Writers Solution

Central Parenteral Nutrition

Topic;  Central Parenteral Nutrition

1) give a 4-5 page (not including the title page or reference page) using APA format.

2) For APA, formatting, or grammar assistance visit the APA Citation and Writing page in the online library.

no plagiarism and the guide line is uploaded below

NR341 Complex Adult Health

RUA Interdisciplinary Management of Healthcare Technology Guidelines


This purpose of this assignment is for the student to present a complete picture of interdisciplinary care using specific therapeutic modalities in the care of a complex adult health client. The student will demonstrate clinical reasoning skills and will discuss interdisciplinary care that had been incorporated and/or anticipated using a healthcare technology or therapeutic modality for the care of the complex health client.

Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

1. Provide patient and family centered nursing care to adults with complex health needs using theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines. (PO 1)

2. Initiate the use of appropriate resources in direct care responsibilities within complex adult health situations. (PO 2)

3. Demonstrate effective therapeutic communication and relationship skills in family centered nursing care to adults with complex health needs. (PO 3)

4. Demonstrate effective clinical decision making based on critical thinking skills and legal, ethical, and professional standards and principles when caring for patients and families with complex adult health needs. (POs 4 and 6)

5. Implement a plan of care for continued personal, professional, and educational development related to nursing practice with complex adult health situations. (PO 5)

7. Use evidence including research findings from nursing and related disciplines to answer clinical questions related to nursing care of patients with complex adult health needs. (PO 8)

Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.

Total points possible: 100 points

Preparing the assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.

1) Choose a therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

2) Examples of a therapeutic modality include Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, Automatic rotating pronation beds, right and/or left ventricular assist devices, nontraditional ventilator modes.

3) Examples of healthcare technology can include regional O2 saturation monitoring (NIRS).

4) Refer to your faculty member if your selection requires prior approval.

5) Write a 4-5 page paper (not including the title page or reference page) using APA format.

6) For APA, formatting, or grammar assistance visit the APA Citation and Writing page in the online library.

7) Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the Grading Rubric):

a. Introduction – 5 points/5%

· The chosen therapeutic modality or healthcare technology meets one of the following criteria:

· Has been introduced recently at the bedside for care of the complex adult patient.

· Is a non-traditional modality for very ill patients in special circumstances.

· Is being used in a new way to treat a patient with complex needs.

· Requires specific training above and beyond general entry-level nursing education.

· Introduce the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

( NR341 -OL RUA Interdisciplinary Guidelines V 1 ) ( 1 )

NR341 Complex Adult Health

RUA Interdisciplinary Management of Healthcare Technology Guidelines

· Name the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

· A brief fictional case is used to illustrate the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

b. Explanation and Background– 15 points/15%

· Include a clear description of the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

· Discuss how the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology works.

· Describe the patient population it is used for.

· Include medication, safety, and cost considerations as applicable.

c. Risks and Benefits– 15 points/15%

· Describe how the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology can benefit the patient.

· Discuss ways to promote positive outcomes.

· Explain the complications that may arise.

· Discuss considerations for preventing complications.

d. Interdisciplinary team’s Roles and Responsibilities– 20 points/20%

· Identify all interdisciplinary team members caring for the patient, such as respiratory therapy, assistive personnel, providers, case managers, clinical nurse specialists, and researchers.

· Describe the roles and responsibilities of each member of the healthcare team that is involved in the use of the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

· Discuss the roles and responsibilities of the nurse as a member of the interdisciplinary team caring for the patient.

e. Nursing Scope of Practice – 15 points/15%

· Discuss the knowledge needed for the Registered Nurse to provide care for the patient using the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

· Describe skills needed for the Registered Nurse to provide care for the patient using therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

· Discuss attitudes needed for the Registered Nurse to provide care for the patient using therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

f. Patient Education – 20 points/20%

· Describe the information to be taught to the patient and/or family.

· Discuss how information will be taught.

· Explain how the effectiveness of the teaching will be evaluated.

g. Conclusion – 5 points/5%

· Provide a summary of the paper.

· No new information is introduced.

· Include additional resources for further learning.

h. APA Style and Organization – 5 points/5%

· References are submitted with paper.

· Uses current APA format and is free of errors.

· Grammar and mechanics are free of errors.

· At least three (3), nursing, scholarly, peer reviewed, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the textbook, are provided.

Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fully understand the concepts learned.

( NR341-OL RUA Interdisciplinary Guidelines V1 ) ( 2 )

Writers Solution

Dagoberto Gilb (b. 1950) was born in Los Angeles to a Mexican mother and an Anglo father from East Los Angeles

Love in L.A.

Dagoberto Gilb

Dagoberto Gilb (b. 1950) was born in Los Angeles to a Mexican mother and an Anglo father from East Los Angeles. He earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Santa Barbara, and currently teaches in the Master of Fine Arts Creative Writing Program at Southwest Texas State University. Gilb’s first published work was Winners on the Pass Line (1985), but The Magic of Blood (1993) established his reputation. Hailed as a classic of the American Southwest, it won the 1994 PEN/Hemingway Award. There followed The Last Known Residence of Mickey Acuña (1994), Woodcuts of Women (2001), and Gritos (2003), a collection of essays. Subtly layered irony and satire come together in “Love in L.A.,” appropriately set in a city where reality, fantasy, and image vie for prominence.

Jake slouched in a clot of near motionless traffic, in the peculiar gray of concrete, smog, and early morning beneath the overpass of the Hollywood Freeway on Alvarado Street. He didn’t really mind because he knew how much worse it could be trying to make a left onto the onramp. He certainly didn’t do that every day of his life, and he’d assure anyone who’d ask that he never would either. A steady occupation had its advantages and he couldn’t deny thinking about that too. He needed an FM radio in something better than this ’58 Buick he drove. It would have crushed velvet interior with electric controls for the L.A. summer, a nice warm heater and defroster for the winter drives at the beach, a cruise control for those longer trips, mellow speakers front and rear of course, windows that hum closed, snuffing out that nasty exterior noise of freeways. The fact was that he’d probably have to change his whole style. Exotic colognes, plush, dark nightclubs, maitais and daiquiris, necklaced ladies in satin gowns, misty and sexy like in a tequila ad. Jake could imagine lots of possibilities when he let himself, but none that ended up with him pressed onto a stalled freeway.

Jake was thinking about this freedom of his so much that when he glimpsed its green light he just went ahead and stared bye bye to the steadily employed. When he turned his head the same direction his windshield faced, it was maybe one second too late. He pounced the brake pedal and steered the front wheels away from the tiny brakelights but the smack was unavoidable. Just one second sooner and it would only have been close. One second more and he’d be crawling up the Toyota’s trunk. As it was, it seemed like only a harmless smack, much less solid than the one against his back bumper.

Jake considered driving past the Toyota but was afraid the traffic ahead would make it too difficult. As he pulled up against the curb a few carlengths ahead, it occurred to him that the traffic might have helped him get away too. He slammed the car door twice to make sure it was closed fully and to give himself another second more, then toured front and rear of his Buick for damage on or near the bumpers. Not an impressionable scratch even in the chrome. He perked up. Though the car’s beauty was secondary to its ability to start and move, the body and paint were clean except for a few minor dings. This stood out as one of his few clearcut accomplishments over the years.

Before he spoke to the driver of the Toyota, whose looks he could see might present him with an added complication, he signaled to the driver of the car that hit him, still in his car and stopped behind the Toyota, and waved his hands and shook his head to let the man know there was no problem as far as he was concerned. The driver waved back and started his engine.


“It didn’t even scratch my paint,” Jake told her in that way of his. “So how you doin? Any damage to the car? I’m kinda hoping so, just so it takes a little more time and we can talk some. Or else you can give me your phone number now and I won’t have to lay my regular b.s. on you to get it later.”

He took her smile as a good sign and relaxed. He inhaled her scent like it was clean air and straightened out his less than new but not unhip clothes.

“You’ve got Florida plates. You look like you must be Cuban.”

“My parents are from Venezuela.”

“My name’s Jake.” He held out his hand.



They shook hands like she’d never done it before in her life.

“I really am sorry about hitting you like that.” He sounded genuine. He fondled the wide dimple near the cracked taillight. “It’s amazing how easy it is to put a dent in these new cars. They’re so soft they might replace waterbeds soon.” Jake was confused about how to proceed with this. So much seemed so unlikely, but there was always possibility. “So maybe we should go out to breakfast somewhere and talk it over.”

“I don’t eat breakfast.”

“Some coffee then.”


“Thanks, but I really can’t.”

“You’re not married, are you? Not that that would matter that much to me. I’m an openminded kinda guy.”

She was smiling. “I have to get to work.”

“That sounds boring.”

“I better get your driver’s license,” she said.


Jake nodded, disappointed. “One little problem,” he said. “I didn’t bring it. I just forgot it this morning. I’m a musician,” he exaggerated greatly, “and, well, I dunno, I left my wallet in the pants I was wearing last night. If you have some paper and a pen I’ll give you my address and all that.”

He followed her to the glove compartment side of her car.

“What if we don’t report it to the insurance companies? I’ll just get it fixed for you.”

“I don’t think my dad would let me do that.”

“Your dad? It’s not your car?”


“He bought it for me. And I live at home.”

“Right.” She was slipping away from him. He went back around to the back of her new Toyota and looked over the damage again. There was the trunk lid, the bumper, a rear panel, a taillight.

“You do have insurance?” she asked, suspicious, as she came around the back of the car.

“Oh yeah,” he lied.

“I guess you better write the name of that down too.”


He made up a last name and address and wrote down the name of an insurance company an old girlfriend once belonged to. He considered giving a real phone number but went against that idea and made one up.

“I act too,” he lied to enhance the effect more. “Been in a couple of movies.”

She smiled like a fan.

“So how about your phone number?” He was rebounding maturely.

She gave it to him.


“Mariana, you are beautiful,” he said in his most sincere voice.

“Call me,” she said timidly.

Jake beamed. “We’ll see you, Mariana,” he said holding out his hand. Her hand felt so warm and soft he felt like he’d been kissed.

Back in his car he took a moment or two to feel both proud and sad about his performance. Then he watched the rear view mirror as Mariana pulled up behind him. She was writing down the license plate numbers on his Buick, ones that he’d taken off a junk because the ones that belonged to his had expired so long ago. He turned the ignition key and revved the big engine and clicked into drive. His sense of freedom swelled as he drove into the now moving street traffic, though he couldn’t stop the thought about that FM stereo radio and crushed velvet interior and the new car smell that would even make it better.


Exploring the Text – These questions are for you to answer for yourself.

1. Based on what you know about Los Angeles from movies, television, or personal experience, how does the setting affect your interpretation of events in the story?

2. How does the syntax of the first sentence of the second paragraph, “Jake was thinking about this freedom of his so much that when he glimpsed its green light he just went ahead and stared bye bye to the steadily employed,” reflect the picture of life in Los Angeles that the author is portraying? Does the sound of this sentence resonate with its sense? How?

3. In what ways does Jake show himself to be an “actor”—not literally, perhaps, but in assuming different roles or performances during this encounter?

4. The saying goes that America has a love affair with the automobile, the freedom of the road being yet another inalienable right. How does this idea find its way into “Love in L.A.”? What do the kinds of cars the characters drive—or daydream about driving—lead you to infer about their attitudes toward relationships?

5. Consider the exchange between Mariana and Jake in light of the fact that she copied down his license plate number. What does this suggest about her character? Do you think she gave Jake her real phone number or even her real name? Whom should the reader believe here? Who won this round, Jake or Mariana?

6. What conclusions do you think Dagoberto Gilb intended readers to draw concerning the nature of love in L.A.? Is he suggesting that Jake and Mariana might be kindred spirits in the world depicted in the story? Is he being cynical, playful, or realistic about love and relationships?

Writers Solution

sheriff of a large metropolitan law enforcement agency

Assignment Content

  1. Assume you are the sheriff of a large metropolitan law enforcement agency. Today, one of your undersheriffs was accused in an officer-involved shooting incident. A male was shot by the undersheriff during a traffic stop and subsequently died because of his wounds.

    The mayor has called and wants to know what happened. The media is in the lobby and wants you to hold a press conference. You have learned the media has video footage of the shooting from witnesses at the scene. There are calls for the officer to be fired and prosecuted for murder. The sheriff’s office is already under scrutiny by the public in relation to similar situations in other large cities. How do you address this situation?

    Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word detailed plan of action to address this situation. Include the following:
    – Factors you may encounter when dealing with the political body 
  2. -Factors you need to address when dealing with organizational behaviors in the sheriff’s department
  3. -Factors you need to address in relation to the organizational structure within the sheriff’s department
  4. -Factors to consider centering around the call to fire or prosecute the officer
  5. -Factors to consider when addressing the news media during your upcoming press conference
  6. -Factors that affect your decision making in developing the best course of action in this situation
  7. -Factors to consider relating to potential organizational change within the sheriff’s department
  8. – Research these issues using: 
    • Media accounts of any police department
    • Websites
    • Personal interviews
    • Internet sources
    • Police department official statements
    • Other resources you consider important
  • Cite a minimum of 3 sources in addition to your textbook using APA format
Writers Solution

First or Fourth Amendment

School Resource Manual


The discussion (Topic 2) asked you to research resources that a school leader can use for better understanding in order to comply with the Amendment chosen; either the First or Fourth Amendment. In this assignment, you will compile a Legal Resource Manual. This manual is intended to give you the tools and resources you can draw upon as you move into educational leadership positions. For this reason, you will want your sources to be reliable and trustworthy. You will want this manual to be a companion, something you can turn to when you have questions about legal issues on the job. Your school will have a legal team, of course, but you will want the foundational legal knowledge it takes to be conversant on various issues.


Your Legal Resource Manual is due in Unit 1. Your manual will be built with the resources you contributed in the discussion (Topic 2), resources your classmates posted, and additional resources that you research from other sources for this assignment.

A minimum of 9 resources should be annotated which includes at least 3 local/district, 3 state, and 3 federal resources. Provide a short description of at least 200 words about the resource and why it is useful for a total of 1800 words minimum.

Writers Solution

Legal Issues for School Leaders

Discussion 1: Legal Issues for School Leaders

Understanding your state’s court systems and laws are very important for a school leader, but you must have a clear understanding of the statutes and case laws that work together to help everyone understand the best way to resolve legal issues that leaders face in today’s schools. It is important for leaders to understand that the law is not a static situation, but that it is constantly evolving. When a statute is passed by a governing body, its guidance for school leaders is limited until it is interpreted by the courts. This interpretation comes in the form of case law. It is important for a school leader to understand how case law impacts the governing of the schools and the administration of the rights of stakeholders of schools including, but not limited to, students, employees, parents, and community members. For this discussion, you should choose either the First Amendment or the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution (page 26 in your text) as the basis for your reply.

Follow these directions:

Describe what the chosen amendment says about our rights as U.S. citizens.
Find two examples of case law that apply to educational institutions that have helped to define how the rights guaranteed by that amendment have been interpreted by the courts.
Discuss implications of the chosen case law and how it relates to school leaders.
Research resources (at least 3) that a school leader can use for better understanding in order to comply with the Amendment chosen. Post these resources, along with their links, in the Discussion Board.

Discussion 2

Emergency Management Scenario


School administrators have a responsibility to keep everyone safe. Read the scenario and in the Discussion Board, answer the questions at the end.

During the passing time between classes at Eisenhower High School, there was a fight between two special education students. Student “X” pulled a knife on Student “Y” and cut the students arm to the point severe bleeding took place. Student “X” continued the attack, but thankfully other students were able to disarm Student “X.” The principal of Eisenhower High, Mr. Smart, takes pride in being proactive in his school and his faculty and staff know the law well, so he was very concerned at the findings of his investigation of this incident.

There were several issues that concerned Mr. Smart about this incident. First, one of the school’s teachers, Mrs. Wright, had been informed by another student that Student “X,” an emotionally impaired special education student, might have a weapon in their possession. Because the student who reported the possible weapon was not thought to be credible, Mrs. Wright did not take the report seriously. She decided not to report this because it was at the start of the class, and she did not want to leave her class without supervision. By the time class ended, Mrs. Wright had forgotten about the possible weapon.

To make matters worse, this incident occurred between classes at the end of the hallway where there are only two classrooms, and there was no adult supervision present. Hallway supervision is one area that was a constant struggle between the principal and the faculty and staff. Mr. Smart had urged the faculty and staff to monitor student activity in the hallway. However, when the incident occurred, one teacher had gone to the restroom and the other was at his desk preparing for the next class. Because of the normal noise in the hallway, no adult responded to the incident until well after it had ended. In fact, no staff members knew about the incident until the student came into class with a severe bleeding arm.

When Mr. Smart was alerted to the incident, he immediately took action to isolate Student “X” in a secure, supervised area and to get medical attention for Student “Y.” After making sure Student “Y” received medical treatment, Mr. Smart thoughts turned to his concern for what liability there might be for the district, teachers, and himself.

In your Discussion Board post please responses to the following:

What potential liability does the school district face due to this incident?
What potential liability does Mr. Smart and his faculty face due to the incident?
Based on Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requirement for a school to have an Emergency Management plan, what responsibility does the school have for the safety of their students?
Would it have been legally permissible for school personnel to search Student “X” based on the report of a fellow student? Why or why not?
What should have been done differently in this scenario by the principal and the faculty to prevent this incident from occurring or to limit school district liability?

Discussion 3

Religion in Schools


As the principal of a small town school, Oak Middle School (a public school housing grades 6-8), you have been approached by an organization named “Professional Athletes Against Drug Abuse.” This group has offered to send well known professional athletes to your school to give an assembly encouraging students to be “drug free.” A day before the assembly, you receive a letter from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) telling you that this group’s main goal is to convert children to Christianity. You immediately contact “Professional Athletes Against Drug Abuse” to express your concern; they assure you that their goal is strictly to urge students to remain drug free. You accept their explanation and allow the assembly to take place. When the assembly begins, it quickly becomes apparent that you have been duped and that the ACLU letter was right. The professional athlete speaking to the students encourages them to turn away from drugs and to turn to Jesus. During the assembly students receive a very strong evangelical message and are strongly encouraged to meet with the professional athlete again that evening at a local church to be “born again.” You were understandably very upset, but you allow the assembly to continue to its conclusion.

Please respond to the following questions:

What should you do after the assembly?
Do you personally or the school district have any legal liability due to allowing this assembly?
How does the Lemon Test apply to this circumstance?
How does the principle of government neutrality apply in this case?
Are there any circumstances under which this assembly or one like it could have been held on public school property?
Have you created an open forum?
Explain the legal principles behind your decision-making process.
As you read your classmates’ posts begin a conversation about the administration of the Lemon Test and if it would or would not have changed this assembly situation. What could have been done to prevent this situation?

Writers Solution

Emergency Management for School Leaders

Purpose: Emergency Management for School Leaders

There are no school leaders that are exempt from dealing with emergency issues in their schools. Emergencies can happen at any time and they can be caused either naturally or by humans. Recent issues have involved school shootings, tornadoes, floods, and medical outbreaks. A forward-thinking school leader is cognizant of these and other potential issues and prepared to deal with them by making quick and accurate decisions.


For this assignment, imagine that you are on your school districts Emergency Management committee. You have been asked to research emergency management for K-12 systems as well as examine federal, state, and local emergency management requirements/systems and submit your findings to the committee. The chair of the committee has asked you to write a 3 to 4 page (not including cover or reference page) proposal describing the different systems you found and the impact they had or will have on the school systems as well as what would be your recommendations to make your school district, students, teachers, and staff safer.

The essay should:

Describe the different Emergency Management systems.
Summarize local, state and federal emergency management requirements.
Address the impact different systems had or will have on the school system.
Discuss your recommendations of K-12 Emergency Management to the committee.

Use APA Style for formatting, citations, and references.

Writers Solution

Potential complications of colorectal bowel cancer

 POTENTIAL COMPLICATIONS: There are several complications an individual can experience with colorectal bowel cancer. To name a few, potential complications of colorectal bowel cancer include:

  • Blockage of the colon, which causes bowel obstruction.
  • Cancer returning in the colon.
  • Infection, blood clots and bleeding following the surgery.
  • Difficulty drinking or eating.
    Cancer spreading to other organs or tissues.
  • Hernia.
  • Jaundice.
  • Advanced bowel cancer (stages I to III).
  • Formation of stoma.
  • Formation of fissures, strictures, and fistulas.

(“Colorectal cancer”, 2022

Colorectal Bowel Cancer


Colorectal bowel cancer has several signs and symptoms. Some people may experience general symptoms while others could experience more severe symptoms. Signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer depend on the location, shape, and size of the lesion. This includes the following:

  • Abdominal pain, bloating, frequent gas, or cramping.
  • Change in bowel habits such as constipation, loose stools, more frequent bowel movement, constipation, and narrower stool.
  • Anaemia (tiredness, weakness, or breathlessness).
  • Rectal bleeding or blood in stool.
  • A lump in the anus or rectum.
  • Palpable mass.
  • Tenesmus.

(Nurgali & Wildbore, 2019).


Bowel cancer is cancer in any part of the large bowel, either the colon or rectum. (“Bowel cancer”, 2021). There are several factors that may increase the risk of an individual developing this condition. In saying this, these factors include:

  • Consuming large amounts of processed and red meat.
  • Alcohol consumption (more than two drinks per day).
  • Smoking (more than two packs a day).
  • Not exercising regularly.
  • Unhealthy high fat diet/obesity. (BMI

> 25)

  • Age (50+ risk increases).
  • Family history (3 in 10 cases).
  • Genetic mutation (1 in 10 cases).
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (Chron’s disease and Ulcerative colitis).
  • Colon Polyps

(“Bowel cancer (colon and rectal cancer)”, 2020)

Colorectal Bowel Cancer


Person-centred care implies having access to a medical care professional that is emotionally and physically present through a perioperative process. According to Health Direct (2020), colorectal cancer occurs in the anal canal, rectum, or the large intestines. In saying this, bowel cancer often begins from small growths in the adenomas (polyps) or the inner lining of the bowel. In most cases, it is treated by surgery which is often associated with several postoperative complications such as fistula, urinary tract infection, postoperative bleeding, surgical site infection, bowel ileus or obstruction, pneumonia, and anastomotic leakage (Pallan et al., 2021). In addition to this, such complications can deteriorate an individual’s mental and physical capacity; hence, registered nurses are required to offer person-centred care during this period. Besides, it is possible that bowel cancer might reoccur in the same site or another location in a human’s body. Since the perioperative journey can be difficult, healthcare professionals must increase the availability and provision of psychological, educational, and training resources to meet the complex perioperative coping styles and needs of a patient who has colorectal bowel cancer.

Nurgali & Wildbore (2019) stated that it is the responsibility of healthcare professionals to provide education and support to patients to make sure that they would engage in self-care behaviours and be confident once they are discharged. For instance, colorectal bowel cancer patients should be provided with important information on modifiable risks such as regular exercise, quitting smoking and drinking, and eating a healthy diet (Nurgali & Wildbore, 2019). In saying this, it is also vital to provide person-centred care by teaching and educating patients and their families or caregivers on how to manage post-surgery symptoms, how to correctly treat and manage the surgery wound, and when to seek immediate medical attention when symptoms persist, or they need some extra assistance. Besides psychological and physical perioperative strategies, regular mental health examinations are vital for detecting comorbidities. As a result, providing this information to caregivers is essential as they would use it to understand how to provide care to a patient and ensure optimal recovery.


Bowel cancer. Cancer Council NSW. (2021). Retrieved from

Healthdirect. (2020). Bowel cancer (colon and rectal cancer).

Nurgali, K., & Wildbore, C. (2019). Alterations of digestive function across the lifespan. In J. Craft, & C. Gordon (Eds.), Understanding pathophysiology (3rd Australian and New Zealand ed., pp. 798-856). Elsevier Australia.

Colorectal cancer. (2022). Retrieved from

Pallan, A., Dedelaite, M., Mirajkar, N., Newman, P. A., Plowright, J., & Ashraf, S. (2021). Postoperative complications of colorectal cancer. Clinical Radiology, 76(12), 896-970

Writers Solution

Generate ideas for an innovative product or service

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Tutor Guidance
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All assignments submitted with clear disregard for the stipulated page/word counts may be
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Referencing and Professionalism
To ensure that learners follow a professional stance at all times, they must:
• Use the Harvard system of referencing for all citations and references (including in-text)
• Use professional, formal English in presenting their work
• Refrain from writing in a first-person perspective (i.e. ‘I’, ‘We’, ‘Me’, etc. should not be used
within the answer).
Learners should bear in mind that marks are awarded for professional format and presentation, and
that considerable marks can be awarded for validity and quality of referencing. Therefore, referencing
and professionalism will be assessed in every task.
Plagiarism and Collusion
Plagiarism and collusion will be considered an academic offence and will be dealt with as a serious
Plagiarism can be defined as: the presentation of the work of another author without appropriate
referencing and/or attribution (leading to the false assumption that the learner is the originator of the
Collusion can be defined as a circumstance in which: two or more learners present work with distinct
similarities in concept and ideas.
Learners must have access to valid anti-plagiarism software (e.g. Turnitin) to assess ‘similarity index’
between their work and work that has been published elsewhere. This Turnitin report must be
submitted along with their final assignment scripts for reference purposes.1
Excessive referencing (i.e. where unneeded/irrelevant) will also be considered an academic offence,
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Task 1
Generate ideas for an innovative product or service. Focus on the following key steps:
a) Idea generation
b) Opportunity evaluation and SWOT
c) New product/service planning
d) Market research for the new idea
[Unit: Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Learning Outcome (LO): 1]
Task 2
a) Select a target market for the new product/service
b) Analyse the target market and select an appropriate market segment
c) Identify one main customer group for your new product/service and explain each element of
their consumer decision-making process
d) Explain how ethical issues can affect the relationship between your organisation’s marketing
mix for the new product or service and the behaviour of its consumers
e) Evaluate the impact of the marketing mix’s 4 Ps on consumer behaviour for your selected
[Unit: Entrepreneurship and Innovation; LO2. Unit: Consumer Behaviour; LO2 and LO3]
Task 3
Develop a marketing and integrated promotional plan for the new product/service to meet the
needs of your organisation’s global target markets. This plan must clearly show:
a) Communication processes and current trends in advertising and promotion, including the
impact of ICT and the internet
b) Measurable goals and objectives
c) Strategies for monitoring and control of the marketing and promotional plan
[Unit: Marketing Communications:; LO1 and LO3]
Assignment Word Count
Max. 6000 words across all tasks

Writers Solution

Preventing overexpansion of the lungs during forced breathing

 QUESTION 1-preventing overexpansion of the lungs during forced breathing

  1. The deflation reflex operates by:
preventing overexpansion of the lungs during forced breathing.
inhibiting the expiratory center and stimulating the inspiratory centers when the lungs are collapsing.
activating during normal and quiet breathing.
preventing overexpansion of the lungs during quiet breathing.

7 points   


  1. All of the following are functions of the respiratory system except:
protecting airway from debris.
defending from pathogens.
exchanging gas.
replacing mucous in the alveoli.

7 points   


  1. The portion of the nasal cavity that contains flexible tissues of the external nose is called the:
nasal vestibule.
nasal septum.

7 points   


  1. Tom suffers from bronchitis and frequently experiences periods of wheezing and difficulty breathing. He also has copious mucus. The problem is a result of:
constriction of the bronchi.
inflammation of the bronchial lining.
collapse of the alveoli.
thick mucus secretions.

7 points   


  1. A prehospital emergency patient who presents with blue color, copious mucous, and signs of heart failure is most likely suffering from:
lung cancer.

7 points   


  1. Explain how the airway passages protect the human body from foreign debris, dust, and pathogens.

Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

13 points   


  1. List the actions and function of respiratory muscles involved with breathing.

Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

13 points   


  1. Explain the respiratory physiology of pulmonary ventilation (inspiration and expiration).

Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

13 points   


  1. As you treat patients, it is important to understand the difference between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and asthma. What is the difference, and why is one reversible and the other is not?

Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

13 points   


  1. In your own words, explain how gases are diffused in the alveoli.

Your response must be at least 75 words in length

Writers Solution

Cholelithiasis/Cholecystitis and Open Cholecystectomy

Case StudyTitle: Cholelithiasis/Cholecystitis and Open Cholecystectomy

Scenario: A 60-year-old obese female is being seen in her primary care provider’s office with a possible history of gallstones and now with a possible diagnosis of cholecystitis. Her daily medications include Zestril (lisinopril) for a 5-year history of hypertension and a multivitamin. When asked about exercise and diet, the patient reports that she eats mostly fast food and spends most of the day in her recliner watching TV. The patient reports that in the past month she has had progressively worse indigestion and upper right quadrant pain that occurs a few hours after meals and is especially severe when she goes to bed. Additionally, the pain has started to radiate to the right shoulder. Using a pain intensity scale, the patient reports it to be 6/10 to 8/10. The pain subsides after a few hours, but the patient reports that her right upper quadrant always feels tender.

1. NGN Item Type: Extended Drag and Drop

Place an X (or drag and drop) to indicate which patient assessment findings require follow-up by the nurse at this time.

Assessment FindingAssessment Finding That Requires Follow-Up
Right upper quadrant tenderness
Patient is obese.
Dark amber colored urine
Patient oral temperature = 100.4°F (38°C)
Patient reports that she urinates 4-5 times per day.

Rationale for the above choices:

Cognitive Skill: Recognize Cues

2. NGN Item Type: Extended Response

Which nursing assessment findings support the patient’s probable diagnosis of cholecystitis? Select all that apply.

_____ A. Jaundice

_____ B. Pain is worse after meals and when lying down

_____ C. BP 160/82

_____ D. Patient reports indigestion

_____ E. Abdomen is soft and non-distended

_____ F. Intermittent right shoulder pain

_____ G. WBC count 12000/mm3

Rationale for the above choices:

Cognitive Skill: Analyze Cues

Scenario: A 60-year-old obese female with a history of cholelithiasis and hypertension who saw her primary health care provider 1 day ago for worsening intermittent right upper quadrant pain and indigestion has now been admitted into the hospital for a diagnosis of acute cholecystitis. She now reports constant abdominal pain that radiates to her right shoulder. Using the pain intensity scale, the patient rates the pain 9/10. She also states that she has been nauseous for the past 24 hours and has not been able to eat or drink without vomiting. She now has a nasogastric tube for gastric decompression that is connected to low intermittent suction. She also has an IV of 5% Dextrose and 0.45% normal saline infusing at 125 mL/hour in her right basilic vein. The admitting nurse is planning care for the patient.

1. NGN Item Type: Cloze

Choose the most likely options for the information missing from the statements below by selecting from the list of options provided.

Based on the patient’s current condition, the nurse recognizes that the patient’s priority needs will be to prevent ____________, __________, and __________.

Inadequate diet
Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
Cardiac dysrhythmias
Wound dehiscence


Cognitive Skill: Prioritize Hypotheses

2. NGN Item Type: Extended Drag and Drop

Use an X (or drag and drop) to indicate which actions listed in the left column would be included in the plan of care for this patient.

Nursing ActionsRelevant Nursing Actions
Prepare to administer antibiotics.
Obtain urine specimen for culture and sensitivity.
Monitor intake and output.
Monitor serum electrolytes.
Collaborate with dietician to provide low fat diet.
Frequently assess patient pain level.


Cognitive Skill: Generate Solutions

Scenario: This morning the patient had an open cholecystectomy this morning for acute cholecystitis and returned to the nursing unit from the post anesthesia care unit (PACU) 4 hours ago. She is now awake but drowsy. Using the pain intensity scale, she reports that the pain medication she received 1 hour ago decreased her pain level from an 8/10 to 4/10. She has a T tube draining a moderate amount of bile. The dressing on her right upper quadrant is clean and dry. Vital signs are temperature 98.9◦ (37.2◦ C), pulse 88 bpm, respirations 16 per minute, BP 118/72 mmHg. She will be started on a clear liquid diet this evening.

NGN Item Type: Matrix

Use an X for the nursing actions listed below that are Indicated (appropriate or necessary), Contraindicated (could be harmful), or Nonessential (makes no difference or not necessary) for the patient’s care at this time. Only one selection can be made for each nursing action.

Nursing ActionIndicatedContraindicatedNonessential
Administer analgesic before planned patient activity.
Clamp T tube to prevent loss of bile.
Assess patient’s serum glucose level daily.
Encourage the use of the incentive spirometer.
Maintain patient on bedrest in supine position.

Rationale for the above choices:

Cognitive Skill: Take Action

Scenario: The patient was discharged on the 5th postoperative day 2 weeks ago. She is now at the surgery clinic for follow-up care. Her T tube was discontinued before discharge and there is now a small dressing over the insertion site, which is clean and dry. Her right upper quadrant surgical wound is clean and dry and open to air. Stitches are intact. She reports that she is following the discharge instructions the nurse provided her before she left the hospital. The patient has gained 5 pounds and she reports that she continues to eat fast food since it requires less effort than to prepare her own meals. She reports that she is not on a weight reduction program at this time. Although the patient reports that she does not have pain during her interview, she reports that she takes 2 Percocet tablets every 4 hours while she is awake and that she will need the prescription to be refilled.

NGN Item Type: Highlighting/Enhanced Hot Spot

Rationale for the above choices:

Cognitive Skill: Evaluate Outcomes

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