Writers Solution

Recent COVID-19 crisis has impacted education from Pre-K to Higher Education.

In place of the field observation paper, you will be investigating how the recent COVID-19 crisis has impacted education from Pre-K to Higher Education. For your investigation you will search the following sources (including but not limited to):

Reputable News Sources

You will use news sources to obtain credible, relevant, and up to date information about education and what adjustments are being made at the state and national level. You can use sources like: The New York Times, Washington Post, AJC, USA Today, Associated Press, BBC, local news sites. Articles as well as OpEds may provide some interesting perspectives. (BuzzFeed is not a reputable news source; if you have a question about a source please ask.)

Social Media/Websites

You will use social media sources to investigate how local districts and individual teachers are handling the changes and what they are doing from a local level. You can use: Twitter, Facebook, or School District Websites, educational magazines, journals, and organization websites.

Questions to Consider

As you investigate, you will be expected to connect what you find to course readings and discussions. You are not expected to answer every single one of the following questions, but here are some questions to help guide you (this is not an exhaustive list):

Investigation questions:

How are local school systems responding to the COVID-19 crisis?
What else are schools and school districts doing for their students and communities?
How do they plan to continue the school year?
How are teachers adjusting to the change to online learning?
What do you see about education in the news and on social media?
If you can interview a teacher, what are their thoughts and feelings about the changes?
What accommodations are being made on a state or national level?
Connection questions:
What connections have you made between what schools are doing to handle the pandemic and what you have read and discussed this semester?
Do you see/hear anything that you can connect to the concepts in the textbook?
Are there any events in educational history that are relatable to our current reality?
What educational philosophies are evident in your investigation?
What does this reality mean for student-teacher relationships and engagement as both adjust?
What kinds of considerations, accommodations, and gatekeeper behaviors (see Sadker and Zittleman Chapter 4 for teacher as gatekeeper) do educators have to negotiate to transition learning?

Personal reflection questions:

In what ways has your teacher preparation program prepared you for situations such as COVID-19?
In what ways do you feel unprepared considering this unprecedented territory?
How might your responsibility for your own learning shift because of this semester and the COVID-19 outbreak?

Requirements (20 Points): COVID-19 crisis has impacted education

You are required to write a 5-7-page paper using APA format. The paper must include a summary of what you investigated, describing the sources and the connections you made to readings and discussions, as well as a personal reflection on your thoughts and own experience during this pandemic.

Most of your paper should be focused on ANALYSIS & CONNECTIONS between what you investigate and what we studied in class this semester. Your personal reflection should not be more than a page and a half of the entire paper. As in all academic writing, you are also expected to cite the sources that you use in the paper including social media posts, websites, and newspaper articles.
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Continued Issues in Education


Institutional Affiliation


The Covid-19 pandemic has undoubtedly had an adverse impact on all spheres of live and society. Every sector has had a fair share of challenges in the wake of this pandemic. As such each sector is working to cope with the uncertain times of the pandemic and to shape them for the post pandemic period. The education sector has not been exceptional either. The increased cases of Covid-19 infections coupled by the increased rate of death among those infected necessitated the immediate closure of schools within the United States as the entire country went on a lockdown. As schools and institutions of higher learning progressively reopen, the education sector is adopting new mechanism that will help to foster education in the midst of the challenges presented by this pandemic (Yadav, 2020). Therefore this paper examines the challenges presented by the pandemic to the educational sector as well as the strategy that the educational sector has adopted to cope with such challenges.

Investigation In the wake of Covid-19 crisis within the education system, local school systems have responded to this crisis in the educational systems in different ways. First, most schools, colleges and universities adopted the concept of remote learning in order to ensure that learners are able to attend to their lessons remotely from the comfort of their homes. With restricted movements and the need to protect learners from infections, institutions of learning adopted different online platforms as modes of reaching and teaching their students. Moreover, most universities and colleges shifted their classes to online platform. Some of the universities were able to conduct virtual graduations. Therefore, the adoption of online classes was a major adoption strategy that has enabled local school systems to continue offering education during this pandemic. As schools progressively open up for physical learning, teachers and school administration are restructuring physical classrooms in order to provide for social distancing and physical barriers to the spread of the virus (Yadav, 2020). Classrooms have reduced the capacity of learners they can hold at any one time. These modifications in the education system have enabled local school systems to continue offering education durin…………………………………………………………………………………………………




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