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Small factories in this community in the southeast United States were closing as their jobs moved to low-wage Asian countries

Junctionville was struggling; small factories in this community in the southeast United States were closing as their jobs moved to low-wage Asian countries. Some residents moved away to seek work, which resulted in a 10% population decline and the closing of some local retailers.
Then, several years later, Junctionville was selected as the location of a major automotive assembly plant that was being moved from the high-cost, industrial Midwest to the lower cost, nonunion Southeast. The plant is up and operating, and Junctionville is growing again. New subdivisions and businesses are springing up to support the increasing population.
Recently, Junctionville and two other nearby communities were contacted by representatives for MeggaMart, who want to open a new supercenter store. MeggaMart is a large, global chain that sells groceries and every household, yard, and garage item imaginable at low prices. You are a member of the MeggaMart public relations (PR) staff. You just got off the phone with the director of PR for MeggaMart who told you that Junctionville would hold a public hearing in a month on the request to build the new store, and she would like you to speak for the company at the hearing.
She also told you that while MeggaMart had approached three communities, their preference was Junctionville because of its proximity to the assembly plant and a particularly favorable available site for the store. She also told you there was some opposition because of potential traffic and noise since the proposed site was near a new residential area. Some residents were concerned about who would be attracted to the area late at night since the store would be open 24 hours a day due to shift work at the assembly plant.

Prepare a business memo to the director of PR for approval, and outline the important points you think you should bring up at the hearing. Your memo should be able to answer the questions below.
What are the benefits to the community of the store?
What is MeggaMart’s response to the concerns of some residents?
Should MeggaMart offer any concessions to address residents’ concerns, and, if so, what are they?

Click here to access the memo template for this assignment. Your business memo should be at least one page in length and follow APA guidelines. Use at least one outside source.

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Yummy Bunny Healthy Fare

Bunny Frank has done so well with Yummy Bunny Pastries that she opened a new business next door called Yummy Bunny Healthy Fare. Her customers like the idea of healthy foods. Formal and informal surveys show that customers find the food to be tasty and appealing.

Recently, though, business has fallen off, and customers have complained of slow service. Employee turnover is high, and the business is not profitable. Bunny is unsure what the problems are with her operation. She has not documented her process. She has asked you what she should do.

Identify three job design techniques in this unit that you think could be used to improve Bunny’s operations. Be specific about how each technique could be applied and why you think it would be helpful.
Write Bunny a business memo of at least one page with your findings.

Click here to access the memo template for this assignment. Your business memo should follow APA guidelines and include references to document the research you conducted. Use at least one outside source.

Template attached.

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stakeholders and interest groups influence health policies and laws

In this course, you have explored various concepts and principles related to public health, health law, health policy, finance, and risk management. You also learned how stakeholders and interest groups influence health policies and laws.

Now, it is time to reflect on how the key learnings from this course can be applied to your career. This assignment is a wonderful opportunity for you to review your own journey throughout this course. Specifically, think about how this course has helped shape your view on health policies and laws, as well as how stakeholders influence and are influenced by said health policies and laws.


Create a journal to reflect on the knowledge and skills you have gained in this course and how these may apply to your career.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Course Knowledge: Describe your overall experience in this course, including new information learned. Consider the following questions in your response:
    • How has your perception of health policies and laws changed since beginning Module One?
    • How has your perception of stakeholders’ influence on health policies and laws changed since beginning Module One?
  2. Career Growth: Describe how understanding health policies and laws can help further your career in healthcare. Consider the following questions in your response:
    • How will you apply the knowledge and skills learned in this course to your career or to future courses in this program?
  3. Career Opportunities: Describe two potential career opportunities involving health policies and laws. Consider the following questions in your response:
    • How would these two career opportunities help you reach your personal goals?
    • Has your perception of your ideal healthcare job changed during this course? If so, how? If not, why not?




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Appraise various objectives and economic data needed for an industry analysis

Describe the strategic economic questions all firms must answer.

· Appraise various objectives and economic data needed for an industry analysis.

· Investigate economic data in order to determine the competitive environment of an industry.

· Interpret economic data in order to create an economic forecast for an industry.

· Determine opportunities and risks within the economic analysis.

· Critique the economic decision-making process of organizations within an industry for alignment with the VBM.


Understanding Step Four in PBL

Business managers often must choose between several courses of action. Each choice entails both direct costs and opportunity costs as well as benefits. Deciding among a group of recommendations requires understanding the consequences not only of taking a particular action but also the consequences of not taking the rejected actions. This involves making judgement calls.

For this deliverable, the goal is to see how the proposals address the problem statement. Be sure to have the problem statement clearly placed at the outset. Also, discuss your forecast of the likely impacts of each proposal, as well as opportunities and risks (both upside and downside). Finally, explain how virtuous decision making guides the desirability of each proposal.

Research and Testing

How the proposed solutions are tested depends on the characteristics of those solutions. An example in the real world might be a company offering a pricing discount in a limited area for a limited time to get an estimate of price elasticity of demand. This would provide some data in deciding whether a more general pricing strategy would work for increasing revenue. Although we are not doing those types of tests in this course, there are other methods available.

One possible method is to run scenarios (sometimes called “war games”) where each team member plays a particular person or group such as supplier, customer, or regulator. Running the scenarios would mean taking the recommended course of action and seeing how people would respond to it and finding likely outcomes.

Another possibility is for each team member to take a particular proposal and advocate for it. There can be a group discussion about the pros and cons. Quite often, this process will cause individual scenarios to move up or down in the ratings. Alternatively, a “devil’s advocate” approach would have a member take a contrary position and argue against the proposal. In the debate between the two members, the pros and cons of the proposal are clarified and eventually rejected or accepted as viable.

As you discuss the proposals, you should be bringing in the principles of VBM. Either scenario option can be accomplished in the team discussion area or in an outside meeting area, such as Zoom.

The deliverable for this step is:

· A paper that discusses and critiques the viable solutions, their pros and cons, risks associated with them, and likely impacts if adopted.

Icon  Description automatically generated

Instructions for Deliverable

As a team learning project, the individual’s participation in the processes of the team is as important as the product produced by the team. Therefore, it is very possible that team members will earn different scores for the assignment due to individual differences in the team process. It is important to understand that low performance in the team processes has a ripple effect on other students’ contributions to the development of the final paper and its quality. This grading approach provides the ethical principle of equity in the assignment’s grades. 

1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade. You can learn more about the specific skills being assessed by reviewing the links in  Problem-Based Learning Resources (new tab) .

2. Remember to review the problem and the resources available on the  Problem Overview (new tab)  page.

3. Meet as a team to ensure you have a shared understanding of the requirements for this step. As a team, use your PBL plan to outline how you will all meet the requirements individually and collectively.

4. You are to use the PBL Team Forum discussion link for the development of your deliverable. This will give the professor opportunity to coach the team, if needed. If your team chooses to use another tool to develop your PBL deliverables, you must invite the professor to join your site.

5. Develop a Solutions Report that discusses and critiques the viable solutions, their pros and cons, risks associated with them, and likely impacts if adopted.

6. Present the results of your test as organized information. Provide a brief summary of the action steps needed to strengthen your solution. Clearly indicate team members’ contributions.

7. The Solutions Report should be written in APA style.

8. One person from the team must submit the deliverable per the schedule outlined in your Team PBL Plan but no later than the end of Workshop Five




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succinct Analysis of Potential Solutions Rubric

presentation of

the solutions



facts and



Preview Rubric: Step 3 : Analysis of Potential Solutions Rubric (95 Points) – 3SU2022 Econ Analysis/Virtuous Ldrs (BADM-704-01B) – Indiana… 1/3

Step 3 : Analysis of Potential Solutions Rubric (95 Points) Course: 3SU2022 Econ Analysis/Virtuous Ldrs (BADM-704-01B)

Criteria Excellent Competent Needs Improvement

Inadequate/Faili ng

Criterion Score

The proposed


/ 20

Ranking of

the solutions

/ 50

20 points

(18-20 points)

Provides a


presentation of

the solutions



facts and


analysis. The


solutions are


17 points

(16-17 points)

Provides a


presentation of

the solutions

with some


facts and


analysis. The


solutions are


15 points

(14-15 points)

Provides a


presentation of

the solutions

with minimal


facts and


analysis. The


solutions are

not actionable.

13 points

(0-13 points)

The proposed

solutions are

vague and not

supported with

an appeal to

facts or



50 points

(45-50 points)



critical thinking

and use of


reasoning in

evaluating the

desirability of

the solutions.

44 points

(40-44 points)



critical thinking

and use of


reasoning in

evaluating the

desirability of

the solutions.

39 points

(35-39 points)


some use of

critical thinking

and use of


reasoning in

evaluating the

desirability of

the solutions.

34 points

(0-34 points)


little critical

thinking and

minimal use of


reasoning in

evaluating the

desirability of

the solutions.

8/7/22, 6:45 AM Preview Rubric: Step 3 : Analysis of Potential Solutions Rubric (95 Points) – 3SU2022 Econ Analysis/Virtuous Ldrs (BADM-704-01B) – Indiana… 2/3

Total / 95

Criteria Excellent Competent Needs Improvement

Inadequate/Faili ng

Criterion Score

Quality of





/ 15




/ 10

15 points

(14-15 points)


high level of

ability to apply

principles of



Leadership in

the evaluation

of proposed


13 points

(12-13 points)


adequate level

of ability to


principles of



Leadership in

the evaluation

of proposed


11 points

(10-11 points)


limited level of

ability to apply

principles of



Leadership in

the evaluation

of proposed


9 points

(0-9 points)

Does not apply

the principles

of Virtuous


Leadership in

the evaluation

of proposed


10 points

(9-10 points)

Report is

clearly written,


organized, free

of grammatical

errors, and

follows APA


8 points

(8 points)

Report is

generally well

written and

organized with

limited errors

that do not



Paper follows



7 points

(7 points)

Report has


issues that

make it

difficult to

follow key

points. Paper

follows APA


with errors.

6 points

(0-6 points)

Report is

unclear and

difficult to

follow. APA

formatting is

not adhered.

8/7/22, 6:45 AM Preview Rubric: Step 3 : Analysis of Potential Solutions Rubric (95 Points) – 3SU2022 Econ Analysis/Virtuous Ldrs (BADM-704-01B) – Indiana… 3/3

Overall Score

Excellent 88 points minimum

Competent 78 points minimum

Needs Improvement 69 points minimum

Inadequate/Failing 0 points minimum




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The federal government regulates the EBP by ensuring healthcare professionals have the necessary skills to adopt it

Evidence Based Policy

Student Name

Institution Affiliation

Organizational Policy

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a proposed policy that is applied in the healthcare sector by different stakeholders, including the healthcare providers, patients, and management (Mcgrath, 2019).

The federal government regulates the EBP by ensuring healthcare professionals have the necessary skills to adopt it.

The performance benchmarks target evaluating the medical errors, re-hospitalization rates, and recovery rates.

Evidence-based practice, often known as EBP, is used in the healthcare industry by various stakeholders, including patients, healthcare professionals, and management. The EBP is now being regulated by the federal government, which is doing so by ensuring that healthcare practitioners possess the essential competencies to implement it. The evaluation of medical errors, re-hospitalization rates, and recovery rates are the primary focuses of the performance benchmarks that are now being carried out.


Adoption of Informed Practice

Physicians recently are the stakeholders that have agreed to adopt the EBP in their intervention.

EBP entails following strict clinical criteria to choose the best course of action for the patient, frequently placing more importance on processes than on the client’s desires or the physician’s knowledge (Breslin, 2018).

Adopting the evidence-based practice (EBP) is critical in the healthcare sector because it improves decision-making, ensuring that the patient’s interests are addressed accordingly. Until recently, physicians concentrated on providing healthcare through evidence-based practices (EBP). EBP entails following strict clinical criteria to choose the best course of action for the patient, frequently placing more importance on processes than on the client’s desires or the physician’s knowledge (Breslin, 2018). Several academics and researchers have questioned the validity of EBP because it ignores the patient’s beliefs and principles while making treatment judgments, which is difficult to understand.


Practice Guidelines

The evidence based policy is a public policy guideline that is applicable in the healthcare sector helping in improving the processes, programs and procedures of care.

The health providers are considering the policy due to the fact that it ensure that previous data and researches are used to inform the decision made in healthcare.

The evidence-based policy is a public policy guideline that is relevant in the healthcare sector and helps in improving the processes, plans, and procedures of treatment. This guideline was developed by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). The fact that it ensures that past data and researches are used to inform the decisions that are made in healthcare is one of the primary reasons why health professionals are contemplating the strategy.


How a Proposed Policy and practice guidelines will affect how a stakeholder group does its work.

The nurses and physicians start working towards a patient-centered care model.

The healthcare providers work as an interdisciplinary team where they cooperate, integrate, and communicate care of the teams.

Application of quality improvement where nurses and physicians can identify errors and the disease diagnosis before intervention (Breslin, 2018).

Provide patient-centered care, which means recognizing and caring about patients’ differences, values, preferences, and expressed needs; relieving pain and suffering; coordinating continuous care; listening to, clearly informing, communicating with, and educating patients; sharing decision-making and management; and always advocating for disease prevention, wellness, and promoting healthy lifestyles, with a focus on population health. Work in teams with people from different fields, and ensure care is continuous and reliable by cooperating, collaborating, communicating, and integrating care. Use evidence-based practice. For the best care, combine the best research with clinical expertise and patient values, and participate in learning and research activities as much as possible. Apply quality improvement: find errors and risks in care; understand and use basic safety design principles like standardization and simplification; understand and measure the quality of care in terms of structure, process, and outcomes in relation to patient and community needs; and design and test interventions to change processes and systems of care to improve quality.


How EBP will improve Stakeholders Group Outcome

Patient-centered care is based on the professional interaction between clinicians and patients, which gives patients a chance to say what they believe, what they want, and how they want to be treated.

This is based on the idea that health professionals can better make clinical decisions because they have more specialized knowledge about the subject (Tran, 2020).

Patient-centered care is based on the professional interaction between clinicians and patients, which gives patients a chance to say what they believe, what they want, and how they want to be treated. When making therapeutic decisions, doctors have long taken a paternalistic approach, acting on behalf of their patients and their families. This is based on the idea that health professionals can better make clinical decisions because they have more specialized knowledge about the subject (Tran, 2020). Even if this is true, this way of making decisions doesn’t consider what the patient wants. To ensure patients are safe and happy, they need to discuss therapy options and procedures.


Benchmarking of Evidence Based Practice

Benchmarking compares and evaluates a healthcare organization’s performance versus that of similar organizations across the country.

Benchmarking the EBP is critical and has also been adjusted to the nursing area, especially in long-term and acute care hospitals.

The relevant benchmarking methods include quality control, patient happiness, and patient safety.

Benchmarking compares and evaluates a healthcare organization’s performance versus that of similar organizations across the country. Leaders can use it to see how their organization stacks up against other organizations that provide the same service. There is also a national-level sharing of best practices and evidence-based practice (EBP) clinical trial results. Benchmarks can be adjusted to specific nursing areas, such as acute and long-term care hospitals, hospices, and home health institutions. Quality control, customer happiness enhancement, patient safety enhancement, and ongoing improvement are the four cornerstones of clinical practice benchmarking.


Collaboration with Policymakers

Collaborating with policymakers ensure that policies directed towards healthcare support the evidence based practice policy that support healthcare providers.

Policymakers should consider use of the evidence based policy structure in developing laws that help healthcare move to the next level.

Working together with those who determine policy to ensure that policies pertaining to healthcare support the evidence-based practice policy that aids in the provision of healthcare is an important step. When drafting regulations that will help the healthcare industry go to the next level, policymakers should give serious consideration to using the evidence-based policy structure.


Strategies of Collaboration with Stakeholders and Colleagues

Stakeholders, especially nurses and physicians, play an important role in implementing evidence-based practice since they are the main implementers.

The healthcare providers agree to participate in the training and education program on using the EBP and skills to deliver quality services (Tran, 2020).

Patients also adhere to the EBP protocol that the providers adopt and accept to receive patient-centered care.

Since they are the primary implementers, stakeholders—and nurses and doctors in particular—play a vital part in the process of putting evidence-based practice into action. The healthcare providers have indicated that they are willing to participate in the training and education program that will focus on using EBP and skills to give quality services. In addition, patients agree to follow the EBP protocol accepted by the providers and to take part in the patient-centered care being provided.


Impact of EBP change

The primary goal of the suggested reform is for doctors to identify, respect, and attend to each patient’s condition as a unique experience based on their values, principles, and requirements.

Patient-centered care that offers critical information about the ailment, available therapies, and therapy options and empowers patients to make their own decisions is another desirable outcome.

The approach can improve health outcomes and boost patient satisfaction by involving patients in their care. Patient engagement in clinical decision-making will necessitate training for professionals, which will add to the expenditures.

The primary goal of the suggested reform is for doctors to identify, respect, and attend to each patient’s condition as a unique experience based on their values, principles, and requirements. Patient-centered care that offers critical information about the ailment, available therapies, and therapy options and empowers patients to make their own decisions is another desirable outcome. The approach can improve health outcomes and boost patient satisfaction by involving patients in their care. Patient engagement in clinical decision-making will necessitate training for professionals, which will add to the expenditures.


How to Achieve the Changes

To achieve the EBP goal, health care providers should be educated and trained to recognize the importance of incorporating patients into the decision-making process.

To achieve this goal, patients and their loved ones must understand the importance of actively participating in discussions on therapeutic treatments and expressing their thoughts and desires.

The inability of patients to effectively communicate their wants and needs to healthcare professionals may also result from service fragmentation throughout the patient care process.

The goal of evidence-based practice (EBP) should be accomplished by educating and training health care practitioners so that they know the significance of involving patients in the decision-making process. To achieve this objective, patients and the people closest to them in their lives need to comprehend how vital it is to take an active part in conversations on therapeutic treatments and to communicate their thoughts and wishes. Service fragmentation throughout the patient care process may be another factor contributing to patients’ incapacity to properly convey their goals and requirements to the medical professionals treating them.


Financial and Health Implications

When used with patient-centered care, a practice that is based on evidence leads to better health outcomes.

After getting a lot of training, patients can choose treatments that are tailored to their needs and preferences.

Because patients are safer and happier, there are fewer lawsuits and claims of malpractice (Mcgrath, 2019

When used with patient-centered care, a practice that is based on evidence leads to better health outcomes. After getting a lot of training, patients can choose treatments that are tailored to their needs and preferences. Because patients are safer and happier, there are fewer lawsuits and malpractice claims (Mcgrath, 2019). If the suggested change is not made, practitioners might not see how important it is to include patients in the decision-making process. If the patient’s wants and needs aren’t considered, this could lead to lawsuits and other financial problems.



Breslin, B. (2018). Evidence-based practice: The art of the rule of nursing. Current Research: Integrative Medicine, 03.

Mcgrath, B. (2019). By the patient, for the patient. Determining the critical quality of care measures for improving tracheostomy care. Medical Research Archives, 7(11).

Tran, B. (2020). Strategies for effective patient care: Integrating quality communication with the patient‐centered approach. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 15(1).








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Fall of the Berlin Wall

ASSIGNMENTFall of the Berlin Wall: Click  here  for the document. Use Ctrl + click or refer to the resource document for the URL. Questions:

a. Summary: Summarize the main points of Reagan’s speech. What were Reagan’s reasons for calling for the fall of the Wall? Summarize the main points of the news coverage. What were the immediate reactions and consequences to the fall of the Wall?

b. Context Why do you think the Berlin Wall fell when it did? Was the fall of the Berlin Wall a victory for democracy over communism? What had been the consequences of the wall? What good things did people think would come from the fall of the wall? 

c. The Issue Today The fall of the Berlin Wall was the symbolic end to the Cold War. What have American relations with Communist countries been like since the turn of the 21st century? Is the Cold War really over or has it changed? Be sure to use specific examples to support your points.

d. Resources

1. Hart, G. (2011, December 12). Russia and the United States in the 21st Century. Retrieved from  The Atlantic

2. U.S. Relations with China: 1949-2018. (2018). Retrieved from the Council on Foreign Policy:

3. Bader, J., D. Dollar, & R. Hass. (2017) U.S.-China Relations, 6 months into the Trump Presidency. Retrieved from The Brookings Institute:

4. Felter, C. & D. Renwick. (2018). U.S.-Cuba Relations. Retrieved from the Council on Foreign Relations:





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explored various concepts and principles related to public health

In this course, you have explored various concepts and principles related to public health, health law, health policy, finance, and risk management. You also learned how stakeholders and interest groups influence health policies and laws.

Now, it is time to reflect on how the key learnings from this course can be applied to your career. This assignment is a wonderful opportunity for you to review your own journey throughout this course. Specifically, think about how this course has helped shape your view on health policies and laws, as well as how stakeholders influence and are influenced by said health policies and laws.


Create a journal to reflect on the knowledge and skills you have gained in this course and how these may apply to your career.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Course Knowledge: Describe your overall experience in this course, including new information learned. Consider the following questions in your response:
    • How has your perception of health policies and laws changed since beginning Module One?
    • How has your perception of stakeholders’ influence on health policies and laws changed since beginning Module One?
  2. Career Growth: Describe how understanding health policies and laws can help further your career in healthcare. Consider the following questions in your response:
    • How will you apply the knowledge and skills learned in this course to your career or to future courses in this program?
  3. Career Opportunities: Describe two potential career opportunities involving health policies and laws. Consider the following questions in your response:
    • How would these two career opportunities help you reach your personal goals?
    • Has your perception of your ideal healthcare job changed during this course? If so, how? If not, why not?




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Intercultural communication to cultural interactions reflected in movies

This assignment requires that you watch one movie that deals with intercultural communication and write a 4–5-page critical analysis of the movie. A list of movies is provided. You may also propose to analysis a movie of your own choice, but you will need to explain to me why you would choose such a movie. If you can make good arguments about your choice, you will be allowed to write the analysis about it. 

The goal of the movie analysis is for you to apply your understanding of intercultural communication to cultural interactions reflected in movies. As you watch the movie, you should be reflecting on the ideas we have read for class and discussed online. The movie analysisrequires more than summaries of stories. Your focus should be to make an argument (or arguments) about some aspect(s) of the movie as they relate to intercultural communication. For example, if you believe that the story of the movie shows how prejudices are formed and how categorical thinking and fear of difference impact intercultural communication, then your thesis would state this, and your analysis paper would explain the relationships you see between prejudice and intercultural communication. You should be able to use some examples from themovie to support your thesis and specific arguments. 

Your paper should discuss the cultural aspects that you see in the movie.  What are the artifacts of culture that you recognized?  What were the interactional patterns between people?  What were the underlying values that you saw portrayed?  Some suggestions are as follows:

1. Language, Symbols, and Artifacts (means of communication) – language, dialects preferred, proverbs, signs, jokes, myths, analogies, folklore, art forms, heroes, dances, rituals, children’s games, currency, holidays, history (family, national, and global).

2. Customs, Practices, and Intercultural Patters (means of interaction) – verbal (tone of voice, phrases used) and nonverbal (eye contact, the proximity of stance, gestures) communication patterns, family behaviors, conversational styles (formal-business, casual, ritualized), friendship patterns, community roles, gender roles.

3. Shared Values, Beliefs, Norms, and Expectations (values driving people, groups) – attitudes, religious and spiritual beliefs, fears, laws, standards.

I prefer that you choose a non-documentary movie because movies with a story allow you to really observe a relationship within a culture and to see how a culture affects a relationship. Martial arts/action movies and animated movies made in other countries or in the US are not appropriate for this assignment. 

Analysis Paper Format

In addition to providing some critical, thoughtful insights into intercultural communication, your analysis should also be well organized and clearly written. Your paper will be graded on how clearly you present and develop your thesis and how fully you demonstrate your arguments and ideas. In addition, your work will be graded on the quality of your writing, including organization, grammar, syntax, style, and spelling.

Your paper should be typed, double-spaced, in this typeface (12pt. Times New Roman font) and be 4-5 pages.  Margins should be one inch all around.  


The Color of Friendship (White Southern African/ Afro-American): (USA (2000). Mahree Bok is a white South African teenager and a product of the Apartheid system raised to view dark-skinned people as second-class citizens. Piper Dellums is the daughter of an African AmericanU.S. Congressman living in Washington D.C. When Mahree is chosen to spend her time as an exchange student at the Dellums’s house, she is shocked on her arrival to discover that the Dellums are black, and the Dellums are just as surprised when they realize that Mahree is a white South African. In spite of initial problems, Mahree stays at the Dellums’s house, and step-by-stepMahree and Piper become friends. Their situation forces them to talk about their prejudices and teaches both some lessons about racism and tolerance




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accurately represents the information presented in the multimedia presentation

A.  Present your written message plan by doing the following:

1.  Describe the audience, organization, or community you wish to target with your proposed policy or process change, including 2–3 defining characteristics of that group.

2.  Describe the policy or process change and explain why this change is of concern to the chosen audience, organization, or community.

3.  Discuss your proposed change to the policy or process and how the change will affect the chosen audience, organization, or community. 

B.  Present your proposed policy or process change from part A by doing the following:

1.  Create a narrated multimedia presentation that meets the following criteria:

•   appropriate for the selected audience

•   describes the problem to be solved

•   proposes the change

•   integrates the following principles of multimedia design:

o   effective organization

o   effective opening and closing

o   appropriate choice and placement of relevant visuals

o   effective use of vocalics (i.e., pitch, tone, inflection, volume) 

2.  Submit a written transcription of the narration for your multimedia presentation. The transcription should meet each of the following criteria:

•   accurately represents the information presented in the multimedia presentation

•   appropriately addresses and enhances the content of the presentation

C.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. This includes source citation for any visual elements used in the digital presentation




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