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Demonstrate the ability to create a final project that uses both research-based and personal content while using presentation software to communicate with an intended audience

Goal: Demonstrate the ability to create a final project that uses both research-based and personal content while using presentation software to communicate with an intended audience. 


During the first six-weeks you formulated a project plan, researched the content of the plan, and collected quality academic and non-academic sources. For the week 7 Final Project you will create a presentation (CO8) that builds upon the week 2 Project Plan and the week 4 Location and Access (Source Organization worksheet) that effectively communicates the knowledge you have gained during COMM120.

Please consider the following:

  • Presentation will include an introduction, body, conclusion, and properly formatted reference/work cited slide in the citation style of your degree program (APA, MLA, or Chicago).
  • Clear evidence that the topic was researched and expanded upon the week 2 Project Plan (CO2 & 5).
  • Presentation provides audience with information to increase their knowledge of the topic presented (CO1).
  • Presentation engages the audience by using elements such as images, graphs, and charts. Appropriate citations must be included.
  • Three (3) vetted credible sources. One (1) of the sources must be scholarly and from the library.
  • Appropriate length 7-9 slides.

If you have multimedia skills and want to add creative content to your presentation, please do! Try to add any of the following enhancements and as you do, think about how it will impact your presentation and improve communication with the intended audience.

  • Voice narration, closed captioning, script.
  • Appropriate background music (must be cited on reference page).
  • Creative use of slide animations and transitions.

After submitting your presentation, review your TurnItIn Originality Report. (Note: Review the individual flags, decide why that text is flagged, and make corrections as appropriate.). Please see the attached rubric for grading guidelines.

Note: The Week 7 Final Project is a presentation and be turned in as a PowerPoint, a Prezi, or a different type of presentation software. If you chose something other than PowerPoint, you have to do the following




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chronological events or concepts in early US history

Carefully review the guidelines for the paper covered for the Week 3 Project.

Your final paper must be 6-8 pages in length (body of the paper) plus the title page and reference page. Do not include graphics or images unless you put them in the end matter. Your paper should have an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement as the last sentence in the paragraph, several well-organized supporting paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph that sums of the main points of your paper and demonstrates to your reader that the thesis has been supported with evidence. Here is a checklist to review before submitting your final project:

  • Does your paper still support the topic you chose in Week 3?
  • Be sure that the thesis statement of the introduction you drafted in Week 3 is still strong enough to support your topic (for more on writing a strong thesis statement visit the Purdue Online Writing Lab). Make edits as necessary. The outline you wrote should help you construct a strong body of paragraphs. Your references should already be APA formatted. Be sure that your final list of references is formatted properly using APA style. Remember to use supporting citations from the textbook and online lectures. (Here is a guide to help you with APA-style citations.)
  • Does your essay include a conclusion that summarizes your findings and ideas? Your conclusion must state why you think your chosen topic is relevant to early US history. You can also state why it is important in the study of history to explore this topic.
  • Verify that the essay does not use any direct quotes or lists or pictures. The entire paper should be paraphrased material with citations to all facts and references to all citations. Do not list references that do not point to a citation.

Summary of Guidelines

  • The body of the paper should be a MS Word document that is no less than six pages in length, double spaced in 12-point font.
  • There should be an introduction paragraph with a thesis statement.
  • Separate paragraphs should amplify separate, chronological events or concepts in early US history and their relation to your topic. Be sure to point out how the topic remained the same and/or changed over the time period in question.
  • The paper should end with a strong conclusion that ties together the information found regarding the topic and discusses why the topic is important.
  • References should be listed on a separate page in APA format




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The Compromise of 1850


Causes of the Civil War

For more than 160 years, historians have painstakingly searched for the one factor that caused the American Civil War, the event that caused disunion to turn to war. The search is so intense that the American Civil War is one of the most researched events in the history of the United States. Throughout Unit VII, we have seen various events or variables that could be identified as a factor that has set the United States on a path toward the American Civil War. This one factor and its impact will be the focus of our Unit VII assignment.  

Assignment Instructions:

After reading the Unit VII Study Guide and Chapter 14, construct an essay that skillfully answers the following prompt:

Select one event from the list below and describe why you believe this single event caused such intense disunion within the United States that the country was placed on a trajectory toward the American Civil War.  

The Compromise of 1850

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

Presidential Election of 1856

Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates

John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry

Presidential Election of 1860

Assignment Requirements:

Provide an insightful and thorough overview of the event and clearly describe how it served as a catalyst for the American Civil War.

Because this is an academic research paper, no personal opinions are to be used. Stay focused on the research.

In-text citations and a reference list are required. A title page and abstract are not.  

At least two resources from the CSU database collection must be cited within the text of your essay and noted on your reference page.

Peer-reviewed resources are preferred, but are not required.

Academically viable Internet resources are permitted, but are supplemental to the two required resources from the CSU database collection.

Required minimum length: 2 pages  

Recommendations for Success:

Do not begin to work on the Unit VII assignment until you have read (in full) the Unit VII Study Guide and read/viewed the assigned Required Unit Resources.

After you have read/reviewed the Unit VII material, carefully review the Unit VII Essay Rubric so that you are aware of how your work will be evaluated.

Recommended electronic databases to use:

America: History and Life


Academic Search Ultimate

Construct what is known as a 3×5 essay. That means you will write a total of five full paragraphs, three of which will be supporting evidence paragraphs focused on one specific supporting point identified by a clear topic sentence. The other two paragraphs will be the introduction, which comes first and will include your thesis statement, and the conclusion, which comes last and will recap all your main points.

Remember the all-important 5 Ws of information; dive into the details to help present strong content. Remember to always incorporate the 5 Ws of research into your writing: who, what, where, when, and why. All of these are needed in each of your five paragraphs.

Organization is important too! Consider that the essay may have the strongest content available, but if its structure or pace is weak, the content is negatively impacted.

To help ensure strong content and strong organization, go through at least five rounds of proofreading and editing your essay after you have put it in its final draft. This will allow you to see glitches and correct them. Give yourself time in between each round of proofreading and editing so that when you come back, you will see new glitches




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issues confronting the nation in the 1850s that so inflamed the passions of people in both the North and the South

Choose one question from the list below and respond. Identify to which question you are responding. Submit your 2-3 page response to the Discussion Area. Remember to use supporting citations from the textbook and online lectures. (Here is a guide to help you with APA-style citations.) By the end of the week, please comment substantively on two or more classmates’ assignments and to any questions left to you by the instructor in his or her feedback. Leave comments that raise salient points and stimulate discussion. Focus on the topic and its historical context. Be respectful, helpful, clear, and concise. Always utilize constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of further learning.

Question 1:

Discuss the various issues confronting the nation in the 1850s that so inflamed the passions of people in both the North and the South such that peaceful compromise became less and less a possibility in the election of 1860. Do you ever foresee a time when America might reach a similar impasse that could lead to another Civil War? What issues would likely create this situation?

Question 2:

In the eyes of many historians, Reconstruction failed. Explain your view on this question using specific information to support your position.




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Review Acme’s Incident Response Procedures  

In this assignment, you will complete the final course project focusing on incident response, network investigation, and findings documentation.  As a capstone exercise, this will require knowledge that you have acquired throughout the course.  Thus, in addition to reviewing the links provided, also be sure to review the resources provided throughout the course, as appropriate.

The following Wikipedia article may be a helpful reference to you for this project:

This project has three parts. In the first part, you will conduct a network investigation for 2 scenarios, and then you will fill out an Acme Incident Response Report.  For part two, you will take the information you gathered for your scenarios and combine them into a formal Incident Response Report.  Lastly, you will combine your new report with your Acme Incident Response Report into a single file for submission.

Part 1

In the first part, review all of the following bullets, then complete the associated tasks.

Review Acme’s Incident Response Procedures  

Download Acme’s Incident Response Procedures

to ensure you are following the company’s protocols. (attached)

Answer the questions associated with all four scenarios by conducting the appropriate network investigations using these 

Incident File.

  • Complete the Acme Incident Response Report  
  • Download Acme Incident Response Report
  • which will be included in your final submission.




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Basic Principles of Operating Systems

Assessment Description

In this topic, you will be introduced to the installation of a server operating system in a virtual environment and its hardware components. You will utilize this working environment to complete assignments throughout the course.

In this lab, you will create an enterprise virtual sandbox environment that will protect the confidentiality of the information from unauthorized sources and the availability of this information for the real owners. You will also set administration rights, users’ groups, and privileges through a command-line interface.

In preparation for the lab, research the command-line interface and review the “Command Line Interface” located in the topic Resource. Reference the following CYB-515 videos (located in the Class Resources) and documents as needed to complete the lab:

  • Basic Principles of Operating Systems
  • Create a Virtual Lab
  • Installing Server 2019
  • Install and Configure Active Directory

Provide screenshots of the successful installation and configuration of the server and its hardware components, the Active Directory configuration, the creation of 10 accounts through the command line interface, and the creation of groups using PowerShell.

Part 1:

Using GCU Virtualization Solution, located in the Class Resources, complete the following:

  • Download VirtualBox and install it on your desktop or laptop. Refer to the “Create a Virtual Lab” video to complete this step.
  • Download Microsoft Server 2019.
  • Install and configure Microsoft Server.
  • Install and configure DNS in Microsoft Server.
  • Install and configure Active Directory as a mechanism for access control.
  • Research command line interfaces. Using command line interface, create and configure at least 10 user accounts.
  • Using the PowerShell, which is a command-line shell and scripting language, create five groups: Research and Development Department, Marketing Department, Sales Department, Human Resources Department, and IT Department.
  • Design and implement password policies in Active Directory for the five groups.

Part 2:

Write a 250-500-word lab report and include a title page, table of contents, overview, required screenshots, and a summary.

  • Identify vulnerabilities and risks to an organization’s critical infrastructure if access control is not implemented.
  • Describe why each principle of access control is important to security and how it enables the development of security mechanisms that can implement desired security policies, as it relates to Active Directory.
  • Analyze two common security failures and identify specific design principles that have been violated.
  • Describe the basic security implications of modern computing environments.
  • Identify the design principles involved or needed in the creation of user accounts while ensuring principles of least privilege.
  • Explain how virtualization is different in the Windows and Linux operating systems.

Part 3:

Basic computer hardware is often overlooked yet remains a core requirement for any operation in the computing world. Often new IT and cyber professionals leverage resources for the best hardware and computing power the industry offers. Unfortunately, this can be cost-prohibitive and the resources within the system far exceed requirements. At its core, a system should be able to complete assigned tasks with only a 10-20% overage. Research and provide a link for a laptop you would recommend as a standard for your organization. Identify the following components, explain their functionality, and explain the advantages and disadvantages your system offers for the price:

  • RAM
  • Processor
  • Graphics
  • Motherboard
  • External connectivity capability (USB, CD, HDMI, VGA, etc.)
  • Audio Capability
  • Wi-Fi/Ethernet connection

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.  

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.  

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies: 

MBA Cybersecurity

5.1: Identify vulnerabilities and risks to an organization’s critical infrastructure.

MS Information Assurance & Cybersecurity

4.3: Identify vulnerabilities and risks to an organization’s critical infrastructure




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slide digital presentation that can be shared with general education teachers

Create a 12-15 slide digital presentation that can be shared with general education teachers, special education teachers, school administration and families. The presentation will be designed to inform the audience of what inclusion is and how it affects all stakeholders. The presentation should include a discussion of the following:

  • A minimum of three different definitions of inclusion (specific to the school environment).
  • Possible barriers (minimum of three) of inclusion.
  • How inclusion can affect both students with ASD and their general education peers.
  • At least three strategies that can be used to promote inclusion in the general education classroom. Include specific research that supports the implementation of inclusion (minimum of two resources for this section).
  • At least two resources (organizations, books, websites, etc.) that the audience can use to find more information about inclusion. Include a brief description of each resource.
  • Title slide, reference slide, and speaker’s notes.

Support your presentation with 3-5 scholarly resources.




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Discuss the necessity of risk management and disaster recovery in the context of major disasters (such as 9/11)

Describe in detail and provide at least one example of what IT Risk Management is. Also, discuss the necessity of risk management and disaster recovery in the context of major disasters (such as 9/11).

Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

  • 2-4 pages, not including the cover page and reference page.
  • Conform to APA Style.
  • Support your answers with the readings from Module 01 and at least one current scholarly journal article (not more than five years old). The Rasmussen Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing. If you need assistance with your writing style and APA format, start with the Writing and APA guides at the Rasmussen Library




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change in order to take advantage of the strategies

For Tesla.  Advise the CEO on how best to position the organization to be responsive to change in order to take advantage of the strategies you have recommended. 

6-8 page

  1. Give your opinion as to whether your chosen company’s industry is maturing or declining, based on its evolution history. Justify your answer.
  2. Use Porter’s National Diamond to evaluate the relative main advantages and disadvantages of vertical integration versus outsourcing for the company. Support your response.
  3. Use the Boston Consulting Group’s growth-share matrix to evaluate the company’s strategic position as of 2013. Note: Refer to Figure 14.2 “The BCG Growth-share Matrix,” located on page 369, chapter 14 of the textbook.
  4. Suggest one approach for the CEO to adopt in order to implement the strategies that you recommended in Project Deliverable 3. Include the main changes in decision-making style, main changes in planning structure, and measures of success in your recommendation. Provide a rationale for your response.
  5. Use at least three quality references




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Diversity is the practice including and involving individuals from different ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation

Introduction Diversity is the practice including and involving individuals from different ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation (Godfrey et al., 2020). In Iraq, there is a mixture of cultures due to different individuals from different cultural backgrounds, languages and religion. The population comprise of Arabs, Kurdish, Christians and Yessed practicing different cultural beliefs and living together (Matthews et al., 2020). This study will help individuals to support each other’s beliefs and ideas for peaceful contribution to the country in spite of their differences. The guiding research question is “what are the long-term impacts of cultural diversity?” the research question will help us provide a response by the end of the study. I believe diversity has aided the people of Iraq to experience co-existence and multiculturalism. 

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As diversity goes beyond just ethnic groups, it includes facets of sexuality and gender and social groups. The Iraq population comprises of the primarily four major groups inclusive of Arabs as the majority, Kurds, Turkmen, Chado Assyrians and the minority ethnic groups such as Shabak and Yezidis. These particular groups bring a mixture of cultures and languages in the country. Also, the country has a number of religions practiced in the country which include the Islam religion which is practiced by majority of citizens, Christianity, Yezidism, Zoroastrianism, Mandaeism Judaism and Hinduism (Matthews et al., 2020). All these religions are accepted through the right to religion. The Islamic religion uses sacred text known as the Quran which has divine messages and celebrates observances like the Ramadhan which is the fasting season. The Christians on the other hand use the bible as the sacred book and celebrate festive like Easter which is the Lenten season (Alfahham, 2020). Also, other minority religions have their own holidays and religious cultures indicated in sacred books. 

Studies show that Iraq has introduced an institute for study of religious diversity aimed at changing the country’s discourse towards religious minorities. The institute in the middle east was established by Masarat which is a Bagdad non-profitable organization focusing of the minorities. The curricula is a sequence of textbooks inclusive of non-Muslim faith to help Muslim students have diversity of other religions. The institutes main agenda is to bring better understanding of different faiths and influence the Muslim clergymen to abandon religious prejudices concerning religious diversity to help end radicalism and hatred speeches in Iraq (Matthews et al., 2020).

After overthrow of Saddam Hussein rule, more than fifteen thousand pieces of artifacts were stolen from the national museum. With the retrieval of many of the artifacts, they were stored in different museums in the country. Example of these museums include the national museum of Iraq, Baghdad Museum, museum of natural history, Kurdish textile museum, and Mosul Museum (Hussein & Khalid, 2018). These museums preserve different cultural artifacts from different races. The Assyrian empire culture is well represented through statues, Kurdish weaving and a multilingual library to help people understand various cultures. The museums in Iraq play a major role in cultural diversity as they help display artistic objects to preserve, interpret and provide cultural education to individuals.

Some of the artists in Iraq compose music that show historic roots and ancient traditions. There are different songs from different cultures reflecting on traditions and the culture of the nation. Music is performed in different languages and it is recognized as an important part of the country’s culture. Art and literature have thrived in the country for a long period. The nation even produced the greatest Arab poets, architectural designers and painters. The Gallery Ancient Near East exhibits more than a thousand pieces of art work including drawings from different cultures from the ancient Iraq. These works of art and literature show diversity of cultures. This research adds to current literature of the multicultural Iraq. (Hussein & Khalid, 2018).


The research topic entails the long-term impacts of cultural diversity. I believe diversity inspires creativity and innovations in organizations in the nation. Different cultures influence individuals differently in the way they see the world. A variety of opinions together with wide range personal and professional understanding may offer new perspectives and motivate other people in workplaces. Study has shown that diversity has helped breed creativity and bring exciting ways of problem solving (Hlepas, 2013). A recent study from Forbes, a successful organization highlighted that, the best way for development of new ideas is through diverse and inclusive taskforce. Above all diversity attracts talent in organizations enabling them to offer broad services helping the nation in business. Through multiculturalism, members of the society become open-minded to other cultural groups dispelling stereotypes which help them promote peace. Cultural diversity helps citizens of avoid conflicts and make a nation a better and interesting place to live in. different cultures have different beliefs and diversity helps individuals understand other people’s culture ensuring people share alternate ways to do things. When peace is spread, then the members of the society can enlighten each other on insights in religion, food, literature and history. Through cultural diversity, there is promotion of peace and understanding in different cultures among diverse individuals (Matthews et al., 2020). Visit writing assignment help for more information. Finally, in a setting where there is peace and understanding, an individual has the chance for personal growth. Diversity is a way of exploring inner interests aiding and individual live outside the comfort zone. Through understanding of different cultures, one gains knowledge and develops sense of personal growth. Embracing different cultures brings opportunities to explore new languages and traditions gaining valuable insights which may help one determine opportunities for individual growth. in general, cultural diversity inspires creativity, productivity and enables us gain knowledge and insights of other cultures to better cooperation among different kinds of people (Godfrey et al., 2020). Conclusion Many countries have a population inclusive of different race of individuals from different corners of the world. Iraq as one of these countries has a diverse population practicing different religions, speaking in different languages and practicing different cultures. The study of cultural diversity may help an individual gain insight and understanding about different cultures to ensure dispel of stereotypes for peaceful relations with others. The question that remains is, would a country be peaceful, innovative and productive practicing monoculturalism despite comprising a mixed population? Some challenges associated with cultural diversity include idea implementation problems. With different experiences, different individuals may propose different ideas bringing forward too many opinions which can compromise the ability to stick to the best options. Also, some individuals may feel that their ideas are not taken into consideration. There may arise misunderstandings professionally in workplaces for example conflict on working days or hours. Other challenges include challenges like language barriers, social tension, dysfunctional adaptation of behaviors and civic disconnection (Hussein, & Khalid, 2018).
 References Godfrey, M., Kim, J., Eluère, M., & Eys, M. (2020). Diversity in cultural diversity research: A scoping review. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 13(1), 128-146.   Matthews, R., Rasheed, Q. H., Palmero Fernández, M., Fobbe, S., Nováček, K., Mohammed-Amin, R., … & Richardson, A. (2020). Heritage and cultural healing: Iraq in a post-Daesh era. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 26(2), 120-141. Hlepas, N. (2013). Cultural diversity and national performance. Athens, Greece: International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS). Alfahham, M. B. M. (2020). Review on Sects and Religions in History of Iraq. International Journal of Islamic Business & Management, 4(1), 1-9. Hussein, A. A., & Khalid, R. M. (2018). Issues in the protection of cultural heritage in Iraq. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 8(7), 396-405. Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2020). Cultural diversity and its implications for intergroup relations. Current opinion in psychology, 32, 1-5




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