Writers Solution

Role of Vice President of a major organization

For this assignment, you will take on the role of Vice President of a major organization. The CEO has assigned you the responsibility of educating the leaders within the organization of the importance of maintaining an ethical culture. The tone of the presentation should be of a persuasive nature as you will also be asking these leaders to take this initiative to each of their areas. As you compile this presentation, include the following:
1. Explain exactly what it means to maintain an ethical culture within the organization.
2. Analyze the role that culture plays in global business ethics.
3. Describe and persuade the importance and rationale for maintaining an ethical culture within the entire organization. Think about methods that could be used to motivate ethical business practices.
4. Recommend tactical methods that might be used within each of their areas.
Your PowerPoint presentation should be 12-14 slides, not including the title slide and reference slide. (8 pages/2200 words approx maybe could make more than 10 slides if possible, I will take care the rest of the slides if needed). All sources used must be referenced and paraphrased. Directly quoted material must have accompanying citations and be cited per APA guidelines.

The use of speaker notes is required as well. In the speaker notes, you will provide what you would say if you were actually giving the presentation to an audience. Please write your notes in complete sentences and adhere to typical grammar and/or punctuation rules.

Please use sources that are accessible for me and doesn’t need any password. And please refer to the rubrics attached. Additional topics related to or with relevance to ethical culture will be fine)

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Vice President of a major organization

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Foreign Market Entry Strategies

Why so Many MNCs Opt for Joint Venture Entry Strategy

            The increasing interdependence of global economies and money markets has led many small, medium, and large size companies to go into global markets. Hitt, Li & Xu (2016) points that in the last 50 years many businesses were localized serving stable markets. However, advances in transportation and communications have facilitated multinational corporations (MNCs) to invest in foreign markets. The investment in foreign destinations must adopt effective entry strategy in order to be a success. Many of the MNCs have chosen to use joint ventures as a mode of entry because it is cheaper and provides a better way of understanding the local market.

            The entry into a foreign market demands a proper understanding of local culture, customer demands and preferences, and local laws and regulations. This can be an expensive task and the use of joint ventures can make foreign entry easier and less costly (Lo, Chiao & Yu, 2016). Joint ventures involve development of partnerships with locally established firms. Such firms have an existing organizational infrastructure, understanding of customer preferences and demands, and have met all the business regulatory frameworks. This allows MNCs to use such established business channels to sell its products and services by removing such barriers. 

            The other mode of entry into a foreign market includes foreign direct investment, strategic alliances and use of a fully owned subsidiary.  A subsidiary is a form of foreign investment where a firm with limited resources and local market knowledge follows its customers to invest in foreign country (Lo, Chiao & Yu, 2016). A fully-owned subsidiary would be ideal for an MNC because it is allows for full control by the parent company. Besides the authors point that fully-owned subsidiary is associated with advantages such as building of relationships that enhance gaining of new knowledge, penetrating new markets, and reducing business speculation behaviors.

The Impact on Organization Structure if a Company Finds New Markets in Europe and Decides to Expand to Asia             When a small manufacturing firm that makes handheld tools with established market in Europe moving to Asia, it is recommended that they change their organizational structure. Andréosso-O’Callaghan & Royall (2013) points that though…Vice President of a major organization………………




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