Writers Solution

I Learned It From YouTube!” (And Other Challenges of Teaching Voice) by Robert Marks.

1) Read the article “I Learned It From YouTube!” (And Other Challenges of Teaching Voice) by Robert Marks. Then, Identify and wr/ite down the author’s main point and/or argument.

  1. Formulate your position as you wr/ite your out/line and summ/ary (do not wr/ite your position on the article at this time; however, please summ/arise carefully and identify various weak points and/or strengths in the article).
  2. Outl/ine your selected article with the information above in mind.
  3. Save your annotations, outline, and additional notes.
  4. Post photos of your article annotations and provide a writt/en summ/ary of the article.


2)  View the following videos and provide a brief writt/en respon/se.

Link:  Venezuela’s Youth Orchestra Bernstein’s West Side Story


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Newly appointed HR manager for a company that wishes to expand its business globally to another country known as Utopia

Project Assignment and Presentation
You are the newly appointed HR manager for a company that wishes to expand its business globally to another country known as Utopia. Utopia is known for internal governmental coups among religious factions, a restrictive and closed-minded culture regarding women and minorities, and problems with drug cartels that kidnap American citizens. Utopia is also known for its beautiful weather. Travel to Utopia is not restricted and the American Embassy remains open there.
The previous HR manager was fired for failing to properly assist this company’s expatriate employees with a prior expansion. To avoid future problems with this expansion, the Board of Directors has asked to see your plan for recruitment and selection of internal and external staff, identification and selection of management staff, development, and support of that staff both during expatriation to Utopia and repatriation to the US and all the challenges that may be faced. The Board of Directors specifically said they do not want any particular staff type excluded so your plan must include provisions for women, families with children and minorities.
Part One – Research Report – Your report shall be 10 to 15 full pages, excluding the cover and reference pages. The report shall reference at least four academic journals or management texts. Your plan shall also include support examples of countries or businesses where the tactics you are suggesting worked or failed.
Part Two – PowerPoint Presentation – The Board of Directors expects you to make a presentation with PowerPoint slides of your report. Your slides shall be creative, eye-catching and a realistic summary of your report. Your summary shall be 10-15 slides. You are strongly encouraged to use PowerPoint to record your presentation


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Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context

Subject Code and Title PROJ6000: Principles of Project Management
Assessment Assessment 1 – Project Management Lifecycle (PML):
Opinion Post and Peer Response
Individual/Group Individual
Length 800 words: 600 words (+/- 10%) initial discussion forum post and
200 words (+/- 10%) response post
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context.
b) Compare and contrast project management methodologies and their application within global project contexts.
c) Identify and analyse the key processes of a project lifecycle.
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 2.2
Weighting 25%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
Critically read and interpret both the Project Management Lifecycle and the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK). Engage with other students by posting an initial 600-word discussion forum post and a 200-word critique that details your response to the question below (or the set question).
The Project Management Lifecycle (PML) is an important component of project management methodology. It incorporates several areas of knowledge from the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK), and it affects and interacts with the application of PMBoK in a project. Different stages of the PML may require focusing on different areas of the PMBoK, and project managers need to assess the PML for their project in order to identify possible risks, plans for resourcing, and to commence communicating with stakeholders. This assessment requires that you answer the following question:
“During which project management lifecycle stage(s) do you believe a project management methodology is most impactful, and how do we ensure alignment between the lifecycle of the project and the implementation of a project management methodology?”
PROJ6000_Assessment_1_Brief_Opinion Post_Module 2.2 Page 1 of 6
To answer this question, you will need to:
(a) Post a 600-word (+/- 10%) response to this question, based on your informed opinion and demonstrated knowledge of project management concepts, project lifecycles, and PMBoK, to the Discussion Forum on the Learning Portal.
(b) Respond to another student’s post by critiquing their opinion and comparing it with yours in 200 words (+/-10%).

  1. Read about the PMBoK and the Project Management Lifecycle to familiarise yourself with their fundamental concepts. Critically reflect on your readings to form an opinion of both and how they interact together. Write a 600-word opinion piece responding to the set question. Be sure to cite any source material, including learning resources or other academic or industry literature you research, used to inform your opinion. The word count does not include the reference list.
  2. Read another student’s post. Think about their opinion and try to compare and contrast it with your own. This approach will allow you to “critique” their view. You can do this by highlighting the aspects you agree with and those you disagree within their post. You need to justify and explain your critique of their opinion. In your response, you will need to refer to industry and academic literature. Your response will need to be 200 words. The word count does not include the reference list.
    It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here:
    Submission Instructions
    Submit this task via the Assessment 1 link in the main navigation menu in PROJ6000 – Principles of Project Management. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
    Academic Integrity Declaration
    I declare that, except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at:
    I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.
    PROJ6000_Assessment_1_Brief_Opinion Post_Module 2.2 Page 2 of 6
    Assessment Rubric
    Assessment Attributes Fail
    (Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
    50-64% Credit
    (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
    75-84% High Distinction
    Knowledge and understanding of PMBoK and Project
    Management Lifecycles
    Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of Project Management
    Lifecycles and the
    Project Management
    Body of Knowledge
    Percentage for this criterion = 25%
    Limited or no understanding demonstrated of required concepts and knowledge.
    Key components of the assignment are not addressed.
    Demonstrates basic knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline.
    Often conflates/confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
    Thorough knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline/s demonstrated.
    Personal opinion and information are substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
    Demonstrates the capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
    Highly developed understanding of the field
    or discipline/s demonstrated.
    Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading.
    Well-demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
    A sophisticated understanding of the field or discipline/s demonstrated.
    Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading.
    Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning.
    Analysis and application with synthesis of new
    Limited or no synthesis of project management knowledge and analysis/alignment of project lifecycles and
    Demonstrated basic synthesis of project management knowledge and
    analysis/alignment of project
    Well-developed synthesis of project management knowledge and analysis/alignment of
    Thoroughly developed and creative synthesis of project management knowledge and analysis/alignment of
    Highly sophisticated and creative synthesis of project management knowledge and analysis/alignment of
    Synthesises project management knowledge and analysis/alignment of project lifecycles and PMBoK areas of
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 25%
    PMBoK areas of knowledge.
    Limited application/recommendat ions based upon analysis.
    lifecycles and PMBoK areas of knowledge.
    Shows the basic ability to interpret relevant information and literature.
    project lifecycles and
    PMBoK areas of knowledge.
    Shows thorough ability to interpret relevant information and literature.
    project lifecycles and
    PMBoK areas of knowledge.
    Shows highly-developed ability to interpret relevant information and literature.
    project lifecycles and
    PMBoK areas of knowledge.
    Strong application by way of pretested models and/or independently developed models.
    Recommendations are
    clearly justified based on analysis/synthesis.
    Excellent ability to apply knowledge to new situations/other cases.
    Effective communication
    Percentage for this criterion = 10%
    Post and/or reply lack clarity.
    Post and/or reply contains numerous spelling/grammatical errors.
    Post and/or reply demonstrate minimal clarity.
    Post and/or reply contains several spelling/grammatical errors.
    Post and reply are communicated in a clear manner.
    Post and reply contains few spelling/grammatical errors
    Post and reply are communicated in a clear and thoughtful manner.
    Post and reply contain no major spelling/grammatical errors.
    Well-demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
    Post and reply are communicated in a clear, thoughtful, and professional manner that makes use of advanced concepts and examples.
    Post and reply contain no major spelling/grammatical errors.
    Inclusion of and correct citation of key resources
    and evidence
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 15%
    Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas.
    Referencing is omitted or does not resemble APA.
    Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed.
    Referencing resembles APA with frequent or repeated errors.
    Demonstrates use of credible resources to support and develop ideas.
    Referencing resembles APA with occasional errors.
    Demonstrates use of good quality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements.
    Shows evidence of wide scope within the organisation for sourcing evidence.
    APA referencing is free from errors.
    Demonstrates use of highquality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements.
    Shows evidence of wide scope within and without the organisation for sourcing evidence.
    APA referencing is free from errors.
    Provides constructive feedback to peers that strengthens their position or offers
    solutions to challenges
    Percentage for this criterion = 25% Feedback to peers is missing or lacks any value in support or solution development. Demonstrated feedback to peers that moderately strengthens their position or offers solutions to challenges. Thorough feedback to peers that strengthens their position or offers solutions to challenges. Highly developed feedback to peers that meaningfully strengthens their position or offers solutions to challenges. Sophisticated feedback to peers that significantly strengthens their position or offers solutions to challenges.
    The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
    SLO a) Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context.
    SLO b) Compare and contrast project management methodologies and their application within global project contexts.
    SLO c) Identify and analyse the key processes of a project lifecycle


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Writers Solution

Developing and nurturing relationships with clients, other professionals and third-party referrers

Business Management Skills
Student identification (student to complete)
Please complete the fields shaded grey.
Student number
Written Assignment result (assessor to complete)
Result — first submission Not yet demonstrated
Parts that must be resubmitted
Result — resubmission (if applicable) Not applicable
Result summary (assessor to complete)
First submission Resubmission (if required)
Task 1 Not yet demonstrated
Not applicable
Task 2 Not yet demonstrated
Not applicable
Task 3 Not yet demonstrated
Not applicable
Task 4 Not yet demonstrated
Not applicable
Task 5 Not yet demonstrated
Not applicable
Task 6 Not yet demonstrated
Not applicable
Task 7 Not yet demonstrated
Not applicable
Feedback (assessor to complete)
[insert assessor feedback]
Before you begin
Read everything in this document before you start your written assignment for Business Management Skills (DFMB3_AS_v1).
About this document
This document includes the following parts:
• Instructions for completing and submitting this assignment
• Task 1 — Developing and nurturing relationships with clients, other professionals and third-party referrers
• Task 2 — Developing business promotion plans
• Task 3 — Identifying risk and applying risk management processes
• Task 4 — Improving the business
• Task 5 — Managing team effectiveness and performance
• Task 6 — Performance management
• Task 7 — Develop a performance plan
How to use the study plan
We recommend that you use the study plan for this subject to help you manage your time to complete the assignment within your enrolment period. Your study plan is in the KapLearn Business Management Skills (DFMB3v1) subject room.
Instructions for completing and submitting this written assignment
Saving your work
Download this document to your desktop, type your answers in the spaces provided and save your work regularly.
• Use the template provided, as other formats will not be accepted for these assignments.
• Name your file as follows: Studentnumber_SubjectCode_Assignment_versionnumber_Submissionnumber
(e.g. 12345678_DFMB3_AS_v1_Submission1).
• Include your student ID on the first page of the assignment.
Before you submit your work, please do a spell check and proofread your work to ensure that everything is clear and unambiguous.
Word count
The word count shown with each question is indicative only. You will not be penalised for exceeding the suggested word count. Please do not include additional information which is outside the scope of the question.
Additional research
When completing this assignment, assumptions are permitted although they must not be in conflict with the information provided in the Case Study.
You may also be required to source additional information from other organisations in the finance industry to find the right products or services to meet your client’s requirements, or to calculate any service fees that may be applicable.
Submitting the written assignment
Only Microsoft Office compatible written assignments submitted in the template file will be accepted for marking by Kaplan Professional Education. You need to save and submit this entire document.
Do not remove any sections of the document.
Do not save your completed assignment as a PDF.
The written assignment must be completed before submitting it to Kaplan Professional Education. Incomplete written assignments will be returned to you unmarked.
The maximum file size is 20MB for the Written and Oral Assignment. Once you submit your written assignment for marking you will be unable to make any further changes to it.
You are able to submit your written assignment earlier than the deadline if you are confident, you have completed all parts and have prepared a quality submission.
Please refer to the Assignment submission/resubmission videos in the ‘Assessment’ section of KapLearn under your ‘Assignment Enrolment’ for details on how to submit/resubmit your written assignment.
Your written assignment and oral assignment must be submitted together on or before your due date. Please check KapLearn for the due date.
The written assignment marking process
You have 12 weeks from the date of your enrolment in this subject to submit your completed assignment.
If you reach the end of your initial enrolment period and have been deemed ‘Not yet demonstrated’ in one or more assessment items, then an additional four (4) weeks will be granted, provided you attempted all assessment tasks during the initial enrolment period.
Your assessor will mark your written and oral assignment and return it to you in the Business Management Skills (DFMB3v1) subject room in KapLearn under the ‘Assessment’ tab.
Make a reasonable attempt
You must demonstrate that you have made a reasonable attempt to answer all of the questions in your written assignment. Failure to do so will mean that your assignment will not be accepted for marking; therefore, you will not receive the benefit of feedback on your submission.
If you do not meet these requirements, you will be notified. You will then have until your submission deadline to submit your completed written and oral assignment.
How your written assignment is graded
Assignment tasks are used to determine your ‘competence’ in demonstrating the required knowledge and/or skills for each subject. As a result, you will be graded as either Demonstrated or Not yet demonstrated.
Your assessor will follow the below process when marking your written assignment:
• assess your responses to each question, and sub-parts if applicable, and then determine whether you have demonstrated competence in each question.
• determine if, on a holistic basis, your responses to the questions have demonstrated overall competence.
You must be deemed to be demonstrated in all assessment items in order to be awarded the units of competency in this subject, including:
• all of the exam questions
• the written and oral assignment.
‘Not yet demonstrated’ and resubmissions
Should sections of your assignment be marked as ‘Not yet demonstrated’ you will be given an additional opportunity to amend your responses so that you can demonstrate your competency to the required level.
You must address the assessor’s feedback in your amended responses. You only need amend those sections where the assessor has determined you are ‘Not yet demonstrated’.
Make changes to your original submission. Use a different text colour for your resubmission. Your assessor will be in a better position to gauge the quality and nature of your changes. Ensure you leave your first assessor’s comments in your assignment, so your second assessor can see the instructions that were originally provided for you. Do not change any comments made by a Kaplan assessor.
Units of competency
This written assignment is your opportunity to demonstrate your competency against these units:
Unit code Unit name
FNSRSK511 Undertake risk identification
FNSPRM613 Grow financial businesses
BSBLDR522 Manage people performance
BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness
FNSPRM612 Improve business of financial practices
Note that the written and oral assignment is one of two assessments required to meet the requirements of the units of competency.
We are here to help
If you have any questions about this written assignment, you can post your query at the ‘Ask your Tutor’ forum in your subject room. You can expect an answer within 24 hours of your posting from one of our technical advisers or student support staff.
Start here
Throughout this assessment we will be using a case study to explore the five (5) units of competency. You will need to read the case study first and refer to it throughout the subject.
The case study: Capital City Finance and Mortgage Brokers (CCF & MB), can be accessed from the subject room.
Business management skills
Refer to the Case study business profile for Capital City Finance and Mortgage Brokers (CCF & MB) located in the subject room.
George and Mildred are very happy with the way you provide service to your clients and your contribution to building the business. They now want you to take the next step into a more senior role of general manager and turn your focus to expanding the business, by building relationships through strategic alliances with selected real estate agents, accountants and legal firms. They also want you to consider how CCF & MB can consolidate its relationships with its existing strategic partners.
Task 1 — Developing and nurturing relationships with clients, other professionals and third-party referrers
George and Mildred require you to write two (2) growth plans.
• The first growth plan will outline how you will strengthen the strategic relationships you already have with a number of real estate agents, accountant and legal firms.
• The second growth plan will outline how you will identify and foster new relationships with other real estate agents, accountants and legal firms
The layout and content of each plan should address the following:
• Identify the business objectives and needs.
• Capital City Finance and Mortgage Brokers (CCF & MB) does not have a vision statement. You will need to create one. (In the first growth plan you will outline how you developed, reviewed and finalised the vision statement).
• Outline the policies and procedures that are essential for the growth plan to be functional, effective and meet legislative requirements.
• Conduct sufficient market research to identify key relationship opportunities and what will be required to maintain and attract relationships.
• Outline how you could use and cooperate with other professionals and third parties to expand and enhance the reputation of the organisation.
• Segment the relationships and tailor the plan for each.
• Clearly identify the priorities for each relationship based on the overall vision and objectives of the business.
• Set appropriate growth targets.
• Develop an action plan to achieve the growth targets.
• Review existing business work activities and confirm they support the business growth plans.
• Outline who will need to be consulted during implementation of your plan.
• Outline how you will monitor and adjust the plan.
You can use a suitable template that you are familiar with or have found on the internet or you can utilise the template provided below.
When completing this task, assumptions are permitted, although they must not be in conflict with the information provided in the background information.
(1,000 words)
Student response to Task 1
Growth Plan 1
Answer here
Vision statement
Answer here
Objective/s of the organisation
Answer here
Objective/s of the growth plan. What will be the success indicators?
Answer here
Essential policies and procedures
Answer here
Market research
Answer here
Relationships (maintain, strengthen, grow) and appropriate growth targets. Prioritise the relationships.
Answer here
Action Plan (repeat as required)
Due Date Task Task Owner Resources required
Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here

Funding required
Answer here
Work practices review (What supports the plan and what might need to change)
Answer here
Who will need to be consulted during implementation?
Answer here
How will you monitor the implementation and adjust as required?
Answer here
Growth Plan 2
Answer here
Vision (how you developed, reviewed and finalised the vision)
Answer here
Objective/s of the organisation
Answer here
Objective/s of the growth plan. What will be the success indicators?
Answer here
Essential policies and procedures
Answer here
Market research
Answer here
Relationships (maintain, strengthen, grow) and appropriate growth targets. Prioritise the relationships.
Answer here
Action plan (repeat as required)
Due date Task Task owner Resources required
Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here

Funding required
Answer here
Work practices review (What supports the plan and what might need to change)
Answer here
Who will need to be consulted during implementation?
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Task 1 — Developing and nurturing relationships with clients, other professionals and third-party referrers
[insert feedback]
Date assessed: Click here to enter a date
Does the student need to resubmit? No
Questions that need to be resubmitted
First submission Not yet demonstrated
Resubmission Not applicable
To pass this subject, you will need to be assessed as DEMONSTRATED for either your first submission or your resubmission.
Task 2 — Developing business promotion plans
George and Mildred now require you to write two (2) promotional plans. The promotional plans can be on any aspect of the business (new clients, new products, new services etc.).
Task 2: Question 1
The layout and content of each plan should address the following:
• Research and identify target markets.
• Obtain market research data (or make assumptions) and identify key market data for the plan. This can include, for example, customer demographics, product types (i.e. census data if available), marketing media data (i.e. social media).
• Conduct a competitor analysis. Identify your major competitors (at least two (2)), with a competitor analysis developed for each competitor.
• Develop and review the business’ market position based on the research and competitor analysis.
• Develop the business brand and the benefits your business can offer.
• Identify the business’ products and/or services using a combination of research and your own personal experience
• Establish the objectives and targets of the promotion.
• Develop and select the appropriate promotional tools.
(1,000 words)
You may use any format for your plan; however, you are not permitted to simply answer the points above. If you are unsure as to how to write a plan, you can refer to the Business Growth and Marketing topic and use the suggested SMEAC format outlined in Part 6, Section 13. You may also refer to the internet for other examples of business or marketing plans.
A link providing guidance on how to develop a plan is available in the Toolbox.
You can also use the template below for your plan.
When completing this task, assumptions are permitted, although they must not be in conflict with the information provided in the case study.
Student response to Task 2: Question 1
Promotional Plan 1
Industry research (What industry are we in?)
Answer here
Market research (identify target markets, products and services)
Answer here
Competitor analysis (minimum of two (2) competitors)
Answer here
Business current position
Answer here
Products and/or services to promote
Answer here
Objectives and targets of the promotion
Answer here
Promotional tools and strategy
Answer here
Promotional Plan 2 (must be different to Plan 1)
Industry research (What industry are we in?)
Answer here
Market research (locate target markets, products and services)
Answer here
Competitor analysis
Answer here
Business current position
Answer here
Products and/or services to promote
Answer here
Objectives and targets of the promotion
Answer here
Promotional tools and strategy
Answer here
Task 2: Question 2
In the tables below, outline the tasks, steps, resources, personnel and timelines required to develop and implement the promotional plan.
(100 words)
Student response to Task 2: Question 2
Implementing the promotional plan 1
Task Steps required Resources required Who will complete this? Date to start Date to complete
Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here
Implementing the promotional plan 2
Task Steps required Resources required Who will complete this? Date to start Date to complete
Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here
Task 2: Question 3
You are required to monitor the progress of the promotional plans. Complete the tables below to demonstrate how you will monitor your promotional plan over a period of time.
Depending on the type of activity and how it is measured, an average may not be applicable. If not applicable, input N/A in the Average column.
(100 words)
Student response to Task 2: Question 3
Monitoring the promotional plan 1
Marketing plan targets Monitoring process Period one Period two Period three Period four Average
Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here

Monitoring the promotional plan 2
Marketing plan targets Monitoring process Period one Period two Period three Period four Average
Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here

Task 2: Question 4
You will need to assume that certain aspects of your promotional plan require an adjustment.
For example, ‘consistency of posts to social media not being maintained’.
To make adjustments to the promotional plan, complete the tables below.
(200 words)
When completing this task, assumptions are permitted although they must not be in conflict with the information provided in the background information.
Note to students: You can add lines to the tables if necessary
Student response to Task 2: Question 4
Adjusting the promotional plan 1
Identified task requiring adjustment Changes required
Answer here Answer here
Adjusting the promotional plan 2
Identified task requiring adjustment Changes required
Answer here Answer here
Assessor feedback: Task 2 — Developing business promotion plans
[insert feedback]
Date assessed: Click here to enter a date
Does the student need to resubmit? No
Questions that need to be resubmitted
First submission Not yet demonstrated
Resubmission Not applicable
To pass this subject, you will need to be assessed as DEMONSTRATED for either your first submission or your resubmission.
Task 3 — Identifying risk and applying risk management processes
George and Mildred have become very concerned about the potential risks that could jeopardise CCF & MB’s business operations. They were very impressed with your growth and promotional plans for CCF & MB so they have now moved you into more of a general manager’s role with expanded responsibilities, including managing CCF & MB’s risk.
Task 3: Question 1
As part of your new responsibilities, you are required to develop a risk management plan which:
• establishes the context for CCF & MB’s risk management plan and establish the boundaries of that context
• outlines the regulatory requirements (in particular who are the regulators)
• lists and explains the tools you will use in assessing the risks you identify
• identifies the stakeholders (both internal and external) you would consult in establishing context and assist with the identification of CCF & MB’s risks
• outlines the tools you would use in identifying CCF & MB’s risks
• identifies at least two risks and the organisational processes associated with that risk that
CCF & MB could face for each of the six categories of business risk; including strategic risks, compliance risks, financial risk, operational risks, market and environmental risks and reputational risks; with an appropriate risk statement for each identified risk.
Note: You may make any assumptions in producing your plan, but these should be documented either in the body of your plan or separately before you produce it. You are not permitted to simply answer the points detailed above.
(400 words)
Student response to Task 3: Question 1
Answer here
Task 3: Question 2
Refer to the email from co-worker identifying potential risk in the Toolbox. In the answer box below, write an email to management outlining the identified risk, your analysis, how you would evaluate the risk and suggest how the risk could be best treated.
(200 words)
Student response to Task 3: Question 2
Answer here
Task 3: Question 3
Refer to the risk treatment mapping guide in the toolbox. Using the following steps, complete the risk evaluation and treatment table below:
Step 1. Insert the risks that you identified in Question 1 into the table below.
Step 2. By using the risk treatment mapping guide in the toolbox, appraise the likelihood and consequence for each risk identified and include these in the table.
Step 3. Define how each risk can be treated, and whether a potentially serious risk should be escalated to management.
Step 4. Develop recommendations to mitigate identified risks.
Step 5. Provide recommendations on how to monitor and review the risks identified.
(200 words)
Student response to Task 3: Question 3
Answer here
Risk evaluation and treatment map
Risk identified
(through analysis) Likelihood
(risk evaluation criteria) Consequence Treatment
(comment if risk should be escalated to management for supervision) Mitigate identified risks
(provide recommendations to mitigate risk) Monitor
(include how to be monitored and how often to be reviewed)
Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here

Task 3: Question 4
Take two (2) of the risks you identified in Question 1 and treated in Question 3. Create a scenario for both where the risk has escalated in likelihood and/or consequence due to the control strategy you applied not working effectively or the situation has changed.
Outline your recommendations for new controls.
Complete the table below.
(200 words)
Student response to Task 3: Question 4
Answer here
Risk Current Escalation factor New Recommended controls Who needs to be informed
Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here

Assessor feedback: Task 3 — Identifying risk and applying risk management processes
[insert feedback]
Date assessed: Click here to enter a date
Does the student need to resubmit? No
Questions that need to be resubmitted
First submission Not yet demonstrated
Resubmission Not applicable
To pass this subject, you will need to be assessed as DEMONSTRATED for either your first submission or your resubmission.
Task 4 — Improving the business
Over the last few months business for CCF & MB has been very good with a number of new clients coming on board as a result of implementing your business growth and marketing plans. However, neither you or the business owners are satisfied with maintaining the status quo; as you and they are committed to a program of continuous improvement.
You all feel that CCF & MB’s competitive advantage needs to be strengthened and a SWOT should be undertaken to establish CCF & MB’s strengths and weaknesses including benchmarking the business against the industry. You now decide that you will carry out a diagnosis of the business including a SWOT analysis and a benchmarking exercise to improve CCF &MB’s competitive advantage and its business. You are to produce a document covering your diagnosis, which will be distributed amongst CCF & MB’s key personnel.
As a minimum, your document should cover the following:
• Identify the business priorities, objectives, needs and requirements.
• The data and tools you have used as part of your diagnosis to identify CCF & MB’s competitive advantage.
• A SWOT analysis to identify CCF & MB’s strengths and weaknesses, its threats and opportunities.
• How you identified and sourced relevant benchmarking data.
• How you selected the key indicators (and who you consulted with) for your benchmarking exercise.
• A consolidated list of the areas for improvement (this must include at least three (3) different financial businesses) you have identified with a cost-benefit ratio established for each of them.
• Outline the stakeholders you consulted with to reach agreement on the areas of improvement and the success factors.
• Recommendations on the changes that may be required that will affect existing workflows or CCF & MB’s organisational structure.
• A high-level action plan that will implement and monitor the recommended changes to be made.
In addition to the learning material in Topic 1-2, Part 2, refer to the helpful links provided in the Toolbox.
(1,000 words)
Student response to Task 4
Answer here
Assessor feedback: Task 4 – Improving the business
[insert feedback]
Date assessed: Click here to enter a date
Does the student need to resubmit? No
Questions that need to be resubmitted
First submission Not yet demonstrated
Resubmission Not applicable
To pass this subject, you will need to be assessed as DEMONSTRATED for either your first submission or your resubmission.
Task 5 — Managing team effectiveness and performance
One of your key responsibilities as general manager is to develop and implement ways to improve the performance of CCF & MB’s consultants and other staff members.
Answer the following questions:
Task 5: Question 1
(a) Outline the team purpose, roles and responsibilities of the CCF & MB’s team.
(b) Using the ‘work plan’ template provided below, develop a work plan for CCF & MB. This can be done by using actions of your choice (i.e. nurturing leads to create clients). The work plan will also include who you will allocate various tasks to achieve the plan’s objective. The plan must be within CCF & MB’s organisational requirements and comply with legal requirements.
(c) Outline the stakeholders that you would need to consult with to ensure that the roles and responsibilities meet the CCF & MB’s operational plans, resource requirements and organisational processes.
(300 words)
Student response to Task 5: Question 1
Answer here
Work plan template
Action Allocated to Responsibility Timeframe allocated
Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here

Task 5: Question 2
Describe the process you might follow when developing quantitative and qualitative performance criteria. You should explain how you ensure that the criteria relates to CCF & MB’s objectives and how to motivate and support staff members to achieve these objectives.
(200 words)
Student response to Task 5: Question 2
Answer here
Task 5: Question 3
How will you facilitate team member input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of team tasks?
(50 words)
Student response to Task 5: Question 3
Answer here
Task 5: Question 4
Locate a code of conduct, either in your workplace or on the internet. Modify and customise it to create a code of conduct that would meet CCF & MB’s business requirements.
Ensure that you upload a copy of the original code of conduct as well as your modified version.
You can use the information provided at ‘Workable’. The link is available in the Toolbox.
(150 words)
Student response to Task 5: Question 4
Answer here
Task 5: Question 5
What are the benefits of evaluating and monitoring staff members on a continuous basis?
(50 words)
Student response to Task 5: Question 5
Answer here
Task 5: Question 6
Why is it important to document the performance management process? Explain the possible consequences of not retaining appropriate records of this process.
(100 words)
Student response to Task 5: Question 6
Answer here
Task 5: Question 7
In what ways can you reinforce excellence in work performance through recognition and continuous feedback? How might you be able reward staff in non-financial ways?
(100 words)
Student response to Task 5: Question 7
Answer here
Task 5: Question 8
You have realised that the majority of staff really do not understand the performance management process, development program and legal requirements. You need to deliver a training session to cover the key aspects. Map out your training program in the training template below.
You will need to cover all steps of the performance management process in the Topics/Content of your training program.
At the Fair Work Ombudsman website, you will find an excellent managing performance program. You can use this to develop your training program. The link is provided in the Toolbox.
(200 words)
Student response to Task 5: Question 8
Answer here
Time Topic/Content Resources required
Answer here Answer here Answer here

Assessor feedback: Task 5 — Managing team effectiveness and performance
[insert feedback]
Date assessed: Click here to enter a date
Does the student need to resubmit? No
Questions that need to be resubmitted
First submission Not yet demonstrated
Resubmission Not applicable
To pass this subject, you will need to be assessed as DEMONSTRATED for either your first submission or your resubmission.
Task 6 — Performance management
Martin and Luis are working together on project involving the preparation for a loan application for one of CCF & MB’s most influential clients, a property developer. Martin missed a deadline and the whole project is now behind schedule by a week. This is the third time in a month that he has missed a deadline. Martin has had problems with meeting deadlines in the past and has already had a written warning.
As the general manager you have been monitoring Martin’s performance over the past month, providing informal feedback about his role in the project. Although he has made several improvements regarding his performance, his inability to meet deadlines has forced the delay of the client’s development a further month. CCF & MB made a commitment to the client that the loan application would be with the prospective lender two weeks ago.
The client is not happy that he does not yet have an approval and is considering cancelling the agreement he has with CCF & MB and going elsewhere.
Task 6: Question 1
You have arranged to meet with Martin to talk about the project and his input. How would you go about providing constructive feedback to Martin?
(100 words)
Student response to Task 6: Question 1
Answer here
Task 6: Question 2
Following your meeting with Martin you have decided to continue monitoring his performance for the purposes of evaluating where improvements can be made and provide feedback. Outline the process you have adopted to conduct this monitoring exercise.
Reference material is available in Topic 1-3, Managing people’s performance.
(100 words)
Student response to Task 6: Question 2
Answer here
Task 6: Question 3
Following your meeting with Martin, use the evaluation criteria listed in the table below. You should also include any additional criteria you think is applicable. Record and document comments regarding Martin’s performance in the performance appraisal checklist below.
(50 words)
Student response to Task 6: Question 3
Performance appraisal checklist
Evaluation criteria Rating 1–5 (5 best) Team leader/general manager comments
Attendance & punctuality Answer here Answer here
Dependability Answer here Answer here
Personal appearance Answer here Answer here
Productivity Answer here Answer here
Work quality Answer here Answer here

Task 6: Question 4
Using the template below, outline a learning and development plan for Martin.
(a) Explain how you will support this team member throughout the learning and development plan.
(b) How will you ensure you obtain their commitment and agreement to the development plan?
(100 words)
Student response to Task 6: Question 4
Answer here
Notes for completion:
• capability area: skill, knowledge or attribute the team member needs to acquire or improve.
• learning and development strategy(s): the development tools you select (such as coaching, training) to assist them to achieve the capability area
• required resources: any resources needed to achieve the chosen strategy (such as a computer etc.)
• start date: when they will start the strategy
• end date: when they will finish the strategy.
Capability area Learning and development strategy Required resources Start date End date
Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here

Task 6: Question 5
If Martin’s performance continues to be unsatisfactory you will need to counsel and implement the organisation’s performance improvement process. Outline the steps (including the timeline) involved in taking an employee through the process.
A poor performance policy example is located in the Toolbox.
(200 words)
Student response to Task 6: Question 5
Answer here
Task 6: Question 6
Luis is basically the opposite to Martin. He meets deadlines and produces quality work. The project delays are not due to his work. You are considering training him to manage a new office that CCF & MB are considering opening on the other side of the country. He does not have management experience though.
You have also arranged to meet with Luis to talk about the project and his other work. How would you go about providing recognition and positive feedback to Luis?
(100 words)
Student response to Task 6: Question 6
Answer here
Task 6: Question 7
Following your meeting with Luis you have decided to monitor his management capability for the purposes of evaluating where improvements can be made and provide feedback. Outline the process you have adopted to conduct this monitoring exercise.
(150 words)
Student response to Task 6: Question 7
Answer here
Task 6: Question 8
Following your meeting with Luis, create an evaluation document. Use the below evaluation criteria template to record and document comments regarding Luis’ performance and capability as a manager in the performance appraisal checklist below.
(100 words)
Student response to Task 6: Question 8
Performance appraisal checklist
Evaluation criteria Rating 1–5 (5 best) Team leader/general manager comments
Attendance & punctuality Answer here Answer here
Dependability Answer here Answer here
Personal appearance Answer here Answer here
Productivity Answer here Answer here
Work quality Answer here Answer here
Management capability Answer here Answer here
Communication skills Answer here Answer here
Delegation skills Answer here Answer here

Task 6: Question 9
Using the template below, outline a learning and development plan for Luis.
(a) How will you support this team member throughout the learning and development plan to help him develop his management skills?
(b) How will you ensure you obtain Luis’ commitment and agreement to the development plan?
(250 words)
Student response to Task 6: Question 9
Answer here
Notes for completion:
• capability area: skill, knowledge or attribute the team member needs to acquire or improve.
• learning and development strategy(s): the development tools you select (such as coaching, training) to assist them to achieve the capability area
• required resources: any resources needed to achieve the chosen strategy (such as a computer etc.)
• start date: when they will start the strategy
• end date: when they will finish the strategy
Capability area Learning and development strategy Required resources Start date End date
Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here

Assessor feedback: Task 6 — Performance management
[insert feedback]
Date assessed: Click here to enter a date
Does the student need to resubmit? No
Questions that need to be resubmitted
First submission Not yet demonstrated
Resubmission Not applicable
To pass this subject, you will need to be assessed as DEMONSTRATED for either your first submission or your resubmission.
Task 7 — Develop a performance plan
Task 7: Question 1
In order for CCF & MB to continue to meet their primary goal of ‘being a leader in offering broking services to the local community’, they have asked you, in your capacity as the newly appointed general manager, to develop a performance plan and establish some ‘key performance indicators’ (KPIs) for all customer service staff.
The objective of the performance plan is to focus on the organisation’s key goals and objectives in line with the ‘Service standards statement’ available in the toolbox.
Information on people performance can be sourced from the learning material Topic 1-3, People management.
(200 words)
Student response to Task 7: Question 1
Answer here
Task 7: Question 2
Write an email for circulation within the business that praises the team’s positive efforts and contributions over the last six months. Ensure that you are specific so as the team knows what they have done well and the impact that their actions.
(100 words)
Student response to Task 7: Question 2
Answer here
Task 7: Question 3
(a) What processes will you implement to identify and address issues, concerns and problems identified by team members?
(b) How will you encourage the team to participate and take responsibility for solving problems?
(c) How will you support the team to identify, participate and take responsibility for solving problems?
(d) What behaviours will you need to exhibit to promote teamwork and collaboration?
(300 words)
Student response to Task 7: Question 3
Answer here
Task 7: Question 4
In the template below, outline the communication that you will provide to key stakeholders (in particular George and Mildred, and the team). Identify at least five (5) stakeholders and advise of their preferred communication requirements.
(100 words)
Student response to Task 7: Question 4
Answer here
(Name or role) Requirements
(What information and date) Frequency
(how often) Media
(meeting, report etc.)
Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here

Task 7: Question 5
The team members are struggling to achieve the KPI’s established in your performance plan and have requested that you inform George and Mildred that they cannot be achieved without an additional administration staff member (maybe just part time). After discussion and consideration, you agree. Write an email to George and Mildred outlining the issue and develop a solid case for the recruitment of an additional staff member.
(100 words)
Student response to Task 7: Question 5
Answer here
Task 7: Question 6
In Task 6 there were some serious issues with a loan application for one of CCF & MB’s most influential clients, a property developer. The client is thinking of cancelling the agreement. Write an email to George and Mildred outlining the issue and how you have resolved it.
(100 words)
Student response to Task 7: Question 6
Answer here
Task 7: Question 7
The Tuckman’s theory focuses on the four (4) stages a team goes through as they develop and grow together over time.
To understand more about the four stages of team development use the link from MIT Human Resources and the video ‘Tuckman’s Stages of Team Development — the links are located in the Toolbox.
(a) For each of the four (4) stages of team development (forming, storming, norming and performing), describe the support you will provide the CCF & MB team to facilitate cohesiveness and teamwork. Include how you will change your leadership and management style to meet the needs of the team at each of the four stages of development.
(b) How would you consider the team members’ individual personality and emotional needs?
(300 words)
Student response to Task 7: Question 7
Answer here
Task 7: Question 8
One of the most difficult challenges a manager faces is to maximise performance while maintaining a positive work environment.
(a) Give three (3) examples of challenges that can arise when managers attempt to maximise productivity within a work team.
(b) For each of these challenges, provide a range of solutions to maintain team cohesion whilst maximising productivity — three (3) solutions for each challenge (a total of nine (9)).
Refer to the Toolbox for a helpful link.
(250 words)
Student response to Task 7: Question 8
Answer here
Challenge Solution 1 Solution 2 Solution 3
Answer here Answer here Answer here Answer here

Assessor feedback: Task 7 – Develop a performance plan
[insert feedback]
Date assessed: Click here to enter a date
Does the student need to resubmit? No
Questions that need to be resubmitted
First submission Not yet demonstrated
Resubmission Not applicable
To pass this subject, you will need to be assessed as DEMONSTRATED for either your first submission or your resubmission


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Counsellor for a counselling organisation

Case Study 1
You have started working as a counsellor for a counselling organisation. On your third day of working, your manager allocates to you a 30-year-old female client, Millie, whose presenting concerns are about trying to have contact with other people. Millie tells you that she has no friends and finds it difficult to relate to others of her own age. She tells you that lives alone where she feels safe but is unhappy. Her work is administrative and is all online so she does not meet people as she would in an office. Millie identifies that meeting people is one goal for counselling and a second goal is finding a romantic partner. She has not had a relationship since she was 25. Millie tells you that she feels very young, as she did when she was 20 and so she feels she is more suited romantically to someone around 15 years old. She tells you she finds both males and females of that age attractive and thinks she would have more in common with them than someone closer to her age.
Case Study 2
Andrea is a counsellor working with clients who suffer from anxiety and depression. Andrea has been working with Zac for 5 months since he was referred to her by his General Practitioner for help to manage his anxiety and depression. Zac has been progressing well and says he is starting to feel better from counselling with Andrea. On his next session Zac asks if he can take Andrea out for coffee to thank her for working with him. Andrea is aware that client- counsellor boundaries must be upheld but believes that having a coffee with Zac would be ok.
Assessment 1: Written Assessment- Evidence of comprehension and applying information to scenarios (25%)
Due date: Friday at the end of week 4 at 11:59pm
Word Count: 1200 -1400 words
Students are required to read two ethical dilemma scenarios and respond to both, answering the following questions:

  1. Provide one example of how the counsellor’s personal beliefs could impact the ethical nature of the counselling relationship in each scenario
  2. State the ethical principle(s) relevant to the scenario-refer to one of the two codes listed below to guide you
  3. Describe any relevant reporting issues providing reasons for your answers
  4. Discuss a possible course of action for the counsellor to take to resolve the dilemma in each scenario. In the first scenario write in the first person, as this is imagining you are counsellor, in the second scenario write in the third person as the counsellor is Andrea.
    You should be guided by the lectures and prescribed unit readings. However, it is expected that you will conduct your own research to support your assertions and conclusions. It is expected that you will use either the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA) or Australian Counselling Association (ACA) Coc of Ethics to inform your final decisions. Careful consideration of relevant State and/or Federal legislation should also be included.
    Use APA 7 referencing. Your assessment should include at least 5 peer reviewed, academic journa articles read, dating from 2010 onwards, in addition to any textbook references.
    You must present your essay using either Arial or Times New Roman or Calibri font size 12 and mak sure the essay is double spaced and attach a BCS cover sheet to the front, correctly competed including accurate word count.
    Do NOT utilise sources such as and other such web materials as these in no way constitute academic references for the purpose of your assignment: If you rely on such sources for theoretical support you wi be deemed NOT to have met the requirements of the assessment.


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Strategy White Paper about Digital Piracy

Suggested structure for the Strategy White Paper about Digital Piracy:

  1. Overview of the cybercrime (Digital Piracy)
    o What is it
    o Why it might occur
    o It’s impact and outcomes
    o Who are the victims and offenders
    o What is the rate of this crime in Australia
  2. Overview of situational crime prevention
    o Strengths and limitations, generally
  3. Highlight the existing prevention strategies and their strengths/limitations/challenges in terms of each of the below situational crime prevention techniques:
    o Increasing the effort to offend
    o Increasing the perceived risk of offending
    o Reducing the reward of offending
    o Reducing offender provocation
    o Removing excuses
  4. Discuss how techniques could be improved in the future, or where more research is necessary to understand the efficacy of prevention strategies. Highlight important considerations for the development of useful prevention strategies (i.e., pathways to offending, and how prevention strategies may best target those risk factors), and how some of the other strategies may be better employed (i.e., other primary, secondary or tertiary strategies)
    Can use some references from this link


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How can effective leadership bring a massive change in the destiny of a company

Proposal for the dissertation on topic : How can affective leadership bring a massive change in the destiny of a company. 2000 words. Can be only as essay I can make a powerpoint myself from it. Must use some of this:
Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods by John W. Creswell
Business research Methods by Alan Bryman and Emma Bell
Research Methods for Business Students by Mark Saunders, Phillip Lewis and Adrian Thornhill
It should contain the following aspects:
Title/topic (1 slide) To ensure that your title and topic point directly to the focus of your research, check to see that key terms in the statement of the gap in the literature and the research aim are reproduced in the title.
i. Introduction to the project/dissertation (overview; context; aim & objectives: 1 aim and maximum 3 appropriate objectives)
ii. Brief Literature Review (on main scholarly areas of knowledge)
iii. Methodology (what kind of data and creative processes you will adopt to meet your chosen objectives/specifications)
iv. Potential outcomes
v. A conceptual map that outlines the concepts explored in the Literature Review
vi. Gantt Chart
vii. Risk Register
a. The resources you would need, what are the risk, where you lack resources, knowledge, access etc.
b. The knowledge you have and/or intend to gain during the project, how have you ensured you will be able to gain the knowledge you need for the successful completion of the dissertation.
c. Any health and safety issues that may arise.
d. Any other risks that you perceive for the dissertation.
viii. A list of the key reference sources for the project that you have identified. (10 references as a minimum)


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A good customer experience strategy (from a traditional view), may not equate to a positive digital customer experience

Assessment Weight: 50 total marks
• All questions must be answered by using the answer boxes provided in this paper.
• Completed answers must be submitted to Blackboard by the published due date and time.
Please ensure you follow the submission instructions at the end of this paper.
This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit.

Question 1 (7 marks)
A good customer experience strategy (from a traditional view), may not equate to a positive digital customer experience. Discuss why this situation could arise, and what must an organisation do, to ensure a positive digital customer experience. Use peer-reviewed referencing support to justify your solution (200-250 Words)
ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
Question 2 (7 marks)
How and why are KPI’s used as a tool to measure the success of an organisation’s digital presence. Use examples of digital KPI’s used by digital or internet organisations to support your solution. Furthermore, your solution should be supported with appropriate peer-reviewed support referencing (200-250 Words).
Question 3 (7 marks)
Why would a business re-engineer their information system? Furthermore, identify and discuss some positive aspects of re-engineering, but also the potential pitfalls of undertaking such a major infrastructure change. Use peer-reviewed support to justify your solution (200-250 Words).
Question 4 (7 marks)
How can an organisation use their information system to prevent employees from making inappropriate procurements or fraudulent purchases? Discuss and justify your answer with peer-reviewed support (200-250 Words).
Question 5 (11 marks)
Identify and discuss the key change management issues that an organisation should address when undertaking a major structural change to a business operating model or changes within their information system or technology processes. Use peer-reviewed support within your solution, to justify (450-500 Words).
Question 6 (11 marks)
When organisations need to develop a need idea or product, they may establish a project management team to complete the task. What are the problems or pitfalls they can develop, that ultimately leads to the project not being completed, and becoming a financial burden to the organisation. Using examples to discuss potential issues that can develop, and measures that may reduce these risks. Use peer-reviewed support within your solution to justify your answer. (450-500 Words).
Submission instructions:
• Save submission with your STUDENT ID NUMBER and UNIT CODE e.g. WTG8650 HC3152
• Submission must be in MICROSOFT WORD format only
• Upload your submission to the appropriate link on Blackboard
• You have two attempts to submit your assessment with only the final submission being marked.
Please ensure your submission is the correct document as special consideration is not given if you make a mistake.
• All submissions are automatically passed through SafeAssign to assess academic integrity


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Demonstrate knowledge of the purpose and functions of global financial markets

Assignment Brief, Assignment
Guidelines and Rubric Assignment Brief
Number and
Weighting Coursework 1 40% Anonymous marking Yes
Submission Date and Time See Blackboard submission link 23:59:00 Expected return of feedback and marked work 14 working days from the deadline
Procedure Electronically via
Blackboard (Turnitin)
Word Count 2500
Assignment Title Equity Valuation and Market Efficiency Report

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of the purpose and functions of global financial markets
  2. Analyse the role of financial market data in supporting business decisions
  3. Critically evaluate the impact of the global financial markets on the business environment
  4. Demonstrate the ability to analyse and present quantitative data to support an argument.
  5. Use information technology to analyse and communicate financial data
    This assignment is the form of a group coursework event analysis report based on Bio-Techne Corporation, USA. Detailed information of BioTechne’s inclusion in the S&P 500 Index is widely available in the internet.
    The purpose is to use relevant Excel templates to provide valuation and interpret price impacts following the event.
    Assignment Requirements
    On 24 August 2021, a press release from S&P Dow Jones Indices, a Division of S&P Global announced that Bio-Techne Corporation, an American developer, manufacturer, and seller of life science and clinical diagnostics reagents, instruments and services for the research, diagnostics, and bioprocessing markets. The press release announced that the Minneapolisbased company will join the S&P 500 index on 30 August 2021.
    You are to perform the following tasks:
    • Conduct in-depth background research to enhance the analysis of Bio-Techne’s inclusion in the S&P 500 Index event. Such research should demonstrate in-depth understanding and impact on the S&P 500 index as well as the life sciences and healthcare segment of the US market. You should set up a timeline (see Section below) to reflect the chronicle of events and key dates prior to the announcement by S&P Global. (20%)
    • Conduct a comprehensive valuation on Bio-Techne Corporation prior to the announcement. Your valuation should use relevant valuation technique(s) to arrive at an appropriately discounted present value (per share). Your valuation must be supported by realistic assumptions (not based on information from stock market analysts). (40%)
    • Evaluate the extent of price impacts on Bio-Techne Corporation following the news announcement. Does the movement of share price reflect the insights from Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)? (40%)
    Assignment Guidelines
    You have been asked to produce a report. It should contain the following:
    • Appropriate coversheet (as attached in this document – please ensure appropriate coversheet is attached to your assessment brief)
    • Title Page, including the given title in full.
    • Contents Page
    • Introduction
    • Main body, which should also be organised under appropriate headings.
    • Conclusion
    • Appendices, which should be numbered.
    • Make sure you refer your reader to them as required.
    Your work should be word processed in accordance with the following:
    • Font style, Arial, font size 12
    • 1.5 line spacing.
    • The page orientation should be ‘portrait’
    • Margins on both sides of the page should be no less than 2.5 cm
    • Pages should be numbered
    • Your name [should/should not – delete as required] appear on the script.
    • Your student number should be included on every page.
    Additional Information
    Read the financial information from the website of Bio-Techne Corporation (, USA and download its annual reports for past three years for financial analysis and valuation. You should also gather the daily price data and information on Bio-Techne, Dow Jones Index and industrial sector index from news agencies like Yahoo Finance, Bloomberg, Reuter, Marketwatch, etc. In addition, you should also be kept abreast of the current and global news on Bio-Techne Corporation, USA and its competitors which might influence on the share price movements of Bio-Techne Corporation


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Motivations that managers may have for attempting to influence or bias reported financial results?

Assessment Weight: 50 total marks
• All questions must be answered by using the answer boxes provided in this paper.
• Completed answers must be submitted to Blackboard by the published due date and time.
Please ensure you follow the submission instructions at the end of this paper.
This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit.

Question 1 (7 marks)
a) Discuss two (2) motivations that managers may have for attempting to influence or bias reported financial results? (2 marks)
ANSWER a): ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
b) Suggest one (1) way this behaviour can be minimised (1 mark)
c) Assume that a drilling machine is acquired for the following consideration:
• cash: $200,000
• shares: 20,000 shares with a market value of $4.50 each
• Machine: Cost $100,000, accumulated depreciation, $75,000, fair value $37,000
The buying company also agrees to assume the liability of the selling company’s accounts payable of $25 000 as part of the drilling machine acquisition.
Required: Calculate the acquisition cost of the drilling machine (4 marks)
Question 2 (11 marks)
a) Explain what effect will an upward asset revaluation have on subsequent periods’ profits?
(2 marks)
b) Credit Corp Ltd. purchases a building on July 1, 2019, for $500,000. The building is expected to have a useful life of twenty years with no residual value (straight line). The company uses the revaluation model for this class of asset and will obtain current valuations every two years. On 30 June, 2021, an appraisal on the building is conducted and its fair value is determined to be $490,000. On 30 June 2023, the building is again appraised, and this time the fair value is determined to be $390,000.
Provide journal entries to account for the two revaluations (9 marks)
Question 3 (7 marks)
Consider the following independent situations. For each of the situations described, suggest the appropriate accounting treatment for recording the liability. Back-up your answer with reference to the appropriate recognition criteria and disclosure requirements for liabilities, as per AASB 137.
a) A manufacturing company is being sued by a customer group for losses sustained due to a faulty product design. The company’s lawyers feel the suit will likely succeed, but they cannot estimate the potential amount of damages that will be awarded. (2 marks)
b) A resource company is obligated by municipal regulations to clean up the site of an active drilling operation in 10 years’ time when the resource has been fully extracted. The company is in its first year of operations and has no previous experience in cleaning up drilling sites. (2.5 marks)
c) A mining company has determined that it will cost approximately $10 million to restore a site that it previously mined. (2.5 marks)
Question 4 (7 marks)
As a supplier of heavy-duty machineries, Pine Ltd leased a machine to Bulla Ltd on an 8-year non-cancellable lease. The following information is available:
Lease term 8 years
i) Residual value at the end of the term $10 000
Ii) Bargain purchase option at the end of the term $20 000
iii) Minimum lease payments (at the end of each year) $120 000
iv) Service costs included in minimum lease payments $20 000
Rate implicit in the contract 12%
Cumulative present value factor at 12% for 8 years 4.9676
Present value factor at 12% for 8th year 0.4039

a) Which of the items from i) – iv) above will not be included in determining the leased asset and leased liability at the inception of the lease, and explain why not? (3 marks)
b) What is the amount to be recorded as an asset and a liability in the books of the lessee that is in accordance with AASB 16 Leases? (4 marks)
Question 5 (11 marks)
a) Provide two examples of expenditures that are typically not allowable for tax deductions but are recognised as an expense for accounting purposes. (3 marks)
b) Tafty Ltd purchased an equipment on 1 July 2019 for $500 000, and its useful life to be five years, with no residual value. Assume that the only temporary difference for tax-effect accounting purposes relates to the depreciation of the newly acquired equipment. For tax purposes it can be fully depreciated over two years. The tax rate is assumed to be 30 per cent.
i. Determine whether the depreciation of the equipment will lead to a deferred tax asset, or a deferred tax liability? (4 marks)
ii. What would be the balance of the deferred tax asset or deferred tax liability as at 30 June 2022? (4 marks)
Question 6 (7 marks)
On 1 March 2025, Quality Furniture Importers acquires furniture from a supplier in New Zealand.
• The furniture is shipped f.o.b. from New Zealand on 1 September 2025.
• The cost of the furniture is NZD $800 000.
• The amount has not been paid at 30 September 2025 and exchange rates are as follows:
o 1 September 2025 A$1.00 = NZD $1.08
o 30 September 2025 A$1.00 = NZD $1.06
a) What is the amount payable at 1 September and 30 September 2025 in Australian dollars? (Rounded to the nearest whole A$.) (2 marks)
b) Did the Australian dollar strengthen or weaken? (1 mark)
c) Prepare the journal entries for the above dates showing the amount of exchange gain or loss. (4 marks) SHOW YOUR WORKINGS
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