Writers Solution

Walmart’s Boot Camp for Top Leaders

1. Complete Walmart’s Boot Camp for Top Leaders on p 357. Thoroughly answer the questions at the end of the case (6 points) Minimum of 1 page

2. Describe pros and cons of each of the following performance tools. (10 points)

  • Graphic rating scales
  • Ranking
  • Forced Distribution
  • Narrative methods
  • Management by objectives

Required Materials Textbook

Robert Mathis and John Jackson. Human Resource Management, 15th Edition, 2016 Thompson ISBN: 978-1-1305500709


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Integrated into the topic will be content or activity in a) support of  antiracist approach to work

resent a 10-15 minute, interactive training. We know that in 10-15 minutes you are unable to do a full training. This training is meant to share a sample of how you work. Th

please come prepared to present a 10-15 minute, interactive training. We know that in 10-15 minutes you are unable to do a full training. This training is meant to share a sample of how you work.

The directions are below:

1. Choose one of the topics listed here: a leadership skill, giving and receiving feedback, choose  value to highlight, or a topic of your choosing.

2. Integrated into the topic will be content or activity in a) support of  antiracist approach to work and/or b) in support of the strategic transformation to eliminate health inequities in Oregon by 2030. 

3. Include supportive materials in your mini-training such as a) a PowerPoint slide deck, b) a workbook sample, and/or c) a handout.

note please follow the instructions carefully. 


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entire process of the prisoner disciplinary proceedings

Prisoner’s Rights

Final Exam

Each student shall submit to the instructor this final exam online. The exam answers shall be typed in APA Format, 12pt. font Times New Roman, double spaced and shall not have been turned in previously to any other instructor for any other course or assignment. It MUST be submitted in a Microsoft WORD Document. Each answer shall be no less than ¾ of a paper long.

I am also aware of the time constraints and personal life issues of today’s busy college student, along with the temptation to “cut corners” in order to meet deadlines. But beware, any student who plagiarizes, whether it be an idea, written passage, and an entire answer, will receive a failing grade for the entire assignment. Please refer to Post Plagiarism Policy. This exam will be submitted through SafeAssign to check for plagiarism. No form of plagiarism, lying or cheating will be tolerated. Make sure that any quote, statement, or idea is cited and at the end of each answer is the reference.

1. Explain, in detail, the entire process of the prisoner disciplinary proceedings.

2. Define Rehabilitation. Explain the rights and process for rehabilitation programs.

3. Explain what Right to Life is. Discuss the cases involved, Standards and factors.

4. Define Classification. Explain on the general principles of classification to include the effects on transfers, administrative segregation, and what is not allowed to be considered in the process.

5. Define what Parole and Probation are. Compare both Parole and Probation giving the advantages and disadvantages of both.

6. Describe the Parole process to include, but not limited to; hearings, decisions, parole board responsibility, and protest letters.

7. Discuss the Civil Rights Act of 1871. Explain what the Act says, key elements, and examples of how it is still important today

8. Explain the difference between state and federal jurisdiction. Discuss the Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity and how it can be used as a defense.

9. Explain the Prison Litigation Reform Act.

10. Explain what the American with Disabilities Act is and how it pertains to the prison system


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The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality

Read each thread and apply with 250 words minimum.

Thread 1

“The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.” (Jung, Aion, 1951)

Carl Jung wrote the above statement among many other perspectives on human “darkness” or “shadow”. For the Western-Christian perspective, this darkness could be called the sin-nature. For the non-religious, perhaps simply recognized as immoral or unethical. Regardless of one’s particular positioning of morality within an ethical framework of thought; Jung’s “shadow” is a concept well understood by anyone with a sense of conscience and who has considered themselves and their fundamental (often unspoken) motivations. 

While internal, psychological self-work certainly doesn’t have anything to do with an aviation or an airplane, it remains obvious that ethical actions as aviators operate as markers of quality in decision making and the results proceeding such decisions can be monumental in result. This is why ethics are constitutional in forming consistent, positive outputs into the world. In a sense, the ethical boundaries an individual, company or society maintains is the functional basic code for one’s life.

That said, the positive effects of shared-ethics within a culture are clearly beneficial. This is why I believe it is important for virtually any institutional education to be completed, a sense of ethics must be introduced. In fact, it is known that even teaching ethics increases the likelihood that individuals will act ethically. Consider our courseworks material: “Disagreements between Greek philosophers on some aspects of knowledge of ethics and behavior were indicated by Irwin (1995); however, general agreement that the individual who is more knowledgeable on the subject of ethics tends to demonstrate more virtuous behavior…”

Ethics, as a psychological function in the mind and heart, obviously remains something belief based, often tied to circumstance, the individual, and the strength of the general social contract that the individual feels they are in contingency with. Ethics, or the lack thereof, could even be seen as a form of individual identity and values expressed in actions. It is fundamental to who people are, and the cornerstone point of judgment for an aviator or anyone forced to trade in high-stakes work where the realities of life or death are at a singular decision’s manifestation. These concepts tie into the given course work details concerning Behaviorism Ethics Systems and Evolutionary Ethics System. 

For reference, evolutionary ethics systems seek to correlate ethics as adjacent or stemming from evolutionary systems like natural selection. Behaviorism on the other hand traditionally refers to the study of human behavior and why humans make decisions, in this case the context is ethics. Our course work takes the concept a step further in the following.

“Behaviorism rejects the idea of a mind or soul at the outset, because it seeks to adopt a strictly scientific approach to human existence. This approach considers only what we can confirm with our senses.” (Wilkens, 2011)

While arguments can be made for the connections and motivations of natural selection at play for aviation students (desire for survival while flying, avoidance of pain and injury, etc). A more nuanced reality presents itself in the practice of education. Considering that possible death, pain and loss are not the natural occurrences of foolish or unethical decision making when attending to ones education (unlike the natural selection of flying), punishment and reward must be manufactured so that motivation remains intact. In this sense the aviator experiences some degree of the theory of evolutionary ethical systems and behavior. 

Consider the biblical story of Ananias and Sapphira. Their death was not a natural result of their actions, but rather a decision and judgment by a higher power for their actions. This decision to end their lives struck fear in those around them and clearly manufactured a reward and punishment boolean. It is for similar reasons children are punished and rewarded for their actions. At some point in their lives they will be faced with higher-stakes natural ethical issues, or social-ethical elements that will deeply inform their behavior. Adherence to an ethical code generally positions individuals and societies for positive outcomes in all walks of life making reward and punishment systems necessary.

Thread 2

Although I find the variation of ethical theories to be somewhat confusing and often contradictory to their own core claim, I think the efficacy of each ethical approach hinges on the theory’s determination of morality; what and who determines right from wrong. For behavioral ethics, the moral standard is defined by the “processes of environmental influence” (Wilkins, 2011) dictating acceptable behaviors within society, not from God. Evolutionary ethics suggests morality hangs on the idea that instinctual choices are aimed specifically for survival derived from genetic encoding in every living thing (Wilkins, 2011). When considering these two ethical systems as applied to aviation students’ attitudes and practices, studies show students are not immune to the problematic aspects of both moral views (R.Cole, 1988).

As an aviation student, I can testify to the level of dedication and discipline that it takes to become a well-rounded and respectable pilot. Although there are many study guides and tools for guaranteed success in testing available to student pilots, I can understand the temptation to cheat because it was incredibly difficult to become a professional pilot. However, falling into the trap of temptation, cheating, is likely to cost the individual their license, career, and possibly their lifelong dream (R.Cole, 1988). This example is why higher levels of academic programs have begun integrating ethical training (a form of expressed behavioral ethics) into the school’s curriculum, setting a moral standard of acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Since behavior ethics has been adopted into aviation academics, aviation students are fully aware of what is determined to be right and wrong and understand that their peers are likely to exercise and exhibit compliance to the prescribed acceptable behavior. Knowing so, other students are willing to follow suit, ultimately reducing unethical behaviors like cheating (Ramón-Osvaldo, 2011). Academic programs without the adoption of behavioral ethics applied to their curriculum experience a higher level of cheating among their students; the lack of thereof fails to enforce honesty and integrity among its students (Ramón-Osvaldo, 2011), along with other factors that influence the student’s behavior such as age, sex, socioeconomic status, and financial support (Ramón-Osvaldo, 2011).

What can be learned from the example found in the life and biblical account of Ananias and Sapphira is that leaders do not cheat and do not follow to gain success or advancements. Leaders act in ethical ways that would support the evolutionary ethics system; they are often self-sacrificing for the benefit (or survival) of others so that those followers can carry on. Ananias made a mistake that cost him and his wife their lives; as stewards of property sales, they knew and willingly mismanaged the profits, which were not theirs to reap. This behavior is unacceptable in the moral environment of its time and now. This behavior is also inappropriate from the perspective of evolutionary ethics because Ananias and Sapphira’s actions did not promote survival, at least not for themselves. However, their actions influenced others in their community to fear repeating such behavior (


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Case situation: the crash of Cougar Flight 491

Write discussion thread

For this mini case study, refer to the textbook readings and the article:

  • Hart, S. M. (2013). The Crash of Cougar Flight 491: A Case Study of Offshore Safety and Corporate Social Responsibility.  Journal of Business Ethics.
  • Zechariah 7:1-14 – justice and mercy

Case situation: the crash of Cougar Flight 491

Using the Virtue Ethics System and/or the Narrative Ethics System provide your thoughts on the effectiveness of internal organizational regulatory systems verses external regulatory bodies to ensure compliance and safety in commercial aviation operations.  Discuss decision making factors such as profit motivation, the cost of safety systems.  Provide your thoughts on the effectiveness of a business case for corporate social responsibility and safety. Derive practical lessons from your case study analysis.

500words minimum


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Why are several European countries like Spain, Italy, and the U.K. now including illegal activities like prostitution and drugs in their GDP calculations?

For questions 1-2, Read the “In the News” column on in 10-5 pp. 202-203 of your textbook entitled “No Sex, Please, We’re French.”1. Why are several European countries like Spain, Italy, and the U.K. now including illegal activities like prostitution and drugs in their GDP calculations? (4 points)

2. What is the French reason for not including these transactions in their GDP calculations, and why do you agree or disagree with this reasoning. (8 points)

3. A fallacy is a mistaken idea. In my notes I discuss the Broken Window Fallacy. Explain in a paragraph of at least 3 sentences what it is and why it is a fallacy. (6 points) 12

4. Near the end of my notes and Mankiw’s chapter, in 10-5 on pp. 202-203, a quote about GDP from Robert Kennedy is discussed. I also include a link to a youtube video that has the audio of that speech. Here it is again. if a link like that ever does not work, try it on anther device. You can also gather from my question you could search “Robert Kennedy GDP speech” and find many alternative versions of the link I provided. All the blue links in my notes can be accessed directly with Ctrl + click. In a paragraph of at least 4 sentences, give me one reaction you have to that quote – either something supportive or perhaps a critique of Kennedy’s statement. (8 points)Here is an article on several measures of well-being that are being experimented with as alternatives to the GDP statistic.

5. I want you to pick one of the several alternative measures discussed in that article and write me a paragraph of at least 4 sentences explaining why you chose that measure, what improvements and problems it might have over our GDP statistic, 13etc. Please don’t just summarize her pros and cons; think for yourself (6 points)

6. Given all the pros and cons we’ve discussed concerning GDP, do you think GDP Is a good measure of economic well-being?” Explain why or why not. (6 points)Here is another video on economic growth. Watch it and then provide answers to question 11 and 12.

7. . In the first third of the video, Alex Tabarrok discusses the importance of incentives. Describe the historical example of China he uses to illustrate the 14importance of incentives. Your description should also explain why incentives are important. (6 points)

8. In the second third of the video, Tabarrok discusses 5 institutions which allow economies to grow and prosper. Pick one of these and explain why you think it is important to promoting economic growth. (6 points)

9. In the final 3rd of the video, Tabarrok discusses ‘perhaps the most important question in development economics,’ Why do some countries have these key institutions and others do not. He then discusses 5 reasons as they apply to the United States. Pick one and explain why you think that factor was key in helping the United States become one of the world’s prosperous economies. (6 points)15

10. Reading my comments. Some students are still not aware that I provide extensive comments when I return your assignments. So I want to make sure you are aware of them. Go into any previous assignment I have returned and copy a comment I made on your assignment that you liked. Paste it in the space below. This is worth a full letter grade on this assignment. I don’t mean the short message in Canvas that says “Attached find your 3rd assignment, which I score 43/50,” I mean an actual comment I left on the Word document I returned. If you have never seen these, go into one of the old assignment folders and to find the document I have returned to you. Open it, and find a comment to paste here. Tell me why you chose that comment. (4 points)

Discussion 2: Podcast Assignment The Ezra Klein Show with Tyler Cowen. Ezra Klein and Tyler Cowen are two of the smartest observers of economic events I know. I listen to Klein’s podcast every week, and you know how fond I am of Marginal Revolution, which is cultivated by Cowen and his colleague Alex Tabarrok. Here is the Stitcher link to Klein’s recent interview of Cowen on Sept. 10th, 2021. Although you only have to listen to about 10-15 minutes of this podcast, I highly recommend you find time for more than that. I also strongly recommend you listen to it on the Stitcher link I have below, because Stitcher allows you to fast-forward much easier than most other platforms.’m learning you provide more meaningful written responses when I give you choices about what to post about. So listen to some of this podcast and write at least a paragraph response to two different parts of the podcast. Each of these two responses is worth 10 points, so this is worth 20 points total. Below is a guide to some of the key sections that might interest you. Note the times are approximate, and based on the non-paywall Stitcher podcast I link. If you listen to this on some other platform like Spotify or Apple Podcasts times will vary. 161. From the start of the podcast to about 9:00 min, they talk about economic growth and GDP. 2. 9:00-14:00. They discuss the importance of long-run growth. Discuss Cowen’s view of how we should care for the future and Einstein’s theory of time. 3. 14:00 to 21:30 They discuss the tension between more growth and more inequality, and the social welfare state, universal preschool, and the importance of promoting two-parent families.4. 21:30-30:00 they discuss different ways conservatives and progressives are limiting long-run growth. 5. 31:30-46:30, they discuss how technological innovation is now increasing, talking about the internet, artificial intelligence, green energy, biomedical tech, 4th generation nuclear power, virtual reality, and crypto-currency. 6. 46:30-54:30 they discuss Chinese oppression, the future of democracy, the promise of India, and future dystopias and how we might end civilization. 7. 54:30-70:00 They discuss problems with right-wing and left-wing economic thinking, polarization and our democracy, and how similar Biden and Trump policies have been. 8. 70:45 to the end they discus how you can take advantage of ideas including the ones you disagree with. Cowen gives a lot of advice here about how to develop your thinking, how to travel smarter, how to learn to like classical music, and what country is the best to travel to right now. 

11. Write your two responses here. Then copy them and go into The Discussion 2 link on our Canvas page and hit the ‘reply’ button. Paste your two responses on our discussion board. (20 points total)17Make sure your assignment is properly saved as yourlastname.docx

Chapter 10 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple ChoiceIdentify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. (2 points each)____ 1. In the opinion of Greg Mankiw, Paul Krugman, Tyler Cowen and Dan Owens, GDPa. is used to monitor the performance of the overall economy and is the single best measure of a society’s economic well-being.b. is used to monitor the performance of the overall economy but is not the single best measure of a society’s economic well-being.c. is not correlated with most people’s impression of their life satisfaction in many countries.d. Has so many flaws economists are recommending we now discard it for better measures.____ 2. One reason that spending equals income for our entire economy is thata. individuals can only spend what they earn each period.b. the number of firms is equal to the number of households in an economy.c. every dollar of spending by some producer is a dollar earned by some consumer. d. every dollar of spending by some consumer producer is a dollar of earned by some producer.____ 3. In what part of GDP is the money you spend on your education included?a. investment, although it might be argued that it would fit better in consumption.b. consumption, although it might be argued that it would fit better in investment.c. government spending, based on the fact that most higher-education students attend publicly-supported colleges and universities.d. None of the above is correct; in general, household spending on services is not included in any component of GDP.____ 4. In the equation C + I + G + NX, I represents Investment expenditures, which includesa. financial assets such as stocks and bondsb. capital equipment, inventories, and structures, including household purchases of new housing.c. capital equipment, inventories, and structures, excluding household purchases of new housing.d. stocks, bonds, and other financial assets like real estate.____ 5. By far, the largest component of GDP isa. Government Spending.b. Consumption.c. Investment.d. Net Exports.18____ 6. In the economy of Happyland in 2020, consumption was $3000, exports were $400, government purchases were $850, imports were $350, and investment was $750. What was Happyland’s GDP in 2020?a. $5450b. $5350c. $4550d. $4650____ 7. According to Mankiw, how much of the United States economy does Government spending make up?a. 50 percent of GDP.b. 17 percent of GDP.c. 68 percent of GDP.d. It is impossible to say because the government does not provide the public with accurate GDP statistics.____ 8. Suppose you get a pay increase this year of 6% and our economy experiences 8% inflation this year. What is true about your nominal and your real income?a. Your nominal income went up by 6% and your real income went up by 2%.b. Your nominal income went up by 6% and your real income went down by 2%.c. Your nominal income went up by 6% and your real income went up by 14%.d. Your nominal income went up by 8% and your real income went down by 2%.____ 9. A lot of valuable household production like childcare and cleaning and cooking is not counted in GDP because it is not sold in an official market. If we counted these activities in GDP thena. GDP would be smaller. b. GDP would be larger. c. GDP would be unchanged.d. It is unclear whether counting the economic value of these activities would raise or lower GDP.____10. Which of the following valuable goods or services is included in GDP?a. the value of leisure.b. the value of goods and services produced at home.c. the quality of the environment.d. None of these is included in GDP.Make one last check to be sure your assignment is properly saved. Make sure when you submit it, you submit a document with your answers on it, and not a blank document!  


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Role of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in shaping social development in a globalized world

answer this question and maximum 550 words per concept and there will be two concept

first concept is 19/90 gap and second one is globalization and course master objectives are

•    accurately define the term “social development” and the role of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in shaping social development in a globalized world;

•    critically examine the role of human rights in constraining, or advancing, social development;

•    research the key social development issues confronting individuals, families, and communities in contemporary societies;

•    explore the role of social advertisement and education in promoting social development in Canada and around the world; and

so how does the concept are important to master

•    draw from and apply one’s own knowledge and experience in class activities

A)      Definition of the concept 

          its relation to social development

B)      The key reason why the concept is important to master course learning objective

C)      One academic publication (outside of course textbook) where the concept is used and significance of the concept in the selected publication

D)      One non-academic publication where the concept is used and significance of the concept in the selected publication

E)       One video where the concept is used and significance of the concept in the selected video

F)       One image where the concept is used and significance of the concept in the selected image

G)     Personal quote that demonstrate the significance of the concept in practicing social development

H)      Borrowed quote that demonstrate the significance of the concept in practicing social development


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Do you think employers should use integrity and personality assessments to make recruiting and promotion decisions?

Many employers use tests and assessments to select those candidates that best meet the essential knowledge,  skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) required to perform a specific job:

Questions for Discussion:1. Do you think employers should use integrity and personality assessments to make recruiting and promotion decisions? Support your reasoning based on current research.

2. Can you think of certain positions or job categories where integrity and personality assessments are more relevant than others? Provide specific examples and explain your rationale.

3. Do you think government agencies and companies in the private sector will use more or less integrity and personality testing in the future? Why? Why not?


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Laws that have been passed after major disasters and the programs that have been initiated to improve emergency management

Instructions: Consider the laws that have been passed after major disasters and the
programs that have been initiated to improve emergency management by
reviewing the following documents.
Review the following documents by clicking the links provided.
Federal Emergency Management Agency. (n.d.). Sandy Recovery
Improvement Act of 2013. Retrieved from
Kennell, P. M., Nassi, S. P., & Westerfield, R. R. (2016). Four years after
Sandy, storm resiliency lags. Risk Management, 63(8), 4–6. Retrieved from
Then, write an essay that addresses the following questions.
▪ Identify and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the public and
private sectors that collaborated during the preparedness and
response phases to the affected states.
▪ Based on the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act of 2013, identify and
discuss some of the legislative actions to improve emergency
preparedness and response.
▪ In your opinion, did the changes identified in the Sandy Recovery
Improvement Act of 2013 do enough to ensure stronger preparation
and response efforts in the event of a similar disaster in the future?
While not required, the following resource may assist you in your review of
the efforts following Hurricane Sandy.
Federal Emergency Management Agency. (2013). Hurricane Sandy FEMA
after-action report. Retrieved from
Your submission should be a minimum of three pages, not including the title
and reference pages. Your essay should contain an introduction and be
well organized, with clear evidence of critical thinking. All sources used
should be properly cited. Your paper and all sources used should be
formatted in APA style.


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Career paths in the field of Human Resources Management (HRM

Write a research paper outlining possible career paths in the field of Human Resources Management (HRM) and, based upon independent research, discuss how different organizations might develop and implement a strategic HRM plan.

Please support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at least three (3) supporting references or sources (NOT Wikipedia, unknown, or anonymous sources). References must include the name of the author and the date of publication. Websites are not acceptable. Format your work in proper APA format, include a cover page, an abstract, an introduction, and a labeled conclusion in accordance with the course rubric, a minimum of 3 FULL pages of written content, and a references section. Double-space all work and cite all listed references properly in text in accordance with the 7th edition of the APA manual.


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