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social culture influence workplace productivity

Does social culture influence workplace productivity? If so, how? If not, why not?

1st Student – Katrin

Nurturing workplace culture could be a starting point to combat challenges such as skill shortage, (Nekula & Koob, 2021). In my professional experiences, I do believe that social culture does influence workplace productivity. Building relationships with coworkers is crucial to feeling supported, as a teacher it is so beneficial to have a strong relationship with your grade level teacher/team. I have built friendships at work that become ‘family”. Teaching can be challenging and having those like-minded friends to bounce ideas off, cover your class while you run to the bathroom or grab your class if you need to leave early are a few examples of what family-like workplace culture. The famiily-like workplace is developed with a diverse group of educators from different backgrounds, generations and experiences. Leadership sets the tone for the workplace, as far as how serious/fun the workplace will be. Researchers have examined social interaction in the workplace, in particular, non task related interactions, such as kidding around and social conversation, which are frequent and important parts of the social culture of a workplace, (Butterworth, et al., 2000). Getting a good laugh in during your lunch break is so important. 

According to Butterworth, Hagner, Helm, and Whelley (2000). Workplace culture, social connections, and resources for young people in transition. 38(4), 342–353, Mental Retardation. No. 2 Syliv
According to Jolly et al. (2021), the evolution of information and technology has an impact on organisations as well as the way people live and interact in society. As a result, many organisations undoubtedly see the need for specialised services as a top priority. According to Jolly et al. (2021), technology has altered both the community’s and society’s attitudes. Gender differences are no longer requirements for many jobs, where gender is no longer taken into account, but rather the human resources’ skills and competencies. Given the current societal system, in which males are expected to provide for their families by working outside the house, men are generally placed at the top of the hierarchy with women coming in second. It is common practise in many sectors that women are expected to do domestic duties (Jolly et al., 2021).
Kim, KY, Kong, DT, and PM Jolly. Review of social assistance at work in its entirety. Behavioural Organ. 2021; 42: 229–251.
Three-year-old Erin
The social culture of the workplace might affect productivity. Successful organisations have high rates of diversity, and fostering an open and welcoming culture is very advantageous to an organization’s productivity. Employees who work for organisations with strong social cultures tend to be happier and more content with their jobs, which may result in gains in performance and knowledge that can boost quantifiable production (Sabuhari et al., 2020). Employees may feel more valued, committed, and accepted when organisations prioritise their overall well-being by promoting and emphasising the importance of their lives outside of the organisation, such as work-life balance. This may in turn cause employees to feel as though they must reciprocate that feeling by being more productive (De Sivatte et al., 2014). This is something I can personally testify to. My principal gave me permission to leave early from our twice-monthly staff meetings without being penalised when my dad was told he had stage 4 colon cancer so I could spend time with him and give my mum a respite. She didn’t have to do anything, but she valued creating a culture at the school where she treated us as fellow people in need of support and respected us both as individuals and as part of her team. Because she instilled in us the culture that our values to her didn’t start and finish in the classroom, I can honestly say that I worked more for her than any other principal I have had. People work harder when they feel appreciated and welcomed, and if an organization’s social atmosphere is welcoming and supportive, workers will be more involved and motivated to be more successful.

Irawanto, D. W., Rahayu, M., Sudiro, A., & Sabuhari, R. (2020). the impacts of employee competence, organisational culture adaption, work happiness, and human resource flexibility on employee performance. 10(8):1777-1786, Management Science Letters. https://10.5267/j.msl.2020.1.001




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