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Air Canada has four competitors. They comprise WestJet, United Airlines, Lufthansa and American Airlines.

The External Environment

Competitor analysis

Air Canada has four competitors. They comprise WestJet, United Airlines, Lufthansa and American Airlines. Calin Rovinescu, the CEO is rated at 80% taking the 1st position. The CEOs of United Airlines and WestJet have a rating of 73%. The CEO of United Airlines takes the second position as his rating is from 173 employees while that of WestJet is from 28 employees. In form of quality of products, Air Canada takes the 2nd position due to a score of 3.7 out of 5 by 11 clients (Leppäjärvi,2018). WestJet takes the first position with a score of 4 out of 5. In form of a net promotion score, Air Canada takes the first position. It is ranked at 67% by 12 customers. Net promotion tracks the score of customers based on how likely they can refer a friend to a particular company. In net promotion, American Airlines takes the 2nd position with 26%. In pricing, Air Canada takes the first position with a score of 4.3 out of 5. The second position is taken by WestJet which has 3.7 out of 5. In form of its service to customers, Air Canada is ranked at 1st position with a score of 4.2 out of 5. WestJet takes the 2nd position with a score of 3.9. The performance of Air Canada can also be assessed from culture scores. Culture scores are attained from all the questions answered relating to a company in comparison to competitors. Air Canada takes the first position in culture score with an 86% score. The 2nd position is taken by WestJet with 75%. In form of employee net promotion, Air Canada takes the 1st position with a score of 67% followed by United Airlines which takes the 2nd position with a score of 15 percent. Employee net promotion involves scoring employees based on how employees are likely to refer a friend to work in a certain company.

Air Canada offers less expensive and the best premium products. It also offers the correct transit programs at critical airports. These make Air Canada suitable to attract transit customers. The firm has a subsequent worldwide champion and core elements which comprise expense reductions, profitable revenue initiatives, enabling product differentiation and cultural change. The company has enhanced effective operation with leisure customers traveling to and from Canada. These investing strategies have made the airline gain a competitive advantage.

Market analysis

Air Canada carries many passengers each year. Income elasticity in Air Canada is less than 1. Barriers to entry in Canadian Airlines are very high. The wide geographical region and sparse population have a very low demand for flights. The high fees and taxes of Canada reduce the competition of prices (Case & Jones,2018). This makes Air Canada capable of pricing new clients from the aviation market. Everchanging seasonal demand further makes it hard for new firms to survive in the market. Air Canada became the first airline to ban smoking on any flights. This has ever led to free socialization during flights. In Air Canada, the risks and opportunities are external factors. As per SWOT analysis, the risks comprise government restrictions, foreign currency fluctuations and low-cost carriers. Its opportunities comprise flourishing tourism in Canada, the launch of low-cost airlines and great penetration into the worldwide market by worldwide brand understanding.

Environmental analysis

The regulation put in place by the Canadian government requires Air Canada to follow all set Covid-19 guidelines. This has made Air Canada incur losses as some people planning to travel for leisure have ended up canceling their travel plans. The firm has lost a lot of money which could have been got in the present. Fluctuation of currency and ongoing inflation have made Air Canada plan to raise fares to offset the ongoing inflation(Shi & Li,2021). This will make the company lose some customers who cannot comprehend the impact of inflation and how it can be canceled. Air Canada is impacted by various political factors such as high fees, high taxes and substantial restrictions on foreign ownership of Canadian airlines. These political factors make it hard to start an airline in Canada. Rogue provides unique culture to customers. The end of smoking welcomed customers from different beliefs. Christianity is against smoking.


From the assessments, Air Canada leads in almost all aspects. It leads in CEO score, net promotion, pricing, customer service, culture score and employee promotion. It is only defeated by WestJet in product quality but the difference between the two is just 0.3. WestJet has 4 out of 5 whereas Air Canada has a ranking of 3.7 out of 5. This means Air Canada is far more successful in form of its performance when compared to competitors. It leads in all aspects apart from product quality. Even in product quality, it is surpassed by only 0.3. Government regulation and currency fluctuation are key issues as it is found in risks and economic determinants facing the company.


Leppäjärvi, P. (2018). Competitor analysis: Airlines’ leisure travel products from the

frequent flyer’s perspective.

Case, B., & Jones, O. (2018). Country of Origin branding: The Case of Air Canada.

Shi, Y., & Li, X. (2021). Determinants of financial distress in the European air transport

industry: The moderating effect of being a flag-carrier. Plos one, 16(11),



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rationale of applied research within the education profession. 

Using support from your readings this week, in two to three paragraphs reflect on the goals, values, and rationale of applied research within the education profession. 

This assignment will be assessed by your instructor using the Portfolio Activity Rubric.

the assignment should be more of a conclusion from personal reflection or  knowledge acquired from the unit. write up to five hundred words


  1. Choosing & Using Sources: A guide to academic research. (n.d.). Teaching & Learning, University Libraries.

     2. Aylesworth, G. (2015). Postmodernism. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

     3. Education trends.  (n.d.). Edutopia.

     4.  Baron, M. A. (2008). Guidelines for writing research proposals and dissertations. University of South Dakota.

    5.  Hine, G. S. C. (2013). The importance of action research in teacher education programs. Issues in Educational Research, 23(2). 

    6.  Painter, D. D. (n.d.). Teacher research could change your practice. National Education Association.

     7. Current trends in education. (2012). TeAchnology.

    8.  Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Where to begin. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. 

Supplemental Readings

     1.  Guerrero, Y.Y.G. (2012). Exploring the effect of exposure to LD through activities inside the classroom. The University of Pamplona, School of Education. [PowerPoint slides]. SlideShare.


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person-to-person data collection

Note: Given the current situation with COVID-19 and the global pandemic, you may wish to consider the fact that you may not have students available for person-to-person data collection when developing your research topic and your questions. 

In at least three pages, use the headings and the instructions provided in the Applied Research Template to address the following:

  • Purpose of the Study: The section should include an explanation as to why this topic is specifically important to you, your position, or your organization. Include how this topic choice is interesting and relevant to the education field.
  • Context: Explain what the reader must know about the organization/school setting to enrich their understanding of the intervention/innovation
  • Statement of the Problem: The problem statement is one of the most important aspects of the applied research study, as it serves as the framework for the entire study. The problem statement should be clear and easy to understand for a wide range of stakeholders
  • Rationale: In this section, you will need to provide a solid rationale and explanation of the problem and explain the significance of the problem. How does it impact students, the school, and is it a larger scale issue for students?
  • Prior Interventions (if applicable): Explain what you have tried or what others have tried in relation to the problem and what has worked or not worked.  If this is a new problem like something that has occurred due to changes required as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, then there may not be prior interventions.  In that case, leave this section out.
  • Research Questions: Applied research requires at least two research questions, though you can have more.  The questions should be observable and measurable.  See the research template for examples.
  • Significance of the Study:  Explain why you think your study is important to complete and who will benefit as a result of your research. In other words, justify why you chose to do this study. Ensure your explanation draws on the literature you are using to support this choice of intervention.

Your paper will be assessed by your instructor on how well the above areas have been covered.  In addition, the below aspects will also be assessed:

  • Page Requirement: The assignment should be a minimum of 3 pages, not including title and reference pages.
  • APA Formatting: Use APA formatting consistently throughout.
  • Syntax and Mechanics: Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Your written work should contain no errors and be very easy to understand.
  • Source Requirement: Use no less than three scholarly sources, providing compelling evidence to support ideas. All sources on the reference page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.

This assignment will be assessed by your instructor using the Written Assignment Unit 1 rubric.

The following link has the template for applied research. 

C:\Users\St Thomas\Downloads\Applied Research Template web 1.htm


  1. Choosing & Using Sources: A guide to academic research. (n.d.). Teaching & Learning, University Libraries.

     2. Aylesworth, G. (2015). Postmodernism. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

     3. Education trends.  (n.d.). Edutopia.

     4.  Baron, M. A. (2008). Guidelines for writing research proposals and dissertations. University of South Dakota.

    5.  Hine, G. S. C. (2013). The importance of action research in teacher education programs. Issues in Educational Research, 23(2). 

    6.  Painter, D. D. (n.d.). Teacher research could change your practice. National Education Association.

     7. Current trends in education. (2012). TeAchnology.

    8.  Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Where to begin. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. 

Supplemental Readings

     1.  Guerrero, Y.Y.G. (2012). Exploring the effect of exposure to LD through activities inside the classroom. The University of Pamplona, School of Education. [PowerPoint slides]. SlideShare.


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Banksia Chartered Accountants is a successful mid-tier accounting firm with a large range of clients across Australia

Question: Banksia Chartered Accountants is a successful mid-tier accounting firm with a large range of clients across Australia. During the 2022 year, Banksia gained a new client, Sydney Dental (SD),


Banksia Chartered Accountants is a successful mid-tier accounting firm with a large range of clients across Australia. During the 2022 year, Banksia gained a new client, Sydney Dental (SD), which owns 100 per cent of the following entities:

All Smiles Dapto Limited, a private dental clinic that specialises in the orthodontic treatment.

Wollongong Private Dental Hospital

Nowra Dental Pty Ltd, a dental clinic

Year-end for all SD entities is 30 June.

You are the audit partner reviewing the audit work papers for SD for the year ended 30 June 2022. Today is 13 July 2022 and the audit report is due to be signed in three weeks’ time.

During your review you note that the fixed-term borrowings of SD totalling $150 million are approaching maturity and SD does not seem to have renegotiated any terms of refinancing. You are aware, from your experience with other clients, that banks are reluctant to extend financing on the same terms in the current market. The financing of SD was historically managed by the group’s treasurer who left the group six months ago and has not been replaced.

SD’s financial controller, who has been with the group for nine months, has advised you that she has been busy renegotiating with some of SD’s key suppliers who recently requested cash on delivery for all orders rather than extending the normal credit terms.

You are also aware that a fire that occurred in the hospital cafeteria last week was not adequately covered by insurance. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured in the fire, but the cafeteria was so badly damaged it had to be closed.

While discussing this matter with SD’s law firm, they reveal that the hospital is unlikely to have adequate professional indemnity insurance to meet the current demands of several malpractice cases that have been brought against the hospital in the last 12 months.


(a) Explain your responsibilities with respect to the cafeteria fire.                         

(b) How should this fire event be handled in the financial report and the audit report?                                                                                    

(c) Suggest three possible going concern issues for SD? Explain. If so, suggest two mitigating circumstances?                                                                                        

(d) How will you recommend any going concern issue be handled in the financial report and the audit report?


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principal without having a working knowledge of the research world and how it works?

Using headings to organize your post, respond to the following:

  1. From your early understanding of applied research, would you agree or disagree that it is difficult to be a highly effective teacher or principal without having a working knowledge of the research world and how it works? (Support your answer with the readings from this Unit, as well as knowledge from your own experiences.)
  2. Jumping right into your research proposal, what topic would you like to explore and why is this of interest to you or important for you to research?
  3. List your two to three “applied research” questions that will guide your research proposal.  (Remember that applied research questions must be bias-free, cannot make assumptions on the outcome, focuses on solving a current educational problem involving students, and includes the intervention [strategy] that you plan to implement and study.)

That note that 

Research Questions A typical study will have two to five research questions. At least one of the questions should be answerable through qualitative data gathering and analysis and at least one question should be answerable through quantitative data gathering and analysis. Good applied research questions must be open ended (never answerable with “yes” or “no”). Quantitative questions frequently start with “How”, “What”, or “Why” and specify the dependent and independent variables. Use terms such as “Relate” or “Compare” when establishing connections between multiple variables in research questions. Qualitative research questions frequently begin with “How” or “What” but, seldom “Why” (“Why” frequently implies causality) Qualitative questions generally include the phenomenon under exploration as well as the participants and research site. Research questions must be answerable through observation and measurement and NOT counts alone. Most importantly, research questions must be answerable based on the outcome of the study

Your Discussion should be a minimum of 250 words in length and not more than 500 words. Please include a word count. Following the APA standard, use references and in-text citations for the textbook and any other sources.


  1. Choosing & Using Sources: A guide to academic research. (n.d.). Teaching & Learning, University Libraries.

     2. Aylesworth, G. (2015). Postmodernism. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

     3. Education trends.  (n.d.). Edutopia.

     4.  Baron, M. A. (2008). Guidelines for writing research proposals and dissertations. University of South Dakota.

    5.  Hine, G. S. C. (2013). The importance of action research in teacher education programs. Issues in Educational Research, 23(2). 

    6.  Painter, D. D. (n.d.). Teacher research could change your practice. National Education Association.

     7. Current trends in education. (2012). TeAchnology.

    8.  Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Where to begin. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. 

Supplemental Readings

     1.  Guerrero, Y.Y.G. (2012). Exploring the effect of exposure to LD through activities inside the classroom. The University of Pamplona, School of Education. [PowerPoint slides]. SlideShare.


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Parent Education and Guidance -An understanding of how parents teach, guide and influence children and adolescents as well as the changing nature, dynamics and needs of the parent/child relationship across the lifespan

TOPIC: Parent Education and Guidance -An understanding of how parents teach, guide and influence children and adolescents as well as the changing nature, dynamics and needs of the parent/child relationship across the lifespan


Provide a description of program, including these topics:

  • What FLE content area are you addressing?
  • Of all the needs that families and individual have, why did you choose this topic?
  • Why do you feel there is a need for this kind of program?
  • Can you point to any similar existing programs? How will yours be different or better?
  • Goals of the Program: what do you hope participants gain by participating?
  • Target audience: families, kids, teachers, siblings
  • Why do you think this is the right audience?
  • Format: face-to-face meetings (one or more?), online, phone, booklet, blog, newsletter, video?
  • Why do you think this is the right format?
  • What topics will you cover? Why?
  • What kinds of people can you enlist to help you make this program stronger?
  • What kind of funding will you need? Who might provide that funding?
  • What do you think the strengths of your program will be? What will the weaknesses be?
  • After the program is over, how will you assess if it met its goals?

Be sure your paper is at least 1200 words, uses at least 3 academic (not internet) references, is formatted in APA style


Reflecting on elements presented in PART A of the assignment, create a brochure that highlights elements of what you have discussed in PART A and elements that will attract families to your program. This is your own family life education program. Share your vision for the program through the creation of a brochure that provides parents with an overview of what the program would entail. Review specific areas from PART A that you would want to include in the brochure to make it both informative and inviting for families.


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Counterfeit ProductsPosting and Texting Boundaries

Step 1: Select a Social Computing / Social Commerce issue from the list below (or a related topic of your choice):

Consumer Privacy

Accurate Product Listing

Online Selling Laws

Financial Frauds

Counterfeit ProductsPosting and Texting Boundaries

Information Security

Intellectual Property Violations

Online Data Theft & Security

Best Practices & Social Responsibilities

Step 2: Research your Social Computing / Social Commerce topic in the context of related ethical issues, best practices, and/or social responsibilities. Gather as much information as you can to support the material you plan to present for each perspective. Your research paper should include the following:

  • Background information on issue
  • Positive & Negative Claims – discuss the various problems and/or challenges for each side
  • Evidence – provide actual examples from each side of the issue

Step 3: Reflect on your own thoughts and interpretation. Based on your research, give your recommendation for solving the issue.

Step 4: WRITTEN REPORT – 5 pages double spaced text plus Cover Page and References; use APA

  • Cover Page
  • Introduction (abstract summary)
  • Background of Issue(explanation of Claims, Evidence, Best Practices, and/or Social Responsibilities)
  • Relationship to Course Concepts
  • Conclusion (recommendation)
  • References (5 minimum; must be research based, not simple blog postings or opinion websites)


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Major movement of the biblical narrative/story, its main character, and its implications for understanding the unity of the biblical books

BIBLICAL META NARRATIVE ESSAY ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW (Major movement of the biblical narrative/story, its main character, and its implications for understanding the unity of the biblical books). The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the unified and coherent nature of the Bible and the theological doctrines. One way to view Scripture is through the four major plot movements of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration. Considering biblical doctrines through these four plot movements can aid in our understanding of humanity and humanity’s relationship to God.After viewing the presentation, Understanding Biblical Narrative, and completing your textbook readings, you will be equipped to demonstrate the coherence of Scripture and share some of the implications of the unified message of the Bible. INSTRUCTIONS For this assignment, you must write an 800 – 1,000-word essay addressing the following prompt:The unity of the Bible is demonstrated through the Divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit on the human authors of Scripture. The study of theology uncovers and articulates the unity of all the biblical texts when they are taken together. From the list of approved doctrines to address, demonstrate the unified nature of the Bible by tracing that doctrine through the four major plot developments of Scripture. For example, The Bible describes God as love in 1 John 4:8. The way to interpret “God is love” is to look at the biblical story that reveals God’s character through His actions. When looking at the idea of love through the four major plot movements in Scripture we see God’s love demonstrated in His creation of humanity, His patience with humanity after the fall, and His sacrificial death to redeem humanity from the fall, and His restorative work through preparation of the heavenly home . (This example would be substantiated and demonstrated with biblical support, and be elaborated on within the essay.)Assignment Requirements:

1. Discuss the major movement of the biblical narrative/story, its main character, and its implications for understanding the unity of the biblical books.

2. Choose two topics from the topic list at the bottom of this document (Page 2) that are presented in Biblical doctrine with attention on how these theological topics unfold through the through the four major plot movements of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration.3. Using your theological examples, share the implications that these examples provide humanity’s relationship to God.4. Incorporate at least 2 theological references in your paper using course resources.5. Incorporate at least 2 relevant biblical references.6. Write a clear introductory paragraph including the thesis statement. A summative concluding paragraph must also be included


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What is epistemology? What are the three central issues in epistemology?

INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY EPISTEMOLOGY EXAM STUDY GUIDE STRUCTURE The Exam consists of 30 questions, multiple -choice. Questions will be taken from the content of the course, including: power point presentations /audio lectures and readings . You are permitted to take the exam anytime while it is open. You are allowed two hours to complete the exam upon opening it. The exam must be completed in one sitting: you are NOT permitted to close it and return to it later. Your exam preparation should focus on the following: I. POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS /AUDIO LECTURES Prepare thorough answers to each of the following questions (organized by topic) Topic 6: Introduction to Epistemology 1. What is epistemology? 2. What are the three central issues in epistemology? 3. What is Socratic wisdom/Socratic ignorance? What were the three specific groups of people Socrates spoke to in his pursuit of knowledge? 4. What is the first definition of knowledge offered in Plato’s Theaetetus (as explained in lecture)? Whic h sophist is associated with this definition? What are problems associated with this definition? 5. What is the second definition of knowledge offered in Plato’s Theaetetus (as explained in lecture)? What are problems associated with this definition? 6. What is the last definition of knowledge offered in Plato’s Theaetetus (as explained in lecture), which is also recognized as the traditional definition of knowledge? What are problems associated with this definition? 7. What are the five sources of knowledge? 8. What i s skepticism? Who are famous skeptics, as discussed in lecture? How is skepticism different from ordinary doubt? Topic 7: Plato’s Cave 9. What is the central topic in Plato’s Republic? What are the three parts of the soul according to Plato? What is Plato’s definition of justice? 10. Know the allegory of the cave, including the full setting of the stage , the full narrative of the cave 11. How is the narrative of the cave an allegory for Plato’s metaphysics? What is the role of the sun? 12. How is the narrative of the cave an allegory for Plato’s epistemology? What is the role of the sun? 13. What are Plato’s two epistemic states? What are Plato’s four kinds of knowledge? What is the hierarchy and organization of th ese four kinds of knowledge? 14. How is the narrative of the cave an allegory for Plato’s theory of the education of the soul? Topic 8: Rationalism 15. What is a priori knowledge? What is a posteriori knowledge? 16. What is rationalism? 17. Who is Rene Descartes? Why does Descartes write his book, Meditations ? 18. What is the scientific revolution? 2 19. What is the Church’s response to the scientific revolution? 20. Who are the relevant natural philosophers in the scientific revolution? 21. What is methodological /systematic doubt? Why does Descartes use this method? 22. What are the three arguments (under methodological/systematic doubt) that Descartes presents in Meditation One ? 23. What is Descartes’ sense perception argument? What is his response to this argument? What does this argumen t lead him to doubt /find dubitable ? What remains indubitable? 24. What is Descartes’ Dream Argument? What is his response to this argument? What does this argument lead him to doubt /find dubitable ? What remains indubitable? 25. What is Descartes’ Evil Demon Argume nt? What are the characteristics assumed about this demon? What does this argument lead him to doubt /find dubitable ? 26. In Meditation Two, what is the one thing that Descartes claims he can know with absolute certainty , even through the Evil Demon Argument ? W hat is his reasoning for this certainty? 27. What is solipsism? 28. Which philosophers objected to Descartes’ reasoning for this absolutely certain claim? What are the specific objections? Topic 9: Empiricism 29. What is empiricism? Who are the famous empiricists in philosophy? Which field of inquiry serves as the paradigm of empiricism? 30. Who is John Locke? 31. What does Locke mean by ideas ? What is the theory of innate ideas? What are Locke’s objections against the theory of innate ideas? 32. What does Locke mean by tabula rasa ? 33. What are the three ways ideas are derived under Locke’s empiricism? What are the examples of ideas specifically mentioned in lecture (from Locke) that fall under each way of derivation? 34. What are simple ideas in Locke’s empiricism? What are complex ideas in Locke’s empiricism? 35. What are primary qualities? What are the specific examples of qualities identified in lecture (from Locke)? 36. What are secondary qualities? What are the specific examples of secondary qualities identi fied in lecture (from Locke)? 37. What are Locke’s three thought experiments to support his distinction between primary and secondary qualities? 38. What are Locke’s three kinds of knowledge? 39. What is Locke’s inference to the best explanation for the existence of t he external world? Topic 10 : Skepticism 40. What is David Hume’s methodology in his system of philosophy as discussed in lecture? 41. What are the two kinds of perceptions in Hume’s empiricism? What are the three principles of connection in Hume’s empiricism? 42. What are Hume’s two kinds of knowledge? What are the properties/attributes of each kind? What are the problems/ shortcomings of each that Hume identifies ? 43. What is analytic knowledge? What is synthetic knowledge? 44. Which traditional concepts/beliefs did Hume regard with skepticism? 45. What is Hume’s argument concerning knowledge of God’s existence? 46. What is Hume’s argument concerning knowledge of the existence of the Self. 3 47. What is Hume’s argument concerning knowledge of the existence of t he external world. 48. What are the four traditional components of causality? Which component(s) does Hume treat with skepticism? What is Hume’s argument concerning the knowledge of causality. What kind of knowledge does causality fall under? 49. What is Hume’s “ problem of induction”. What are two responses to the problem? Why does Hume reject each response? 50. What is Immanuel Kant’s response to Hume’s skepticism and theory of knowledge? II. READINGS Know the readings (be able to identify who is the author of each of the readings, the title of each work, the central ideas and arguments, famous passages and their meaning within them)


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Virtue Ethics System and/or the Narrative Ethics System provide your thoughts on the effectiveness of internal organizational regulatory systems verses external regulatory bodies to ensure compliance and safety in commercial aviation operations

Write discussion thread

For this mini case study, refer to the textbook readings and the article:

  • Hart, S. M. (2013). The Crash of Cougar Flight 491: A Case Study of Offshore Safety and Corporate Social Responsibility.  Journal of Business Ethics.
  • Zechariah 7:1-14 – justice and mercy

Case situation: the crash of Cougar Flight 491

Using the Virtue Ethics System and/or the Narrative Ethics System provide your thoughts on the effectiveness of internal organizational regulatory systems verses external regulatory bodies to ensure compliance and safety in commercial aviation operations.  Discuss decision making factors such as profit motivation, the cost of safety systems.  Provide your thoughts on the effectiveness of a business case for corporate social responsibility and safety. Derive practical lessons from your case study analysis.

500words minimum


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on Virtue Ethics System and/or the Narrative Ethics System provide your thoughts on the effectiveness of internal organizational regulatory systems verses external regulatory bodies to ensure compliance and safety in commercial aviation operations

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