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Pastas R Us, Inc. is a fast-casual restaurant chain specializing in noodle-based dishes


This assignment is intended to help you learn how to apply statistical methods when analyzing operational data, evaluating the performance of current marketing strategies, and recommending actionable business decisions. This is an opportunity to build critical-thinking and problem-solving skills within the context of data analysis and interpretation. You’ll gain a first-hand understanding of how data analytics supports decision-making and adds value to an organization.


Pastas R Us, Inc. is a fast-casual restaurant chain specializing in noodle-based dishes, soups, and salads. Since its inception, the business development team has favored opening new restaurants in areas (within a 3-mile radius) that satisfy the following demographic conditions:

  • Median age between 25 – 45 years old
  • Household median income above national average
  • At least 15% college educated adult population

Last year, the marketing department rolled out a Loyalty Card strategy to increase sales. Under this program, customers present their Loyalty Card when paying for their orders and receive some free food after making 10 purchases.

The company has collected data from its 74 restaurants to track important variables such as average sales per customer, year-on-year sales growth, sales per sq. ft., Loyalty Card usage as a percentage of sales, and others. A key metric of financial performance in the restaurant industry is annual sales per sq. ft. For example, if a 1200 sq. ft. restaurant recorded $2 million in sales last year, then it sold $1,667 per sq. ft.

Executive management wants to know whether the current expansion criteria can be improved. They want to evaluate the effectiveness of the Loyalty Card marketing strategy and identify feasible, actionable opportunities for improvement. As a member of the analytics department, you’ve been assigned the responsibility of conducting a thorough statistical analysis of the company’s available database to answer executive management’s questions.


Write a 750-word statistical report that includes the following sections:

  • Section 1: Scope and descriptive statistics
  • Section 2: Analysis
  • Section 3: Recommendations and Implementation

Section 1 – Scope and descriptive statistics

  • State the report’s objective.
  • Discuss the nature of the current database. What variables were analyzed?
  • Summarize your descriptive statistics findings from Excel. Use a table and insert appropriate graphs.

Section 2 – Analysis 

  • Using Excel, create scatter plots and display the regression equations for the following pairs of variables:
  • “BachDeg%” versus “Sales/SqFt”
  • “MedIncome” versus “Sales/SqFt”
  • “MedAge” versus “Sales/SqFt”
  • “LoyaltyCard(%)” versus “SalesGrowth(%)”
  • In your report, include the scatter plots. For each scatter plot, designate the type of relationship observed (increasing/positive, decreasing/negative, or no relationship) and determine what you can conclude from these relationships.

Section 3: Recommendations and implementation

  • Based on your findings above, assess which expansion criteria seem to be more effective. Could any expansion criterion be changed or eliminated? If so, which one and why?
  • Based on your findings above, does it appear as if the Loyalty Card is positively correlated with sales growth? Would you recommend changing this marketing strategy?
  • Based on your previous findings, recommend marketing positioning that targets a specific demographic. (Hint: Are younger people patronizing the restaurants more than older people?)
  • Indicate what information should be collected to track and evaluate the effectiveness of your recommendations. How can this data be collected? (Hint: Would you use survey/samples or census?)

Cite references to support your assignment.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment




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The WoV are avid gamers, so let’s talk about the newest craze: Wordle

The WoV are avid gamers, so let’s talk about the newest craze: Wordle. It’s the New York Times crossword for today. This is the regulation.

Your goal is to solve the daily puzzle and reveal the word in as few as six turns.

The daily word has five letters, every day.

For the player’s turn, they can submit whatever five-letter word they like. No usage of made-up terminology is allowed.

Once a turn has been submitted, the game will highlight right letters in green, letters that are out of position in yellow, and letters that aren’t part of the daily word in grey.

If the daily word and the guess both contain many letters that are the same, I assume Master Mind restrictions would apply.

So, let’s have some fun and compare notes afterward. Please know that I am not good at word puzzles and that it is unlikely that I will solve this one in four tries.

What do you think of [url=]wordle unlimited[/url]? that’s the poll question




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Construct a cash-flow statement for the pre-trading period leading up to ‘opening’ day

  1. Provide details of all customers you expect to sell to over the forecast period, and how much you expect to sell to each.
  2. Give market research data that support or verify these forecasts. This is particularly important for ventures in the retail field, for example, when names of customers are not necessarily known in advance.
  3. Prepare a sales forecast by value and volume for each major product group (eg for a hotel: bedrooms, restaurant, off-licence) throughout the whole period of the business plan – eg up to five years (monthly for years one and two and quarterly thereafter).
  4. Support your forecast with examples from other similar ventures started recently, and drawing from company accounts and other sources.
  5. Give an estimate of the likely market share that these forecasts imply.

CHAPTER 17(Pic uploaded)Using the cash-flow spreadsheet given above:

  1. Construct a cash-flow statement for the pre-trading period leading up to ‘opening’ day.
  2. Construct a cash-flow statement for years 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 assuming that you achieve the level of sales in your sales forecast.

Remember you should produce years 1 and 2 monthly and years 3, 4 and 5 quarterly. Do not forget to state the key assumptions that you have made in arriving at your figures.
CHAPTER 18(Pic uploaded)Using the spreadsheet given above:

  1. Construct a profit and loss account for years 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, assuming you achieve the level of sales in your sales forecast. Include a statement of key assumptions made.
  2. Construct a four-line summary (sales, gross profit, operating profit and profit before tax) of your profit and loss accounts for the full five years (annually).
  3. Carry out a sensitivity analysis, noting by how much each of the following must change seriously to affect the apparent viability of your business plan:  
    1. Sales lower by x per cent
    2. Fixed costs higher by x per cent
    3. Cost of goods sold higher by x per cent.




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Discuss functional business systems

Information Systems Organization IT and the Digital Organization

Learning Objectives

• Discuss functional business systems

• Discuss IT System Extent and Visibility

• Discuss the organizational and operational impact of IT

• Discuss the business value of emerging technologies


IT Systems in the Digital Organization

• The information systems of the digital organization can be divided into the following categories: • Functional Business Systems • Enterprise Business Systems

• Enterprise Communication and Collaboration Systems • Business Intelligence and Decision Support Systems • E-Commerce Systems • M-Business Systems


Functional Business Systems

• Functional business systems are information systems that support the primary business functions of traditional businesses.

• In smaller organizations, these are still often standalone systems, but increasingly, especially in larger organizations, these are being integrated into cross-enterprise business systems.


Functional Business System Types


System Extent and Visibility

•System Extent • The system affects on business units across the

organization. We distinguish two kinds of extents below, although in fact, extent is really a continuum.

•System Visibility • The systems degree to which the operations and

processes of the system can be directly experienced from outside of the organization.


Organizational Agility • IT has supported organizational agility and has itself been a

major driver of agility. In particular, IT has affected: • Structural Agility—through distributed teams and

outsourcing, largely driven by the increasing capabilities of internet-based communication and collaboration • Business Process Agility—through rapid changes in

business processes, largely driven by workflow and business process management systems • Management Agility—through better decision making,

largely driven by the growth of business intelligence systems, including data mining and decision support systems

• Agility characterizes both internal operations as well as external relationships with customers, partners, suppliers, and others.


Business Value of Emerging Technologies

• Now more than ever organizations need to be agile—they need to have the ability to expand easily or to introduce products, services or other offerings quickly. Organizations need to be able to expand globally and literally overnight.

• The introduction of cloud computing, utility computing, microservices or distributed computing, and Software as a Service now help to facilitate organizations’ ability to operate anywhere, anytime, and expand technology assets simply and easily.


Cloud Computing • There are several key features which define cloud computing, listed

below: • Agility – Cloud computing provides the ability to rapidly provision

infrastructure and services.

• Cost – Cloud computing can lower entry costs for organizations, and also facilitates a “pay as you go” model.

• Device and Location Independence – Because cloud computing is browser- based and available through the internet, the cloud is available through any client.

• Multi-tenancy – Cloud computing provides the ability to share multiple resources across consumers, typically through virtualization.

• Reliability – Typically cloud vendors must provide critical service features and functionality to their consumers, much like a utility company. Therefore, backup, recovery, disaster recovery and business continuity are of critical importance to cloud computing vendors.


Cloud Computing Features Cont.

• Scalability – Since infrastructure within the cloud can be easily provisioned, on-demand scalability is an extremely important asset of cloud computing.

• Security – With cloud computing, there is a centralization of security. Still, there are concerns with this model, such as loss of control of sensitive data and the lack of security for stored kernels.

• Maintenance – Cloud computing applications can be easier to maintain since the applications do not need to be installed on a client directly.

• Metering – Cloud computing usage and application usage can be monitored; therefore, consumers only pay for resources they use.


Cloud Computing Service Models

• There are several different types of cloud models: • Infrastructure As A Service

• Platform As A Service

• Software As A Service


Software as a Service

• Provides consumers with a “pay as you go” or on-demand software model.

• This removes the need for organizations to distribute software internally and instead provides them with a simple mechanism to license and leverage software on an as-needed basis.


Benefits of SaaS

• There are some major benefits for organizations that move towards a SaaS model, including: • Saving money by not having to purchase servers or other software to support


• Focusing budgets on competitive advantage rather than infrastructure

• Incurring only a monthly obligation rather than an up-front capital cost

• Reducing the need to predict scale of demand and reducing infrastructure investment up-front, as available capacity matches demand

• Enhancing flexibility and scalability



• Takes advantages of the benefits of cloud computing

• Focused on a system’s cohesion and reduces the system’s coupling.

• Each service can run within an isolated instance within a virtualized space commonly referred to as a container.


Microservices ~ containers

• Containers are encapsulated services which allow for characteristics such as: • Load balancing

• Auto-scaling

• Multiple containers can be spun up and torn down on demand with no service interruption


Managing Containers

• Having containers means having potentially thousands of services available at any point in time

• Managing those containers and versions of them can be challenging

• Technologies like Docker Swarm and Kubernetes allow for management and deployment of those containers



• Discussed functional business systems, described and provided examples

• Discussed IT System Extent and Visibility discussed the importance of it

• Discussed the organizational and operational impact of IT

• Discussed the business value of emerging technologies










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Programm assignment is a type of programming that is used to create a computer program.

The Complete Guide to Teaching Yourself with the Online Programm Assignment Help

The online programm assignment help is a great way to learn how to become a better writer.

The online programm assignment help is an online website that provides writing prompts and answers for students. It has been around since the year 2013. The site has over 1,000,000 registered users and a total of more than 15 million unique visitors in the last month.

The website provides students with writing prompts and answers for their assignments that are delivered via email or through text message. This makes it easy for students who have busy schedules or who live abroad to get their assignments done on time without having to worry about missing any school deadlines.

What is a programm assignment and what are the types of programms?

Programm assignment is a type of programming that is used to create a computer program. It can be done in different ways, for example, by using a language such as C or Java.

Types of programms:

– Programms that are written in a specific language and designed to solve particular problems. For example, an algorithm written in C would solve problems related to the operations of numbers and data processing.

– Programms that are created using general-purpose programming languages such as Python or JavaScript. These programs can be used for many purposes, from solving mathematical problems to simple games created with these languages.

How to Self-Study Programming with Online Programma Assignment Help

There are many online programming assistance programs. They can help you learn the basics of programming in a short span of time by providing you with clear instructions and assignments.

These programs provide a structured way to learn the necessary skills required for programming. They also offer a variety of topics to choose from, which will help you decide what suits your needs best.

Online Programma Assignment Help Programs’ Pricing and User Feedback

Online Programma Assignment Help Programs’ Pricing and User Feedback

Online Programma Assignment Help Programs are a type of online tutoring services that offer help with homework, projects and other assignments. They are often referred to as online homework help or online project help.

The pricing of these programs can vary depending on the service provider, but they typically range from $5 to $15 per hour.

These programs are a good option for students who need help with school assignments. However, some students have reported that their grades have dropped after using these services because they were not able to complete their work themselves.

Programma Assignment Help Companies That Can Accommodate Your Individual Budget

Programma Assignment Help Companies That Can Accommodate Your Individual Budget

Programma is an online platform which provides help to students in completing their assignments. The platform provides a wide range of services including assignment help, editing and proofreading. The company also offers a variety of discounts for students and allow them to choose the type of assignment they need help with. Programma’s team is made up of experienced writers, editors and proofreaders who are able to provide assistance to students at affordable rates.

The world has seen a lot of changes in the recent years. With the advent of AI, it has become easier for people to find their own solutions when it comes to writing content or solving problems. With these changes, we have seen many companies come up with innovative




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Amount of taxes in the US is equal to 1400

1. Suppose that the amount of taxes in the US is equal to 1400. Suppose that the government expenditures are equal to 1400 (All numbers in billions of domestic currency)

Given this data, what can you say about the US’s budget (select one)?

  1. In the US they have a Balanced Budget.
  2. In the US they have a Budget Deficit
  3. In the US they have a Budget Surplus

2. Suppose that the amount of taxes in the US is equal to 1400. Suppose that the government expenditures are equal to 1400 (All numbers in billions of domestic currency)

Given this data, what will happen to the US’s national debt (select one)??

  1. National Debt will remain the same.
  2. National Debt will Decrease.
  3. National Debt will Increase.

3. Suppose that the amount of taxes in the US is equal to $1,600.

Suppose that the government expenditures is equal to $2,000.

In addition, you know that the current level of debt in the US is equal to $240,000.

(All numbers in billions of domestic currency.)

Given this data, what is the new level of the US’s debt?

4. Consider the following tax brackets in the US.

Lower tax bracketUpper tax bracketTax rate (%)
$75,000or higher12

Given this data, what type of taxes do they have in the US (select one)??

  1. Proportional or Flat Taxes
  2. Progressive Taxes
  3. Regressive Taxes

5. Consider the following tax brackets in the US.

Lower tax bracketUpper tax bracketTax rate (%)
$75,000or higher34

Suppose that a person earns $91,501

Given this data, what is this person’s marginal tax rate?

6. Consider the supply and demand diagrams for the financial market with interest rates on the vertical axis and quantity of financial capital on the horizontal axis.

Suppose that the government runs a significant budget deficit.

Which graph would most accurately predict the changes observed in the financial market as a result of this budget deficit?

Note that the new curve is shown in gray.

a. S curve shifts left:

b. S curve shifts right:

c. D curve shifts right:

d. D curve shifts left:

7. The graph below shows the AD-AS diagram for the US.

Ch. 17 Problem Set: Question 1: Definition Budget deficit - when the federal government spends more money than it receives in taxes in a given year.Budget surplus - when the government receives more m 1

What type of the GDP gap is observed in the US (select one)??

  1. There is no recessionary or inflationary gap.
  2. The economy is facing an inflationary gap.
  3. The Economy is facing a recessionary gap.

8. The graph below shows the AD-AS diagram for the US.

Ch. 17 Problem Set: Question 1: Definition Budget deficit - when the federal government spends more money than it receives in taxes in a given year.Budget surplus - when the government receives more m 2

What type of fiscal policy should the government of the US be implementing to bring the economy to the long-run equilibrium (select one)??

  1. There is no need for either contractionary or expansionary fiscal policy.
  2. The government should implement contractionary fiscal policy.
  3. The government should implement expansionary fiscal policy.

9. The graph below shows the AD-AS diagram for the US.

Ch. 17 Problem Set: Question 1: Definition Budget deficit - when the federal government spends more money than it receives in taxes in a given year.Budget surplus - when the government receives more m 3

Suppose that the government expenditure multiplier is equal to 6.

By how much should the government increase government expenditures (G) in order to close this recessionary gap?

10. The graph below shows the AD-AS diagram for the US.

Ch. 17 Problem Set: Question 1: Definition Budget deficit - when the federal government spends more money than it receives in taxes in a given year.Budget surplus - when the government receives more m 4

How big is the inflationary gap?

11. The graph below shows the AD-AS diagram for the US.

Ch. 17 Problem Set: Question 1: Definition Budget deficit - when the federal government spends more money than it receives in taxes in a given year.Budget surplus - when the government receives more m 5

Suppose that the government expenditure multiplier is equal to 6.

By how much should the government decrease government expenditures (G) in order to close this inflationary gap?

1This assignment by Lumen Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License




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LCOE formula and the benefits of this approach compared to other financial metrics such as NPV, IRR, and BCR

Use the LCOE calculator in the link below and the supplementary user guide and answer the questions below.

  1. Explain the main components of the LCOE formula and the benefits of this approach compared to other financial metrics such as NPV, IRR, and BCR.
  2. Use the calculator to calculate the LCOE of each of the following technologies for a utility-scale power plant in California.
    • Natural Gas Combined Cycle
    • Pulverized Coal
    • Solar
    • Wind
    • Note: Instructor can change the state and technology or assign different states and technologies to students.
  3. Explain how each of the factors below impact the LCOE. How does a 10% increase and 10% reduction for each of these variables impact LCOE of solar, wind, NGCC, and coal
    • Capacity factor
    • Fuel cost
    • System price
    • Carbon emissions cost
  4. Provide an example of a policy in your province that would improve the LCOE of clean energy technologies





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What is the nature and magnitude of the problem?

 This is the assignment – Country of choice is Chile: What is the nature and magnitude of the problem?

Overview of Final Project: Country Initative Paper – Due end of the course

This project will provide an opportunity for you to increase your depth and breadth of knowledge for a specific country to which you will be assigned in Module 1.

To prepare for this assignment, please review in your Skolniktext: Chapter 17 and see the following video

Find a major health issue for the country you choose and discuss the following:

What is the nature and magnitude of the problem?

Who is affected by it?

What are the risk factors for the problem?

What are the economic and social consequences of the problem?

Discuss which Sustainable Development Goals (page 12 of your textbook) are related to the problem.

List two to three priority strategies to be taken to address the problem and the rationale for these strategies?

Your paper should be between 5-7 pages in length, have a title and reference page, double spaced, in 12 point font Times New Roman (APA). All references and citations must be included using APA format

This paper will be graded using the Country Initiative Paper Rubric.




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Operating System Administration and Patch Management

 Assessment Description

During this topic, the principles of Separation, Isolation, Encapsulation, Fail-Safe Defaults/Fail Secure, and Modularity would be implemented to help the network with layering defense security. This is important for the defense of the network.

Reference the following CYB-515 videos (located in the Class Resources) and handouts as needed to complete the lab:

  • Operating System Administration and Patch Management
  • Adding Windows 10 to the Network
  • Installing Patches
  • Creating Log On Policy
  • Creating Group Policy

Provide screenshots to illustrate the installation of patches and updates of the server, the creation of the three security policies, configuration of the VPN, and the addition of the Windows 10 VM to the network. On each screenshot, include 1-2 sentences that summarize what the screenshot is illustrating.

Part 1:

In the virtual sandbox environment, you created in Topic 1 configure Microsoft Server to do the following:

  • Reference “Installing Patches.” Install patches and updates for the server.
  • In the Active Directory, create three security policies as described in the following bullet points.
  • The Research and Development Department would have access to the network every day from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • The Human Resources Department policy for managers and users, using the least privilege, would allow managers to have access to all personnel information. Human Resources users would have access only to a specific department.
  • The Sales Department’s access to the network would allow managers to have access to the network only during their shift (i.e., from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Users would only have access to their network Monday through Friday.
  • Configure VPN access for IT Department Admin only.
  • Add a Windows 10 VM to the network and a joint to the domain.

Part 2:

Write a 500-1000-word lab report that includes a title page, table of contents, overview, and the required screenshots with summaries.

  • Provide a brief summary explanation of what you were accomplishing when you installed the operating system.
  • Explain why it is important to install patches and updates as an operating system administrator.
  • Explain the significance of configuring appropriate authentication policies as part of managing system services and user accounts.
  • Explain the interaction between security and system usability and the importance of minimizing the effects of security mechanisms.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.  

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.  

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.





  • Operating System Administration and Patch Management

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Digital Footprint: Privacy vs. Security Subscribe

Digital Footprint: Privacy vs. Security Subscribe


In the news we are constantly hearing about security breaches, invasion of personal privacy, and the increasing prevalence of our digital footprint. The increased availability of digital information presents concerns and challenges of privacy, accuracy, intellectual property rights, security, and censorship. As a global citizen, you need to be aware of these issues and how they impact your life (CO6).

Your instructor will set-up two (2) conversation groups this week in which you will select one topic to discuss which interests you.

  • Conversation Group: Privacy
    • Privacy, as it relates to social media, video surveillance, drones, digital footprint or other topics as they relate to digital privacy.
    • How does the electronic environment impact one’s right to privacy?
  • Conversation Group: Security
    • Security, as it relates to social media, video surveillance, drones, digital footprint or other topics as they relate to digital privacy.
    • How does the electronic environment impact one’s personal security?

Using the Richard G. Trefry Library or another credible source, locate and read a quality article regarding digital privacy or security. Be sure to provide attribution for your source in the forum. As you are formulating your initial post consider the following questions:

  • What is the issue? Tell us about it as if we know nothing on the topic.
  • What are the pros and cons of the issue?
  • Why is the issue important?
  • How might the issue impact your life?




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