforts as a student at the university and as a professional within your organization and career.

· Consider the importance of networking and how it may help you achieve your professional and academic goals.

Week 1

Post a brief introduction of yourself to your colleagues. Include an explanation as to how Walden’s vision, mission, goals, and social change initiatives relate to your professional and academic goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner. Also include an explanation for how the Walden MSN Program Outcomes and perspectives relate to your professional and academic goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner. Finally, explain why networking is important and how it may help you achieve your professional and academic goals




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Health Belief Paper As health care leaders

Health Belief Paper As health care leaders, it is important to reflect on your own health belief model before you can work to educate and market to the health belief of others. After all, you are a health care consumer yourself! You do not need to have the same beliefs as those you are working with or educating/marketing, but you do need to understand your own and recognize that each person’s beliefs are individualized.

For this paper, you must complete each of the three parts below

.As you respond, consider all the variety of characteristics that you may have as part of your model. Remember, there are no right or wrong models.

Part I Describe your general health care, belief model.

  • Do you tend to follow a provider’s guidance/recommendation or collect information and make your own decision?
  • Are there others in your life that influence your health decisions (family members, friends, etc.)?
  • Where do you get health information?
  • What information is important to you in order to make a decision?
  • Are you comfortable with advertisements?
  • Do you want to read research on the topic or consult with someone first?
  • Do you consider how your health behaviors may impact you now and in the future? Why, or why not?

Part II: Market to yourself. Consider the types of marketing that most appeals to you. Perhaps you like to see data to support a product or service, or maybe you prefer testimonials from people who have used the product or service. Maybe you tend to lean towards brands you already trust and look for visual logos. Think through what types of things are most important to you in health care marketing.

Outline the type of marketing plan that appeals most to you as you address the following questions.

  • What types of information do you prefer to see (i.e., data, testimonials)?
  • What types of materials do you prefer (i.e., written, pictures, videos)?
  • Delivery of information—do you prefer to see health care providers in marketing materials or actual consumers that use the service?
  • What types of services do you prefer (medications and treatments versus preventive measures around lifestyle changes)?
  • If you were marketing to people who held the exact same health beliefs as you, what would be most effective?
  • Is it helpful to see other people having a positive experience, or do you focus more on the expertise of the health care providers involved?
  • Do you want to see data and numbers, or do you want to know that the health care service cares about you and will listen to you?
  • Do you prefer visual ads or written material you can read?
  • What is more important: price or value?

Part III: Cultural Diversity. Briefly research the general health beliefs of just one of the demographics below.

  • Nepalese
  • Bosnian
  • Latino
  • Asian
  • Amish

Now, consider the marketing plan you have outlined to market to people just like you and discuss how that plan may differ when marketing to people of the demographic you researched.

Your project must be a minimum of three written pages, not including the title or reference pages. You may include graphics, charts, or other data to support your plan, but they do not count toward the three-page requirement.

You must use a minimum of 3 sources to support your project.

 One can be your textbook. All sources must come from the CSU electronic library and must have citations and references properly formatted in APA Style.

Health Care Administration Research Guide




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What are three distinct challenges young adults face as they become independent and enter the workforce?

.   What are three distinct challenges young adults face as they become independent and enter the workforce? Incorporate at least one theorist’s (e.g., Levinson, Erikson) work into your response.

2.   What factors help or hinder young adults in terms of forming a “work identity?” What role can social networking sites play in these transitions?

3.   What are some of the “pros” of entering middle adulthood in terms of physical, psychosocial, and cognitive development? What are some of the “cons?”

4.   Compare and contrast two types of marriages as per Cuber and Haroff’s research. What are the pros and cons of each type?

5.   What effects can extended deployments have on military members’ romantic relationships/marriages and on their relationships with their minor children? Personal examples are acceptable if applicable, but give specific examples from the research literature to support your personal observations.




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Describe the methods you use to study for tests. Which methods seem to work most effectively for you? How might interleaving improve your memory?

Take Test: Unit IV Assessment


  1. In thinking about a typical day, describe how you use each of the following types of memory: nondeclarative, episodic, and semantic.

Your response must be at least 75 words in length.


  1. Describe the methods you use to study for tests. Which methods seem to work most effectively for you? How might interleaving improve your memory?


  1. Using the principles of operant conditioning, suggest at least three strategies for reducing the significant problem in society of drug use.


  1. Explain your definition of learning, and describe one learning experience you have had using observation.


  1. Choose one theory of intelligence presented in this unit, and explain what it means in your own words. What are the common characteristics of intelligent behavior? How can you tell if someone is intelligent?


  1. Academicians studying decision-making generally fall into one of two camps. Those in the first camp believe that humans are essentially irrational and tend to make poor decisions in a variety of situations, often based on impulse, emotions, or circumstance. In contrast, members of the second camp argue that, although humans do sometimes make poor decisions, they are generally quite rational.

Discuss the two camps of thought on human decision-making, and identify which you align with and why. You must support your beliefs with examples of various decision-making methods presented in this unit. What evidence is there that people tend to make poor decisions? What evidence is there that people tend to make good decisions?


  1. Describe the development of speech, from infancy to approximately two years of age.





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Determine the “know” and “do” for your content standard.

The purpose of this Assignment is to get you thinking about your Five-day Instructional Unit, which will be due in Unit 6. You should plan to work on your Instructional Unit a little bit each week.

For this Assignment, think about the topic and learning objectives of your Five-day Instructional Unit. You may want to orient your curriculum around a theme (e.g., “change” or the relationship between individual and society; themes that are important in many academic disciplines); an entity (e.g., a literary text or an event or trend); a skill (e.g., conjugating verbs or understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem), or a sensibility (e.g., understanding and appreciating “perspective” in drawing). Do not be afraid to think “outside the box” for your discipline. Consider units that are oriented in non-traditional ways (e.g., a social studies unit not based on an event but on the acquisition of map-reading skills. Alternatively, a Language Arts unit based not on the entity of a book but on a particular theme, etc.).

Before you begin your Assignment, view this interaction about writing objectives.

Include the following information in your plan and use the Unit 1 Assignment template to complete it: attached

Decide on a central focus or theme for your Instructional Unit. The topic should be from the primary academic curriculum.
Select the content standard(s) that are related to your topic/theme.
Determine the “know” and “do” for your content standard.
Determine the necessary vocabulary in order to understand the standard.
Include as many learning objectives in your plan warranting 5 days of instruction. These important learning objectives will become your lesson topics and should include concepts, principles, and skills encompassed in your topic/theme.
Identify each type of learning objective (Thinking, Content, or Product).

Unit 1 Assignment TemplateBlack and gold Purdue University Global logo

Assignment Directions:


For this Assignment, think about the central focus for the learning segment. You may want to orient your curriculum around a theme (e.g., “change” or the relationship between individual and society; themes that are important in many academic disciplines); an entity (e.g., a literary text or an event or trend); a skill (e.g., conjugating verbs or understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem), or a sensibility (e.g., understanding and appreciating “perspective” in drawing). Do not be afraid to think “outside the box” for your discipline. Consider units that are oriented in non-traditional ways (e.g., a social studies unit not based on an event but on the acquisition of map-reading skills. Alternatively, a Language Arts unit based not on the entity of a book but on a particular theme, etc.).

Include the following information in your plan:

  • Decide on a central focus or theme for your Five-day Instructional Unit. The topic should be from the primary academic curriculum.
  • Select the content standard(s) that are related to your topic/theme.
  • Include as many learning objectives in your plan warranting 5 days of instruction. These important learning objectives, which will become your lesson topics, should include concepts, principles, and skills encompassed in your topic/theme.
  • Create learning objectives for the unit that are student-centered/thinking-centered and state what students will know (concepts that they will understand) and be able to do (skills) by the end of each day.

Use the template below to complete your Five-day Instructional Unit.

Instructional Plan

Central Focus: (Decide on a broad topic or theme for your Five-day Instructional Unit. The topic should be from the primary academic curriculum.)

<Erase this and type your topic here.>

Content Standard(s)(type it out exactly as worded):    
Look at your content standard above, review what it is asking them to do? What do they need to know in order to master the standard? (terms, facts, formulas, events, procedures, etc.)    
Look at your standard above and asking yourself that question…”what do they need to be able to do?” (big ideas, concepts, principles, “how’s and whys”)    
What TERMS will students need to know? (vocabulary)  
Now that you have determined the “know” and “do” from the above content standard, break it up into five days of instruction. If your standard can be accomplished in a day or two, then complete the process above for the next sequential standard and continue the process until you have five days’ worth of instructional goals.
Five Day Learning ObjectivesWhat students know…?     (Explain what students will know by the end of the day)What students will be able to do…?   (Explain what the students will be able to do by the end of the day)Type of Learning Objective:   Thinking Skill Content Objective Product Objective  
Learning Objective Day 1:   
Learning Objective Day 2   
Learning Objective Day 3   
Learning Objective Day 4   
Learning Objective Day 5   




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content standard from the Common Core Standards

Topic 2: Instructional Goals

In Chapters 1-3, the focus is on designing instruction by first determining what students will be able to know and do at the end of the instructional lesson and/or unit. Through this instructional design method, you determine what the demonstrated student learning will look like and the measures to help share that determination with your students. Objectives are statements of what students will know and be able to do after they have learned what we intend them to learn.

In the Discussion this week, you will discuss the importance of the learning objective selection, how to unpack the learning objective in order to determine performance outcomes, and identification of performance levels demonstrating student mastery.

In the Discussion, respond to the following questions:

How do you select a learning objective for your weekly instruction?
Identify a content standard from the Common Core Standards (
for your class or area of study.
How do you unpack the learning objective or content standard (steps, stages, strategies)?
What are important factors in identifying student performance outcomes for the content standard?
How do you determine the smaller learning objectives (subtasks) inside a larger one?
What steps do you take to make sure all portions of the learning objectives are included in the daily or weekly plans?
How do you communicate the learning objective or content standard to your students?
How do you know that students have mastered the learning objective or content standard?

Discussion 2

Feedback and Technology Tools

Providing effective feedback to students is essential in supporting their growth and guiding their progress. You want to be able to provide feedback to help your learners understand their strengths, areas of weakness and what they need to do to plan to achieve their next levels of performance. Share with your classmates how you might use one of the following feedback methods in your Five-day Instructional Unit:

Social construction
Instructive coaching
One-on-One Feedback
Group feedback
Student ledconferences
Consultancy models
Student reflection
Share when you would use it in your Five-day Instructional Unit, what format you would use (individual, small group, large group, written, etc.), and the benefit it will have to foster student performance growth.

Technology can be a useful and efficient tool to provide feedback to students. Research one technology tool that can be used to provide feedback to students and share your finding in the Discussion Board. Post the following:

The tool that you found (include a URL link to the tool).
How it supports student learning during the feedback loop.
How you might use this technology tool in your Five-day Instructional Unit.

Discussion 4.1
Designing learning activities requiring teachers to break down the process of thinking into stages. Interactive teaching is about instructing students in a way that they are actively involved in their own learning process. There are different ways to create involvement through:

Teacher-student interaction
Student-student interaction
The use of audio, visuals, video
Hands-on demonstrations and exercises
The goal with developing activities that access knowledge, engage learners, and promote deep thinking is to get students moving, thinking, and responding. Experiential learning activities help students remain focused and are less likely to become bored. Students learn faster and boost engagement thus accelerating and improving retention.

In this week’s Discussion Board, you will research and then present three interactive teaching processes that engage all students. Share the activity and the benefits the activity has for the students. Share the URL and/or resource where your activity was found.

Discussion 4.2
Topic 2: Differentiated Instruction

Within each classroom, there are a variety of learning styles, learning modalities, and needs that cause teachers to differentiate their instruction. Differentiation deals with the Content, Process, Product, and Learning Environment. Before you continue, take a few minutes and watch this Learning Activity.

As you think of your Five-day Instructional Unit and the learners that are in your classroom, identify a specific learner or small group of learners who you will need to provide differentiated instruction for within this environment. In the Discussion Board share:

The specific needs of the identified learner or group of learners.
How will you address them through addressing the content, process, product and learning environment and what specific things will you do?
How will you guide and monitor the students through the five days of instruction and what specific instructional strategies will you have in place in order to support their successful mastery of the learning objectives?




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