Writers Solution

professional position within a criminal justice agency/organization or a juvenile justice agency/organization

Prior to beginning work on this Journal element, please select a professional position within a criminal justice agency/organization or a juvenile justice agency/organization. Then, locate an agency/organization that employs individuals within that position. For this journal entry, you will briefly explore (in one to two pages) a professional position within a criminal justice agency/organization or a juvenile justice agency/organization in terms of duties and responsibilities. As noted below, you will need to gather information from the agency/organization that you select in order to address the below elements. You will then need to address the following:

  • Describe how employment criteria relates to individual tasks and to agency/organizational processes relevant to this position in approximately two paragraphs. For tasks, consider duties related to the professional position, and for processes, consider agency activities, purposes, or objectives.
  • Describe how technology relates to at least one individual task and to at least one agency/organizational process relevant to this position in approximately one paragraph.
  • Discuss a perspective on how this position may contribute to criminal justice objectives and your own professional goals in approximately one paragraph.

To complete the above elements, you will need to collect information. You may choose to collect your information through one or more of the following pathways:

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