Writers Solution

Problem Statement Bullet Outline ·General Problem Sentence

Assignment Instructions 

Title is: The use of technological platforms to improve patient flow

Task 1: Problem Statement Outline Using the Work titled Effective Problem Statements and Research Questions as a guide, develop a bullet point outline for the problem statement. Each bullet should be a single sentence. 

Following the specific problem sentence include a short sentence describing how this problem is related to your cognate (My cognate is Healthcare Management). Finally, add APA formatted references for the supporting reference sentences. Following the outline, you will provide an annotated bibliography for each reference provided. (I will upload a sample APA format to use)

You will post your submission as a word document. Your submission will include the following: Title Block ·Last Name, First Name ·Cognate ·Research Project Track (Dissertation or Project) ·Research Paradigm ·Planned Research Design ·Proposed Topic 

Problem Statement Bullet Outline ·General Problem Sentence oSupporting Reference Sentence with Current Citation (< 5 years)oSupporting Reference Sentence with Current Citation (< 5 years)oSupporting Reference Sentence with Current Citation (< 5 years)oSupporting

Reference Sentence with Current Citation (< 5 years, optional bridge supporting references sentence, see problem statement work) ·Specific Problem Sentence ·Relationship to Cognate (Not part of the problem statement) ·References Annotated Bibliography for each Reference APA formatted reference (250 words for each reference) ·Description of why this is a credible source (author(s), publication, date) ·Summary of the article and help with assignment ·Discussion of how this reference supports the existence of the general problem and the consequences of the problem identified in the general problem sentence.

Topic: HIV/AIDS prevention for college students

Part 1

Use the 3rd person: introduce your given topic, after you researched the topic: 

– a) Cite info about your patient’s/population’s disability/disease/condition; 

– b) Cite how the disability/disease/condition affects their learning and or how they learn. 

– c) (3 to 6 short paragraphs. (One paragraph includes 3 complete sentences). 

–  Sources: CDC, Mayo Clinic-official,; Miller & Stoeckel’s (2019), chapter 7 (If you don’t have Miller’s book you can borrow it from WCU library-virtually or rent it from the publisher at homework help).

– Note: This is a work about teaching, not about the disease/condition. It’s not a care plan. Do not develop a scenario, just answer what’s asked. It does not need to “flow.” 

OBHR Comparative Case Study (20%)

 Individual assignment 

Please read the guidelines thoroughly else it will cost you grades.

Due: Week 11 (by the end of class hours) 

Prepare a 1000-word comparative case study. Adhere to the following format while preparing the case study.  

  • Choose      two well documented case studies of different organizations. 
  • One      case study should be based on success story like Apple, Google,      Microsoft. 
  • Other      case study should focus on organizational failure/project failure etc.      like Blueberry, Nokia, Yahoo.

  • Analyze      the organizational structure and culture for both organizations.
  • What      is the mode of communication adopted by both organizations? How do employees      interact with each other?

  • What      kind of leadership style these organizations prefer/follow? What is      the management style of both organizations?

  • Explain      how the organizational culture, structure and management style      effects/relates to the success and failure of the organization?
  • What      is the HR Strategic planning, recruitment and selection strategy,      performance/ talent management strategy of both the organizations?
  • Based      on the analysis performed propose suggestions and recommendations (5-6)      based on the OBHR concepts learned in the course for both      organizations. 

Report Requirements  

  • The      report must include a title page, table of contents, introduction,      multiple supporting body paragraphs, conclusion and list of references.       
  • Students      must use a minimum of 5 references..  
  • Students      must use APA format when citing literature. 
  • Students      are encouraged to use Grammarly to avoid plagiarism. If plagiarism is      identified in the work, the student will receive a zero for the assignment.       
  • Do      not exceed the word-limit. Marks will be deducted for excessive length.       

APA writing conventions should be followed in the report with a minimum of ten (10) sources referenced and cited including in-text citations (if you are presenting another author’s ideas in your own language you still have to provide the in-text citation of that author), references in APA format, the report must demonstrate analysis of the material and its application to the workplace. Title of the company cannot be your report title due to copyright reasons.

The submission date is mentioned in the course schedule (i.e., week 11) in course syllabus. All submissions will be made on Moodle. Please note that assignment help submissions are ONLY accepted on Moodle and NOT on email. Kindly rename your assignment file by your respective name before you upload. For example, if John Smith is submitting his assignment his assignment file name should be “Johnsmith”.

The report will be graded from 20% as per the rubric mentioned below. 

Appendix – A

Assessment Rubric for OBHR Comparative Case Study

1-4 Scale





Percentage Score



















Mastery Level





Standard Level

Below Standard

Approaching Standard

At Standard

Exceeds Standard

Executive Summary/


Executive summary or Abstract missing or poorly   constructed

Executive summary or Abstract inadequate

Executive Summary or Abstract Executed Adequately

Executive Summary or Abstract Executed in  Superior   Fashion

Problem Identification & Scope


Shows little understanding of the issues, key   problems, and the company’s present situation and strategic issues.

Shows some understanding of the issues, key   problems, and the company’s present situation and strategic issues.

Shows adequate knowledge of the issues, key   problems, and the company’s present situation and strategic issues.

Shows superior knowledge of the issues, key   problems, and the company’s present situation and strategic issues.



Does not address the case question with little relevant evidence   (e.g., details, examples, facts, and expert opinions)

Central idea and clarity of purpose   are absent or incompletely expressed and maintained

Lacks most of the necessary case parts

Does not comments on (/evaluates)   the differences 

Not all the major similarities and / or differences have   been a   (e.g., details, examples, facts, and expert opinions)

Includes only a few of the necessary case parts

Central idea and clarity of purpose   are expressed though perhaps too vaguely or broadly

Only minimally comments on   (/evaluates) the differences

Generally for,   addresses the case question by providing most major similarities and / or   differences but loses focus at times by focusing on minor details 

Uses a few details, examples, facts, and expert opinions to   elaborate on similarities and / or differences

Includes most of the necessary case parts

Comments on (/evaluates) some of the differences

Addresses the case question by providing all major similarities   and / or differences

Uses some details, examples, facts, and expert   opinions) to elaborate on the similarities and / or differences

Includes all the case parts

Comments on (/evaluates) the differences

Case Analysis


Analysis of case poor analysis of issues of the   case, supporting detail is incorrect or missing

Analysis of case shows inadequate levels of analysis   of issues of the case, provides little supporting detail

Analysis of case shows adequate levels of analysis   of issues of the case, provides supporting details

Analysis of case shows superior levels of analysis   of underlying issues that are not necessarily readily apparent, uses   appropriate levels of supporting detail

Recommendation and Conclusions


Recommendations and/or plans of action provided that   are mostly incorrect or absent

Recommendations also at   and/or plans of action provided that are partially correct, alternate   viewpoints not considered

Specific recommendations and/or plans of action   provided that are substantially correct, alternate viewpoints may be   considered

Specific recommendations and/or plans of action   provided that go beyond the expected scope of the case fully supported by   data, alternate viewpoints fully considered

Organization & Critical   Thinking

Coherence, Cohesion, organization, demonstration of   thought process, analysis of problem using own thoughts and ideas


Similarities and differences have been clearly organized using   either the block or thematic method.

Very clear relationship between ideas

Accurate use of connectors

Accurate use of pronouns

Clear match between the topic sentence, supporting sentences and   concluding sentence in each body paragraph

Similarities and differences are organized generally clearly   using the block or thematic method but one of the paragraphs may cover more   than one main idea

Generally clear relationship between ideas

Mostly correct use of connectors.

Mostly correct use of pronouns

The topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentence   (if any) support one main idea.

Similarities and differences are organized generally clearly   using the block or thematic method but one of the paragraphs may cover more   than one main idea

Generally clear relationship between ideas

Mostly correct use of connectors.

Mostly correct use of pronouns

The topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentence   (if any) support one main idea.

Similarities and differences have been clearly organized using   either the block or thematic method.

Very clear relationship between ideas

Accurate use of connectors

Accurate use of pronouns

Clear match between the topic sentence, supporting sentences and   concluding sentence in each body paragraph

Style & Mechanics


Application of the requirements of the 7th APA   manual to create a standardized formatted presentation 


7th Ed. APA Manual is not followed or there are   significant errors in:
  title page & references pages. In-text citations, paraphrasing and direct   quotes are quite inadequate but do not rise to the level of plagiarism

7th Ed. APA Manual is followed with significant   errors in:
  title page & references pages. In-text citations, paraphrasing and direct   quotes are lacking but do not rise to the level of plagiarism

7th Ed. APA Manual is followed with minor errors in:
  formatted title page, formatted references pages, in-text citations,   paraphrasing and direct quotes are adequately used in the correct context

7th Ed. APA Manual is followed with no errors   including:
  properly formatted title page, properly formatted references pages, in-text   citations are correctly used, paraphrasing and direct quotes are properly   used in the correct context


Use of proper English language grammar, spelling and   punctuation to create a readable presentation.


Grammar and sentence structure as depicted at  has major problems following standard   English rules and reads with difficulty with major errors in punctuation and   spelling

Grammar and sentence structure has problems   following standard English rules and reads with some difficulty with errors   in punctuation and spelling

Grammar and sentence structure mostly follows   standard English rules and reads reasonably well with few errors in   punctuation and spelling

Grammar and sentence structure follows standard   English rules and reads well with excellent punctuation and spelling

Readability & Style

Clarity of thought and appropriate level of language   use that brings the author’s thoughts and ideas to the reader.


Sentences are lacking in completeness, clearness,   conciseness and are not well-structured.
  Transitions do not maintain flow of thought.
  Words are ambiguous.
  Tone is inappropriate to audience/assessment. Colloquial language or   inappropriate use of paraphrasing is used.

Sentences need to be more complete, clear, concise   and well-constructed.
  Transitions do not maintain flow of thought well.
  Words are not precise and have some ambiguity.
  Tone is not appropriate to audience/assessment. Colloquial language or   inappropriate use of paraphrasing is used too much.

Sentences are mostly complete, clear, concise and   well-constructed.
  Transitions mostly maintain flow of thought.
  Words are mostly precise with little ambiguity.
  Tone is mostly appropriate to audience/assessment. Colloquial language or   inappropriate use of paraphrasing is used sparingly.

Sentences are consistently complete, clear, concise   and well-constructed with strong, varied structure.
  Transitions consistently maintain flow of thought.
  Words are quite precise and unambiguous.
  Tone is completely appropriate to audience/assessment. No colloquial language   or inappropriate use of paraphrasing used.







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