Writers Solution

The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union erupted shortly after WWII.

The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union erupted shortly after WWII.   The U.S. and Western Europe created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), in response to the Soviet domination in Eastern Europe.  Throughout the Cold War, NATO was an effective military alliance against Soviet expansionism.  Since the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, many have argued that NATO no longer serves a purpose and should be disbanded.  Others argue that NATO is still needed against present day Russia and for other troubled areas like the Middle East.

Should NATO be disbanded or is it still needed?


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Writers Solution

Opportunities for New Multicultural Management Research

Selected Topic for PPT: Opportunities for New Multicultural Management Research

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Important Note:  Some of the readings found in this course are more than 5 years old. Although we strive to use current references whenever possible, many of the seminal articles/resources found in this course are from the theorists who created the original theory/theories.

Levitt, S. R. (2013). Cultural factors affecting international teamwork dynamics and effectiveness. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture, and Change Management: Annual Review, 13, 9–23.

Vora, D., Martin, L., Fitzsimmons, S. R., Pekerti, A. A., Lakshman, C., & Raheem, S. (2019). Multiculturalism within individuals: A review, critique, and agenda for future research. Journal of International Business Studies, 50(4), 499–524.

Huang, J. (2016). The challenge of Multicultural Management in global projects. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 226, 75–81.

Poeppelman, T., & Blacksmith, N. (2015). Virtual workplaces: Technological functions can address common challenges. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 52(3), 108–112.

Alonso, A., & Wang, M. (2014). International practice forum. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 51(4), 103–106.

American Society for Quality (ASQ). (2015). Preparing for the future. Journal for Quality and Participation, 38(3), 30–33.

Celebrating teamwork. (2014). Journal for Quality and Participation, 37(3), 4–7.

Hurst, S., Arulogun, O. S., Owolabi, M. O., Akinyemi, R., Uvere, E., Warth, S., & Ovbiagele, B. (2015). Pretesting qualitative data collection procedures to facilitate methodological adherence and team building in Nigeria. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 14(1), 53–64.

Morgan, L., Paucar-Caceres, A., & Wright, G. (2014). Leading effective global virtual teams: The consequences of methods of communication. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 27(6), 607–624. 

Nelson, B. (2014). The data on diversity. Communications of the ACM, 57(11), 86–95.

Whillans, A., Perlow, L., & Turek, A. (2021). Experimenting during the shift to virtual team work: Learnings from how teams adapted their activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Information and Organization, 31(1).

Presbitero, A. (2021). Communication accommodation within global virtual team: The influence of cultural intelligence and the impact on interpersonal process effectiveness. Journal of International Management, 27(1). https://doi-org/10.1016/j.intman.2020.1

Week 2 Presentation (Due in 2 Days) Urgent/Presentation Format.pdf

©  2016  Laureate  Education,  Inc.     Page  1  of  1  

Presentation  Format     During  one  set  of  paired  weeks  in  this  course,  you  will  be  appointed  as  a  Presenter.   When  you  are  the  Presenter,  you  will  prepare  an  individual  academic  presentation,   much  like  a  poster  session.  Your  presentation  should  include  an  analysis  and  synthesis   of  prior  research,  and  your  presentation  begins  the  interaction  with  your  colleagues.  You   will  prepare  a  PowerPoint  presentation  of  7–10  slides  to  demonstrate  your   understanding  of  the  research.       Outline  for  Presentations     The  following  PowerPoint  presentation  outline  is  suggested:     Slide   Number  

Contents  of  Slide  should  include:  

Slide  1   Title  Slide—Weeks  X–X/Week  Title/Presenter  Name     Slides  2–3   An  incorporation  and  analysis  of  the  Required  Resources  from  this  pair  of  weeks,  

including  identification  of  an  original  research  topic  (related  to  the  general  topic  for  the   week,  to  a  specific  reading  for  the  week,  or  to  apparent  gaps  in  the  literature)  

Slides  4–6   An  identification  of  principal  schools  of  thought,  tendencies  in  the  academic  literature,   or  commonalities  that  define  the  academic  scholarship  regarding  your  topic  

Slides  7–8   An  evaluation  of  the  main  concepts  with  a  focus  on  their  application  to   business/management  practice  and  their  impact  on  positive  social  change  

Slides  9–10   APA-­formatted  References  slide(s)  (to  include  a  minimum  of  10  peer-­reviewed,   scholarly  new  references)  

  Guidelines  for  Presentations     You  must  use  APA  formatting  throughout  your  presentation  and  incorporate  direct   evidence  of  addressing  the  Learning  Objectives  from  this  2-­week  unit.  Each  of  the   content  slides  must  include  detailed  notes/paragraphs  in  the  Notes  section  with   appropriate  citation  of  peer-­reviewed,  scholarly  references.  Please  refer  to  the   Presentation  Rubric  for  specific  grading  elements  and  criteria.       Note:  If  you  choose  to  include  graphics  of  any  kind  in  your  presentation,  be  prepared  to   accommodate  participants  with  vision  loss.  Know  that  you  may  have  to  provide  a  written   description  of  graphic  or  pictorial  material  for  a  fellow  student  who  is  visually  impaired.        

o   It  is  the  responsibility  of  any  participant  with  a  disability  that  limits  access  to   the  PowerPoint  presentations  to  contact  the  Instructor  and/or  Disability   Services  to  make  a  specific  request  regarding  this  assignment.  

Week 2 Presentation (Due in 2 Days) Urgent/Week 2 Presentation (Required Assignment).docx

Check above Your Past work ppt, This is same but research topic different

Selected Topic: Opportunities for New Multicultural Management Research

My Note: (Presentation with notes/paragraphs) PPT Format attached, Need 7 Slides without References Slides. Total 9-10 Slides

(100% Original Plagiarism free work ) Due in 2 Days

Must be include all presentation requirement and follow Rubric Superior Criteria and Follow presentation Format

Course Name : Seminar in Multicultural Management

Selected Topic: Opportunities for New Multicultural Management Research

Discussion: Opportunities for New Multicultural Management Research

As you know from the Week 1 readings, there is ongoing discourse concerning the topic of multiculturalism. Although many theories complement effective multicultural management practices, problems continue to manifest that require the appropriate application of multicultural models, theories, frameworks, and strategies to improve business practices. Many researchers offer suggestions for future research, and their suggestions are indicative that the multicultural management issues continue to require attention. This week, your Discussion serves as the beginning of your groundwork for your final paper in this course. This groundwork, among other methodological steps, will ultimately help you with the completion of your final paper, and your future research findings may apply to the enhancement of business practices and social change and multicultural management initiatives.

Over the next 2 weeks, you will analyze your readings from last week and this week and analyze prior research relevant to multiculturalism to discover opportunities for research. You will evaluate the applicability of the multicultural research literature to business practices and social change initiatives and will begin a systematic way of capturing invaluable literature through the construction of an annotated bibliography. Focus on the main messages presented in the readings, as well as on the research designs and on any apparent gaps in the literature that may merit further investigation.

After reading this week’s literature, what research questions or apparent gaps come to mind?

Keeping in mind what you have learned about research design and threats to validity, complete the following:

By Day 7 of Week 2

This week’s assigned Presenters should post a PowerPoint presentation with a detailed notes section that contains the following:

· Incorporation and analysis of the Required Resources from this 2-week unit, including identification of any apparent gaps in the literature

· An original research topic related to the week’s literature (Note: The proposed research topic can be related to the general topic for the week or to gaps in the literature for the week, or it can be related to a specific reading for the week.)

· Background information on the research topic, including identification of principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding your topic

· Evaluation of the main concepts with a focus on their application to business/management practice and their impact on positive social change

· A minimum of 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly new references

Note:  The presentation must be in APA format and must incorporate direct evidence of addressing the Learning Objectives from this 2-week unit. Each of the content slides must include detailed notes/paragraphs with appropriate citation of peer-reviewed, scholarly references.

Refer to the Presentation Format document for more information about the expected contents of your Presentation. For suggestions on creating an effective PowerPoint presentation, see the Learning Resources for Weeks 2–3.

Refer to the Presentation Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria.

Outline for Presentations 

Slide  Number Contents of Slide should include: 
Slide 1 Title Slide—Weeks X–X/Week Title/Presenter Name  
Slides 2–3 An incorporation and analysis of the Required Resources from this pair of weeks,  including identification of an original research topic (related to the general topic for the week, to a specific reading for the week, or to apparent gaps in the literature) 
Slides 4–6 An identification of principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding your topic 
Slides 7–8 An evaluation of the main concepts with a focus on their application to  business/management practice and their impact on positive social change 
Slides 9–10 APA­formatted References slide(s) (to include a minimum of 10 peer­reviewed,  scholarly new references) 

Rubric Detail

Superior CriteriaExcellent CriteriaSatisfactory CriteriaMarginal CriteriaUnsatisfactory CriteriaNot Submitted
Element 1: Incorporation and Analysis of Required Readings15 (15%) Student’s presentation incorporates a thorough and detailed analysis of the Required Resources from this 2-week unit, including identification of any apparent gaps in the literature as well as detailed notes under each slide (except the Title and Reference slides). Several sources and examples support thinking.14.25 (14.25%) Student’s presentation incorporates a thorough and detailed analysis of the Required Resources from this 2-week unit, including identification of any apparent gaps in the literature as well as detailed notes under each slide (except the Title and Reference slides). Several sources and examples support thinking. There are one or two minor errors in analysis.12.75 (12.75%) Student’s presentation incorporates an analysis of most of the Required Resources from this 2-week unit and/or some key information is lacking or not fully developed, and may include identification of any apparent gaps in the literature as well as detailed notes may be incomplete under each slide (except the Title and Reference slides). Some sources and examples support thinking.11.25 (11.25%) Student’s presentation provides a cursory or incomplete analysis of the Required Resources from this 2-week unit and/or does not include detailed notes under each slide (except the Title and Reference slides). Few sources or examples support thinking.7.5 (7.5%) Does not meet minimal standards.(0%) Did not submit element.
Element 2: Original Research Topic & Background Information15 (15%) Student’s presentation incorporates an original research topic related to the week’s literature, and provides a thorough and detailed analysis of the principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding the topic. Several sources and examples support thinking.14.25 (14.25%) Student’s presentation incorporates an original research topic related to the week’s literature, and provides a thorough and detailed analysis of the principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding the topic. Several sources and examples support thinking. There are one or two minor errors in analysis.12.75 (12.75%) Student’s presentation incorporates an original research topic related to the week’s literature, and provides an analysis with some details regarding the principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding the topic. Some sources and examples support thinking.11.25 (11.25%) Student’s presentation incorporates an original research topic related to the week’s literature, but provides a cursory or incomplete analysis with vague or missing details regarding the principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding the topic. Few sources or examples support thinking.7.5 (7.5%) Does not meet minimal standards.(0%) Did not submit element.
Element 3: Evaluation of Main Concepts & Impact on Positive Social Change15 (15%) Student presents a thorough and detailed evaluation of the main concepts with a focus on their application to business/management practice and their impact on positive social change. Several sources and examples support thinking.14.25 (14.25%) Student presents a thorough and detailed evaluation of the main concepts with a focus on their application to business/management practice and their impact on positive social change. Several sources and examples support thinking. There are one or two minor errors in evaluation.12.75 (12.75%) Student presents an evaluation of the main concepts with some details on their application to business/management practice and their impact on positive social change. Some sources and examples support thinking.11.25 (11.25%) Student presents a cursory or incomplete evaluation of the main concepts with vague or missing details on their application to business/management practice and/or their impact on positive social change. Few sources and examples support thinking.7.5 (7.5%) Does not meet minimal standards.(0%) Did not submit element.
Element 4: Minimum of 10 Peer-Reviewed, Scholarly New References10 (10%) Student includes a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly new references, including correct in-text citations, related to the proposed research topic.9.5 (9.5%) Student includes a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly new references, including correct in-text citations, related to the proposed research topic. There are one or two minor errors in the reference citations and/or References slide.8.5 (8.5%) Student includes a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly new references; however, some citations and/or References slide entries are incorrectly cited and/or are loosely connect to proposed research topic.7.5 (7.5%) Student includes fewer than 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly new references and/or many citations are not peer-reviewed, scholarly references and/or do not relate to the proposed research topic.(5%) Does not meet minimal standards.(0%) Did not submit element.
Element 5: Critical Analysis in Presentation15 (15%) Student demonstrates an excellent ability to engage in scholarly thinking, and presents a clear and coherent critical analysis of the materials for the 2-week unit. The presentation shows a high degree of discovery and creativity in assimilating, synthesizing, and framing the resources into a coherent, plausible response. Student demonstrates a clear understanding of the weekly topic in the assigned 2-week span.14.25 (14.25%) Student demonstrates a very good ability to engage in scholarly thinking, and presents a clear and coherent critical analysis of the materials for the 2-week unit. The presentation shows a high degree of discovery and creativity in assimilating, synthesizing, and framing the resources into a coherent, plausible response. Student demonstrates a very good understanding of the weekly topic in the assigned 2-week span.12.75 (12.75%) Student demonstrates some ability to engage in scholarly thinking, and presents a critical analysis of the materials for the 2-week unit. Student demonstrates some understanding of the weekly topic in the assigned 2-week span.11.25 (11.25%) Student does not demonstrate the ability to engage in scholarly thinking, and presents a weak critical analysis of the materials for the 2-week unit. Student demonstrates a vague understanding of the weekly topic in the assigned 2-week span.7.5 (7.5%) Does not meet minimal standards.(0%) Did not submit element.
Element 6: Response to Colleague’s Posting10 (10%) Student responds to at least two colleagues, thoroughly addressing how the readings assigned and posted by colleagues address the “so what?” questions in the field of multicultural management, how the readings are valuable to the research in the field, as well as discusses any important gaps that point to potential topics, and how he/she would extend or explore these gaps.9.5 (9.5%) Student responds to at least two colleagues, mostly addressing how the readings assigned and posted by colleagues address the “so what?” questions in the field of multicultural management, how the readings are valuable to the research in the field, as well as discusses any important gaps that point to potential topics, and how he/she would extend or explore these gaps.8.5 (8.5%) Student responds to two colleagues, somewhat addressing how the readings assigned and posted by colleagues address the “so what?” questions in the field of multicultural management, how the readings are valuable to the research in the field, as well as discusses any important gaps that point to potential topics, and/or how he/she would extend or explore these gaps.7.5 (7.5%) Student responds to two colleagues, vaguely addressing how the readings assigned and posted by colleagues address the “so what?” questions in the field of multicultural management, how the readings are valuable to the research in the field, as well as discusses any important gaps that point to potential topics, and/or how he/she would extend or explore these gaps.(5%) Does not meet minimal standards.(0%) Did not submit element.
Element 7: Written Delivery Style & Grammar10 (10%) Student consistently follows APA writing style and basic rules of formal English grammar and written essay style. Student communicates in a cohesive, logical style. There are no spelling or grammar errors.9.5 (9.5%) Student consistently follows APA writing style and basic rules of formal English grammar and written essay style. Student communicates in a cohesive, logical style. There are one or two minor errors in spelling or grammar.8.5 (8.5%) Student mostly follows APA writing style and basic rules of formal English grammar and written essay style. Student mostly communicates in a cohesive, logical style. There are some errors in spelling or grammar.7.5 (7.5%) Student does not follow APA writing style and basic rules of formal English grammar and written essay style and does not communicate in a cohesive, logical style.(5%) Does not meet minimal standards.(0%) Did not submit element.
Element 8: Formal and Appropriate Documentation of Evidence, Attribution of Ideas (APA Citations)10 (10%) Student demonstrates full adherence to scholarly reference requirements and adheres to APA style with respect to source attribution, references, heading and subheading logic, table of contents and lists of charts, etc. There are no APA errors.9.5 (9.5%) Student demonstrates full adherence to scholarly reference requirements and adheres to APA style with respect to source attribution, references, heading and subheading logic, table of contents and lists of charts, etc. There are one or two minor errors in APA style or format.8.5 (8.5%) Student mostly adheres to scholarly reference requirements and/or mostly adheres to APA style with respect to source attribution, references, heading and subheading logic, table of contents and lists of charts, etc. Some errors in APA format and style are evident.7.5 (7.5%) Student demonstrates weak or inconsistent adherence scholarly reference requirements and/or weak or inconsistent adherence to APA style with respect to source attribution, references, heading and subheading logic, table of contents and lists of charts, etc. Several errors in APA format and style are evident.(5%) Does not meet minimal standards.(0%) Did not submit element.

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Levitt, S. R. (2013). Cultural factors affecting international teamwork dynamics and effectiveness. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture, and Change Management: Annual Review, 13, 9–23.

Vora, D., Martin, L., Fitzsimmons, S. R., Pekerti, A. A., Lakshman, C., & Raheem, S. (2019). Multiculturalism within individuals: A review, critique, and agenda for future research. Journal of International Business Studies, 50(4), 499–524.

Huang, J. (2016). The challenge of Multicultural Management in global projects. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 226, 75–81.

Poeppelman, T., & Blacksmith, N. (2015). Virtual workplaces: Technological functions can address common challenges. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 52(3), 108–112.

Alonso, A., & Wang, M. (2014). International practice forum. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 51(4), 103–106.

American Society for Quality (ASQ). (2015). Preparing for the future. Journal for Quality and Participation, 38(3), 30–33.

Celebrating teamwork. (2014). Journal for Quality and Participation, 37(3), 4–7.

Hurst, S., Arulogun, O. S., Owolabi, M. O., Akinyemi, R., Uvere, E., Warth, S., & Ovbiagele, B. (2015). Pretesting qualitative data collection procedures to facilitate methodological adherence and team building in Nigeria. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 14(1), 53–64.

Morgan, L., Paucar-Caceres, A., & Wright, G. (2014). Leading effective global virtual teams: The consequences of methods of communication. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 27(6), 607–624. 

Nelson, B. (2014). The data on diversity. Communications of the ACM, 57(11), 86–95.

Whillans, A., Perlow, L., & Turek, A. (2021). Experimenting during the shift to virtual team work: Learnings from how teams adapted their activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Information and Organization, 31(1).

Presbitero, A. (2021). Communication accommodation within global virtual team: The influence of cultural intelligence and the impact on interpersonal process effectiveness. Journal of International Management, 27(1). https://doi-org/10.1016/j.intman.2020.1


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Budget Reconciliation Explained Through Chutes and Ladders 

Please read the links and respond   with the piece of information you used/plan to use in  Process analysis or questions/comments about the examples

Clarity and Conciseness (Links to an external site.)” from Duke’s Writing Studio

 Here are some good and varied examples of processes explained. Some are lists/graphics. When you read those, imagine how one might turn the info into paragraph breaks and transitions.

Process Examples:

1) “Budget Reconciliation Explained Through Chutes and Ladders (Links to an external site.)” by Ailsa Chang on NPR

2) “Thrown For A Curve (Links to an external site.)” from the Exploritorium


4) Please Explain (Links to an external site.) from New York Public Radio (lots here, so pick one of interest to listen to)

5) “200 Years That Changed the World (Links to an external site.)” from Hans Rosling (this source is a bit outdated, but I think it’s fascinating)

6) Adobo Seasoning: a Guide to This Savory Latin Seasoning (Links to an external site.)” by Hector Rodriguez at The Spruce


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Informational process writing

Please upload your approx. 800-1,000 word draft as a .doc, .docx, .rtf, or.pdf file. It is best to choose a topic that you have experience with.

Process analysis give instructions on how to do something or describe how something is done; those two are not the same thing. The basic types of process writing are: informational, directional, or a hybrid of the two. Informational process writing provides details on topics we would like to learn about, i.e. how something works. An example would be to write about how the heart functions. On the other hand, directional process deals with giving instructions on how to do something. An example of this type of writing would be an essay giving directions on changing a tire.

Regardless of whether you write an informational or directional, or a hybrid, it is critical to organize the steps in the most logical order. The two most widely used methods for organizing a process essay are chronological order and order of importance. Chronological order would work for an essay on how to bake a cake. If you’re writing on how to improve one’s sleep, then you might list things in order of importance rather than chronological order.

This type of writing requires strict attention to details.  You cannot be too specific with this type of writing. You should assume, when writing process, that the audience knows very little or nothing. While you certainly don’t want to write at such a level as to insult someone’s intelligence, write so that it is clear for those who would be novices at what you are describing. Define any technical terms and offer plenty of examples where necessary.

require outside resources and MLA-formatted citations and bibliographies, but you may want to include expert evidence


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Analyze the challenges of economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare

Assignment Content

  1. Competency
    Analyze the challenges of economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare.

    Reforming healthcare delivery to improve the quality and value of care is essential to address escalating costs, poor quality, and increasing numbers of Americans without health insurance coverage. Reforms should improve access to the right care at the right time in the right setting.
    You have been hired as an expert consultant for the American Medical Association (AMA) to deliver a presentation to a physicians group regarding various barriers to improving, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare. The AMA’s meeting is entitled “Healthcare Reform: Understanding the Obstacles that Hinder Us.”

    Research the following:
    • Three economic barriers to improving quality in healthcare
    • Three noneconomic barriers to improving quality in healthcare
    • Three economic barriers to reducing costs in healthcare
    • Three noneconomic barriers to reducing costs in healthcare
    • Three economic barriers to increasing access to healthcare
    • Three noneconomic barriers to increasing access to healthcare
    • Create a voiceover PowerPoint presentation, providing the physicians group with the information you’ve gathered on the economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare in the United States.

    • APA formatting for the reference list, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required. APA help is available here.
    • Click this link for help on creating a PowerPoint presentation.
    • Click this link for help on creating an audio recording for a PowerPoint presentation


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State the research question and explain the research strategy for answering that question.


Design a research strategy in order to answer a research question.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


You are a first-year graduate student. You are taking a graduate course on research and writing. In this assignment, your professor has asked you to design a research strategy for a research question and write the Methods section of a research paper. 

7-9 pages


In a paper for your professor, create a methods section for a research study:

  • State the research question and explain the research strategy for answering that question. Will it follow a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed method strategy? Explain why the strategy was chosen. If possible, use research to justify the choice.
  • Detail the steps that will need to be followed for the above strategy and what will need to be considered.
  • Explain the plan for collecting data:
  • What type(s) of data will be collected and how much?
  • Where will you get data?
  • How will the data be analyzed and interpreted?


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on State the research question and explain the research strategy for answering that question.

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developing an environment for an organisation or work area that supports the application of critical and creative thinking methods

Unit Code/s & Name/s BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking skills in others
Cluster Name
If applicable N/A
Assessment Name Portfolio of Evidence Assessment Task No. 2 of 4
Assessor Name
Student Declaration: I declare that this assessment is my own work. Any ideas and comments made by other people have been acknowledged as references. I understand that if this statement is found to be false, it will be regarded as misconduct and will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the TAFE Queensland Student Rules. I understand that by emailing or submitting this assessment electronically, I agree to this Declaration in lieu of a written signature.
Student Signature Date / /
Instructions to Student General Instructions:
This task requires you to demonstrate the skills and knowledge requirements to develop critical and creative thinking skills in others within a workplace context, including:
• developing an environment for an organisation or work area that supports the application of critical and creative thinking methods
• identifying critical and creative thinking concepts and approaches, and their application to a workplace context
• facilitating relevant learning opportunities for others
• developing questions and prompt questioning to broaden knowledge and understanding of the team member cohort
• monitoring team skill development to develop recommendations on future learning arrangements to be implemented in future planning.
Assessment Conditions:
Time Allowed:
This task is to be submitted by the due dates advised in the Unit Study Guide. If a student requires an extension, then they must negotiate this with their Assessor prior to the due date.
Level of Assistance Permitted (If Any):
This is an open book assessment task. All work must be your own.
Students may:
• refer to learning resources, workplace and/or research further information
• ask the Assessor clarifying questions
• access the services of Studiosity to assist in interpreting questions or proof reading text
• be referred to learning support for additional assistance.
Students must seek any required assistance, reasonable adjustment or negotiate extensions with Assessor prior to due date.
This assessment is to be completed in a workplace or a simulated workplace including the classroom or home office environment.
Materials to be Supplied:
For this assessment, learners will need access to:
• internet, device and word processing software (can be accessed through TAFE campuses and facilities)
• the LMS and associated learning resources
• organisational strategic and operational plans
• workplace policies and procedures relevant to performance development
• relevant legislation, regulations and codes of practice
Assessment Criteria:
To achieve a satisfactory result, your Assessor will be looking for your ability to demonstrate the following key skills/tasks/knowledge to an acceptable industry standard:
• All tasks have been completed in full and have been completed to a satisfactory standard.
• Demonstrated knowledge and skills required to:
? develop an environment for an organisation or work area that supports the application of critical and creative thinking methods.
Work, Health and Safety:
• Follow TAFE Queensland Student Rules.
• Access TAFE Queensland Student Services for any additional support.
• Conduct risk assessments prior to any assessment task to ensure the safety of all participants and the environment.
• Ensure an ergonomically safe work environment to complete all assessment tasks.
Number of Attempts:
You will receive up to two (2) attempts at this assessment task. Should your 1st attempt be unsatisfactory (U), your teacher will provide feedback and discuss the relevant questions with you and will arrange a date your 2nd attempt. If your 2nd attempt is unsatisfactory (U), or you fail to attend the scheduled date for a 2nd attempt, you will receive an overall unsatisfactory result for this assessment task. Only one re-assessment attempt may be granted for each assessment task. For more information, refer to the Student Rules.
Submission details
(if relevant) Please refer to Unit Study Guide for due date.
Submission requirements:
• Review the Marking Criteria provided for this task to ensure you have evidenced all requirements.
• Follow the instructions in the LMS to submit your assessment, demonstrating your ability to:
• Follow organisational procedures for file naming, management and storage.
• Use business technology.
• Communicate professionally using appropriate terminology / language.
• Organise and present information professionally e.g. relevant documents / templates, formatting, grammar and spelling.
• Complete tasks in a timely manner.
TAFE Queensland Learning Management System:
Connect url:
• Username; 9 digit student number
• For Password: Reset password go to:
Instructions to Assessor The students will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to develop critical and creative thinking skills in others within a workplace context.
Assessors are to:?
• confirm expectations as detailed in Instructions to Student have been followed and met
• provide feedback on all assessment attempts and identify additional learning and/or practice required by the student before their second attempt
• use the Marking Criteria to record their assessment and feedback?
• negotiate to complete assessment tasks and/or resubmissions verbally, where the opportunity presents:?
? scribe the students response verbatim on the assessment task/marking criteria, and note the questions verbally addressed on the coversheet
? initial and date additional comments.
• Assessors of this unit must satisfy the assessor requirements in applicable vocational education and training legislation, frameworks and/or standards.
Note to Student An overview of all Assessment Tasks relevant to this unit is located in the Unit Study Guide.

Assessment Instructions:
Completing this assessment allows you to show your skills and knowledge in developing critical thinking in others.
This assessment will require you to complete the following tasks:
Part A: Develop and conduct a survey to determine individual and team knowledge gaps in critical thinking concepts and practices
Part B: Develop a learning and development plan to identify skill and knowledge gaps and prepare two session plans (1 formal and 1 informal).
Part C: Develop an online learning resource on -Critical and Creative Thinking in the Workplace-
This assessment task is to be completed based on your workplace, or using the simulated workplace provided below – The Righteous Bean
Scenario (The Righteous Bean)
The Righteous Bean is growing, and the expansion in the past 6 months has been significant. Therefore, the number of locations and staff members has increased. The executive team would like you to work with groups of Righteous Bean team members to use critical thinking skills and teamwork strategies to devise new ways for the staff to network and get to know each other. Getting this process right will significantly contribute to the overall smooth operations, collaboration among team members, and continued productivity of The Righteous Bean as it evolves and will avoid growing pains and management issues in the coming months.
Part A: – Identify Skill and Knowledge Gaps
Before you can develop some of the employees critical thinking skills, you will need to identify the knowledge and skills they already have and the gaps.
Step 1. Develop and Administer Survey
• The Executive team have requested that you create a survey of at least 8 – 10 questions that will allow you to identify both individual and team knowledge gaps in critical and creative thinking. As new roles are being filled and staff are being moved to new and different locations, management has agreed that identifying knowledge and skill gaps among the team will be critical in developing procedures to boost operational efficiency and support new teams during this growth period.
• The survey must identify:
• The current level of knowledge and understanding of critical and creative thinking
• Knowledge gaps related to critical and creative thinking
• Gaps or barriers to applying critical and creative thinking in the workplace
• Opportunities available to use critical and creative thinking skills
• Additional support required
• Preferred learning methods
• Your survey must contain instructions for participants to know why the survey is being completed, how to complete the survey and who to return the survey to and by when.
• You must hand the survey out to 4 colleagues for them to complete and submit back to you. Depending on how you are completing this task, your 4 colleagues may either be real colleagues in your workplace, classmates, or friends/family members who play the role of simulated work colleagues when completing their surveys.
• You will be required to submit copies of your completed surveys, including participants names, as evidence for completing this part of the assessment.
Part B: Learning and Development Plan
Step 1. Develop a learning and development plan
• Complete a learning and development plan that will enable the development of critical thinking skills. You may use the template located in Appendix A or your organisational template
• Based on the completed surveys you have received, identify and list 3-5 gaps in the employees critical and creative thinking knowledge.
• For each identified gap in critical and creative thinking skills, explain the link between the gap and the effect this may have on work performance at The Righteous Bean (or your organisation).
• List the options available to address each skill and knowledge gap
• List who will receive the learning opportunity (based on your survey responses)
• List the resources required to deliver the learning opportunity
Step 2. Develop informal and formal learning opportunities
• Complete two (2) session plans for one (1) formal and one (1) informal learning opportunity that you can facilitate with the employees identified from your learning and development plan you completed in Step 3. You may use the template located in Appendix B or your organisational template
• Your recommendations in the plan should consider the critical and creative thinking research you have done and what types of models and actions best suit the facilitation of your identified learning opportunities.
Part C – Formal Learning – Develop Skills in Critical and Creative thinking
The Executive team would like you to develop online training titled -Critical and Creative Thinking in the Workplace-. The training video of about ten (10) minutes in length that is suitable for uploading to the organisations Intranet so that Managers can use it in team meetings and training sessions and is also available on-demand for people to revise

Step 1. Develop a PowerPoint presentation (or use other suitable software) on critical and creative thinking in the workplace:
You must cover the following issues in your presentation. However, you are free to include any other additional information that you consider would be helpful:
(a) Introduction – the purpose of the presentation and what you will be covering
(b) Definitions of and differences between critical and creative thinking
(c) Explanation of one critical and one creative thinking model
(d) Explanation of how critical and creative thinking can be used in the workplace and the benefits to the organisation
(e) Description of barriers to critical and creative thinking
(f) Description of processes that create a safe environment for critical and creative thinking in the workplace
(g) Discuss organisational policies/ procedures and legislation relevant to the application of critical and creative thinking in the workplace
(h) Summary and conclusion
Step 2. Using your presentation from Step 1, prepare a video recording of eight (8) to ten (10) minutes where you deliver the information suitable for use as a training resource. The options you have to do this are:
• Include audio on your PowerPoint
• Record yourself delivering the presentation using software such as Screen-cast-omatic
• Discuss with your Assessor other suitable options
When delivering your presentation, you must not just read the information contained in your presentation.
Step 3. – Upload your recording to Connect
Once you have completed all the above tasks, please submit all required documents to Connect.
• Four (4) completed surveys
• Completed learning and development plan
• Two (2) training plans (1 informal and 1 formal)
• PowerPoint (or similar) training resource with audio

Appendix A Learning and Development Plan
Critical Thinking Skills Learning and Development Plan
Skill/Knowledge to be developed Key benefits Identified L&D opportunities Who Resources
List the skill or development area that has been identified for the team/department. Indicate the key benefits of the learning opportunity to meet the team and/or organisation needs List options to meet the learning need. Include options that are informal, e.g., on-the-job as well as formal training programs List who will attend the L&D opportunity Provide details of the resources needed to deliver the learning and development

Appendix B Training Plan template
The purpose of this template is to structure communication for planned training or presentation of a topic. This is used to communicate with others in the team and organisation about the benefits of learning.
Training Plan
Training Topic
Delivery Method
Detail how the training will be delivered – informal/formal – lecture, discussion, case study role play, small group teaching, experiential learning, online learning etc
Learning Objectives
Briefly explain the aim and outcome to be achieved via the delivery of the presentation or training, e.g. skill building, development opportunity, the solution to a problem after a brainstorming session etc.
Learner Profile
• who the target audience is
• current knowledge and skill levels
Topics to be covered in the training
List the topics that will be addressed in the training session. Essentially this is your plan for the training session
How will the effectiveness of the training be evaluated?


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key concepts of Microservices Architecture (MSA)

Microservices Architecture
Learning Outcomes
a) The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
b) Discuss core concepts of microservices architecture within a context of a business case study and summarise the advantages and disadvantages of adopting microservices architecture.
c) Communicate the benefits of microservices architecture to a diverse stakeholder audience by addressing complex business needs and aligning strategies to business priorities defined by changing business requirements
d) Analyse and evaluate moral and ethical considerations in specific security and privacy issues while transitioning to new technologies.
Length 1500 words Proposal +/- 10%
Assessment Task
This proposal should be approximately 1500 words (+/- 10%) excluding cover page, references and appendix. This proposal must be typed and clearly set out (presented professionally). You need to pay special attention to principles and key concepts of Microservices Architecture (MSA), service design and DevOps. The purpose of this assessment is to give you an opportunity to contextualise and convey to learning facilitator relevant knowledge based on “real-world” application. Particularly, the aim of this assessment is to enhance your employability skills through providing hands-on education and opportunities to practice real life experience. As a result, this assessment item is developed not only to evaluate your understanding of MSA application, but also to assist you practicing and improving your research skills. In doing so, this assessment will formatively develop the knowledge required for you to complete Assessment 3 successfully.
MSA have been getting more and more popular over the last year, and several organisations are migrating monolithic applications to MSA. A MSA consists of a collection of small, autonomous services that each service is a separate codebase, which can be managed by a small development team. A team can update an existing service without rebuilding and redeploying the entire application. Services are responsible for persisting their own data or external state. This differs from the traditional model, where a separate data layer handles data persistence.
More recently, with the development of cloud computing, new ways of software development have evolved with MSA recognised as a cloud-native software development approach. As a professional, your role will require that you understand the principles of software development, especially in the field of cloud-based platforms, which are rapidly becoming the preferred hosting solution for many organisations. Having a working understanding of these concepts will enable you to fulfil many roles and functions and be informed as to what factors influence decision making when software development architecture has been selected. Whilst you may not be a developer, it will enable you to have meaningful conversations about the principles of MSA and why certain decisions may be made in a certain way. This will support you to manage the bridge between IT and the business.
You are expected to address the following steps to fulfil this assessment task:

  1. From the list below, select an organisation that you are familiar with and / or have enough data and information. Here are list of organisations using microservices:
    o Comcast Cable
    o Uber
    o Hailo
    o Netflix
    o Zalando
    o Amazon
    o Twitter
    o PayPal
    o Ebay
    o Sound Cloud
    o Groupon
    o Gilt
  2. Discuss how MSA has transformed or revolutionised the operations of the organisation. Identify and analyse at least three business or organisational reasons for justifying your discussion.
  3. Develop a business proposal to introduce the selected organisation, justify why you choose it and why microservices is the best architecture in the selected organisation.
    The report should consist of the following structure:
    A title page with subject code and name, assignment title, student’s name, student number, and lecturer’s name.
    The introduction (200–250 words) that will also serve as your statement of purpose for the proposal— this means that you will tell the reader what you are going to cover in your proposal. You will need to inform the reader of:
    a) Your area of research and its context
    b) The key elements you will be addressing
    c) What the reader can expect to find in the body of the report MBIS603_Assessment_2_Brief_ Business Proposal Page 3 of 6
    The body of the report (1000–1100 words) you are required to research and write a proposal focused on organisation using MSA as a software development philosophy. However, you are strongly advised to do some research regarding MSA in a “real-world” application.
    The conclusion (200–250 words) will summarise any findings or recommendations that the report puts forward regarding the concepts covered in the report
    Assessment Rubric
    Visual appeal and presentation of content
    Title page included. Adheres to the font, spacing, format, and word count requirement. Appropriate use of paragraphs, sentence construction, spelling, and grammar. 20% grades
    Knowledge and understanding
    Select the right organisation, discuss how MSA has transformed the operations.
    Identify and analyse of at least three business or organisational reasons for justifying your discussions, understanding of the key concepts of MSA and justify them. 50% grades
    Use of academic and discipline conventions
    Formal tone. No use of first-party perspective. Meets the assignment brief regarding introduction, body, and conclusion. Appropriate use of credible resources.
    Correct citation of key resources using APA style of referencing. 30% grades


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The operational costs for the 20 clubs to participate in the league will be funded for five seasons (2030-2034)

Provide a professionally structured, written, and presented document
The Client: The client has funds to invest in one league only, and will only invest if 20 clubs are in place by 2030, and all states and territories in Australia are represented
• Clearly state your understanding of the Client’s needs – ( the first file attached is the interview summary with me and the client’s answer)
• Clearly define the project details and scope
In my case, I’m responsible for Industry Analyzes of NRL
Think about your competitors, and use this section to highlight what you have done some research on the industry. The lecture wants the sector to be male and women competitors.
Focus on one club there is already a facility included.
The client will ensure that:
? The operational costs for the 20 clubs to participate in the league will be funded for five seasons (2030-2034).
? The clubs will each have men’s and women’s teams.
? Payment for athletes at the 20 clubs will come from existing broadcasting deals.
? Paying staffing at the 20 clubs will come from membership and sponsorship revenue created by those clubs.
? Funding for stadiums/facilities will come from the government hosting the new clubs
NRL – currently 17 clubs, 10 in NSW, one in NZ, none in NT, SA, WA, Tasmania
What does the future of your chosen league look like?
The final 10% is for your report presentation so in addition to the words, you have tables and diagrams.
The attached second file is module 2.
Here is the link the Lecture provided to help in the research
NRL Strategic Plan 2018-22 | Operations
Strategic Plan 2018-22
The NRL Strategic Plan for 2018-22 provides a blueprint to establish the game’s long-term future.
Sport 2030 (


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Social economic impact of (M-pesa) mobile banking in small scale Retail shops in Down Town Nairobi Kenya

Research Report.
Topic: Social economic impact of (M-pesa) mobile banking in small scale Retail shops in Down Town Nairobi Kenya.
Aim. To evaluate different opportunities that came as a result of Adoption of mobile money banking in small scale Retail businesses in kenyan rural area.
Format of Report
? Table of Contents
? Literature Review
? References APA 7
? 6 Annotated bibliography with explanations why its important or how its relevant to this Report. ( each Annotated bibliography 200 words)
Total words (3000).

Subject Code and Title MGT605 Business Capstone Project
Assessment Assignment 2. Part A: Final Project Report
Individual/Group Individual – Group
Length 3000 words
Subject Learning Outcomes SLO a. Develop and articulate a theoretical or practical perspective on management issues through a substantial applied project
SLO b. Demonstrate collaborative leadership and ownership in the preparation of a significant original body of practical or theoretical work
SLO c. Use specialist research skills to analyse a complex management problem and then synthesise the research, communicating it effectively to both specialist and lay audiences
SLO d. Synthesise concepts from a broad range of previous subjects studied (e.g. finance, marketing, operations), simplifying into an holistic big picture
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Week 10
Weighting 40%
Total Marks 40 marks
In Assessment 1, you proposed to tackle a problem or to explore an opportunity of your choice. In Assessment 2A you must produce a final report of the outcomes of the work you have done as per the proposal you made in Assessment 1.
Based on the proposal you made in Assessment 1, you are required to produce a final report. This is the culmination of your study. It contains the outcome of your study and a summary of how (method) you did it.
This final report should be in the appropriate format required for your context and workplace. If your report is a Marketing Plan, a Business Report or New Venture Proposal it should be in the appropriate format and if your report is an academic paper then you will use the commonly accepted format. It should be presented as part of an overall package consisting of a form of presentation and supporting documentation. The supporting documentation may follow a report format, or it may be a set of supporting appendices that are referred to in your presentation
MGT605 Assessment 2A Brief Page 1 of 7
submission. The two will be reviewed together and need to relate to each other and fit together.
The submission must include a reference list with a minimum of 6 academic sources presented in APA format.
You must make sure that all factual statements are referenced. You may have up to 20 data source references (newspaper article, trade publications, websites, company documents, government reports, online databases, social media, etc.).
Your reference list must be in the format of an Annotated Bibliography detailing why and where you have used each reference. The APA 7th Edition referencing guide can be located in the Academic Writing Guide at
Unless it is a seminal author, use recent literature sources preferably less than 10 years old.
Appendices – if necessary, include appendices for additional information. This is where you provide supporting material which is unsuitable for inclusion in the body of the report, but still has some value to contribute to the report. Note that the reader has no obligation to read the appendices. Therefore, do not place here any information needed to make your point. Ensure that the body of the report is able to make the point you want without referring to the appendices. Appendices do not contribute to the word count of the report.
Diagrams, tables and figures – you may use diagrams, tables and figures in the body of your report. However, keep in mind the academic writing rules for using them. While diagrams, tables and figures do not contribute to the word count, they should not be used to extend the word count. You should not use diagrams, tables and figures as a means of adding new information or replacing narrative paragraphs, but as a way of concisely presenting and summarising information. Information presented in diagrams, tables and figures still needs to be referred to and commented on in the narrative paragraphs. Also remember to use captions to identify your diagrams, tables and figures.
If the diagrams, tables and figures are not your own work, the sources need to be acknowledged.
Submission Instructions:
Use Assessment 2A link in Blackboard to submit your capstone project proposal. Give your file a name of this format – Your name_Subject and code_Assessment number.
The submission must be in Word document format and contain a signed cover sheet


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