Writers Solution

Real Age and Life Span Scores

Health Aging Profile

100 points


1. Respond to the questions below to help develop your profile.

2. Responses should be thorough, but concise.

3. There should be evidence of reflections about the information your learned as well as judgments, associations and/or connections between the information gathered and your own experiences.

4. It should be visually attractive (graphics, diagrams, spacing, fonts, highlights used to enhance final product) and easy to follow.

5. The final product design or format is up to you. Try to tap into your creative side!

Aging Profile

· Health History(or cohort history)

· Many of the inventories and assessments you completed for this class so far asked questions about family health history.

· In a paragraph, summarize the main conditions and diseases common in your family health history.

· Also include positive aspects you discovered or are aware of that might impact health and longevity. (If you do not have information about family history due to adoption or other circumstances, provide the same type of information relevant to your cohort: current age, sex, race, geographic location, profession, income, medical care, etc.).

· Generation Health

· Describe the major health challenges or issues for your generation that could impact aging

· Real Age and Life Span Scores

· List the scores from both inventories.

· Briefly discuss the comparison between your “Calendar Age” and your “Real Age”?

· Briefly compare between your Real Age score and the Life Span score.

· Track Your Food Intake and Physical Activity Results

· Describe your results.

· Defy Aging score

· Describe your results.

· Cognitive and Memory Functioning

· Describe your results.

· Stress level (Module 5)

· Describe your results.

· Challenges

· Based upon the results of the inventories, describe the things you are doing that might impact your chances for successful aging

· Strengths

· Based upon the results of the inventories, describe the things you are doing that might increase your chances for successful aging

· Recommendations Where do your go from here?

· Describe what you plan to do to ensure you increase your personal chances of aging successfully. Be as specific as possible.


· Submit to dropbox by Friday, December 6 at 12pm (NOON!!!!!)

You will be graded on the following:

· Components: Includes most of the important components of the assignment in an effective manner (History, Generation health, Real Age, Pyramid, Defy Aging, Memory, Stress, Challenges, Strengths, Recommendations

· Challenges/Strengths/Recommendations: Demonstrates basic ability to reflect and make some judgments, associations and/or connections between the information gathered and own experiences.

· Investigation & Research: Information provided demonstrates basic understanding of the relevant concepts and connections associated with the assignment

· Mechanics: Communicates ideas effectively. Shows appropriate maturity in sentence structure & diction; limited grammatical errors

· Product: Final product is of sufficient quality that it could be displayed/used/presented in a professional setting with some minor adjustments. Some creativity evident through most of the product. Some graphics, diagrams, spacing, fonts, highlights used to enhance final product.

For Health Studies Majors Only – Portfolio information:

· HST competencies associated with Aging Profile:

· 7.6.1




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