Writers Solution

parents and the informal caregivers in receiving and providing informal childcare for the British children of ages 0-5 years; the perceptions about the relationship existing between the informal childcare and the childhood obesity

 Does the research design answer the research question?

The research questions of the article seek to look at the experiences of the parents and the informal caregivers in receiving and providing informal childcare for the British children of ages 0-5 years; the perceptions about the relationship existing between the informal childcare and the childhood obesity; and the proposed intervention thoughts and the delivery approaches in preventing obesity amongst children who are receiving informal care. 

Through adopting the in-depth focus groups of 14 participants, the authors managed to offer answers to the research questions. Based on the outcome of the study, the informal carers were identified to be offering both practical and the emotional support roles for the parents. There was a perception that informal care is contributing to childhood obesity through cross generation conflicts that prevents the adoption of the healthy practices; the trade-off for the parents between the receiving childcare and the maintenance of the control; reduction of the energy capacity of the carers; and increase in the snacking. The findings is supporting the idea of and informing the development towards an information based and the cheaper intervention that is being provided through the present primary care platforms. 

Were the study sample participants representative

The sample size used in the study were few, therefore, it makes it hard for the outcome of the study to be used to represent or generalized what is happening in other cities. Even though the authors made an effort to recruit both parents and the carers in the study, only 14 participants were involved in the study to ensure that it meets the limited timeframe. Therefore, it is recommended that the interpretation of the study outcome have to be done with some limitations. 

Comparing the study limitations 

The limitation of the study is linked to the few number of the study participants who took part in the study. The authors only managed to recruit 14 participants to ensure that the limited timeframe of the project is met. This therefore makes it essential to make an interpretation of the data with some limitations. 

Whether the selected qualitative study is supporting the practice problem

The problem in this case is related to the obesity especially on children. There is an increase concern about the rise in the reported cases of obesity among children. The study is important since it reveals that obesity in children is associated with the informal childcare and the rising risk factors of the childhood obesity for children of ages 0-5 years. The study reveal that informal education to the carers is important in supporting parents and helping in the prevention of obesity amongst children. The intervention that targets the primary care is helping in the reduction of the risk of childhood obesity. 


Lidgate , E. D., & Lindenmeyer,  A. (2018). A qualitative insight into informal childcare and childhood obesity  in children aged 0–5 years in the UK. BMC Public Health, 18, 1229.


1-During the discussion, you note some of the findings. However, can you discuss which of the four themes that emerged in the findings that you believe to be the most relevant? Remember that for all qualitative studies which involve analysis, it is important to properly identify the pertinent themes or patterns that were found.

2-Another important suggestion: Instead of referring to the first study and the second study, please use the researchers’ names when referring to their study. Please also use the word, researchers, instead of authors. Note that in-text citations are a requirement at the doctoral level of writing. This also provides clarity with the statements and helps to avoid any confusion for the reader. This writing practice will also assist you with the week 6 paper. So please make these corrections to your submission this week and let me know if you need assistance.

ABOUT JH Evidence Summary Tool ATTACHED

You are off to a very good start on the JH Evidence Summary Tool, but the second and third columns are incomplete. Please be sure to watch the Course Orientation presentation by Dr. Olson that has been posted in the Announcements area. That information shows some excellent examples of what this tool should look like for a successful grade in this course. Additionally, for the last column only include the Level of Evidence and the assigned Grade. The other information should be removed. Please make the necessary revisions to the required information and repost this tool before Saturday evening at 11:59 PM MT.


Your APA formatting looks really good so far, but the course requirements for initial discussions have not yet been met. Per the orientation to this course, please remember that students are required to provide a minimum of three professional sources with each initial posts. Please be sure to add at least two additional references.  

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