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Legal Issues Facing Today’s School Leaders


It is important as a school leader to have a working knowledge of the court systems in your state so that you are aware of how and where legal issues are addressed. Legal issues may come your way and a school leader that is informed and knowledgeable of the process that will occur and which courts will likely have jurisdiction will help you navigate the questions you may have.

Follow these steps:

Research your state’s court system. You can do an internet search by typing in your state’s name and the term “state courts” into a search engine. Remember to use official court websites as others may not have reliable information.
Find an issue in your state that is a legal requirement that the courts have ruled on and is of interest to you.
Summarize the issue/requirement in a presentation. Identify the court that made the ruling and explain how the case moved from the local level to the state level as well as the parties involved.
Next, find an issue/requirement that is educational related that had to be heard by the Supreme Court. As you summarize this issue/requirement, trace the path it took from the local court to the Supreme Court.

Now create a presentation. Your presentation can be a PowerPoint or a Prezi, which is compiled of 8-10 slides (not including the cover or reference slide). When your presentation is complete, post it to the discussion board. Make sure that you respond to your classmates in a way that promotes the discussion. Ask for clarification from their posts if needed, or compare/contrast their state’s court systems with yours




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Access to Student Records by a Parent


You are the new leader of Millwood Middle School. You have only been in the position for one month, however you feel you have a firm grasp on the duties and the operational challenges of the school. As the new school leader you have many challenges that you are responsible for including the supervision of your staff. One of the staff members in particular is Mrs. Pine who has been Millwood Middle school secretary for more than 20 years. Mrs. Pine knows everyone in the school and the community and she tends to take matters into her own hands when making decisions at the school. The majority of her decisions are without your knowledge.

Today you received in the mail a certified letter from a very upset parent, Mr. Bridges who had requested all of his son’s records more than three months ago. The records he requested were to include educational, medical, attendance, and behavior. The letter was very clear in the respect that he made the request per the policy of the school board. The request was in writing and that he even called the school to follow up on the request several times. Mr. Bridges’ letter indicated that he was very concerned with his son’s attendance and health, he went on to say how disappointed he was in the school for not allowing him to receive a copy of the records requested. Mr. Bridges wanted to let you know that he was contacting an attorney and was going to file a lawsuit against you and the school district.

As the leader of the school you were honestly caught off guard with this letter due to the fact that this is the first you have heard about this request. You immediately asked Mrs. Pine if she knew about the request and she, without hesitation, said yes, of course I know about it. Mrs. Pine explained that she had received the request a few months back and decided not to provide the records to Mr. Bridges because she called Mr. Bridges ex-wife and she explained that she had total custody of her son and not to give her ex-husband anything. Mrs. Bridges assured Mrs. Pine that she had court order barring Mr. Bridges from any contact with his son and he did not have any permission to get any records from the school.

You then asked Mr. Pine a few other questions and you found out that Mr. Bridges son’s attendance was in fact irregular and that he often goes to the school nurse. Mrs. Pine said that she had personally reviewed the son’s records and it was shown in the nurse report that there were visible bruises on his arms and legs from time to time. Mrs. Pine told you that she handled this request because she knew the background and did not want to bother you.

As the school leader it is your responsibility to investigate this matter. As you consider the next steps please respond to the following questions:

How does this scenario apply to a student’s right to privacy?
What responsibility does the school district have to provide student records to non-custodial parents?
Who, within the school district has the right to review school records?
Are there any timelines for responding to a legitimate request for student records?
What are certain procedures that a school leader should have in place regarding student record requests?
Does the school have any legal liability in this situation?
What rights does the custodial parent have in denying the non-custodial parent’s request to view student records?
What actions if any, would you take with Mrs. Pine and why?

Discussion 5
Discipline and Students


Read the following scenario and answer the questions that follow.

James is a 9th grade student at Alma High School, which is a small rural school in the south. In 6th grade James was diagnosed as learning disabled and he was referred to as a potential special education student by his reading teacher. James has also been treated medically since the 4th grade for attention deficit disorder.

James had a Unit Science test in 5th period which he was not prepared for and he knew he was not going to pass. By not passing the test this would drop his overall grade and this would not allow him to remain on the football team. James talked to a few of his friends and they came up with a plan to get them out of the test as they all knew they would fail. They decided that if they called in a bomb threat that they would not have to take the test today, and they would have a few extra days to study. James took out his cell phone and called in the threat to the local police. As a result of the call, school was dismissed for the day and authorities came to the school for further investigation.

Another student, Elizabeth, who had seen James and his friends making the call about the threat decided to come to you as the Principal and tell you what she saw and heard. You were able to question James and his friends about the incident and they all admitted to what they did. For consistency purposes and per the handbook, you immediately suspended all of the students for 10 days pending and expulsion hearing as this was a very serious matter.

As the School Leader, you understand that your district has a zero tolerance policy for those involved in making a threat of this magnitude. Expulsion from school is required. While you were reading each student’s file, you notice that James has ADD and he is receiving services from your special education staff. No one else involved in the incident was identified as having any disabilities.

How does the discovery of James disabilities impact the decision to suspend the students for 10 days, pending a school hearing?
How does James being classified as a Special Education student change the discipline process for him compared to his friends?
Should the Discipline for each student involved be different? If so, how?
Can zero tolerance policies be applied to special education students? What case and law should you refer to when considering discipline for James?
Is there grounds to refer all the students to the local prosecutor for criminal action?
What problems do you see with the parents of the students




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efforts turn from design and the focus moves to actual construction

Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 4: Finalizing the Plan

At some point in every construction project, efforts turn from design and the focus moves to actual construction. With the vision in place and the tools secured, the blueprint can be finalized and approved. Then it is time to put on hardhats and begin work.

Throughout the course you have developed aspects of your Academic and Professional Development Plan. You have thought a great deal about your vision and goals, your academic and professional network of support, research strategies and other tools you will need, the integrity of your work, and the value of consulting the work of others. With your portfolio in place, it is now time to finalize your blueprint for success.

Much as builders remain cognizant of the building standards as they plan and begin construction, nurses must remain mindful of the formal standards of practice that govern their specialties. A good understanding of these standards can help ensure that your success plan includes any steps necessary to excel within your chosen specialty.

In this Assignment you will continue developing your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan by developing the final component–a review of your specialty standards of practice. You will also submit your final version of the document, including Parts 1–4.

Note : For students in Nursing Education, Executive Nursing, Nursing Informatics, or Public Health Nursing, this Assignment is the first Portfolio Assignment in your program. You will have one Portfolio Assignment in each of your courses. You will need to save these Assignments for inclusion in your portfolio that you will submit in your Capstone course.

To Prepare:

· Review the scope and standards of practice or competencies related to your chosen specialty in the resources for this week.

· Review the MSN specializations offered at Walden by viewing the week resource, Walden University. (n.d.). Master of Science in Nursing (MSN).

· Examine professional organizations related to the specialization you have chosen and identify at least one to focus on for this Assignment.

· Reflect on the thoughts you shared in the Discussion forum regarding your choice of a specialty, any challenges you have encountered in making this choice, and any feedback you have received from colleagues in the Discussion.

The Assignment:

Complete the following items and incorporate them into the final version of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan.

· With the resources specific to the MSN specialization and the, Walden University. (n.d.). Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), shared in this week, write a paragraph or make a Nursing Specialty Comparison table, comparing at least two nursing specialties that include your selected specialization and second-preferred specialization.

· Write a 2- to 3-paragraph justification statement identifying your reasons for choosing your MSN specialization. Incorporate feedback you received from colleagues in this Week’s Discussion forum.

· Identify the professional organization related to your chosen specialization for this Assignment, and explain how you can become an active member of this organization.

Note:  Your final version of the Academic Success and Professional Development Plan should include all components as presented the Academic Success and Professional Development Plan template.

By Day 5

Submit Parts 1-4 of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan




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Examining Nursing Specialties


You have probably seen one or more of the many inspirational posters about decisions. A visual such as a forked road or a street sign is typically pictured, along with a quote designed to inspire.

Often decisions are not so easily inspired. Perhaps you discovered this when choosing a specialty within the MSN program. This decision is a critical part of your plan for success, and you no doubt want to get it right. This is yet another area where your network can help, as well as other sources of information that can help you make an informed choice.

Note : Unless otherwise noted, initial postings to Discussions are due on or before Day 3, and response postings are due on or before Day 6. You are required to participate in the Discussion on at least three different days (a different day for main post and each response). It is important to adhere to the weekly time frame to allow others ample time to respond to your posting. In addition, you are expected to respond to questions directed toward your own initial posting in a timely manner.

To Prepare:

Reflect on your decision to pursue a specialty within the MSN program, including your professional and academic goals as they relate to your program/specialization.

By Day 3

Post an explanation of your choice of a nursing specialty within the program. Describe any difficulties you had (or are having) in making your choice, and the factors that drove/are driving your decision. Identify at least one professional organization affiliated with your chosen specialty and provide details on becoming a member.

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Essential Skills for Social Work Practice

Assignment: Writing a Treatment Plan.

Everything that social workers do is an intervention; therefore, social workers develop treatment plans so that they can outline the purpose of treatment, assist in giving the client direction in the treatment process, allow the social worker to collaborate with the client, and help social workers and clients mark progress toward goals. Depending on where you work as a social worker, your funding source may be dependent upon your treatment plan.

In this Assignment, you develop a treatment plan for a client. In real practice, you should never create a treatment plan without conducting a more thorough assessment and then collaborating with the client to mutually agree on goals and steps to implement the plan. For the purpose of this Assignment, however, you explain how you might go about this process.

To Prepare

Watch the video case study found in the Learning Resources.

Then, consult the Learning Resources and/or go to the Walden Library to find information related to interventions for this type of client or problem.

Use this information to help develop an individual or family treatment plan for the identified client (Amy, Mrs. Bargas, or Bargas family) with whom you have chosen to work from the case study.

For help with this assignment, refer back to the Library recommendations in Week 3.

Helpful tip: Try other keywords including:

treatment programs


Try using the AND and OR connectors. For example:

drug addiction OR drug abuse OR substance abuse OR drug use

senior citizen OR older people OR elderly OR aging

intervention AND alcoholism

Learn more about AND, OR, and NOT (Boolean operators) in the guide below.

Guide: Keyword Searching: Boolean

By Day 7

Write a generalist treatment plan that includes all of the following:

Identify the client.

Describe the problems that need to be addressed.

Explain how you would work with the client to identify and prioritize problems.

Identify the related needs based on the identified problems.

Describe how you would utilize client strengths when selecting a strategy for intervention.

Identify at least two treatment plan goals.

Create at least one measurable objective to meet each goal.

Explain the specific action steps to achieve objectives.

Describe what information is important to document in a treatment plan, and explain why.

Southside Community Services: Mrs. Bargas Case History

Program Transcript


LINDA FORTE: Hi, Mrs. Bargas, I’m Linda Forte, the social worker assigned to

your case. It’s nice to meet you. So what brings you in, today?

MRS. BARGAS: Well– I’ve been out of work about 3 months. And 2 weeks ago,

my husband had a stroke. He’s still in the hospital. So it’s been– a lot, all at once.

And the money– I don’t know how going to pay the bills, or the rent. We cannot

lose our home. We have five children.

LINDA FORTE: Has this been hard on them? It sounds like you’ve been going

through a lot since losing your job and your husband being in the hospital. I can

understand how you can feel stressed and concerned.

MRS. BARGAS: My daughter Amy– she’s my oldest– she’s been having the

hardest time. She’s cutting classes at school and she’s failing two of her courses.

LINDA FORTE: So how did you hear about our agency and how can I help?

MRS. BARGAS: Well, my pastor said that you could help me find a job and

maybe help with the rent money. And maybe Amy could– speak to somebody.

LINDA FORTE: OK. Has your daughter, Amy, has she ever expressed any

interest in hoping to speak to somebody about her problems?

MRS. BARGAS: Maybe. I don’t know. I haven’t really mentioned it to her. But my

pastor thinks it’s a good idea.

LINDA FORTE: Has Amy ever spoken to the social worker at her school, before?

MRS. BARGAS: No, I don’t think so.

LINDA FORTE: OK. That’s fine. We can definitely talk about getting Amy some

help. But first, why don’t we talk a little bit about work experience. What kind of

job are you hoping to find?

MRS. BARGAS: Well, before I married my husband, I worked as a nanny.

LINDA FORTE: OK. So why don’t we talk a little bit more about that, about who

you worked for, and what kind of job duties you had.

MRS. BARGAS: Well, I was much younger when I was a nanny. Let me see, it

was– more than 12 years ago. But I don’t think I could do that work, now. Maybe

Southside Community Services: Mrs. Bargas Case History

© 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 2

I could work in an office. You know, I’m really good at working with people. Can

you find me a job in an office?

LINDA FORTE: I don’t know. I work with a career counselor, here. She might be

able to help you.

MRS. BARGAS: I don’t know how I’m going to pay the rent.

LINDA FORTE: I know right now is really tough for you.

MRS. BARGAS: I just don’t know what to do. Nothing has turned out the way I

hoped it would. My whole life. I’m really worried about my daughter, Amy. She’s

afraid to go to school. She loses her temper all the time. She yells at me and

then locks herself in a room and she won’t speak. I am so confused. I don’t know

what to do with her. I just– I don’t know.

LINDA FORTE: It’s OK to be upset. Mrs. Bargas? Are you OK?

MRS. BARGAS: I’m sorry, what?

LINDA FORTE: Are you all right?


LINDA FORTE: Good news. I spoke with the career counselor and she has an

available opening for you, tomorrow. She thinks she can help you find a job.

MRS. BARGAS: That’s great! Thank you so much. I was wondering, actually,

there’s something else that you could help me with. I told you that my husband

had a stroke. He’s going to need speech therapy. But it’s– we can’t afford it. And

we don’t have any insurance. Is there any chance that you could call his doctor

and see if my husband can get this therapy? He really needs it.

LINDA FORTE: I may be able to help. But I’m going to need to understand your

husband’s situation a little bit better. Is there any way your husband would be

willing to sign a release form, so I could talk to the doctor?

MRS. BARGAS: You can’t just call his doctor? I give you permission.

LINDA FORTE: I’m afraid not. According to HIPAA regulations, the doctor is not

allowed to discuss your husband’s condition with me without his consent. Your

husband could sign a release of information form, which would then make it

possible for me to talk to his doctor. I recommend you go home and talk to your

husband about whether he’d want to give his consent.

MRS. BARGAS: OK. I will. Thank you so much. You’ve been so helpful.

Southside Community Services: Mrs. Bargas Case History

© 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 3

LINDA FORTE: Absolutely. And I look forward to seeing Amy next week.


Program Transcript

LINDA: Amy, can you talk to me? You’re safe here.

AMY: I’m not safe anywhere.

LINDA: Tell me what’s going on? How are things at home?

AMY: My dad’s sick. He had a stroke a few weeks ago. Everything’s so messed up

there. But I’m sure you already heard that from my mom. You’re her social worker, too,



AMY: What else did she tell you? I bet she told you I won’t talk to her about what’s going

on. I can’t talk to her. She’s so upset about everything that’s going on with my dad. The

last thing she needs to hear is my problems.

I thought about talking to my guidance counselor at school, but I can’t do that either.

They’ll only see me, and it will get worse. That’s why my mom brought me to you,

thinking you can help me, where they can’t see.

LINDA: Tell me a little bit more about school. What do you mean by if they see you it will

get worse?

AMY: Some girls, they’ve been picking on me– calling me names– fat pig, ugly. They

make fun of my clothes. Yesterday, two of them are waiting by my locker. They pushed

me down, rubbed food in my hair. There were others in the hall, but they just stood

there and laughed.

LINDA: How did that make you feel?

AMY: How do you think? It hurts. They make me feel like a freak. I’m scared what

they’re going to do next. I hate school.

LINDA: I understand.

AMY: But that’s not the worst. They text me late at night, waking me up, saying they’re

going to beat me up. They say, I deserve it for being so ugly. I’m starting to think they’re


LINDA: Have you told anybody about these threats?

AMY: They’ll get me worse if I snitch. Besides, nobody will understand.


© 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 2

LINDA: What do you mean by nobody will understand?

AMY: Because they won’t. Nobody understands what it feels like. Not unless they go

through it.


LINDA: How do you feel right now?

AMY: Read for yourself. How would you feel?

Southside Community Services: Mrs. Bargas and Amy,

Episode 1

Program Transcript

LINDA: Thank you for agreeing to come in and meet together. I know I’ve met

with the two of you individually, but there are some issues that we need to

discuss as mother and daughter. Have you two had a chance to discuss any of

the things that have been going on?

MRS. BARGAS: Well, it’s hard to talk about anything when I don’t know what you

two are talking about. And she doesn’t tell me anything.

LINDA: What we do discuss in this office is confidential. But we are going to talk

openly now about the issues between the two of you.

Mrs. Bargas, can you share some of your concerns that you have about Amy?

MRS. BARGAS: I feel like you’re shutting me out. We don’t talk the way we used

to. I need you, honey. I’ve got a lot on me right now– work, things with dad.

AMY: You’ve got a lot on you? What about me? She’s got me working with my

little brother after school. I have to feed him dinner and help with his homework.

And I’ve got my own schoolwork to deal with.

LINDA: Amy, how would you feel about sharing with your mom what’s been going

on at school so that she can better understand?

OK. We’ll keep working on that.

How do you feel about Amy’s reluctance to talk about this?

MRS. BARGAS: Ever since I started working, I feel completely out of touch. I

don’t know what’s going on with anyone in the family now.

It scares me.

LINDA: OK. I think we’ve identified some things that we can work on.

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Importance of ethical research practices

Refer to the resources in the Reading Assignment and the instructions in the template and complete the following sections of your Applied Research Proposal:

                                                              Ethical Considerations

Start this section by explaining the importance of ethical research practices.

                                                  Considerations During Intervention

Explain how the literature you reviewed leads you to believe what you are doing is an appropriate intervention. BE SURE to back up your writing with the APA formatting of research you have reviewed. This is a MUST in this area.  

                                               Considerations During Data Collection

Explain your planned measures to ensure you are protecting the study participants and doing no harm. Just briefly tell me how you plan on ensuring your participants are kept “safe” during your data gathering procedures.

                                                    Considerations of Researcher Bias

Explain your planned measures to ensure the study yields unbiased results. How will you ensure that your results, data gathering, and overall involvement with the participants will not be bias?


Summarize the methodology section.

This assignment will be assessed by your instructor. Your paper will be assessed on how well the above areas have been covered.  In addition, the below aspects will also be assessed:

  • Page Requirement: The assignment should be a minimum of two pages, not including title and reference pages.
  • APA Formatting: Use APA formatting consistently throughout.
  • Syntax and Mechanics: Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Your written work should contain no errors and be very easy to understand.

      Reading Assignment

1. Belmont Report. (n.d.). 

  • This is a complete list of all ethical concerns discussed when conducting research.

2. Everheart. J. (2004) A study of kindergarten and first-grade special education students’ recall of color words. Download the PDF.

  • The above is a complete Master’s thesis that you will be reviewing in your PLC




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The American Constitution provides the guiding principles that influence decisions made by different systems in federal and state systems

Law and International Law


The American Constitution provides the guiding principles that influence decisions made by different systems in federal and state systems. In the State of Texas, legislation that directed courts to erect a cross at the front of sala was passed. The legislation also dictated that a short Christian prayer should be done before every court proceeding in the state. After examining some constitutional provisions, it is evident that this state is unconstitutional in the United States.


The legislation passed in the courts of the State of Texas should be directed by rules and laws set by the American constitution. The United States constitution has laws governing the law-making process and making changes in systems around the country. The development of law in each state in the country follows a procedure that ensures its viability in the stated jurisdiction. Elected legislative representatives assess a law’s applicability before considering it (National Archives n.p). Another law about the issue is the freedom of religion and religious displays in government properties (LLI n.p.). The constitution offers people freedom of religion and expression. Therefore, the constitution contains laws that should govern legislation development in the State of Texas.


The law passed in the courts in the State of Texas are unconstitutional. The disqualification of these legislations emerges from the process that the district judge used to have the law passed in the court. First, he used a friend to get the legislation passed in the state. He was expected to follow the process of law-making provided by the constitution (National Archives n.p). The law also dictates that a short Christian prayer should always precede hearings, which denies other religions their freedom. The legislation forces people to uphold religious practices that diverge from their beliefs. Therefore, these characteristics disqualify the state law from being constitutional.


The court legislation set in the State of Texas is unconstitutional. Constitution law requires laws to follow a defined procedure during their development. The constitution also requires state systems to observe religious freedom in each state. The court legislation did not follow the set procedure, and it dictated that people must uphold the rules that favored one religion.

Works Cited

LLI. “Religious Displays on Government Property.” LII / Legal Information Institute, Accessed 7 July 2022.

National Archives. “The Constitution of the United States: A Transcription.” National Archives, 4 May 2020,




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Analyze the National Infrastructure Protection Plan and Risk Management Framework

The foundation of the protecting our nation’s critical infrastructures and key resources is the risk management framework. Risk is the possibility of an unwanted event – the chance of losing something. The goal in risk management is to mitigate loss from a natural or manmade disaster.

For this assignment, read Chapter 3, “The Strategy: Managing Risk,” PDF attached 


Write a 2–4 page paper in which you:

  1. Analyze the National Infrastructure Protection Plan and Risk Management Framework, including Figure 3 – Critical Infrastructure Risk Management Framework on page 15 of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan, and conclude how it has been designed to protect the nation’s critical infrastructure.
  2. Determine the purpose of the feedback loop design and argue how it strengthens or weakens the model. Justify your response.
  3. Decide if taking a “risk management” approach is suitable for protecting the nation’s critical infrastructure. Support your response.
  4. Choose the one step that is the most important or has the greatest impact on the other steps of the Risk Management Framework and describe why.
  5. Discuss your thoughts on the effectiveness of the NIPP, and suggest one change you would make to the plan. Support your response.
  6. Use the Internet, or your supplemental resource list to locate at least three quality resources for use in this assignment




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What was the experience of the news media of South K orea, in par ticular, in this U.S. embedded r epor ting system?

Length of Final Repor t: Fiv e pages or mor e, 1.5 line spacing for main body of text (A4-siz e paper) F ont: Times, 10.5 pt.

(1.0 line spacing for endnotes/footnotes; 9 pt. font) —V ariety of r efer ence sour ces to be included:

Newspapers, magazines/journals, books and Internet-based sour ces (also information from our class lectur es) —Endnotes/footnotes r equired for all sour ces:

If y ou use any K orean-language r eference sour ces in the text, be sur e to list the original sour ce title along with the title ‘s tr anslation int o English in br ackets in the endnotes/footnotes, and the URL.

( Y our endnotes/sour ces can be included within the fiv e requir ed pages.) —Guidelines and format t o be followed:

The Chicago Manual of Style , 17th edition (Univ ersity of Chicago Pr ess, 2017) —Brief explanation of expected Final Repor t:

In our class this semester , we recently discussed the ” embedded reporting” system that was cr eated b y the U.S. militar y/government t o control the news co ver age befor e, during and after the U.S.-led inv asion of Ir aq back in 2003. Among the initial 700+ journalists who joined that contr oversial embedded r eporting system wer e news reporters fr om various media companies all ar ound the world, including countries in East Asia.

What was the experience of the news media of South K orea, in par ticular, in this U.S. embedded r epor ting system? How many K orean news or ganizations (if any) t ook part in that system and joined the U.S. tr oops in Iraq, and what was their news co ver age of the Ir aq war like as a result? W ere any K or ean news or ganizations against joining that system, and if so, what kinds of pr otests were raised against such a system? What wer e the pros and cons of the U.S. embedded r eporting system, as far as South K orea ‘s news media wer e concerned?

W e ha ve hear d much about journalists fr om the USA, Britain, Japan and other countries who joined the P entagon ‘s embedded r eporting system in Ir aq, but we have not hear d much about the experiences of the South K orean news media concerning that system. I think it would add gr eatly to this K okusai Communication course t o have y ou write y our report on this par ticular subject, thus I would lik e you t o do so.

If y ou can also include any academic studies/r eports, public opinion sur ve ys, etc., about this subject in y our r eport, I think that would help gr eatly in strengthening y our thesis. My guess is that ther e must ha ve been a number of r eports issued b y academics and media or ganizations in South Korea concerning the U.S. embedded r eporting system, just as ther e have been in other countries. So, please inv estigate this subject in depth, and focus y our report on both the pr os and cons of the U.S.

embedded r eporting system, as far as the K orean news media ‘s experience was concerned.

—Gr ading of Final Repor t:

The maximum y ou can receive for this Final Repor t will be a possible 100 per cent, just as if you had sat for the Final Exam. The grade for the Final Repor t, of course, will depend on the o ver all quality of the r epor t submitted




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on What was the experience of the news media of South K orea, in par ticular, in this U.S. embedded r epor ting system?

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Peers several different topics on technology and society

During this course you have read, researched, and discussed with your peers several different topics on technology and society. Now it is time to think of at least one technology topic that has had some type of an impact on your life. Was this a positive or negative impact? Was it before the class or during the class?

I would like for you to explain the impact of this technology topic, the reasoning, and do a comparison to the ideas of both the authors writing about the topic and your classmate responses if it happened to be a weekly discussion topic (discussion boards will be opened for you to go back and read). If the topic was never discussed, then give several outside research comparisons to compare the objective technology topic. All papers should have at least two outside research articles to add into this topic paper. Write this personal reflection topic paper with a cover page with title and name, format required is double spaced, Times New Roman 12pt., with the last page listing all research resources, including the course book (use MLA or APA format). The minimum length this final paper should be is 1,000 words, about four total pages of content. Your paper may be longer if you need extra length for the content but not required. NO PLAGARISM

Topic: Health technology




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on Peers several different topics on technology and society

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