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Personal Ethics Philosophy Presentation Resources section

PERSONAL ETHICS PHILOSOPHY PRESENTATION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The aim of the Personal Ethics Philosophy Presentation Assignment is to practice and demonstrate effective oral communication while presenting your Personal Ethics Philosophy Paper in a professional manner. INSTRUCTIONSRecord a 9 — 15-minute video of you presenting your personal ethics philosophy paper. You may utilize Kaltura (preferred), YouTube, or any other compatible video format to submit your presentation. Please see the Personal Ethics Philosophy Presentation Resources section for instructions on submitting your video in Canvas.The presentation, as in your paper, should include the following elements: Summarize your worldview as it pertains to ethics. Describe your personal life vision and mission. Explain how you will apply Christian ethics in your personal life roles. Explain how you will apply Christian ethics in your professional work roles. Explain how you make ethical decisions and utilize an ethics decision-making process. Explain how you may be able to influence the ethical culture in your work organization. If work an organization does not apply to you right now, you may use a previous organization or a hypothetical future organization, preferably in the aviation industry.The presentation should be accomplished in a professional manner: Dress professionally, as if in a job interview. Utilize a professional looking background. You as the presenter should be seen in the video presentation; if using slides, you may be in an inset. You may be creative in your presentation format and style. You may use presentation aids in your video presentation including power point or another slide show format

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