Writers Solution

Standards SSUSH1 and SSUSH2

Unit 1 Assessment Project

Standards SSUSH1 and SSUSH2 are focused on the lives of the individuals in each of the 3 colonial regions formed in North America. There were different experiences and a variety of people living in each place. For this assignment you will demonstrate what you have learned about the 3 regions using one of the assignments below.

Directions: Pick one of the following assignments and turn it in on Microsoft Teams

Option 1- Facebook Profile Template

You will not create a real Facebook page. For this assignment you will use a Facebook template on Microsoft Word. The template is loaded on Microsoft Teams. You must include the following information in your assignment.

  1. Picture
  2. Family Members
  3. Religion
  4. Location/Education
  5. Conflict/Issues Post
  6. Work Day Post
  7. Reflection Post

Option 2 Colonial Commercial:

Background:In this 1st Unit you have learned about the Harsh conditions that all Europeans faced trying to establish colonies.

Your colony is running low on supplies, people, ammo, money, etc. It is up to you to bring in more people with clever advertising like the three G’s God, Gold, and Glory


First list some of the troubles that people in your colonial region faced, then think of ways to twist them into positive advertising ads. You may also list pros to the region.

Advertise one pro or twisted negative for each of the following: location, geography, jobs, traditions, customs, people, andcultural interactions

For Example:

Pro New England: Come to the New England and fish your way to the top!

Some negatives were harsh voyages, Inadequate Housing.

Now spin them: Yes the voyages are tough, but who doesn’t like a good adventure to a new world.Yes, the housing is inadequate, so put your skills to test and construct your own home the way you like it.

Options for advertising Choose one of the following:

  • Make a flyer to advertise your points.
  • Perform a brief 1-2 minute commercial video that advertises your points.
  • News paper, ads tiktok advertisement, Radio, etc.
  • Any other ideas need to be ran by the teacher first.

Option 3

Perspective Letter Home

Writing Prompt: You have just arrived to the New World and your family wants to hear about your experiences (ie.Voyage over, location and geography, jobs/traditions/indentured servitude cultural interactions, pros and cons).  Write a detailed 2 to 3 paragraph(5-7 sentences)letter outlining the aforementioned examples.  Be sure to be detailed in your writing and to include required vocabulary per your region:

Vocabulary Terms


 Navigation Acts:

Indentured servants:

 Southern Colonies:


 Virginia Company

Virginia Charter:

Captain John Smith:


 Chief Powhatan:

Lord Baltimore:

Act of Toleration:


 James Oglethorpe:

Mayflower Compact:

 John Winthrop:

“City Upon A Hill” Speech:

Salem Witch Trials:

King Philip’s War (1675)

Roger Williams

 Anne Hutchinson

Thomas Hooker

The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

Pequot War

New Netherland:

 New Amsterdam:

Middle Passage

Salutary Neglect

House of Burgesses

Bacon’s Rebellion

Great Awakening

See Standards SSUSH1 and SSUSH2

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Settlers of Jamestown

Jamestown Settlement

Jamestown is the first enduring and successful English colony in North America. It was established on May 14, 1607. The town is located near present-day Williamsburg, Virginia (History, 2020). As the name suggests, it was developed as a business venture by the Virginia Company of London. The purpose of colonization in these areas was to extract gold and silver deposits and to find a river route to the Pacific Ocean.

Hardships and Survival

The life at Jamestown for the early English colonists was exceedingly challenging. Being in the New World, English colonists had to survive with the supplies from England, and occasionally supplemented by the items they could barter for with the native tribes. Despite the challenges, English colonists was focus in locating sites of gold and silver.

        Since the wealthy aristocrats had no skills of hunting and farming, the English colonists did not engage in farming and hunting, thus avoiding conflicts with the native tribes. However, when they run out of supplies and food, conflict with the local tribe ensued. To survive, John Smith who was the president of the colony introduced a policy that stated “He that will not worke shall not eate (except by sikcnesse he be disabled).” (History, 2020). This approached increased food production and no settler died of hunger, but bad water and disease continued to killed the settlers. Read Standards SSUSH1 and SSUSH2

        Yes, hunger, bad water and disease was the key challenging affecting the settlers, but venturing into a New World and mining gold and silver increased the wealthy of English colonists. In fact, as the colonist continues to explore the new location, they started farming tobacco which end up to be very successful. This is an indication that there suffering was worth perseverance. 


History. (2020, August 28). Jamestown Colony. Retrieved from History:…………………………………………………………………………………………………




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