Writers Solution

Demonstrate knowledge of the purpose and functions of global financial markets

Word Count 2500
Assignment Title Equity Valuation and Market Efficiency Report

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of the purpose and functions of global financial markets
  2. Analyse the role of financial market data in supporting business decisions
  3. Critically evaluate the impact of the global financial markets on the business environment
  4. Demonstrate the ability to analyse and present quantitative data to support an argument.
  5. Use information technology to analyse and communicate financial data
    This assignment is the form of a group coursework event analysis report based on Bio-Techne Corporation, USA. Detailed information of BioTechne’s inclusion in the S&P 500 Index is widely available in the internet.
    The purpose is to use relevant Excel templates to provide valuation and interpret price impacts following the event.
    Assignment Requirements
    On 24 August 2021, a press release from S&P Dow Jones Indices, a Division of S&P Global announced that Bio-Techne Corporation, an American developer, manufacturer, and seller of life science and clinical diagnostics reagents, instruments and services for the research, diagnostics, and bioprocessing markets. The press release announced that the Minneapolisbased company will join the S&P 500 index on 30 August 2021.
    You are to perform the following tasks:
    • Conduct in-depth background research to enhance the analysis of Bio-Techne’s inclusion in the S&P 500 Index event. Such research should demonstrate in-depth understanding and impact on the S&P 500 index as well as the life sciences and healthcare segment of the US market. You should set up a timeline (see Section below) to reflect the chronicle of events and key dates prior to the announcement by S&P Global. (20%)
    • Conduct a comprehensive valuation on Bio-Techne Corporation prior to the announcement. Your valuation should use relevant valuation technique(s) to arrive at an appropriately discounted present value (per share). Your valuation must be supported by realistic assumptions (not based on information from stock market analysts). (40%)
    • Evaluate the extent of price impacts on Bio-Techne Corporation following the news announcement. Does the movement of share price reflect the insights from Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)? (40%)
    Assignment Guidelines
    You have been asked to produce a report. It should contain the following:
    • Appropriate coversheet (as attached in this document – please ensure appropriate coversheet is attached to your assessment brief)
    • Title Page, including the given title in full.
    • Contents Page
    • Introduction
    • Main body, which should also be organised under appropriate headings.
    • Conclusion
    • Appendices, which should be numbered.
    • Make sure you refer your reader to them as required.
    Your work should be word processed in accordance with the following:
    • Font style, Arial, font size 12
    • 1.5 line spacing.
    • The page orientation should be ‘portrait’
    • Margins on both sides of the page should be no less than 2.5 cm
    • Pages should be numbered
    • Your name [should/should not – delete as required] appear on the script.
    • Your student number should be included on every page.
    Additional Information
    Read the financial information from the website of Bio-Techne Corporation (, USA and download its annual reports for past three years for financial analysis and valuation. You should also gather the daily price data and information on Bio-Techne, Dow Jones Index and industrial sector index from news agencies like Yahoo Finance, Bloomberg, Reuter, Marketwatch, etc. In addition, you should also be kept abreast of the current and global news on Bio-Techne Corporation, USA and its competitors which might influence on the share price movements of Bio-Techne Corporation.


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What are the issues and challenges that independent commercial organizers might have to face in the development of sport events at three different levels

Assessment Title Poster Presentation
Graduate Capabilities
1) Professional Expertise
2) Innovative Problem Solving
3) Technology and Information Literacy
4) Global Citizenship
5) Skilled Collaboration
6) Agile Leadership
Learning Outcome/s (found in the Subject Outline) a) Analyse the relationship between sports, event and tourism
b) Critique issues and initiatives related to sports tourism in Australia and internationally
Assessment type (group or individual) Individual
Weighting % 30%
Word count 500-1000 words as a poster/e-poster (not counting the title & references) and a 5-minute oral presentation.
Please ensure you save/convert your files (poster) into PDF before uploading your assessment.
Format / Layout of Assessment
Research aims
Reference List
? ?
? ?
? ?
Oral Presentation:
PDF submission of poster
Reference List
Assessment instructions
Assessment overview
Posters are often designed to appeal to peers and colleagues at conferences and/or public displays, and to meet the organisational and informational requirements. An effective poster balances the content (information) and the layout (how the information is presented). A poster presentation is a way to communicate your research or your understanding of a topic in a short and concise format. It usually includes two elements – a poster and a brief explanation.
The purpose of poster presentations is to encourage students to investigate a topic thoroughly and develop your ability to communicate perceptively (matching your explanation to your audience) and concisely – an important workplace skill.
Task description
Students are to present their research project via a live zoom presentation in class. You can use any digital format you feel is appropriate to display your poster as long as it is compatible with the zoom presentation.
You will need to analyse and evaluate information, synthesise ideas and creatively demonstrate your understanding of a topic or the findings of your research. Students will choose one of the assigned research questions:
1) What are the issues and challenges that independent commercial organisers might have to face in the development of sport events at three different levels: local, national and international?
2) What differences for sport event tourism marketing and destination branding are engendered by one-off events versus repeat events?
3) How one city of your choice has used international sports event-led strategies to achieve wider municipal objectives?
Posters should include the following contents:
• Project title and author: your poster will need a title. It should capture the main idea of what you are presenting. Be creative! The title needs to sound interesting to encourage your audience to have a closer look.
• Introduction or Background: the background provides information necessary for your audience to understand your research. It may also include the reason why you are conducting the research.
• Research aim: this is what your research sets out to do, including the research questions you intend to answer. Again, it should be brief, and could be presented as a simple list.
• Findings: are usually the focus of the poster and can include the findings/outcomes of your research. Figures and tables are used appropriately to relay information.
• Conclusion and discussion • Recommendations
• Each student will make a 5-minute oral presentation.
• You will present your poster in an electronic format for online class.
• On your assigned presentation day, you will have prepared a 5-minute oral presentation of your ideas.
• You need not use complete sentences throughout your poster. Remember that you will be there to summarise your work and answer questions. A mixture of full sentences and bullet point phrases will allow viewers to quickly read your content.
• If you are having difficulty devising an approach to the assignment or you want feedback on your ideas-in-progress, please contact your lecturer via email to arrange an appointment.
• Review your subject readings, particularly the theories and models of sports, events and tourism, for poster presentation ideas.
• Utilise resources including the ICMS library, websites, media articles, sports organisation homepage and websites.
• Marks will be deducted for poor spelling and grammar.
• Use at least FIVE (5) pieces of academic evidence. Academic evidences are defined as peer reviewed journal articles, governmental publications, and academic textbooks.
• You must reference your essay in accordance with the ICMS Style Guide (APA 7th referencing style).
Assessment criteria
• Knowledge and organisation (30%): The poster includes all required elements. The poster has a logical structure, with information grouped under appropriate headings. Each element of the poster has an obvious relation to the other elements.
• Development and analysis (20%): The poster incorporates all required information. The discussion of observations and applicable course readings support the presenter’s claim.
• Poster design (30%): All aspects of the poster are readable; the poster is not cluttered, and all visuals serve a specific purpose.
• Delivery (20%): The presenter gives a clear, organised, succinct summary of his/her project’s contents and adequately answer viewer questions.
Submission process
• Date: A PDF of the poster must be submitted via Moodle by Sunday of Week 4 by 11.55 pm Sydney time.
• Submission in the LMS is performed via Turnitin, the similarity detection software used by ICMS students and teaching staff to prevent plagiarism by ensuring referencing is correct and that work has not been inadvertently copied from elsewhere. You can access Turnitin under the ‘Assessments’ section in your Moodle course site.
• Please note that draft reports submitted in this way will be regarded as the final version at the due date if you have not uploaded a subsequent, finalised version (each file uploaded overwrites the previous version).
• A penalty of 5% will be deducted for each day late with a zeromark notated for any submission seven or more days late as per ICMS policy. If for any reason you are unable to submit a late submission via Turnitin please contact your Lecturer.
• Extensions to due dates will be granted only in exceptional circumstances, and where adequate supporting documentation can be provided. Please note that work commitments do not constitute grounds for an extension. Requests must be made via the special consideration process. Decisions and recommendations are only made by lecturers-in-charge/course coordinators.
• You will be advised of your mark by your Lecturer within 2 weeks of submission.
• Please keep a copy of your assignments.
Readings for the assessment

Bramwell, B. (1997). A sport mega-event as a sustainable tourism development strategy. Tourism Recreation Research, 22(2), 13-19. doi: 10.1080/17430437.2018.1555218
• Higham, J., & Hinch, T. (2018). Sport tourism development (3rd ed.). Multilingual Matters.
• Hudson, I. (2007). The use and misuse of economic impact analysis: The case of professional sports. In W. Weed (Eds.), Sport & tourism: A reader (pp. 328-345). Routledge.
• Jaeger, K. (2020). Evaluating the perceived social impacts of hosting large-scale sport tourism events: Scale development and validation. Sport in Society, 23(1), 40-45.

Kim, W., Jun, H. M., Walker, M., & Drane, D. (2015).
Evaluating the perceived social impacts of hosting large-scale sport tourism events: Scale development and validation.
Tourism Management, 48, 21-32. doi:

Mallen, C. (2008). The concept of knowledge in event management. In C. Mallen, & L. J. Adams (Eds.), Sport, recreation and tourism event management: Theoretical and practical dimensions (pp. 9-24). Elsevier.
• Masterman, G. (2014). Strategic sports event management (3rd ed.). Routledge.
• Parent, M. M., & Smith-Swan, S. (2013). Managing major sports events: Theory and practice. Routledge.
• Prani, L, Petri, L., & Cetini, L. (2012). Host population perceptions of the social impacts of sport tourism events in transition countries. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 3(3), 236-256. doi:
• Preuss, H. (2007). The economic impact of visitors at major multi-sport events. In W. Weed (Eds.), Sport & tourism: A reader (pp. 296-313). Routledge.
• Temnyk, I. (2017). Criteria and provisions of efficient implementation of macro-projects of international sport event tourism. Journal of Environmental Management & Toirus, 8(6(22)), 1307-1321. doi: 10.14505/jemt. v8.6(22).18
• Weed, M. (2007). Sports tourism theory and method – Concepts, issues and epistemologies. In W. Weed (Eds.), Sport & tourism: A reader (pp. 12-23). Routledge.
• Weed, M., & Bull, C. (2009). Sport tourism: Participants, policy and providers (2nd ed.). Elsevier.
• Tourism Australia (Sporting Events)
• World Tourism Organization
Grading Criteria / Rubric Please see below.
Assessment 1 – Poster Presentation Marking Rubric
Criteria HD
(85-100) D (75-84) CR
(65-74) PASS
(50-64) FAIL
Knowledge and organisation
(30%) Demonstrates exceptional sport event tourism issues,
through complete knowledge and understanding of relevant lecture and tutorial materials.
The poster includes all required elements. The poster has an outstanding structure, with information grouped under appropriate headings. Each element of
the poster has a
sophisticated relation to the other elements. Demonstrates highly appropriate sport event tourism issues, through detailed knowledge and understanding of relevant lecture and tutorial materials.
The poster includes most required elements. The poster has a detailed structure, with information grouped under appropriate headings. Each element of the poster has a coherent relation to the other elements. Demonstrates very appropriate sport event tourism issues, through good knowledge and understanding of relevant lecture and tutorial materials.
The poster includes some required elements. The poster has a logical structure, with information grouped under appropriate headings. Each element of the poster has a consistent
relation to the other elements. Demonstrates appropriate sport event tourism issues, through reasonable knowledge and understanding of relevant lecture and tutorial materials.
The poster includes only some required elements. The poster has a reasonable structure, with information grouped under appropriate headings. Each element of the poster has an acceptable relation to the other elements. Demonstrates basic sport event tourism issues, through poor knowledge and understanding of relevant lecture and tutorial materials.
The poster does include any required elements. The poster has a poor structure, with information grouped under appropriate headings. Each element of the poster has a limited relation to the other elements.
Development and analysis (20%) Excellent analysis with detailed connections detailing the link between the experience and the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials.
Excellent research and summation of sections and a detailed analysis and explanation. Well-developed analysis with clear connections of the link between the experience and the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials.
Impressive research and summation of sections and a detailed analysis and explanation. Good analysis with frequent connections between the experience and the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials.
Solid research and summation of sections and thorough analysis and explanation. Analysis contains some connection between the experience and the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials.
Acceptable research and summation of sections and adequate analysis and explanation. The analysis fails to connect the experience and the theories, concepts, and/or strategies to the course materials.
Poor research and no summation of sections or analysis and explanation.
Poster design (30%) Material is complete and accurate. Clear evidence of research. Visual aids are useful in making the Material is complete. There is evidence of research and collaboration. Visual aids are useful in making the presentation interesting. Material is somewhat complete. There is some evidence of research and collaboration. Visual aids Material is satisfactorily complete but there is minimal evidence of research and
collaboration. The visual Material is lacking in evidence of research and collaboration. Visual aids are missing in the presentation.
Page 6 of 7
presentation more interesting and meaningful.
Shows a polished and imaginative approach to the organisation of presentation. Full use of research poster style conventions with logical flow, and appropriate sections.
Fluent academic writing style throughout. Grammar and spelling accurate throughout. Referencing is consistently accurate and compliant with ICMS Style Guide. Introduction states purpose clearly and outlines main points succinctly. There is a clear summary of findings and recommendations.
Carefully and logically organised in presentation. Introduction states purpose clearly and outlines main points succinctly. There is a clear summary of findings and recommendations.
Grammar and spelling accurate. Referencing is accurate and compliant with ICMS Style Guide. are used in making the presentation interesting.
Organised well in the presentation. Introduction and conclusions outline and summaries main ideas.
Grammar and spelling mainly accurate. Referencing is mainly accurate and compliant with ICMS Style Guide.
aids used in the
presentation are limited to being useful in some areas.
Organised in some parts of the presentation. There are some concepts used but they may not correspond to the elements. Meaning is apparent but academic language not always accurate.
Grammar and spelling generally accurate but may contain errors. Some attempt at referencing but not always compliant with ICMS Style Guide. Disorganised/incoherent in the presentation. The few concepts used do not correspond to the key elements. Meaning may be unclear.
Grammar and spelling contain frequent errors. Referencing is unsystematic and not compliant with ICMS Style Guide.
Delivery (20%) A substantial presentation and effective
communication of findings fully supported with concepts that closely correspond to the elements.
Evidence of very good communication, smooth handovers and answer audience question in a professional manner.
A well-structured presentation and communication of findings supported with concepts that closely correspond to the elements.
Evidence of good communication, good handovers and ability to answer questions easily.
An appropriate presentation and communication of findings supported with visuals. These may not always correspond to the written text but do not detract from the communication of findings.
Evidence of
communication, handovers and ability to answer questions.
A presentation that shows evidence of report Structure, but errors may detract from communication of findings.
Evidence of some communication, some hesitation during handovers and answering questions.
Lacks evidence of a structured presentation with limited visuals to support description and explanation.
Lacking evidence of communication and unable to answer questions


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on What are the issues and challenges that independent commercial organizers might have to face in the development of sport events at three different levels: local, national and international?

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iShirt campaign proposal!

You’ve made it to the final stage of the iShirt campaign proposal! Cherie has asked you to create a set of persuasive voice annotated slides to present to Mr. Cook and the Board of Directors. The presentation will be used to earn approval for the iShirt campaign!


Please create a PowerPoint presentation to earn buy-in from senior management. Key elements of the presentation will include:

• PowerPoint deck with eight (8) slides – Slide 1 should be an introduction page, and slides 2-7 will cover each phase, and slide 8 should be a set of concluding thoughts.

• Voice annotate on each slide – Every slide should include voice annotation.

• Refer to the video in Readings and Resources for instructions on adding voice

annotations to your PowerPoint.

• Full screen images – Each slide should have an image that fills the page edge-to-

edge and captures the theme/content. Please limit the superimposed text to no

more than eight (8) words per slide.

• Include a full set of supporting notes in the Notes section of each slide. This is

where you will support your thoughts and ideas by using specific statistics, data, and supporting information.


• Submit your voice annotated slide presentation.

• Eight slides with resources and supporting notes.

**Any slide that is not voice-annotated will earn a zero for that slide**

**Any slide that does not have supporting notes will earn a zero for that slide


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Name and describe the major steps in the new product development process

Module  Discussion

1. Name and describe the major steps in the new product development process.

2. Explain why it is important for companies to continue to focus on new product development, even during a recession. 

Discussion Requirements:

·       Please ensure that the discussion question response is substantive in nature, which includes a minimum of 300 words.

·       Please avoid writing the minimum. Make sure that the response is topic-specific, relevant to the course material, and supported by outside academic sources through the use of in-text citations with the inclusion of a reference section.

·       Make sure amongst your references you include;

Amstrong, G, Kotler, P, Harker, M, Brennan, R, (2009) Marketing: An introduction, Prentice Hall


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Why do you think social networks have grown so quickly in countries all over the world?

Module Discussion

1.     Why do you think social networks have grown so quickly in countries all over the world?

2.     How can social media make workplaces more engaging? More productive?

3.     What are some examples of social media engagement beyond the ones discussed in the chapter?

Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words.

Be sure to make a substantive original post, backing your work with credible sources.

Among your sources include;

Zahay, D., Roberts, M.L. (n.d.) Internet Marketing, 4th Edition.  Cengage Learning.


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on Why do you think social networks have grown so quickly in countries all over the world?

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Manager of a busy café within the Blue Healer Hotel and Spa

Lead and Manage People

Assessment Task 2 Roleplay and Portfolio


You are the manager of a busy café within the Blue Healer Hotel and Spa. Apart from you and the owner, there is a full-time chef named Navneet, two sou chefs, two part-time kitchen porters and casual wait staff employed. The casual wait staff are from the local area and are mostly university students or high school students working part-time shifts. The team is tight knit and work well together. The casual wait staff visit the café socially sometimes and the culture is one of sharing and helping each other out when needed.

The café’s vision is to be the most popular café within the local region renown for it’s amazing local food service and vibrant atmosphere.

It’s mission is to grow the café and its popularity by strong leadership, sound communication and the provision of a clear strategic direction that ensures it’s a great place for staff to work; it provides food and beverages that the public wants with a focus on local produce and sustainable practices; and it becomes known for its vibe and atmosphere.

Values listed in its Strategic Plan include:

  • Operating with trust and integrity with each other, as well as with employees and the community.
  • Customer focus through appreciation of interests and passion for food that is local, healthy and delicious and sustainably sourced.
  • Camaraderie through recognising the superior strength and efficiencies of good team work
  • Innovation through best practice and change
  • Openness and transparency in communicating with our employees, customers and the broader community.

The organisation has adopted three key strategic goals is to improve local interest in the community and not just rely in the hotel guests for revenue, specifically to:

  • Increase local traffic by 25% in the new upcoming financial year
  • Develop and implement a “specials or loyalty” program to use as the basis of weekly advertising in the local area
  • Provide entertainment to encourage people to stay longer.

A key approach to achieve these will be to establish relationships with local talent to provide entertainment and increase advertising locally.

The owner has asked you to develop a team work plan will include a range of tasks and activities that the café’s staff can carry out over the next twelve months to achieve the key strategic goals and objectives.

In order to develop a plan that will be enthusiastically adopted by the team, you are to conduct a meeting with the staff to inform them of the new key goals, and to workshop innovative ideas they may have that could help the business achieve them. With the participation of the staff, you are to translate their ideas into actions that they will then carry out.


  1. Conduct a meeting with the team
Roleplay scenario The meeting will provide an opportunity for all the café’s employees to contribute to the next stage of the business’s development. You will be collecting ideas about how the team can fulfil the business’s objectives. You are expected to encourage all team members to be innovative and be constructive in their participation. Keep in mind that this unit’s focus is on teams working in an effective way, and you are being assessed on your ability to encourage and support your colleagues to do this. Review the Team Work Plan Template (Appendix 1) to order the information you receive at the meeting. You are being asked here to roleplay a Team Leader, leading colleagues in thinking up new ways of doing things, but you are also a student, asking your student colleagues for new ideas and how they can be translated into actions. Your team members will all most probably have a favourite café. Bring this out at the meeting, getting them to look at their own motivations as to what they enjoy, and look at how this could be used to motivate others, as well as their experiences of events (musical or social activities) that assisted in increasing interest and support of their favourite eatery. Also, be aware that the other students at the meeting will be conducting a meeting on the same topic within a short time of you conducting yours. So, try to establish your own meeting leadership style. It should be uniquely yours, and effective. Be conscious that you will be modelling effective meeting leadership throughout the meeting. You should consciously behave as a role model for your colleagues, behaving in a way that encourages team excellence. Roleplay conditions Your trainer will organise the meeting environment and arrange two other students from your class to participate as team members. Begin the meeting by welcoming the participants and giving a summary of the organisation’s goals and objectives, and how encouraging innovation in the workplace can support these. Your next step is to establish, and document, the team’s purpose and long-term objectives and how these support the business’s goals and objectives. Even though you may think that you know what the business should do, being a leader in this meeting means that you are responsible for engaging and motivating the other meeting participants, leading them in collaboration. Not leading them by telling them what to do. When you have conducted the preliminaries, open the meeting up to ideas that the participants have brought with them. Discuss (and record) the ideas the participants give, asking the others for input , looking at it practically, working out what preparation would be necessary, material, personnel, whatever is relevant to carrying the idea to realisations. While encouraging the team members to find and develop ideas, you are expected to display the following leadership skills during the meeting: Act as a positive role model through your performance Show support for, and commitment to, the business’s strategic goals Interacting with team members in a positive and professional manner. Encourage the team members to take responsibility for their own work. Encourage the team members to develop innovative approaches to their work. Model and encourage open and supportive communication within the team. Share information from the wider business environment with the team as appropriate for the situation Motivate the team members to achieve optimum performance. As you come to the meeting’s conclusion: Summarise the ideas and activities to have come out of the meeting. Tell the participants that you will lead and support them in meeting the outcomes. Finish the meeting by thanking the participants and telling them that you will collate the ideas and the activities selected to undertake into a team work plan. This meeting should take no more than 15 minutes.


  1. Develop a teamwork plan

Collate the notes that you took during the meeting, adding any points that you may have missed during the meeting. Where you find that some information is missing, use analytical thinking techniques to generate possible solutions, not forgetting that you can seek input from others as required.

Use the Teamwork Plan Template (Appendix 1) to list and describe activities that were brought up during the meeting, following each idea through its goals, timeframe, and who is responsible for individual tasks.

Ensure that a team member is clearly responsible for each task, and that specific productivity measures are allocated as outcomes for each idea. Each team member’s responsibilities should be allocated so each has a clear understanding of what is expected of them and when.

Save this document as Draft Team Work Plan


  1. Revise your team work plan

You received the following email from the CEO.

Dear Operations Manager,

It is a pity that I could not make it to the meeting myself.

Thank you for the draft team work plan. There are some very good ideas there.

I have an idea myself that I would like you to add to the plan. You see, Tristan has worked as a kitchen porter for us for several years now. He is popular, and knows all of the customer by name, and all of the staff too. I think that he could step up and help with some of the activities that we are planning – as he has asked me for any additional hours, we could give him, and he picks up things quickly.

Specially, I think that he drafts a monthly social media post, telling followers about the café’s activities coming up over the next month, and with a few words about the ‘behind the scenes’ or ‘spotlight on the employees’. Tristan is great with words and wit – but doesn’t have very good computer skills – I want to help him in this area too.

Please add this to the work plan and send a copy of your Revised Work Plan to me and the rest of the team.

Then I want you to meet Tristan and delegate this work to them. Now, I realise that you may meet some resistance from him initially, but I am sure that you can get around that. If in doubt, tell him that I requested this, as he has always performed any tasks that I have asked him to do.

Once you have gained agreement, please provide some mentoring and coaching until he can perform the task adequately.



Update your work plan to reflect the feedback given to you by the CEO.

Save this document as Revised Team Work Plan.


  1. Meet with Tristan
Roleplay scenario Identify any barriers to Tristan taking on the tasks and responsibilities that you are going to delegate to him and think through techniques or processes that you could use to overcome them. You will be required to provide mentoring and coaching to support Tristan. Make sure that you understand the differences between mentoring and coaching to ensure that you can provide both during the meeting. You will also be required to evaluate the team member’s skills and provide opportunities for their individual development. Think through how you can do this during the meeting. Roleplay conditions You assessor will organise the meeting environment and play the role of Tristan. The objective of the meeting is for you to coach and mentor Tristan in how to draft a document in Microsoft Word and email it to you. First speak to Tristan about the tasks that you intend to delegate to him. You are required to implement the techniques or processes you have thought of to overcome any barriers that Tristan presents to taking on the job. When you have gained Tristan’s agreement, evaluate their computer skills by asking them to open up their internet account and then create a new Word document. Demonstrate how to do this yourself, opening your internet account, creating new Word document, attach the document to an email and sed it. Describe how emails can be sent to a number of people or a group – and that once your receive the emails you will access it and then copy the information into the social media platform. Ask Tristan to demonstrate to you that they can do this. Coach them through the process as necessary. Before concluding the meeting, ensure that you gain Tristan’s commitment carrying out the tasks that you have assigned him. This meeting should take no more than 15 minutes.


  1. Write email to the owner
After 12 months, data shows that your team has exceeded the percentage increase in the number of new local support for the café, and you have decided to recognise your team for their efforts. In particular, one of the casual wait staff, Maggie, took it upon themselves to organise a fund-raising event for their grandparent’s care home and arranged the planning and details of it under your direction and support. This resulted in a regular morning tea outing for seniors and whole new demographic of customers. You should single he our for a personal reward.

The email text should give an evaluation of the team’s performance in terms of the achievement of their goals.

It should introduce and summarise the reward and recognition schemes that you have identified and seek their feedback and approval to move forwards with the project.

Indicate which of the schemes you think would be the most appropriate for the team as per the scenario and why.

The following links will provide some examples.

You will be assessed on whether your email addresses the required content as described, as well as the clarity of your email.

The owner will respond with authority to implement on of the schemes that you have selected.


  1. Write email to the team

It should that them for their efforts in achieving the strategic goals and give the details of the reward and recognition scheme that you are introducing.

The email should mention Maggie’s efforts and state that she will be the first recipient of a personal reward.


  1. Write email to Maggies

It should thank her for her efforts and her innovative approach to achieving the strategic goals. Give her the details of the reward that you are awarding her


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advocacy organization leader about a pressing issue

An Executive Summary is a condensed version of a longer report that highlights the most important points for the reader and guides them to the action you would like them to take. It is slightly longer and more in-depth than an abstract, and is prepared for the purpose of quickly informing a legislator, chief executive officer, or advocacy organization leader about a pressing issue. (Never give a legislator more than 2 pages to make your point – the shorter the better!) 

This document should be no more than 10% of your total analysis paper, so you are limited to one page. No reference list is included here.  Rather than strictly using APA style, format your Executive Summary in an eye-catching way (be creative but keep it simple). Feel free to use color, bullet points, captions, figures, available pictures or diagrams you create or that are in the public domain….whatever it takes to creatively get your message across quickly. 

Using the policy analysis paper you have written, determine an appropriate policy maker or policy organization to whom you might send the Executive Summary. Include the name and contact information for the policy maker or organization in the comments box for this assignment.

Include the following:

            Summarize the issue and its importance

            Clearly present your position and critical facts that support your position

            Provide a recommendation for action


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Business data model (specifying the business data model and the security-related data structures such as tables

For each of the assignments in the course, you will be grouped in 2-3 (depending on class size). Each member will have a specific role as follows:

  •  fact finding/data collection
  • analysis/collecting key points
  • write/presentation and /document the milestones

In the Module 4 assignment you created a logical architecture using SABSA framework as follows:

  1. Business Information Model (showing all functions of Information System)
  2. Security Policy statements (for example, policy statement about data exfiltration)
  3. Proposed Security Services (for example, SSO, MFA etc.)
  4. Entity schema and privilege profile (user classification, access type, groups etc.)
  5. Security domain definitions and associations (trusted domain, DMZ, front-ending web clients etc.)
  6. Security processing cycle (renew password, update firewall, update OS, – match security policy with security processing cycle)

Assignment Instructions:Now, you will create a Physical architecture (builder’s view) using the SABSA framework. In other words, it is the development of an enterprise security architecture that is business-driven which describes a structured inter-relationship between the technical and procedural solutions to support the long-term needs of the business. If the architecture is to be successful, then it must provide a rational framework within which decisions can be made upon the selection of security solutions. The decision criteria should be derived from a thorough understanding of the business requirements, including the following:

  • The need for cost reduction
  • Modularity Scalability
  • Ease of component re-use
  • Operability
  • Usability
  • Interoperability both internally and externally
  • Integration with the enterprise IT architecture and its legacy systems

Consider your business scenario as “Enabling Business.” There are usually several business-specific requirements that influence the security strategy. These include requirements where security has an important role in generating the appropriate level of confidence to enable new ways of doing business using the latest advances in information technology, such as:

  • Exploiting the global reach of the Internet;
  • Using global e-mail;
  • Outsourcing the operational management of networks and computer systems;
  • Providing remote access to third parties;
  • Developing on-line business services;
  • Delivery of digital entertainment products (video, music, etc.); Improving customer service through integration of information system;
  • Consistent presentation of a user interface;
  • Obtaining software upgrades and system support through remote access by vendors.
  • Tele-working, ‘mobile computing,’ ‘road warriors’ and the ‘virtual office.’

Deliverables Create the following components for the physical model:

  1. Business data model (specifying the business data model and the security-related data structures such as tables, messages, pointers, certificates, signatures, etc.).
  2. Security rules, practices, and procedures (specifying rules that drive logical decision-making within the system – conditions, practices, procedures, and actions).
  3. Security mechanisms (specifying security mechanisms – encryption/cryptography, access control, digital signatures, virus scanning, etc. and the physical applications, middleware, and servers upon which these mechanisms will be hosted).
  4. Users, applications, and user interface (specifying the people dependency in the form of the human interface – screen formats and user interactions – and the access control systems).
  5. Platform and network infrastructure (specifying security technology infrastructure in the form of the host platforms and the networks – physical layout of the hardware, software, and communications lines).
  6. Control structure execution (specifying the physical time management in terms of the timing and sequencing of processes and sessions – sequences, events, lifetimes, and time intervals).

Submit the assignment in a Word document including a cover/title page, and reference page, and review the rubric to ensure you are meeting all requirements. 

 Refer back to the slide presentation that was provided at the beginning of this module as well as Table 3: SABSA MATRIX, p.16 of the SABSA White Paper.


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Look at op-ed (opinion-editorial) articles

Summarize a Written Rhetorical Text

Choose an article that is opinion or argument

Look at op-ed (opinion-editorial) articles

Recent – published within the last eight weeks

Content and format requirements


  • Write a 150- to 250-word summary of the article.
  • Your summary should include an overview of the article’s purpose and enough information that someone who has not read the article would have a clear and concise understanding of what the piece is about. You will have to make some choices about what reasons, details, and examples to include in your summary. However, your goal is to represent the gist of the article as clearly and accurately as possible.
  • Do not include your opinion of the article or its topic. Do not editorialize: Example: “This is a well-written article.”


  • One paragraph (two, at most), with an introduction, body, and conclusion
  • Introduce the source by title and author within the first few sentences of your summary.
  • APA paper format: Use the APA 7 template 

Organization requirements

  • Summary is presented in a logical, sequential order
  • Transitions link ideas within and between paragraphs to unify the discussion.

Source/ Support requirements

  • Adequate and appropriate evidence (paraphrase and quotes) to support the discussion
  • Use of source ideas. Use paraphrase to create your summary. Quotes may be used; however, most of the summary must be in your own words
  • Avoid long quotes. For information on quoting, summarizing and paraphrasing go to: Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.) Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summary. Purdue Online Writing Lab.
  • APA in-text and APA reference citation required.

Technical requirements

  • Write in third person (objective voice) – avoid I or You statements.
  • Use standard conventions of English: punctuation, capitalization, complete sentences
  • Spellcheck and proofread your work


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Business Tort of Negligence


Business Tort of Negligence

Dewayne, a driver for Speedy Delivery Company, leaves the truck’s motor running in neutral and carelessly forgets to set the parking brake while making a delivery. The truck rolls and crashes into a nearby gas station pump, igniting a fire that spreads quickly to a construction site a block away. A burned wall collapses onto a crane, which falls on Fazio, a bystander, and injures him.

What must Fazio show to recover damages from Speedy Delivery? If you are the attorney for Speedy Delivery what would be your best defense argument?

Your paper should be between 500-750 words, with at least two cited external resources.


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