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Cost Comparison of Web Conferencing


To continue in Excel you will apply analytics to the SLP.

SLP Assignment

Cost Comparison of Web Conferencing

The two owners of Spinner Media Services Inc. wanted to cut travel costs and productivity losses (wasted time) and maintain the benefits of person-to-person collaboration. They decided to use Web conferencing internally for collaboration and externally for sales demonstrations to customers. Their two options were a) a pay-per-use basis or b) a per-user licensing plan based on the number of seats or participants. The decision would depend on cost comparisons based on these data estimates:

  • Approximately 100 meetings per year
  • An average of 12 participants per meeting
  • Each meeting lasting about one hour, which takes into consideration the need to get the meeting set up at least 15 minutes in advance and meeting for 45 minutes
  • 250 unique participants, consisting of 50 employees and 200 customers.

Here are two sites with pricing information for Zoom and WebEx. (Note these addresses can change so Google “zoom” or “webex” if necessary):


SLP Assignment Expectations

Prepare an Excel spreadsheet that fulfills the criteria for this SLP assignment. Be sure to use formulas and graphs within Excel so they can be reviewed. In a Word document, interpret the meaning of your analytical findings from the spreadsheet. The Word document should present the results to the owners of Spinner Media Services. Use analytics and graphs in your report and then describe the results. Remember you can copy spreadsheets and graphs into Word but you need to upload both the Word document and the Excel document to the SLP dropbox


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What are the differences and similarities between clientside and server-side scripting

Assignment Brief and Feedback form

(Graded unit with single assignment)

Name of Centre:Learner achievement (please circle) NB: All learner achievement is provisional until confirmed at the AVA Awards Board.
Level Achieved:L3
Achievement (Level 3 units only)PMD

Title of Access to HE Diploma: (e.g. Science)
Unit title(s): Creating Database Driven Web PagesUnit code(s):
Description of Assignment: This assignment is both a written and practical assignment that will demonstrate your skills in the creation of database driven web pages TASK 1 Create a MySQL database containing a single table (games) for an online games store. The games table will store information about games with the minimum of the following fields: game title, genre, year of release, publisher, screenshot, and a written review and (possibly) other fields of data relating to games. Choose appropriate data types and widths for each field. Note 1) As your database server might not allow you to choose the database name any name is acceptable for this Note 2) The screenshot data does not need to be stored inside the table. Commonly this will contain a local file path or URL that can be used as a web hyperlink Use PhpMyAdmin to add 5 records to the games table based on existing information which you will research on existing games websites. Create a username and password that can access this database using your firstname+lastname and a password of your own choice. This account should have full access to the database. Create a webpage that connects to your database using PHP. Store the information the connection needs (database name, table name, username /password) in PHP variables. Display a message in the webpage when a successful connection is 2.3] Create a Word document Task1 that contains A screenshot of your working webpage A well commented listing of your HTML/PHP code
Show this to your tutor to progress to the next stage
You will build on your work in task 1 and develop the database to the next stage Using the existing records in your games db you will need to create the following: You will create a display all records page which lists all the items in the database in a html table using a control structure [1.3] You will create an insert form to allow games to be added to the database, implement validation checks so that data is correctly entered. [4.2] [5.4] Create a complex query by creating an update page which will allow users to edit the games in the database [4.3] You will create a delete page which will allow you to delete games records in the database. [4.4] You will create a basic search engine form which allows the user to search on multiple fields on the database and give back a results page based on those fields For this You will need to create a complex query using SQL and execute this query on the remote database. This results page will use single control structures for selection and iteration such as conditional statements and loops to go through all the records. [3.1] [4.1] You will extend this page to show a list of games titles outputted as hyperlinks which then take you to more detail about the game that is chosen [3.2] [3.3] You will make a single page which has links to all these different pages you have made – all records, insert record, delete record, update records and search . Finally you will password protect access to this page [6.1] Show this all working to your tutor to progress to the next stage To document this work, you will create software documentation for the user, this will have three parts. Task 2a) Write an introductory section which explains how requirements can vary between the client (games store owner) and end user and explain the importance of an effective user experience [1.1] Task 2b) Create and justify your user interface by producing design documentation in the form of wireframes and sketches to meet the specific client requirements as outlined below. [1.2] The client requirements are The website application should work on mobile phones There should be a main menu to move between the different pages such as display all records, insert, delete What are the differences and similarities between clientside and server-side scripting, update and search Instructional text and menu labels should be intuitive There should be prompts where forms are not filled out correctly prompting the user to enter data correctly Task 2c) Create a user guide document with live links and screenshots of your working pages and well commented page listings to show your understanding. Use current web development conventions in your approach. TASK 3 You will write a report which addresses the following questions within a word limit of 1500 words. Please indicate supporting references. What are the differences and similarities between clientside and server-side scripting. Draw your conclusions by giving some practical examples of code within the types of languages involved and explain where you may use these giving real examples [2.1] Explain the environment or framework you have chosen to develop your web database application [2.2] What are the differences between (GET and POST) in relation to the published and tested multi-page scripting you have completed using request.form and query strings. [5.3] Why would you need to password protect parts of a website? [6.1] Why would you use a hidden form element on a website [6.2] Why would you need to validate user input for a website with a database? Describe the validation checks have you implemented? [5.4] Finally review and evaluate the success of your uploaded files for your web database application suggesting areas for future development [7.2]
File naming. Your tasks should be labelled in the following format
Upload this to Moodle to the designated final submission area by the deadline
Date set:Date for draft submission (if applicable):Date for final submission: 29th May 2022
Extension date (if agreed):Signed by Tutor/Assessor to agree extension:Date submitted:
Internal Moderation: Yes / No Date:Signed by internal moderator:ON TIME / LATE
Learner declaration:  The explanations and evaluations in this work have been developed and written by me.  I have not submitted material copied from the Internet, text books or other sources in place of my own thinking and writing.  When I have referred to the work of others I have done so to discuss, comment on or argue their ideas.  I have kept quotation and paraphrasing to an absolute minimum and only to support points I have made.  I understand that referencing the names of authors whose ideas I have used without including my own interpretation of those ideas, does not meet the assessment criteria and cannot attract the Pass on What are the differences and similarities between clientside and server-side scripting, Merit or Distinction grades.  I have not copied the work of my peers.
Learner comments: (please use this space to comment on any aspect of the assignment when handing in your work)

TO THE LEARNER: Please attach this assignment brief to any written work you are handing in for assessment, or submit the brief as instructed.


Level 3Unit title:
Learning outcomesAssessment criteria
This is what you will learn on the unit.This is what you must be able to demonstrate that you can do in your assignment in order to achieve the unit.
The learner will:The learner can:
Understand the client/server architecture involved in web-database applications.Explain the differences between clientside and server-side scripting. Publish and test a page that uses two variables. Publish and test pages that use single control structures for selection and iteration. Explain the differences between the published and tested multi-page scripting using request.form and query strings
Know how to create a connection to a data sourceExplain the purpose of ODBC and identify an ODBC complaint DBMS. Create the DNS-less link to the database. Create a complex query using SQL and execute that query on a remote database
Know how to create a data driven web search formCreate a search form allowing the user to search on multiple fields in the database. Create a hyperlink output list displaying the results of the searches on the different fields. Create an output form to display search details from the different fields.
Be able to create a data driven web update form.Create an Insert form allowing data to be inserted into the database. Create an Update form allowing users to edit data in the database. Create a Delete facility allowing users to delete data in the database.
Know how to customise and enhance data forms.Explain the need for password protection and implement password protection for parts of the site. Explain the need for the validation of user input and implement validation checks. Explain the purpose of hidden form element implemented.
Be able to upload to a local web server.Identify suitable ISP host sites and upload to a local web server.

(This section must be repeated for all units assessed through this assignment)

Level 3 units only: Learners achieve a Pass if they meet all Level 3 Assessment Criteria for a unit. You will achieve a Merit or Distinction by meeting the following Grade Descriptors. Your tutor will give you feedback for all three grades.
Grade DescriptorMerit (Choose one or more relevant grade components)Distinction (Choose one or more relevant grade components)
GD1. Understanding the subject1 demonstrates a very good grasp of the relevant knowledge base 2 is generally informed by the major conventions and practices of the area of study 3 demonstrates very good understanding of the different perspectives or approaches associated with the area of study.1 demonstrates an excellent grasp of the relevant knowledge base 2 is consistently informed by the major conventions and practices of the area of study 3 demonstrates excellent understanding of the different perspectives or approaches associated with the area of study
Grade DescriptorMerit (Choose one or more relevant grade components)Distinction (Choose one or more relevant grade components)
GD 3. Application of Skills1. Generally selects appropriate Techniques 2. Applies appropriate (selected or given) Skills with very good Confidence Consistency on What are the differences and similarities between clientside and server-side scripting1. Consistently selects appropriate Techniques 2.Applies appropriate (selected or given) Skills with excellent Confidence Consistency
Grade DescriptorMerit (Choose one or more relevant grade components)Distinction (Choose one or more relevant grade components)
GD7: QualityIs structured in a way that is generally logical & fluent
Contains some ambiguities or limitations in the expression of arguments or ideas
Taken as a whole, demonstrates a very good response to the demands of the brief/assignment

Is structured in a way that is consistently logical & fluent with clear expression of ideas.
Taken as a whole, demonstrates an excellent response to the demands of the brief/assignment
Grade Guidance: Learners must carefully read the guidance below which is linked to the components above
MERIT: (e.g. To achieve a Merit your work will show…..) GD1 : To achieve merit you will have been generally informed by the major conventions and practices in web development with evident references to support this. GD3: To achieve merit, you should generally select appropriate techniques and apply skills to complete the database driven web page programming tasks with very good confidence and consistency. The code should run correctly with a good user experience. GD7: To achieve merit, your work be complete, well thought out and commented appropriately. Both your programming and SQL code should be thought through with thought to efficiency where possible. You will need to reference external sources to show how you have extended your learning about What are the differences and similarities between clientside and server-side scripting.
DISTINCTION: (e.g. To achieve a Distinction your work will show…..) GD1 : To achieve distinction you will have been consistently informed by the major conventions and practices in web development with substantial evident references to support this. GD3: To achieve distinction you should consistently select appropriate techniques and apply skills to complete the database driven web page programming tasks with excellent confidence and consistency. The code should run with an excellent user experience with meaningful feedback to the user.
GD7: To achieve the higher grades of distinction, your work be complete, very well thought out and very well presented and commented appropriately. It should be a model to others who are learning how to make database driven web pages and demonstrate the depth of your understanding. Both your programming and SQL code should be well thought through with thought to redundancy and efficiency using functions where possible.
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Part A: Feedback on credit level
AC noCredit achieved (L3)Location of evidenceTutor/Assessor comments on assessment criteria (the assessor may also indicate on the work itself where each AC is met)
Level achievedTutor/Assessor’s signature:Date:
Resubmission (if applicable) If any of the assessment criteria for this assignment have not been met at Level 3, a resubmission may be permitted. Resubmission must follow the QAA guidelines and be permitted only once.
Requirements for resubmission/new Task set:
Date Set:Date due:Date Submitted:
Feedback on resubmission:
Level achieved after resubmission:Tutor/Assessor’s signature:Date:
Part B: Feedback on grading (Applicable only if all assessment criteria achieved at Level 3)
Grade DescriptorTutor/Assessor comments against grade descriptorsGrade indicator (P/M/D) Please enter the final grade on page 1 based on this grade profile e.g. PPM=P
GD1. Understanding the subject
GD3. Application of knowledge
GD7: Quality
Tutor/Assessor’s reason for final grade decision (if applicable):
Areas for development (how will the learner be able to use and improve on what they have learnt on this unit and the skills that they have used in their further studies?)
Writers Solution

Tom gutnick ITD 110 Web Site Project General

Page 1 8.1 6.2021 version 1.1 with thanks to tom gutnick ITD 110 Web Site Project General Instructions This project will give you the opportunity to demonstrate your mastery of the concepts and techniques covered in our course. You will be working on this project throughout the semester, with six deadlines for delivering milestones . The process, with its deliverables, will give you a good feel for web site development in “rea l world” situations. The project accounts for a major portion of your grade for the semester. It is essential for your success in the course that you devote sufficient effort to the project. Purpose: To design, develop, and publish a web site using recomm ended design practices. Detailed requirements: • You must complete the project using Visual Studio Code or another approved coding text editor. o Use of Dreamweaver or any other web creation tool, online or offline, will result in a grade of 0. • You will publi sh your project to the Internet, using (or as otherwise instructed). Create a folder in your web space for this project , as follows: itd110/project/ , and use subfolders as appropriate (such as for images and css ). • The HTML content pages will include at least the following: o A home page for the site . ▪ Please name the home page project.html NOT index.htm l. This will enable me to grade the project properly . o at least five additional HT M L pages o Th at’s a total of six required HTML pages . o You may do more HTML pages if you would li ke to, but no more than 10 HTML pages, total. (If you think your design require s more than 10 total HTML pages , email your instr uctor for approval.) • Each HTML pa ge must contain at least 250 words of text , except for the form page. • Use HTML5 semantic elements, and use them appropriately o For example, rather than the generic div, use section, article, main, header, footer, etc. o Never style a naked div tag; it is a general block level element used to apply classes and ids o Never style a naked span tag; it is a generic inline element used to apply classes and ids • ALL text content must be 100% your original work. o This means you must write all the text content , from scratch. Page 2 8.1 6.2021 version 1.1 with thanks to tom gutnick o Choose a subject you know abo ut, so you do not have to plagiarize content o Examples of topics students have used in the past that required no research on their part: ▪ How to detail a car ▪ My favorite family recipes ▪ Board games I have loved and lost ▪ House painting for beginners ▪ My favorite gardens • Images o The site must use at least six image files o The site may use no more than 12 images files o Images used must fully comply with U.S. copyright laws o If you are not sure if an image complies with copyright laws, do not use it. o To be safe, use only images that: ▪ You have taken yourself, with a camera or cell phone ▪ Images from the website o Taking a picture of a picture is a copyright violation (unless you created the original picture) o A screenshot is a copyright violation (unless you created all the content which is the subject of the screenshot) ▪ For example, a video game screenshot is a copyright violation ▪ Email your instructor for guidance on the “fair use ” exception for educational purposes if want to use screenshots for educational purpose s • Video : include one and only one video o You may use a video from You Tube that you did not create yourself if you make it clear who creat ed it and you use the You Tube embed code. o Feel free to create your own video! A good one gain you a few points of extra credit. • Use a ppropriate meta tags, such as description and viewport • Use at least two lists : one ordered list and one unordered list • Include one page containing a working form with 4 or 5 different types of form elements . o Your instructor may provide a PHP script for processing form elements. • Include one page utilizing a table or tables effectively (for data that lends itself to tabular presentati on, not for general multi -column layout) • Links , at a minimum the following: o One e-mail hyperlink o One hyperlink to an external web site o One link to an id within your own site o A c onsistent and logical navigation bar on all HTML pages . Page 3 8.1 6.2021 version 1.1 with thanks to tom gutnick ▪ the navigation bar should include a link to all top -level HTML pages . Depending up on your site map design , all of your pages may be top -level pages, but maybe not. ▪ For the nav bar on each top -level HTML page, include the current (active) page in the nav bar , so that the nav bar remains consistent from page to page. ▪ use a class to style the current (active) page link in the n av bar appropriately. • Consistent header with logo and footer areas on all HTML pages • CSS : You will create one and only one external Cascading Style Sheet to style your site. • This one external style sheet should : o Should configure text, color, backgrounds, and page layout for all pages. o All styling must be done in the one external style sheet . o No font tags or other obsolete or deprecated HTML elements may be used . o No embedded or inline CSS. o In other words: the HTML must contain NO styling . o Your CSS stylesheet must include, at a minimum, the following: ▪ Style at least 5 element (tag) selectors ▪ Style at least 3 classes , and apply those classes appropriately in the HTML ▪ Style at least 2 id selectors , and apply those ids appropriately in the HTML ▪ Style at least one tag using descendant selectors • Your pages should look good as rendered by multiple browsers, at varying browser widths • All HTML and CSS code must pass validation and conform to the programming standards covered in the textbook. • All HTML and CSS code must be properly indented. Your web site project will be evaluated on the following criteria . • Meeting all project requirements • Meeting all project milestones • Following recommended web site design practices, as discussed in the course textbook. • Following recommended accessibility requirements, as discussed in the course textbook • Quality of HTML and CSS code, including o Validation o Correct indentation o Logical grouping of CSS selectors , as disc ussed in the course textbook ▪ For example , do not style the same tag in two different places in your stylesheet ▪ Put common styling of related tags together • Visual appeal of site Page 4 8.1 6.2021 version 1.1 with thanks to tom gutnick o Is the site visually appealing to the target audience ? o Is the site visually c ohesive? In other words, does the viewer have a sense of being in a particular place, visually, rather than just seeing a random display of styl es. • Quality of content o Is the content correct with respect to grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling? o Is the co ntent interesting, informative, entertaining, or otherwise engaging ? o Does the content have a cohesive theme or purpose ? A random group of to pics does not create a cohesive website. • Effective presentation to the class, either in person or, for a Nova Online class, via a video. Page 5 8.1 6.2021 version 1.1 with thanks to tom gutnick Project Milestones There are six project milestones, each milestone building upon what has been done previously . Your instructor will provide specific due dates for each miles tone. The due dates outlined below are just general guidelines. Fo llow your course instructor ’s specific due dates. _____________________________________ _________________________________________ Milestone #1. Web Site Topic Approval — due at end of week 2 of 15 -week class . Decide on a topic for your web site. Pick a topic you know about, so you do not have to plagiarize content. Using a word processor, prepare a one -page double -spaced written discussion of the following: • What is the name of the site? • What is the purpose of the site? • Will this be a real site or fictitious? • What do you want the web site to accomplish? • Who is your intended audience? Specify age, gender, interests, etc. (“Everybody” is probably not an appropriate answer!) • What opportunity, problem, or issue is your site addressing? • What types of content might be included in your site? Be specific about the text, graphics, multimedia, etc. you intend to use and describe how they will support the purpose of the site. Your writing should be of a college -level qual ity: well organized, with complete sentences, and with correct grammar and spelling. An appropriate length would be roughly one double -spaced page. I must approve your topic before you begin to work on the next milestone. If you can’t come up with a good i dea on your own, I will be happy to offer suggestions. Submit a .docx, .odt, .txt, or .pdf file. [Using Google docs? Export a PDF. Do not submit a link.] Page 6 8.1 6.2021 version 1.1 with thanks to tom gutnick _____________________________________ _________________________________________ Milestone #2. Site Map and Wireframe (s) — due at end of week 4 of 15 -week class Using a graphics application , create a sitemap (site diagram, p 7) of your web site that shows the hierarchy of all pages and the relationships between the pages. Please name the home page project.html NOT index.htm l. This will enable me to grade the project. Then. use a computer graphics application to create wireframe diagram s for the pages on your web site, clearly showing the required header with logo, navigation, content, and footer areas, as well as any other major areas dictated by your design. Save the results to a PDF file and submit here in Canvas. Note: For pages that share the same layout, a single wireframe should be created — but label the diagram to indicate which pages it applies to. For example, you may have one wireframe for the “home” page, and anoth er wireframe for all inner pages. To create the sitemap and wireframe s, you may use Visio, PowerPoint, Adobe Illustrator, Word, Excel, etc. There are also several online wireframe tools you can find using google. Regardless of the tool(s) used, the output should be saved to PDF files. Handwritten diagrams will not be accepted. Page 7 8.1 6.2021 version 1.1 with thanks to tom gutnick _____________________________________ _________________________________________ Milestone #3. Content Creation — due at end of week 6 of 15 week -course Using a word processor, write a Website Content document that answers the following questions: • What are the name and purpose of this website? • What is the title and purpose for each page? (Reminder: the site should consist of between 6 and 10 pages. No more than one “product” page can count towards the total.) o Please review the above requirements regarding a form, table, lists, etc. so you do not miss anything. • Create a draft of the text content that will be included on each page . 250 words minimum per page for the six required pages, except the form page. o Extra HTML pages beyond six need not meet the 250 -word requirement. o Remember, maximum of ten HTML pages total. o Please name the home page project.html NOT index.htm l. This will enable me to grade the proj ect. o • What images do you plan to use, and where will you use them? Submit copies of the image files and state where you got each image. Be specific. For each image: did you take it yourself. Where were you when you took it? When did you take it? Is it f rom unSplash? • You may add the image code to the HTML files before you submit this project milestone, or you may wait until you have created the CSS styling so the images display the way you intend them to display. • What type of video content do you plan to use for the one required video? Where will you obtain the video? If you will use a You Tube video, provide a link to the video. If you will create the video yourself, you need not have it completed yet, but provide a detailed description of what it wi ll contain, including the specific text content, if any Submit through Canvas — .docx, .odt, or .pdf file accepted. (Using Google Docs? Export as .pdf. Do not submit a link. ) Page 8 8.1 6.2021 version 1.1 with thanks to tom gutnick _____________________________________ _________________________________________ Milestone #4 . HTML and Project Update Meeting ONE – due before the end of week 10 of 15 -week class Your HTML should be finalized at this point, including content, images, and video. The nav bar and all links should be functional. The HTML for all content, includin g lists, table , and form, should be completed. Each HTML page should be validated. Please name the home page project.html NOT index.htm l. This will enable me to grade the project. • The URL of your web site. (Note that URLs should not have any embedded spac es, whether for file names or directory/folder names.) • A link to the IDE view in so that I can see all your code • A word document or PDF document specifying which of the project requirements you have completed, and which of the requirements you have left to do. If you have completed a requirement but it is not yet in final form, let me know . • Your sitemap, in PDF form, updated to reflect any changes. • A screenshot for each of your HTML pages showing it has passed HTML5 validation . • Don’t forget to indent your HTML code properly to reflect the DOM. Page 9 8.1 6.2021 version 1.1 with thanks to tom gutnick _____________________________________ _________________________________________ Milestone #5. HTML/CSS and Project Update Meeting Two — due before end of week 13 of 15 -week class Your project should be in final form. Any HTML issues noted at the first meeting have been corrected, you have created the CSS style sheet and styled the required number of tags, classes, and ids. The website should be published on The home pag e should be named project .html , not index.html (so the site can be properly graded). Please name the home page project.html NOT index.htm l. This will enable me to grade the project. You will have a Project Update Meeting with me so that I can provide personal feedback. This is a mandatory requirement. See the calendar in Canvas to make an appointment for a Zoom call.

Submit the following in Canvas and be prepared to discuss them durin g your appointment: • The URL of your web site. (Note that URLs should not have any embedded spaces, whether for file names or directory/folder names.) • A link to the IDE view in so that I can see all your code • A word document or PDF document specifyi ng which of the project requirements you have completed, and which of the requirements you have left to do. If you have completed a requirement but it is not yet in final form, let me know . • Your sitemap, in PDF form, updated to reflect any changes. • A scr eenshot for each of your HTML pages showing they have all passed HTML5 validation. • A screenshot for your CSS file showing it has passed CSS validation. • Don’t forget to indent your HTML code properly to reflect the DOM. Page 10 8.1 6.2021 version 1.1 with thanks to tom gutnick _____________________________________ _________________________________________ Milestone #6. Present project to the class — due before the end of week s 14 and 15 (instructor will provide specific dates for each student) Make any needed corrections and be sure reflects the final project ready for grading. . All pages should be present in the ir final form: meeting all the requirements in these specifications, polished, and passing both HTML and CSS validation. You will present your web site to the class. Explain the purpose of the site and the individual pages. Discuss design issues, such as your choice of colors and fonts and page layouts. Discuss any challenges you encountered in doing the project and how you overcame them. No need to create a PowerPoint presentation — just walk us through the site itself! About 5 -7 minutes is appropriate. For Nova Online classes, this presentation will be done via video. The URL to your website and your video will be provided to the class so you may see each other’s work


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5 smallest valid for loops in GoLang
  1. Write a finite automaton or a Grammar for a language that accepts all words starting with an alphabet character that is not {for, while, if, int}, words can contain alphanumeric characters?
  2. What Would the regular expression for the above problem be?
  3. For the following problems treat ‘PrimaryExpr’ as a TERMINAL SYMBOL:
    1. Write the 5 smallest valid for loops in GoLang
    2. Write all switch statements in GoLang that have 3,5 and 7 terminals
    3. Write all if statements in GoLang that have 3, and 4 terminals
  4. Draw a DFA that is defined by a language L that contains all possible integer literals in C
  5. Draw a DFA that is defined by a language L that contains all possible floating-point literals in C
  6. Draw a DFA that is defined by a language L that contains all possible rune literals in GoLang
  7. Draw and detail the compilation process and state what mechanisms are used by each phase to take in input and pass it to the next phase
  8. What is the pattern form each type of numerical literal this string can produce: /\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+/
    1. How would you rewrite it without short cut key \d and +


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chief complaint of a sore throat for 3 days

A 16-year-old boy comes to the clinic with a chief complaint of a sore throat for 3 days. Denies fever or chills. PMH negative for recurrent colds, influenza, ear infections, or pneumonia. NKDA or food allergies. Physical check reveals temp of 99.6 F, pulse 78, and regular with respirations of 18. HEENT normal with exception of the reddened posterior pharynx with white exudate on tonsils that are enlarged to 3+. Positive anterior and posterior cervical adenopathy. The rapid strep test performed in the office was positive. His HCP wrote a prescription for amoxicillin 500 mg PO q 12 hours x 10 days #20. He took the first capsule when he got home and immediately complained of swelling of his tongue and lips, difficulty breathing with audible wheezing. 911 was called and he was taken to the hospital, where he received emergency treatment for his allergic reaction.

  • The role genetics plays in the disease.
  • Why the patient is presenting with the specific symptoms described.
  • The physiologic response to the stimulus presented in the scenario and why you think this response occurred.
  • The cells that are involved in this process.
  • How another characteristic (e.g., gender, genetics) would change your response


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on chief complaint of a sore throat for 3 days

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Describe the organization’s environment, and evaluate its preparedness for virtualization

 Research Paper: Server Virtualization // Read the docs before doing the paper For your written assignment this week, complete a case study of the organization you work for (use a hypothetical or “other” organization if more applicable) that will address the following prompts:

  • Describe the organization’s environment, and evaluate its preparedness for virtualization.
  • Explain Microsoft (or another product) licensing for virtualized environments.
  • Recommend a configuration for shared storage; make sure to discuss the need for high availability and redundancy for virtualization for the organization.
  • Explain Windows Azure capabilities for virtual machines and managing a hybrid cloud, including Windows Azure’s Internet as a Service (IaaS) and storage capabilities
  • Make a recommendation for cloud computer use in the organization, including a justification for your recommendations.

Submit your research paper as a single document. Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately 3-4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing


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facts as to if you believe fraud (travel, tax


You will be presenting as if you were an expert witness in this case related to your project. Remember, state only the facts as to if you believe fraud (travel, tax, etc.) has or has not occurred and why you believe this based on the evidence and research you have done on this project. – Please write 4 or 5 pages with authorizes sources


Civil Action Nos. 05–cv–01563–EWN–BNB, 05–cv–01903, 05–cv–01707. – Jan. 2, 2007.

Plaintiff: André Andropolis (On Behalf of Himself and All Others Similarly Situated)

Defendants: RED ROBIN GOURMET BURGERS, INC. (Michael J. Snyder, James P. McCloskey, Lisa A. Dahl, Katherine L. Scherping, and Dennis B. Mullen)

Discuss and provide specific examples of the legal and ethical standards relating to this type of fraud

There are many legal and ethical standards that govern the conduct of legal practices as well as the judicial framework. Federal Standard of Civil Procedure Rule mandates that in all averments of fraud or error, the grounds establishing fraud or error shall be specified with specificity in all pleadings of deceitful activity. A compelling case should be made for scienter by detailing the purported fraud’s circumstances, along with the precise misrepresentations or omissions and the grounds for those comments or omissions’ deceptive nature.

Federal Rule of Civil Procedure provides a legal standard allowing the defense (Red Robin Gourmet Burgers INC.) to petition to dismiss the claim if a plaintiff (André Andropolis) fails to articulate a claim upon which remedies can be awarded. Dismissal of a claim is allowed when it seems that the complainant (André Andropolis) cannot prove any set of information to back up the claims which entitles him to remedies, acknowledging the well-pleaded accusations of the dispute as genuine. In the case, scenario, the plaintiffs (André Andropolis and all others similarly situated) claim was dismissed on grounds that he was not able to fully back up his claims. When considering a Rule petition, the court is not looking at proof that the parties might submit at trials, but rather at whether the plaintiff complaint is adequate to articulate a claim for which remedies can be awarded.

The legal standard to keep clients’ information and counsel confidential is crucial to people’s confidence in the judicial process. It builds the parties confidence in the court system and promotes open and honest dialogue between the parties (Duff, 2020). In many nations, unless the parties consents, a lawyer cannot comment about secret discussions between himself and his client. In the travel fraud case, the defendant’s counsel is mandated to keep management team information discreet.

Using the Fraud Theory Approach outlined in your Fraud Examiners Manual, analyze how you would have used this approach in this case and why

The fraud theory should be used by investigators of fraudulent activities due to its significance in assisting investigators to organize and direct investigations based on the data that is available at the moment. It also generates quality outcomes when strictly adhered. This approach requires the investigators to first evaluate the evidence at their disposal, formulate a hypothesis, put the hypothesis to the trial, and, finally, describe and modify the hypothesis.

Based on the case scenario given, I would commence by analyzing data gathered from various sources such as articles and press statements, expert reports, and evidence given by the company’s workers. I would then develop preliminary hypotheses based on the data that has been analyzed. The hypothesis ought to be based on the absolute worst possible outcome. In other words, I would assess the worst-case scenario based on the caller’s comments. In the given case scenario, the worst-case scenario would be that the management misused company and investor funds to pay for personal travel and other expenditures that were unrelated to business. After I have developed a hypothesis, I will need to validate it through the collection of fresh evidence or by the modification and combination of material already at my disposal. If, after putting a hypothesis to the trial, I conclude that the hypothesis cannot be proven, I would then continue to update the hypothesis and put it to the test basing on the evidence available until a conclusion that is reasonable is produced.

Discuss and provide specific examples of how evidence was collected in this case and discuss if you think this was appropriate, why or why not. If you would have collected the evidence in a different manner or from a different source explain what you would have done and why as it specifically relates to this case.

Evidence collection in a case as similar to the André Andropolis vs. Red Robin Gourmet Burgers INC. is much important and require a careful consideration in making sure that there is no accusation without solid supporting information that confirms the securities fraud. The plaintiff (André Andropolis) filed a case against the Red Robins Gourmet Burgers INC. claiming that the company omitted the proxy statement and the editing of the financial information within the organization. The omission of the information as claimed by the plaintiff became difficult to prove because the evidence collection process was improper since more focus was directed to the files and records of omitted data but not focusing on the root cause of the replacement of the staff that were present during the period of the fraud. Failure to involve the individuals that participated in the fraud cases that is supported by the organization management makes the evidence less significant to prove the claims because the mismanagement within an organization might be an internal issue, but the key is to understand the motive. If given the opportunity to collect the evidence, I would make sure that there are the witnesses that are ready to share the information about the fraud that they were part of and in this case are the replaced staff of Red Robins Gourmet Burgers INC. (Michael J. Snyder, James P. McCloskey, Lisa A. Dahl, Katherine L. Scherping, and Dennis B. Mullen). I consider the approach due to its significance in providing the necessary support to the omitted and edited security information that is unethical. However, having the witness confession and testimonies as a source of evidence makes the case stronger and the plaintiff would argue the issue more clearly and have a successful win over the case.

Identify and provide specific examples of the application of the laws that preserve the rights of individuals suspected of committing the fraud, the laws that govern civil and criminal prosecutions and admittance of evidence.

The examples of the laws application in preserving the rights of the suspect that committed crime include the opportunity that was given in defending the case against them and having the right to be heard. The suspect also enjoyed the right to have an attorney that act as the representative in the case and assist in the legal work and procedures. In this case, there was the aspect that the defendant enjoyed the two rights of representation and being heard, and this is important in making sure that the plaintiff (André Andropolis) has the enough evidence that is possible to showcase the defendant as a criminal. There is always the need to provide proof about the accusation of fraud and the defendant used the right to defend the issue in a more and better way that made the case more significant in bringing important evidence and not just a more accusation. In addition, there was the issue of the defendant having the right in cross-examining the witnesses that testified against the defendant and use the chance to dispute their testimony and this right is closer to the fair hearing. All defendants in the court of law enjoy the chance of being heard through a fair hearing where both sides of the defendant (Red Robin Gourmet Burgers INC.) and the plaintiff (André Andropolis) are given the opportunity to offer their evidence about the case that gives the jury the information necessary of making the decisions on the case (Fisch & Gelbach, 2020). The evidence that are used has to be genuine and correct where it should be accurate and not misleading to give a fair justice to the defendant and victim.

Compare and contrast the laws, providing specific examples, that govern civil and criminal prosecutions of fraud suspects in these types of cases.

In civil case, defendants who have been found guilty of wrongdoing may be required to pay damages by the jury. In the case scenario given, the investors wanted to be reimbursed for the losses the business had sustained as a result of the management actions. Losses that may be quantified, such as economic losses, are eligible for compensation (Duff, 2020). Punitive damages may be awarded in some cases. In criminal cases however, judges convicts defendants who has been proven guilty by a jury in a criminal case. Sentencing laws established by the criminal legislation must be followed by the court. Confinement, parole, and/or monetary fines are all possible outcomes in a criminal prosecution.

Cases involving civil laws, such as those involving securities fraud, may on occasion be resolved outside of a court of law, through means such as mediation with a neutral third party. Alternative dispute resolution methods include civil trials and administrative processes. On the other hand, cases involving criminal law can only be heard within the context of the criminal justice system.

Various guidelines are applicable to criminal and civil cases prosecution. In a civil court, a plaintiff (André Andropolis) files a complaint against a defendant (Red Robin Gourmet Burgers INC). The complainant (André Andropolis) bears the burden of proof and must show that the accused is to be blamed for the issue (Duff, 2020). In the case scenario presented, the plaintiffs (investors) were unable to establish that the defendants (management) were to blame for the problem, resulting in the lawsuit being dismissed. The accused is considered to be liable instead of guilty if a jury finds him or her to be accountable. In a criminal court, on the other hand, a person is either freed or proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The federal government must demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant executed the offense.


Nearly every civilization, economic system, business sector, and industry, as well as field of work, have experienced some form of employee travel fraud. There are three reasons that always exist for employee fraud to take place: pressure, opportunities, and rationalization (Sumrell-Benitez, 2017).

For that reason, I will analyze some travel expenses by IDEA software to achieve to know if travel expenses are submitted only once, expenses are for business travel and airfares charged are reasonable, and tickets purchased are used by the employee (not cashed in).

The audit date will be 1/1/2023 to 12/31/2023.

In the following reports, I will determine if the expense reports are submitted once and are properly authorized. Also, I will detect duplicate expenses, unmatched expenses, nonbusiness transactions, and suspicious payees.

Answers: Travel Section

2.a. Perform a Duplicate Key Detection test (under Analysis) using the keys DATE, EXPTYPE, AMOUNT. Output duplicate records. Index the resulting databases on “AMOUNT” in descending order. Name the result “Duplicate Expenses”. Discuss the items you would conduct further tests on and why they appear suspicious.

These are the expenses we have a duplicate in the database for more than 500 expenses. Just 50 are duplicated under different categories, for example:

• Airfare for $584.40 on 05/23/2022 with destination Washington

• Hotel for $215.57 in May and July in San Francisco City, and the vendor Argent

• Dinner for $35 and $28 in May in local and hotel restaurants

• Internet for $14.95 in May in San Francisco

• Mileage for $14.18 in May in TVR

– Important Note: Most of the duplicate expenses were in May 2023 in different categories. As a professional, I consider it necessary to do a review in this moth.

2.b. Make sure the Expense Reports April 25 23 through Dec 31 23 is the active file. Perform a summarization on EXPTYPE and include the AMOUNT, statistics: Sum, Average. Call your file “Exp Report Sum by Type with Average”. Discuss any examples of car rentals and mileage that took place on the same day (which might be an indicator of double-billing).

The first picture is the summary of the database of the amounts, and the second picture show which billings are duplicate for Milage, on May 23rd and May 26th, for $14.18.

2.c. Make sure the Expense Reports file is the active file. Perform an extraction EXPTYPE = “Airfare” (note that airfare is generally the highest avg dollar). Name the resulting file “Expenses Airfare”.

The following picture shows airfare expenses by vendor, city, dates, and amount.

– Important Note: We can see some expenses duplicate for example, 06/27/2023 and 11/07/2023 for $ 218.40


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How implementing the business plan would be beneficial for the organization

You want to propose a new way to solve a problem at your workplace. To describe your implementation for this change, use the following information to submit a business plan detailing the need for this change to the head of your department.

For this assignment, complete the “Business Plan” template. Write a 500-750 word summary detailing how implementing the business plan would be beneficial for the organization. Explain how the plan would be a good return on investment for the organization.

Provide two to four scholarly resources, in addition to information from your textbook.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.


Business Plan Template

Business plan is clear and concise

Summary of how business plan is beneficial for the organization is clear, concise, and makes connections to current research.

Explanation of how the plan is a good return on investment for the organization is clear, concise, and makes connections to current research


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What method are you using to help you schedule your priorities?

Create one to two paragraphs describing an important topic you studied in this course and how it will help you to be a successful student in your future classes. Answer the following:

  • What method are you using to help you schedule your priorities? Is it working? Why or why not?
  • Have you been able to deal with stress in a positive way? Explain why or why not.
  • Do you need to make adjustments to your time management process to help ensure success in the future? Explain.


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What does it mean to create a Persuasive Speech?


(This portion is written in essay format.)

Part 1

What does it mean to create a Persuasive Speech?

What strategies will you use to “persuade” your audience?

What special credibility considerations should persuasive speakers keep in mind when preparing for and presenting a speech?

Part 2

(This portion is bullet points)

Pick your topic, there is a file in this weekly folder with topic options.

If you pick a topic off of this list, please let me know here what you have chosen.

And then outline your speech. Your speech outline does NOT have to be a written essay, it can be bullet points. You will not get a good grade if you read your speech, so I encourage you to make notes that will prompt you as you speak.

Part 3

List the academic sources you will be citing in your speech (you need at least 3)

Then attach a copy of the visual aid you will show in your speech.

(the visual aid is something that will support your presentation, it can be a picture, image, list, anything that you can show which supports what you are saying.


Please pick 2 of the points below and answer them in essay format.

· Write about the kind of learner you see yourself as being. What does the concept of active learning imply to you? How can you become a more active learner as you read this book and take this course?

· Write about the ideal kind of fieldwork experience you would like to obtain. What can you do to get that kind of field placement?

· If you are already in a field placement, write briefly about the work you are doing. What are your reactions to the staff at the agency? How are you being affected by your clients? Are any personal issues emerging as a result of your work with clients? What are you learning about yourself?

· If you are in supervision currently, what is most satisfying about it? What kind of relationship do you have with your supervisor? What ideas do you have for improving the quality of your supervision sessions?

Your response must be no less than 600 words, minimum of two pages, no more than 5, using APA citation format references and in-text citations.


To complete the recommendation report you need to conduct some more in dept research about the issue (causes, prevalence, statistics, liability/costs) AND methods to address/remedy/prevent the issue. Next, conduct a Boolean search via the Monroe College Library electronic databases to locate at least 4 scholarly or trade journal articles AND 3 Internet sources that discuss the issue and methods to address the issue. Finally, prepare an annotated bibliography in APA format, so that the instructor can evaluate your sources for the recommendation report.

1- Click on the attached links to access your lecture notes.

2- Conduct a Boolean search [Boolean Operators are simple words (AND, OR, NOT or AND NOT) used as conjunctions to combine or exclude keywords in a search, resulting in more focused and productive results. This should save time and effort by eliminating inappropriate hits that must be scanned before discarding.] via the Monroe College Library electronic databases AND the Internet to locate your data for the report.

3- View this  video  on how to read a scholarly journal article.

4- After you have located and read your data for the recommendation report you are ready to create an annotated bibliography in APA format. (click on the attached links to view a sample annotated bibliography and a grading rubric).

5- View the videos for guidance on writing the annotated bibliography.

6- View the  tutorial  for the APA citation generator website, THEN visit the website  to create the citations for the annotated bibliography


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