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virtual reality existence that people are opting towards much perfection

Every brand has become so competitive due to the virtual reality existence that people are opting towards much perfection. Consumers are now fully interested in understanding the concept of the brand name and what they actually sell For that it is important to understand woven labels are an essential element of your designing activities. You should implement catchy phrases and intellectual elements to your designs making the much more prominent on any product and giving the product the finishing it requires. There are multiple sellers/designers out there providing some incredible services in terms of design & development, you can easily hire them via many social platforms




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Define what a packet sniffer is

From corporate America to the local town’s little league, we rely on digital networks to communicate, store information, and conduct transactions. Securing these networks is critical to prevent cyber-attacks and thwart any criminal activity. Network Security encompasses a multitude of techniques and methodologies. For this unit’s discussion, we want to explore packet sniffers.

  • Define what a packet sniffer is. 
  • How do these packet sniffers work? 
  • How are packet sniffers used to prevent Network attacks? 
  • Research a specific packet sniffer and explain its features.




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outline the legislative and regulatory context of the organisation as relevant to the marketing plan

Task 1
Promote Products and Services

Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
? I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)
? I understand that if I If I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me
? I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
? I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
? I understand the rights to re-assessment
? I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment
Promote products and services
Student name
Student ID number
Student signature Date: 15/7/22
Task Number 1
For Trainer and Assessor to complete:
? Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment
Question Marking Sheet – Assessor to complete.
Did the student satisfactorily address each question as instructed:
Completed satisfactorily
S NYS DNS Comments
Question 1 S
Question 2 S
Question 3 S
Question 4 S
Question 5 S
Question 6 S
Task Outcome: Satisfactory ? Not Yet Satisfactory ?
Student Name:
Assessor Name: Arif Khadem
Assessor Signature:
Date: 15/7/22
Table of Content
Student Declaration 2
Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire 5
Answer all the questions below: 6
Question 1 7
Question 2 7
Question 3 8
Question 4 8
Question 5 9
Question 6 9
Appendix 1 – Legislation and regulations 10

Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire
Task summary and instructions
What is this assessment task about? This assessment is a written questionnaire with a mix of objective and subjective questions.
The questionnaire is designed to meet the knowledge required to meet the unit requirements safely and effectively.
The questions focus on the knowledge evidence required for this unit of competency:
• outline the legislative and regulatory context of the organisation as relevant to the marketing plan
• outline the planning processes for organising promotional activities
• explain the organisation’s marketing objectives and how they support the overall business objectives
• explain how common promotional activities could be used to support the marketing objectives with reference to
• advertising
• client functions
• employee functions
• media announcements
• product launches
• web pages.
What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily? • submit your answers to the questions within the set timeframe,
• answer all questions as instructed,
• answer all questions using your own words and reference any sources appropriately,
• all questions must be answered satisfactorily.
It is advisable to:
• review the questions carefully,
• answer the questions using online research and the learning material provided for the unit and by reviewing real or simulated relevant business documentation (such as policies and procedures),
• further research the topics addressed in each question.
Specifications You must submit to GOALS the
• assessment coversheet,
• answers to all questions,
• references.
Resources and equipment • computer with Internet access,
• access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software,
• learning material,
• legislation and regulations (Appendix 1).
What will the assessor be looking for? Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your ability to answer the questions satisfactorily, follow instructions, conduct online research and review real or simulated business documentation, such as policies and procedures related to project management.
Re-submission opportunities You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you with written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the task.
Answer all the questions below:
The following questions relate to the case scenario below:
Case scenario
The owner of a café in your area wants to extend their opening hours to midnight on Wednesday to Saturday nights. The café is located in the main street of your town and is surrounded by a number of restaurants which already provide late night dining. To attract diners and grow her business the owner would like to provide an alternative experience which includes providing entertainment, taking group and party bookings and using the space for hosting events. The owner plans to expand her business to start another café if the plans for this one are successful.
You are a marketing consultant and the owner approaches you to plan and execute a series of promotional activities to support this new initiative and build the reputation of the business.
Question 1
Identify and list the key legislations and regulations that need to be considered when planning promotions in this scenario.
Answer (50-150 words)
Question 2
Describe the essential steps you will take in planning these promotions.
Answer (50- 100 words)
Question 3
Explain the marketing objectives and how they support the business objectives.
Answer (50-100 words)
Question 4
Provide examples of promotional activities and explain how they could be used to support the marketing objectives with reference to:
Categories Promotional activity and how it supports the marketing objective/s (50-100 words each)

Client functions

Employee functions

Media announcements

Product launches

Web pages
Question 5
Briefly explain the content of action plans for promotional activities and provide an example for each.
Categories Brief explanation (50-100 words each) Examples
Task steps



Resources and responsibilities
Product launches

Question 6
Identify internal and external stakeholders involved in coordinating promotional activities and outline their roles and responsibilities.
Categories Brief outline (20-30 words)
Roles and responsibilities (30-50 words)
Internal Stakeholders
External stakeholders

Appendix 1 – Legislation and regulations
• Privacy Act :
• Anti-Discrimination Acts :
• WHS:
• Contract Law :
• Advertising : (
• Australian Consumer Law and Marketing Communication: ( )
• Warranties and Guaranties :
• Anti-competitive behaviour:
• Advertising codes and regulations:
• Intellectual Property :
• Business marketing :
• Competition and Consumer Act 2010:
• Australian Consumer Law (ACL) :
• Food Standards Codes:




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Apply web-based application architecture

Web Design and Development
Assessment Frontend Programming Project
Individual/Group Individual
Length Not applicable
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Examine and apply web-based application architecture
b) Propose and communicate solutions using web-based design to meet organisational needs
c) Analyse organisational problems and develop solutions using frontend and backend technologies
d) Apply web-based programming concepts to solve organisational problems
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 4.2 (Week 8).
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
In Assessments 2 and 3, you will turn the website prototype you developed in Assessment 1 into a working website. In this assessment, you will be developing the frontend of that website.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
In this assessment, you will focus on frontend development. In particular, you will demonstrate your HTML, CSS and JavaScript programming skills and apply them in a close-to-real-life web development project.
Task Instructions
This assessment is based on the case study on Student Accommodation. You should first read the case in Assessment 1. You should also read the additional information for Assessment 2.
Additional information for the case
The website will support all the most recent several versions of mainstream browsers, including Safari, Chrome, IE, Edge and Firefox. Considering the popularity of mobile devices, this website should also be able to be viewed on a mobile device with a mobile browser, that is, the layout of the website shall be able to automatically adapt to various screen sizes and resolutions.
The company places a high standard on the usability of this website and requires you to develop a website that maximises usability. The following usability considerations must be implemented:
• contextual help tips provided to users when they mouse over a button or an input field;
• client-side validation must be implemented, e.g. prompt to user when their password and confirmed password do not match or if the input is invalid (e.g. a negative number for weekly rent).
All programming code must be well formatted, including appropriate indentation and spacing. Please refer to section 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1 and 4.2 in Google HTML/CSS Style Guide available at
You must also provide sufficient comments in the code. In particular, comments must be provided to significant blocks of code that directly address the functional requirements of this system.
Assessment Task
You are now to develop a comprehensive frontend for the website in the case study using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The frontend must comprehensively include all the functional requirements described in the case study and the requirements you identified in Task 1, 2 in Assessment 1 for each user either described in the case study, or that you identified in Task 3.1 in Assessment 1. The frontend must also satisfy all the requirements in the Additional Information for the case section in this Assessment.
There is NO minimum HTML page requirement nor maximum HMTL page requirement.
You may use frontend web development frameworks or libraries, including but not limited to, Bootstrap ( and JQuery (
General Assessment Requirement
Incomprehensible submissions – Assessments provide the opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills to achieve the required standard. To do this, assessment responses need to be both clear and easy to understand. If not, the University cannot determine that students have demonstrated their knowledge and skills. Assessments will, therefore, be marked accordingly including the potential for 0 (zero) marks where relevant.
Case study: Assessment response must focus on the hypothetical case study given in the Task Instructions. Any assessment items that do not address the case study may be awarded 0 (zero) marks.
Track changes: If you use Track Changes when writing your assessment, you must ensure that the submitted document is the final and correct version of the document. That is, if your submitted report contains Track Changes or Comments or any other editing marks, it may be awarded 0 (zero) marks. It is your responsibility to submit the final and correct version of your report.
Check with marking criteria: Before submitting your assessment, you should check it against the assessment criteria and the marking rubric included in this specification to ensure that you have satisfactorily addressed all the criteria that will be used to mark your submission.
Academic language: All submissions should be thoroughly proofread for spelling, typographical or grammatical errors before being submitted. Do not reply on the ‘spell-check’ function in your word processing program. If, for example, ‘affect’ is substituted for ‘effect’, your program may not detect the error.
Referencing: No referencing required for this assessment.
Submission Instructions: ALL students must submit ONE ZIP file containing ALL HTML/CSS/JS files via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MIS202 App, Web Design and Development. Physical copies/email submissions are not accepted.
Complete and correct submission: Assessments, once submitted, are FINAL and therefore cannot be modified. The onus is on you to ensure that your submissions are final, correct (correct files in correct format) and complete before submitting to Blackboard.
You are expected to begin this assessment when you begin the trimester, especially as you relate the learning activities (formative assessment) in the modules to this and the other (summative) assessments. Be sure to keep several drafts of your work as well as your notes and any sources you used to draw on when preparing your report.
Extensions will be considered only in extenuating circumstances where the student has applied before the due date. At that point, students are required to provide the latest draft, in case the extension is not granted, and to demonstrate they have earnestly done everything to avoid lateness.
Students are responsible for keeping appropriate back-ups and drafts of their assignments and to submit the correct version.
Torrens University Australia’s policies apply to the preparation and submission of this assignment.
Assessment Rubric
Assessment Attributes Fail
(Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
(Functional) 50-64% Credit
65-74% Distinction
75-84% High Distinction
(Exceptional) 85-100%

20% Web Page Layout And Styling
The overall web page design is professional and the layout is complete (e.g. clear navigation, footer).
The overall styling of the web pages is professional and is suitable for the case study. The website is poorly designed. The implementation demonstrates limited or no understanding of the basic web page structure.
The styling of the website does not look professional and may not be fit for purpose. The website is not very well designed and there is a noticeable lack of structural components in the web page.
The overall styling of the website is not very professional and there is significant room for improvement. The website is generally well designed and the layout structure is generally complete, but there is some room for improvement.
The overall styling of the website looks somewhat professional and generally fit for purpose, but there is some room for improvement. The website is excellently designed and the layout structure is generally complete.
The overall styling of the website looks professional and fit for purpose, but there is minor room for improvement. The website is expertly designed and the layout structure is complete.
The overall styling of the website looks extremely professional and fit for purpose.

20% teness and relevance
The front-end website covers all major functional requirements for all its users in the case study. All the website pages implemented in the submission are relevant to the case study. Many functional requirements are not implemented.
Many implemented
features are not relevant to the case study. Some of the major functional requirements are implemented.
Some of the implemented features are relevant to the case study. Most of the major functional requirements are implemented.
Most of the implemented features are relevant to the case study. All of the major functional requirements are implemented.
All of the
implemented features are relevant to the case study. All of the major functional requirements are implemented to a very high standard.
All implemented features are highly relevant to the case study.
Responsive web design and browser compatibility The implementation demonstrates limited or no understanding of The implementation demonstrates functional understanding of The implementation demonstrates sound understanding of The implementation demonstrates clear understanding of The implementation demonstrates thorough and in-

20% The frontend development correctly used responsive web design.
The web pages and their layout adjust to various screen sizes. The web pages and their layout look good in all mainstream browsers (Chrome, Edge, Safari and Firefox). responsive web design techniques.
The implementation demonstrates limited or no understanding of browser compatibility. responsive web design techniques.
The implementation demonstrates functional understanding of browser compatibility. responsive web design techniques.
The implementation demonstrates sound understanding of browser compatibility. responsive web design techniques.
The implementation demonstrates clear understanding of browser compatibility. depth understanding of responsive web design techniques.
The implementation demonstrates thorough and indepth understanding of browser compatibility.
Web form design
• Form widgets are selected appropriately, that is, the most appropriate form controls are selected for a given type of data.
• Appropriate HTML5 form
validation features are used.
20% The choice of form widgets demonstrates limited or no understanding of the function of commonly used web form widgets.
No HTML5 form validation is implemented. The choice of form widgets demonstrates functional understanding
of the function of commonly used web form widgets.
Some HTML5 form
validation is
implemented, but there is significant room for improvement. The choice of form widgets demonstrates sound understanding of the function of commonly used web form widgets.
HTML5 form validation is implemented, but there is some room for improvement. The choice of form widgets
demonstrates clear understanding of the function of commonly used web form widgets.
HTML5 form
validation is implemented, but there is minor room for improvement. The form widgets are selected appropriately, that is the most appropriate form controls are selected for a given type of data;
Appropriate HTML5 form validation features are correctly and thoroughly used.
Coding convention and quality of code
• The program follows a consistent naming convention.
• The program is well formatted, including appropriate spacing and indentation.
• The program contains sufficient comments; the implementation of major functions is commented. The code is formatted very little to not at all.
The naming of methods or variables is inconsistent. No naming convention is followed. The code is satisfactorily written, but there is substantial room for improvement.
There are significant errors in code format, and naming of methods or variables. The code is generally well written, but there is some room for improvement.
There are more than 5 errors, but less than 8 errors in terms of naming convention and code format. The code is generally well written.
There are more than
2 errors but less than 5 errors in terms of naming convention and code format. The code is expertly written.
There are no more than 2 errors in terms of naming convention and code format.
20% Little or no comments provided. There is a significant lack of useful comments. There is reasonable amount of useful comments. There is a sufficient amount of useful comments. There is a sufficient amount of useful comments




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Sunnyhill Health & Racquet Club (SHRC)

PART 1: Excel/Quantitative Inputs
T accompanying excel file has 7 corresponding spreadsheets and one instructional. Each tab is numbered (1-6) corresponding to the following questions. Input data in yellow highlighted cells and the main dashboard (“master” spreadsheet) will auto-populate. Rationalize your inputs.

  1. “Goal and Capital Raised” (5 points)
    a. How much money (goal/objective) do you think the club’s board should look to achieve (i.e., $2,000,000 for new building; $800,000 for full renovation; $143,000 to make just the necessary improvements)?
    b. Do you think selling a lot (or both) is a good financial strategy? Why/Why not?
  2. “Membership Prices & Numbers” (8 points)
    a. Do you propose an increase in membership fees? How much?
    b. Do you think any “new” category of membership should exist? Why? Why not?
    c. How might price increases affect membership numbers?
    d. Is it possible that price increases could lead to higher membership numbers?
  3. “Revenue Special Events” (8 points)
    a. Do you foresee any changes to this revenue category?
    b. What additional events could be added?
    c. How much revenue could be generated?
    d. Are there any limitations to new/existing events?
  4. “Revenue Outside Rentals” (5 points)
    a. How many “outside” rentals would you propose each year?
    b. Is the pricing associated with current rentals appropriate? Would you change the fee schedule? To what? Why?
  5. “Projected Expenses” (6 points)
    a. When implementing a budget for expenses for the next five years, does anything stand out?
    b. How does the depreciation expense affect the club’s operations?
  6. “Loan Financing Schedule” (8 points)
    a. What interest rate did you choose on any debt? Why?
    b. How much are you proposing to repay each year?
    c. Do you have any “caution” signs on your Excel spreadsheet? Why?
    d. Are you proposing to make anniversary or pre payments? What do these accomplish?
    PART 2: Discussion/Qualitative Questions
  7. Discuss the role of “debt” as a form of leverage for a business (most strategies in the current case will require the use of debt). (5 points)
    a. What are the biggest risks to the club taking on debt?
    b. Is debt inherently bad?
  8. How might you prioritize the list of offerings the club is considering in its potential renovation plans? (5 points)




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To create an excel financial model associated with formulas from accounting to cash flow to Valuate the company

In order to succeed on the course FM, as stated in the Syllabus, it is necessary to make a Global Case Study in the form of a financial model in excel.
The goal is to apply in practice the financial tools you have learned on FM lectures. It is a specific task whose solution makes it possible to understand and manage corporate finance.
Global Case Study: INSTRUCTIONS
Objective: To create an excel financial model associated with formulas from accounting to cash flow to Valuate the company, to calculate CF, FCF, optimal capital structure and to determine the risk of investment (CAPEX) using different techniques for measuring investment profitability. You will have a company with its financial forecasts in excel with a possibility to do scenario or sensitivity analysis.
Please build a model in excel with the following sheets (sheets=pages):
Page 1 (Tips) :
On this page you have some useful recommendations to be considered in overall assignment. Before you start with Page 2 it is fully advised that you read carefully all tips with separate recommendations what is advised (+) and what is not (-) advised in assignment preparation. It does not mean that you will get negative points if you do not respect all recommendations but if you respect what is there advised your global case will be more exact, complete and in accordance with assignment expectations.
Page 2 (History) – 5 points :
On this page you have to add missing data in blue parts. You have to add in blue parts for 3 last years (Year N, Year N-1, Year N-2). You can copy the data from the source page and paste it in this sheet. Balance sheet data, Income statement (P&L) and Cash flow statement. You have to choose the company listed on stock exchange from your choice from one of the following web sources :,,,, or other. Please add the name of source in blue part at the end of financial statements.
Page 3 (Inputs) :
On this page you have to add all your assumptions: growth/decline rates of Revenues and Expenditures and other various inputs you will use in the financial model, however please note that some green cells are already predefined/filled in and You must not change them. On this page all inputs are manually entered in the green coloured cells.
The whole Model can be modified if you change the assumptions on this page. It helps you as CFO to do the scenarios or sensitivities simulations in order to present to your management the possible project outcomes or company valuations.
Page 4 (Assets Amortization/Depreciation) – 5 points :
Make an Amortization/Depreciation calculating page for all long-term assets including the new
CAPEX annually during the life of your project (7 years). Consider the amortization/depreciation cost for annual future amortization/depreciation of existing Assets same as average annual A&D of last 3 years from your realized financial statements in P2 History. If in your Financial Statements there is no A&D of assets cost then you just add 0 in P4 in line for Existing annual assets amortization. If you do not have all last 3 past years you can take only the amortization cost of the last year.
In a separate line for the new amortization cost of your new CAPEX calculate annual amortization costs using the linear or straight line amortization method from Year N+1 to the end of your project.
To do this task we assume that Company will start a new large investment (CAPEX) in the beginning Year N+1 with an assumption that CAPEX is equal to 10% of the Total Revenues of the Year N+1.
Page 5 (Cost of Capital) – 15 points :
On this page your task is to calculate the WACC. The discount rate (cost of capital) is the weighted average of the cost of capital (WACC) of all your long-term (Bank loan, bonds and equity) funding sources.
As CFO of your company your goal is to reduce the overall cost of financing of your CAPEX from Page 4. So, your management accepted your proposal to finance your CAPEX equally with bank loan, bonds and equity.
To determine WACC you have to calculate the cost of lenders (Bank loan), the cost of bondholders (bonds) and the cost of shareholders (equity).
Based on inputs from page 3, make a table of amortization of loan and bonds, calculation of interests and coupons, principals using formulas (PMT or other)
Bank Loan has an interest rate defined in P3 inputs and is repaid in annuities over 7 years.
Bonds have a coupon rate defined in P3 inputs and with face value paid at maturity in year 7.
Both debt sources of funding are received one shot and used for the investment financing at beginning of year N+1. We assume there are no finance fees to be calculated and considered.
For cost of bank loan or bonds (rates) you can either use the same rates as the existing bank loans (use the lowest loan rate) or bonds (yield) if any in company, or you can also use rates from your peers or comparative companies of similar risk which is published on web pages such as or other source.
Please add each time a source you are using if any. If you do not use any of proposed rates then you can estimate your rates in which case please add a short explanation of such estimated rates.
Calculate the shareholders cost using the DDM model (Gordon).
For the purpose of calculation of cost of equity only we shall assume that your dividends are same forever, starting from Year 0, with an annual increase forever defined in P3 Inputs.
For all long term financing sources here let we assume that the corresponding rates are same for each source of financing until the end of project.
Page 6 (Projection of Financial Statements) – 15 points :
As CFO of your Company you should be able to project your Financial Statements, namely P&L and Balance sheet as first step on Page 6 and CF statement on Page 7.
Projection of P&L
Start with P&L and then with Balance sheet. To project your Profit and Loss statement you should take into consideration the impact of amortization policy, financial costs of your long term financing of your CAPEX, profit tax and other components of P&L.
Make a projection of the profit and loss account for 7 years based on the assumptions from the page inputs. Your revenues and costs from the Inputs page should be increased/decreased for rates of revenue/costs growth / decline. Revenues (Sales) for the Year 1 should be taken from the Total Revenues from the realized previous Year 0 (N) increased/decreased by the rate of growth/decline of your Total Revenues in Year 0.
Your projected P&L is simplified and considers only the lines defined on P6.
If in your projected P&L you obtain losses most of years you should probably modify your inputs in order to obtain net incomes which are more interesting to be used for modelling. For the simplification reason, you are expected to use only the costs related to COGS, depreciation/amortization related to existing LT assets and new assets (CAPEX) and and financial interests relating to new financial debt in P&L.
For dividends calculation we shall assume that the only condition to pay it annually is a positive net income.
Projection of Balance sheet
Cash of Year 0 should be considered from your last realized year, such Cash item to be added in inputs. From Cash in Year 0 you should calculate future cash item based on assumptions in inputs.
Receivables and Stocks are calculated based on assumptions in inputs. We assume there are no Receivables and Stocks in Year 0.
Tangible assets or Fixed Assets should be considered from your last realized year as Net Tangible assets, such item to be added in inputs. In Year 1 the Tangible Assets should be increased for the amount of your new CAPEX even if it is realized at beginning of year.
If there are no Tangible Assets in your last realized balance sheet then consider only your new CAPEX in Year 1 as Tangible Assets.
Accumulated amortization in Year 1 consider only the Accumulated amortization from existing Capex for simplification reasons.
Payables and other Liabilities are calculated from Year 1 based on assumptions in Inputs.
For simplification reasons the Long Term debt is calculated as a difference between Total Liabilities and Total Short Tern liabilities. For simplification reasons the Total Liabilities is equal to difference between Total Equity and Liabilities and Equity.
Shareholders equity in Year 0 should be considered from your last realized Balance sheet, the item to be added in inputs. The Shareholders equity in Year N corresponds to Total Equity in Year 0. In Year 1 do not forget to add in Shareholders Equity the Equity used to finance part of your Capex from Page 5.
Retained earnings/Deferred losses item in Year 0 should be considered from your last realized Balance sheet, the item to be added in inputs. In Retained earnings/Deferred losses item please also consider the future incomes/losses from Year 1 to Year 7.
Total Equity and Liabilities has to be equal to Total Assets. Check test at end of Balance sheet should state “OK” if this is verified, if not test will show “NOT OK”.
Page 7 (Cash Flow) – 10 points :
To do the scenarios analysis you need Cash Flows (CF). In this page, you have to determine the corresponding CF’s resulting from company’s operating, investment and finance activities during the project life.
Keep in mind that for the simplification reasons the idea is to have only basic and main items of company in CF statement as proposed in formatted table. In other words, you will consider only activities resulting from your projections from Year 1 to Year 7 in P6.
Page 8 (Scenarios) – 10 points :
Finally, you have your CFs in Page 7. Now, you can apply your CFOs skills you have acquired on Financial Management course at SSBM and demonstrate to your management board how different scenarios can impact the profitability of company.
In this page you will use the CFs obtained from the page 7 including the new investment (CAPEX)
However, to have your CFs resulting from only your new CAPEX you need to take only part of total annual CFs in CF statement. We shall assume that 20% (as defined in inputs Page 3) of each annual Cash Flow (use Change of Cash line in CF statement) results from your new CAPEX. Add such reduced CFs in Cash Flow line using formula. Do not forget to add your new CAPEX in Year 0 instead of year 1 in Cash Flow line. Only in Year 1 You should remove new Capex from Change of cash in Year 1 (note that – and – make +) in order to get CF of Year 1 in Base Case Scenario.
Such obtained CFs will be considered as your Base case Scenario 1.
Now, you can finally calculate the project NPV (WACC rate is used as discount rate) and IRR for Base Case Scenario.
Even if management board is fine with this you have to demonstrate that in case of problems on market some of the considered inputs can deteriorate and in such situation it is important to see the consequence on the profitability.
Now, in following lines you will do the Worst case scenario 2 based on the following assumptions :

  • an increase of your investment (new CAPEX) by 20%,
    -decrease of all CFs from Year 1 to Year 7, each CF is decreased by 5%.
    Repeat, the calculation of the project NPV (WACC rate is used as discount rate) and IRR for Worst Case Scenario.
    To simplify the calculations, you can use the CAPEX and CFs from Base case scenario.
    However, your management bord considers that you are perhaps too pesimistic and as they like to expect the profitability and higher dividends they would like you to sho them also the profitability in Best case scenario.
    Now, in following lines you will do the Best case scenario 3 based on the following assumptions
  • a reduction of your investment (new CAPEX) by 15%,
  • increase of CFs from Year 1 to Year 7, each CF is increased by 6%.
    Repeat, the calculation of the project NPV (WACC rate is used as discount rate) and IRR for Base Case Scenario.
    To simplify the calculations, you can use the CAPEX and CFs from Base case scenario.
    If your Cash Flows are very disproportional to the CAPEX and you cannot calculate IRR and/or NPV, you can try to modify inputs, items like CAPEX or CF’s to obtain NPV and IRR more realistic but please then explain the problems you are facing and the way to solve it with new inputs you propose.
    Page 9 (NWC) – 5 points :
    Your management has now a quite good picture on CF’s and different scenarios. However, they are concerned if company has sufficient Net working capital to ensure the project development. To get the answer and to assure your management board, you, as CFO is supposed to calculate the NWC in Page 9. To do that use the simplified calculation based on your projected values on Page 6. For Current Assets consider only Receivables and Stocks while for Current Liabilities consider Payables and Other liabilities.
    You are also requested to calculate the Increase or Decrease of NWC, the figures you will need in Company valuation.
    Page 10 (Valuation) – 15 points :
    Once you have obtained your projections in previous pages you are now in position to proceed to the valuation of your company.
    On this page, you will determine the company value based on Free Cash Flows (FCF). Apply the financial management to calculate your companys value for shareholders.
    Add the empty cells using formulas. In line Capex consider only the new investment from Page 5. For NWC line you have the values obtained in Page 9.
    For Terminal Value of your FCF use Gordons model used to discount the infinite FCF’s. This means that your FCF’s from Year 8 growth by growth rate (defined in Inputs) of FCF forever.
    Calculate the value of your company with the help of discounted FCFs in infinite and using WACC as discount rate Cash and Long term debt are from the last realized year..
    Calculate the Equity value based on FCF and stock price. As equity value is in thousands you should multiply your obtained stock price by 1000 to get the full stock price based on FCF. You have obtained the stock price using intrinsic method of valuation based on FCF’s. You would like to check if the obtained value is realistic. To do this, you have to apply the second intrinsic method of equity valuation which is based on dividends.
    Using formula get your dividends you have already calculated in Page 6.
    For Terminal Value of your Dividends we shall assume that paid Dividends will be same forever. This means that company will pay same amount of Dividends from Year 8 forever.
    Calculate your discounted dividends using cost of equity from Page 5 as discount rate.
    Calculate your Equity based on Dividends.
    As equity value is in thousands you should multiply your obtained stock price by 1000 to get the full stock price based on Dividends.
    Add market price and Net Income using formula from Input page. Calculate Market Capitalization using values from Page Inputs.
    Calculate Price Earnings Ratio.
    The chart with comparison of Stock prices based on FCF, Dividends and Market stock price enable to see the differences.
    Now, you have all necessary results to proceed to the Conclusion.
    Page 11 (Conclusion) 20 points :
    Congratulations, if you are at Conclusion page it means that you have managed to apply in practice the financial tools you have learned on FM lectures through pages 1-10. The page is the most important one in terms of points for grading as the interpretation of financial results is something very important and crucial for everyone who deals with corporate finance and financial management.
    The obtained figures in previous pages is a condition precedent to make possible understanding the financial situation of your company. In other words, the obtained outputs based on inputs will help you, as CFO, to proceed now to the interpretation of the company value, different risks of company, capital structure, profitability of investment and value of equity for owners.
    Your management board request you to present the financial situation of company in this page through following parts :
    Capital Structure
    Use the results from Page 5 to consider if your capital structure used for CAPEX financing is well structured ? Explain what would you do to make it more optimal, if possible ?
    Use the results from Page 9 to analyze the short term financing needs. Is your NWC optimal ? What would you do to improve your NWC ? Do you have cash gaps and how would you finance it ?
    Financial Statements Analysis
    Use the results from Page 6 to analyze the financial statements. What do you think about the profitability in projected P&L and can you identify any problem there ? Is your balance sheet well structured and are there any issues ?
    Is your CAPEX used in Page 8 profitable in Base Case Scenario ?
    What are the conclusions of Best case and Worst case Scenarios compared to Base Case Scenario ?
    What is your IRR in Base case scenario compared to WACC (page 5) and what conclusion you can make from it ?
    What would you do as a CFO to increase the company value ? Is the company market stock price overvalued or undervalued compared to obtained intrinsic values of stock price based on FCF and Dividends ?
    Explain how you would further increase IRR and/or reduce WACC and increase the Company value. What do you suggest to your Management Board as an incentive to achieve the planned goals of raising the companys value and stock price.
    Page 12 (Instructor):
    In this Page the Pages 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11 will be evaluated based points given by Instructor that you can find on top of each page. The total will give the total number of points which will be added in cell and corresponding student grade based on grading scale will be added here. The Total number of points is the same as percentage number.
    Prof Dario Silic SSBM




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on To create an excel financial model associated with formulas from accounting to cash flow to Valuate the company

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LCOE formula and the benefits of this approach compared to other financial metrics such as NPV, IRR, and BCR

Use the LCOE calculator in the link below and the supplementary user guide and answer the questions below.

  1. Explain the main components of the LCOE formula and the benefits of this approach compared to other financial metrics such as NPV, IRR, and BCR.
  2. Use the calculator to calculate the LCOE of each of the following technologies for a utility-scale power plant in California.
    • Natural Gas Combined Cycle
    • Pulverized Coal
    • Solar
    • Wind
    • Note: Instructor can change the state and technology or assign different states and technologies to students.
  3. Explain how each of the factors below impact the LCOE. How does a 10% increase and 10% reduction for each of these variables impact LCOE of solar, wind, NGCC, and coal
    • Capacity factor
    • Fuel cost
    • System price
    • Carbon emissions cost
  4. Provide an example of a policy in your province that would improve the LCOE of clean energy technologies


Writers Solution

Personal Ethics Philosophy Presentation Resources section

PERSONAL ETHICS PHILOSOPHY PRESENTATION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The aim of the Personal Ethics Philosophy Presentation Assignment is to practice and demonstrate effective oral communication while presenting your Personal Ethics Philosophy Paper in a professional manner. INSTRUCTIONSRecord a 9 — 15-minute video of you presenting your personal ethics philosophy paper. You may utilize Kaltura (preferred), YouTube, or any other compatible video format to submit your presentation. Please see the Personal Ethics Philosophy Presentation Resources section for instructions on submitting your video in Canvas.The presentation, as in your paper, should include the following elements: Summarize your worldview as it pertains to ethics. Describe your personal life vision and mission. Explain how you will apply Christian ethics in your personal life roles. Explain how you will apply Christian ethics in your professional work roles. Explain how you make ethical decisions and utilize an ethics decision-making process. Explain how you may be able to influence the ethical culture in your work organization. If work an organization does not apply to you right now, you may use a previous organization or a hypothetical future organization, preferably in the aviation industry.The presentation should be accomplished in a professional manner: Dress professionally, as if in a job interview. Utilize a professional looking background. You as the presenter should be seen in the video presentation; if using slides, you may be in an inset. You may be creative in your presentation format and style. You may use presentation aids in your video presentation including power point or another slide show format

Writers Solution

Module on crowd management and behavior issues

An essay of 600 – 800 words, be a MS Word Document file. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spacing, and APA 7th edition style. No cover page is necessary. A reference list is required.


Select one of the three articles posted in the Week 3 module on crowd management and behavior issues. Briefly summarize the main points of the article. Focus on the issue that the paper discusses. What suggestions do you have to solve the problems discussed in the articles, that have not been covered in the articles themselves? You must have at least one suggestion (You cannot say “I agree with everything the article suggests.”

Grading Standard/ Rubric:

The papers should include an argument or thesis statement relevant to topic stated above (10%) that is being supported throughout the paper with paraphrasing and citations from primary and secondary sources (20%), brief summary of the main idea (20%), and then a critical analysis of how the sources support the argument/ thesis statement (20%). Spelling, grammar, and typographical errors should be kept to a minimum (15%). Students should use direct quotations sparingly (5%). The plagiarism tracker should have less than 25% match from other sources (10%). Over 40% match will be considered plagiarism and papers will receive a zero grade (0/20). Papers that have used programs that paraphrase to trip plagiarism detectors to point where the paper is unreadable, will receive a zero grade.

Note: Weighting of grade is the percentages in parentheses.

Total Paper is worth 20 points (20% of overall grade)

Writers Solution

Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory to diagnose potential problems with the civility of your organization

Assignment: Workplace Environment Assessment

Clearly, diagnosis is a critical aspect of healthcare. However, the ultimate purpose of a diagnosis is the development and application of a series of treatments or protocols. Isolated recognition of a health issue does little to resolve it.

In this module’s Discussion, you applied the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory to diagnose potential problems with the civility of your organization. In this Portfolio Assignment, you will continue to analyze the results and apply published research to the development of a proposed treatment for any issues uncovered by the assessment.

The Assignment (3-6 pages total):

Part 1: Work Environment Assessment (1-2 pages)

  • Review the Work Environment Assessment Template you completed for this Module’s Discussion.
  • Describe the results of the Work Environment Assessment you completed on your workplace.
  • Identify two things that surprised you about the results and one idea you believed prior to conducting the Assessment that was confirmed.
  • Explain what the results of the Assessment suggest about the health and civility of your workplace.

Part 2: Reviewing the Literature (1-2 pages)

  • Briefly describe the theory or concept presented in the article(s) you selected.
  • Explain how the theory or concept presented in the article(s) relates to the results of your Work Environment Assessment.
  • Explain how your organization could apply the theory highlighted in your selected article(s) to improve organizational health and/or create stronger work teams. Be specific and provide examples.

Part 3: Evidence-Based Strategies to Create High-Performance Interprofessional Teams (1–2 pages)

  • Recommend at least two strategies, supported in the literature, that can be implemented to address any shortcomings revealed in your Work Environment Assessment.
  • Recommend at least two strategies that can be implemented to bolster successful practices revealed in your Work Environment Assessment.