Writers Solution

The power traces are stored in a CSV file, where each row indicates the power consumption of one AES execution

Introduction to Hardware Security
General Instructions:
• Only electronic submissions will be accepted.
• Late submissions will have penalties.
• Any sort of plagiarism will be penalised. If you are referring to any materials online or books, please cite them accordingly otherwise it will be considered as plagiarism.
• Please submit a detailed report explaining how you have solved the assignment.
In this assignment, you will be provided with the power traces of AES. The power traces are stored in a CSV file, where each row indicates the power consumption of one AES execution. For every row, the first entry is plaintext, the second entry is ciphertext, and all the subsequent entries are power consumption values. Your task is to write a code for Difference of Mean Attack, and use that code on the given power traces to recover the 4th and 5th bytes of the secret key used in the AES execution.
Note: You will be provided with a CSV files, you have to use one according to your group number. (e.g., if your group number is 6, then use HW power trace 6.csv) Deliverables:

  1. The solution for the assignment should be submitted as a zip file. The file should be named
  2. The submission should contain the following:
    • A python file.
    • The report (as pdf).
Writers Solution

Facts of the case of Administration of PNG v Leahy (1961) 105 CLR 6 (HCA)

Business Law for Managers
Subject Code LAW201A
Assessment Title Case Study
Graduate Capabilities
a. Professional Expertise
b. Innovation Problem Solving
c. Technology and Information Literacy
d. Global Citizenship
Learning Outcome/s (found in the Subject Outline) b. Appraise the impact of the current legal system on a wide range of business sectors.
c. Analyse the ethical implications of legal decisions.
Assessment type (group or individual) Individual
Weighting % 30%
Word count 1300 +/- 10%
Submission type Turnitin ?
Format / Layout of Assessment
ICMS Cover Page
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Reference List
Page 1 of 4
Assessment instructions The purpose of this assessment is to undertake a case study in the area of contract law.
Read the case of Administration of PNG v Leahy (1961) 105 CLR 6 (HCA) and answer the following questions:

  1. Summarise the facts of the case of Administration of PNG v Leahy (1961) 105 CLR 6 (HCA)
  2. Summarise the arguments of the Administration of PNG.
  3. Summarise the arguments of Leahy.
  4. Analyse what the Court had to say in regards to the element of intention to create legal relations.
  5. What was the final decision of the Court? Do you agree?
  6. Summarise why contract law is important in your particular industry and whose rights and interests it protects providing one example.
    The due date for the assessment is 11:55pm on Sunday of week 8.
    This is an individual assessment. The report should be 1300 words +/- 10%.
    Readings for the assessment
    Papua & New Guinea v Leahy [1961] HCA 6; (1961) 105 CLR 6 (7 March 1961) (
    Gibson, A (2017). Business law. (10th ed.). Boston: Pearson.
    Graw, S. (2017). Understanding business law. (8th ed.). New York: LexisNexis.
    Latimer, P. (2016). Australian business law. (35th ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Lipton, P., Herzberg, A. & Welsh, M. (2018). Understanding company law. (19th ed.). Pyrmont: Thomson Reuter.
    Grading Criteria / Rubric Please see grading rubric below.
    Page 2 of 4
    Assessment 2 Case Study – Marking Rubric
    Criteria HD (85-100) D (75-84) CR (65-74) PASS (50-64) FAIL (0-49)
    ( Weighting 30%)? Case study identifies and clearly establishes the facts of the case, arguments of parties is clear and correctly identifies at least 4 key arguments by the plaintiff and defendant, able to correct identify the ratio decidendi. Clearly applies the importance of contract law to student’s industry and provides insightful industry examples. The report is highly focused and coherently integrates precedents and/or other research, evidence of deep analysis with rich discussions. Case study identifies and establishes the facts of the case, arguments of the parties and identifies at least 3 key arguments by the plaintiff and defendant, able to identify the ratio decidendi. Applies the importance of contract law to the student’s industry and provides relevant industry examples. The report is well focused with analysis and discussion being mostly based on examples from course readings with some other research. Case student identifies and attempts to establish the facts of the case, arguments by the plaintiff and defendant, the ratio decidendi. Attempts to apply the importance of contract law to the student’s industry and provides some examples. The report shows focus and demonstrates evidence of some analysis but the report may be mostly descriptive or summary based on course readings in direct response to the prompt. Case study identifies and attempts to establish the facts of the case, arguments of the parties, the ratio decidendi but not always with success. The importance of contract law and examples may lack focus and have a tendency to re-hash the work of others without making significant additions. Demonstrates a shallow grasp of the material and key elements of contract law. Student does not have a grasp of the content; student has difficulty providing a report relevant to the topic.
    Industry Application
    (Weighting 20%)? Demonstrates and astutely analyses the importance of contract law to the student’s selected industry by establishing the context and relevance of the issue. Demonstrates and thoroughly analyses the importance of contract law to the student’s selected industry by establishing the context and relevance of the issue. Demonstrates and attempts to analyse the importance of contract law to the student’s selected industry by establishing some context and relevance of the issue. Demonstrates and partially analyses the importance of contract law to the student’s selected industry by establishing minimal context and relevance of the issue. Demonstrates a partial understanding of the importance of contract law to the student’s selected industry.
    Legal Application
    (Weighting 30%)? Case study identifies and coherently assesses all key elements of a binding contract including consideration, offer, acceptance and consideration. Case study identifies and assesses all key elements of a binding contract including consideration, offer, acceptance and consideration. Case study identifies and assesses some key elements of a binding contract. Case study identifies and assesses some aspects of a binding contract however some elements may be missing or faulty. Case study demonstrates a minimal grasp of the key elements of a binding contract.
    Research and Referencing
    (Weighting 10%)? Utilises an extensive range of relevant literature from scholarly sources. Outstanding referencing to support analysis and assessment. Demonstrates an ability to utilise and reference a range of resources. Quotes are properly cited and follow APA format. Utilises a broad range of relevant literature from scholarly sources. Accurately provides references to support analysis and assessment but with a few slips, particularly in less common references. Quotes are mostly cited and follow APA format. Literature from scholarly sources has been incorporated. Provides references to support analysis and assessment but with one or two slips in more common references. Quotes are mostly cited properly and follow APA format. Literature from a range of sources, some of which are not credible or relevant, have been utilised. Attempts to provide references to support analysis and assessment but one or two may be missing/faulty or not listed at the end of the report. Offers few or no references to support analysis and assessment. Those that are provided tend to be not credible or relevant and may be inaccurate or faulty. There may be no reference list.
    Page 3 of 4
    (Weighting 10%)? Content is logically and succinctly structured to create a cohesive and coherent case study. Ideas are clearly expressed by a skilful use of vocabulary. Consistent adherence to grammatical conventions with no errors. Content is logically structured to create a cohesive and coherent
    case study. Ideas are expressed by a skilful use of vocabulary. Mostly consistent adherence to grammatical conventio ns. Content has been logically structured to create a coherent case study. Mostly consistent adherence to grammatical conventions, although minor errors remain. Content has been partially structured to create a case study. Grammatical conventions have been adhered to in some areas although there are minor errors. Content has been partially structured to create a case study. Formal and informal language has been used. The work includes multiple grammatical errors
Writers Solution

Analyse the relationship between sports, event and tourism

Assessment Title Report
Graduate Capabilities
1) Professional Expertise
2) Innovative Problem Solving
3) Technology and Information Literacy
4) Global Citizenship
5) Skilled Collaboration
6) Allie Leadership
7) Independent Self Management
Learning Outcome/s (found in the Subject Outline) a) Analyse the relationship between sports, event and tourism
b) Critique issues and initiatives related to sports tourism in
Australia and internationally
c) Evaluate how government agencies and private sector groups work together to foster the growth of sporting events and activities
d) Arrange the steps used to promote major sporting events
Assessment type (group or individual) Individual
Weighting % 35%
Word count 1500 words (+/- 10% excluding cover page, references, appendices)
Submission type Turnitin ? Word Document
Format / Layout of Assessment
ICMS Cover Page
Executive Summary
Reference List
Assessment instructions
Assessment overview
This is an individual assessment that aims to enable you to identify and apply the value and critical nature of strategic exploitation of commercial opportunities. The assessment examines the overall goals for the organisation that is involved in a range of sport event tourism business activities. This assessment assists in the development of research skills to achieve the intended learning outcomes.
Task description
Students are to examine and analyse sport event tourism planning and strategic sharing of the various agencies with reference to relevant literature are required to develop a written report on one of the following questions:

  1. Critically compare and contrast the Brisbane 2032 after-use and after-users approach to that of other cities of your choice.
  2. Thinking about the tourism organisation in your region, what could that tourism organisation learn from the Vancouver 2010 Games Tourism Consortium if it were to host a major sports event in your region?
    • Throughout the questions the key issues and new conceptual thinking defining sport event tourism will be set out.
    • Clearly set out the full question which you are answering at the beginning of your answer. This will be deducted from the word length report.
    • In answering the question, draw upon precedent cases and sound sport event tourism research.
    • Review your subject readings, particularly the theories and models of sport event tourism, for topic idea.
    • Utilise resources including the ICMS library, websites, media articles, sports and tourism organisation homepage and websites.
    • Your response must be typed in word.
    • Marks will be deducted for poor spelling and grammar.
    • Use at least FIVE (5) pieces of academic evidence. Academic evidences are defined as peer reviewed journal articles, governmental publications, and academic textbooks.
    • You must reference your essay in accordance with the ICMS Style Guide (APA 7th referencing style).
    • The essay submitted must be your own work and the lecturer reserves the right to carry out a viva voce on the essay to ensure that the essay is the students own work.
    • The Turnitin submission by 11.55pm on the date specified.
    Assessment criteria
    • Knowledge and understanding (30%): quality content is detailed and covers the topics from comprehensive insights.
    • Problem solving (interpret and analyse) (30%): understand and explain sport, event and tourism concepts and theories to best practices.
    • Research effort and literature support (20%): the content incorporates relevant information from subject and research with clear references.
    • Communicative competence (20%): structure, writing style, referencing in APA 7th style, clarity, grammar and spelling.
    Submission process
    • Date: Sunday of Week 8 by 11.55 pm Sydney time
    • Submission in the LMS is performed via Turnitin, the similarity detection software used by ICMS students and teaching staff to prevent plagiarism by ensuring referencing is correct and that work has not been inadvertently copied from elsewhere. You can access Turnitin under the ‘Assessments’ section in your Moodle course site.
    • Please note that draft reports submitted in this way will be regarded as the final version at the due date if you have not uploaded a subsequent, finalised version (each file uploaded overwrites the previous version).
    • A penalty of 5% will be deducted for each day late with a zeromark notated for any submission seven or more days late as per ICMS policy. If for any reason you are unable to submit a late submission via Turnitin please contact your Lecturer.
    • Extensions to due dates will be granted only in exceptional circumstances, and where adequate supporting documentation can be provided. Please note that work commitments do not constitute grounds for an extension. Requests must be made via the special consideration process. Decisions and recommendations are only made by lecturers-in-charge/course coordinators.
    • You will be advised of your mark by your Lecturer within 2 weeks of submission.
    • Please keep a copy of your assignments.
    Readings for the assessment

    Alexandris, K., & Kaplanidou, K. (2014). Marketing sport event tourism: Sport tourist behaviours and destination provision. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 23(3), 125-126.

    Bazzanell, F., Peters, M., & Schnitzer, M. (2019). The perceptions of stakeholders in small-scale sporting event. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 20(4), 261-286. doi:

    Chalip, L., & Leyns, A. (2007). Local business leveraging of a sport event: Managing an event for economic benefit. In W.
    Weed (Eds.), Sport & tourism: A reader (pp. 543-568). London: Routledge.
    • Clarke, D. W. (2018). Understanding event sport tourism experiences of support partners: A research note. Leisure Sciences, 40(5), 466-475. doi: 10.1080/01490400.2017.13849
    • Dredge, D., & Whiford, M. (2011). Event tourism governance and the public sphere. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 19(4-5), 479-499. doi: 10.1080/09669582.2011.573074

    Funk, D. C., & Bruun, T. J. (2007). The role of
    sociopsychological and culture-education motives in marketing international sport tourism: A cross-cultural perspective. Tourism Management, 28(3), 806-819.
    • Green, B. C., Costa, C., & Fitzgerald, M. (2007). Marketing the host city: Analysing exposure generated by a sport event. In W. Weed (Eds.), Sport & tourism: A reader (pp. 346-361). Routledge.

    Higham, J., & Hinch, T. (2018). Sport tourism development (3rd ed.). Multilingual Matters.
    • Mallen, C., & Adams, L. J. (2008). Sport, recreation and tourism event management: Theoretical and practical dimension. Elsevier.
    • Masterman, G. (2014). Strategic sports event management (3rd ed.). Routledge.

    Papadimitriou, D., & Apostolopoulou, A. (2009). Olympic sponsorship activation and the creation of competitive advantage. Journal of Promotion Management, 15(1-2), 90117.

    Parent, M. M., & Chappelet, J-L. (2017). Routledge handbook of sports event management. Routledge.

    Parent, M. M., & Smith-Swan, S. (2013). Managing major sports events: Theory and practice. Routledge.
    • Weed, M. (2005). A ground theory of the policy process for sport and tourism. Sport in Society, 8(2), 356-377.
    • Tourism Australia (Sporting Events)
    • World Tourism Organization
    Grading Criteria / Rubric Please see below.
    Assessment 2 – Marking Rubric
    Criteria HD (85100) D (7584) CR (6574) PASS (50-
    64) FAIL (049)
    Knowledge & understanding
    Demonstrates exceptional sport event tourism planning, through complete knowledge and understanding of relevant lecture and tutorial materials.
    A keen awareness of current trends/debates in sport event
    tourism issues is
    Provides exceptional future directions and best practice recommendations. Demonstrates highly appropriate sport event tourism planning, through detailed knowledge and understanding of relevant lecture and tutorial materials.
    Current trends/debates in sport event tourism issues have been clearly taken into account and addressed in allimportant respects.
    Provides most relevant future directions and very clear practice recommendations. Demonstrates very appropriate sport event tourism planning, through good knowledge and understanding of relevant lecture and tutorial materials.
    The concept of the work is relevant and related to current sport event tourism issues.
    Provides sufficient future directions and well-found practice recommendations. Demonstrates appropriate sport event tourism planning, through reasonable knowledge and understanding of relevant lecture and tutorial materials.
    There is a very limited, but just adequate concept underlying the task. The relation to current sport event tourism issues is tenuous.
    Provided valid future directions and reasonable practice recommendations. Demonstrates basic sport event tourism planning, through poor knowledge and understanding of relevant lecture and tutorial materials.
    The fundamental idea is not what was required for the exercise, although it might possibly be appropriate elsewhere. An essential idea is missing.
    Provided insufficient future directions and poor practice recommendations.
    Problem solving
    (interpret and analyse) (30%)?
    Practical approaches and considerations are critically supported by the information in response to the set question.
    Presents exceptional explanation and illustration to analyse sport event tourism of the underlying theories, concepts, assumptions and
    There is strong evidence of a consistently high level of commitment in terms of research and practical application. Practical approaches and considerations are very clearly supported by the information in
    response to the set question.
    Presents highly appropriate explanation and illustration to analyse sport event tourism of the underlying theories, concepts, assumptions and arguments.
    There is evidence of a generally high level of commitment in terms of research and practical application. Practical approaches and considerations are clearly
    supported by the information in
    response to the set question.
    Presents very appropriate explanation and illustration to analyse sport event tourism of the underlying theories, concepts, assumptions and arguments.
    There is evidence of a generally satisfactory but very occasionally inconsistent level of commitment in terms of research and practical application. Practical approaches and considerations are
    appropriately supported by the information in response to the set question.
    Presents appropriate explanation and illustration to analyse sport event tourism of the underlying theories, concepts, assumptions and arguments.
    There is evidence of an adequate but rather weak level of commitment in terms of research and practical application. Practical approaches and considerations are poorly
    supported by the information in
    response to the set question.
    Presents basic/poor explanation and illustration to analyse sport event tourism of the underlying theories, concepts, assumptions and arguments.
    There is little evidence of a commitment in terms of
    research and practical application.
    Research effort
    & literature support (20%) Excellent research and summation of sections and a
    detailed analysis and explanation. Impressive research and summation of sections and a detailed analysis and explanation. Solid research and summation of sections and thorough analysis and explanation.
    Acceptable research and summation of sections and adequate analysis and explanation. Poor research and no summation of sections or analysis and explanation.
    Page 6 of 7
    A wide range of academic research including more than 12 academic evidences beyond subject materials to appropriately validate all key findings. Demonstrates evidence of indepth research including least 10 pieces of academic evidence used to validate key findings. Demonstrates evidence of indepth research including least 8 pieces of academic evidence used to validate key findings. Demonstrates evidence of indepth research including least 5 pieces of academic evidence used to validate key findings. Unable to demonstrate evidence of research. Some academic articles may be used but not relevant to findings.
    Communicative competence
    (20%) A substantial presentation and effective communication of findings fully supported with concepts that closely correspond to the elements.
    Full use of report style conventions with logical flow, and appropriate sections. Fluent academic writing style throughout. Grammar and spelling accurate throughout.
    Referencing is consistently accurate and compliant with ICMS Style Guide. A well-structured presentation and communication of findings supported with concepts that closely correspond to the elements.
    Introduction states purpose clearly and outlines main points succinctly. There is a clear summary of findings and recommendations. Grammar and spelling accurate.
    Referencing is accurate and compliant with ICMS Style Guide. An appropriate presentation and communication of findings supported with visuals. These may not always correspond to the written text but do not detract from the communication of findings.
    Introduction and conclusions outline and summaries main ideas. Grammar and spelling mainly accurate.
    Referencing is mainly accurate and compliant with ICMS Style Guide. A presentation that shows evidence of report Structure, but errors may detract from communication of findings.
    There are some concepts used but they may not correspond to the elements. Meaning is apparent but academic language not always accurate. Grammar and spelling generally accurate but may contain errors.
    Some attempt at referencing but not always compliant with ICMS Style Guide. Lacks evidence of a structured presentation with limited visuals to support description and explanation.
    The few concepts used do not correspond to the key elements. Meaning may be unclear. Grammar and spelling contain frequent errors.
    Referencing is unsystematic and not compliant with ICMS Style Guide
Writers Solution

critical analysis of financial information

The details of essay are below.
Each individual student will research, prepare a critical analysis of financial information
for a FTSE 100 company, and submit a formal essay. Company chosen is NEXT PLC
The essay should summarise the following aspects of the company’s performance
(NOTICE: no separate answers to each question are expected. These questions are
to make apparent the core issues faced by companies):
1) Using financial reports data for a total of 5 years, 4 years pre-Covid-19 crisis (i.e.,2016-2019) AND the Covid-19 crisis years (i.e., 2020-21) each student is expected to focus their attention on the general strengths and weaknesses that the company had before the crisis, and any possible changes in the company circumstances during the crisis, including information from 2021 whenever possible. Notice that as financial, annual and other reports for the year 2021 will not be complete, any partial reports and information could be used to inform your discussion. Constraints in access to information must be made apparent in the “methodology” and the
“analysis” section of the essay.
2) As the company selected as a case study may be a multinational corporation,students have to appreciate that the company’s performance may differ from other companies who only trade in the UK because their revenues may depend on different countries, which were less/more affected by the crisis. This factor should
be an interesting point to develop by looking at the particular location of operations which have suffered more during the crisis, the type of
activities/operations/products of the company which have been more/less harmed,and to find out any possible variations in the short-term strategy of the company
during 2020-21.
3) Clearly identify the specific financial, risk and annual reports, the accounts and the ratios in the corresponding financial statements depicting information of positive and negative consequences of the crisis versus the pre-crisis performance. Has the company changed its capital structure by taking/issuing more debt/equity? Has the company changed its Working Capital policies/ratios? Has the company fulfilled
any investment plans during the crisis period or delayed investments which were scheduled in advance to 2020-21? Have the profitability indicators been acutely/slightly affected by the crisis? How has the company progressed in the
application of the ESG Criteria?
4) Clearly identify the reports, accounts, ratios, and intelligence provided by external analysts. Incorporate relevant information about assistance/support received from government or Bank of England policies during the crisis. If commentaries are not openly identified in the company’s financial statements and accounts, students are
expected to notice this fact and state possible reasons for the missing
5) Visibly ascertain the risk factors that the company should be surveying after the crisis (i.e., short-term and medium-term after the crisis), and relate each one of these risk factors to explicit financial reports, accounts and ratios that must be monitored by the corresponding financial manager, the executive and board of
directors of the company, and any potential investors and stakeholders.The essay is to be handed in by the submission date including all academic references
used in the presentation. References will be provided in alphabetical order

Writers Solution

legislative and regulatory context of the organisation as relevant to the marketing plan

Task 1
Promote Products and Services

Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
? I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)
? I understand that if I If I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me
? I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
? I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
? I understand the rights to re-assessment
? I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment
Promote products and services
Student name
Student ID number
Task Number 1
For Trainer and Assessor to complete:
? Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment
Question Marking Sheet – Assessor to complete.
Did the student satisfactorily address each question as instructed:
Completed satisfactorily
S NYS DNS Comments
Question 1 S
Question 2 S
Question 3 S
Question 4 S
Question 5 S
Question 6 S
Task Outcome: Satisfactory ? Not Yet Satisfactory ?
Student Name:
Assessor Name: Arif Khadem
Assessor Signature:
Date: 15/7/22
Table of Content
Student Declaration 2
Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire 5
Answer all the questions below: 6
Question 1 7
Question 2 7
Question 3 8
Question 4 8
Question 5 9
Question 6 9
Appendix 1 – Legislation and regulations 10

Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire
Task summary and instructions
What is this assessment task about? This assessment is a written questionnaire with a mix of objective and subjective questions.
The questionnaire is designed to meet the knowledge required to meet the unit requirements safely and effectively.
The questions focus on the knowledge evidence required for this unit of competency:
• outline the legislative and regulatory context of the organisation as relevant to the marketing plan
• outline the planning processes for organising promotional activities
• explain the organisation’s marketing objectives and how they support the overall business objectives
• explain how common promotional activities could be used to support the marketing objectives with reference to
• advertising
• client functions
• employee functions
• media announcements
• product launches
• web pages.
What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily? • submit your answers to the questions within the set timeframe,
• answer all questions as instructed,
• answer all questions using your own words and reference any sources appropriately,
• all questions must be answered satisfactorily.
It is advisable to:
• review the questions carefully,
• answer the questions using online research and the learning material provided for the unit and by reviewing real or simulated relevant business documentation (such as policies and procedures),
• further research the topics addressed in each question.
Specifications You must submit to GOALS the
• assessment coversheet,
• answers to all questions,
• references.
Resources and equipment • computer with Internet access,
• access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software,
• learning material,
• legislation and regulations (Appendix 1).
What will the assessor be looking for? Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your ability to answer the questions satisfactorily, follow instructions, conduct online research and review real or simulated business documentation, such as policies and procedures related to project management.
Re-submission opportunities You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you with written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the task.
Answer all the questions below:
The following questions relate to the case scenario below:
Case scenario
The owner of a café in your area wants to extend their opening hours to midnight on Wednesday to Saturday nights. The café is located in the main street of your town and is surrounded by a number of restaurants which already provide late night dining. To attract diners and grow her business the owner would like to provide an alternative experience which includes providing entertainment, taking group and party bookings and using the space for hosting events. The owner plans to expand her business to start another café if the plans for this one are successful.
You are a marketing consultant and the owner approaches you to plan and execute a series of promotional activities to support this new initiative and build the reputation of the business.
Question 1
Identify and list the key legislations and regulations that need to be considered when planning promotions in this scenario.
Answer (50-150 words)
Question 2
Describe the essential steps you will take in planning these promotions.
Answer (50- 100 words)
Question 3
Explain the marketing objectives and how they support the business objectives.
Answer (50-100 words)
Question 4
Provide examples of promotional activities and explain how they could be used to support the marketing objectives with reference to:
Categories Promotional activity and how it supports the marketing objective/s (50-100 words each)

Client functions

Employee functions

Media announcements

Product launches

Web pages
Question 5
Briefly explain the content of action plans for promotional activities and provide an example for each.
Categories Brief explanation (50-100 words each) Examples
Task steps



Resources and responsibilities
Product launches

Question 6
Identify internal and external stakeholders involved in coordinating promotional activities and outline their roles and responsibilities.
Categories Brief outline (20-30 words)
Roles and responsibilities (30-50 words)
Internal Stakeholders
External stakeholders

Appendix 1 – Legislation and regulations
• Privacy Act :
• Anti-Discrimination Acts :
• WHS:
• Contract Law :
• Advertising : (
• Australian Consumer Law and Marketing Communication: ( )
• Warranties and Guaranties :
• Anti-competitive behaviour:
• Advertising codes and regulations:
• Intellectual Property :
• Business marketing :
• Competition and Consumer Act 2010:
• Australian Consumer Law (ACL) :
• Food Standards Codes:

Writers Solution

Sunnyhill Health & Racquet Club (SHRC)

Instructions: Sunnyhill Health & Racquet Club (SHRC)
PART 1: Excel/Quantitative Inputs
T accompanying excel file has 7 corresponding spreadsheets and one instructional. Each tab is numbered (1-6) corresponding to the following questions. Input data in yellow highlighted cells and the main dashboard (“master” spreadsheet) will auto-populate. Rationalize your inputs.

  1. “Goal and Capital Raised” (5 points)
    a. How much money (goal/objective) do you think the club’s board should look to achieve (i.e., $2,000,000 for new building; $800,000 for full renovation; $143,000 to make just the necessary improvements)?
    b. Do you think selling a lot (or both) is a good financial strategy? Why/Why not?
  2. “Membership Prices & Numbers” (8 points)
    a. Do you propose an increase in membership fees? How much?
    b. Do you think any “new” category of membership should exist? Why? Why not?
    c. How might price increases affect membership numbers?
    d. Is it possible that price increases could lead to higher membership numbers?
  3. “Revenue Special Events” (8 points)
    a. Do you foresee any changes to this revenue category?
    b. What additional events could be added?
    c. How much revenue could be generated?
    d. Are there any limitations to new/existing events?
  4. “Revenue Outside Rentals” (5 points)
    a. How many “outside” rentals would you propose each year?
    b. Is the pricing associated with current rentals appropriate? Would you change the fee schedule? To what? Why?
  5. “Projected Expenses” (6 points)
    a. When implementing a budget for expenses for the next five years, does anything stand out?
    b. How does the depreciation expense affect the club’s operations?
  6. “Loan Financing Schedule” (8 points)
    a. What interest rate did you choose on any debt? Why?
    b. How much are you proposing to repay each year?
    c. Do you have any “caution” signs on your Excel spreadsheet? Why?
    d. Are you proposing to make anniversary or pre payments? What do these accomplish?
    PART 2: Discussion/Qualitative Questions
  7. Discuss the role of “debt” as a form of leverage for a business (most strategies in the current case will require the use of debt). (5 points)
    a. What are the biggest risks to the club taking on debt?
    b. Is debt inherently bad?
  8. How might you prioritize the list of offerings the club is considering in its potential renovation plans? (5 points)
Writers Solution

Web Design and Development
Assessment Frontend Programming Project

Subject Code and Title MIS202 App, Web Design and Development
Assessment Frontend Programming Project
Individual/Group Individual
Length Not applicable
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Examine and apply web-based application architecture
b) Propose and communicate solutions using web-based design to meet organisational needs
c) Analyse organisational problems and develop solutions using frontend and backend technologies
d) Apply web-based programming concepts to solve organisational problems
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 4.2 (Week 8).
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
In Assessments 2 and 3, you will turn the website prototype you developed in Assessment 1 into a working website. In this assessment, you will be developing the frontend of that website.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
In this assessment, you will focus on frontend development. In particular, you will demonstrate your HTML, CSS and JavaScript programming skills and apply them in a close-to-real-life web development project.
Task Instructions
This assessment is based on the case study on Student Accommodation. You should first read the case in Assessment 1. You should also read the additional information for Assessment 2.
Additional information for the case
The website will support all the most recent several versions of mainstream browsers, including Safari, Chrome, IE, Edge and Firefox. Considering the popularity of mobile devices, this website should also be able to be viewed on a mobile device with a mobile browser, that is, the layout of the website shall be able to automatically adapt to various screen sizes and resolutions.
The company places a high standard on the usability of this website and requires you to develop a website that maximises usability. The following usability considerations must be implemented:
• contextual help tips provided to users when they mouse over a button or an input field;
• client-side validation must be implemented, e.g. prompt to user when their password and confirmed password do not match or if the input is invalid (e.g. a negative number for weekly rent).
All programming code must be well formatted, including appropriate indentation and spacing. Please refer to section 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1 and 4.2 in Google HTML/CSS Style Guide available at
You must also provide sufficient comments in the code. In particular, comments must be provided to significant blocks of code that directly address the functional requirements of this system.
Assessment Task
You are now to develop a comprehensive frontend for the website in the case study using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The frontend must comprehensively include all the functional requirements described in the case study and the requirements you identified in Task 1, 2 in Assessment 1 for each user either described in the case study, or that you identified in Task 3.1 in Assessment 1. The frontend must also satisfy all the requirements in the Additional Information for the case section in this Assessment.
There is NO minimum HTML page requirement nor maximum HMTL page requirement.
You may use frontend web development frameworks or libraries, including but not limited to, Bootstrap ( and JQuery (
General Assessment Requirement
Incomprehensible submissions – Assessments provide the opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills to achieve the required standard. To do this, assessment responses need to be both clear and easy to understand. If not, the University cannot determine that students have demonstrated their knowledge and skills. Assessments will, therefore, be marked accordingly including the potential for 0 (zero) marks where relevant.
Case study: Assessment response must focus on the hypothetical case study given in the Task Instructions. Any assessment items that do not address the case study may be awarded 0 (zero) marks.
Track changes: If you use Track Changes when writing your assessment, you must ensure that the submitted document is the final and correct version of the document. That is, if your submitted report contains Track Changes or Comments or any other editing marks, it may be awarded 0 (zero) marks. It is your responsibility to submit the final and correct version of your report.
Check with marking criteria: Before submitting your assessment, you should check it against the assessment criteria and the marking rubric included in this specification to ensure that you have satisfactorily addressed all the criteria that will be used to mark your submission.
Academic language: All submissions should be thoroughly proofread for spelling, typographical or grammatical errors before being submitted. Do not reply on the ‘spell-check’ function in your word processing program. If, for example, ‘affect’ is substituted for ‘effect’, your program may not detect the error.
Referencing: No referencing required for this assessment.
Submission Instructions: ALL students must submit ONE ZIP file containing ALL HTML/CSS/JS files via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MIS202 App, Web Design and Development. Physical copies/email submissions are not accepted.
Complete and correct submission: Assessments, once submitted, are FINAL and therefore cannot be modified. The onus is on you to ensure that your submissions are final, correct (correct files in correct format) and complete before submitting to Blackboard.
You are expected to begin this assessment when you begin the trimester, especially as you relate the learning activities (formative assessment) in the modules to this and the other (summative) assessments. Be sure to keep several drafts of your work as well as your notes and any sources you used to draw on when preparing your report.
Extensions will be considered only in extenuating circumstances where the student has applied before the due date. At that point, students are required to provide the latest draft, in case the extension is not granted, and to demonstrate they have earnestly done everything to avoid lateness.
Students are responsible for keeping appropriate back-ups and drafts of their assignments and to submit the correct version.
Torrens University Australia’s policies apply to the preparation and submission of this assignment.
Assessment Rubric
Assessment Attributes Fail
(Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
(Functional) 50-64% Credit
65-74% Distinction
75-84% High Distinction
(Exceptional) 85-100%

20% Web Page Layout And Styling
The overall web page design is professional and the layout is complete (e.g. clear navigation, footer).
The overall styling of the web pages is professional and is suitable for the case study. The website is poorly designed. The implementation demonstrates limited or no understanding of the basic web page structure.
The styling of the website does not look professional and may not be fit for purpose. The website is not very well designed and there is a noticeable lack of structural components in the web page.
The overall styling of the website is not very professional and there is significant room for improvement. The website is generally well designed and the layout structure is generally complete, but there is some room for improvement.
The overall styling of the website looks somewhat professional and generally fit for purpose, but there is some room for improvement. The website is excellently designed and the layout structure is generally complete.
The overall styling of the website looks professional and fit for purpose, but there is minor room for improvement. The website is expertly designed and the layout structure is complete.
The overall styling of the website looks extremely professional and fit for purpose.

20% teness and relevance
The front-end website covers all major functional requirements for all its users in the case study. All the website pages implemented in the submission are relevant to the case study. Many functional requirements are not implemented.
Many implemented
features are not relevant to the case study. Some of the major functional requirements are implemented.
Some of the implemented features are relevant to the case study. Most of the major functional requirements are implemented.
Most of the implemented features are relevant to the case study. All of the major functional requirements are implemented.
All of the
implemented features are relevant to the case study. All of the major functional requirements are implemented to a very high standard.
All implemented features are highly relevant to the case study.
Responsive web design and browser compatibility The implementation demonstrates limited or no understanding of The implementation demonstrates functional understanding of The implementation demonstrates sound understanding of The implementation demonstrates clear understanding of The implementation demonstrates thorough and in-

20% The frontend development correctly used responsive web design.
The web pages and their layout adjust to various screen sizes. The web pages and their layout look good in all mainstream browsers (Chrome, Edge, Safari and Firefox). responsive web design techniques.
The implementation demonstrates limited or no understanding of browser compatibility. responsive web design techniques.
The implementation demonstrates functional understanding of browser compatibility. responsive web design techniques.
The implementation demonstrates sound understanding of browser compatibility. responsive web design techniques.
The implementation demonstrates clear understanding of browser compatibility. depth understanding of responsive web design techniques.
The implementation demonstrates thorough and indepth understanding of browser compatibility.
Web form design
• Form widgets are selected appropriately, that is, the most appropriate form controls are selected for a given type of data.
• Appropriate HTML5 form
validation features are used.
20% The choice of form widgets demonstrates limited or no understanding of the function of commonly used web form widgets.
No HTML5 form validation is implemented. The choice of form widgets demonstrates functional understanding
of the function of commonly used web form widgets.
Some HTML5 form
validation is
implemented, but there is significant room for improvement. The choice of form widgets demonstrates sound understanding of the function of commonly used web form widgets.
HTML5 form validation is implemented, but there is some room for improvement. The choice of form widgets
demonstrates clear understanding of the function of commonly used web form widgets.
HTML5 form
validation is implemented, but there is minor room for improvement. The form widgets are selected appropriately, that is the most appropriate form controls are selected for a given type of data;
Appropriate HTML5 form validation features are correctly and thoroughly used.
Coding convention and quality of code
• The program follows a consistent naming convention.
• The program is well formatted, including appropriate spacing and indentation.
• The program contains sufficient comments; the implementation of major functions is commented. The code is formatted very little to not at all.
The naming of methods or variables is inconsistent. No naming convention is followed. The code is satisfactorily written, but there is substantial room for improvement.
There are significant errors in code format, and naming of methods or variables. The code is generally well written, but there is some room for improvement.
There are more than 5 errors, but less than 8 errors in terms of naming convention and code format. The code is generally well written.
There are more than
2 errors but less than 5 errors in terms of naming convention and code format. The code is expertly written.
There are no more than 2 errors in terms of naming convention and code format.
20% Little or no comments provided. There is a significant lack of useful comments. There is reasonable amount of useful comments. There is a sufficient amount of useful comments. There is a sufficient amount of useful comments

Writers Solution

What eye colour is produced by the most amount of pigment in the Iris
1. Define: Hyperopia:
2. Define: Myopia
3. Define: Astigmatism:
4. Define: Presbyopia:
1. What eye colour is produced by the most amount of pigment in the Iris
2. Too much near work, thereby forcing the crystalline lens of the eye to over accommodate without providing it with sufficient rest, can result in what?
3. An inherited disease which gradually devastates the rods of the Retina, thereby reducing night vision and ultimately resulting in “Tunnel” vision is known as what
4. As an increasing amount of light enters the eye, the pupil does what
5. What ocular tissue provides protection for the eye and serves as an attachment for the extraoccular muscles which move the eye
1. Name the three fluid chambers of the eye and where they are situated
2. Provide a definition of accommodation
3. Name the six extraoccular muscles
4. State the function of the Lacrimal glands.
5. Name the vessels that supply blood to the Cornea.
Explain the condition illustrated below and state how this could be corrected
Explain the condition illustrated below and state how this could be corrected
Macular Degeneration
This condition, also known as -lazy eye,- occurs when one eye is weaker than the other. Both eyes cannot blend an image.
Lazy eye usually starts at childhood, and can be corrected if detected and treated by the age of five.
By patching the strong eye, the weaker eye is forced to properly network to the brain, allowing it to become stronger.
Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
List some of the possible general causes of hearing loss:-
List some of the causes of perforated eardrum:-
Red blood cells with a high concentration of oxygen
1. What is the main function of the respiratory system?
2. Name the microscopic hairs lining the respiratory tract.
3. How many lobes does the right lung contain?
4. How many lobes does the left lung contain?
5. Which main blood vessels carry blood to the lungs from the heart?
6. Which main blood vessels carry blood from the lungs to the heart?
7. What is the function of the pleura ?
8. Which structure closes off the trachea during swallowing?
9. What is the function of the goblet cells?
10. How thick is the average alveolar wall?
Describe, in a paragraph, the process of inspiration and expiration, the muscles used and the nerves which initiate and prohibitpulmonary ventilation.
List the main blood vesselsinvolved in the movement of deoxygenated blood to the lungs, and the movement of oxygenated bloodback to the heart.
What is the term for the active phase of respiration?
What is the passive phase termed?
Which muscles are used when inspiration is FORCED?
What is this a sign of?
Does the diaphragm move up or down during inspiration?
What is the main function of the respiratory system
What is meant by the term hypercarbia?
If carbon dioxide levels rise, what affect does this have on respiration?
What is meant by the term hypoxemia?
Where is the respiratory centre situated
2) The brain has no venous system, how does the blood return to the Superior Vena Cava?
Frontal lobe
Parental lobe
Occipital lobe
Temporal lobe
Primary motor area
Premotor area
Frontal association area
Broca’s area
Somatic sensory area
Gustatory area
Corpus callosum
Basal nuclei
Medulla oblongata
Reticular activating system
10) What is meant by the blood brain barrier? What can cross the blood brain barrier? What can not cross the barrier?
1) Midbrain
2) Pons Varoll
3) Medulla Oblongata
13) What is the spinal cord and its function?
Afferent / efferent arteriole
Glomerular capsule (Bowman’s)
Proximal convoluted tubule
Nephron loop (loop of Henle)
Collecting duct
Juxtaglomerular apparatus
Distal convoluted tubule
What is the functional unit of the Kidney?
The Kidney is internally divided into three layers. The cortex, …………… and pelvis.
The three processes by which urine is produced are filtration, reabsorption and ………….…?
In which region of the nephron does filtration occur?
In which region of the nephron does the majority of reabsorption occur?
The kidneys main function is the production of urine. Name two other functions of the kidney?
What is the primary effect of ADH?
Describe the two main actions of angiotensin II.
Describe the effect of atrial natriuretic hormone.
Pre-Renal Failure
Renal Failure
Post-Renal Failure
Describe the signs and symptoms of Acute Renal Failure
Hypovolemia (causes, symptoms)
Hypervolemia (causes, symptoms)
1. Insulin is a lipid hormone secreted by the stomach
2. Growth hormone is a lipid hormone
3. Insulin receptors are located inside the mitochondria of cells
4. Hyper-secretion of growth hormone may lead to dwarfism
5. Growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland
6. Insulin receptors are located on cell membranes
7. Both growth hormone and insulin are protein hormones and thus can be produced “artificially” by means of biotechnology.
8.Insulin causes cells to “up-take” glucose
9. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex
10. When a person intakes a large quantity of sugar, the pancreas will respond by secreting insulin
State which hormones on the previous table are secreted by the Anterior Pituitary
And which are secreted by the posterior pituitary
What is the ‘master gland’
Which gland secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine
Hormones from this gland help regulate metabolism of Carbohydrates, lipids and proteins
Which gland helps to regulate circadian rhythms
Which gland secretes cortisol and aldosterone
This hormone is called a mineralcorticoid because it helps regulate the concentration of mineral electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium ions.
This hormone is responsible for the development and maintenance of most of the female secondary sex characteristics.
Controls secretion of certain hormones from the adrenal cortex.Controls the release of cortisol
Which hormone is released in response to sympathetic nervous stimulation. It causes, among other things, an increase in heart rate, dilation of breathing tubes etc.
Which hormone is highly involved in glucose metabolism
Is the pancreas an endocrine gland or an exocrine gland. Explain your answer
Choose an example of negative feedback, and explain in your own words how negative feedback works. You may draw a diagram to explain your answer
List some of the different types of cancer of the thyroid gland:-
List :-
The chambers are separated by valves. Name the valves and their function:
What are the Chordae Tendineae and what is their function?
Describe the process by which blood returning from the body passes through the heart to the lungs:
The blood entering the right side of the heart is Deoxygenated. Explain what happens to the blood as it enters the lungs
Describe the process by which blood from the lungs passes through the heart into the circulation
Explain what happens to the blood as it circulates around the body
Why is it important that this layer is smooth?
What does it consist of , and what is its function?
The outer layer of the heart is termed the pericardium and is composed of two layers. What are these layers called and what are they composed of ?
From where do the coronary arteries originate?
What is the function of the coronary arteries ?
Explain what happens to the coronary arteries in coronary heart disease
The cardiac cycle is controlled by specialized conducting tissue in the heart. In the box below explain how this system works in controlling the rhythmical contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle.
1. A gene is a length of DNA
2. Identical Twins have the same genes
3. Tongue rolling is genetic you can either do it or you can’t.
4. There are 23 Chromosomes in a gene
5. The severity of genetic diseases decreases as they are passed through generations
6. There are 46 chromosomes in all normal cells except gametes (sex cells) which have 23 chromosomes
7. Everyone has a “DNA FINGERPRINT” which can be used to identify people i.e. crime.
8. DNA can be affected by exposure to radiation
9. There are 46 genes in every living cell
10. If two recessive genes for an illness are inherited, you are likely to get the illness.
1. Who was the first physician to put forth an explanation for the idea of hereditary traits?
2. What are the names given to Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance?
3. What is a gamete?
4. The male carries the traits for Blue and Brown eyes and the female carries the trait for Green eyes only what possible traits might the children of these parents carry?
5. What is a haploid cell?
6. What is a zygote ?
7. What is an allele?
8. What do we mean by the term homologous?
9. What do we mean by the term heterozygous?
10. What do we mean by the term homozygous?
11. What is meant by the term “phenotype”?
12. Explain the process of mitosis.
13. Explain the process of meiosis
14. What is a telomere?
15. What would happen to a chromosome with no telomeres?
Briefly outline the structure and function of compact bone
Briefly outline the structure and function of cancellous bone
Give a brief description of each type of bone and where they may be found
Describe the function of each of the different types of bone cells
Provide a very brief description of each type of joint
Give examples of where you might find these joints
1. What are the functions of bones?
2. What are bones composed of?
3. What do osteoblasts and osteoclasts do?
4. What are the three categories of joints
Explain how these muscles differ from each other
Where in the body would you find examples of each?
A muscle that primarily produces a movement is called an agonist; a muscle that opposes the movement is called an antagonist.
Explain how these muscles work in relation to movement of the knee joint during walking.
We know that red blood cells are responsible for
1. In your own words describe why haemoglobin is important.
2. What would happen if somebody had an iron deficiency
3. What is iron deficiency called?
4. What are the normal haemoglobin levels for a) a male and b) a female?
5. What method does a nurse use to consider a patients’s level of oxygen saturation? How does this work?
Fill in the missing words – Type your answers in the box provided at the bottom of this page. Please add these in the format A-1 B-2 C-3 and so on.
…A… include neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils.
Agranulocytes include …B… and …C….
The most common white blood cell is the …D….
…E… may be caused by acute infection.
…F… defend against parasitic infestations.

Writers Solution

National and transnational cinemas

Screen at least one of the following films this week: I encouage you to see as much as you can this summer!

  • Monsoon Wedding(India et al, 2001) – Mira Nair’s biggest box office success
  • A Simple Life (Hong Kong, 2011) – Ann Hui’s minor key gem
  • Wild Tales (Argentina, 2014) – Damián Szifron’s Tarantino-esque set of variations on a theme

Criterion has been streaming a Mira Nair retrospective this year… A little digging will reward you with additional Ann Hui films, to say nothing of the wealth of film from South America!

Discussion board (20 points)

Our final week for this condensed summer course! We’re reading about national and transnational cinemas, streaming films from both the Americas and Asia, and we’re collaborating on an online map of global cinema… We even have a couple of flipgrid assignments! All of these things are on the table… On top of that, I’m happy to entertain a conversation regarding what you liked about the class (and wouldn’t mind seeing more of), as well as what you didn’t like about the class (and wouldn’t mind seeing less of)… Your feedback is really useful to me as I look ahead to multiple online sections of this class in September! 

  • Sign-up wiki


Please sign up for two different entries on our interactive Global Cinema map… Everyone should have one entry from Pool A (a list of entries based on shared readings and screenings) and one entry from Pool B (a list of entries based on individual interests–and let’s try to build that in chronological order, ok?).Make sure you’ve signed up for two entries asap for your initial 50 points… You have the rest of this Sign up!

Created By  Bjorn Ingvoldstad on Tuesday, June 21, 2022 10:52:08 PM EDT

last modified by  Olivia Aubin on Wednesday, June 22, 2022 1:19:28 PM EDT

POOL A – Shared content. Pick one of the listed entries by adding your name to the right of the entry… Please keep the entries in alphabetical order. 

  • Argentinian cinema – 
  • Asian cinema-Michael Poirier
  • Bollywood-  
  • Bong Joon-Ho – Devin Biello, Aidan Washington, Teagan Parker
  • Cannes Film Festival – Briana Jusseaume, Olivia Aubin
  • European cinema-  Joe Auriemma
  • Hui, Ann – 
  • Nollywood- Oluchi Enaworu
  • Indian cinema- 
  • Jia Zhang-ke- 
  • Mohandas, Geethu – 
  • Nair, Mira – 
  • Romanian cinema- 
  • Tsai, Ming-liang –
  • Varda, Agnès – 
  • Venice Film Festival – Grace Leopold
  • Vinterberg, Thomas – 

POOL B – Individual content. Please add one entry to the list, keeping the list in alphabetical order by entry (adding your name to the right of the entry).

(add content here!)

Claire Denis – Grace Leopold

Dogtooth – Joe Auriemma

Lion Heart – Oluchi Enaworu

Snowpiercer – Aidan Washington

Steel Rain – Michael Poirier

The Meyerowitz Stories – Briana Jusseaume

The Handmaiden – Teagan Parker, Olivia Aubin

Titane – Devin Biello

Collaborative final (150 points total)

Make sure you choose two entry ideas (below)–the map for collaborative work will open later this week! Nothing to upload to Blackboard; rather, we’ll use an off-Blackboard tool (like we do with Flipgrid) to collaboratively build the project. Everything should be up by the end of the semester (6/27)…

The big assignment in the final week of Summer 2022 (150 points total, or 15% of your final grade) will be to collaborate on an interactive Global Cinema map. Everyone in class will be selecting a pair of entries (be it films, directors, actors, national cinemas, etc), and then pulling together web-based materials to supplement each of your two short, 250-word written posts. We’ll make mapping selections, then work on entries… 

Here’s our collaborative project for the semester–together gathering material on global cinema to share online! Everyone picks two entries (go to our Wiki to make your selection)… Then for each entry I’d like you to gather the following:

  • an entry of approximately 250 words –for instance, any kind of summary and/or critical take on your subject (from our textbook or elsewhere) that you think would be interesting to the rest of the class (and our fellow travellers)
  • at least two additional elements of web content to make your entry vibrant (a link to a webpage, film trailer, photos / stills, etc)

CLICK HERE to upload your entries to Padlet! Use the tool to include video, web links, and your short entries… and then plot them on our map!

Two posts to upload: EACH of them should include a 250-word entry + two web-rich items (e.g. hyperlink, still image, video)… Make sure you sign your name (or at least your initials) to ensure you get credit for your work! The initial wiki sign-up is 50 points, and then the two posted entries are another 100 points… Make sure you sign up for (and do) two entries!

Writers Solution

Evaluate accounting systems and controls used in management decision-making

Managerial Accounting is related to software  as Business Analyst. The paper should be in apa format with 650 words and 2 references. Evaluate accounting systems and controls used in management decision-making

Below is the syllabus for your reference:

This course focuses on managerial accounting concepts, including costing, budgeting, forecasting, planning, and control. Emphasis is on preparing and using financial statements as well as various managerial reports for decision-making.

Upon completion of this course:

Evaluate accounting systems and controls used in management decision-making. Interpret managerial accounting control functions including budgeting and cost allocationAnalyze prevalent managerial accounting systems used in organizationsCompare integrated internal cost systems used in decision-makingResearch, apply critical thinking, and communicate current issues in managerial accounting

The mission of the Hutton & Plaster School of Business is to foster academic excellence and student achievement at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Students are provided with a strong academic foundation in business, and are prepared to become productive, competent, and ethical professionals. The Hutton School of Business provides a learning environment that is characterized by student-oriented instructional methodologies and the development of leadership and life-long learning skills in its students. 

At the Hutton School of Business, the following broad-based goals for students have been developed: 

  1. Students will acquire the relevant disciplinary knowledge and competencies appropriate to their program of study.
  2. Students will acquire effective business-related professional skills.
  3. Students will be challenged to assess their personal values and connect them to ethical behaviors appropriate to their intended endeavors.

Program Intended Student Learning Outcomes

Based upon these broad-based goals, the Hutton & Plaster School of Business has identified the following general intended student learning outcomes (MBA ISLO) for students: 

  1. Students will be able to demonstrate well-developed case study problem-solving skills.
  2. Students will be able to examine the major theories and concepts in the areas of accounting, finance, management, and marketing.
  3. Students will be able to integrate their findings from the major theories and concepts in the areas of accounting, finance, management, and marketing to organizational decision making.
  4. Students will be able to analyze the opportunities and challenges of legal, social, economic, and global business issues.
  5. Students will be able to apply standards of ethical behavior in business to managerial decision making.
  6. Students will be able to utilize appropriate technological and quantitative methods and tools to the solution of practical business problems.
  7. Students will be able to demonstrate advanced professional business communication skills.
  8. Students will be able to demonstrate well-developed organizational, leadership, and teamwork skills.
  9. Students will be able to integrate theory and practical application across business functional areas for the purpose of strategic analysis, planning, implementation, and control.

Concentration Intended Student Learning Outcomes

Further, the Hutton & Plaster School of Business has identified the following intended student learning outcomes for students pursuing a concentration:

Concentration in Accounting (ACTG) ISLOs

  1. Students will be able to utilize advanced knowledge of accounting.
  2. Students will be able to develop advanced analytical and critical thinking skills to evaluate information, solve problems, and make sound ethical decisions in the different areas of accounting.
  3. Students will be able to conduct research on issues and questions relevant to the accounting profession.
  4. Students will be able to interpret the ethical and legal responsibilities of professional accountants.

Concentration in Entrepreneurship (ENTR) ISLOs

  1. Students will be able to utilize advanced knowledge of entrepreneurship.
  2. Students will be able to formulate a plan for the creation of a new venture.
  3. Students will be able to develop advanced analytical and critical thinking skills to evaluate information, solve problems, and make sound ethical decisions in the different areas of business.

Concentration in Healthcare Administration (HCA) ISLOs

  1. Students will be able to utilize advanced knowledge of healthcare administration.
  2. Students will be able to formulate healthcare administration strategies designed to allow the organization to achieve its objectives.
  3. Students will be able to develop advanced analytical and critical thinking skills to evaluate information, solve problems, and make sound ethical decisions in the area of healthcare administration.

Concentration in Marketing (MKTG) ISLOs

  1. Students will be able to utilize advanced knowledge of marketing.
  2. Students will be able to formulate marketing strategies designed to allow the organization to achieve its objectives.
  3. Students will be able to develop advanced analytical and critical thinking skills to evaluate information, solve problems, and make sound ethical decisions in the area of marketing.

Concentration in Project Management (PROJ) ISLOs

  1. Students will be able to utilize advanced knowledge of the project management process including planning the project, initiating the project, executing the project, monitoring the project, and controlling the project.
  2. Students will be able to examine the ethical and legal responsibilities of project managers.
  3. Students will be able to develop advanced analytical and critical thinking skills to evaluate information, solve problems, and make sound ethical decisions in the different areas of project management.

Concentration in Strategic Management (MGMT) ISLOs

  1. Students will be able to utilize advanced knowledge of management.
  2. Students will be able to formulate management strategies designed to allow the organization to achieve its objectives.
  3. Students will be able to develop advanced analytical and critical thinking skills to evaluate information, solve problems, and make sound ethical decisions in the different area of management