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Why is consistency in design important? Why can too much consistency cause problems?

DISCUSSION- Why is consistency in design important? Why can too much consistency cause problems?


                           CLASSMATE’S POST

Not just in analyzing or designing systems, having consistency across any organizational process will minimize issues for users or customers. Consistency is regarded has one of the most vital elements in developing a simplistic system because it allows users to calculate what will transpire. When there is consistency in interfaces, operators will be able to interact with one aspect of the system and then recognize how they will interact with the following parts of the system. However, too much consistency could cause issues. Individuals can erroneously use the incorrect function that may need to be completed because they misinterpreted data that has comparable traits to another. Developers need to ensure that they utilize various types of colors, texts, and icons to mitigate the risk of mistaking information that is like another caused by too much consistency.

Reply 2

Why is consistency in design important? Why can too much consistency cause problems?


                           CLASSMATE’S POST

Consistency is described as one, if not the most important item to consider when developing a system and making that system intuitive for the users. Consistency will also play a key factor in user adoption of the system. The notes in our coursebook regarding having consistent user interfaces is very true. I immediately thought about the Apple eco system. Phone, tablets, Apple TV (those are the products i use the most) have very consistent user interfaces and operate in very similar ways. Consistency also plays into the efficiency of end users when working in the system.

Too much consistency can certainly cause issues in a number of areas. For example, if data entry forms look similar, it can lead end users to enter information in the wrong forms. If reports look the same way, it could lead to end users who may use the reports to make decision to use the wrong information when making decisions, something we don’t ever want to do when designing and developing a system




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What factors led to disintegration of the joint family system?

 Evolution of Long-Term Care Systems
During the 1800s, and well into the 1900s, families took care of their own members whenever possible. Several generations lived together, with the younger generation taking care of the older and vice versa. Post 1900s, the joint family system started disintegrating.
Interview at least five people of varying ages from different families to know their perspective on disintegration of joint family system. Based on your interview findings and learning from your readings, respond to the following questions:
What factors led to disintegration of the joint family system?
What has been the impact of this disintegration on aging people and long-term care?
Did disintegration have any benefits for health service organizations? Why or why not?
At the same time this shift occurred in the family structure, health care organizations were experiencing continuous changes in their operating styles. The long-term care system took some time to catch up with the changing nature of businesses. In the 1990s and early 2000s, long-term care was seen to experience several turbulent changes, particularly related to its operations, management, and structure. Research the South University Online Library and the Internet to find information on the changes in the long-term care system in the United States and respond to the following questions:
How have the operations, management, and structural changes of the 1990s and early 2000s impacted the long-term care system today?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the present long-term care system in the United States? 




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statistical concepts of association and causation

Module 5 – Association and Causation: Fitting Language to Evidence
Assignment #2: “Science or Journalism?”
This assignment provides an opportunity for students to develop their understanding of the statistical concepts of association and causation. The only study design that can demonstrate cause and effect is a randomized control trial, where outcomes are compared with and without an assigned exposure/intervention. To determine causation, a statistical test of differences is used to demonstrate whether there is a significant effect of the exposure/intervention on a particular outcome.
Observational studies (where there is not randomization to an exposure/intervention) cannot demonstrate cause and effect. Unfortunately, “causal language” is often used by reporters who try to explain associations (e.g., correlations) that are found in observational studies. Distortions in the wording that explains statistical analyses by reporters can lead readers to misunderstandings about study results. For example, “An association was found between vaping and cancer” is different in meaning from, “Vaping causes cancer.”
Assignment Instructions:
1) Identify an article in the lay literature (e.g., newspaper, news feed) that describes a study in which a “cause” or “effect” was identified. Choose something that has been published within the past year. Make an electronic copy of the article.
2) After finding your article, consider if the original research study was a randomized control trial (where “cause” can be determined) or some other study design (in which an “association” may be identified…but not cause).
3) Compose a two-page analysis of the concordance between the likely research study and its descriiption in the lay literature.
i. Provide examples of how you would improve the language of the article if you believe that there WASN’T “cause” established in the original study.
ii. Provide a brief descriiption of how the researchers may have conducted the randomized control trial if you believe that there WAS “cause” established in the original study.
4) In developing your analysis paper, please use the following APA standard format elements:
i. Double-space;
ii. 1-inch margins;
iii. Times New Roman 12 font;
iv. APA style title page with an appropriate title (e.g., reflecting the name of the assignment);
v. Running head (shortened title up to 50 characters);
vi. Pagination per APA guidelines;
vii. APA style heading system to organize your paper, as applicable.
5) Submit your analysis and the article to the Blackboard link by the due date in a single file that includes three documents:
i. APA-style student title page
ii. Two-page analysis
iii. Reference Page
iv. Article
6) Your final collated paper should be a single file in PDF form. There are several ways to get the three different documents into a combined file (e.g., scanning, Adobe Acrobat Pro). Please be sure to give yourself adequate time to consider this important collating step in the assignment process




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Port Improvement Plan (PIP)

The Port Improvement Plan (PIP) Outline . The Title Page and Reference Page are not included in the page count. The paper/outline describes your final PIP research presentation. Each major section within your final PIP presentation should be covered in this paper. This paper must be in narrative form, and be descriptive enough that explains each element of your PIP. The use of graphics and charts is highly encouraged.

1. Choose one (1) port to research and write on. ( Port of Los Angles )

2. Make sure your outline closely follows the following template.
Example Template for PIP
1.Background information about the port: industry classification; markets, location, # of employees, products & services, suppliers, other pertinent information
2.What are the port’s strategic goals?
3.What are the strengths of the port?
4.What are the weaknesses of the port?
5.What metrics does the port utilize?
6.What improvement initiatives and innovations has it implemented?
7.What improvement initiatives and innovations should it consider?
8.What should be the next step be to improve the port?
9.Provide data from the case to support your conclusions as necessary.
10. Compare your supply chain to an exemplar, standard, benchmark, or best practice





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Organization’s achievement of Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

Develop an “intake” briefing for a group of software engineers who have been tasked with developing a standard set of security review processes for virtual teams. The purpose of these processes is to ensure that compliance for software security requirements is verified resulting in software applications and software-based products where security is “built in.” The company also intends that these processes be used towards the organization’s achievement of Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Level 3 — Defined.

Background: Software development is a complex task, especially as technology changes at the speed of light, environments evolve, and more expectations are placed upon vendors who want to be competitive within the software market. Many software development organizations also depend upon virtual teams whose members are geographically dispersed. This complexity also makes implementing and testing security features (for software applications) much more challenging.

Format: This week, the format for your deliverable (posting) will be “Talking Points.” Talking points are presented in outline format and contain the content that you would put on slides in a slide deck. Your outline should include 5 to 7 major points (“slide titles”) followed by 3 to 5 supporting points for each. Remember to put enough information into the talking points that your peer reviewers can understand what you intend to cover in each section of your briefing. Remember to introduce the topic at the beginning, present your analysis, and then close your briefing with an appropriate summary. Include a list of sources (3 or more) which attendees could refer to if they wish to fact check your work.

In your critiques for your peers (2 different students), focus on providing suggestions for strengthening the talking points (added content, refocused content, etc.) Grammar, punctuation, and other writing mechanics will be addressed by your instructor and should not be part of your critique




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How would receiving a scholarship impact your educational goals?

ALL 250 WORDS Describe how you identified the need. How did you approach this creatively? Was this part of a group effort? If so, what individual role did you play?

Describe how you exercised initiative and took the lead to address a solution. Did you accept a leadership position because it was offered to you or did you seek out a leadership role to participate in this project? Were you part of a leadership team or did you take on the sole leadership role and supervise others?

* How did you apply academic/intellectual skills to complete the project? How difficult was this project? Who did you involve in the solution?

What was the outcome? Did your endeavor fail or succeed? Did you help others succeed? Did you fail? What did you learn from the endeavor? Illustrate your impact on others with data and numbers that quantify your outcome.

What was the most academically challenging endeavor you’ve ever engaged in? Please articulate and describe your process/project, challenges faced, lessons learned, and any tangible outcomes (e.g. publications produced, research or data that spurred action, etc.).

Examples may include:

  • Describe a research project you participated in.
  • Speak to a project you worked on that was published.
  • Share what you learned as part of an academic internship.
  • Discuss how an extra-curricular project ties in to your major and the work you hope to accomplish in your career.

How would receiving a scholarship impact your educational goals?

How much money do you spend each month on school (tuition payments, fees, books, etc. – do not include transportation costs)?




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MNC (NY Stock Exchange listed) which has gone through an international stock market financing

Choose an MNC (NY Stock Exchange listed) which has gone through an international stock market financing or international public debt market financing in the past 5 years, conduct a comprehensive analysis of the decision-making rationale and provide an in-depth discussion about the related financial/business environment. 


 Rationales, impacts and critiques should be the major directions of your research 


So, Select any other MNC for the paper 




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Acquisition of Walt Disney and twenty – first – century Fox


At starting began, global investors, such as financial services, is now becoming increasingly important for certain businesses, who want to profit from such operations. In addition, the major reason for Target firms is to increase business investment together in combination of two companies as opposed to a single company.

Especially in a fast-changing business world such as the national press, union membership has become increasingly important for businesses, not only for his\her capacity to process authority on the watchful, but also because of their desire to respond quickly to the increasing competitiveness of tangible and web Hulu plus and Amazon Web services. Consumer demand inside the industry is essentially shifting toward digitization, forcing media organizations to upgrade their necessities and adapt to rapidly changing situations.


As per the Global Trade Leadership’s assessment (2021), The United States’ media and entertainment (M&E) business is the biggest in the globe, accounting for a third of overall entire M&E business in 2021 and estimated to generate upwards of $800 billion to the national economy. News and television programming has transitioned away from being tied to telecoms and has become progressively entwined with technological as types of methods change to digitally. Media and entertainment are now accessible to us 24/7 a day, seven days a week via computers, cellphones, tablets, and eBook readers, due to social media as well as the advent of digital material. (pp.1)

On the flip side, published report on Deloitte news platform (2022), COVID-19 has hastened massive reforms in entertainment and media because of the need for community separation. The larger societal processes underlying the contemporary era seem to be merging with technologies and intensifying transformation as we approach 2022. This encourages greater choice and creativity, yet it puts pressure on organizations strategies to adjust to changing consumer preferences. (Deloitte media, 2021,pp. 2-3).

Walt Disney overview:

A firm ’s global cinematic and serialized television programming manufacturing and marketing operations are included in the DMED section. Major lines of industry, such as parks and adventures, as well as consumer products, are included in the DPEP section. Walter Elias Disney created the corporation on October 16, 1923, and it is in Burbank, California. (CNN Business, 2021). Comprising main businesses: news channels, theme parks, entertainment industries, consumer goods, and digital entertainment, The Walt Disney Company, including its subsidiary companies, is a major diversified multinational families arts and entertainment organization. (Miller, 2019).

Furthermore, as a report shows on Morningstar financial statements, in the year 2019 to 2021, the Walt Disney revenue is increased from 69 billion to 73 billion while the net income was drastically decreased by 11 billion to 3.50 billion. So, basically, it’s also effect on operating income from 2019 to 2021 which is 11.85 billion to 5.5 billion respectively. (Morning star, 2022).

21st Century Fox

Twenty-First Century Fox Company, based in New York City, had been a global mass media corporation founded by Rupert in 1980. The company claims to have 28 live stream TV stations in the United States, which show entertainment, athletics, and certain other content, and in general create roughly 1,000 hours of local media on such a daily basis. Moreover, until that was purchased by Walt Disney in 2019, twenty – first – century Fox was the fourth largest multimedia company in the United States. The Fox Entertainment Group, Fox Telecom, and a large investment in National Geographic Ventures were among the organization’s assets, as were other unknown stations like the prominent Indian TV space operator Star Asia. (Ramírez-Montoya, 2022).

According to a document released by Bloomberg (2021), 21st Century Fox shareholders decided in July 2018 to give their assets to the Walt Disney worth about $70 billion, which encompassed a substantial percentage of the business’ future capabilities. On March 20, 2019, Disney completed its acquisition of 21st Century Fox, following which the company’s surplus reserves were distributed across Disney’s various divisions. (Mark, 2022).

Rationale deal

As comparison to 21st Century Fox with Disney seems to be a massive corporation. So, while deal was originally revealed in 2017, Walt Disney’s market valuation was even more than 3 times that of Fox. Additionally, at the time, Disney full-time employed with 195,000 employees, whereas Fox employed 21,000, resulting in a 9:1 ratio. According to the facts provided, Disney becoming the fourth largest media conglomerate in the United States is not even a surprising action.

Moreover, according to Neal (2020), roughly $70 billion was awarded to the prior shareholders of 21st Century Fox Common Shares because of the merger, which included $35 billion in actual dollars and over $35 billion in Walt Disney Common Stock. Disney Company’s Shares was exchanged for 0.4517 shareholdings of 21st Century Fox Ordinary Shares. Disney acquired about $20 billion in cash money and nearly $ 20 billion in debt from 21st Century Fox. Even before implications of acquisition in the second budgetary year after the end of the transaction, Disney’s earnings per share (EPS) were also projected to go up, as well as the purchasing is found to give roughly $2 billion in price collaborative energy sources by 2020/21 from activities that are carried out by the mix of business organizations. (Neal, 2020).

Last but not the least, in 2018, Walt Disney again faced competition by Comcast, who sought to underbid Disney and gain ownership of the agreement. That didn’t happen, as Walt Disney, joined by 21st Century Fox, boosted its demand to a 10% high price above Comcast’s $65 billion, pushing something over $54 billion to $71 billion. In addition,  21st Century Fox also saw Disney as a much more enticing buyer of their assets; thus, they went with Disney from the beginning, although Comcast also was a keen seller. The final purchase pricing was also agreed upon by both parties, topping Comcast’s offering in terms of clarity. (Anderson, 2022).

Walt Disney acquire 21st century Fox – Reason

The compensation sector would be profoundly shaken whenever Disney bought Fox’s television and Film creation house, as well as several of their cable providers.

I. Growing market competition

The same forces which have sparked a wave of centralization in the American multimedia sector, such as AT&T’s $85 billion merger to Warner media and Discovery’s $12 billion acquisition for Scripps Channels Worldwide, also sparked the potential of acquisition. As digital behemoths invest their unrivalled riches in planning and process, entertainment behemoths were recognizing it is wiser to collaborate. Moreover, this is all about the 2 companies’ operational cooperation energies being increased instead of functioning separately.

II. Developing a consumer benefit as well as keeping clients engaged

The acquisition should increase Disney’s content collection, giving its browser capabilities plus, as a result, their buyers greater value. A typical shopper nowadays does have a plethora of content consumption options, ranging from Google to Services such As Netflix. Keeping the demand of the products has become a top priority for multimedia companies these days. This is yet another reason how Disney acquired 21st Century Fox, as the company is known for distributing movies and other content underneath an array of diverse banners, including 20th Century Fox, Fox Flashlight, Fox 2000, etc., many of which will fall under Disney’s regulation after an acquisition.

III. Disney’s demand and product availability seem to be out of whack.

Walt Disney only releases a few component movies annually, which does not provide a robust workflow for its legitimate functionality in the future. Buying the Fox production would already have allowed them a lot more flexibility and a larger archive of stuff to fertilize the workforce on.

The Fox to settle down- Reasons

I. Walt Disney makes a huge proposal to the Fox owners.

The acquisition deal gave Fox stockholders, including the Murdoch family (owners of Fox), a roughly 25% share in Disney. If Disney’s perception of real – world applications succeed, the owners will have a greater motivation to increase the price of such agreement.

II. Media sector is changing.

Every journalism industry is becoming increasingly response to requests, and this is just the beginning. Having standard tools including Services such As Netflix in place, offering buyers content in their own homes, Fox had essentially left the component with customers for the purpose of easy loaning. Disney had already planned to launch its own platform service. This union was primarily motivated by a technological purpose, which is apparent how Fox entered the deal.

III. Walt-Disney’s industry ranking

Living side by side with Disney not only would have provided that all-around declared information a phase to be communicated to costumers following growing importance, but Disney’s going to stand to expressing personal feature films (below numerous stars and stripes, for instance, Marvel, Pixar, etc.) would also have additionally added towards the value of the crystallization.

IV. Disney’s offer seems simply too good for turn on.

Made the release of an agreement, Fox supply increased by around 25% throughout the next four months. It was a positive indication because the wealthy donors seemed happy with the decision. Furthermore, the overall amount paid by Disney was not really a bad deal according to any terms. When folks examine that Disney overbid Comcast with a much better contract, it is indeed clear that Disney was very serious about the acquisition.

Issues during Acquisition

I. Comcast has a favorable deal.

In December 2017, Disney and Fox announced a $52.4 billion merger agreement, which is awaiting approval by the Us Bureau of Justice’s Antitrust Directorate. In just about any scenario, Comcast tackled rumor too about mending Disney’s proposed acquisition of Fox subsequently in May 2018. Throughout this vein, Comcast made a $65 billion proposal again for 21st Century Fox assets which have been slated to somehow be acquired by Disney in June 2018. As a result, Disney and Fox announced that they would have amended the previous merger agreement, boosting Disney’s bid to $71.3 billion (a 10% discount over Comcast’s $65 billion bid) while providing stockholders with the option of accepting funds instead of shares. Comcast’s objection increased the final cost of acquiring for Disney significantly.

II. Ethical Concerns

Considering Walt Disney owns American Broadcasting Company, Comcast owns NBC, and 21st Century Fox owns Fox, a complete acquisition of Fox via Disney or Comcast might have been illegal underneath the National Telecommunications Committee’s laws preventing merger at all between the two of the three primary transmitting companies.

III. Technology’s limited sponsorship

The US Attorney general’s Office granted Disney competition approval in exchange for transferring Fox’s 22 regional gaming networks within ninety days after their closure, which is something the company had agreed too. This seems to be necessary because a comprehensive acquisition of Fox by Disney might have been illegal underneath the National Telecommunications Committee’s rules prohibiting consolidation at all between the 3 of the 4 major communication companies, as it would have placed Disney during a remarkably monopolization position mostly in communications company sector.

IV. The Entertainment Sector’s Significantly effect on the Acquisition

As according to Brookey & Zhang (2020), Disney Company as well as 20th Century Fox  had 15.25 percent and 12 percent of the market (movies and TV) share, respectively, implying that their consolidation could create a deeply severe juggernaut component in the industry. Comcast, other bidders for the deal, held 11.49 percent of the pie by that moment in time. In addition, if Comcast (who owns Universal Pictures) had breached the agreement, that would have been a huge agreement in terms of absolute market share, coming in at around 20% cognizable. All then again, the Disney-Fox merger resulted in a significantly larger merger of roughly 30 percent of the whole business, putting it ahead of the nearest competitor Warner Bros. by 13.25 percent.

In furthermore, twenty – first – century Fox had much more cinematic trademarks over 20th Century Fox. Considering additional names such as Fox Pavilion, Fox Millennium Films, and many others inside Fox Digital Company, such merger has indeed probably created a multimedia goliath which currently dominates global entertainment industry by a large margin over competitors.


Marketisation with shifting user behavior prompted the Walt Disney – Fox merger. That era of content consumption is dominated by internet technologies and content delivery to the homes. Typically, media conglomerates believe it is difficult to compete with digitally services like Amazon prime and Netflix. Even though a business has a strong market position and a sizable market share, if it does not adapt to changing market conditions and customer demands, this should plummet in value and eventually die. Consumers generally are more interested in having their content delivered to people, and they seek that 24 hour per day, seven days a week. By renting its content on such specific properties, news behemoths risk losing a considerable amount of value, since these authorities profit off their content and begin to rule the roost mostly in industry. Disneyland and 21st – century skills Fox were two of the most successful entertainment companies in the world. As a result of these events, Disney acquired 21st Century Fox and the two companies were merged. In every case, such massive consolidation amongst massive corporations limits the quantity of organizations in the market, resulting in oligopolistic.

So, it’s not truly healthy again for organization in the long term if the larger corporations maintain to purchase each other though. When it comes to Disneyland, the company now owns not even just Marvel Studios and Pixar, which have produced a few of the highest-grossing movies in history, such as Thor Infinity and other Disney films, but also 20th Century Productions and Spotlight Company, who have produced films such as Avatar. As a result, Disney controls a significant range of detail and intellectual property protection. Following the merger, the major film studios remaining are Warner Bros., Hollywood, and Paramount, which together control over 70percent of the annual of the industry. As a result, the film industry is indeed a monopolistic competition.



The Walt Disney family of companies. The Walt Disney Privacy Center. (2021, October 14). Retrieved April 22, 2022, from

Miller, T. (2019, October 23). History of Disney: Timelines & Facts. The street.

González-Pérez, L. I., & Ramírez-Montoya, M. S. (2022). Components of Education 4.0 in 21st century skills frameworks: systematic review. Sustainability14(3), 1493.

Hundert mark, S. (2022). The Fairest Evil Looming over Earth: Representations of the Evil Queen in 21st Century ‘Snow White ‘Adaptations. In Gender and Female Villains in 21st Century Fairy Tale Narratives. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Neal, A. (2020, May 13). Disney’s purchase of 21st Century FOX explained. Thesis insider.

Writers Solution

statistical concepts of association and causation

Association and Causation: Fitting Language to Evidence
Assignment #2: “Science or Journalism?”
This assignment provides an opportunity for students to develop their understanding of the statistical concepts of association and causation. The only study design that can demonstrate cause and effect is a randomized control trial, where outcomes are compared with and without an assigned exposure/intervention. To determine causation, a statistical test of differences is used to demonstrate whether there is a significant effect of the exposure/intervention on a particular outcome.
Observational studies (where there is not randomization to an exposure/intervention) cannot demonstrate cause and effect. Unfortunately, “causal language” is often used by reporters who try to explain associations (e.g., correlations) that are found in observational studies. Distortions in the wording that explains statistical analyses by reporters can lead readers to misunderstandings about study results. For example, “An association was found between vaping and cancer” is different in meaning from, “Vaping causes cancer.”
Assignment Instructions:
1) Identify an article in the lay literature (e.g., newspaper, news feed) that describes a study in which a “cause” or “effect” was identified. Choose something that has been published within the past year. Make an electronic copy of the article.
2) After finding your article, consider if the original research study was a randomized control trial (where “cause” can be determined) or some other study design (in which an “association” may be identified…but not cause).
3) Compose a two-page analysis of the concordance between the likely research study and its descriiption in the lay literature.
i. Provide examples of how you would improve the language of the article if you believe that there WASN’T “cause” established in the original study.
ii. Provide a brief descriiption of how the researchers may have conducted the randomized control trial if you believe that there WAS “cause” established in the original study.
4) In developing your analysis paper, please use the following APA standard format elements:
i. Double-space;
ii. 1-inch margins;
iii. Times New Roman 12 font;
iv. APA style title page with an appropriate title (e.g., reflecting the name of the assignment);
v. Running head (shortened title up to 50 characters);
vi. Pagination per APA guidelines;
vii. APA style heading system to organize your paper, as applicable.
5) Submit your analysis and the article to the Blackboard link by the due date in a single file that includes three documents:
i. APA-style student title page
ii. Two-page analysis
iii. Reference Page
iv. Article
6) Your final collated paper should be a single file in PDF form. There are several ways to get the three different documents into a combined file (e.g., scanning, Adobe Acrobat Pro). Please be sure to give yourself adequate time to consider this important collating step in the assignment process




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Importance of production planning and scheduling within an organization

Operation Management

 Please respond to the following:

  • Analyze the importance of production planning and scheduling within an organization. Evaluate a bad experience you have had with an appointment from the perspectives of the customer (you) and the organization with regard to inefficient planning and scheduling.
  • Analyze the experience you provided from a process perspective. Suggest ways the schedules could have been designed to be more efficient and effective.
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Week 9 Discussion 

Please respond to the following:

  • Select two fast food restaurants and evaluate them in terms of service quality. Suggest ways to improve the service quality.
  • Evaluate the two fast-food restaurants in terms of the “Seven QC tools” discussed in Chapter 15 of textbook, OM. Determine the top three QC tools that tend to be most valuable to business owners. Explain your rationale.
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Week 10 Discussion 

Please respond to the following:

  • Compare and contrast the lean service system found within Southwest Airlines to a full-service airline such as United Airlines, British Airways, and other large carriers in terms of cabin service, boarding process, baggage handling, and service encounters.
  • Recommend ways for the airline carriers to improve their lean operation systems in terms of speed and quality while reducing waste and costs. Explain your rationale.
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Week 11 Discussion 

The following questions will give you a chance to self-evaluate, to think about what you’ve been learning in this course, and to draw your own conclusions about how you can apply communication, problem solving and innovation in your life. Your answers may be used to determine how to improve the program for future students. Your answers will not be used for marketing purposes. Please respond in a paragraph of at least 5–7 sentences to fully address all questions. Be sure to use your own words!

Think about the skills that you have learned in this course: communication, problem solving, and innovation.

  1. How can you apply what you learned about communication, problem solving, and innovation to your personal, professional, and academic life?
  2. How will the skills you developed help you be a better persuasive writer? Give a few specific examples of how the skills contribute to persuasive writing




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split-brain and lateralization of function

This short answer exam consists of five questions. Each answer requires at least 300 words with an introduction that has a topic sentence, a body, a conclusion and at least 2 references in APA format. 

Make sure the questions are fully answered with key points from each topic. All your writing must be in your own words. No quotes! Paraphrase (restate what you read) rather than copying material from the course textbook or the Internet. No copying is permitted in this course and doing so will result in zero points on the exam. Answers must be written in narrative, paragraph form. 

Thank you also for your patience during the grading process. Each answer is graded manually, and the system will update after each answer. During this time, you may see a grade of 20, 40, and so on until all of the answers have been graded. 

  1. Discuss the literature on split-brain and lateralization of function. What does the research tell us about each hemispheres ability to function independently (e.g., cognitively, creatively, etc.) and in unison? What are the implications for the cognitive neuroscientist in terms of research?
  2. Discuss one of the psychiatric disorders. Be sure to address both the physiological and behavioral aspects of the disorder (signs and symptoms, biochemical or genetic theories, etc.), and pharmacological and behavioral treatments for the disorder. What is the role of the biopsychologist or neuroscientist in this type of research?
  3. Discuss sleep in terms of the normal sleep cycle. Be sure to address the stages of sleep and physiological correlates associated with each stage. How does dreaming fit into our conception of a normal sleep cycle? Address theories of dreaming. What are the consequences of disruption of sleep?
  4. Critically evaluate the theories that have been used to explain emotion. Which do you think is the best theory and why?
  5. What brain regions and neurochemical systems are known to be involved in the regulation of sleep? What is known about the neurobiology and endocrinology of circadian rhythms?




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