Writers Solution

Relationship between individual and society

You will develop a Five-day Instructional Unit that incorporates key elements of effective instruction as presented in this course and each of the five Lesson Plan Templates you have completed. The goal is to develop a unit that you can implement in your classroom now or at a later point in time. Each of the lessons within the unit in the PLAN DETAILS section needs to contain specific, concise directions so that a substitute could pick it up and teach. This unit plan will include the following in this order:

Central Focus of Unit Plan (learning segment) and Content Standard(s) -1 page.
Five Lesson plans with all sections completed with full details and citations, as
Lesson Plan Template Day #1
Lesson Plan Template Day #2
Lesson Plan Template Day #3
Lesson Plan Template Day #4
Lesson Plan Template Day #5

Create a 2-page summary that reflects on your learning through the process of; selecting the content standard, creating learning objectives, developing the assessment, scoring rubric, and designing five days of instruction.

What new learnings have you experienced?
What practices currently in place are you achieving success?
What next steps are needed to further improve your practice as an effective teacher?

Include a bibliography listing in APA format for all of your references used within the Lesson Plan Template and within your Unit Plan.

NOTE: Make sure you have made all corrections to your Lesson Plan Template that your instructor provided to you via the feedback and scoring of your first lesson plan that was completed in Unit 3 of this course.




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General Lesson Plan Template

Grade Level: 12

Subject / Content area:Relationship between individual and society

Unit of Study: Unit 2

Lesson Title: Define the individual and society

Be certain to attach any handouts, activities, templates, PPT decks that will be utilized with this lesson.

Central Focus for the learning segment: What is the central focus or big idea of the lesson?
Content Standard(s):Common Core State Standards (CCSS); Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS); ITSE standard(s) English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21) Standards; and World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) Standards    
Sub standard for today’s lesson:Defining and exploring the relationship between the individual and society
Technology: Electronic print (e-book)
Learning Objectives: Thinking Skill – the students will be engaged in Remembering where they will recall and define an individual and society. Understand be able to summarize what they mean. Apply the knowledge to their surrounding by explaining how they fit as individuals in society. Analyze, have a case study to understand the relationship between the individual and society. Evaluate if they can describe their immediate people in society. Create recognize their own identityand define the society they live in. Content – case study “The Bear That Wasn’t” This is a modern fable of defining people in society and how individuals may not understand who they are. Product –the students must be able to define the terms “individual and society” and have a simple definition of themselves and where they live.
Language Development: Language Objectives – the student will be able to define and understand what a society is and who an individual is and how they relate.Vocabulary – terms an individual and society.
Materials/Resources: E-book:“The Bear That Wasn’t”. Charts Text book  
Context: Knowledge of Students: Prior learning and Prerequisite Skills: definition of some members of a familyMisconceptions: the common misconception is the link between the community and society where the society is a larger group. The students will be require to define the community where they come from and who they live with, in their house and also explain some of the neighborhood families. By students explaining the people in their house and families they will identify an individual. By explaining families they will be able to understand society as it is a group of families.      
Plan Details: The students will first define who they are. They will be have asked questions on members of their family and define their roles. I will use the dictionary to define the term individual “a single human being as distinct from a group”. They will be able to describe themselves as male or female, race, grade among others. The case study of “The Bear That Wasn’t” will be read and explained to help understand an individual. Students will discuss the case study and define other students individually. The students will also be required to define the community they live in. By defining the society through the dictionary “the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community” the students will be given an exercise to explain the society they live in. Students will explore the relationship between the individual and society by looking at how their own identities are influenced by others. They will then develop inquiry skills that lead towards conceptual understandings of the relationships betweenindividuals, societies and the environments in which they live The lesson will close with review of the terms “individual and society”     
Differentiation and planned universal supports: The students will first start as individuals and describe themselves and their familiesto the class. They will then be divided into groups with the identified family description to ensure they have representative sample of various societies. In the groups they will be required to explain their various families and how they co-exist with their neighbor and activities they have together such as sports or gatherings. The case study will also be discussed in the groups especially on how the bear is described by others and also how he described himself in the end of the story “he wasn’t a silly man, and he wasn’t a silly Bear either”. Students with special needs during this lesson will describe if they attend to meetings with other similar people (special people community)
Type of Student Assessments and what is being assessed: Diagnostic assessments: they will e Short quizzes, Journal entries Student reflections, and Classroom discussions Students will be accessed on their progress if they can be able to describe themselves in their group and to the class. They will also be able to explain their home and family effectively and also the neighborhood. They will also be able to define an individual either by explanation or the definition written on the board.  
Evaluation Criteria and/or Rubric: They will be given a paper to write the definition of individual and society They will be required to describe their friend’s (classmate’s)and an individual and the society they live in to the class.
Relevant theories and/or research best practices: Cooperative learning, Summarization and Inquiry-based learning   APA References: Arends, D. and Kilcher, A. (2010). Teaching for Student Learning: Becoming an Accomplished Teacher. London: Routledge. Facing History and Ourselves, “The Bear That Wasn’t,” last updated May 12, 2020
Parent communication:I will include in the dairy that the parent will help the learner understand their community and society where the individual student comes from. They will help check Journal entries filled by students in class.

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